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Daily English with Sylvia, BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Women in the workplace

BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Women in the workplace


Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I'm Neil.


And I'm Sam.


Sam, does this situation sound familiar?

It's a colleague's birthday next week.

A male boss says to a female employee – “You're great at organising things – would you buy a card and get everyone in the office to sign it?

Oh, and we'll need to order a cake too – thanks, you're amazing!”


Yes, I have seen that. A male boss asks a woman to do all the jobs that keep the office running but do nothing to advance her career or improve her chances of promotion – that's when someone moves up into a higher, better paid position in a company.


Sadly, this happens a lot.

In many workplaces around the world, it's the men who are considered ‘born leaders' and promoted up the corporate career ladder, while the women are given less important roles.

Even today, many working women find themselves at a point in their career beyond which they cannot progress, an invisible barrier to succeed referred to as the glass ceiling.


But in this programme, we'll be meeting the members of The No Club, a group of women saying ‘no' to the glass ceiling by publicly questioning the kinds of jobs men and women are asked to do in the workplace.

And, of course, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary as well.


But first, I have a question for you, Sam.

Despite the glass ceiling, women do make it to the top jobs in many areas of work and business, even in the male-dominated world of politics.

So, who was the first woman to become British Prime Minister? Was it:

a) Theresa May? b) Nicola Sturgeon? or c) Margaret Thatcher?


I know the answer to this one, Neil. It's c) Margaret Thatcher.


OK. Well, we'll find out later if you're right.

Professor Lise Vesterlund is one of the four academics who co-wrote The No Club, a book discussing how females disproportionately take on the unimportant, less visible tasks at work.


Professor Vesterlund calls these non-promotable tasks, jobs like taking notes, organising social events or chairing meetings – jobs that take time and effort but do little to increase company profits or to boost your career.

Research shows that most of these tasks are done by women.

Here's Lise Vesterlund explaining more to BBC World Service programme, Business Daily.

Prof Lise Vesterlund:

We've been noticing gender differences in wages, in advancement, in negotiation.

Burn-out for women is much greater than it is for men.

Their dissatisfaction with their work is much greater.

And we've been trying to sort of address all these objectives with lots of different methods and techniques, and what is interesting about the non-promotable work is that it, in a very structural sense, contributes to all of those differences.


Professor Vesterlund lists some workplace gender imbalances, including job dissatisfaction and burn-out – that's tiredness and exhaustion caused by working too hard.

Many of these issues are made worse by non-promotable tasks.


Natalie Quail agrees.

Natalie started her successful dental cosmetics company, SmileTime, after winning a business competition on the TV show, Dragon's Den.

Here she tells BBC World Service's Business Daily about her experience of being asked to take on non-promotable tasks in her work as a trainee solicitor.

Natalie Quail:

As a trainee solicitor pretty much every task that you take on is a non-promotable task.

Note-taking is one of them, in meetings, when you, kind of, are told that you can't really speak or say anything.

I was tasked with being the team party organiser, so that was my role.

It does definitely occur that the women in the team, the level of multitasking they're doing just ... far outstrips the men in a lot of cases, for example, you know, a lot of women in the team would also be juggling having kids at home, being a working mum.


Natalie found herself doing non-promotable tasks.

She thinks many women in the workplace are expected to be good at multitasking - doing more than one thing at the same time.


For working mums, who are raising a family as well as developing careers at work, this involves some juggling - trying to manage your life when you are involved in many different activities which all demand your time.


In the forty years since the term ‘glass ceiling' was invented, it seems not much has changed for working women.

But there is some good news.

The number of female managers and women working in jobs traditionally seen as male has increased dramatically, and those companies where getting promotion is based on ability not gender, have benefitted from talented, hard-working female leaders.


And speaking of female leaders, Neil, what was the answer to your question?

You asked me who was the first female British Prime Minister, and I said Margaret Thatcher. Was I right?


You were right! Mrs Thatcher, nicknamed The Iron Lady, became Prime Minister in May 1979, the first woman to break the political glass ceiling in the UK - an invisible barrier to advancing in your career.


OK, let's recap the other vocabulary we've learnt, starting with promotion - moving up into a higher, more important position in your company.


The term non-promotable tasks describes those unimportant jobs which help your organisation but do nothing to advance your career.

They are often given to women.


If you have burn-out, you're exhausted from working too hard.


Multitasking is the ability to do several things at the same time.


And finally, juggling involves managing many different activities which all demand your time.

We've managed our time pretty well so far but now our six minutes are up! Bye for now!



