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Youth by Isaac Asimov, CHAPTER IV.


SLIM started at the sound of footsteps and brightened when it turned out to be only Red.

He said, "No one's around. I had my eye peeled, you bet." Red said, "Ssh. Look. You take this stuff and stick it in the cage. I've got to scoot back to the house." "What is it?" Slim reached reluctantly.

"Ground meat. Holy Smokes, haven't you ever seen ground meat? That's what you should've got when I sent you to the house instead of coming back with that stupid grass." Slim was hurt. "How'd I know they don't eat grass. Besides, ground meat doesn't come loose like that. It comes in cellophane and it isn't that color." "Sure—in the city. Out here we grind our own and it's always this color till its cooked." "You mean it isn't cooked?" Slim drew away quickly.

Red looked disgusted. "Do you think animals eat cooked food. Come on, take it. It won't hurt you. I tell you there isn't much time." "Why? What's doing back at the house?" "I don't know. Dad and your father are walking around. I think maybe they're looking for me. Maybe the cook told them I took the meat. Anyway, we don't want them coming here after me." "Didn't you ask the cook before you took this stuff?" "Who? That crab? Shouldn't wonder if she only let me have a drink of water because Dad makes her. Come on. Take it." Slim took the large glob of meat though his skin crawled at the touch. He turned toward the barn and Red sped away in the direction from which he had come.

He slowed when he approached the two adults, took a few deep breaths to bring himself back to normal, and then carefully and nonchalantly sauntered past. (They were walking in the general direction of the barn, he noticed, but not dead on.)

He said, "Hi, Dad. Hello, sir." The Industrialist said, "Just a moment, Red. I have a question to ask you?" Red turned a carefully blank face to his father. "Yes, Dad?" "Mother tells me you were out early this morning." "Not real early, Dad. Just a little before breakfast." "She said you told her it was because you had been awakened during the night and didn't go back to sleep." Red waited before answering. Should he have told Mom that?

Then he said, "Yes, sir." "What was it that awakened you?" Red saw no harm in it. He said, "I don't know, Dad. It sounded like thunder, sort of, and like a collision, sort of." "Could you tell where it came from?" "It sounded like it was out by the hill." That was truthful, and useful as well, since the direction was almost opposite that in which the barn lay.

The Industrialist looked at his guest. "I suppose it would do no harm to walk toward the hill." The Astronomer said, "I am ready." Red watched them walk away and when he turned he saw Slim peering cautiously out from among the briars of a hedge.

Red waved at him. "Come on." Slim stepped out and approached. "Did they say anything about the meat?" "No. I guess they don't know about that. They went down to the hill." "What for?" "Search me. They kept asking about the noise I heard. Listen, did the animals eat the meat?" "Well," said Slim, cautiously, "they were sort of looking at it and smelling it or something." "Okay," Red said, "I guess they'll eat it. Holy Smokes, they've got to eat something . Let's walk along toward the hill and see what Dad and your father are going to do." "What about the animals?" "They'll be all right. A fellow can't spend all his time on them. Did you give them water?" "Sure. They drank that." "See. Come on. We'll look at them after lunch. I tell you what. We'll bring them fruit. Anything'll eat fruit." Together they trotted up the rise, Red, as usual, in the lead.

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SLIM started at the sound of footsteps and brightened when it turned out to be only Red. SLIM засвітився на звук кроків і прояснився, коли виявилося, що це лише Червоний.

He said, "No one's around. I had my eye peeled, you bet." ||||пильнував|| Я, звісно ж, був наче на долоні". Red said, "Ssh. Look. You take this stuff and stick it in the cage. |||||||||клітка Ви берете ці речі і встромляєте їх у клітку. I've got to scoot back to the house." |||поспішати назад|||| Мені треба бігти додому". "What is it?" Slim reached reluctantly. ||неохоче Слім досягнув неохоче.

"Ground meat. мелене|м'ясо "Фарш. Holy Smokes, haven't you ever seen ground meat? Святі дими, ти ніколи не бачив фаршу? That's what you should've got when I sent you to the house instead of coming back with that stupid grass." Ось що ти мав отримати, коли я відправив тебе до дому, замість того, щоб повернутися з тим дурним бур'яном. Slim was hurt. Слім відчув біль. "How'd I know they don't eat grass. "Як я міг знати, що вони не їдять бур'ян." Besides, ground meat doesn't come loose like that. Крім того, м'ясний фарш не висипається так легко. It comes in cellophane and it isn't that color." Він поставляється в целофані, і він не такого кольору". "Sure—in the city. "Звісно — в місті. Out here we grind our own and it's always this color till its cooked." Тут ми молотимо самі, і він завжди має цей колір, поки не приготується." "You mean it isn't cooked?" "Ти маєш на увазі, що він не приготовлений?" Slim drew away quickly. Слім швидко відійшов.

