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Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, Part 2. Chapter 11.

Part 2. Chapter 11.

That which for Vronsky had been almost a whole year the one absorbing desire of his life, replacing all his old desires; that which for Anna had been an impossible, terrible, and even for that reason more entrancing dream of bliss, that desire had been fulfilled.

He stood before her, pale, his lower jaw quivering, and besought her to be calm, not knowing how or why. "Anna!

Anna!" he said with a choking voice, "Anna, for pity's sake!…" But the louder he spoke, the lower she dropped her once proud and gay, now shame-stricken head, and she bowed down and sank from the sofa where she was sitting, down on the floor, at his feet; she would have fallen on the carpet if he had not held her.

"My God!

Forgive me!" she said, sobbing, pressing his hands to her bosom. She felt so sinful, so guilty, that nothing was left her but to humiliate herself and beg forgiveness; and as now there was no one in her life but him, to him she addressed her prayer for forgiveness.

Looking at him, she had a physical sense of her humiliation, and she could say nothing more. He felt what a murderer must feel, when he sees the body he has robbed of life. That body, robbed by him of life, was their love, the first stage of their love. There was something awful and revolting in the memory of what had been bought at this fearful price of shame. Shame at their spiritual nakedness crushed her and infected him. But in spite of all the murderer's horror before the body of his victim, he must hack it to pieces, hide the body, must use what he has gained by his murder. And with fury, as it were with passion, the murderer falls on the body, and drags it and hacks at it; so he covered her face and shoulders with kisses.

She held his hand, and did not stir. "Yes, these kisses—that is what has been bought by this shame. Yes, and one hand, which will always be mine—the hand of my accomplice." She lifted up that hand and kissed it. He sank on his knees and tried to see her face; but she hid it, and said nothing. At last, as though making an effort over herself, she got up and pushed him away. Her face was still as beautiful, but it was only the more pitiful for that. "All is over," she said; "I have nothing but you.

Remember that. "I can never forget what is my whole life.

For one instant of this happiness…" "Happiness!

she said with horror and loathing and her horror unconsciously infected him. "For pity's sake, not a word, not a word more. She rose quickly and moved away from him.

"Not a word more," she repeated, and with a look of chill despair, incomprehensible to him, she parted from him.

She felt that at that moment she could not put into words the sense of shame, of rapture, and of horror at this stepping into a new life, and she did not want to speak of it, to vulgarize this feeling by inappropriate words. But later too, and the next day and the third day, she still found no words in which she could express the complexity of her feelings; indeed, she could not even find thoughts in which she could clearly think out all that was in her soul. She said to herself: "No, just now I can't think of it, later on, when I am calmer.

But this calm for thought never came; every time the thought rose of what she had done and what would happen to her, and what she ought to do, a horror came over her and she drove those thoughts away. "Later, later," she said—"when I am calmer.

But in dreams, when she had no control over her thoughts, her position presented itself to her in all its hideous nakedness.

One dream haunted her almost every night. She dreamed that both were her husbands at once, that both were lavishing caresses on her. Alexey Alexandrovitch was weeping, kissing her hands, and saying, "How happy we are now!" And Alexey Vronsky was there too, and he too was her husband. And she was marveling that it had once seemed impossible to her, was explaining to them, laughing, that this was ever so much simpler, and that now both of them were happy and contented. But this dream weighed on her like a nightmare, and she awoke from it in terror.

Part 2. Chapter 11.

That which for Vronsky had been almost a whole year the one absorbing desire of his life, replacing all his old desires; that which for Anna had been an impossible, terrible, and even for that reason more entrancing dream of bliss, that desire had been fulfilled. Ce qui pour Vronsky avait été presque une année entière le seul désir absorbant de sa vie, remplaçant tous ses vieux désirs; ce qui pour Anna avait été un rêve impossible, terrible et même pour cette raison plus fascinant de félicité, ce désir s'était réalisé. Tai, kas Vronskiui beveik ištisus metus buvo tas, kuris absorbavo jo gyvenimo troškimą, pakeitė visus senus jo norus; tai, kas Anai buvo neįmanoma, baisi ir net dėl šios priežasties labiau įtraukianti laimės svajonė, tas noras buvo įgyvendintas.