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BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Women in the workplace 英國廣播公司|||||||| ||||||||lieu de travail |||||Women in workplace||the|employment setting BBC Learning English - 6 Minuten Englisch / Frauen am Arbeitsplatz BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Women in the workplace BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Las mujeres en el lugar de trabajo BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Les femmes au travail BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Le donne sul posto di lavoro BBC Learning English - 6 分間英語 / 職場の女性たち BBC 학습 영어 - 6분 영어 / 직장에서 일하는 여성 BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Kobiety w miejscu pracy BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / As mulheres no local de trabalho BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Женщины на рабочем месте BBC Learning English - ภาษาอังกฤษ 6 นาที / ผู้หญิงในที่ทำงาน BBC Learning English - 6 Dakika İngilizce / İşyerinde kadınlar BBC Learning English - 6-хвилинна англійська / Жінки на робочому місці BBC 学习英语 - 6 分钟英语 / 职场女性 BBC Learning English - 6 分鍾英語 / 職場女性

Neil: ニール: Neil:

Hello. こんにちは。 This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. ||||||学習| นี่คือภาษาอังกฤษ 6 นาทีจาก BBC Learning English I'm Neil. |my name 私は| Je m'appelle Neil.

Sam: サム: Sam: แซม:

And I'm Sam. ||サムです。 Et je m'appelle Sam. และฉันแซม

Neil: Neil:

Sam, does this situation sound familiar? ||||semble| ||||聞こえる|馴染みがある Same, připadá vám tato situace povědomá? Sam, cette situation te semble-t-elle familière? แซม สถานการณ์นี้ฟังดูคุ้นๆ ไหม? Sam, bu durum sana tanıdık geliyor mu? Sam, tình huống này có nghe quen không?

It's a colleague's birthday next week. ||d'un collègue||| ||同僚の||| C'est l'anniversaire d'un collègue la semaine prochaine. สัปดาห์หน้าวันเกิดเพื่อนร่วมงาน Gelecek hafta bir meslektaşımın doğum günü. Tuần sau là sinh nhật của một đồng nghiệp.

A male boss says to a female employee – “You're great at organising things – would you buy a card and get everyone in the office to sign it? |Un patron|Patron||||femme|employée||||||||||carte de vœux|||tout le monde|||||signer la carte| |||||||||||まとめるのが上手||||||||||で||||| Šéf muž řekne zaměstnankyni: "Jsi skvělá v organizování věcí - koupila bys kartičku a dala ji všem v kanceláři podepsat? Un patron masculin dit à une employée - "Tu es très douée pour organiser les choses - pourrais-tu acheter une carte et faire signer tout le monde au bureau?" 男性上司が女性社員にこう言う--「君は物事をまとめるのが得意だから、カードを買ってオフィスのみんなにサインしてもらえないか? Um chefe diz a uma funcionária - "És óptima a organizar coisas - podes comprar um cartão e pedir a todos no escritório que o assinem? Начальник-мужчина говорит сотруднице: "У вас отлично получается все организовывать - не могли бы вы купить открытку и попросить всех в офисе подписать ее? Moški šef reče uslužbenki: "Odlično znaš organizirati stvari - ali bi kupila voščilnico in dala vsem v pisarni, da jo podpišejo? เจ้านายชายพูดกับพนักงานหญิงว่า “คุณจัดการเรื่องต่างๆ เก่งมาก คุณจะซื้อบัตรและให้ทุกคนในสำนักงานเซ็นชื่อหรือไม่? Erkek bir patron, kadın bir çalışanına şöyle der: "İşleri organize etmekte harikasın - bir kart alıp ofisteki herkese imzalatır mısın? Một ông chủ nam nói với một nhân viên nữ – “Bạn rất giỏi trong việc tổ chức mọi thứ – bạn có thể mua một tấm thiệp và để mọi người trong văn phòng ký vào không?”, 一位男老板对一位女员工说:“你很擅长组织事情,你能买一张卡片并让办公室里的每个人都签名吗?

Oh, and we'll need to order a cake too – thanks, you're amazing!” |||||||||||incroyable Jo, a taky budeme muset objednat dort - díky, jsi úžasná!" Oh, and we'll need to order a cake too – thanks, you're amazing!” โอ้ และเราจะต้องสั่งเค้กด้วย ขอบคุณ คุณยอดเยี่ยมมาก!” Oh, bir de pasta sipariş etmemiz gerekecek - teşekkürler, harikasınız!" À, và chúng ta cũng cần đặt một chiếc bánh nữa – cảm ơn bạn, bạn thật tuyệt vời!” 哦,我们还需要订一个蛋糕——谢谢,你太棒了!”

