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01.Speaking, 111.Giving Gifts

111.Giving Gifts

Todd: Do you feel pressure to get certain gifts for your kids?

Aimee: I ... sometimes. Sometimes. Thankfully they ... it's not ... there's not too much pressure where we live right now, so I don't feel too much pressure and I also work hard to fight against it. Yeah. Every year I tell myself, "OK, they're so young. We have so much stuff already. We don't need to go crazy with gifts. Just get one or two" and we do that and then last minute is like "Oh, no! We don't have many gifts" and then we end up buying a few more, so... We're not as bad as we could be. There's not as much pressure as there could be.

Todd: Yeah. I'm lucky in that I live in Japan. You know, we both teach in Japan. So my family's in America, so Christmas usually always falls like the day after we finish school, so I can't actually make it home in time for Christmas, which is awesome because then I don't have to buy gifts for everybody. And I don't mind ... its not the money. I don't mind spending the money, but I really don't like shopping, and I hate having ... I have a huge family. Huge!

Aimee: Right.

Todd: So the thought of having to buy 20 different gifts!

Aimee: It's a lot of gifts.

Todd: Oh, really it's not the cost either, it's just I'm too lazy to think of "Oh, what sweater can I buy this person or ..." it's not my thing. And I don't want gifts and I don't want to give gifts.

Aimee: Well, you know that's fair.

Todd: How about you? Are gifts still something special for you?

Aimee: I'm not ... I'm not very good at it. I'm trying to improve cause I know a well-thought-out gift can mean the world to someone, so I'm trying to improve. Yeah, but I'm not the best. I don't mind, I'm not like. I won't fall out with someone if they don't get me a present. I'm not like that.

Todd: Well, like, I like getting people birthday gifts, I have to admit that. Birthday gifts I like. It's just having to buy twenty, thirty gifts within a one-month period to me just seems obscene.

Aimee: I know, and that's the pressure people are under cause that's the way it is, isn't it? And it's always ... it's always the mothers of the family that have to do it as well right? They're the ones that have to make sure they buy all the gifts for everyone, so they feel they have so much to do. That mental list of everything, and everyone they have to buy for, so of course they have to organize it, so they maybe start earlier, right, and taking advantage of things like Black Friday and Cyber Monday are manageable ways to deal with that load.

Todd: You've changed my mind. I was very anti-both but now that you put it that way, maybe you're right.

Aimee: I don't know.

Todd: Let's go!

111.Giving Gifts 111.Regalos 111.선물하기 111.Hediye Vermek 111\. Дарувати подарунки

Todd: Do you feel pressure to get certain gifts for your kids? Todd: Do you feel pressure to get certain gifts for your kids? Todd: Çocuklarınız için belirli hediyeler alma konusunda baskı hissediyor musunuz? Тодд: Ви відчуваєте тиск, щоб отримати певні подарунки для своїх дітей?

Aimee: I ... sometimes. Aimee: Yo... a veces. Sometimes. Thankfully they ... it's not ... there's not too much pressure where we live right now, so I don't feel too much pressure and I also work hard to fight against it. Afortunadamente ellos... no es... no hay demasiada presión donde vivimos en este momento, así que no siento demasiada presión y también trabajo duro para luchar contra ella. На щастя, вони ... це не ... там, де ми зараз живемо, немає надто великого тиску, тому я не відчуваю надто сильного тиску, і я також наполегливо працюю, щоб боротися з ним. Yeah. Every year I tell myself, "OK, they're so young. Кожного року я кажу собі: «Добре, вони такі молоді. We have so much stuff already. У нас уже так багато всього. We don't need to go crazy with gifts. Нам не треба божеволіти від подарунків. Just get one or two" and we do that and then last minute is like "Oh, no! Просто візьміть один або два", і ми це робимо, а потім остання хвилина виглядає як "О, ні! We don't have many gifts" and then we end up buying a few more, so... We're not as bad as we could be. У нас небагато подарунків", а потім ми купуємо ще кілька, тому... Ми не такі погані, як могли б бути. There's not as much pressure as there could be. Тиск не такий великий, як міг би бути.

