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Deathworld by Harry Harrison, Chapter - XXVIII

Chapter - XXVIII

XXVIII. "What do we do now?

Meta asked. Her voice was troubled, questioning. She voiced the thoughts of all the Pyrrans in the room, and the thousands who watched in their screens. "What will we do?

They turned to Jason, waiting for an answer. For the moment their differences were forgotten. The people from the city were staring expectantly at him, as were the crossbowmen with half-lowered weapons. This stranger had confused and changed the old world they had known, and presented them with a newer and stranger one, with alien problems. "Hold on," he said, raising his hand.

"I'm no doctor of social ills. I'm not going to try and cure this planet full of muscle-bound sharpshooters. I've just squeezed through up to now, and by the law of averages I should be ten times dead. "Even if all you say is true, Jason," Meta said, "you are still the only person who can help us.

What will the future be like? Suddenly weary, Jason slumped into the pilot's chair.

He glanced around at the circle of people. They seemed sincere. None of them even appeared to have noticed that he no longer had his hand on the pump switch. For the moment at least, the war between city and farm was forgotten. "I'll give you my conclusions," Jason said, twisting in the chair, trying to find a comfortable position for his aching bones.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking the last day or two, searching for the answer. The very first thing I realized, was that the perfect and logical solution wouldn't do at all. I'm afraid the old ideal of the lion lying down with the lamb doesn't work out in practice. About all it does is make a fast lunch for the lion. Ideally, now that you all know the real causes of your trouble, you should tear down the perimeter and have the city and forest people mingle in brotherly love. Makes just as pretty a picture as the one of lion and lamb. And would undoubtedly have the same result. Someone would remember how really filthy the grubbers are, or how stupid junkmen can be, and there would be a fresh corpse cooling. The fight would spread and the victors would be eaten by the wildlife that swarmed over the undefended perimeter. No, the answer isn't that easy. As the Pyrrans listened to him they realized where they were, and glanced around uneasily.

The guards raised their crossbows again, and the prisoners stepped back to the wall and looked surly. "See what I mean?

Jason asked. "Didn't take long did it?" They all looked a little sheepish at their unthinking reactions. "If we're going to find a decent plan for the future, we'll have to take inertia into consideration.

Mental inertia for one. Just because you know a thing is true in theory, doesn't make it true in fact. The barbaric religions of primitive worlds hold not a germ of scientific fact, though they claim to explain all. Yet if one of these savages has all the logical ground for his beliefs taken away—he doesn't stop believing. He then calls his mistaken beliefs 'faith' because he knows they are right. And he knows they are right because he has faith. This is an unbreakable circle of false logic that can't be touched. In reality, it is plain mental inertia. A case of thinking 'what always was' will also 'always be.' And not wanting to blast the thinking patterns out of the old rut. "Mental inertia alone is not going to cause trouble—there is cultural inertia, too.

Some of you in this room believe my conclusions and would like to change. But will all your people change? The unthinking ones, the habit-ridden, reflex-formed people who know what is now, will always be. They'll act like a drag on whatever plans you make, whatever attempts you undertake to progress with the new knowledge you have. "Then it's useless—there's no hope for our world?

Rhes asked. "I didn't say that," Jason answered.

"I merely mean that your troubles won't end by throwing some kind of mental switch. I see three courses open for the future, and the chances are that all three will be going on at the same time. "First—and best—will be the rejoining of city and farm Pyrrans into the single human group they came from.

Each is incomplete now, and has something the other one needs. In the city here you have science and contact with the rest of the galaxy. You also have a deadly war. Out there in the jungle, your first cousins live at peace with the world, but lack medicine and the other benefits of scientific knowledge, as well as any kind of cultural contact with the rest of mankind. You'll both have to join together and benefit from the exchange. At the same time you'll have to forget the superstitious hatred you have of each other. This will only be done outside of the city, away from the war. Every one of you who is capable should go out voluntarily, bringing some fraction of the knowledge that needs sharing. You won't be harmed if you go in good faith. And you will learn how to live with this planet, rather than against it. Eventually you'll have civilized communities that won't be either 'grubber' or 'junkman.' They'll be Pyrran. "But what about our city here?