Sam: Sam: Sam: 山姆:

Yes, I have seen that. Ano, to jsem viděl. Yes, I have seen that. Да, я видел это. ใช่ ฉันได้เห็นสิ่งนั้นแล้ว 是的,我已经看到了。 A male boss asks a woman to do all the jobs that keep the office running but do nothing to advance her career or improve her chances of promotion – that's when someone moves up into a higher, better paid position in a company. ||||||||||||||||||||thăng tiến|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||bureau|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||voranbringen||||||||Beförderung|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||オフィス|||||||||||||||それが|||昇進|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||avança|||||||||| Mužský šéf žádá ženu, aby dělala všechny práce, které zajišťují chod kanceláře, ale nedělá nic pro její kariérní postup nebo zvýšení šancí na povýšení - to je, když se někdo posune na vyšší, lépe placenou pozici ve firmě. Un jefe varón pide a una mujer que haga todas las tareas que mantienen la oficina en funcionamiento, pero no hace nada por hacer avanzar su carrera ni por mejorar sus posibilidades de promoción, que es cuando alguien asciende a un puesto más alto y mejor pagado en una empresa. Un patron masculin demande à une femme d'effectuer tous les travaux qui maintiennent le bon fonctionnement du bureau sans rien faire pour faire avancer sa carrière ou améliorer ses chances de promotion - c'est lorsque quelqu'un accède à un poste supérieur et mieux rémunéré dans une entreprise. 男性上司は女性に、会社の運営を維持するためのあらゆる仕事を頼むが、キャリアアップや昇進の可能性を高めることは何もしない。 Мужчина-начальник просит женщину выполнять всю работу, которая обеспечивает функционирование офиса, но ничего не делает для ее карьерного роста или повышения шансов на продвижение по службе - это когда человек продвигается на более высокую и высокооплачиваемую должность в компании. Moški šef od ženske zahteva, da opravlja vsa dela, ki zagotavljajo delovanje pisarne, vendar ne stori ničesar, da bi napredovala v karieri ali izboljšala svoje možnosti za napredovanje - to je napredovanje na višje in bolje plačano delovno mesto v podjetju. เจ้านายผู้ชายขอให้ผู้หญิงทำงานทั้งหมดที่ทำให้สำนักงานดำเนินต่อไป แต่ไม่ทำอะไรเพื่อพัฒนาอาชีพการงานของเธอหรือเพิ่มโอกาสในการเลื่อนตำแหน่ง นั่นคือเมื่อมีคนเลื่อนตำแหน่งขึ้นสู่ตำแหน่งที่สูงขึ้นและจ่ายดีกว่าในบริษัท Erkek bir patron, bir kadından ofisin çalışmasını sağlayan tüm işleri yapmasını ister, ancak kariyerini ilerletmek veya terfi şansını artırmak için hiçbir şey yapmaz - bu, bir kişinin bir şirkette daha yüksek, daha iyi maaşlı bir pozisyona yükselmesi anlamına gelir. Một người sếp nam yêu cầu một người phụ nữ làm tất cả các công việc cần thiết để văn phòng hoạt động nhưng không làm gì để thúc đẩy sự nghiệp của cô ấy hoặc cải thiện khả năng thăng chức của cô ấy - đó là khi ai đó lên một vị trí cao hơn, được trả lương tốt hơn trong một công ty. 男老板要求女员工做所有维持办公室正常运转的工作,但对她的职业发展或晋升机会却没有任何帮助——晋升就是在公司中升到更高、薪水更高的职位。

Neil: Neil: Neil:

Sadly, this happens a lot. ||arrive|| Bohužel se to stává často. Malheureusement, cela arrive beaucoup. Đáng buồn thay, điều này xảy ra rất nhiều. 可悲的是,这种情况经常发生。

In many workplaces around the world, it's the men who are considered ‘born leaders' and promoted up the corporate career ladder, while the women are given less important roles. ||||||||||||||||||||escalera corporativa|||||||| ||lieux de travail||||||||||nés|||promus|||entreprise|carrière professionnelle|échelle de carrière||||||moins importantes|moins importants|rôles moins importants |||||||||||betrachtet||||befördert|||Unternehmens-|||||||||| ||||||||||||生まれた|||昇進させられる|||企業の||キャリアの階段||||||より重要でない||役割 ||||||||||||||||||corporativa||escada corporativa||||||||papéis menos importantes Dans de nombreux lieux de travail à travers le monde, ce sont les hommes qui sont considérés comme des leaders nés et promus dans l'échelle de carrière de l'entreprise, tandis que les femmes se voient confier des rôles moins importants. 世界中の多くの職場で、『生まれながらのリーダー』とみなされ、出世の階段を上っていくのは男性であり、女性はそれほど重要な役割を与えられていない。 Во многих компаниях по всему миру именно мужчины считаются "прирожденными лидерами" и продвигаются по карьерной лестнице, в то время как женщинам отводится менее важная роль. Na številnih delovnih mestih po svetu so moški tisti, ki veljajo za "rojene vodje" in napredujejo po karierni lestvici, medtem ko imajo ženske manj pomembne vloge. Dünyanın dört bir yanındaki pek çok işyerinde, 'doğuştan lider' olarak kabul edilen ve kurumsal kariyer basamaklarını tırmanan erkekler olurken, kadınlara daha az önemli roller veriliyor. Tại nhiều nơi làm việc trên khắp thế giới, đàn ông thường được coi là 'những nhà lãnh đạo bẩm sinh' và được thăng tiến trong sự nghiệp công ty, trong khi phụ nữ lại thường đảm nhận các vai trò ít quan trọng hơn. 在世界各地的许多职场中,男性被视为“天生的领导者”,并在企业职业阶梯中不断晋升,而女性则被赋予了不那么重要的角色。

