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COURSERA Business Model Canvas, Wk3-02 Value Propositions Presentation

Wk3-02 Value Propositions Presentation

Welcome to module three. Once we choose the most important customer segment, the next big decision we need to make is what value propositions can we create and deliver to the customer segment in a way that builds strong customer trust and loyalty and gives us a respectable profit for sale? At the basic level, value propositions are the reasons why customers turn to one company over another. The value propositions are typically a bundle of products, services, and benefits. Some benefits maybe represent a breakthrough innovation, like iTunes or Uber. Or the benefits may be similar to existing products and services but offers new features and functions that are indeed important to the customer segment. Value propositions typically fall into three categories. The first one, is quantitative. Creating new value by improving speed of service, price for quality, or adding new features or improvements. These value propositions are sometimes called getting the job done or price competitiveness, or convenience. Perhaps Walmart is a good example of this. The next category, is called qualitative, creating products and services that improve custom experience via new designs by improved emotional interfaces. These value propositions are called performance or customization or status enhancement including helping one, someone improve their personal brand. The last category is called game changing. This is where your creating products and services that truly disrupt an industry. Again, think Uber. These Value Propositions are sometimes called product newness or creating a new industry category or human based innovations that truly change the world for the better. To better help us understand the value propositions building block, Alex and Deeds also invented the Value Propositions Canvas. On the right side of the Value Propositions Canvas, are the customers jobs, the customer pains and the customer gains On the left side of the canvass are the products and services, the pain relievers, and the gain creators. Let's look at all six elements through the lens of the new Career Readiness Mobile Learning Program, designed with parents of college-aged students in mind. The customer jobs might be to help their sons and daughters find the jobs and careers of their dreams, and to make the most of a college education investments. Customer pains could be that parents are worried about the common stories of young people not able find when and retain good jobs after completing college. Customer gains could be that they're looking for a peace of mind that their sons and daughters will know how to identify and when a highly satisfying job in their career area. Now, let's look at the less side of the canvas, the pain relievers Perhaps the new Career Readiness Mobile Learning Program will help their children have access to a high quality career planning program that includes upon successful completion Access to a career coach. Gain Creators, peace of mind that qualified career planning professionals are educating their children on how to develop a winning Career Plan. Products and services. What we are trying to do is provide career planning services that are affordable, mobile and result in an aggressive, creative, and implementable career plan. Okay. Let's turn back to the business model canvas. For my project, I'm thinking the key value propositions are, number 1, the parents, sons and daughters will win great jobs in highly satisfying careers that have long-term potential. Where as another value proposition, the parents will have a strong sense of confidence that their children are getting career planning advise and tools that are researched validated and proven to work. Value proposition number three. The new career planning knowledge and tools will be available to their children on an engaging and fun mobile learning platform think game application that will help their children understand and learn how to develop these new career planning skills They are going to help them get the job of their dreams. Next, let's talk about your module three assignments. First, make sure you participate in a discussion and answer the question, "What is the most important thing I learned while watching the animated video titled prototyping?" Second, there are two application assignments. Again, with your idea in mind, it's now your turn to identify your customer segments jobs, pains, and gains and then explain how your new idea, which is a product or service, or both, will be a pain reliever and a gain creator. Then add your top three value propositions to your business model canvas. Good luck and we'll get together again at the beginning of module four.

