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Ted Talks, Uncommon Sense: Moving from a Problem-Focused to Solution-Focused Mindset | Mel Gill | TEDxVarna (1)

Uncommon Sense: Moving from a Problem-Focused to Solution-Focused Mindset | Mel Gill | TEDxVarna (1)

Translator: Nadine Hennig Reviewer: Peter van de Ven

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

I didn't realize that we gave him the long version.



That's what happens when you're not in control

of the materials that you give out to people.

The world is a very strange place.

More than 95% of this Earth's population

has a problem -

and we need to find a solution to it very quickly.

Psychotherapists, psychologists, mental health workers,

and psychiatrists understand

that more than 95% of this world's population

suffers from one kind of mental illness or another.

We call this loose class of mental illnesses schizophrenia.

There is mild schizophrenia and there is chronic schizophrenia.

Now, mild schizophrenia is very simple.

The loose definition of schizophrenia is this:

the inability to tell what is real from what is imagined,

what is fantasy from what is reality.

Now, imagine if we were talking and somebody else came into the room,

and all of a sudden we got distracted and we stopped talking.

Now, that person starts to think, "My God, they're talking about me."

Then, they leave the room, and then we continue talking

because the distraction is gone.

Now, they are certain that we are talking about them,

and they plan some kind of revenge.

That's heading towards mental illness.

You see, they say in Varna -

Varna is now one of my homes on the planet.

I don't know if you know this.

I live in Singapore, I live in Chicago,

but now, I'm going to be living in Varna a lot.


I suppose the clap means it's a good thing.


I'm just kidding.

And so, they say that in Varna - especially in this room -

one in four people are mentally unsound.

I want you to form a picture of three of your best friends.

Form a mental picture.

If they are all okay, then you're the one.



So, you're in the right place.

You're in absolutely the right place.

Today, I'm going to talk to you about something

that's very close to my heart:

how to change people from a problem-focused mind

to a solution-focused mind.

You see, the thing is,

we are experiencing massive levels of depression all around the world -

massive rates of suicides, all going up all the time.

And that's because people are focused on the problems.

And that's why we have so many relationship breakups.

That's why we have people on the verge of suicide

even when they look successful on the outside.

They can be earning a lot of money, they can be famous beyond belief,

but somehow, something is missing on the inside.

And that's called positive thinking?

Not really.

That's called solution-based thinking.

They are always finding solutions to whatever situations come up.

My son, who is actually holding the camera right there -

and I'm now live on Facebook.

So, over the entire world that is my fan base

now knows exactly what I'm going to be talking about.

My son and I went on an Internet-marketing cruise

around Jamaica, Cozumel, Mexico, and so on and so forth.

We're trying to figure out this world of the Internet.

And one of those cruises had a tour.

And the tour was on a little island called Jamaica.

We wanted to go see Bob Marley's house.

Now, for me, I'm just curious about the music and the guy.

But my son, he was interested in other things.



We were sitting on the bus,

and he was celebrating long before we made it to Bob Marley's house.


But the tour guide in the bus said something very important,

and that's the shift I want to create in you today.

The tour guide said, "Welcome to Jamaica, man.


In Jamaica, we have no problems, man."

And I said, "Yes, because of the ganja."


She said, "No, man, it's not the ganja.

That's a plus.


In Jamaica, we have no problems. We have situations.

We don't call them problems, we call them situations.

If your wife catches you with the neighbor's wife,

you don't have a problem, man, you have a situation!



So, you see, if you have a problem, it's not solvable.

But if you have a situation, there's always a solution to it.

So, if you start to see the places where you are stuck in life -

you don't have enough money before the end of the month -

you have a situation, man.

If your girlfriend is seeing your best friend

and spending more time at his house than yours,

you have a situation, man.

You've got to solve this somehow, change your behavior,

change your thoughts, change your actions,

or change your girlfriend."



The solutions are so simple,

but we don't want to do it - because we are so problem-focused.

I have a problem. I have a this, I have a that.

I don't know if you know it,

but my office here in Varna is actually at the Kostas.

It's free. Nobody charges me rent.

But the thing is, once in a while, people who recognize who I am

come by and stop and they sit down and they talk,

and they don't leave for an hour or two.

