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Mobile Phones

Mobile Phones

How important to you is your mobile phone? Do you really need it? In the 1980s there were no mobile phones. People still managed to phone their family and friends and do business. Of course, there were more public telephones then. There was a telephone box pretty much on every street corner. I wonder whether mobile phones are a good or bad thing. For sure, they are very convenient, but they can also be a nuisance. There's nothing worse than talking to someone and then they ignore you for ten minutes while they answer their phone. I have even seen people on a date and one person chats on the phone for 30 minutes. How would life change for you if you didn't have a mobile? Would you miss listening to other people's conversations on the train?

Mobile Phones

How important to you is your mobile phone? Do you really need it? In the 1980s there were no mobile phones. People still managed to phone their family and friends and do business. 人々は今でも何とか家族や友人に電話をかけてビジネスをしています。 Of course, there were more public telephones then. もちろん、その時より多くの公衆電話がありました。 There was a telephone box pretty much on every street corner. すべての街角に電話ボックスがありました。 I wonder whether mobile phones are a good or bad thing. 携帯電話は良いものなのか悪いものなのかしら。 For sure, they are very convenient, but they can also be a nuisance. 確かに、それらは非常に便利ですが、邪魔になることもあります。 There's nothing worse than talking to someone and then they ignore you for ten minutes while they answer their phone. 誰かと話すことほど悪いことはないので、電話に出るまで10分間あなたを無視します。 I have even seen people on a date and one person chats on the phone for 30 minutes. 私はデート中の人を見たことがあり、1人が30分間電話でチャットしました。 How would life change for you if you didn't have a mobile? あなたが携帯を持っていなかったら、あなたの人生はどう変わるでしょうか? Would you miss listening to other people's conversations on the train? 電車の中で他の人の会話を聞くのが恋しいですか?