Even today, many working women find themselves at a point in their career beyond which they cannot progress, an invisible barrier to succeed referred to as the glass ceiling. ||||||mình|||||||vượt qua||họ||||||||được gọi||||trần kính|trần kính |||||||||un stade||||au-delà de||||||invisible|barrière invisible|||appelée||||plafond de verre|plafond de verre |||||||||||||jenseits||||||||||||||| |||||||で||||||||||||目に見えない|||成功する|呼ばれる|に||||ガラスの天井 Auch heute noch finden sich viele berufstätige Frauen an einem Punkt in ihrer Karriere wieder, über den sie nicht hinauskommen, eine unsichtbare Barriere, die als gläserne Decke bezeichnet wird. Incluso hoy en día, muchas mujeres trabajadoras se encuentran en un punto de su carrera profesional más allá del cual no pueden progresar, una barrera invisible para triunfar conocida como el techo de cristal. Même aujourd'hui, de nombreuses femmes actives se retrouvent à un stade de leur carrière au-delà duquel elles ne peuvent pas progresser, une barrière invisible à la réussite appelée plafond de verre. 今日でも、多くの働く女性が、キャリアの中で、ガラスの天井と呼ばれる成功への目に見えない障壁を越えられない地点にいることに気づいている。 Še danes se mnoge zaposlene ženske znajdejo na točki v svoji karieri, po kateri ne morejo napredovati, kar je nevidna ovira za uspeh, imenovana stekleni strop. Bugün bile pek çok çalışan kadın, kariyerlerinde ilerleyemeyecekleri bir noktada, cam tavan olarak adlandırılan görünmez bir engelle karşılaşmaktadır. Ngay cả ngày nay, nhiều phụ nữ đi làm cảm thấy mình đang ở một điểm trong sự nghiệp mà họ không thể tiến xa hơn, một rào cản vô hình để thành công được gọi là trần kính.

Sam: Sam: Sam:

But in this programme, we'll be meeting the members of The No Club, a group of women saying ‘no' to the glass ceiling by publicly questioning the kinds of jobs men and women are asked to do in the workplace. ||||||||||||||||||||||||công khai|đặt câu hỏi||loại|||||||||||| ||||||||||||Club|||||||||plafond de verre|||publiquement|remettant en question|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||クラブ||グループ|||言っている||||||によって|公に||||||||||||||| |||programa|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| In dieser Sendung treffen wir die Mitglieder des No Club, einer Gruppe von Frauen, die sich gegen die gläserne Decke wehren, indem sie öffentlich die Art von Aufgaben in Frage stellen, die von Männern und Frauen am Arbeitsplatz verlangt werden. Mais dans ce programme, nous allons rencontrer les membres de The No Club, un groupe de femmes disant 'non' au plafond de verre en remettant publiquement en question les types d'emplois demandés aux hommes et aux femmes sur le lieu de travail. しかしこの番組では、ガラスの天井に「いいえ」と言って男性と女性が職場で求められている種類の仕事に公然と疑問を投げかけるThe No Clubのメンバーに会います。 Но в этой программе мы познакомимся с членами клуба "Нет" - группы женщин, которые говорят "нет" стеклянному потолку, публично ставя под сомнение виды работ, которые мужчины и женщины должны выполнять на рабочем месте. V tej oddaji pa bomo spoznali članice Kluba Ne, skupine žensk, ki z javnim spraševanjem o tem, kakšna dela morajo na delovnem mestu opravljati moški in ženske, govorijo "ne" steklenemu stropu. Ancak bu programda, işyerinde kadın ve erkeklerden ne tür işler yapmaları istendiğini alenen sorgulayarak cam tavana 'hayır' diyen bir grup kadından oluşan The No Club üyeleriyle tanışacağız. Nhưng trong chương trình này, chúng ta sẽ gặp gỡ các thành viên của The No Club, một nhóm phụ nữ nói 'không' với trần kính bằng cách công khai đặt câu hỏi về những loại công việc mà nam và nữ được yêu cầu làm ở nơi làm việc.

