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Robinson Crusoe (Graded Reader), Chapter Two. "The Island"

Chapter Two. "The Island"

Where was I? What country was this? Where were the others? I looked up and down the long beach. I couldn't see anybody. I started to walk and call my friends. There was no answer. Then I saw a hat in the water, then two shoes, one black, one brown. I looked at the sea. Our ship was there. The sand below the water was its bed, but there was nobody on the ship now.

I was tired and hungry and I needed some water. I began to worry about the night. I remembered the noise of the animals at night in Africa. Were there any animals here? Did they want to eat me? Near the beach, there were some trees. Near the trees, I found some clean water to drink. Now I was very tired. I found a big tree and slept in it all night.

I woke up early next morning. It was a beautiful day. I could see the ship. There were no big waves now. I wanted to swim to the ship. There were things on the ship that I needed to live. It was hot now and it was nice to feel the cold water on my body.

I got to the ship and I went to the kitchen. Yippee! The kitchen wasn't under water. I found some biscuits. I needed a boat for all the things I wanted to take with me. I didn't have a boat, but I made a raft. I found some big boxes. I put lots of food in the first box and put it on the raft. There was rice, bread, cheese, meat and some grain. Then, I found some clothes; a coat, a jacket, some shirts, trousers, shoes and a hat. I put these in a box on the raft as well.

In my third box, there were some tools. I wanted these tools to make a house or a boat or small things; a table or a chair. I also took some guns. I went back with all these things on my raft. This time I didn't stop on the beach, but went up a small river. There I stopped. Yippee! Everything was safe on the raft! Now I had lots of things to help me live. In the afternoon, I went for a walk. I wanted to find a good place to put all my things. I wanted to know: was this an island or not? I hoped not. Were there any people or not in this place? I hoped so.

I walked up and up. Phew! It was hot! Then, I stopped and looked down. There was water everywhere! I was on an island! And it was a desert island because I couldn't see any other people! I felt very sad and sat down. A desert island all for me. I could see two other small islands. They weren't very near. There were lots of birds on the island but I didn't know what kind they were. Were they good to eat? I didn't know.

I went back down to my raft. That night, I made a kind of house with the boxes and slept there. I thought about other things I needed. I wanted to go back to the ship again. I had to go before a storm came again.

Next morning, I got up early and swam back to the ship. I took many things; other tools, clothes, a hammock and some of the ship's sails. I made a second raft and took these things back to the island.

When I got back to my boxes, there was a big cat sitting near them.

I gave it a biscuit. It ate it, then went away. I made a little house with the sails and put all my things inside. I was happy. My things were safe now. Safe from animals and from the sun or rain. The boxes were a wall outside my house. I slept well that night after all my hard work.

I went back to the ship eleven times. Each time I took something back to the island; more bread, sugar, some knives, and parts of the ship. I found some money too. I took it but didn't know why… I couldn't use money on a desert island!

Thirteen days after I came to the island, there was a storm again. I slept safe in my little house with all my things. When I woke up the next morning, the ship wasn't there.

It was at the bottom of the sea.

I now wanted to find a different place for my house. I needed a place where there was clean water.

I didn't want a house in the sun and I wanted to be safe from animals. I also wanted a place to watch for ships at sea. I found a great place on a hill. There was a cave on this hill and I made my house there. It was safe because nobody could come down from above, and I could see everything below. The sea was in front of my house and I could watch for ships all day. I was also happy because the sun came to this part of the island in the evening. I made a wall outside my house and a sail was the door of the cave. I felt safe inside with all my things from the ship.

I had the hammock for my bed and I slept well at night. After all this work, I started to go out with my gun to look for food. There were a lot of animals but I didn't know which were good to eat. I also wasn't very good with a gun and many times I came home with nothing.

I walked a lot and one day I saw some goats on the island. I was very excited. It was now possible for me to have meat. The only problem was that they were very fast and it was difficult to catch them.

I watched them for many days. They always went to the same places and I waited for them with my gun. I now had meat. I also caught a baby goat and took it home.

Sometimes I was happy because I had a house and food, but I was often very sad. I thought of my family and friends. Here, I had nobody to talk to. I never saw any ships near the island. My life was here now and I could do nothing to change it. Then I thought of my friends on the ship. They were at the bottom of the sea. I wasn't. I had tools, clothes, food and water. Life wasn't that bad after all!

