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Assorted YouTube videos, Duolingo Vs LingQ: Which is better for learning languages?

Duolingo Vs LingQ: Which is better for learning languages?

hey guys i'm aaron from phantom

languages and

this video is going to be a comparison

between duolingo

and link and it's going to be a

discussion about which one is better for

learning languages

now right up front if you don't have

time for any of the details of this

video i'm just going to tell you

link is better but of course it's not

that simple because there is a place for


and there are some things that duolingo

does better than link

and really it's hard to even make a

comparison between these two platforms

because they're so different they don't

even try to do the same thing

so in this video i'm going to try to

give you a clear idea of how to use

both of these language learning

platforms to maximize your language

learning efficiency

so if you're learning a language and you

want to see more videos on how to learn

a language

effectively be sure to subscribe to this

channel and click the little bell icon

to get more videos about language

learning every week and if you're not

already familiar with duolingo or link

you can watch the videos that i made

explaining these two platforms


so from this point i'll just assume that

you already know what

link and duolingo are and the reason

that i'm saying

link is better is because you can use


to actually learn a language duolingo is

only designed to teach you how to

translate a set of prefabricated phrases

from your native language into your

target language

many of which are often oddly specific

to situations you'll probably

never run into organically in a

conversation with a native speaker

just do a google search for strange

duolingo sentences

and you'll see now the strangeness of

the sentences in duolingo

doesn't bother me that much my main

concern is that the whole focus of


is translating from your native language

i don't love that approach because

you really don't want to be filtering

your target language

through your native language every time

you have a conversation

you can end up saying some really

strange things that way

of course you'll probably use

translations from your native language

on link

too i certainly do i guess you could

theoretically just create links using

definitions in

only your target language but i don't

see any need to do that

the big difference here is that

translating from your native language is

the main

focus of duolingo while on link it


but it's just a gateway to getting you

to read and listen to

authentic content solely in your target


so your native language is like training

wheels and

as you progress through link you learn

to rely on it

less and less to their credit duolingo

has started adding some simple stories

and podcasts to their platform as

side lessons and i think this is even

more interesting and helpful

than the main lessons because it does

rely solely on

the target language unfortunately these

stories only exist in four languages

right now but

hopefully they'll keep expanding and

increasing this portion of their app

because that will make it a lot more

useful and who knows

maybe if they keep going in this

direction someday i'll think duolingo is

better than link

another reason i think link is better is

because it's

scalable while duolingo currently is not

what i mean by that is when you reach

the end of your duolingo tree

there's nothing else you can do you're

done and

by now you're probably bored of

translating all these dumb sentences and


definitely are not fluent in your target

language at least not if duolingo is the

only method you've been using to learn

link on the other hand is something

you'll never grow out of

you can always find new books articles

and podcasts

in your target language and you'll never

get bored because you can look for

content that

interests you i really like reading

fantasy novels in spanish but

if you prefer history books fashion

blogs cookbooks

song lyrics or news articles you'll be

able to find something to import into

link that will be able to hold your

interest and it doesn't feel like

studying so now that i'm done

beating up all over duolingo there are

some ways that duolingo outshines

link although right now the only way i

think this is true

is if you're a fairly new beginner to

your language say it may be

an a1 or a2 you can see on my own

duolingo accounts that i have never

reached more than 7000 xp in any

language i've studied

why is that because i quit using it once

i've learned enough to practice my


in more effective ways but during those

first few months

when i don't know enough to say anything

duolingo can be a really

useful primer it helps me dip my toes in

the language in a way that's not

intimidating it's fun it builds off

things that i've already

learned and i can commit to doing three

or four lessons a day without feeling


it's really accessible and it lets you

jump right into starting your new

language right

away link is less accessible up front

it looks a little bit intimidating to

the absolute beginner

and the interface isn't quite as simple

as duolingo

there's a number of features you might

not understand and

at first you're swimming in a sea of


unknown words even if you start with the

level one mini stories

but that's why i think duolingo and link

complement each other so well

right around the time where duolingo

starts to get boring and useless

that's when you're getting to the level