Kerk asked. "It'll stay right here—and probably won't change in the slightest.

In the beginning you'll need your perimeter and defenses to stay alive, while the people are leaving. And after that it will keep going because there are going to be any number of people here who you won't convince. They'll stay and fight and eventually die. Perhaps you will be able to do a better job in educating their children. What the eventual end of the city will be, I have no idea. They were silent as they thought about the future.

On the floor Skop groaned but did not move. "Those are two ways," Meta said. "What is the third? "The third possibility is my own pet scheme," Jason smiled.

"And I hope I can find enough people to go along with me. I'm going to take my money and spend it all on outfitting the best and most modern spacer, with every weapon and piece of scientific equipment I can get my hands on. Then I'm going to ask for Pyrran volunteers to go with me. "What in the world for?

Meta frowned. "Not for charity, I expect to make my investment back, and more.

You see, after these past few months, I can't possibly return to my old occupation. Not only do I have enough money now to make it a waste of time, but I think it would be an unending bore. One thing about Pyrrus—if you live—is that it spoils you for the quieter places. So I'd like to take this ship that I mentioned and go into the business of opening up new worlds. There are thousands of planets where men would like to settle, only getting a foothold on them is too rough or rugged for the usual settlers. Can you imagine a planet a Pyrran couldn't lick after the training you've had here? And enjoy doing it? "There would be more than pleasure involved, though.

In the city your lives have been geared for continual deadly warfare. Now you're faced with the choice of a fairly peaceful future, or staying in the city to fight an unnecessary and foolish war. I offer the third alternative of the occupation you know best, that would let you accomplish something constructive at the same time. "Those are the choices.

Whatever you decide is up to each of you personally. Before anyone could answer, livid pain circled Jason's throat.

Skop had regained consciousness and surged up from the floor. He pulled Jason from the chair with a single motion, holding him by the neck, throttling him. "Kerk!

Meta!" Skop shouted hoarsely. "Grab guns! Open the locks—our people'll be here, kill the grubbers and their lies! Jason tore at the fingers that were choking the life out of him, but it was like pulling at bent steel bars.

He couldn't talk and the blood hammered in his ears. Meta hurtled forward like an uncoiled spring and the crossbows twanged.

One bolt caught her in the leg, the other transfixed her upper arm. But she had been shot as she jumped and her inertia carried her across the room, to her fellow Pyrran and the dying off-worlder. She raised her good arm and chopped down with the edge of her hand.

It caught Skop a hard blow on the biceps and his arm jumped spasmodically, his hand leaping from Jason's throat.

"What are you doing?

he shouted in strange terror to the wounded girl who fell against him. He pushed her away, still clutching Jason with his other hand. She didn't answer. Instead she chopped again, hard and true, the edge of her hand catching Skop across the windpipe, crushing it. He dropped Jason and fell to the floor, retching and gasping. Jason watched the end through a haze, barely conscious.

Skop struggled to his feet, turned pain-filled eyes to his friends.

"You're wrong," Kerk said.

"Don't do it. The sound the wounded man made was more animal than human.

When he dived towards the guns on the far side of the room the crossbows twanged like harps of death. When Brucco went over to help Meta no one interfered.

Jason gasped air back into his lungs, breathing in life. The watching glass eye of the viewer carried the scene to everyone in the city. "Thanks, Meta ... for understanding ... as well as helping.

Jason had to force the words out. "Skop was wrong and you were right, Jason," she said.

Her voice broke for a second as Brucco snapped off the feathered end of the steel bolt with his fingers, and pulled the shaft out of her arm. "I can't stay in the city, only people who feel as Skop did will be able to do that. And I'm afraid I can't go into the forest—you saw what luck I had with the stingwing. If it's all right I'd like to come with you. I'd like to very much. It hurt when he talked so Jason could only smile, but she knew what he meant.

Kerk looked down in unhappiness at the body of the dead man.

"He was wrong—but I know how he felt. I can't leave the city, not yet. Someone will have to keep things in hand while the changes are taking place. Your ship is a good idea, Jason, you'll have no shortage of volunteers. Though I doubt if you'll get Brucco to go with you. "Of course not," Brucco snapped, not looking up from the compression bandage he was tying.