Todd: Yeah. I'm lucky in that I live in Japan. Мені пощастило, що я живу в Японії. You know, we both teach in Japan. Ви знаєте, ми обидва викладаємо в Японії. So my family's in America, so Christmas usually always falls like the day after we finish school, so I can't actually make it home in time for Christmas, which is awesome because then I don't have to buy gifts for everybody. Отже, моя сім’я в Америці, тому Різдво зазвичай завжди припадає на наступний день після того, як ми закінчуємо школу, тому я фактично не можу повернутися додому вчасно до Різдва, що чудово, тому що тоді мені не потрібно купувати подарунки для всіх. And I don't mind ... its not the money. І я не проти ... це не гроші. I don't mind spending the money, but I really don't like shopping, and I hate having ... I have a huge family. Я не проти витрачати гроші, але я дійсно не люблю робити покупки, і я ненавиджу мати ... У мене величезна сім'я. Huge!

Aimee: Right.

Todd: So the thought of having to buy 20 different gifts! Тодд: Тож думка про те, щоб купити 20 різних подарунків!

Aimee: It's a lot of gifts.

Todd: Oh, really it's not the cost either, it's just I'm too lazy to think of "Oh, what sweater can I buy this person or ..." it's not my thing. Тодд: О, справді, справа теж не у вартості, просто мені лінь, щоб думати про те: «Ой, який светр я можу купити цій людині чи...» це не моє. And I don't want gifts and I don't want to give gifts. А подарунків я не хочу і не хочу дарувати.

Aimee: Well, you know that's fair. Еймі: Ну, ти знаєш, що це справедливо.

Todd: How about you? Тодд: А ти? Are gifts still something special for you? Подарунки все ще є для вас чимось особливим?

Aimee: I'm not ... I'm not very good at it. Еймі: Я не... Я не дуже вмію це робити. I'm trying to improve cause I know a well-thought-out gift can mean the world to someone, so I'm trying to improve. Я намагаюся вдосконалюватися, тому що знаю, що добре продуманий подарунок може означати для когось усе, тому я намагаюся вдосконалюватися. Yeah, but I'm not the best. Так, але я не найкращий. I don't mind, I'm not like. Я не проти, я не такий. I won't fall out with someone if they don't get me a present. Я ні з ким не посварюся, якщо мені не подарують. I'm not like that. Я не такий.

Todd: Well, like, I like getting people birthday gifts, I have to admit that. Тодд: Мені подобається отримувати людям подарунки на день народження, мушу це визнати. Birthday gifts I like. It's just having to buy twenty, thirty gifts within a one-month period to me just seems obscene. Просто купувати двадцять-тридцять подарунків протягом одного місяця мені здається просто непристойним.

Aimee: I know, and that's the pressure people are under cause that's the way it is, isn't it? Еймі: Я знаю, і це тиск, який відчувають люди, тому що це так, чи не так? And it's always ... it's always the mothers of the family that have to do it as well right? І це завжди ... це завжди повинні робити матері родини, чи не так? They're the ones that have to make sure they buy all the gifts for everyone, so they feel they have so much to do. Саме вони мають переконатися, що купують усі подарунки для всіх, тож вони відчувають, що мають так багато зробити. That mental list of everything, and everyone they have to buy for, so of course they have to organize it, so they maybe start earlier, right, and taking advantage of things like Black Friday and Cyber Monday are manageable ways to deal with that load. Цей розумовий список усього, і всіх, для кого вони повинні купити, тому, звичайно, вони повинні організувати його, щоб вони, можливо, почали раніше, правильно, і скористатися перевагами таких речей, як Чорна п’ятниця та Кіберпонеділок, є керованими способами впоратися з цим навантаженням .

Todd: You've changed my mind. Тодд: Ви змінили мою думку. I was very anti-both but now that you put it that way, maybe you're right. Я був дуже проти обох, але тепер, якщо ви так висловилися, можливо, ви маєте рацію.

Aimee: I don't know.

Todd: Let's go!