And, of course, we'll be learning some useful new vocabulary as well. |||verbo auxiliar|||||||| Et, bien sûr, nous allons également apprendre du nouveau vocabulaire utile. そしてもちろん、役立つ新しい語彙も学びます。 И, конечно же, мы выучим новую полезную лексику. Ve elbette, bazı yararlı yeni kelimeler de öğreneceğiz. Và tất nhiên, chúng ta cũng sẽ học một số từ vựng mới hữu ích. 当然,我们还将学习一些有用的新词汇。

Neil: Neil: ニール: Neil:

But first, I have a question for you, Sam. |||||質問||| 但首先,我有一个问题要问你,山姆。

Despite the glass ceiling, women do make it to the top jobs in many areas of work and business, even in the male-dominated world of politics. |||||||||||||||||||||||nam giới thống trị||| Malgré||||||||||||||domaines|||||||||dominé par les hommes|||politique |||Glasdecke||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||トップ|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||política Malgré le plafond de verre, les femmes parviennent à atteindre les postes de direction dans de nombreux domaines professionnels et commerciaux, même dans le monde dominé par les hommes de la politique. ガラスの天井があるにもかかわらず、女性は仕事やビジネスの多くの分野で、男性優位の政治の世界でさえ、トップの仕事に就いている。 Несмотря на "стеклянный потолок", женщины занимают высокие должности во многих сферах работы и бизнеса, даже в мире политики, где доминируют мужчины. Cam tavana rağmen kadınlar, erkek egemen siyaset dünyası da dahil olmak üzere, birçok iş ve çalışma alanında en üst düzey görevlere gelebilmektedir. Mặc dù có trần kính, phụ nữ vẫn có thể đạt được các công việc hàng đầu trong nhiều lĩnh vực và kinh doanh, ngay cả trong thế giới chính trị do nam giới thống trị. 尽管存在玻璃天花板,女性还是能在许多工作和商业领域,甚至在男性主导的政治世界中担任高级职位。

So, who was the first woman to become British Prime Minister? |||||||||Première ministre| |||||||なった|||首相 Alors, qui a été la première femme à devenir Premier ministre britannique? Peki, İngiltere Başbakanı olan ilk kadın kimdi? Vậy, ai là người phụ nữ đầu tiên trở thành Thủ tướng Anh? Was it: Était-ce: Liệu có phải là:

a) Theresa May? |テリーザ・メイ| a) Theresa May? a)特蕾莎·梅? b) Nicola Sturgeon? |ニコラ・スタージョン|ニコラ・スタージョン b)尼古拉·斯特金? or c) Margaret Thatcher? |またはc)マーガレット・サッチャー|| 或 c) 玛格丽特·撒切尔?

Sam: 山姆:

I know the answer to this one, Neil. |||答え|||| 我知道这个问题的答案,尼尔。 It's c) Margaret Thatcher. 是 c) 玛格丽特·撒切尔。

Neil: 尼尔:

OK. Well, we'll find out later if you're right. Haklı olup olmadığını sonra öğreneceğiz. 好吧,我们稍后会发现你是否正确。

Professor Lise Vesterlund is one of the four academics who co-wrote The No Club, a book discussing how females disproportionately take on the unimportant, less visible tasks at work. |リゼ|||||||学者||||||||||||不釣り合いに||||||||| リセ・ヴェステルランド教授は、いかに女性が仕事において重要でない、目につきにくい仕事を偏って担っているかを論じた本『ノー・クラブ』を共同執筆した4人の学者の一人である。 Профессор Лизе Вестерлунд - одна из четырех ученых, написавших книгу "Клуб "Нет"", в которой рассказывается о том, как женщины непропорционально часто берут на себя неважные и менее заметные задачи на работе. Profesorica Lise Vesterlund je ena od štirih akademikov, ki so napisali knjigo Klub brez, v kateri govorijo o tem, kako ženske nesorazmerno pogosto prevzemajo nepomembne in manj vidne naloge na delovnem mestu. Profesör Lise Vesterlund, kadınların iş yerinde önemsiz, daha az görünür görevleri nasıl orantısız bir şekilde üstlendiklerini tartışan bir kitap olan The No Club'ı birlikte yazan dört akademisyenden biri. 莉斯·维斯特伦德 (Lise Vesterlund) 教授是《拒绝俱乐部》一书的四位合著者之一,该书探讨了女性如何不成比例地承担工作中不重要、不太显眼的任务。


