Mojca je nekoč brala samo knjige iz papirja.
Mojca used to read only paper books.
Večino njenega življenja ideja o elektronski knjigi sploh ni obstajala.
Most|of her|life|idea|about|electronic|book|at all|not|existed
For most of her life, the idea of an e-book did not even exist.
Vse čtivo je bilo vedno natisnjeno na papir.
All|reading|was|always|printed|on paper|on|paper
All the reading was always printed on paper.
Vendar pa sedaj obstajajo tudi drugi načini branja.
However|but|now|there are|also|other|ways|reading
But there are now other ways of reading.
V zadnjih letih se je vedno več ljudi začelo ukvarjati z branjem knjig na mobilnih napravah.
In|last|years|reflexive pronoun|has|always|more|people|started|engaging|with|reading|books|on|mobile|devices
In recent years, more and more people have started reading books on mobile devices.
Ljudje lahko berejo na svojih telefonih, elektronskih tablicah ali na namenskih e-bralnikih, kot je na primer Kindle.
People can read on their phones, electronic tablets or on dedicated e-readers such as Kindle.
Mojca raje bere na mobilni napravi, ker ima čtivo tako vedno pri sebi.
Mojca|prefers|reads|on|mobile|device|because|she has|reading material|so|always|with|herself
Mojca prefers to read on her mobile device because she always has her reading material with her.
Ko potuje, so ji e-knjige še posebej priročne, saj lahko knjige prek interneta naroči kjerkoli in kadarkoli.
When|she travels|are|to her||books|||||||through|the internet|order|anywhere|and|anytime
When she travels, e-books are particularly handy, as she can order books online anywhere, anytime.
Njen mož Gorazd pa v rokah raje drži tradicionalno knjigo iz papirja.
Her|husband|Gorazd|but|in|hands|rather|holds|traditional|book|made of|paper
Her husband Gorazd prefers to hold a traditional paper book.
Preprosto mu je tako branje bolj udobno in prijetno.
Simply|to him|is|such|reading|more|comfortable|and|pleasant
It simply makes reading more comfortable and enjoyable.
Gorazd čas rad preživlja v knjigarnah in knjižnicah, da vidi, kakšne knjige so na voljo.
Gorazd|time|happily|spends|in|bookstores|and|libraries|to|see|what kind of|books|are|on|
Gorazd likes to spend time in bookshops and libraries to see what books are available.
Gorazd ponavadi kupuje knjige, Mojca pa si samo zapiše naslove zanimivih knjig, da jih lahko naroči v obliki e-knjig na spletu in nato bere na svoji mobilni napravi.
Gorazd|usually|buys|books|Mojca|but|herself|only|writes down|titles|interesting|books|so that|them|can|order|in|form|||on|the web|and|then|reads|on|her|mobile|device
Gorazd usually buys books, while Mojca just writes down the titles of interesting books so she can order them as e-books online and then read them on her mobile device.
Sedaj pa ista zgodba, povedana na drugačen način.
Dolgo let sem brala samo knjige iz papirja.
For a long time|year|I|read|only|books|from|paper
For many years I read only paper books.
Večino mojega življenja ideja o elektronski knjigi sploh ni obstajala.
Most|of my|life|idea|about|electronic|book|at all|not|existed
Vse čtivo je bilo natisnjeno na papirju.
Pred nekaj leti sem odkrila nove načine branja.
A few|years|ago|I|discovered|new|ways|reading
A few years ago I discovered new ways of reading.
Opazila sem, da se je vedno več ljudi začelo ukvarjati z branjem knjig na mobilnih napravah.
I noticed|(I)|that|(reflexive pronoun)|(past tense auxiliary verb)|always|more|people|started|to engage|with|reading|books|on|mobile|devices
I've noticed that more and more people have started reading books on mobile devices.
Videla sem, kako so ljudje brali na svojih telefonih, elektronskih tablicah ali na namenskih e-bralnikih, kot je na primer Kindle.
I saw|(past tense marker)|how|(past tense marker)|people|read|on|their|phones|electronic|tablets|or|on|dedicated|||like|is|on|example|Kindle
I have seen people reading on their phones, on electronic tablets or on dedicated e-readers such as Kindle.
Moram reči, da raje berem na mobilni napravi, ker imam čtivo tako vedno pri sebi.
I must|to say|that|rather|I read|on|mobile|device|because|I have|reading material|so|always|with|myself
I have to say that I prefer to read on my mobile device, because that way I always have my reading with me.
Ugotovila sem, da so e-knjige še posebej priročne, ko potujem, saj so knjige v prtljagi povsem nepotrebne.
I realized|(I)|that|are||books|||||||||in|luggage|completely|unnecessary
I've found that e-books are especially handy when I travel, as books are completely unnecessary in luggage.
Prek interneta si lahko knjigo, ki jo želim, naročim kjerkoli in kadarkoli.