And they always have problems.

They talk about their husbands, their wives, their children.

They talk about their jobs. They talk about the future.

They talk about the lack of emotion inside of them.

And there, I turn them into situations.

What are you going to do about it? What can you do?

You see, if you do the same thing over and over and over again

and expect different results,

you're going to expect to wait for years before it changes.

You've got to change something.

And what is the thing you change?

I went into a mental hospital once,

and I wanted to release a whole bunch of people from there -

because I believe that mentally ill people

face better challenges outside than inside a mental institution.

Is there one here in Varna?

Are we in it?


No. I'm just kidding.

Everybody goes, "Yeah, yeah. I think it's here."


Now, one day,

I asked three people in the front row,

"I'm going to ask you a simple question.

If you can answer this, I will let you go."

I asked the first person, "What is 3 times 3?"

The fellow scratched his head and said, "164."

I said, "Go back to your room."

I asked the second person, "What is 3 times 3?"

The person scratched his head,

looked up and smiled and said, "Tuesday."

"Sorry. Wrong answer. Go back to your room."

I almost gave up until I went to the last man

and said, "If you can answer this question, I will let you go.

What is 3 times 3?"

He looked at the other two people, smiled at me and said,


it's 9."

I said, "Great."

I gave him the release papers and said, "You can go."

He started running to the door.

But before he ran away, I said,

"Young man, I need you to tell me something.

Your two friends did not come up with the right answer.

How did you manage it?"

He said, "It's so simple.

I multiplied 164 by Tuesday, and I got 9."



So, you see, sometimes we come up to the right answers in life,

but the thinking is not quite correct.

But somehow we find the answers. We don't know how.

We find answers to any situations that we find ourselves in.

So, today, I want to give you

a precise way to find answers to your situations.

Would that be useful?

For two or three people, that would be.


They told me that in Varna, people are very shy.

When you ask them questions,

they don't raise their hands or answer back.

But I don't believe you are shy.

I believe that in Varna, when you ask a question,

people don't realize it's a question.


So, when I talk to you for the next ten minutes -

which I think that's all I've got -

I am going to say something, I'm going to ask,

and I'm going to say, "That's a question."

So your answer will help me.

Would that be useful? That's a question.

Yes. Great. Thank you so much.

My ability to think in terms of possibilities

started when I was 18 years old.

I was climbing a mountain in Malaysia,

and I lost my footing and fell down the slope.

I survived, but I had compound fractures -

mostly my left arm -

and it took about ten days to find a decent hospital.

Now, imagine me, a bodybuilder, losing his face

because he couldn't climb this mountain and just fell.

Well, anyway, in the ten days that it took to find the hospital,

infection had set in - gas-gangrene had set in.

I was supposed to die on the operating table.

And in fact, I was clinically dead on the operating table for 19 minutes.

I put that whole story in my book called, "The Meta Secret,"

or you know it as Meta Tайна.


When I was in the process,

and as they were amputating my left arm just to save my life,

because they didn't know if I was going to live or die,

I stepped outside and saw the whole process.

I don't know what was happening.

I went through the tunnel of light, had a near-death experience,

and over there, there was a being who was dressed in blue with long hair.

At that time, I thought it was Jesus Christ.

And he said, "Son, it is not yet time.

You have to go back. There's a lot of work to do."

Now, people ask me, "Really? Was it Jesus?

You're sure it wasn't Buddha or somebody else?"

I said, "It could have been the lead singer from the band Kiss,

but I'm not sure."


It doesn't matter who sent me back.


The point is I came back.

Now, as I came back, I realized that I was in a different situation.

Here was a young man, 18 years old and starting to do bodybuilding -

something my son is just taking up.

And everything about my body was everything about me as a person.

And how was I going to face this -

until that morning when I woke up from this coma,

and my mother walked in.

And I didn't know what to say to her.

Because here she was - and she looked very sad,

and this was my mom.

Everybody loves [their] mom, right?

How many people do love their mom?


If your mom is here, you should be putting your hand up -

otherwise the allowance stops.

You could see the helplessness in her eyes.

So, I decided at that moment -

and I don't know what made me decide -

I decided to create a joke.

So I said to her, "Mom, don't worry, this is part of the plan."


