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English in 1 Minute, What's the difference between 'their', 'there' and 'they're'? - English In A Minute

What's the difference between 'their', 'there' and 'they're'? - English In A Minute

Hi, I'm Georgina from BBC Learning English.

Do you ever wonder about the difference between

'their', 'there' and 'they're'?

They are all pronounced the same but have

different spellings and are used differently.

'Their' is used to show plural possession:

It is Phil and Elly's laptop.

It is their laptop.

It is Georgina and Roy's dog.

It is their dog.

'There' is used to identify something for the first time

and is often followed by the verb 'to be'.

There is a cafe near our office, but it's so expensive.

There is a bookshop nearby and it has some nice books.

'They're' has the same meaning as 'they are'

and is often followed by an adjective.

Where are Sam and Dan?

They're late – they're never on time!

Bye for now!

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What's the difference between 'their', 'there' and 'they're'? - English In A Minute ||diferença|entre|||e|eles são|inglês|em|um artigo|minuto qué es||diferencia|entre|su|ahí||ellos son|inglés|||minuto inglés Was ist der Unterschied zwischen 'their', 'there' und 'they're'? - Englisch in einer Minute ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre 'their', 'there' y 'they're'? - Inglés en un minuto Quelle est la différence entre "their", "there" et "they're" ? - L'anglais en une minute Qual è la differenza tra "their", "there" e "they're"? - Inglese in un minuto their」、「there」、「they're」の違いは?- 分でわかる英語 '그들의', '거기'와 '그들'의 차이점은 무엇인가요? - 1분 안에 영어 Jaka jest różnica między "their", "there" i "they're"? - Angielski w minutę Qual é a diferença entre 'their', 'there' e 'they're'? - Inglês num minuto В чем разница между 'their', 'there' и 'they're'? - Английский за минуту 'Their', 'there' ve 'they're' arasındaki fark nedir? - Bir Dakikada İngilizce Яка різниця між "their", "there" та "they're"? - Англійська за хвилину “他们的”、“那里”和“他们是”之间有什么区别? - 一分钟英语 「他們」、「那裡」和「他們是」有什麼區別? - 一分鐘英語

Hi, I'm Georgina from BBC Learning English. ||Georgina|||| ||Georgina|||| Olá||Georgina|da|BBC Aprendizagem de|Aprendizagem| ||喬治娜|||| ||Georgina|||| ||Привіт, я Джорджина|||| ||ジョージーナ|||| Hola|soy|Georgina||BBC||inglés Merhaba, ben BBC Learning English'ten Georgina.

Do you ever wonder about the difference between |||想知道|||| ||alguna vez|te preguntas|sobre||| verbo auxiliar||alguma vez|pergunta|sobre||| |||chiedersi mai|||| Hast du dich jemals gefragt, was der Unterschied zwischen Arasındaki farkı hiç merak ettiniz mi? 你有没有想过

'their', 'there' and 'they're'? 他們的||和|他們是 Il loro|Lì||loro sono su||| 'their', 'there' und 'they're' ist? 'their', 'there' ve 'they're'?

They are all pronounced the same but have |||sounded|||| eles|verbo auxiliar||pronunciados da mesma|||mas têm|têm |||發音為|||| |||ausgesprochen|||| |||発音される|||| |||pronunciadas|||| Sie werden alle gleich ausgesprochen, haben aber Hepsi aynı şekilde telaffuz edilir ancak

different spellings and are used differently. |Alternate spellings|||| diferentes||||são usadas|de maneira diferente |拼寫差異||||不同地 |Schreibweisen|||| |орфографія|||використовуються| |つづり||||異なる方法で |ortografías||||diferente unterschiedliche Schreibweisen und werden unterschiedlich verwendet. different spellings and are used differently. farklı yazılışları ve farklı kullanımları vardır.