He stood before her, pale, his lower jaw quivering, and besought her to be calm, not knowing how or why. Il se tenait devant elle, pâle, sa mâchoire inférieure tremblante, et la pria de rester calme, ne sachant ni comment ni pourquoi. 他站在她面前,脸色苍白,下巴在颤抖,恳求她保持冷静,不知道如何或为什么。 "Anna!

Anna!" he said with a choking voice, "Anna, for pity’s sake!…" But the louder he spoke, the lower she dropped her once proud and gay, now shame-stricken head, and she bowed down and sank from the sofa where she was sitting, down on the floor, at his feet; she would have fallen on the carpet if he had not held her. Mais plus il parlait fort, plus elle laissa tomber sa tête jadis fière et gaie, maintenant honteuse, et elle se prosterna et se laissa tomber du canapé où elle était assise, par terre, à ses pieds; elle serait tombée sur le tapis s'il ne l'avait pas tenue. 但是他越说越大,她曾经骄傲而欢快,现在却羞愧难当的头越低,她弯下腰,从她坐的沙发上一屁股坐到地板上,在他的脚边。如果他没有抱着她,她可能会摔倒在地毯上。

"My God!

Forgive me!" she said, sobbing, pressing his hands to her bosom. She felt so sinful, so guilty, that nothing was left her but to humiliate herself and beg forgiveness; and as now there was no one in her life but him, to him she addressed her prayer for forgiveness. 她感到如此罪恶,如此内疚,以至于她只剩下羞辱自己和乞求宽恕。既然现在她的生命中只有他,她就向他祈祷,祈求宽恕。

Looking at him, she had a physical sense of her humiliation, and she could say nothing more. En le regardant, elle avait un sentiment physique de son humiliation, et elle ne pouvait rien dire de plus. He felt what a murderer must feel, when he sees the body he has robbed of life. That body, robbed by him of life, was their love, the first stage of their love. Ce corps, privé de vie par lui, était leur amour, la première étape de leur amour. There was something awful and revolting in the memory of what had been bought at this fearful price of shame. Il y avait quelque chose d'horrible et de révoltant dans le souvenir de ce qui avait été acheté à ce prix effrayant de la honte. Buvo kažkas baisaus ir maištingo atmintyje to, kas buvo nupirkta už šią bauginančią gėdos kainą. Shame at their spiritual nakedness crushed her and infected him. La honte de leur nudité spirituelle l'écrasa et l'infecta. 对他们精神上的赤裸感到羞耻,压垮了她并感染了他。 But in spite of all the murderer’s horror before the body of his victim, he must hack it to pieces, hide the body, must use what he has gained by his murder. Mais malgré toute l'horreur du meurtrier devant le corps de sa victime, il doit le couper en morceaux, cacher le corps, utiliser ce qu'il a gagné par son meurtre. 但是,尽管凶手在他的受害者的尸体面前表现出所有的恐惧,他必须将它砍成碎片,隐藏尸体,必须使用他通过谋杀获得的收益。 And with fury, as it were with passion, the murderer falls on the body, and drags it and hacks at it; so he covered her face and shoulders with kisses. Et avec fureur, comme avec passion, le meurtrier tombe sur le corps, le traîne et le hache; alors il couvrit son visage et ses épaules de baisers. Ir su įniršiu, tarsi su aistra, žudikas puola ant kūno, tempia jį ir įsilaužia į jį; todėl jis padengė jos veidą ir pečius bučiniais.

She held his hand, and did not stir. Elle lui tenait la main et ne bougeait pas. "Yes, these kisses—that is what has been bought by this shame. «Oui, ces baisers, c'est ce qui a été acheté par cette honte. Yes, and one hand, which will always be mine—the hand of my accomplice." |||||||||||||partner in crime Oui, et d'une main, qui sera toujours la mienne, la main de mon complice. " Taip ir viena ranka, kuri visada bus mano - mano bendrininko ranka “. She lifted up that hand and kissed it. He sank on his knees and tried to see her face; but she hid it, and said nothing. At last, as though making an effort over herself, she got up and pushed him away. Her face was still as beautiful, but it was only the more pitiful for that. Son visage était toujours aussi beau, mais ce n'en était que plus pitoyable. "All is over," she said; "I have nothing but you. „Viskas baigėsi“, - sakė ji; „Aš neturiu nieko, išskyrus tave.