Wk3-02 Value Propositions Presentation Wk3-02 Value Propositions Presentation

Welcome to module three. モジュール3へようこそ。 Once we choose the most important customer segment, the next big decision we need to make is what value propositions can we create and deliver to the customer segment in a way that builds strong customer trust and loyalty and gives us a respectable profit for sale? 最も重要な顧客セグメントを選択したら、次に行う必要のある大きな決定は、強力な顧客の信頼と忠誠心を構築し、販売のためにかなりの利益をもたらす方法で、どのような価値提案を作成して顧客セグメントに提供できるかです。 At the basic level, value propositions are the reasons why customers turn to one company over another. 基本的なレベルでは、価値提案は、顧客がある会社を別の会社に頼る理由です。 The value propositions are typically a bundle of products, services, and benefits. バリュープロポジションは通常、製品、サービス、およびメリットのバンドルです。 Some benefits maybe represent a breakthrough innovation, like iTunes or Uber. iTunesやUberのように、いくつかのメリットは画期的なイノベーションを表している可能性があります。 Alguns benefícios talvez representem uma inovação revolucionária, como iTunes ou Uber. Or the benefits may be similar to existing products and services but offers new features and functions that are indeed important to the customer segment. または、メリットは既存の製品やサービスと似ているかもしれませんが、顧客セグメントにとって本当に重要な新しい機能を提供します。 Value propositions typically fall into three categories. バリュープロポジションは通常、3つのカテゴリーに分類されます。 As propostas de valor geralmente se enquadram em três categorias. The first one, is quantitative. 最初のものは、定量的です。 Creating new value by improving speed of service, price for quality, or adding new features or improvements. サービスの速度、品質の価格を改善するか、新しい機能や改善を追加することにより、新しい価値を創造します。 Criando novo valor melhorando a velocidade do serviço, preço pela qualidade ou adicionando novos recursos ou melhorias. These value propositions are sometimes called getting the job done or price competitiveness, or convenience. これらの価値提案は、仕事を成し遂げること、価格競争力、または利便性と呼ばれることもあります。 Essas propostas de valor às vezes são chamadas de realização do trabalho, competitividade de preços ou conveniência. Perhaps Walmart is a good example of this. おそらくウォルマートはこの良い例です。 Talvez o Walmart seja um bom exemplo disso. The next category, is called qualitative, creating products and services that improve custom experience via new designs by improved emotional interfaces. 次のカテゴリは定性的と呼ばれ、感情的なインターフェースを改善することで新しいデザインを介してカスタムエクスペリエンスを改善する製品とサービスを作成します。 A próxima categoria é chamada qualitativa, criando produtos e serviços que melhoram a experiência personalizada por meio de novos designs por meio de interfaces emocionais aprimoradas. These value propositions are called performance or customization or status enhancement including helping one, someone improve their personal brand. これらの価値提案は、パフォーマンス、カスタマイズ、またはステータスの向上と呼ばれ、誰かが自分のパーソナルブランドを向上させるのを支援します。 Essas propostas de valor são chamadas de desempenho ou personalização ou aprimoramento de status, incluindo ajudar alguém a melhorar sua marca pessoal. The last category is called game changing. 最後のカテゴリはゲームチェンジと呼ばれます。 A última categoria é chamada de mudança de jogo. This is where your creating products and services that truly disrupt an industry. これは、業界を真に混乱させる製品やサービスを作成する場所です。 Again, think Uber. 繰り返しますが、Uberを考えてください。 These Value Propositions are sometimes called product newness or creating a new industry category or human based innovations that truly change the world for the better. これらのバリュープロポジションは、製品の新しさ、新しい業界カテゴリの作成、または世界をより良い方向に変える人間ベースのイノベーションと呼ばれることもあります。 Essas propostas de valor às vezes são chamadas de novidade de produto ou criação de uma nova categoria de indústria ou inovações baseadas em humanos que realmente mudam o mundo para melhor. To better help us understand the value propositions building block, Alex and Deeds also invented the Value Propositions Canvas. バリュープロポジションの構成要素をよりよく理解するために、AlexとDeedsはバリュープロポジションキャンバスも発明しました。 On the right side of the Value Propositions Canvas, are the customers jobs, the customer pains and the customer gains On the left side of the canvass are the products and services, the pain relievers, and the gain creators. バリュープロポジションキャンバスの右側には、顧客の仕事、顧客の苦痛、そして顧客の利益があります。キャンバスの左側には、製品とサービス、鎮痛剤、そして利益の創造者がいます。 Let's look at all six elements through the lens of the new Career Readiness Mobile Learning Program, designed with parents of college-aged students in mind. 大学生の両親を念頭に置いて設計された新しいキャリアレディネスモバイルラーニングプログラムのレンズを通して、6つの要素すべてを見てみましょう。 