Professor Vesterlund calls these non-promotable tasks, jobs like taking notes, organising social events or chairing meetings – jobs that take time and effort but do little to increase company profits or to boost your career. |||||||||||||||chủ trì||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||événements sociaux||présider||||||||||||augmenter||||||| |ヴェステルンド教授|||非昇進|昇進に繋がらない||||||||||議長を務める|||||||||||に対して|向上させる||利益|||促進する|| Profesor Vesterlund te naloge imenuje naloge, ki jih ni mogoče promovirati, kot so pisanje zapiskov, organiziranje družabnih dogodkov ali vodenje sestankov, torej naloge, ki zahtevajo čas in trud, vendar le malo prispevajo k povečanju dobička podjetja ali k vaši karieri. Profesör Vesterlund, not almak, sosyal etkinlikler düzenlemek ya da toplantılara başkanlık etmek gibi zaman ve çaba gerektiren ancak şirket kârını artırma ya da kariyerinizi ilerletme konusunda çok az faydası olan bu işleri terfi edilemeyen işler olarak adlandırıyor. Професор Вестерлунд називає такими завданнями, що не сприяють просуванню по службі, роботу на кшталт ведення нотаток, організації громадських заходів або головування на зборах - роботу, яка забирає час і зусилля, але мало сприяє збільшенню прибутку компанії або кар'єрному зростанню. 维斯特隆德教授将这些工作称为无法提升自己职位的任务,例如做笔记、组织社交活动或主持会议等,这些工作需要花费时间和精力,但对增加公司利润或促进你的职业发展却帮助不大。

Research shows that most of these tasks are done by women. ||||||tâches|||| Araştırmalar, bu görevlerin çoğunun kadınlar tarafından yapıldığını gösteriyor. 研究表明,这些任务大部分是由女性承担的。

Here's Lise Vesterlund explaining more to BBC World Service programme, Business Daily. BBCワールドサービスの番組『Business Daily』で、リセ・ヴェステルランドが詳しく説明している。 Lise Vesterlund BBC Dünya Servisi'nin Business Daily programına daha fazla açıklama yapıyor.

Prof Lise Vesterlund: 教授|| Lise Vesterlund 教授:

We've been noticing gender differences in wages, in advancement, in negotiation. ||||||tiền lương||thăng tiến||thương lượng ||||||salaires|||| ||||||賃金||昇進||交渉 私たちは賃金、昇進、交渉における男女差に気づいてきた。 Opažamo razlike med spoloma pri plačah, napredovanju in pogajanjih. Ücretlerde, terfilerde, müzakerelerde cinsiyet farklılıkları olduğunu fark ediyoruz. 我们注意到工资、晋升和谈判方面的性别差异。

Burn-out for women is much greater than it is for men. ||||||plus grand||||| 燃え尽き症候群||||||||||| 女性のバーンアウトは男性よりはるかに大きい。 Выгорание у женщин гораздо сильнее, чем у мужчин. 女性的倦怠感比男性严重得多。

Their dissatisfaction with their work is much greater. |sự không hài lòng|||||| Их неудовлетворенность своей работой гораздо выше. İşlerinden duydukları memnuniyetsizlik çok daha fazladır. 他们对于工作的不满情绪更加强烈。

And we've been trying to sort of address all these objectives with lots of different methods and techniques, and what is interesting about the non-promotable work is that it, in a very structural sense, contributes to all of those differences. |||||||giải quyết|||mục tiêu|||||||kỹ thuật||||||||||||||||cấu trúc||góp phần||||| |||試みている||整理する||対処する|||目標||多くの方法|||方法や手法||技法||||||||||||||||構造的な||寄与する||||それらの| そして私たちは、多くの異なる手法やテクニックを駆使して、これらすべての目標に取り組もうとしてきた。非促進的な仕事について興味深いのは、それが非常に構造的な意味で、これらすべての違いに貢献しているということだ。 И мы пытались решить все эти задачи с помощью различных методов и приемов, и что интересно в отношении непродвигаемой работы, так это то, что она, в очень структурном смысле, вносит свой вклад во все эти различия. Vse te cilje smo poskušali doseči z različnimi metodami in tehnikami, pri čemer je zanimivo, da delo, ki ga ni mogoče promovirati, v zelo strukturnem smislu prispeva k vsem tem razlikam. 我们一直在尝试用各种不同的方法和技术来解决所有这些目标,而非可推广的工作的有趣之处在于,从结构意义上讲,它导致了所有这些差异。