"There's enough to do right here on Pyrrus. The animal life, quite a study to be made, probably have every ecologist in the galaxy visiting here. Kerk walked slowly to the screen overlooking the city.

No one attempted to stop him. He looked out at the buildings, the smoke still curling up from the perimeter, and the limitless sweep of green jungle beyond. "You've changed it all, Jason," he said.

"We can't see it now, but Pyrrus will never be the way it was before you came. For better or worse. "Better," Jason croaked, and rubbed his aching throat.

"Now get together and end this war so people will really believe it. Rhes turned and after an instant's hesitation, extended his hand to Kerk.

The gray-haired Pyrran felt the same repugnance himself about touching a grubber. They shook hands then because they were both strong men.


Chapter - XXVIII Kapitel - XXVIII Capítulo - XXVIII Capítulo - XXVIII Bölüm - XXVIII 第二十八章

XXVIII. "What do we do now?

Meta asked. Her voice was troubled, questioning. Голос у нее был обеспокоенный, вопросительный. She voiced the thoughts of all the Pyrrans in the room, and the thousands who watched in their screens. "What will we do?

They turned to Jason, waiting for an answer. For the moment their differences were forgotten. На данный момент их различия были забыты. The people from the city were staring expectantly at him, as were the crossbowmen with half-lowered weapons. |||||||||||||арбалетники|||| The people from the city were staring expectantly at him, as were the crossbowmen with half-lowered weapons. This stranger had confused and changed the old world they had known, and presented them with a newer and stranger one, with alien problems. Этот незнакомец запутал и изменил старый мир, который они знали, и подарил им новый и более странный мир, с чуждыми проблемами. "Hold on," he said, raising his hand. — Подожди, — сказал он, поднимая руку.

"I’m no doctor of social ills. |||||соціальних проблем «Я не врач социальных болезней. I’m not going to try and cure this planet full of muscle-bound sharpshooters. |||||||||||||marksmen Я не собираюсь пытаться вылечить эту планету, полную мускулистых снайперов. I’ve just squeezed through up to now, and by the law of averages I should be ten times dead. I've just squeezed through up to now, and by the law of averages I should be ten times dead. Я до сих пор только протискивался, и по закону средних чисел я должен быть десять раз мертв. "Even if all you say is true, Jason," Meta said, "you are still the only person who can help us.

What will the future be like? Suddenly weary, Jason slumped into the pilot’s chair. Внезапно утомившись, Джейсон рухнул в кресло пилота.

He glanced around at the circle of people. They seemed sincere. Они казались искренними. None of them even appeared to have noticed that he no longer had his hand on the pump switch. Казалось, никто из них даже не заметил, что он больше не держал руку на выключателе насоса. For the moment at least, the war between city and farm was forgotten. "I’ll give you my conclusions," Jason said, twisting in the chair, trying to find a comfortable position for his aching bones.

"I’ve been doing a lot of thinking the last day or two, searching for the answer. The very first thing I realized, was that the perfect and logical solution wouldn’t do at all. Первое, что я понял, это то, что идеальное и логичное решение вообще не годится. I’m afraid the old ideal of the lion lying down with the lamb doesn’t work out in practice. Боюсь, старый идеал льва, лежащего рядом с ягненком, на практике не работает. About all it does is make a fast lunch for the lion. |||||||||||леву Почти все, что он делает, это готовит быстрый обед для льва. Ideally, now that you all know the real causes of your trouble, you should tear down the perimeter and have the city and forest people mingle in brotherly love. В идеале, теперь, когда вы все знаете истинные причины ваших проблем, вы должны разрушить периметр и заставить горожан и лесников смешаться в братской любви. Makes just as pretty a picture as the one of lion and lamb. Получается такая же красивая картина, как и со львом и ягненком. And would undoubtedly have the same result. Someone would remember how really filthy the grubbers are, or how stupid junkmen can be, and there would be a fresh corpse cooling. Someone would remember how really filthy the grubbers are, or how stupid junkmen can be, and there would be a fresh corpse cooling. Кто-нибудь вспомнит, какие на самом деле грязные корчеватели, или какие тупые старьевщики бывают, и остывает свежий труп. The fight would spread and the victors would be eaten by the wildlife that swarmed over the undefended perimeter. Бой распространится, и победители будут съедены дикими животными, которые кишели по незащищенному периметру. No, the answer isn’t that easy. As the Pyrrans listened to him they realized where they were, and glanced around uneasily. Слушая его, пирряне поняли, где находятся, и беспокойно огляделись.

