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The problem of refugees is getting bigger and bigger. In fact, it is such a problem that there are now many different words for refugees. There are refugees, political refugees, displaced persons, internally displaced persons, migrants, and more. A long time ago, it was easy to know what a refugee was. Someone who had to escape their country because they were in danger. It was usually people escaping wars. There were many refugees during the Vietnam War. There are millions of Palestinian refugees following wars in the Middle East. Today's refugees escape their country because of war or because their leader is crazy. There are also refugees because of natural disasters like famine or earthquakes.


The problem of refugees is getting bigger and bigger. 難民の問題はどんどん大きくなっています。 In fact, it is such a problem that there are now many different words for refugees. 実際、難民のために多くの異なる言葉が存在するのは、このような問題です。 There are refugees, political refugees, displaced persons, internally displaced persons, migrants, and more. A long time ago, it was easy to know what a refugee was. 昔、難民とは何かを知るのは簡単でした。 Someone who had to escape their country because they were in danger. It was usually people escaping wars. There were many refugees during the Vietnam War. There are millions of Palestinian refugees following wars in the Middle East. 中東での戦争の後、数百万人のパレスチナ難民がいます。 Today's refugees escape their country because of war or because their leader is crazy. There are also refugees because of natural disasters like famine or earthquakes. 飢amineや地震などの自然災害のために難民もいます。