After some days on the island, I made a cross with my knife on a tree for every day. I did this every morning. Oh, and I forgot to tell you about the animals. When I went to the ship to get all the things you know about, I found a dog and two cats. I took them home with me. The dog always stayed with me. He was a good friend. The cats were often outside but always came home for dinner.

It was now November. Every day, I looked for a ship at sea, but there were never any ships for me. Every day, I looked for food on the island. There were grapes and I ate a lot of them. I also made a table and a chair for my house. I used the tools from the ship. I started on Monday and finished after a week. I made the table four times before I liked it. It was the same for the chair. It wasn't easy for me, but I did it in the end. They weren't very beautiful but I thought they were great. I began to feel I had a home. Now, I could sit on my chair and eat at my table. Sometimes there was a storm with a lot of wind and rain, but I was safe in my little house.

My days were always the same. Every morning, I took my gun and went for a walk. The dog always came with me. Sometimes, with my gun, I got a bird or two. Some were good to eat, others weren't. I soon learned to remember the good birds. Then, I came home and worked until about eleven o'clock. Then I ate. After, from twelve to two, I slept because it was very hot. In the evening, I worked again. This was when I made things for the house. Then I went to bed. My hammock was my favourite thing.

The months came and went. Sometimes there was a lot of rain. Other times it was very hot. In January it was too hot to go out and I stayed at home all day. I only went out very early in the morning or late at night. I went to other parts of the island in the hills far from the beach.

There were a lot of trees on this part of the island. Then, in one place, I found some goats. When my dog saw them, he ran back home! My baby goat at home was now big and needed a friend. I have to tell you again that goats are very difficult to catch. They run very fast up and down those hills.

After a lot of hard work, I caught two young goats and took them home. I put all three goats together near my house. They couldn't run back to the other goats because I made a big wall. I gave them food and water and they soon liked their new home. With these goats, I now had milk too! Yippee!

One day, I looked in one of my boxes and found a little bag with some seeds inside. They were old and I didn't think they were good.

I put the bag outside and forgot about it. That night there was some wind. The next morning the bag wasn't there. Then, there was a lot of rain.

About a month after, I saw some long green plants coming out of the grass near my house. Then after two weeks I was excited to see that these new plants were grain. There were now also other plants. I knew these. They were rice plants. I remembered them from my time in Africa. Were these plants on other parts of the island? I looked and looked but I couldn't find any other grain or rice plants on the island. Then I remembered… the little bag with the seeds! Of course! That's where the plants came from! I was excited about having bread. But I needed a lot of grain And… how do you make bread?

It was now June. One day, I went to the beach and I found a big turtle. At that time, I didn't know that there were a lot of turtles on other parts of this island and I was very excited. I took the turtle home and cooked it. There were some eggs inside the turtle too… mmm…yummy!

That night I felt very cold. The next day I didn't feel very well. Why did I eat all that turtle? I stayed on my hammock all day. I slept a lot. I didn't eat or drink anything. I was very hot and I thought I saw my mother. Am I dying? Father! Mother! Where are you? Please, can you help me? I remembered my father's words: ‘Robinson, please don't go! You'll have a hard life, my boy. Your life here now, is easy. You've got all you need.' Why do I never listen to people? Now, look at me!

I slept again. Then, after a long time, I woke up. I wasn't hot. I felt well again but it wasn't easy to walk. I was very slow. I drank some water. I looked about and I was happy to see my animals, my cave and all my things. I sat outside my cave and looked at the blue sea with its white waves, the white sand of the beach, and the green of the hills and trees of the island. It was all beautiful and I felt happy to be there.

