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I think being a housewife is a very demanding job. Most housewives have a lot to do, especially if they have children. Of course, some have an easy time because they have a maid or a tiny house. Most housewives though are working pretty much from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed. They have to get up the earliest to cook everyone's breakfast. Then they have to do the dishes, start the washing, iron and then go shopping to buy the food. Before their children go to school, the housewife has to make their packed lunches. I reckon cooking three meals a day every single day can be pretty tiring. Afternoons are just as busy, and then it all starts again when everyone comes home from school and work!


I think being a housewife is a very demanding job. Myslím, že být ženou v domácnosti je velmi náročná práce. Most housewives have a lot to do, especially if they have children. Of course, some have an easy time because they have a maid or a tiny house. Samozřejmě, někteří to mají snadné, protože mají služku nebo malý dům. もちろん、メイドや小さな家があるので、楽な時間を過ごす人もいます。 Most housewives though are working pretty much from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed. Většina žen v domácnosti však pracuje v podstatě od chvíle, kdy se probudí, až do chvíle, kdy jdou spát. しかし、ほとんどの主婦は、目覚めてから寝るまでほとんど働いています。 They have to get up the earliest to cook everyone’s breakfast. Musí vstávat co nejdřív, aby všem uvařili snídani. Then they have to do the dishes, start the washing, iron and then go shopping to buy the food. Pak musí umýt nádobí, začít prát, vyžehlit a pak jít nakoupit jídlo. Before their children go to school, the housewife has to make their packed lunches. Než jejich děti půjdou do školy, musí jim hospodyňka připravit obědové balíčky. 子供たちが学校に行く前に、主婦はお弁当を作らなければなりません。 I reckon cooking three meals a day every single day can be pretty tiring. Myslím, že vařit tři jídla denně každý den může být pěkně únavné. Afternoons are just as busy, and then it all starts again when everyone comes home from school and work! Odpoledne je stejně nabité a pak to všechno začne znovu, když se všichni vrátí ze školy az práce!