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Marketing is a funny thing.

Sometimes I like it, other times I hate it. There is definitely an art to marketing. Some of the advertising campaigns you see are the work of a genius. Someone has thought of a great idea, slogan and advertising campaign to sell us or tell us something. I like it when I can see the creativity. There are other kinds of marketing that make me angry. Ads and campaigns that are directed at children make my blood boil – especially the McDonalds ads that do not mention food, but show lots of free, cheap toys. I also hate viral marketing – that's when you receive spam mail trying to sell you something. I also get annoyed with marketing campaigns that have slogans that are just untrue, like smoking is cool.


Marketing is a funny thing.

Sometimes I like it, other times I hate it. There is definitely an art to marketing. マーケティングには間違いなくアートがあります。 Some of the advertising campaigns you see are the work of a genius. あなたが見る広告キャンペーンのいくつかは天才の仕事です。 Someone has thought of a great idea, slogan and advertising campaign to sell us or tell us something. 誰かが私たちを売ったり、何かを伝えるための素晴らしいアイデア、スローガン、広告キャンペーンを考えています。 I like it when I can see the creativity. There are other kinds of marketing that make me angry. 私を怒らせる他の種類のマーケティングがあります。 Ads and campaigns that are directed at children make my blood boil – especially the McDonalds ads that do not mention food, but show lots of free, cheap toys. 子供向けの広告とキャンペーンは、私の血を沸かせます。特に、マクドナルドの広告は食べ物について言及していませんが、無料で安価なおもちゃをたくさん表示しています。 I also hate viral marketing – that’s when you receive spam mail trying to sell you something. また、バイラルマーケティングも嫌いです。それは、何かを売ろうとするスパムメールを受け取ったときです。 I also get annoyed with marketing campaigns that have slogans that are just untrue, like smoking is cool.