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Birthdays are brilliant.

I'm 62 years old and I still love them. I don't think I've ever had a bad birthday. In fact, I think birthdays get better and better the older you become. Sure, kids love birthdays because they get presents and get to eat cake. But when you get older, birthdays make you feel special. It's your special day. Even if no one wishes you a happy birthday, it's still your special day. A lot of my friends think I'm mad. They hate their birthdays because it means they're another year older. I hope I get to celebrate my hundredth birthday. I'm not sure if I can blow out 100 candles though. When I look back at all my birthdays, it's difficult to choose the best. I'll just say my last birthday is always the best one.

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Birthdays are brilliant.

I’m 62 years old and I still love them. Mám 62 rokov a stále ich milujem. I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad birthday. Myslím, že som nikdy nemal zlé narodeniny. In fact, I think birthdays get better and better the older you become. V skutočnosti si myslím, že narodeniny sú tým lepšie a lepšie, čím ste starší. Sure, kids love birthdays because they get presents and get to eat cake. Iste, deti milujú narodeniny, pretože dostávajú darčeky a jedia tortu. But when you get older, birthdays make you feel special. Ale keď zostarnete, vďaka narodeninám sa budete cítiť výnimočne. It’s your special day. Even if no one wishes you a happy birthday, it’s still your special day. Aj keď vám nikto nepraje všetko najlepšie k narodeninám, stále je to váš výnimočný deň. A lot of my friends think I’m mad. Veľa mojich priateľov si myslí, že som blázon. They hate their birthdays because it means they’re another year older. Nenávidia svoje narodeniny, pretože to znamená, že sú o rok starší. I hope I get to celebrate my hundredth birthday. Dúfam, že oslávim svoje sté narodeniny. I’m not sure if I can blow out 100 candles though. Nie som si istý, či dokážem sfúknuť 100 sviečok. When I look back at all my birthdays, it’s difficult to choose the best. I’ll just say my last birthday is always the best one. Poviem len, že moje posledné narodeniny sú vždy tie najlepšie.