Professor Vesterlund lists some workplace gender imbalances, including job dissatisfaction and burn-out – that's tiredness and exhaustion caused by working too hard. ||||||mất cân bằng|||||kiệt sức|||mệt mỏi||kiệt sức||||| ||||||||||||||fatigue||épuisement||||| ||||||disparities||||||||||||||| ||||||不均衡|含む||仕事の不満|||||疲労感||疲労|引き起こされた||||一生懸命働く ヴェスターランド教授は、職場における男女間の不均衡として、仕事に対する不満やバーンアウト(働き過ぎによる疲労や倦怠感)などを挙げている。 维斯特伦教授列举了一些职场性别不平衡的问题,包括工作不满和倦怠——即因工作过度而导致的疲倦和精疲力竭。

Many of these issues are made worse by non-promotable tasks. |||問題点||||||| これらの問題の多くは、推進不可能なタスクによって悪化する。 许多这些问题因无法提升的任务而变得更加严重。


Natalie Quail agrees. ナタリー・クエール|クワイル| ナタリー・ウズラも同意見だ。

Natalie started her successful dental cosmetics company, SmileTime, after winning a business competition on the TV show, Dragon's Den. |始めた||||審美歯科||スマイルタイム||優勝|||||||テレビ番組||ドラゴンズ・デン ナタリーは、テレビ番組「Dragon's Den」のビジネスコンペで優勝した後、成功を収めた歯科美容会社SmileTimeを立ち上げました。 Natalie, başarılı diş kozmetiği şirketi SmileTime'ı Dragon's Den adlı TV programında bir iş yarışmasını kazandıktan sonra kurdu. 在电视节目《龙穴》 (Dragon's Den) 中赢得商业竞赛后,娜塔莉创办了成功的牙科美容公司 SmileTime。

Here she tells BBC World Service's Business Daily about her experience of being asked to take on non-promotable tasks in her work as a trainee solicitor. |||||||||||||||thực hiện|||||||||||luật sư tập sự |||||||||||||||||||||||||stagiaire|avocat stagiaire ||語る|||サービスの|||||経験||依頼されること|||||||||||||研修生|弁護士助手 彼女は、BBCワールドサービスのビジネスデイリーで、見習い弁護士としての仕事で昇進対象外の仕事を引き受けるよう求められた経験について話しています。 Burada BBC Dünya Servisi'nin Business Daily programına stajyer avukat olarak çalışırken terfi edilemeyecek görevler üstlenmesinin istenmesiyle ilgili deneyimlerini anlatıyor. 她向英国广播公司国际服务频道的《商业日报》讲述了自己在担任实习律师期间被要求承担一些无法晋升的任务的经历。

Natalie Quail: ナタリー・クエイル:

As a trainee solicitor pretty much every task that you take on is a non-promotable task. ||||ほとんど|||||||||||| 作为一名实习律师,你所承担的几乎每一项任务都是无法晋升的任务。

Note-taking is one of them, in meetings, when you, kind of, are told that you can't really speak or say anything. ||||||||||一種の|||||||||||何も言えない メモを取るのもそのひとつで、会議では、ある意味、本当に何も話したり発言したりしてはいけないと言われている。 Запись заметок - одна из них, на совещаниях, когда вам как бы говорят, что вы не можете говорить или сказать что-либо. 做笔记就是其中之一,在会议上,你会被告知不能说话或说任何话。

I was tasked with being the team party organiser, so that was my role. ||beauftragt||||||||||| ||任命された||||チーム||パーティーの主||||| 私はチームのパーティーのオーガナイザーを任されていたので、それが私の役割だった。 Ekip partisinin organizatörü olarak görevlendirilmiştim, yani benim rolüm buydu. 我的任务是担任团队聚会的组织者,所以这就是我的职责。

It does definitely occur that the women in the team, the level of multitasking they're doing just ... far outstrips the men in a lot of cases, for example, you know, a lot of women in the team would also be juggling having kids at home, being a working mum. |||xảy ra|||||||||||||||vượt xa||||||||||||||||||||||quản lý thời gian|||||||| |||se produit||||||||||multitâche|||||dépassent||||||||||||||||||||||jongler|avoir||||||| ||確かに|起こる||||||チームの女性||||多重作業|||||はるかに上||||||||||||||||||||||両立する||||||||働くお母さん チーム内の女性がマルチタスクをこなすレベルは、多くの場合、男性をはるかに凌駕している。 确实存在这样的情况,团队中的女性,她们处理多项任务的水平......在很多情况下远远超过男性,例如,你知道,团队中的很多女性还要兼顾在家照顾孩子,成为一名职业妈妈。


Natalie found herself doing non-promotable tasks. |気づいた||||| 娜塔莉发现自己正在做着一些不具备晋升价值的任务。

She thinks many women in the workplace are expected to be good at multitasking - doing more than one thing at the same time. ||||||||attendues|||||||||||||| ||||||||期待されている|||||||||||||| 她认为,许多职场女性都应该擅长多任务处理——可以同时做多件事。


