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Inter-War Period (between WW 1 and II), The Road to the Holocaust - Kristallnacht | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1938 Part 3 of 4 - YouTube (2)

The Road to the Holocaust - Kristallnacht | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1938 Part 3 of 4 - YouTube (2)

The propaganda machine is kicking into overdrive. On November 8, “The Eternal Jew” exhibition

is held in Munich, where visitors are confronted with anti-Semitic caricatures, slogans, and


The first months of 1938 introduce new discriminatory measures. Jews have to hand in their passports

and authorities are given the power to revoke name-changes. And then on March 12, Germany

annexes Austria. We will we have a video on how this happened, but it is a disaster for

Austrian Jews, and the persecution they face surpasses anything experienced so far. Public

humiliation at the hands of the SA takes on sadistic proportions. Jewish men and women

are pulled off the streets and forced to clean barrack latrines or pavements with their bare

hands. Homes and businesses are looted, and high-powered businessmen are hunted down.

In one instance, SA men kidnap Frank Rothenberg, board chairman of a leading Austrian bank,

and throw him out of a moving car killing him. Jewish property is Aryanized so rapidly

that in just a few months, 50% of the individual businesses and 82% of commercial services

owned by Jews in Vienna alone are taken over.

Knowing that it can affect popular opinion, the Nazi leadership try to stem the tide of

Nazi violence.

But the savagery has proved successful. Jews in Austria are virtually now eliminated from

the economy and are emigrating on mass, within the five months of the annexation, 46,000

Jews flee. No doubt seeing this unfold, a wave of legislation is pushed forward. In

April, all Jews are ordered to register their property and in July all commercial services,

such as credit information and real estate brokerage, is forbidden. In August a particularly

humiliating decree is put forward where Jews are required to add "Israel" or "Sara" to

their names if they don't already sound "Jewish” enough.

The measures are accompanied by a wave of violence and terror. There are riots in cities

across Germany, and Jews are deported to concentration camps. It is all intended to drive the process

of Jewish emigration, an ever-heightening priority for the regime as possible war looms

on the horizon.

The Nazis want to be rid of their "internal enemy", and they also need Jewish assets to

help fund a war effort. But they also know that the Polish government is planning to

block Jews with Polish nationality from being sent to Poland. To pre-empt this, on October

27 the police round up 18,000 Polish Jews from their homes with no advanced warning

and pack them into sealed train-cars. They are taken to the Polish border and simply

left there. Refused entry by the Polish border guards they camp out in no-mans-land between

the two countries.

One of the families caught up in this are the Grynszpan's. Their son, Herchel, has

been living in Paris and is distraught when he finds out what has happened to his family.

On the morning of November 7, he enters the German embassy and shoots Ernst vom Rath,

diplomat and member of the Nazi Party.

The propaganda machine has a field day.

Newspapers and the radio scream of a Jewish conspiracy and promise severe consequences

for the remaining Jews in Germany. Rioting flares up across the country, but things are

about to get much worse. Vom Rath dies of his wounds on November 9. Even before he died,

he was being venerated as a martyr. His passing only adds to the narrative, sealing the fate

of the Jews.

That same night, the Nazi Party are gathering to commemorate the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch.

It is the most sacred event in the Nazi calendar. A "comradely evening" is held for the highest-ranking

Nazi officials in Munich's Old Town Hall. Now, usually Hitler would stay late into the

evening, but at around 9.30pm he gets up and leaves. Goebbels then stands and addresses

everyone assembled. He announces that the Fuhrer has approved a nationwide pogrom where

Jewish businesses and synagogues are to be destroyed and burned. The police and fire

department are not to interfere.

Once Goebbels is done talking, gauleiters and SA regional chiefs rush to wherever they

can find phones to forward the instructions. Everything is last minute and improvised,

but the violence soon begins. Up and down the country, synagogues are looted and burned,

homes are broken into, and activists lead processions through the streets roaring anti-Semitic

slogans. Sadistic abuse often leads to death. In one instance in Mannheim, a woman is seized

from her home and doused in ice-cold water, dying from exposure shortly after. Ritual

humiliation also pierces communities. Jews are forced to stand in their night-clothes

and watch as their temples burn, and Rabbis have their beards forcefully shaved.

Tens of thousands of Jews are arrested on the pretext of 'protective custody' and

deported to concentration camps. Most will be eventually re-released in the coming days,

but they face brutal treatment, and particularly cruel guards have their fun by telling them

that they will all soon die.

The following day Hitler and Goebbels meet for lunch. They are satisfied with the destruction

they have unleashed and decide that the Jewish people, not the insurance companies, will

pay for the damage. Official figures put the death count at 91, but this does not include

the hundreds or maybe thousands of suicides and later deaths in concentration camps.