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Chapter Two. "The Island" Kapitel 2. "Die Insel" Capítulo dos. "La Isla" Chapitre 2. "L'île 第2章"島" 챕터 2. "섬" Rozdział drugi. "Wyspa" Capítulo Dois. "A Ilha" Глава вторая. "Остров" İkinci Bölüm. "Ada" Розділ другий. "Острів" 第二章。 “小岛”

Where was I? What country was this? 這是哪個國家? Where were the others? 其他人在哪裡? I looked up and down the long beach. 我上下看了看長長的海灘。 I couldn't see anybody. Não conseguia ver ninguém. 我沒看到任何人。 I started to walk and call my friends. 我開始走路並打電話給我的朋友。 There was no answer. 沒有人回答。 Then I saw a hat in the water, then two shoes, one black, one brown. ||||一顶帽子||||||鞋子|||| 然後我看到水中有一頂帽子,然後是兩隻鞋子,一隻黑色,一隻棕色。 I looked at the sea. 我看著大海。 Our ship was there. 我們的船就在那裡。 The sand below the water was its bed, but there was nobody on the ship now. 水下的沙子是它的床,但現在船上沒有人。

I was tired and hungry and I needed some water. 我又累又餓,需要一些水。 I began to worry about the night. 我開始擔心晚上的事。 I remembered the noise of the animals at night in Africa. |想起了||声音|||||||非洲 我記得非洲晚上動物的叫聲。 Were there any animals here? 這裡有動物嗎? Did they want to eat me? 他們想吃掉我嗎? Near the beach, there were some trees. 靠近海灘,有一些樹。 Near the trees, I found some clean water to drink. 在樹林附近,我找到了一些乾淨的水可以喝。 Now I was very tired. 現在我很累了。 I found a big tree and slept in it all night. ||||||睡觉|||| Encontrei uma árvore grande e dormi nela toda a noite. 我找到一棵大樹,在上面睡了一夜。

I woke up early next morning. 第二天一早我就醒了。 It was a beautiful day. 那是美好的一天。 I could see the ship. 我可以看到那艘船。 There were no big waves now. Agora não havia ondas grandes. 現在已經沒有大浪了。 I wanted to swim to the ship. |||游泳||| 我想游到船上。 There were things on the ship that I needed to live. 船上有些東西是我賴以生存的。 It was hot now and it was nice to feel the cold water on my body. 現在天氣很熱,冰涼的水澆在身上的感覺真好。

I got to the ship and I went to the kitchen. 我上了船,去了廚房。 Yippee! The kitchen wasn't under water. 廚房沒有被淹沒。 I found some biscuits. |||饼干 Encontrei uns biscoitos. I needed a boat for all the things I wanted to take with me. 我需要一艘船來裝我想隨身攜帶的所有東西。 I didn't have a boat, but I made a raft. 我沒有船,但我做了一個木筏。 I found some big boxes. Encontrei algumas caixas grandes. 我發現了一些大箱子。 I put lots of food in the first box and put it on the raft. There was rice, bread, cheese, meat and some grain. ||米饭||||||谷物 Havia arroz, pão, queijo, carne e alguns cereais. 有米飯、麵包、起司、肉和一些穀物。 Then, I found some clothes; a coat, a jacket, some shirts, trousers, shoes and a hat. |||||||||||裤子|||| Depois, encontrei algumas roupas: um casaco, um blusão, algumas camisas, calças, sapatos e um chapéu. 然後,我找到了一些衣服;一件外套、一件夾克、一些襯衫、褲子、鞋子和帽子。 I put these in a box on the raft as well. |||||箱子||||| これもイカダの箱に入れておいた。 我也把這些放在木筏上的盒子裡。

In my third box, there were some tools. 在我的第三個盒子裡,有一些工具。 I wanted these tools to make a house or a boat or small things; a table or a chair. I also took some guns. ||||枪 Também levei algumas armas. 我還拿了一些槍。 I went back with all these things on my raft. This time I didn't stop on the beach, but went up a small river. |||||||||||||小河 這次我沒有在海灘停留,而是沿著一條小河逆流而上。 There I stopped. 我在那裡停了下來。 Yippee! Everything was safe on the raft! Tudo estava seguro na jangada! 木筏上一切都很安全! Now I had lots of things to help me live. 現在我有很多東西可以幫助我生活。 In the afternoon, I went for a walk. ||下午||||| I wanted to find a good place to put all my things. I wanted to know: was this an island or not? 我想知道:這到底是不是一座島? I hoped not. |希望不是| 我希望不會。 Were there any people or not in this place? 這個地方到底有沒有人? I hoped so. 我希望如此。