She looked at me like I've suddenly gone insane.

She was going to call the doctor.

"I think too much medicine for him. Stop."



I said, "Mom, this is part of the plan.

I purposely decided to lose my arm in this accident."

She said, "Why? Why did you do that?"

"So that at the end of my life,

I can say that I did everything single-handedly."



She couldn't stop laughing for ten minutes.

And then I did another joke with somebody else who was coming

because there's a whole row of people coming in to tell me how sorry they were,

and they said, "Oh, this is so bad. Tell me about the story."

I said, "Well, it all started one night.

I was playing poker and I had a bad hand."



I started to go inside the people I was talking to.

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Uncommon Sense: Moving from a Problem-Focused to Solution-Focused Mindset | Mel Gill | TEDxVarna (1)

Translator: Nadine Hennig Reviewer: Peter van de Ven Fordító: Reka Lorinczy Lektor: Péter Pallós

Thank you. Köszönöm.

Thank you very much. Köszönöm szépen.

I didn't realize that we gave him the long version. Nem is vettem észre, hogy a hosszú változatot adtuk oda.



That's what happens when you're not in control Ez történik, ha nem figyelünk oda,

of the materials that you give out to people. milyen anyagot adunk ki a kezünkből.

The world is a very strange place. A világ nagyon különös hely.

More than 95% of this Earth's population A népesség több mint 95%-ának

has a problem - sürgős megoldásra váró

and we need to find a solution to it very quickly. problémája van.

Psychotherapists, psychologists, mental health workers, Pszichoterapeuták, pszichológusok, mentálhigiénés szakemberek

and psychiatrists understand és pszichológusok rájöttek,

that more than 95% of this world's population hogy a világ népességének 95%-a

suffers from one kind of mental illness or another. valamilyen mentális betegségben szenved.

We call this loose class of mental illnesses schizophrenia. E hasadásos elmezavarokat szkizofréniának nevezzük.

There is mild schizophrenia and there is chronic schizophrenia. Van enyhe és krónikus változata.

Now, mild schizophrenia is very simple. Az enyhe szkizofrénia egyszerű.

The loose definition of schizophrenia is this: A szkizofrénia nagy vonalakban így határozható meg:

the inability to tell what is real from what is imagined, nem tudja szétválasztani a valóságos és a képzelt dolgokat,

what is fantasy from what is reality. a fantáziát a valóságtól.

Now, imagine if we were talking and somebody else came into the room, Most képzeljék el, hogy beszélgetünk, és valaki bejön a szobába,

and all of a sudden we got distracted and we stopped talking. mind kizökkenünk és elhallgatunk.

Now, that person starts to think, "My God, they're talking about me." Aki bejött, azt gondolja: "Istenem, rólam beszélnek."

Then, they leave the room, and then we continue talking Aztán elhagyja a szobát, mi tovább beszélgetünk,

because the distraction is gone. mert a zavaró körülmény megszűnik.

Now, they are certain that we are talking about them, Ettől még inkább meggyőződik, hogy róla volt szó,

and they plan some kind of revenge. és bosszút tervez.

That's heading towards mental illness. Ez elmezavarhoz vezet.

You see, they say in Varna - Várnában úgy tartják...

Varna is now one of my homes on the planet. Várna most egyik otthonom.

I don't know if you know this. Nem tudom, ismert-e ez a tény.

I live in Singapore, I live in Chicago, Szingapúrban és Chicagóban élek,

but now, I'm going to be living in Varna a lot. de most sokat fogok Várnában tartózkodni.


I suppose the clap means it's a good thing. A tapsot helyeslésnek veszem.

(Laughter) (Nevetés)

I'm just kidding. Csak viccelek.

And so, they say that in Varna - especially in this room - Várnában úgy tartják – főleg ebben a teremben –,

one in four people are mentally unsound. hogy minden negyedik ember elmebeteg.

I want you to form a picture of three of your best friends. Kérem, képzeljenek el egy csoportképet a három legjobb barátjukkal.

Form a mental picture. Vizsgálják meg az elmeállapotukat.

If they are all okay, then you're the one. Ha velük minden rendben van, akkor önök az a bizonyos egyik.

(Laughter) (Nevetés)


So, you're in the right place. Tehát jó helyen vannak.