Red looked disgusted. Рудий виглядав огидно. "Do you think animals eat  cooked food. Come on, take it. It won't hurt you. I tell you there isn't much time." Я кажу, що немає багато часу. "Why? Чому? What's doing back at the house?" Що робиться вдома? "I don't know. Dad and your father are walking around. I think maybe they're looking for me. Maybe the cook told them I took the meat. Можливо, кухар сказав їм, що я взяв м'ясо. Anyway, we don't want them coming here after me." У будь-якому випадку, ми не хочемо, щоб вони приходили за мною. "Didn't you ask the cook before you took this stuff?" Ти не питав кухаря, перш ніж взяти ці речі? "Who? That crab? Той краб? Shouldn't wonder if she only let me have a drink of water because Dad makes her. Не дивно, що вона дає мені пити воду тільки тому, що тато змушує. Come on. Take it." Slim took the large glob of meat though his skin crawled at the touch. Слім узяв великий шматок м'яса, хоча його шкіра поповзла від дотику. He turned toward the barn and Red sped away in the direction from which he had come. Він повернув до сараю, а Рудий побіг у тому ж напрямку, звідки прийшов.

He slowed when he approached the two adults, took a few deep breaths to bring himself back to normal, and then carefully and nonchalantly sauntered past. |||||||||||||||||||||||байдужо|повільно прой| Наблизившись до двох дорослих, він сповільнився, зробив кілька глибоких вдихів, щоб привести себе в норму, а потім обережно і незворушно пройшов повз них. (They were walking in the general direction of the barn, he noticed, but not dead on.) ||||||||||||||точно| (Він помітив, що вони йшли в загальному напрямку до сараю, але не впритул).

He said, "Hi, Dad. Hello, sir." The Industrialist said, "Just a moment, Red. I have a question to ask you?" Red turned a carefully blank face to his father. Ред повернув до батька старанно заплющене обличчя. "Yes, Dad?" "Mother tells me you were out early this morning." "Мама сказала, що тебе не було сьогодні вранці". "Not real early, Dad. "Не дуже рано, тату. Just a little before breakfast." "She said you told her it was because you had been awakened during the night and didn't go back to sleep." "Вона сказала, що ви сказали їй, що це тому, що вас розбудили вночі і ви не змогли заснути". Red waited before answering. Рудий почекав, перш ніж відповісти. Should he have told Mom that? Чи мав він сказати про це мамі?

Then he said, "Yes, sir." "What was it that awakened you?" "Що тебе розбудило?" Red saw no harm in it. Ред не бачив у цьому нічого поганого. He said, "I don't know, Dad. It sounded like thunder, sort of, and like a collision, sort of." Це звучало, як грім, і як зіткнення, щось на кшталт". "Could you tell where it came from?" "Чи могли б ви сказати, звідки це прийшло?" "It  sounded like it was out by the hill." "Це звучало так, ніби було десь біля пагорба." That was truthful, and useful as well, since the direction was almost opposite that in which the barn lay. Це було правдиво і корисно, оскільки напрямок був практично протилежний тому, в якому знаходився сарай.

The Industrialist looked at his guest. "I suppose it would do no harm to walk toward the hill." "Гадаю, не зашкодить, якщо ми підемо до пагорба". The Astronomer said, "I am ready." Red watched them walk away and when he turned he saw Slim peering cautiously out from among the briars of a hedge. ||||||||||||зазирнувши|обережно|||||терняках|||жива огорожа Рудий дивився їм услід, а коли обернувся, то побачив, що Слім обережно визирає з-поміж кущів живоплоту.

Red waved at him. "Come on." Slim stepped out and approached. ||||підходив до Слім вийшов і підійшов. "Did they say anything about the meat?" "Вони щось казали про м'ясо?" "No. "Ні. I guess they don't know about that. Напевно, вони про це не знають. They went down to the hill." "What for?" "Search me. They kept asking about the noise I heard. Listen, did the animals eat the meat?" "Well," said Slim, cautiously, "they were sort of  looking at it and smelling it or something." "Ну," сказав Слім, обережно, "вони якось дивилися на це і нюхали, чи що." "Okay," Red said, "I guess they'll eat it. "Гаразд," сказав Ред, "я думаю, що вони це з'їдять." Holy Smokes, they've got to eat  something . Боже мій, їм потрібно щось їсти. Let's walk along toward the hill and see what Dad and your father are going to do." Ходімо до пагорба і подивимось, що тато і твій тато збираються робити". "What about the animals?" "They'll be all right. A fellow can't spend all his time on them. Людина не може витрачати на них весь свій час. Did you give them water?" Ти дав їм води?" "Sure. They drank that." Вони це випили". "See. Come on. We'll look at them after lunch. I tell you what. We'll bring them fruit. Anything'll eat fruit." Все їстиме фрукти." Together they trotted up the rise, Red, as usual, in the lead. Разом вони піднялись на підвищення, Ред, як завжди, попереду.