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Society and people, Being a Grandmother

Being a Grandmother

Adrienne: So, Vivian, you have grandchildren! Vivian: I have two lovely granddaughters. Adrienne: Granddaughters! What's it like being a grandma? Vivian: It is a second chance on life because of when you are raising children as a young person you get caught up in the daily world, but with grandchildren it's all fun. I don't have to do this, or I don't have to do that, and when I get tired I can send them home to their parents. Adrienne: Right, that's the best part, right? So what else is different about being a mother versus being a grandmother? Vivian: Being a mother you are totally responsible for your child. You are trying to raise them the best you know how to raise them and you're young and everything that you do you know that will be picked up by your child but when you have grandchildren that duty is up to their parents so I don't feel that I have to really teach them anything. I have to continue the teaching of their parents. Adrienne: So you get to do all the fun stuff now that you're a grandma? Vivian: Yes, it really is fun. They take you by the hand, and take you to the store and point out everything in the world that mom and dad will not give them and it really costs you a lot of money sometimes, unless, you do put your foot down and say, ”NO!” Adrienne: So being a grandma is more expensive that being a parent? Vivian: Absolutely, but it's a lot more fun because at this stage of life you have a little bit more money than you had when you were raising your child. Adrienne: I see. That's great.

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Being a Grandmother Großmutter sein Ser abuela Être grand-mère Essere nonna 祖母であること 할머니가 되기 Ser avó Быть бабушкой Biti babica Büyükanne Olmak 当了祖母 當了祖母