I walked up and up. 我走啊走啊。 Phew! Ufa! 唷! It was hot! 它是熱的! Then, I stopped and looked down. There was water everywhere! Havia água por todo o lado! 到處都是水! I was on an island! And it was a desert island because I couldn't see any other people! ||||荒岛|||||||| E era uma ilha deserta porque não conseguia ver mais ninguém! 那是一座荒島,因為我看不到其他人! I felt very sad and sat down. Senti-me muito triste e sentei-me. 我感到非常難過,就坐下了。 A desert island all for me. 對我來說,一座荒島。 I could see two other small islands. ||||||岛 Consegui ver duas outras pequenas ilhas. 我可以看到另外兩個小島。 They weren't very near. Não estavam muito perto. 他們離得不是很近。 There were lots of birds on the island but I didn't know what kind they were. Havia muitas aves na ilha, mas eu não sabia de que espécie eram. 島上有很多鳥,但不知道是什麼種類。 Were they good to eat? 它們好吃嗎? I didn't know.

I went back down to my raft. 我回到我的木筏上。 That night, I made a kind of house with the boxes and slept there. Nessa noite, fiz uma espécie de casa com as caixas e dormi lá. 那天晚上,我用箱子搭建了一間房子,然後就睡在那裡。 I thought about other things I needed. I wanted to go back to the ship again. 我想再次回到船上。 I had to go before a storm came again. 我必須在暴風雨再次來臨之前離開。

Next morning, I got up early and swam back to the ship. |||||||游回|||| Na manhã seguinte, levantei-me cedo e nadei de volta para o navio. 第二天早上,我早早起床,遊回船上。 I took many things; other tools, clothes, a hammock and some of the ship's sails. ||||||||吊床||||||帆 Levei muitas coisas: outras ferramentas, roupas, uma rede e algumas velas do navio. 我拿走了很多東西;其他工具、衣服、吊床和一些船帆。 I made a second raft and took these things back to the island. |||第二个||||||||| Fiz uma segunda jangada e levei estas coisas de volta para a ilha.

When I got back to my boxes, there was a big cat sitting near them. |||||||||||猫||| 當我回到我的箱子時,有一隻大貓坐在它們附近。

I gave it a biscuit. ||||饼干 Dei-lhe um biscoito. It ate it, then went away. 牠吃了它,然後就走了。 I made a little house with the sails and put all my things inside. 我用帆搭建了一棟小房子,把我所有的東西都放進去。 I was happy. My things were safe now. Safe from animals and from the sun or rain. 安全|免受||||||| 免受動物侵害以及日曬雨淋。 The boxes were a wall outside my house. As caixas eram um muro à porta da minha casa. 這些盒子是我家外面的一面牆。 I slept well that night after all my hard work. 經過我的努力,那天晚上我睡得很好。

I went back to the ship eleven times. ||||||十一| 我回到船上十一次。 Each time I took something back to the island; more bread, sugar, some knives, and parts of the ship. ||||||||||面包|||刀子||||| De cada vez, levava algo para a ilha: mais pão, açúcar, algumas facas e partes do navio. 每次我帶點東西回島上;更多麵包、糖、一些刀和船的一部分。 I found some money too. |||钱| 我也找到了一些錢。 I took it but didn't know why… I couldn't use money on a desert island! |||||||||||||荒岛| 我接了,但不知道為什麼……我在荒島上不能用錢!

Thirteen days after I came to the island, there was a storm again. 十三|||||||||||| 上島十三天后,又刮起了暴風雨。 I slept safe in my little house with all my things. 我帶著我所有的東西在我的小房子裡安全地睡覺。 When I woke up the next morning, the ship wasn't there. 隔天早上我醒來時,船已經不在了。

It was at the bottom of the sea. ||||底部||| Estava no fundo do mar. 那是在海底。

I now wanted to find a different place for my house. 我現在想為我的房子找一個不同的地方。 I needed a place where there was clean water. |需要||||||| 我需要一個有乾淨水源的地方。

