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Society and people, Fred's Year

Fred's Year

Sabriya: Hi, Fred. Fred: Hi, Sabriya. Sabriya: So, we're going to be celebrating New Year's soon. Tell me how was your year? Fred: Wow. My year. 2007. It was a great year for me I have to say . I feel like I've grown so much as a person. I've done so many things this year that made me become I feel a much more responsible person, a more mature man. I've been working quite a bit at the school, but I've also been doing a few things outside of school, such as working with children as well. I've been working in a camp where we teach kids for twelve days English. Well, actually we don't really teach them. What we do is we spend twelve days with them and during those twelve days, the children that don't speak English come to this camp and have to only speak English for twelve days and we do all kinds of different activities with them. Sabriya: So how do you teach the children without communicating with them? Fred: That's the beauty of it . I understand that English is really important, but however we have this saying during the camp that our hearts speak as one and so we understand each other without using so many words, but of course the children have some basis in English and so we can understand each other. Sabriya: OK, that's very beautiful. Going back to the topic we were discussing right now, tell me what was the best thing that happened to you this year? Fred: The best thing that happened to me this year? I have to say that the best thing that happened to me this year was when I went back to Canada, I had the opportunity of spending lots of time with my grandmother, and you see, when I was growing up as a child she practically raised me, and so I have a special relationship with her. I do love everybody from my family, but my relationship with my grandmother is really great and spending two months with her was great for me. Sabriya: Well, I can relate to that too since my grandmother raised me as well, so I hope you have another great year next year. Fred: Thank you very much.

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Fred's Year Fred'in Yılı| Freds Jahr Fred's Year El año de Fred L'année de Fred フレッドの年 O ano do Fred Fred'in Yılı Рік Фреда