The guards raised their crossbows again, and the prisoners stepped back to the wall and looked surly. ||||арбалети||||||||||||недовірливо Охранники снова подняли свои арбалеты, а заключенные отступили к стене с угрюмым видом. "See what I mean? "Понимаете, что я имею в виду?

Jason asked. "Didn’t take long did it?" — Это не заняло много времени? They all looked a little sheepish at their unthinking reactions. |||||зніяковілі|||| Все они выглядели немного застенчивыми из-за их бездумной реакции. "If we’re going to find a decent plan for the future, we’ll have to take inertia into consideration. |||||||||||||||resistance to change|| |||||||||||||||інерцію||увагу "If we're going to find a decent plan for the future, we'll have to take inertia into consideration. «Если мы собираемся найти достойный план на будущее, нам придется принять во внимание инерцию.

Mental inertia for one. Психическая инерция на одного. Just because you know a thing is true in theory, doesn’t make it true in fact. То, что вы знаете, что что-то верно в теории, не делает его истинным на самом деле. The barbaric religions of primitive worlds hold not a germ of scientific fact, though they claim to explain all. |||||||||seed||||||||| Варварские религии первобытных миров не содержат в себе ни зародыша научных фактов, хотя и претендуют на объяснение всего. Yet if one of these savages has all the logical ground for his beliefs taken away—he doesn’t stop believing. Yet if one of these savages has all the logical ground for his beliefs taken away—he doesn't stop believing. Но если у одного из этих дикарей отняли все логические основания для его убеждений, он не перестанет верить. He then calls his mistaken beliefs 'faith' because he knows they are right. He then calls his mistaken beliefs 'faith' because he knows they are right. Затем он называет свои ошибочные убеждения «верой», потому что знает, что они верны. And he knows they are right because he has faith. |||||||||віра И он знает, что они правы, потому что у него есть вера. This is an unbreakable circle of false logic that can’t be touched. |||незламне|||||||| Это неразрывный круг ложной логики, который нельзя трогать. In reality, it is plain mental inertia. На самом деле это обычная умственная инерция. A case of thinking 'what always was' will also 'always be.' A case of thinking 'what always was' will also 'always be.' Случай мышления «то, что всегда было», также «всегда будет». And not wanting to blast the thinking patterns out of the old rut. И не желая вырывать стереотипы мышления из старой колеи. "Mental inertia alone is not going to cause trouble—there is cultural inertia, too. «Одна только умственная инерция не создаст проблем — есть и культурная инерция.

Some of you in this room believe my conclusions and would like to change. But will all your people change? The unthinking ones, the habit-ridden, reflex-formed people who know what is now, will always be. The unthinking ones, the habit-ridden, reflex-formed people who know what is now, will always be. Бездумные, одержимые привычками, сформированные рефлексами люди, знающие, что есть сейчас, всегда будут. They’ll act like a drag on whatever plans you make, whatever attempts you undertake to progress with the new knowledge you have. ||||burden||||||||||||||||| They'll act like a drag on whatever plans you make, whatever attempts you undertake to progress with the new knowledge you have. Они будут тормозить любые ваши планы, какие бы попытки вы ни предпринимали, чтобы продвигаться вперед с новыми знаниями, которые у вас есть. "Then it’s useless—there’s no hope for our world? «Значит, это бесполезно — у нашего мира нет надежды?

Rhes asked. "I didn’t say that," Jason answered.

"I merely mean that your troubles won’t end by throwing some kind of mental switch. |лише||||||||||||| «Я просто имею в виду, что ваши проблемы не закончатся срабатыванием какого-то ментального переключателя. I see three courses open for the future, and the chances are that all three will be going on at the same time. Я вижу три курса, открытых в будущем, и есть вероятность, что все три будут проходить одновременно. "First—and best—will be the rejoining of city and farm Pyrrans into the single human group they came from. «Первым — и лучшим — будет воссоединение городских и фермерских пиррян в единую человеческую группу, из которой они произошли.

