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I'm a bit shy when I have to speak in English.

I'm a little worried about making mistakes. I also still lack confidence. Many of my friends don't worry about mistakes. They just talk and talk. They always get their message across, even if their grammar is wrong. I think this is the best thing to do. My teacher always says it's best to learn by doing. If I don't try to speak English, I'll never be able to use it when I need it. One thing I started doing recently was talking to myself. I have short conversations with myself. I think it works. I also make short stories about people and say them aloud. I do this in my room, of course. People would think I'm crazy if I did it in class or on the train.


I’m a bit shy when I have to speak in English. Soy un poco tímida cuando tengo que hablar en inglés. 英語で話さなければならないときは少し恥ずかしがり屋です。 Fico um pouco tímido quando preciso falar em inglês. Я немного стесняюсь, когда мне приходится говорить по-английски.

I’m a little worried about making mistakes. 間違えるのが少し心配です。 Estou um pouco preocupado em cometer erros. Я немного боюсь ошибиться. I also still lack confidence. 私もまだ自信がありません。 Eu também ainda não tenho confiança. Мне все еще не хватает уверенности. Many of my friends don’t worry about mistakes. 私の友人の多くは間違いを心配していません。 Muitos de meus amigos não se preocupam com erros. Многие из моих друзей не беспокоятся об ошибках. They just talk and talk. Eles apenas falam e falam. They always get their message across, even if their grammar is wrong. 文法が間違っていても、常にメッセージを伝えます。 Eles sempre passam sua mensagem, mesmo que sua gramática esteja errada. I think this is the best thing to do. これが最善の方法だと思います。 Eu acho que essa é a melhor coisa a fazer. My teacher always says it’s best to learn by doing. 私の先生はいつもやって学ぶのが一番だと言っています。 Meu professor sempre diz que é melhor aprender fazendo. If I don’t try to speak English, I’ll never be able to use it when I need it. 英語を話そうとしないと、必要なときに使えなくなります。 Se eu não tentar falar inglês, nunca poderei usá-lo quando precisar. One thing I started doing recently was talking to myself. 私が最近始めたことの一つは、自分自身と話すことでした。 Uma coisa que comecei a fazer recentemente foi falar comigo mesma. I have short conversations with myself. 私は自分と短い会話をしています。 Tenho conversas curtas comigo mesmo. I think it works. 私はそれがうまくいくと思います。 Eu acho que funciona. I also make short stories about people and say them aloud. また、人々についての短編小説を作り、声に出して言います。 Também faço pequenas histórias sobre pessoas e as conto em voz alta. I do this in my room, of course. もちろん、私は自分の部屋でこれを行います。 Eu faço isso no meu quarto, é claro. People would think I’m crazy if I did it in class or on the train. 私がクラスや電車の中でやったら、人々は私が夢中になっていると思うでしょう。 As pessoas pensariam que sou louco se fizesse isso na aula ou no trem.