Vejamos todos os seis elementos através das lentes do novo Programa de Aprendizagem Móvel de Preparação para Carreira, desenvolvido tendo em mente os pais de estudantes em idade universitária. The customer jobs might be to help their sons and daughters find the jobs and careers of their dreams, and to make the most of a college education investments. 顧客の仕事は、息子と娘が夢の仕事とキャリアを見つけるのを助け、大学教育への投資を最大限に活用することかもしれません。 Os trabalhos dos clientes podem ser ajudar seus filhos e filhas a encontrar os empregos e as carreiras de seus sonhos e aproveitar ao máximo os investimentos em educação universitária. Customer pains could be that parents are worried about the common stories of young people not able find when and retain good jobs after completing college. 顧客の苦痛は、両親が大学を卒業した後、いつ見つけて良い仕事を続けることができない若者の一般的な話を心配していることかもしれません。 As dores do cliente podem ser que os pais estejam preocupados com as histórias comuns de jovens que não conseguem encontrar quando e manter bons empregos depois de concluir a faculdade. Customer gains could be that they're looking for a peace of mind that their sons and daughters will know how to identify and when a highly satisfying job in their career area. O ganho do cliente pode ser que ele esteja procurando uma tranquilidade que seus filhos e filhas saberão identificar e quando um trabalho altamente satisfatório em sua área de carreira. Now, let's look at the less side of the canvas, the pain relievers Perhaps the new Career Readiness Mobile Learning Program will help their children have access to a high quality career planning program that includes upon successful completion Access to a career coach. Agora, vamos olhar para o lado menos da tela, os analgésicos Talvez o novo Programa de Aprendizagem Móvel de Preparação para Carreira ajude seus filhos a ter acesso a um programa de planejamento de carreira de alta qualidade que inclui, após a conclusão bem-sucedida, acesso a um coach de carreira. Gain Creators, peace of mind that qualified career planning professionals are educating their children on how to develop a winning Career Plan. Ganhe, Criadores, a tranquilidade de saber que profissionais qualificados em planejamento de carreira estão educando seus filhos sobre como desenvolver um Plano de Carreira vencedor. Products and services. Produtos e serviços. What we are trying to do is provide career planning services that are affordable, mobile and result in an aggressive, creative, and implementable career plan. 私たちがやろうとしているのは、手頃な価格でモバイル性があり、積極的で創造的で実行可能なキャリアプランをもたらすキャリアプランニングサービスを提供することです。 Okay. Let's turn back to the business model canvas. Vamos voltar para a tela do modelo de negócios. For my project, I'm thinking the key value propositions are, number 1, the parents, sons and daughters will win great jobs in highly satisfying careers that have long-term potential. Where as another value proposition, the parents will have a strong sense of confidence that their children are getting career planning advise and tools that are researched validated and proven to work. Sedangkan proposisi nilai lainnya, orang tua akan memiliki rasa percaya diri yang kuat bahwa anak-anak mereka mendapatkan saran dan alat perencanaan karir yang diteliti, divalidasi dan terbukti berhasil. Value proposition number three. The new career planning knowledge and tools will be available to their children on an engaging and fun mobile learning platform think game application that will help their children understand and learn how to develop these new career planning skills They are going to help them get the job of their dreams. 新しいキャリアプランニングの知識とツールは、魅力的で楽しいモバイル学習プラットフォームで子供たちが利用できるようになります。子供たちがこれらの新しいキャリアプランニングスキルを理解し、習得するのに役立つゲームアプリケーションを考えてください。彼らの夢。 Next, let's talk about your module three assignments. 次に、モジュールの3つの割り当てについて説明します。 First, make sure you participate in a discussion and answer the question, "What is the most important thing I learned while watching the animated video titled prototyping?" Second, there are two application assignments. Em segundo lugar, existem duas atribuições de aplicação. Again, with your idea in mind, it's now your turn to identify your customer segments jobs, pains, and gains and then explain how your new idea, which is a product or service, or both, will be a pain reliever and a gain creator. Then add your top three value propositions to your business model canvas. Em seguida, adicione suas três principais propostas de valor à tela do seu modelo de negócios. Good luck and we'll get together again at the beginning of module four.