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There is no way that famine should be a problem in today's world. We are so rich. Companies have billions of dollars. Countries have trillions. It's a real shame that people do not give enough to help famine victims. It's a sin. There is more than enough food in this world to feed everyone. Government leaders need to tell the world why they let people die of hunger. Even the United Nations can't persuade governments to give enough money to help the starving. Of course, there are good governments and bad ones. The bad ones often let their own people starve. The leaders steal the country's money. Some countries have a famine but their state TV tells people there are bumper crops. That's shocking.


There is no way that famine should be a problem in today's world. We are so rich. Companies have billions of dollars. Countries have trillions. It's a real shame that people do not give enough to help famine victims. It's a sin. There is more than enough food in this world to feed everyone. この世界には、みんなを養うのに十分な食べ物があります。 Government leaders need to tell the world why they let people die of hunger. 政府の指導者は、なぜ人々を飢えで死なせるのかを世界に伝える必要があります。 Even the United Nations can't persuade governments to give enough money to help the starving. 国連でさえ、飢sを助けるのに十分なお金を与えるように政府を説得することはできません。 Of course, there are good governments and bad ones. もちろん、良い政府と悪い政府があります。 The bad ones often let their own people starve. 悪い人はしばしば自分の人々を飢えさせます。 The leaders steal the country's money. Some countries have a famine but their state TV tells people there are bumper crops. 飢countriesに見舞われている国もありますが、国営テレビは人々にバンパー作物があると伝えています。 That's shocking.