I didn't want a house in the sun and I wanted to be safe from animals. 我不想住在陽光下的房子,我想遠離動物。 I also wanted a place to watch for ships at sea. 我還想要一個監視海上船隻的地方。 I found a great place on a hill. 我在山上找到了一個好地方。 There was a cave on this hill and I made my house there. Havia uma gruta nesta colina e eu fiz lá a minha casa. 這座山上有一個山洞,我在那裡蓋了房子。 It was safe because nobody could come down from above, and I could see everything below. 很安全,因為沒人能從上面下來,而且我可以看到下面的一切。 The sea was in front of my house and I could watch for ships all day. 我家門前就是大海,我可以整天觀察船隻。 I was also happy because the sun came to this part of the island in the evening. また、夕方には太陽がこの島にやってきたので嬉しかった。 我也很高興,因為晚上太陽來到了島上的這個地方。 I made a wall outside my house and a sail was the door of the cave. |||墙||||||帆|||||| Fiz uma parede no exterior da minha casa e uma vela era a porta da gruta. 我在屋外砌了一面牆,用一張帆當洞門。 I felt safe inside with all my things from the ship. 船上的所有東西都在裡面,我感到很安全。

I had the hammock for my bed and I slept well at night. |||吊床||||||||| Eu tinha a rede como cama e dormi bem à noite. 我的床有吊床,晚上睡得很好。 After all this work, I started to go out with my gun to look for food. |||||||||||枪|||| Depois de todo este trabalho, comecei a sair com a minha arma para procurar comida. 做完這些工作後,我開始帶著槍出去找食物。 There were a lot of animals but I didn't know which were good to eat. ||||||||||||好吃的|| 動物很多,但不知道哪些好吃。 I also wasn't very good with a gun and many times I came home with nothing. また、銃の扱いも下手で、何度も手ぶらで帰ってきた。 我也不太會用槍,很多時候我什麼都沒帶回家。

I walked a lot and one day I saw some goats on the island. ||||||||||山羊||| Caminhava muito e um dia vi algumas cabras na ilha. 我走了很多路,有一天我在島上看到了一些山羊。 I was very excited. |||兴奋 It was now possible for me to have meat. |||可能||||| 現在我可以吃肉了。 The only problem was that they were very fast and it was difficult to catch them. |||||||||||||||它们 唯一的問題是它們的速度非常快,很難抓住它們。

I watched them for many days. 我觀察了他們很多天。 They always went to the same places and I waited for them with my gun. 他們總是去同一個地方,我拿著槍等著他們。 I now had meat. I also caught a baby goat and took it home. |||||小山羊|||| Também apanhei uma cabra bebé e levei-a para casa. 我還抓了一隻小山羊,把它帶回家。

Sometimes I was happy because I had a house and food, but I was often very sad. ||||||||||||||||伤心 有時我很高興,因為我有房子和食物,但我常常感到非常悲傷。 I thought of my family and friends. ||||家人|| 我想到了我的家人和朋友。 Here, I had nobody to talk to. 在這裡,我沒有人可以說話。 I never saw any ships near the island. My life was here now and I could do nothing to change it. 我的生活就在眼前,我無能為力改變它。 Then I thought of my friends on the ship. 然後我想到了船上的朋友。 They were at the bottom of the sea. 他们||||海底||| 他們在海底。 I wasn't. 我不是。 I had tools, clothes, food and water. 我有工具、衣服、食物和水。 Life wasn't that bad after all! 生活其實沒有那麼糟!

After some days on the island, I made a cross with my knife on a tree for every day. |||||||||十字架|||刀|||||| Depois de alguns dias na ilha, fiz uma cruz com a minha faca numa árvore para cada dia. 在島上待了幾天后,我每天都會用刀子在樹上畫一個十字。 I did this every morning. 我每天早上都會這樣做。 Oh, and I forgot to tell you about the animals. 哦,我忘了告訴你有關動物的事。 When I went to the ship to get all the things you know about, I found a dog and two cats. ||||||||||||||||||||两只猫 I took them home with me. 我把它們帶回家了。 The dog always stayed with me. He was a good friend. 他是個好朋友。 The cats were often outside but always came home for dinner.

