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Interesting facts, Top 10 "Good" Countries

Top 10 "Good" Countries

These are the 10 best countries in the world at being good -- measured by how much each country contributes to the planet and to the human race, relative to its size -- according to a study by the independent policy advisor Simon Anholt and his co-author, Robert Govers.

Number 10 is Belgium.

They have the 5th best prosperity and equality score in the world and excel at open trading and investing in other countries to help them develop. Its health and well being rank is 3rd overall and is impressively number 1 in culture. Denmark is 9th, ranking 5th in both its world order and health and well being scores.

It suffers on international peace and security because of its alliance with the United States that's kept it busy fighting on foreign soil lately, and because it has a strong arms exports industry. The number 8 good country is Norway, one of the best on environmental issues.

It's also strong at maintaining world order and spreading health and wealth among its people. Like every other country on this list, its international peace and security rank could be higher. The United Kingdom, the 7th ranked country, would probably be number 1 if its peace score was better.

Its in the top 10 in health, prosperity, world order, and science and technology -- for which it takes the top spot, with a thriving academic sciences industry. The Swedes are 6th by hitting the top 10 in health, science and tech, world order, and top 5 in prosperity, and the planet and climate.

Sweden does great at limiting their greenhouse gas emissions by pursuing biofuels and other alternative energies. New Zealand grabs the fifth spot by ranking no lower than 41st in any metric, and is in the top 10 for the environment and science and technology by churning out patents and nobel prize winners.

4th is the Netherlands.

The Dutch are top 3 in three categories: Culture, health and wellbeing, and world order: which it helps maintain by giving generously to charity and signing lots of UN treaties. The Swiss come in 3rd.

They rank 2nd in prosperity and equality with its outstanding open trading and foreign direct investment efforts. They're also top 10 in world order, health and wellbeing, and science and technology. Finland does the 2nd most good in the world, relatively speaking.

They make the top 20 in every category, but international peace and security. Their health and wellbeing rank is so high because of very generous food and humanitarian aid programs and excessive donations to the World Health Organization. And the number 1 do-gooding country on earth is Ireland.

They are the best at promoting equality around the world, have a great culture, they encourage world order and a healthy world. Surprisingly, their lowest ranking is in planet and climate, mainly because they export a lot of hazardous waste to other nations. So every country could do even more good by targeting key areas and setting their goals higher, but overall, these ten nations do very well at promoting good in the global community.

If you enjoyed this video, help us share it with your fellow citizens of the world by hitting that like button.

Watch more TDC by clicking on the left to watch 10 areas of international cooperation, or get inspired to do good by watching the video on the right running through the most historic moments in speeches by American leaders, like JFK and Martin Luther King, since the adoption of the motion picture camera. And take us up on our offer for a free audiobook of your choice, like George Marshall's fascinating new, in-depth examination of why Americans are having such a hard time coming to terms with man-caused climate change. The link is below in the description to take advantage of that offer to sign up for a free 30-trial at audible.com. Thank you watching.

For the environmental and internationally-minded team here at TDC, we'll talk to you tomorrow.

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Top 10 "Good" Countries Топ|| Top 10 der "guten" Länder Los 10 países "buenos Top 10 des "bons" pays 良い」国トップ10 "좋은" 상위 10개 국가 Os 10 países mais "bons" 十大“好”国家

These are the 10 best countries in the world at being good -- measured by how much each country contributes to the planet and to the human race, relative to its size -- according to a study by the independent policy advisor Simon Anholt and his co-author, Robert Govers. ||||страны||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Анхольт||||||Говерс Podle studie nezávislého politického poradce Simona Anholta a jeho spolupracovníka se jedná o 10 nejlepších zemí na světě, které jsou dobré - měřeno podle toho, jak jednotlivé země přispívají k planetě a lidské rase v poměru k její velikosti. -autor, Robert Govers.

Number 10 is Belgium.

They have the 5th best prosperity and equality score in the world and excel at open trading and investing in other countries to help them develop. |||||||||||||превосходят|||||||||||| |||||wealth and success|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||se destacam|||||||||||| Mají 5. nejlepší skóre prosperity a rovnosti na světě a vynikají v otevřeném obchodování a investování v jiných zemích, aby jim pomohly rozvíjet se. Its health and well being rank is 3rd overall and is impressively number 1 in culture. Jeho zdraví a pohoda je celkově na 3. místě a v kultuře je působivě číslo 1. Denmark is 9th, ranking 5th in both its world order and health and well being scores. Dánsko je na 9. místě a je na 5. místě ve světovém řádu, ve skóre zdraví a pohody.

It suffers on international peace and security because of its alliance with the United States that’s kept it busy fighting on foreign soil lately, and because it has a strong arms exports industry. Trpí mezinárodním mírem a bezpečností kvůli spojenectví se Spojenými státy, které jej v poslední době zaměstnává bojem na cizí půdě, a protože má silný vývozní průmysl zbraní. The number 8 good country is Norway, one of the best on environmental issues.

It’s also strong at maintaining world order and spreading health and wealth among its people. Je také silný v udržování světového řádu a šíření zdraví a bohatství mezi svými lidmi. Like every other country on this list, its international peace and security rank could be higher. Stejně jako každá jiná země na tomto seznamu může být její mezinárodní mírový a bezpečnostní stupeň vyšší. The United Kingdom, the 7th ranked country, would probably be number 1 if its peace score was better. Velká Británie, sedmá země, by byla pravděpodobně číslo 1, pokud by její mírové skóre bylo lepší.

