Toni je bil na pohodu po gorah že tri dni.
Toni|was|hiking|in|the mountains|for|three|already|three|days
Toni has been hiking in the mountains for three days.
Moral se je ustaviti, da bi pogledal na zemljevid.
He had to|himself|was|to stop|in order to|to|look|at|the map
He had to stop to look at the map.
Moral bi iti proti zahodu, vendar na zemljevidu ni prepoznal ničesar.
I should|would|go|west|west|but|on|the map|did not|recognize|anything
He should have gone west, but he didn't recognise anything on the map.
Če bi šel proti zahodu, bi moral zdaj že priti do jezera.
If I had gone west, I should have reached the lake by now.
Morda je namesto tega šel proti severu.
Perhaps|he|instead|of this|went|towards|north
Perhaps he went north instead.
Želel je uporabiti zemljevid na telefonu, vendar je v brošuri, namenjeni pohodnikom, pisalo, da v gorah ni sprejema.
He wanted|(past tense verb marker)|to use|map|on|phone|but|(past tense verb marker)|in|brochure|intended|hikers|it was written|that|in|mountains|is not|reception
He wanted to use the map on his phone, but the brochure for hikers said there was no reception in the mountains.
Toni se odloči postaviti tabor za čez noč.
Toni|himself|decides|to set up|camp|for|over|night
Toni decides to set up camp for the night.
Morda bo lahko jutri ugotovil, kaj se dogaja, če se bo naspal.
Perhaps|will|be able|tomorrow|figured out|what|himself|is happening|if|he|will|well-rested
Maybe tomorrow he will be able to find out what is going on if he gets some sleep.
Sedaj pa ista zgodba, povedana na drugačen način.
Tri dni sem bil na pohodu po gorah, ko sem se moral ustaviti in pogledati na zemljevid.
Three|days|I|was|on|hike|through|mountains|when|I|myself|had to|stop|and||at|map
I was hiking in the mountains for three days when I had to stop and look at the map.
Moral bi iti proti zahodu, vendar na zemljevidu nisem prepoznal ničesar.
I should|would|go|west|to the west|but|on|the map|I did not|recognize|anything
I should have gone west, but I didn't recognise anything on the map.
Če bi šel proti zahodu, bi moral do takrat priti do jezera.
If|(conditional verb particle)|went|towards|west|(conditional verb particle)|would have to|by||arrive|at|lake
If I had gone west, I should have reached the lake by then.
Pomislil sem, da sem šel namesto tega proti severu.
I thought|I|that|I|went|instead|of this|towards|north
I thought I'd head north instead.
Želel bi preveriti z zemljevidom na telefonu, vendar je v pohodniški brošuri pisalo, da v gorah ne bo signala.
I would like|(conditional particle)|to check|with|map|on|phone|but|(past tense of to be)|in|hiking|brochure|it was written|that|in|the mountains|not|will be|signal
I wanted to check with the map on my phone, but the hiking brochure said there would be no signal in the mountains.
Odločil sem se, da si za čez noč postavim tabor.
I decided|I|reflexive pronoun|that|yourself|for|over|night|I set up|camp
I decided to set up camp for the night.
Pomislil sem, da če se malo naspim, bom naslednji dan ugotovil, kako naprej.
I thought|I|that|if|reflexive pronoun|a little|sleep|I will|next|day|figure out|how|forward
I thought that if I could get some sleep, I could figure out how to move forward the next day.
Ena: Toni je bil na pohodu po gorah že tri dni.
Koliko časa je bil Toni na pohodu?
How much|time|was|he|Toni|on|hike
Toni je bil na pohodu po gorah že tri dni.
Toni|was|hiking|in|the mountains|for|three|already|days|
Dve: Moral se je ustaviti, da bi pogledal na zemljevid.
Two|He must|himself|was|to stop|in order to|to|look|at|map
Two: He had to stop to look at the map.
Zakaj se je moral ustaviti?
Why|himself|(past tense auxiliary verb)|had to|stop
Moral se je ustaviti, da bi pogledal na zemljevid.
Tri: Moral bi iti na zahod.
V katero smer bi moral iti?
Moral bi iti proti zahodu.
I should|would|go|towards|west
Štiri: Če bi šel proti zahodu, bi moral zdaj že priti do jezera.
Four: If I had gone west, I should have reached the lake by now.
Kaj bi se zgodilo, če bi šel proti zahodu?
What|would|reflexive pronoun|happen|if|would|went|towards|west
What would happen if I went west?
Če bi šel proti zahodu, bi moral zdaj že priti do jezera.
If I had gone west, I should have reached the lake by now.
Pet: Morda je šel namesto tega proti severu.
V katero smer je morda šel?
Morda je šel namesto tega proti severu.
Perhaps|he|went|instead|of this|towards|north
Šest: Želel bi preveriti z zemljevidom na telefonu, vendar je v pohodniški brošuri pisalo, da v gorah ni sprejema.
Six|I would like|conditional particle|to check|with|map|on|phone|but|it is|in|hiking|brochure|it wrote|that|in|mountains|is not|reception
Zakaj ni mogel uporabiti zemljevida na telefonu?
Ker je v pohodniški brošuri pisalo, da v gorah ni sprejema.
Because|is|in|hiking|brochure|written|that|in|mountains|there is no|reception
Sedem: Toni se odloči postaviti tabor za čez noč.
Seven|Toni|himself|decides|to set up|camp|for|over|night
Kaj se odloči narediti Toni?
What|reflexive pronoun|decides|to do|Toni
Toni se odloči postaviti tabor za čez noč.
Toni|himself|decides|to set up|camp|for|over|night
Osem: Morda bo lahko jutri ugotovil, kaj se dogaja, če se bo naspal.
Eight|Maybe|will|be able to|tomorrow|figure out|what|himself|is happening|if|he|will|slept well
Kdaj bo morda lahko ugotovil, kaj se dogaja?
When|will|perhaps|be able to|figure out|what|reflexive pronoun|is happening
When might he be able to find out what is going on?
Morda bo lahko jutri ugotovil, kaj se dogaja, če se bo naspal.
Perhaps|will|be able|tomorrow|figured out|what|reflexive pronoun|is happening|if|reflexive pronoun|will|well-rested