You're in absolutely the right place. Tökéletesen megfelelő helyen vannak.

Today, I'm going to talk to you about something A szívemhez nagyon közelálló dologról

that's very close to my heart: fogok beszélni:

how to change people from a problem-focused mind hogy változtassuk meg a problémára összpontosító gondolkozást

to a solution-focused mind. megoldásra összpontosító gondolkozásra.

You see, the thing is, Észrevették, a helyzet az,

we are experiencing massive levels of depression all around the world - hogy a depresszió nagyon elterjedt a világban,

massive rates of suicides, all going up all the time. magas az öngyilkossági arány, és állandóan növekszik.

And that's because people are focused on the problems. Ennek oka, hogy a problémára fókuszálnak.

And that's why we have so many relationship breakups. Ezért szakad meg annyi kapcsolat.

That's why we have people on the verge of suicide Ezért állnak olyan sokan közel az öngyilkossághoz,

even when they look successful on the outside. pedig ránézésre sikeresnek látszanak.

They can be earning a lot of money, they can be famous beyond belief, Lehet magas jövedelmük, lehetnek határtalanul híresek,

but somehow, something is missing on the inside. de valahogy, valami belül hiányzik.

And that's called positive thinking? Ez a pozitív gondolkozás lenne?

Not really. Nem egészen.

That's called solution-based thinking. Ez a megoldásalapú gondolkozás.

They are always finding solutions to whatever situations come up. Minden felmerülő helyzetre megoldásokat találnak.

My son, who is actually holding the camera right there - A fiam éppen ott a kamerát tartja,

and I'm now live on Facebook. most élőben vagyok a Facebookon,

So, over the entire world that is my fan base tehát a rajongóim az egész világon értesülnek,

now knows exactly what I'm going to be talking about. hogy miről fogok beszélni.

My son and I went on an Internet-marketing cruise A fiammal internetmarketing hajóútra mentünk,

around Jamaica, Cozumel, Mexico, and so on and so forth. Jamaica körül, Cozumelbe, Mexikóba és így tovább.

We're trying to figure out this world of the Internet. Megpróbáljuk kiismerni az internet világát.

And one of those cruises had a tour. Ezeknek a kiruccanásoknak volt egy útvonaluk,

And the tour was on a little island called Jamaica. mely egy kis szigetre vezetett: Jamaicára.

We wanted to go see Bob Marley's house. Szerettük volna meglátogatni Bob Marley házát.

Now, for me, I'm just curious about the music and the guy. Engem a zene és a pasas érdekelt.

But my son, he was interested in other things. De a fiamat más is foglalkoztatta.



We were sitting on the bus, Ültünk a buszon,

and he was celebrating long before we made it to Bob Marley's house. és fiam ünnepelt már jóval a Bob Marley házához érkezésünk előtt.


But the tour guide in the bus said something very important, Az idegenvezető mondott valami nagyon lényegeset a buszon,

and that's the shift I want to create in you today. ez a változás, amit ma szeretnék mindenkiben létrehozni.

The tour guide said, "Welcome to Jamaica, man. Az idegenvezető azt mondta: "Mindenkit üdvözlök Jamaicán.

(Laughter) (Nevetés)

In Jamaica, we have no problems, man." Emberek, Jamaicán nincsenek problémák."

And I said, "Yes, because of the ganja." Megszólaltam: "Igen, a fű miatt."

(Laughter) (Nevetés)

She said, "No, man, it's not the ganja. Azt válaszolta: "Ember, nem a fű miatt.

That's a plus. Az ezen felül van."

(Laughter) (Nevetés)

In Jamaica, we have no problems. We have situations. Jamaicán nincsenek problémák. Helyzetek vannak.

We don't call them problems, we call them situations. Nem problémának nevezzük őket, hanem helyzeteknek.

If your wife catches you with the neighbor's wife, Ha a feleséged rajtakap a szomszéd feleségével,

you don't have a problem, man, you have a situation! akkor sincs problémád, helyzeted van.

(Laughter) (Nevetés) (Taps)


So, you see, if you have a problem, it's not solvable. Ha probléma van, akkor az nem oldható meg.