Its in the top 10 in health, prosperity, world order, and science and technology -- for which it takes the top spot, with a thriving academic sciences industry. ||||||||||||||||||||||próspero||| Je v top 10 v oblasti zdraví, prosperity, světového řádu a vědy a techniky - za což zaujímá přední místo s prosperujícím průmyslem akademických věd. The Swedes are 6th by hitting the top 10 in health, science and tech, world order, and top 5 in prosperity, and the planet and climate. |шведы|||||||||||||||||||||| Švédové jsou na 6. místě, když se dostali mezi 10 nejlepších v oblasti zdraví, vědy a techniky, světového řádu a 5 nejlepších v oblasti prosperity a planety a podnebí.

Sweden does great at limiting their greenhouse gas emissions by pursuing biofuels and other alternative energies. ||||||gases de efeito estufa||||||||| Švédsko dělá skvělé při omezování svých emisí skleníkových plynů využíváním biopaliv a jiných alternativních energií. New Zealand grabs the fifth spot by ranking no lower than 41st in any metric, and is in the top 10 for the environment and science and technology by churning out patents and nobel prize winners. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||выдавая|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||producing|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||produzindo|||||| Nový Zéland získal páté místo tím, že se v jakékoli metrice umístil na ne méně než 41. místě, a je v top 10 v oblasti životního prostředí a vědy a technologie chrlením patentů a nositelů Nobelovy ceny. A Nova Zelândia obtém o quinto lugar por não ficar abaixo do 41º em qualquer métrica, e está entre os dez primeiros em meio ambiente, ciência e tecnologia, ao distribuir patentes e vencedores do prêmio nobel.

4th is the Netherlands.

The Dutch are top 3 in three categories: Culture, health and wellbeing, and world order: which it helps maintain by giving generously to charity and signing lots of UN treaties. ||||||||||||||||||||щедро|||||||| Holanďané jsou prvními třemi ve třech kategoriích: kultura, zdraví a pohoda a světový řád: které pomáhá udržovat velkorysým rozdáváním charity a podpisem mnoha smluv OSN. Os holandeses estão entre os 3 primeiros em três categorias: cultura, saúde e bem-estar e ordem mundial: que ajudam a manter ao doar generosamente para instituições de caridade e assinar muitos tratados da ONU. The Swiss come in 3rd. Švýcaři jsou na 3. místě.

They rank 2nd in prosperity and equality with its outstanding open trading and foreign direct investment efforts. S vynikajícím otevřeným obchodováním a přímými zahraničními investicemi se řadí na 2. místo v prosperitě a rovnosti. They’re also top 10 in world order, health and wellbeing, and science and technology. Finland does the 2nd most good in the world, relatively speaking. Finsko je relativně nejlepší druhé nejlepší na světě.

They make the top 20 in every category, but international peace and security. Dělají top 20 v každé kategorii, ale mezinárodní mír a bezpečnost. Their health and wellbeing rank is so high because of very generous food and humanitarian aid programs and excessive donations to the World Health Organization. And the number 1 do-gooding country on earth is Ireland. ||||благотворительность|||||

They are the best at promoting equality around the world, have a great culture, they encourage world order and a healthy world. Surprisingly, their lowest ranking is in planet and climate, mainly because they export a lot of hazardous waste to other nations. ||||||||||||||||perigoso|||| Překvapivě jejich nejnižší umístění je na planetě a podnebí, hlavně proto, že vyvážejí spoustu nebezpečného odpadu do jiných národů. Surpreendentemente, sua classificação mais baixa é em planeta e clima, principalmente porque exportam muitos resíduos perigosos para outras nações. So every country could do even more good by targeting key areas and setting their goals higher, but overall, these ten nations do very well at promoting good in the global community. Každá země by tedy mohla udělat ještě více dobra tím, že se zaměří na klíčové oblasti a nastaví své cíle výše, ale celkově se těmto deseti národům daří v prosazování dobra v globální komunitě velmi dobře.

If you enjoyed this video, help us share it with your fellow citizens of the world by hitting that like button. |||||||||||согражданами|граждане|||||||| Pokud se vám toto video líbilo, pomozte nám jej sdílet se svými spoluobčany na celém světě stisknutím tohoto tlačítka.

Watch more TDC by clicking on the left to watch 10 areas of international cooperation, or get inspired to do good by watching the video on the right running through the most historic moments in speeches by American leaders, like JFK and Martin Luther King, since the adoption of the motion picture camera. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Джон Ф|||||||принятие||||| Sledujte více TDC kliknutím vlevo a sledujte 10 oblastí mezinárodní spolupráce, nebo se nechte inspirovat k dobrému sledováním videa vpravo, které prochází nejhistoričtějšími okamžiky projevů amerických vůdců, jako jsou JFK a Martin Luther King, od přijetí videokamery. And take us up on our offer for a free audiobook of your choice, like George Marshall’s fascinating new, in-depth examination of why Americans are having such a hard time coming to terms with man-caused climate change. ||||||||||||||||Маршалла|||||||||||||||||||||| A vezměte nás s naší nabídkou bezplatné audioknihy podle vašeho výběru, jako je fascinující nové, hloubkové zkoumání George Marshalla, proč se Američané tak těžce vyrovnávají s klimatickými změnami způsobenými člověkem. E aceite nossa oferta de um audiolivro gratuito de sua escolha, como o novo e fascinante exame aprofundado de George Marshall sobre por que os americanos estão tendo tanta dificuldade em lidar com as mudanças climáticas causadas pelo homem. The link is below in the description to take advantage of that offer to sign up for a free 30-trial at audible.com. Odkaz je uveden níže v popisu, abyste využili této nabídky a zaregistrovali si bezplatnou 30denní zkušební verzi na webu audible.com. Thank you watching. Děkuji za sledování.

For the environmental and internationally-minded team here at TDC, we’ll talk to you tomorrow. Za tým pro životní prostředí a mezinárodně zaměřený tým zde v TDC si s vámi promluvíme zítra.