Through|the internet|I|can|book|that|it|want|order|anywhere|and|anytime
I can order the book I want online, anywhere, anytime.
Moj mož Gorazd pa se raje drži tradicionalne knjige na papirju.
My husband Gorazd, on the other hand, prefers to stick to the traditional paper book.
Pravi, da mu je bolj udobno in prijetno brati na ta način.
He says|that|to him|is|more|comfortable|and|pleasant|to read|in|this|way
He says he finds it more comfortable and enjoyable to read this way.
V mojih očeh je nekoliko staromoden.
It is a bit old-fashioned in my eyes.
Gorazd v knjigarnah in knjižnicah, samo da vidi, kakšne vrste knjige so na voljo, preživlja čisto preveč časa.
Gorazd|in|bookstores|and|libraries|just|to|see|what kind of|types|books|are|on||spends|completely|too much|time
Gorazd spends far too much time in bookshops and libraries just to see what kind of books are available.
Morda bo po brskanju kupil knjigo v trgovini.
Maybe after browsing, he'll buy a book in a shop.
Jaz pa raje samo zapišem imena zanimivih knjig.
I|but|rather|only|write down|names|interesting|books
I prefer to just write down the names of interesting books.
Potem lahko e-knjigo naročim prek spleta in jo berem na prenosni napravi.
Then|I can|||order|through|the internet|and|it|read|on|portable|device
Then I can order the e-book online and read it on my mobile device.
To je veliko bolje!
That's much better!
Ena: Večino njenega življenja ideja o elektronskih knjigah sploh ni obstajala.
One|Most|her|life|idea|about|electronic|books|at all|not|existed
Katera ideja večino njenega življenja sploh ni obstajala?
Which|idea|most||life|at all|not|existed
Ideja o elektronski knjigi večino njenega življenja sploh ni obstajala.
The idea|of|electronic|book|most||life|at all|not|existed
Dva: V zadnjih letih je vse več ljudi začelo brati knjige na mobilnih napravah.
Two: In recent years, more and more people have started reading books on mobile devices.
Kdaj so ljudje začeli brati knjige na mobilnih napravah?
Ljudje so začeli brati knjige na mobilnih napravah v zadnjih letih.
People|have|started|to read|books|on|mobile|devices|in|recent|years
Tri: Ona meni, da so e-knjige še posebej priročne, ko potuje.
Three|She|tells|that|are|||especially|particularly|convenient|when|she travels
Three: She finds e-books particularly handy when travelling.
Kdaj meni, da so e-knjige še posebej priročne?
When do you find e-books particularly handy?
Mojca meni, da so e-knjige še posebej priročne, ko potuje.
Mojca|thinks|that|are|||especially|particularly|convenient|when|she travels
Mojca finds e-books particularly handy when travelling.
Štiri: Prek interneta lahko v trenutku naroči katerokoli knjigo, ki si jo želi.
Four|Through|the internet|can|in|an instant|order|any|book|that|himself/herself|it|wants
Four: You can order any book you want instantly online.
Kaj Mojca lahko naroči v trenutku?
What can Mojca order at a moment's notice?
Mojca lahko v trenutku naroči katerokoli knjigo, ki si jo želi.
Pet: Moj mož Gorazd pa ima raje tradicionalne knjige iz papirja.
My||husband|Gorazd|but|prefers|more|traditional|books|made of|paper
Ali ima Gorazd raje e-knjige ali tradicionalne knjige iz papirja?
On ima raje tradicionalne knjige iz papirja.
He|prefers|rather|traditional|books|made of|paper
Šest: Gorazd preživlja preveč časa v knjigarnah in knjižnicah, samo da vidi, kakšne vrste knjig so na voljo.
Six|Gorazd|spends|too much|time|in|bookstores|and|libraries|just|to|see|what kinds|types|books|are|on|
Six: Gorazd spends too much time in bookshops and libraries just to see what kinds of books are available.
Koliko časa Gorazd preživi v knjigarnah in knjižnicah?
How much|time|Gorazd|spends|in|bookstores|and|libraries
How much time does Gorazd spend in bookshops and libraries?
V knjigarnah in knjižnicah preživi preveč časa.
In|bookstores|and|libraries|he spends|too much|time
He spends too much time in bookshops and libraries.
Sedem: Morda bo po brskanju Gorazd kupil knjigo v trgovini.
Kdaj bo Gorazd morda kupil knjigo?
When might Gorazd buy the book?
Gorazd bo knjigo po brskanju morda kupil v trgovini.
Osem: Jaz pa raje samo zapišem imena zanimivih knjig.
Eight|I|but|rather|only|write down|names|interesting|books
Osem: I prefer to just write down the names of interesting books.
Kaj raje počnem v knjigarnah in knjižnicah?
What do I prefer to do in bookshops and libraries?
Raje samo zapišem imena zanimivih knjig.
I would rather|just|write down|the names|interesting|books
I prefer to just write down the names of interesting books.