But if you have a situation, there's always a solution to it. De a helyzetre mindig van megoldás.

So, if you start to see the places where you are stuck in life - Ha végigveszed életed elakadásait –

you don't have enough money before the end of the month - nincs elég pénzed hóvégén –,

you have a situation, man. az egy helyzet.

If your girlfriend is seeing your best friend Ha a barátnőd találkozgat a legjobb barátoddal,

and spending more time at his house than yours, és többet van nála, mint nálad,

you have a situation, man. akkor az helyzet.

You've got to solve this somehow, change your behavior, Ezt meg kell oldani valahogy, változtass a viselkedéseden,

change your thoughts, change your actions, változtass a gondolkozásodon, változtasd meg a tetteid,

or change your girlfriend." vagy válts barátnőt."

(Laughter) (Nevetés) (Taps)


The solutions are so simple, A megoldás annyira kézenfekvő.

but we don't want to do it - because we are so problem-focused. De nem akarjuk megtenni, mert a problémára összpontosítunk.

I have a problem. I have a this, I have a that. Vannak problémáim: ez is, az is.

I don't know if you know it, Tudják, hogy a várnai irodám

but my office here in Varna is actually at the Kostas. éppen Kostasnál van?

It's free. Nobody charges me rent. Ingyen. Nem kér bérleti díjat.

But the thing is, once in a while, people who recognize who I am Az a helyzet, hogy néha, amikor felismernek az emberek,

come by and stop and they sit down and they talk, akkor megállnak, leülnek és beszélgetnek

and they don't leave for an hour or two. egy-két órán át.

And they always have problems. Mindig vannak problémáik.

They talk about their husbands, their wives, their children. Beszélnek a férjükről, feleségükről, gyerekeikről.

They talk about their jobs. They talk about the future. Mesélnek a munkájukról, a jövőjükről.

They talk about the lack of emotion inside of them. Beszélnek az érzelmek hiányáról magukban.

And there, I turn them into situations. Ott átalakítom ezeket helyzetekre.

What are you going to do about it? What can you do? Mit kezdesz vele? Mit tehetsz?

You see, if you do the same thing over and over and over again Ha folyton ugyanazt teszed, ismét és ismét,

and expect different results, és várod a változást,

you're going to expect to wait for years before it changes. akkor évekbe telik, míg megváltozik.

You've got to change something. Változtatnod kell valamin.

And what is the thing you change? Mit változtatsz meg?

I went into a mental hospital once, Egyszer elmentem egy pszichiátriai intézetbe,

and I wanted to release a whole bunch of people from there - és ki akartam engedni onnan az embereket,

because I believe that mentally ill people mert meggyőződésem, hogy a mentálisan sérültek

face better challenges outside than inside a mental institution. az intézeten kívül jobb feladatokkal szembesülnek, mint bent.

Is there one here in Varna? Van ilyen Várnában?

Are we in it? Bent vagyunk?

(Laughter) (Nevetés)

No. I'm just kidding. Nem, csak vicceltem.

Everybody goes, "Yeah, yeah. I think it's here." Mindenki egyetért: "Igen, szerintem itt van."


Now, one day, Egyik nap

I asked three people in the front row, felkértem három embert az első sorban:

"I'm going to ask you a simple question. "Felteszek egy egyszerű kérdést.

If you can answer this, I will let you go." Ha tud válaszolni, elengedem."

I asked the first person, "What is 3 times 3?" Az elsőtől azt kérdeztem: "Mennyi háromszor három?"

The fellow scratched his head and said, "164." A pasi megvakarta a fejét, és azt mondta: "164"

I said, "Go back to your room." "Menjen vissza a szobájába"– mondtam.

I asked the second person, "What is 3 times 3?" A másodiktól azt kérdeztem: "Mennyi háromszor három?"

The person scratched his head, Ő is megvakarta a fejét,

looked up and smiled and said, "Tuesday." felnézett, mosolygott, és azt mondta: "Kedd."

"Sorry. Wrong answer. Go back to your room." "Sajnálom. Helytelen válasz. Menjen vissza a szobájába."

I almost gave up until I went to the last man Majdnem feladtam, mikor odamentem a harmadik emberhez:

and said, "If you can answer this question, I will let you go. "Ha tud válaszolni, akkor elengedem.