It was now November. |||十一月 現在已經是十一月了。 Every day, I looked for a ship at sea, but there were never any ships for me. Every day, I looked for food on the island. There were grapes and I ate a lot of them. I also made a table and a chair for my house. 我還為我的房子做了一張桌子和一張椅子。 I used the tools from the ship. 我使用了船上的工具。 I started on Monday and finished after a week. |||星期一|||||一周 我從週一開始,一週後完成。 I made the table four times before I liked it. ||||四||之前||| 我做了四次桌子才喜歡它。 It was the same for the chair. 椅子也是一樣。 It wasn't easy for me, but I did it in the end. 這對我來說並不容易,但我最終還是做到了。 They weren't very beautiful but I thought they were great. ||||||觉得||| 他們不是很漂亮,但我認為他們很棒。 I began to feel I had a home. Comecei a sentir que tinha um lar. 我開始覺得我有一個家。 Now, I could sit on my chair and eat at my table. 現在,我可以坐在椅子上,在桌子旁吃飯。 Sometimes there was a storm with a lot of wind and rain, but I was safe in my little house.

My days were always the same. ||总是||| 我的日子總是一樣的。 Every morning, I took my gun and went for a walk. The dog always came with me. Sometimes, with my gun, I got a bird or two. Por vezes, com a minha arma, apanhei um pássaro ou dois. 有時,我會用槍打到一兩隻鳥。 Some were good to eat, others weren't. 有些很好吃,有些則不然。 I soon learned to remember the good birds. ||||记住||| 我很快就學會了記住好鳥。 Then, I came home and worked until about eleven o'clock. ||||||||十一点| 然後我就回到家,一直工作到十一點左右。 Then I ate. 然後我吃了。 After, from twelve to two, I slept because it was very hot. ||十二||||睡觉||||| 之後,十二點到兩點,我就睡了,因為天氣很熱。 In the evening, I worked again. 晚上,我又開始工作了。 This was when I made things for the house. 那是我為房子做東西的時候。 Then I went to bed. 然後我就去睡覺了。 My hammock was my favourite thing. |吊床|||最喜欢的| A minha cama de rede era a minha coisa preferida. 我的吊床是我最喜歡的東西。

The months came and went. |月份||和|过去 幾個月來了又過去了。 Sometimes there was a lot of rain. Other times it was very hot. 其他時候天氣非常熱。 In January it was too hot to go out and I stayed at home all day. |一月|||||||||||||| Em janeiro, estava demasiado calor para sair e fiquei em casa o dia todo. 一月天氣太熱,不敢出門,我整天都待在家裡。 I only went out very early in the morning or late at night. 我只在清晨或深夜出去。 I went to other parts of the island in the hills far from the beach. 我去了島上遠離海灘的山上的其他地方。

There were a lot of trees on this part of the island. ||||||||部分||| 島的這一部分有很多樹。 Then, in one place, I found some goats. |||||||山羊 When my dog saw them, he ran back home! Quando o meu cão os viu, voltou a correr para casa! 當我的狗看到他們時,他跑回家了! My baby goat at home was now big and needed a friend. ||小山羊||||||||| 我家裡的小山羊現在很大了,需要一個朋友。 I have to tell you again that goats are very difficult to catch. 我必須再次告訴你,山羊很難捕捉。 They run very fast up and down those hills. 他們在山上跑來跑去。

After a lot of hard work, I caught two young goats and took them home. |||||||抓住||||||| 經過一番努力,我抓到了兩隻小山羊,把它們帶回家了。 I put all three goats together near my house. 我把三隻山羊放在我家附近。 They couldn't run back to the other goats because I made a big wall. 他們無法跑回其他山羊身邊,因為我築了一道大牆。 I gave them food and water and they soon liked their new home. 我給了他們食物和水,他們很快就喜歡上了他們的新家。 With these goats, I now had milk too! ||||||奶| 有了這些山羊,我現在也有牛奶了! Yippee!

One day, I looked in one of my boxes and found a little bag with some seeds inside. ||||||||||||||||种子| Um dia, procurei numa das minhas caixas e encontrei um pequeno saco com algumas sementes lá dentro. 有一天,我檢查了一個盒子,發現了一個小袋子,裡面裝著一些種子。 They were old and I didn't think they were good. 他們老了,我不認為他們很好。

I put the bag outside and forgot about it. 我把包包放在外面然後就忘了。 That night there was some wind. 那天晚上,有一些風。 The next morning the bag wasn't there. Then, there was a lot of rain.

