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BBC - The English We Speak (YouTube), What does 'a memory like a sieve' mean? - YouTube

What does 'a memory like a sieve' mean? - YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak with me, Feifei...

Rob: ...and me, Rob. Thanks for joining

me in the kitchen today, Feifei, for the

unveiling of my new cake.

Feifei: It's just a cake, Rob, but if it's

good, I'm happy to try a slice.

Rob: Well, let's get it out

of the oven now...

There we go...

Ta da!

Feifei: Err... looks great, Rob,

but let's try it...

It's a bit stodgy,

heavy... even lumpy.

Rob: Right. So you don't actually like it!

I followed the recipe exactly, although

perhaps I forgot

to do something to the flour. I seem to ...

Oh I seem to have a memory like a...

Feifei: A sieve.

Rob: That's it! I didn't sieve the flour - that

explains the lumps.

Feifei: No, Rob, I meant you have

a memory like a sieve. When we say

someone has a memory

like a sieve, we mean they have

a very bad memory and forget

things easily! Your memory

is bad, Rob - you can't forget things

when you're cooking.

Rob: Well, I'm not the only one.

Listen to these examples.

I've been making my own lunch to take

to work, but I've got a memory

like a sieve and I keep

leaving it at home!

My husband's got a memory

like a sieve - he keeps going out and

leaving the iron switched on.

I've got a memory like a sieve - I left

the house without my keys

this morning and now

I'm locked out!

Feifei: You're listening to The English

We Speak from

BBC Learning English, and

we're talking about the phrase

'to have a memory like a sieve'.

It basically means bits of information

fall through your memory

and get forgotten, just

like flour falling through the sieve

that Rob should have used

when baking a cake! So

are you going to try again, Rob?

Rob: No, I think my baking days are over,

but luckily I bought one from the shop just

in case.

Feifei: That's OK. A shop-bought cake will

do - so get it out and I'll put the kettle on.

Rob: Great... err...Now where did I put it?

I know it's around here somewhere?

Feifei: Memory like a sieve again, Rob?

Rob: Looks like it. I've got a lot

on my mind, Feifei.

Feifei: Don't worry, I've found it - it's

here in the fridge with the milk!

Rob: Honestly, I'd forget

my own name sometimes!

Feifei: Bye, Rob.

Rob: Ah that's it! Bye!

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What does 'a memory like a sieve' mean? - YouTube Cosa significa "una memoria come un colabrodo"? - YouTube Co oznacza "pamięć jak sito"? - YouTube O que significa "uma memória como uma peneira"? - YouTube Що означає "пам'ять як решето"? - YouTube 记忆如筛 "是什么意思?- YouTube

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English

We Speak with me, Feifei...

Rob: ...and me, Rob. Thanks for joining

me in the kitchen today, Feifei, for the

unveiling of my new cake.

Feifei: It's just a cake, Rob, but if it's

good, I'm happy to try a slice.

Rob: Well, let's get it out

of the oven now...

There we go...

Ta da!

Feifei: Err... looks great, Rob,

but let's try it...

It's a bit stodgy,

heavy... even lumpy.

Rob: Right. So you don't actually like it!

I followed the recipe exactly, although

perhaps I forgot

to do something to the flour. I seem to ...

Oh I seem to have a memory like a...

Feifei: A sieve.

Rob: That's it! I didn't sieve the flour - that

explains the lumps.

Feifei: No, Rob, I meant you have

a memory like a sieve. When we say

someone has a memory

like a sieve, we mean they have

a very bad memory and forget

things easily! Your memory

is bad, Rob - you can't forget things

when you're cooking.

Rob: Well, I'm not the only one.

Listen to these examples.

I've been making my own lunch to take

to work, but I've got a memory しかし、私には記憶がある。

like a sieve and I keep

leaving it at home!

My husband's got a memory

like a sieve - he keeps going out and

leaving the iron switched on.

I've got a memory like a sieve - I left

the house without my keys

this morning and now

I'm locked out!

Feifei: You're listening to The English

We Speak from

BBC Learning English, and

we're talking about the phrase

'to have a memory like a sieve'.

It basically means bits of information

fall through your memory

and get forgotten, just

like flour falling through the sieve

that Rob should have used

when baking a cake! So

are you going to try again, Rob?

Rob: No, I think my baking days are over,

but luckily I bought one from the shop just

in case.

Feifei: That's OK. A shop-bought cake will

do - so get it out and I'll put the kettle on. やかんをかけるから、それを出してくれ。

Rob: Great... err...Now where did I put it?

I know it's around here somewhere?

Feifei: Memory like a sieve again, Rob?

Rob: Looks like it. I've got a lot

on my mind, Feifei.

Feifei: Don't worry, I've found it - it's

here in the fridge with the milk!

Rob: Honestly, I'd forget

my own name sometimes!

Feifei: Bye, Rob.

Rob: Ah that's it! Bye!