The following weeks and day will see measures to remove any lingering hope for the Jewish

community. An act is passed ordering an “atonement payment” of one billion Reichmarks for the

murder of Von Rath, and all remaining Jewish businesses are Aryanised. Jews are excluded

from cultural events, driving cars, and the first measures to introduce ghettos are taken.

The rest of the population simply stood by when all this happened.

Again, reports suggest that there is a great deal of disgust at the scale of violence.

But the same reports also indicate that most Germans approve of the legal measures that

the Nazis have been implementing since 1933. And in the weeks after Kristallnacht, when

even more discriminatory laws are introduced, little protest follows. So the Nazi propaganda

has worked. Germans may not like and may fear the violent excesses of anti-Semitism, but

the Jewish community has been so successfully isolated from the rest of society, that very

few people are willing or able to help them.

This will have fateful consequences for Europe's Jews. Kristallnacht has marked a turning point.

Complete Aryanisation is now inevitable, and Jewish emigration is booming. If it wasn't

already clear, there is now no doubt that the Nazis are willing to unleash everything

they have against the Jews to achieve their goals. At the moment, this goal is removal,

but once the Nazis ignite a world conflict, the answers to the “Jewish question” will

result in human tragedy and suffering on an unfathomable scale.

If you'd like to learn about the spectacular and cynically executed Berlin Olympics, then

you can watch it right here.

Our patron of the week is Dustin Carlton. It is because of people like Dustin that we

can continue spreading knowledge about these dark, but essential, chapters of history so

please do the same and join us on Patreon. The link is in the description.

And remember: Never forget.

The Road to the Holocaust - Kristallnacht | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1938 Part 3 of 4 - YouTube (2) Der Weg zum Holocaust - Kristallnacht | ZWISCHEN 2 KRIEGEN I 1938 Teil 3 von 4 - YouTube (2) El camino hacia el Holocausto - Kristallnacht | ENTRE 2 GUERRAS I 1938 Parte 3 de 4 - YouTube (2) La route vers l'Holocauste - La Nuit de Cristal | ENTRE 2 GUERRES I 1938 Partie 3 de 4 - YouTube (2) ホロコーストへの道-水晶の夜|二つの戦争の間 I 1938 Part 3/4 - YouTube (2) 홀로코스트로 가는 길 - 크리스털나흐트 | 2차 세계대전 1938년 3부 4편 - YouTube (2) Kelias į Holokaustą - Krištolinė naktis | Tarp dviejų karų I 1938 m. 3 dalis iš 4 - YouTube (2) Дорога к Холокосту - Хрустальная ночь | МЕЖДУ двумя войнами I 1938 Часть 3 из 4 - YouTube (2) 通往大屠杀之路 - 水晶之夜 |第一次世界大战 1938 年第 3 部分(共 4 部分) - YouTube (2)

The propaganda machine is kicking into overdrive. On November 8, “The Eternal Jew” exhibition

is held in Munich, where visitors are confronted with anti-Semitic caricatures, slogans, and |se celebra en||||||||||||


The first months of 1938 introduce new discriminatory measures. Jews have to hand in their passports

and authorities are given the power to revoke name-changes. And then on March 12, Germany

annexes Austria. We will we have a video on how this happened, but it is a disaster for

Austrian Jews, and the persecution they face surpasses anything experienced so far. Public

humiliation at the hands of the SA takes on sadistic proportions. Jewish men and women |||manos de|||||||||||

are pulled off the streets and forced to clean barrack latrines or pavements with their bare |sacados||||||||||||||

hands. Homes and businesses are looted, and high-powered businessmen are hunted down. |||||||||||perseguidos|

In one instance, SA men kidnap Frank Rothenberg, board chairman of a leading Austrian bank,

and throw him out of a moving car killing him. Jewish property is Aryanized so rapidly |||||||||||propiedad judía||||

that in just a few months, 50% of the individual businesses and 82% of commercial services

owned by Jews in Vienna alone are taken over. |||||||tomados|

Knowing that it can affect popular opinion, the Nazi leadership try to stem the tide of

Nazi violence.

But the savagery has proved successful. Jews in Austria are virtually now eliminated from

the economy and are emigrating on mass, within the five months of the annexation, 46,000

Jews flee. No doubt seeing this unfold, a wave of legislation is pushed forward. In |||sin duda|al ver||desarrollarse||||||impulsada|adelante|

April, all Jews are ordered to register their property and in July all commercial services,

such as credit information and real estate brokerage, is forbidden. In August a particularly

humiliating decree is put forward where Jews are required to add "Israel" or "Sara" to

their names if they don't already sound "Jewish” enough.

The measures are accompanied by a wave of violence and terror. There are riots in cities

across Germany, and Jews are deported to concentration camps. It is all intended to drive the process

of Jewish emigration, an ever-heightening priority for the regime as possible war looms

on the horizon.