What is 3 times 3?" Mennyi háromszor három?"

He looked at the other two people, smiled at me and said, Ránézett a másik kettőre, rám mosolygott, és azt mondta:

"Doctor, "Doktor úr,

it's 9." az kilenc."

I said, "Great." "Nagyszerű" – mondtam.

I gave him the release papers and said, "You can go." Kiállítottam a záróját, és azt mondtam: "Elmehet."

He started running to the door. Rohant az ajtóhoz.

But before he ran away, I said, Mielőtt kilépett, megkérdeztem:

"Young man, I need you to tell me something. "Fiatalember, mondja meg nekem,

Your two friends did not come up with the right answer. a két társa nem tudta a helyes választ,

How did you manage it?" maga hogy jött rá?"

He said, "It's so simple. "Egyszerűen – mondta,

I multiplied 164 by Tuesday, and I got 9." Összeszoroztam 164-et keddel, és 9-et kaptam."

(Laughter) (Nevetés)


So, you see, sometimes we come up to the right answers in life, Láthatják, hogy néha tudjuk a jó választ,

but the thinking is not quite correct. de a gondolatmenetünk nem egészen helyes.

But somehow we find the answers. We don't know how. Valahogy mégis rájövünk a válaszra, csak nem tudjuk, hogyan.

We find answers to any situations that we find ourselves in. Akármilyen helyzetbe csöppenünk, megtaláljuk a választ rá.

So, today, I want to give you A mai nap megfogalmazom

a precise way to find answers to your situations. a válaszok megtalálásának pontos módszerét.

Would that be useful? Hasznos lesz?

For two or three people, that would be. Két-három embernek biztos.

(Laughter) (Nevetés)

They told me that in Varna, people are very shy. Hallottam, hogy a várnaiak szégyellősek.

When you ask them questions, Mikor kérdezik őket,

they don't raise their hands or answer back. nem emelik fel a kezüket, és nem válaszolnak.

But I don't believe you are shy. De nem hiszem el, hogy önök szégyellősek.

I believe that in Varna, when you ask a question, Szerintem Várnában, ha kérdezek,

people don't realize it's a question. észre sem veszik, hogy ez kérdés.

(Laughter) (Nevetés)

So, when I talk to you for the next ten minutes - Tehát a hátralevő tíz percben –

which I think that's all I've got - ennyi időt kaptam összesen –,

I am going to say something, I'm going to ask, mesélek, kérdezek,

and I'm going to say, "That's a question." és szólok, mikor kérdés hangzik el.

So your answer will help me. A válaszaik segítségemre lesznek.

Would that be useful? That's a question. Rendben lesz így? Ez kérdés.

Yes. Great. Thank you so much. Igen. Nagyszerű. Köszönöm szépen.

My ability to think in terms of possibilities A lehetőségekben való gondolkozási készségem

started when I was 18 years old. 18 évesen kezdett kialakulni.

I was climbing a mountain in Malaysia, Hegyet másztam Malajziában.

and I lost my footing and fell down the slope. Megcsúszott a lábam, és lezuhantam a lejtőn.

I survived, but I had compound fractures - Túléltem, de összetörtem magam –

mostly my left arm - főleg a bal karomat –,

and it took about ten days to find a decent hospital. tíz napba telt megfelelő kórházat találni.

Now, imagine me, a bodybuilder, losing his face Képzeljenek el engem, testépítőt, elbukva,

because he couldn't climb this mountain and just fell. mert nem tudtam megmászni a hegyet, és lezuhantam.

Well, anyway, in the ten days that it took to find the hospital, A kórházkeresés tíz napja alatt

infection had set in - gas-gangrene had set in. elfertőződött a sérülésem – gázos üszkösödés indult.

I was supposed to die on the operating table. Úgy volt, hogy meghalok a műtőasztalon.

And in fact, I was clinically dead on the operating table for 19 minutes. Aztán valóban klinikai halott voltam 19 percig a műtőasztalon.

I put that whole story in my book called, "The Meta Secret," Leírtam az egészet a "Metatitok" című könyvemben,

or you know it as Meta Tайна. hogy jobban értsék: meta tajna.