Sabriya: Hi, Fred. ||Merhaba, Fred. Sabriya: Hi, Fred. Merhaba Fred. Fred: Hi, Sabriya. Fred: Hi, Sabriya. Merhaba, Sabriya. Sabriya: So, we’re going to be celebrating New Year’s soon. ||||||||Yılbaşı| Sabriya: So, we're going to be celebrating New Year's soon. Sabriya: Yakında yeni yılı kutlayacağız. Tell me how was your year? Tell me how was your year? Yılın nasıl geçti? Fred: Wow. Fred: Wow. Vay canına. My year. My year. Benim yılım. 2007. 2007. 2007. It was a great year for me I have to say . It was a great year for me I have to say . Benim için harika bir yıl olduğunu söylemeliyim. I feel like I’ve grown so much as a person. I feel like I've grown so much as a person. Bir insan olarak çok büyüdüğümü hissediyorum. I’ve done so many things this year that made me become I feel a much more responsible person, a more mature man. I've done so many things this year that made me become I feel a much more responsible person, a more mature man. Bu yıl beni çok daha sorumlu bir insan, daha olgun bir adam haline getiren pek çok şey yaptım. I’ve been working quite a bit at the school, but I’ve also been doing a few things outside of school, such as working with children as well. ||||||||||||||||||||例えば|||||| I've been working quite a bit at the school, but I've also been doing a few things outside of school, such as working with children as well. 学校での仕事も多いけど、学校の外でも子どもたちと接する仕事もいくつかやっているんだ。 Okulda biraz çalışıyorum ama okul dışında da çocuklarla çalışmak gibi birkaç şey yapıyorum. I’ve been working in a camp where we teach kids for twelve days English. I've been working in a camp where we teach kids for twelve days English. On iki gündür çocuklara İngilizce öğrettiğimiz bir kampta çalışıyorum. Well, actually we don’t really teach them. Well, actually we don't really teach them. Aslında onlara pek bir şey öğretmiyoruz. What we do is we spend twelve days with them and during those twelve days, the children that don’t speak English come to this camp and have to only speak English for twelve days and we do all kinds of different activities with them. |||||||||||その12日間|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| What we do is we spend twelve days with them and during those twelve days, the children that don't speak English come to this camp and have to only speak English for twelve days and we do all kinds of different activities with them. Yaptığımız şey, onlarla on iki gün geçirmek ve bu on iki gün boyunca İngilizce bilmeyen çocuklar bu kampa geliyor ve on iki gün boyunca sadece İngilizce konuşmak zorunda kalıyorlar ve onlarla her türlü farklı aktiviteyi yapıyoruz. Sabriya: So how do you teach the children without communicating with them? Sabriya: So how do you teach the children without communicating with them? Sabriya: Peki çocuklarla iletişim kurmadan onlara nasıl öğretiyorsunuz? Fred: That’s the beauty of it . Fred: That's the beauty of it . Fred: İşin güzelliği de burada. I understand that English is really important, but however we have this saying during the camp that our hearts speak as one and so we understand each other without using so many words, but of course the children have some basis in English and so we can understand each other. ||||||||||||||||||心靈||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||しかし|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| I understand that English is really important, but however we have this saying during the camp that our hearts speak as one and so we understand each other without using so many words, but of course the children have some basis in English and so we can understand each other. İngilizcenin gerçekten önemli olduğunu anlıyorum, ancak kamp sırasında şöyle bir sözümüz var: kalplerimiz bir konuşuyor ve bu yüzden çok fazla kelime kullanmadan birbirimizi anlıyoruz, ama tabii ki çocukların biraz İngilizce temeli var ve bu yüzden birbirimizi anlayabiliyoruz. Sabriya: OK, that’s very beautiful. Sabriya: OK, that's very beautiful. Sabriya: Tamam, bu çok güzel. Going back to the topic we were discussing right now, tell me what was the best thing that happened to you this year? Um auf das Thema zurückzukommen, über das wir gerade sprachen, erzähle mir, was das Beste war, das dir dieses Jahr passiert ist? Going back to the topic we were discussing right now, tell me what was the best thing that happened to you this year? Şu anda tartıştığımız konuya geri dönecek olursak, bu yıl başınıza gelen en iyi şeyin ne olduğunu söyler misiniz? Fred: The best thing that happened to me this year? Fred: Das Beste, was mir dieses Jahr passiert ist? Fred: The best thing that happened to me this year? Fred: Bu yıl başıma gelen en iyi şey neydi? I have to say that the best thing that happened to me this year was when I went back to Canada, I had the opportunity of spending lots of time with my grandmother, and you see, when I was growing up as a child she practically raised me, and so I have a special relationship with her. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||adeta||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||そして|||||||||||彼女|||||||||||| Ich muss sagen, das Beste, was mir dieses Jahr passiert ist, war als ich nach Kanada zurückgegangen bin. Ich hatte die Gelegenheit, viel Zeit mit meiner Großmutter zu verbringen. Als ich aufwuchs, hat sie mich praktisch aufgezogen, daher habe ich eine besondere Beziehung zu ihr. I have to say that the best thing that happened to me this year was when I went back to Canada, I had the opportunity of spending lots of time with my grandmother, and you see, when I was growing up as a child she practically raised me, and so I have a special relationship with her. Bu yıl başıma gelen en iyi şeyin Kanada'ya geri döndüğümde büyükannemle bolca vakit geçirme fırsatı bulmam olduğunu söylemeliyim. Çocukluğumda beni neredeyse o büyüttü ve bu yüzden onunla özel bir ilişkim var. I do love everybody from my family, but my relationship with my grandmother is really great and spending two months with her was great for me. I do love everybody from my family, but my relationship with my grandmother is really great and spending two months with her was great for me. Ailemdeki herkesi seviyorum ama büyükannemle ilişkim gerçekten harika ve onunla iki ay geçirmek benim için harikaydı. Sabriya: Well, I can relate to that too since my grandmother raised me as well, so I hope you have another great year next year. |||||||も||||||||||||||||| Sabriya: Nun, das kann ich auch nachvollziehen, da meine Großmutter mich ebenfalls aufgezogen hat. Ich hoffe, dass du auch nächstes Jahr ein tolles Jahr haben wirst. Sabriya: Well, I can relate to that too since my grandmother raised me as well, so I hope you have another great year next year. Sabriya: Büyükannem beni de büyüttüğü için ben de bunu anlayabiliyorum, umarım gelecek yıl da harika bir yıl geçirirsiniz. Fred: Thank you very much. Fred: Vielen Dank. Fred: Thank you very much. フレッド:ありがとうございます。 Fred: Çok teşekkür ederim.