Each is incomplete now, and has something the other one needs. Каждый сейчас неполный, и у него есть что-то, что нужно другому. In the city here you have science and contact with the rest of the galaxy. В этом городе у вас есть наука и контакт с остальной частью галактики. You also have a deadly war. У вас тоже есть смертельная война. Out there in the jungle, your first cousins live at peace with the world, but lack medicine and the other benefits of scientific knowledge, as well as any kind of cultural contact with the rest of mankind. Там, в джунглях, ваши двоюродные братья живут в мире со всем миром, но им не хватает медицины и других преимуществ научных знаний, а также каких-либо культурных контактов с остальным человечеством. You’ll both have to join together and benefit from the exchange. At the same time you’ll have to forget the superstitious hatred you have of each other. |||||||||суеверна|||||| At the same time you'll have to forget the superstitious hatred you have of each other. В то же время вам придется забыть о вашей суеверной ненависти друг к другу. This will only be done outside of the city, away from the war. Это будет делаться только за городом, подальше от войны. Every one of you who is capable should go out voluntarily, bringing some fraction of the knowledge that needs sharing. ||||||||||добровільно||||||||| Каждый из вас, кто способен, должен выйти добровольно, принося некоторую долю знаний, которыми нужно поделиться. You won’t be harmed if you go in good faith. Вам не причинят вреда, если вы пойдете добросовестно. And you will learn how to live with this planet, rather than against it. Eventually you’ll have civilized communities that won’t be either 'grubber' or 'junkman.' В конце концов у вас будут цивилизованные сообщества, которые не будут ни «корачами», ни «мусорщиками». They’ll be Pyrran. "But what about our city here? «А как же наш город здесь?

Kerk asked. "It’ll stay right here—and probably won’t change in the slightest. «Оно останется здесь и, вероятно, ничуть не изменится.

In the beginning you’ll need your perimeter and defenses to stay alive, while the people are leaving. В начале вам понадобится ваш периметр и защита, чтобы остаться в живых, пока люди уходят. And after that it will keep going because there are going to be any number of people here who you won’t convince. |||||||||||||||||||||переконати И после этого это будет продолжаться, потому что здесь будет любое количество людей, которых вы не сможете убедить. They’ll stay and fight and eventually die. Perhaps you will be able to do a better job in educating their children. Возможно, вы сможете лучше справляться с воспитанием своих детей. What the eventual end of the city will be, I have no idea. They were silent as they thought about the future. Они молчали, думая о будущем.

On the floor Skop groaned but did not move. На полу Скоп застонал, но не пошевелился. "Those are two ways," Meta said. "What is the third? "The third possibility is my own pet scheme," Jason smiled. "The third possibility is my own pet scheme," Jason smiled. «Третья возможность — моя собственная любимая схема», — улыбнулся Джейсон.

"And I hope I can find enough people to go along with me. «И я надеюсь, что смогу найти достаточно людей, которые пойдут со мной. I’m going to take my money and spend it all on outfitting the best and most modern spacer, with every weapon and piece of scientific equipment I can get my hands on. |||||||||||оснащенням|||||||||||||||||||| Then I’m going to ask for Pyrran volunteers to go with me. "What in the world for? «За что, черт возьми?

Meta frowned. "Not for charity, I expect to make my investment back, and more. «Не ради благотворительности, я рассчитываю вернуть свои вложения и даже больше.