'Their' is used to show plural possession: ||||||владение во множественном числе |||||plural possession|ownership by them |||de|indicar|pluralidade de|posse plural |||||複數所有格|所有權 ||||||Besitz anzeigen Loro|||||| ||||||حيازة الجمع |||||複数の|所有物 'Their' wird verwendet, um den Pluralbesitz zu zeigen: their」は複数所有を示すのに使われる: "Their" çoğul mülkiyeti göstermek için kullanılır: 「他們的」用來表示複數佔有:

It is Phil and Elly's laptop. ||||Elly| ||||Elly's|Phil and Elly's é||Phil||de Elly| ||菲爾||艾莉的|這是Phil和Elly的筆記型電腦。 ||Phil||Elly|Laptop |||||Це ноутбук Філа та Еллі. ||||エリーの|ノートパソコン ||Phil||de Elly|la laptop Es ist der Laptop von Phil und Elly. Это ноутбук Фила и Элли. Phil ve Elly'nin dizüstü bilgisayarı.

It is their laptop. ||su| Es ist ihr Laptop. Это их ноутбук. Bu onların dizüstü bilgisayarı.

It is Georgina and Roy's dog. ||||de Roy| It||||belonging to Roy| ||||de Roy| ||||羅伊的| ||||Roy| ||Це собака Джорджини та Роя.||| ||||ロイの| ||||de Roy|perro Es ist Georginas und Roys Hund. Это собака Джорджины и Роя.

It is their dog. ||su| Es ist ihr Hund. Это их собака.

'There' is used to identify something for the first time ||||point out||||| ||||||para identificar||primeira vez|tempo verbal ||||識別||||| ||||تحديد||||| ||||特定する||||| ||||identificar|||el|| 'There' wird verwendet, um etwas zum ersten Mal zu identifizieren There」は初めて何かを識別するときに使われる。 'There' bir şeyi ilk kez tanımlamak için kullanılır

and is often followed by the verb 'to be'. 和|||||||| |||seguido|||verbo auxiliar||verbo auxiliar ||しばしば|続く||||| ||a menudo|seguido|||verbo|| und wird oft vom Verb 'to be' gefolgt. и часто сопровождается глаголом "быть". ve genellikle 'to be' fiili tarafından takip edilir.

There is a cafe near our office, but it's so expensive. |||咖啡館|附近|||||| ||||perto de||||é|tão|caro |||cafetería|cerca de|nuestra|oficina||es|tan|caro In der Nähe unseres Büros gibt es ein Café, aber es ist so teuer. Рядом с нашим офисом есть кафе, но оно такое дорогое. Ofisimizin yakınında bir kafe var ama çok pahalı.

There is a bookshop nearby and it has some nice books. ||||поблизости|||||| |||bookstore||||||| |||||||tem||bons livros|livros interessantes |||書店|||||||書籍 |||Buchhandlung||||||| ||||nelle vicinanze|||||| |||книжковий магазин||||||| |||本屋||||||| |||librería|cerca|||tiene|algunos||libros bonitos Рядом есть книжный магазин, в нем есть хорошие книги. Yakınlarda bir kitapçı var ve bazı güzel kitaplar var.

'They're' has the same meaning as 'they are' "Loro sono"||||||| |||||como|| 'They're' hat die gleiche Bedeutung wie 'they are' "They're", "they are" ile aynı anlama gelir

and is often followed by an adjective. 和通常接形容詞||||||形容詞 und|||||| ||||||adjetivo ||a menudo||||adjetivo ||||||形容詞 und wird häufig von einem Adjektiv gefolgt. と形容詞が続くことが多い。 ve genellikle bir sıfat tarafından takip edilir.

Where are Sam and Dan? ||Sam||Dan dónde están||Sam||Dan Wo sind Sam und Dan? Где Сэм и Дэн? Sam ve Dan nerede?

They're late – they're never on time! ||||a tempo| |||ніколи|| |tarde||nunca|| Sie sind spät dran - sie sind nie pünktlich! Они опаздывают – они никогда не бывают вовремя! Geç kalıyorlar - asla zamanında gelmiyorlar!

Bye for now! Até logo||por enquanto Ciao per ora!|| adiós|| Auf Wiedersehen! ¡Adiós por ahora! とりあえず、さようなら! Şimdilik hoşça kalın!