Adrienne: So, Vivian, you have grandchildren! Adrienne: Então, Vivian, você tem netos! 艾德丽安:薇薇安,你有孙子孙女了! Vivian: I have two lovely granddaughters. ||||adorables| Vivian: Tenho duas lindas netas. Adrienne: Granddaughters! |petites-filles 艾德丽安:孙女们! What’s it like being a grandma? Como é ser avó? 成为一名奶奶的感觉如何? Vivian: It is a second chance on life because of when you are raising children as a young person you get caught up in the daily world, but with grandchildren it’s all fun. |||||||||||||élever||||||||||||||||||| Vivian: Het is een tweede kans op het leven, want wanneer je als jongere kinderen grootbrengt, raakt je verstrikt in de dagelijkse wereld, maar met kleinkinderen is het allemaal leuk. Vivian: É uma segunda chance na vida, porque quando você está criando filhos jovem, você fica presa no mundo diário, mas com os netos é só diversão. Vivian: To je druga priložnost za življenje, saj se pri vzgoji otrok kot mlad človek ujameš v vsakdanji svet, z vnuki pa je vse zabavno. Вівіан: Це другий шанс у житті, тому що, коли виховуєш дітей у молодості, ти занурюєшся у повсякденний світ, але з онуками це все весело. 薇薇安:这是生命的第二次机会,因为当你作为一个年轻人抚养孩子时,你会陷入日常世界,但和孙子孙女在一起,一切都很有趣。 I don’t have to do this, or I don’t have to do that, and when I get tired I can send them home to their parents. Eu não tenho que fazer isso, ou aquilo, e quando estou cansada posso mandá-los de volta para seus pais. Ni mi treba narediti tega ali onega, in ko se utrudim, jih lahko pošljem domov k staršem. Я можу не робити цього або не робити того, а коли я втомлюся, я можу відправити їх додому до батьків. 我不用做这做那,当我累了就可以把他们送回家交给他们的父母。 Adrienne: Right, that’s the best part, right? Adrienne: Certo, essa é a melhor parte, certo? Adrienne: Prav, to je najboljši del, kajne? 艾德丽安:对,这是最好的部分,对吧? So what else is different about being a mother versus being a grandmother? |||||||||contre||| Então, o que mais é diferente entre ser mãe e ser avó? V čem je torej drugačna vloga matere v primerjavi z vlogo babice? 那么,做母亲和做祖母还有什么不同呢? Vivian: Being a mother you are totally responsible for your child. ||||||totalement|||| Vivian: Sendo mãe, você é totalmente responsável pelo seu filho. 薇薇安:作为一名母亲,你要对自己的孩子负全部责任。 You are trying to raise them the best you know how to raise them and you’re young and everything that you do you know that will be picked up by your child but when you have grandchildren that duty is up to their parents so I don’t feel that I have to really teach them anything. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||enseigner|| Man versucht, sie so gut wie möglich zu erziehen, und wenn man jung ist, weiß man, dass alles, was man tut, von den Kindern übernommen wird, aber wenn man Enkelkinder hat, liegt diese Aufgabe bei den Eltern, also habe ich nicht das Gefühl, dass ich ihnen wirklich etwas beibringen muss. Você está tentando criá-los da melhor maneira que sabe como criá-los e você é jovem e tudo o que você faz, você sabe que será aprendido por seu filho, mas quando você tem netos, esse dever é com os pais deles, então eu não. Sinto que realmente tenho que ensinar qualquer coisa a eles. Poskušaš jih vzgojiti, kot najbolje veš, kako jih vzgojiti, in ker si mlad, veš, da bo vse, kar počneš, prevzel tvoj otrok, ko pa imaš vnuke, to dolžnost prevzamejo njihovi starši, zato se mi ne zdi, da bi jih morala česa naučiti. Onları bildiğiniz en iyi şekilde yetiştirmeye çalışıyorsunuz ve gençsiniz ve yaptığınız her şeyin çocuğunuz tarafından alınacağını biliyorsunuz, ancak torunlarınız olduğunda bu görev ebeveynlerine kalıyor, bu yüzden onlara gerçekten bir şey öğretmek zorunda olduğumu hissetmiyorum. Ти намагаєшся виховувати їх якнайкраще, і ти молодий, і все, що ти робиш, ти знаєш, що твоя дитина підхопить, але коли у тебе є онуки, цей обов'язок лежить на їхніх батьках, тому я не відчуваю, що я повинен їх чогось вчити. 你正在尽力把他们抚养成人,你知道如何抚养他们,而且你还年轻,你知道你所做的一切孩子都会继承你的衣钵,但是当你有了孙子孙女,这个责任就落在了他们父母的身上,所以我觉得我没有必要真正教他们任何东西。 I have to continue the teaching of their parents. |||continuer||||| Eu tenho que continuar o ensino dos pais deles. Nadaljevati moram učenje njihovih staršev. 我要继续父母的教诲。 Adrienne: So you get to do all the fun stuff now that you’re a grandma? Adrienne: Então você pode fazer todas as coisas divertidas agora que é avó? Adrienne: Torej lahko zdaj, ko si babica, počneš vse zabavne stvari? 阿德里安娜:那么现在你当奶奶了,就可以做所有有趣的事情了? Vivian: Yes, it really is fun. Vivian: Sim, é realmente divertido. They take you by the hand, and take you to the store and point out everything in the world that mom and dad will not give them and it really costs you a lot of money sometimes, unless, you do put your foot down and say, ”NO!” |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||à moins que||||||||| Sie nehmen dich an der Hand und gehen mit dir in den Laden und zeigen dir alles, was Mama und Papa ihnen nicht geben wollen, und das kostet dich manchmal wirklich eine Menge Geld, es sei denn, du setzt dich durch und sagst "NEIN!" Eles o pegam pela mão e o levam até a loja e apontam tudo no mundo que mamãe e papai não vão dar a eles e isso realmente custa muito dinheiro às vezes, a menos que você coloque o pé no chão e diga: "NÃO!" Vodijo vas za roko in vas peljejo v trgovino ter opozarjajo na vse na svetu, česar jim mama in oče ne bosta dala, in to vas včasih res stane veliko denarja, razen če se postavite na noge in rečete: "NE!" Вони беруть тебе за руку, ведуть до магазину і показують на все на світі, що мама і тато їм не дадуть, і іноді це дійсно коштує великих грошей, якщо тільки ти не станеш на своєму і не скажеш "НІ!". 他们牵着你的手,带你去商店,向你指出世界上所有爸爸妈妈不会给他们的东西,有时这确实会让你花费很多钱,除非你坚决地说“不!” Adrienne: So being a grandma is more expensive that being a parent? Adrienne: Torej je biti babica dražje kot biti starš? Адрієнна: Тобто бути бабусею дорожче, ніж бути батьками? 阿德里安娜:那么做奶奶比做父母的花费更大吗? Vivian: Absolutely, but it’s a lot more fun because at this stage of life you have a little bit more money than you had when you were raising your child. Vivian: Com certeza, mas é muito mais divertido porque nesta fase da vida você tem um pouco mais de dinheiro do que quando estava criando seu filho. Vivian: Vsekakor, vendar je veliko bolj zabavno, saj imaš v tem življenjskem obdobju malo več denarja, kot si ga imel, ko si vzgajal svojega otroka. Вівіан: Безумовно, але це набагато веселіше, тому що на цьому етапі життя ви маєте трохи більше грошей, ніж мали, коли виховували свою дитину. 维维安:当然,但这会更有趣,因为在人生的这个阶段,你会比抚养孩子时有更多的钱。 Adrienne: I see. Adrienne: Entendi. That’s great. Isso é ótimo.