Remember that. "I can never forget what is my whole life.

For one instant of this happiness…" "Happiness!

she said with horror and loathing and her horror unconsciously infected him. dit-elle avec horreur et dégoût et son horreur l'infecta inconsciemment. 她惊恐厌恶地说道,她的恐惧不知不觉地感染了他。 "For pity’s sake, not a word, not a word more. She rose quickly and moved away from him.

"Not a word more," she repeated, and with a look of chill despair, incomprehensible to him, she parted from him. «Pas un mot de plus», répéta-t-elle, et avec un air de désespoir froid, incompréhensible pour lui, elle se sépara de lui. “一句话也不说,”她重复了一遍,带着他无法理解的冷酷绝望的表情,与他分开了。

She felt that at that moment she could not put into words the sense of shame, of rapture, and of horror at this stepping into a new life, and she did not want to speak of it, to vulgarize this feeling by inappropriate words. Elle sentit qu'à ce moment elle ne pouvait pas mettre en mots le sentiment de honte, de ravissement et d'horreur à cette entrée dans une nouvelle vie, et elle ne voulait pas en parler, vulgariser ce sentiment par des mots inappropriés. 她觉得那一刻她无法用语言来表达对这种踏入新生活的羞耻感、狂喜感和恐惧感,她不想说出来,用不恰当的语言将这种感觉庸俗化。 But later too, and the next day and the third day, she still found no words in which she could express the complexity of her feelings; indeed, she could not even find thoughts in which she could clearly think out all that was in her soul. 但后来,第二天,第三天,她仍然找不到可以表达她复杂感情的语言;的确,她甚至找不到能够清晰地想出自己灵魂中的一切的念头。 She said to herself: "No, just now I can’t think of it, later on, when I am calmer.

But this calm for thought never came; every time the thought rose of what she had done and what would happen to her, and what she ought to do, a horror came over her and she drove those thoughts away. 但这种沉思的平静从未到来;每当想到她做了什么,她会发生什么,以及她应该做什么时,她都会感到恐惧,她把这些想法赶走了。 "Later, later," she said—"when I am calmer.

But in dreams, when she had no control over her thoughts, her position presented itself to her in all its hideous nakedness. Mais dans les rêves, lorsqu'elle n'avait aucun contrôle sur ses pensées, sa position se présentait à elle dans toute sa nudité hideuse. Tačiau sapnuose, kai ji negalėjo kontroliuoti savo minčių, jos pozicija jai pasirodė visa baisi nuoga.

One dream haunted her almost every night. She dreamed that both were her husbands at once, that both were lavishing caresses on her. Elle rêvait que tous les deux étaient ses maris à la fois, que tous deux lui prodiguaient des caresses. Ze droomde dat ze allebei tegelijk haar echtgenoten waren, dat ze haar allebei liefkozend was. Alexey Alexandrovitch was weeping, kissing her hands, and saying, "How happy we are now!" And Alexey Vronsky was there too, and he too was her husband. And she was marveling that it had once seemed impossible to her, was explaining to them, laughing, that this was ever so much simpler, and that now both of them were happy and contented. 她惊讶于这曾经对她来说似乎是不可能的,她一边笑着一边向他们解释,这比以往任何时候都简单得多,现在他们俩都很幸福和满足。 But this dream weighed on her like a nightmare, and she awoke from it in terror. Mais ce rêve lui pesait comme un cauchemar, et elle s'en réveilla avec terreur. Tačiau ši svajonė ją slegė kaip košmaras, ir ji iš jos pabudo iš siaubo. 但是这个梦像噩梦一样压在她的身上,她惊恐地从梦中惊醒。