About a month after, I saw some long green plants coming out of the grass near my house. ||一个月|||||||植物|||||草丛||| 大約一個月後,我看到一些長長的綠色植物從我家附近的草地上長出來。 Then after two weeks I was excited to see that these new plants were grain. ||||||||||||||谷物 Passadas duas semanas, fiquei entusiasmado por ver que estas novas plantas eram grãos. 兩週後,我很興奮地看到這些新植物是穀物。 There were now also other plants. 現在還有其他植物。 I knew these. They were rice plants. ||稻米| 它們是水稻。 I remembered them from my time in Africa. Lembrava-me deles do meu tempo em África. 我在非洲的時候就記得他們。 Were these plants on other parts of the island? ||植物|||||| 這些植物在島上的其他地方嗎? I looked and looked but I couldn't find any other grain or rice plants on the island. ||||||||||谷物|||||| Procurei e procurei, mas não consegui encontrar mais nenhuma planta de cereais ou de arroz na ilha. Then I remembered… the little bag with the seeds! そして思い出した...種の入った小さな袋を! Of course! That's where the plants came from! |||植物|| そこから植物が生まれたんだ! 這就是植物的來源! I was excited about having bread. 我很高興能吃到麵包。 But I needed a lot of grain And… how do you make bread? 但我需要很多穀物而且…你怎麼做麵包?

It was now June. |||六月 現在是六月。 One day, I went to the beach and I found a big turtle. ||我|||||||||| Um dia, fui à praia e encontrei uma tartaruga grande. 有一天,我去海灘,發現了一隻大烏龜。 At that time, I didn't know that there were a lot of turtles on other parts of this island and I was very excited. ||||||||||||海龟||||||||||| Naquela altura, não sabia que havia muitas tartarugas noutras partes da ilha e fiquei muito entusiasmado. 那時我不知道這個島的其他地方也有很多海龜,我很興奮。 I took the turtle home and cooked it. 我把烏龜帶回家煮了。 There were some eggs inside the turtle too… mmm…yummy! |||||||||好吃 Também havia alguns ovos dentro da tartaruga... mmm... delicioso! 烏龜裡面還有一些蛋……嗯……好吃!

That night I felt very cold. Nessa noite, senti muito frio. 那天晚上我覺得很冷。 The next day I didn't feel very well. 第二天我覺得不太舒服。 Why did I eat all that turtle? ||||||海龟 為什麼我把那隻烏龜吃掉了? I stayed on my hammock all day. ||||吊床|| Fiquei na minha cama de rede o dia todo. 我在吊床上待了一整天。 I slept a lot. 我睡了很多。 I didn't eat or drink anything. 我沒有吃或喝任何東西。 I was very hot and I thought I saw my mother. ||||||以为|||| 我很熱,我以為我看到了我的媽媽。 Am I dying? ||快要死了 Estou a morrer? 我快死了嗎? Father! Mother! Where are you? Please, can you help me? I remembered my father's words: ‘Robinson, please don't go! Lembrei-me das palavras do meu pai: "Robinson, por favor, não vás! 我想起了父親的話:『羅賓遜,請不要走! You'll have a hard life, my boy. Your life here now, is easy. You've got all you need.' 你已經擁有了你所需要的一切。 Why do I never listen to people? 為什麼我從來不聽人說話? Now, look at me! 現在,看著我!

I slept again. 我又睡了。 Then, after a long time, I woke up. Depois, passado muito tempo, acordei. I wasn't hot. 我不熱。 I felt well again but it wasn't easy to walk. 我感覺好多了,但走路並不容易。 I was very slow. |||很慢 我很慢。 I drank some water. |喝了|| Bebi um pouco de água. I looked about and I was happy to see my animals, my cave and all my things. 我環顧四周,很高興看到我的動物、我的洞穴和我所有的東西。 I sat outside my cave and looked at the blue sea with its white waves, the white sand of the beach, and the green of the hills and trees of the island. ||||||||||||||||白色的|||||||||||||||岛屿 Sentei-me à porta da minha gruta e olhei para o mar azul com as suas ondas brancas, para a areia branca da praia e para o verde das colinas e das árvores da ilha. 我坐在洞外,看著藍色的大海,白色的波浪,白色的沙灘,綠色的山丘和島上的樹木。 It was all beautiful and I felt happy to be there. ||||||||能|| 一切都很美麗,我很高興能在那裡。