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01.Speaking, 85.Ancient Object Returned

85.Ancient Object Returned

On January 2, officials in Egypt said an ancient sarcophagus had finally been returned. It was stolen years ago. Investigators say the coffin was smuggled into the United States in 2008. It has been at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, in Texas, since 2013.

U.S. authorities said in September that the sarcophagus would be sent back. “We are pleased that this object will be returned to Egypt, where it rightfully belongs,” Alvin L. Bragg said. He's a top law-enforcement official in New York City.

The sarcophagus may have belonged to an ancient priest named Ankhemmaat. It's one of many stolen artifacts that have been returned to Egypt. In 2021, the Egyptian government recovered 5,300 of them from around the world.

85.Ancient Object Returned 85.Antiguo objeto devuelto 85.返却物 85\. Objeto Antigo Devolvido

On January 2, officials in Egypt said an ancient sarcophagus had finally been returned. Em 2 de janeiro, autoridades do Egito disseram que um antigo sarcófago havia finalmente sido devolvido. 1 月 2 日,埃及官员表示,一具古老的石棺终于归还。 It was stolen years ago. ||roubado|| Investigators say the coffin was smuggled into the United States in 2008. |||caixão funerário||contrabandeada||||| Os investigadores dizem que o caixão foi contrabandeado para os Estados Unidos em 2008. 调查人员称,这具棺材于 2008 年被走私到美国。 It has been at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, in Texas, since 2013. Está no Houston Museum of Natural Science, no Texas, desde 2013. 自 2013 年以来,它一直在德克萨斯州的休斯顿自然科学博物馆展出。

U.S. 我们 authorities said in September that the sarcophagus would be sent back. as autoridades disseram em setembro que o sarcófago seria devolvido. 当局在 9 月份表示,石棺将被送回。 “We are pleased that this object will be returned to Egypt, where it rightfully belongs,” Alvin L. Bragg said. “Estamos satisfeitos que este objeto seja devolvido ao Egito, onde ele pertence por direito”, disse Alvin L. Bragg. “我们很高兴这件物品将归还埃及,它本来就属于那里,”阿尔文·布拉格 (Alvin L. Bragg) 说。 He's a top law-enforcement official in New York City. Ele é um alto oficial da lei na cidade de Nova York. 他是纽约市的高级执法官员。

The sarcophagus may have belonged to an ancient priest named Ankhemmaat. O sarcófago pode ter pertencido a um antigo sacerdote chamado Ankhemmaat. 石棺可能属于一位名叫 Ankhemmaat 的古代祭司。 It's one of many stolen artifacts that have been returned to Egypt. É um dos muitos artefatos roubados que foram devolvidos ao Egito. 这是已归还埃及的众多被盗文物之一。 In 2021, the Egyptian government recovered 5,300 of them from around the world. Em 2021, o governo egípcio recuperou 5.300 deles em todo o mundo. 2021年,埃及政府从世界各地收回了其中的5300件。