The Nazis want to be rid of their "internal enemy", and they also need Jewish assets to |||||deshacerse de|||||||||||

help fund a war effort. But they also know that the Polish government is planning to |||||||||||polaco||||

block Jews with Polish nationality from being sent to Poland. To pre-empt this, on October

27 the police round up 18,000 Polish Jews from their homes with no advanced warning

and pack them into sealed train-cars. They are taken to the Polish border and simply |empaquetar||||||||||||||

left there. Refused entry by the Polish border guards they camp out in no-mans-land between

the two countries.

One of the families caught up in this are the Grynszpan's. Their son, Herchel, has ||||atrapada||||||||||

been living in Paris and is distraught when he finds out what has happened to his family. |||||||||descubre|||||||

On the morning of November 7, he enters the German embassy and shoots Ernst vom Rath,

diplomat and member of the Nazi Party.

The propaganda machine has a field day.

Newspapers and the radio scream of a Jewish conspiracy and promise severe consequences

for the remaining Jews in Germany. Rioting flares up across the country, but things are

about to get much worse. Vom Rath dies of his wounds on November 9. Even before he died,

he was being venerated as a martyr. His passing only adds to the narrative, sealing the fate

of the Jews.

That same night, the Nazi Party are gathering to commemorate the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch.

It is the most sacred event in the Nazi calendar. A "comradely evening" is held for the highest-ranking ||||||||||||||se celebra||||

Nazi officials in Munich's Old Town Hall. Now, usually Hitler would stay late into the

evening, but at around 9.30pm he gets up and leaves. Goebbels then stands and addresses ||||||se levanta||||||||

everyone assembled. He announces that the Fuhrer has approved a nationwide pogrom where

Jewish businesses and synagogues are to be destroyed and burned. The police and fire

department are not to interfere.

Once Goebbels is done talking, gauleiters and SA regional chiefs rush to wherever they

can find phones to forward the instructions. Everything is last minute and improvised,

but the violence soon begins. Up and down the country, synagogues are looted and burned,

homes are broken into, and activists lead processions through the streets roaring anti-Semitic

slogans. Sadistic abuse often leads to death. In one instance in Mannheim, a woman is seized

from her home and doused in ice-cold water, dying from exposure shortly after. Ritual

humiliation also pierces communities. Jews are forced to stand in their night-clothes

and watch as their temples burn, and Rabbis have their beards forcefully shaved. ||||||||||barbas||

Tens of thousands of Jews are arrested on the pretext of 'protective custody' and

deported to concentration camps. Most will be eventually re-released in the coming days,

but they face brutal treatment, and particularly cruel guards have their fun by telling them

that they will all soon die.

The following day Hitler and Goebbels meet for lunch. They are satisfied with the destruction

they have unleashed and decide that the Jewish people, not the insurance companies, will ||desatado|||||||||||

pay for the damage. Official figures put the death count at 91, but this does not include |||pagar los daños||||||||||||

the hundreds or maybe thousands of suicides and later deaths in concentration camps.

The following weeks and day will see measures to remove any lingering hope for the Jewish

community. An act is passed ordering an “atonement payment” of one billion Reichmarks for the

murder of Von Rath, and all remaining Jewish businesses are Aryanised. Jews are excluded

from cultural events, driving cars, and the first measures to introduce ghettos are taken.

The rest of the population simply stood by when all this happened.

Again, reports suggest that there is a great deal of disgust at the scale of violence. ||||||||gran cantidad|||||||

But the same reports also indicate that most Germans approve of the legal measures that

the Nazis have been implementing since 1933. And in the weeks after Kristallnacht, when

even more discriminatory laws are introduced, little protest follows. So the Nazi propaganda

has worked. Germans may not like and may fear the violent excesses of anti-Semitism, but

the Jewish community has been so successfully isolated from the rest of society, that very

few people are willing or able to help them. |||dispuestos||capaces de|||

This will have fateful consequences for Europe's Jews. Kristallnacht has marked a turning point. |||fatídicas||||||||||

Complete Aryanisation is now inevitable, and Jewish emigration is booming. If it wasn't

already clear, there is now no doubt that the Nazis are willing to unleash everything

they have against the Jews to achieve their goals. At the moment, this goal is removal,

but once the Nazis ignite a world conflict, the answers to the “Jewish question” will

result in human tragedy and suffering on an unfathomable scale.

If you'd like to learn about the spectacular and cynically executed Berlin Olympics, then

you can watch it right here.

Our patron of the week is Dustin Carlton. It is because of people like Dustin that we

can continue spreading knowledge about these dark, but essential, chapters of history so ||difundiendo||||||||||

please do the same and join us on Patreon. The link is in the description.

And remember: Never forget.