You see, after these past few months, I can’t possibly return to my old occupation. Видите ли, после этих последних нескольких месяцев я никак не могу вернуться к своему прежнему занятию. Not only do I have enough money now to make it a waste of time, but I think it would be an unending bore. Теперь у меня не только достаточно денег, чтобы тратить время на пустую трату времени, но я думаю, что это было бы нескончаемой скукой. One thing about Pyrrus—if you live—is that it spoils you for the quieter places. Одна вещь о Пирре — если вы живете — это то, что он избалует вас более тихими местами. So I’d like to take this ship that I mentioned and go into the business of opening up new worlds. There are thousands of planets where men would like to settle, only getting a foothold on them is too rough or rugged for the usual settlers. Есть тысячи планет, на которых люди хотели бы поселиться, но закрепиться на них слишком сложно или сложно для обычных поселенцев. Can you imagine a planet a Pyrran couldn’t lick after the training you’ve had here? Can you imagine a planet a Pyrran couldn't lick after the training you've had here? Можете ли вы представить себе планету, которую пирранец не смог бы лизнуть после вашего здесь обучения? And enjoy doing it? "There would be more than pleasure involved, though. «Однако это будет больше, чем просто удовольствие.

In the city your lives have been geared for continual deadly warfare. В городе ваша жизнь направлена на непрерывную смертельную войну. Now you’re faced with the choice of a fairly peaceful future, or staying in the city to fight an unnecessary and foolish war. Теперь вы стоите перед выбором: достаточно мирное будущее или остаться в городе, чтобы вести ненужную и глупую войну. I offer the third alternative of the occupation you know best, that would let you accomplish something constructive at the same time. Я предлагаю третий вариант занятия, которое вам лучше всего знакомо, которое позволит вам одновременно сделать что-то созидательное. "Those are the choices. "Это выбор.

Whatever you decide is up to each of you personally. Что вы решите, зависит от каждого из вас лично. Before anyone could answer, livid pain circled Jason’s throat. Прежде чем кто-либо успел ответить, горло Джейсона пронзила жуткая боль.

Skop had regained consciousness and surged up from the floor. Скоп пришел в сознание и поднялся с пола. He pulled Jason from the chair with a single motion, holding him by the neck, throttling him. "Kerk!

Meta!" Skop shouted hoarsely. Скоп хрипло закричал. "Grab guns! «Берите оружие! Open the locks—our people’ll be here, kill the grubbers and their lies! ||||люди будуть|||||||| Открой замки — здесь будут наши люди, убей корчевателей и их ложь! Jason tore at the fingers that were choking the life out of him, but it was like pulling at bent steel bars. Джейсон рвал пальцы, которые душили его, но это было все равно, что тянуть за согнутые стальные прутья.

He couldn’t talk and the blood hammered in his ears. He couldn't talk and the blood hammered in his ears. Он не мог говорить, и кровь стучала в ушах. Meta hurtled forward like an uncoiled spring and the crossbows twanged. ||||||||||дзвеніли Мета рванулась вперед, словно раскрученная пружина, и звенели арбалеты.

One bolt caught her in the leg, the other transfixed her upper arm. Одна стрела попала ей в ногу, другая пронзила плечо. But she had been shot as she jumped and her inertia carried her across the room, to her fellow Pyrran and the dying off-worlder. Но ее подстрелили, когда она прыгала, и инерция понесла ее через всю комнату к ее товарищу-пирранцу и умирающему инопланетянину. She raised her good arm and chopped down with the edge of her hand. Она подняла здоровую руку и ударила ребром ладони.

It caught Skop a hard blow on the biceps and his arm jumped spasmodically, his hand leaping from Jason’s throat. ||||||||біцепс||||||||||| Он поймал Скопа сильным ударом по бицепсу, и его рука судорожно подпрыгнула, его рука отскочила от горла Джейсона.

"What are you doing? "Что делаешь?

he shouted in strange terror to the wounded girl who fell against him. — крикнул он в странном ужасе раненой девушке, упавшей на него. He pushed her away, still clutching Jason with his other hand. She didn’t answer. Instead she chopped again, hard and true, the edge of her hand catching Skop across the windpipe, crushing it. ||||||||||||||||trachea|| ||||||||||||||||трахея|| He dropped Jason and fell to the floor, retching and gasping. ||||||||стискаючи живіт|| Jason watched the end through a haze, barely conscious. Джейсон наблюдал за концом сквозь дымку, едва в сознании.

Skop struggled to his feet, turned pain-filled eyes to his friends. Скоп с трудом поднялся на ноги, перевел полные боли глаза на своих друзей.

"You’re wrong," Kerk said. — Ты ошибаешься, — сказал Керк.