For working mums, who are raising a family as well as developing careers at work, this involves some juggling - trying to manage your life when you are involved in many different activities which all demand your time. |||||élever|||||||||||implique|||||||||||||||||||| ||働くお母さん|||||||||発展させる|キャリア形成||||||||||||||||||||||要求する|| 家庭を築きながら仕事でもキャリアを積んでいるワーキングマザーにとっては、さまざまな活動に時間を割かれながら、自分の生活をやりくりするのは大変なことだ。 对于在职妈妈来说,她们不仅要养育家庭,还要在工作中发展事业,这需要你兼顾一切——当你参与许多不同的活动而这些活动都占用你的时间时,你要设法管理好自己的生活。


In the forty years since the term ‘glass ceiling' was invented, it seems not much has changed for working women. ||||||||||được phát minh||||||||| ||||||plafond de verre||||||||||||| ||||||||||erfunden||||||||| ||40年間||||||||||||||変わっていない||| ||||||||||被創造||||||||| ガラスの天井」という言葉が生まれてから40年、働く女性にとって大きな変化はないように思える。 自“玻璃天花板”一词出现以来的四十年里,职业女性的境遇似乎并没有发生太大的改变。

But there is some good news. しかし、良いニュースもある。

The number of female managers and women working in jobs traditionally seen as male has increased dramatically, and those companies where getting promotion is based on ability not gender, have benefitted from talented, hard-working female leaders. ||||||||||truyền thống||||||một cách đáng kể|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||augmenté|||||||||||||||bénéficié|||||| |数||||||||||||||増加した|劇的に||そのような|企業|||||基づく||能力||||恩恵を受けた||才能のある|||| 女性管理職や、従来は男性とみなされていた仕事に就く女性の数は劇的に増加し、昇進が性別ではなく能力によって決まる企業では、有能で勤勉な女性リーダーの恩恵を受けている。 Число женщин-менеджеров и женщин, работающих на должностях, традиционно считавшихся мужскими, резко возросло, а те компании, где продвижение по службе зависит от способностей, а не от пола, выиграли от появления талантливых и трудолюбивых женщин-руководителей. 女性管理人员和从事传统上由男性从事的岗位的女性数量急剧增加,而那些以能力而非性别为晋升依据的公司也受益于才华横溢、勤奋工作的女性领导者。


And speaking of female leaders, Neil, what was the answer to your question? |話が変わりますが||||||||||| 女性リーダーといえば、ニール、あなたの質問の答えは? 说到女性领导者,尼尔,你的问题的答案是什么?

You asked me who was the first female British Prime Minister, and I said Margaret Thatcher. |||||||||||||言った|| 你问我谁是英国第一位女首相,我说是玛格丽特·撒切尔。 Was I right? 我说得对吗?


You were right! Mrs Thatcher, nicknamed The Iron Lady, became Prime Minister in May 1979, the first woman to break the political glass ceiling in the UK - an invisible barrier to advancing in your career. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||progresser dans||| サッチャー夫人||あだ名された|||||||||||||打ち破る||政治的|||||英国|||||昇進する|||


OK, let's recap the other vocabulary we've learnt, starting with promotion - moving up into a higher, more important position in your company. ||おさらい|||||学んだ|始めに|||昇進|||||||||| さて、これまで学んだ他の語彙を復習しよう。まずは昇進から。昇進とは、会社でより高い、より重要なポジションに就くことだ。 好的,让我们回顾一下我们学过的其他词汇,从晋升开始 - 在公司中晋升到更高、更重要的职位。


The term non-promotable tasks describes those unimportant jobs which help your organisation but do nothing to advance your career. ||||||||||助ける||||||||| 昇進できない仕事とは、組織には役立つが、キャリアアップには何の役にも立たない、重要でない仕事を指す。

They are often given to women. ||しばしば|||


If you have burn-out, you're exhausted from working too hard. |||燃え尽き|||疲れ果てた||||


Multitasking is the ability to do several things at the same time. マルチタスク||||||||||| マルチタスクとは、複数のことを同時にこなす能力のことである。

Sam: サム

And finally, juggling involves managing many different activities which all demand your time. ||quản lý nhiều hoạt động|||||||||| |最後に|||管理する|||||||| そして最後に、ジャグリングとは、あなたの時間を要求するさまざまな活動を管理することである。

We've managed our time pretty well so far but now our six minutes are up! |うまく管理した||||||||||||| これまではうまく時間をやりくりしてきたけど、もう6分しかない! До сих пор мы неплохо справлялись со своим временем, но теперь наши шесть минут истекли! Bye for now! じゃあね||