(Laughter) (Nevetés)

When I was in the process, A műtét alatt,

and as they were amputating my left arm just to save my life, mikor amputálták a bal karom, hogy megmentsék az életem,

because they didn't know if I was going to live or die, mert kétséges volt, hogy túlélem vagy belehalok,

I stepped outside and saw the whole process. kiléptem, és láttam az egész műtétet.

I don't know what was happening. Nem tudom, mi történt.

I went through the tunnel of light, had a near-death experience, Áthaladtam a fényalagúton, halálközeli élményem volt.

and over there, there was a being who was dressed in blue with long hair. Ott volt egy kékbe öltözött, hosszú hajú lény.

At that time, I thought it was Jesus Christ. Ott azt gondoltam, Jézust látom.

And he said, "Son, it is not yet time. "Még nem jött el az idő" – mondta,

You have to go back. There's a lot of work to do." "Vissza kell menned. Sok a tennivaló."

Now, people ask me, "Really? Was it Jesus? "Valóban? Jézus volt?" – kérdezik tőlem,

You're sure it wasn't Buddha or somebody else?" "Biztos nem Buddha volt vagy valaki más?"

I said, "It could have been the lead singer from the band Kiss, "Lehetett, akár a Kiss együttes frontembere,

but I'm not sure." nem vagyok benne biztos."

(Laughter) (Nevetés)

It doesn't matter who sent me back. Nem fontos ki küldött vissza.


The point is I came back. A lényeg, hogy visszajöttem.

Now, as I came back, I realized that I was in a different situation. Mikor visszatértem, akkor másképp éreztem magam.

Here was a young man, 18 years old and starting to do bodybuilding - Ott voltam 18 éves ifjú testépítő,

something my son is just taking up. hasonlóan a fiamhoz,

And everything about my body was everything about me as a person. a testem és önmagam teljes tudatában.

And how was I going to face this - Hogy dolgozzam fel mindezt

until that morning when I woke up from this coma, addig a reggelig, amikor magamhoz tértem a kómából,

and my mother walked in. és édesanyám bejött.

And I didn't know what to say to her. Nem tudtam, mit mondjak neki.

Because here she was - and she looked very sad, Csak állt, és nagyon szomorú volt,

and this was my mom. az édesanyám.

Everybody loves [their] mom, right? Mindenki szereti az édesanyát, igaz?

How many people do love their mom? Hányan szeretik az édesanyjukat?

Good. Nagyszerű!

If your mom is here, you should be putting your hand up - Ha itt van az édesanyjuk, akkor tartsák fel a kezüket,

otherwise the allowance stops. különben ugrik a zsebpénzük.

You could see the helplessness in her eyes. Tehetetlenség látszott a szemében.

So, I decided at that moment - Abban a pillanatban elhatároztam –,

and I don't know what made me decide - nem tudom, mi döntött bennem –,

I decided to create a joke. hogy humorosra veszem.

So I said to her, "Mom, don't worry, this is part of the plan." Azt mondtam: "Anya, nyugi, ez a terv része."


She looked at me like I've suddenly gone insane.

She was going to call the doctor.

"I think too much medicine for him. Stop."

(Laughter) Morfium."


I said, "Mom, this is part of the plan.

I purposely decided to lose my arm in this accident."

She said, "Why? Why did you do that?" "Miért? Miért tetted ezt?" – kérdezte.

"So that at the end of my life, "Hogy az életem végén kijelenthessem:

I can say that I did everything single-handedly." mindent egy kézben tartottam."

(Laughter) (Nevetés) (Taps)


She couldn't stop laughing for ten minutes. Tíz percig dőlt a nevetéstől.

And then I did another joke with somebody else who was coming Aztán megvicceltem a következő látogatóm,

because there's a whole row of people coming in to tell me how sorry they were, mert sorban jöttek, hogy kifejezzék, mennyire bánatosak:

and they said, "Oh, this is so bad. Tell me about the story." "Ó, ez annyira szomorú. Mondd, hogy történt?"

I said, "Well, it all started one night. "Egyik este kezdődött – mondtam.

I was playing poker and I had a bad hand." Pókereztünk, és rossz kezet kaptam."



I started to go inside the people I was talking to. Kezdtem foglalkozni a látogatóimmal.