"Don’t do it. The sound the wounded man made was more animal than human. Звук, издаваемый раненым, был скорее животным, чем человеческим.

When he dived towards the guns on the far side of the room the crossbows twanged like harps of death. Когда он нырнул к орудиям в дальнем конце комнаты, арбалеты зазвенели, как арфы смерти. When Brucco went over to help Meta no one interfered.

Jason gasped air back into his lungs, breathing in life. The watching glass eye of the viewer carried the scene to everyone in the city. Наблюдательный стеклянный глаз зрителя донес эту сцену до всех жителей города. "Thanks, Meta ... for understanding ... as well as helping. «Спасибо, Мета… за понимание… и за помощь.

Jason had to force the words out. "Skop was wrong and you were right, Jason," she said. «Скоп ошибался, а ты был прав, Джейсон, — сказала она.

Her voice broke for a second as Brucco snapped off the feathered end of the steel bolt with his fingers, and pulled the shaft out of her arm. |||||||||||оперений|||||||||||||||| Ее голос прервался на секунду, когда Брукко пальцами отломил оперенный конец стального болта и вытащил древко из ее руки. "I can’t stay in the city, only people who feel as Skop did will be able to do that. «Я не могу оставаться в городе, это смогут сделать только люди, которые чувствуют то же, что и Скоп. And I’m afraid I can’t go into the forest—you saw what luck I had with the stingwing. И я боюсь, что не могу пойти в лес — вы видели, как мне повезло с жалокрылом. If it’s all right I’d like to come with you. Если все в порядке, я хотел бы пойти с вами. I’d like to very much. Я бы очень хотел. It hurt when he talked so Jason could only smile, but she knew what he meant. Было больно, когда он говорил, так что Джейсон мог только улыбаться, но она знала, что он имел в виду.

Kerk looked down in unhappiness at the body of the dead man. Керк несчастно посмотрел на тело мертвеца.

"He was wrong—but I know how he felt. «Он ошибался, но я знаю, что он чувствовал. I can’t leave the city, not yet. Someone will have to keep things in hand while the changes are taking place. Кто-то должен будет держать все в руках, пока происходят изменения. Your ship is a good idea, Jason, you’ll have no shortage of volunteers. Though I doubt if you’ll get Brucco to go with you. Хотя я сомневаюсь, что ты заставишь Брукко пойти с тобой. "Of course not," Brucco snapped, not looking up from the compression bandage he was tying. «Конечно, нет», — отрезал Брукко, не отрываясь от компрессионной повязки, которую он завязывал.

"There’s enough to do right here on Pyrrus. The animal life, quite a study to be made, probably have every ecologist in the galaxy visiting here. Животный мир — это довольно серьезное исследование, которое, вероятно, заставит посетить каждого эколога галактики. Kerk walked slowly to the screen overlooking the city. ||||||що виходить на|| Керк медленно подошел к экрану с видом на город.

No one attempted to stop him. He looked out at the buildings, the smoke still curling up from the perimeter, and the limitless sweep of green jungle beyond. Он посмотрел на здания, дым, все еще клубящийся по периметру, и бескрайние просторы зеленых джунглей за ними. "You’ve changed it all, Jason," he said. «Ты все изменил, Джейсон, — сказал он.

"We can’t see it now, but Pyrrus will never be the way it was before you came. Ми|||||||||||||||| «Сейчас мы этого не видим, но Пиррус уже никогда не будет таким, каким был до твоего прихода. For better or worse. Для лучшего или худшего. "Better," Jason croaked, and rubbed his aching throat. — Уже лучше, — прохрипел Джейсон и потер ноющее горло.

"Now get together and end this war so people will really believe it. «А теперь соберитесь и покончите с этой войной, чтобы люди действительно поверили в это. Rhes turned and after an instant’s hesitation, extended his hand to Kerk. Рес повернулся и после секундного колебания протянул руку Керку.

The gray-haired Pyrran felt the same repugnance himself about touching a grubber. Седой пирранец сам испытывал такое же отвращение к прикосновению к корчевателю. They shook hands then because they were both strong men. Тогда они пожали друг другу руки, потому что оба были сильными мужчинами.