where a link isn't quite as intimidating

by that time you know most of the words

that you're going to encounter on link

and duolingo has already exposed you to

a lot of grammatical structures

that looked so foreign at first so

that's when you make the switch

from translating strange sentences on


like my hovercraft is full of eels to

reading short books that you actually


on link now both link and duolingo have

a few additional features that i want to


like their message boards and the

ability to ask an

expert about something you're

encountering in your lessons

i don't use these features a ton but if

you like that

then it's a bonus both of these apps

make use of what we call

gamification which uses your competitive

nature in order to motivate you to study

a little bit more often

duolingo has basically structured their

whole platform around this

and in my opinion it works decently well

to motivate me to study a little bit

every day the competition of earning

more xp

and advancing to the next league and

wanting to stay ahead of your friends

is enough to at least remind me to use


every day even when i don't feel like it

but it doesn't get in the way

or make me forget that the actual goal

is to improve in my target language

link also incorporates some gamification

and challenges in their platform

but i've never really found myself

paying too much attention to it

so that aspect of link is just sort of a

non-issue that i don't really see as a

huge positive or

negative now as far as extra features

that i think are actually really


there's three things i want to talk

about and in my opinion all three of

these give

link a slight advantage over duolingo


those three things are the tutoring

system the srs system

and the playlist function the playlist

function on link is

really nice because i can use passive

study time

to review what i've actively studied so

after going through a lesson in detail i

can review it again

while i'm driving in the car or doing

dishes by listening to the audio

duolingo has nothing comparable to this

as far as tutoring

i've always used italki so i can't talk

too much about the link tutoring system

but i imagine the two are pretty

comparable and my experience on italki

has always been

really helpful now if you're not

familiar with srs

that stands for spaced repetition system


it's normally some form of online

flashcards that

remind you of a word that you're

studying right around the time that you

would usually forget it i

actually prefer anki or memrise over

link's srs

system but the one thing i really like

about lynx srs

is that it automatically connects with

the words you're already encountering in

your lessons on link

and that makes it really valuable to me

because i'm coming into contact with

these words

systematically in the srs and also

in context when i run into them in my

reading and listening lessons

duolingo also had a space repetition

system called

tiny cards but that's going away and

there's no guarantee they'll replace it

with anything

although they have hinted that they

might incorporate some of its

functionality directly into duolingo


and if that's done right it could be a

huge plus for duolingo because

again if duolingo keeps heading in the

right direction

they could eventually become my favorite

language learning platform

now duolingo and link both have free

and paid versions and i find them to be

polar opposites of each other the free

version of duolingo has

everything i need it for and the free

version of link

sucks but paying for duolingo is just

throwing away your money

while paying for a link is an investment

in your language learning future

they also both have a website and a

mobile app and i've used all four of


and i don't really see a huge difference

between the mobile or the web-based

versions of link but i find the mobile

version to be a little bit more

convenient for me

because i can take it more places and i

can listen to the playlist while i'm in

the car

i do prefer the website version of

duolingo because it doesn't use their

heart system

and they have some grammar notes on the

website that they don't have on the app


can be nice but again the mobile app is


more convenient so i use that quite a

bit too and finally if you're already

thinking you might want to subscribe to


you can follow the url here for a

discount if you subscribe using that

link you'll save 35

and a small portion will come back to

support my channel so

i hope this video has helped you figure

out how you can fit link and duolingo

into your language learning repertoire

thanks for watching and i'll see you

next time

Learn languages from TV shows, movies, news, articles and more! Try LingQ for FREE

Duolingo Vs LingQ: Which is better for learning languages? ||||||||языки Duolingo||||||||language learning |ou|||é||||línguas Duolingo|||||||| Duolingo vs. LingQ: Was ist besser zum Sprachenlernen? Duolingo Vs LingQ: Which is better for learning languages? Duolingo vs LingQ: ¿cuál es mejor para aprender idiomas? Duolingo Vs LingQ : Quel est le meilleur moyen d'apprendre les langues ? Duolingo対LingQ:語学学習にはどっちがいい? 듀오링고 대 링큐: 어느 쪽이 언어 학습에 더 좋은가요? "Duolingo" ir "LingQ": kas geriau mokosi kalbų? Duolingo vs LingQ: Co jest lepsze do nauki języków? Duolingo Vs LingQ: Qual é o melhor para aprender línguas? Duolingo Vs LingQ: что лучше для изучения языков? Duolingo Vs LingQ: Dil öğrenmek için hangisi daha iyi? Duolingo vs LingQ: що краще для вивчення мов? Duolingo Vs LingQ:哪个更适合学习语言? Duolingo 与 LingQ:哪个更适合学习语言? Duolingo VS LingQ:哪個比較適合學習語言?

hey guys i'm aaron from phantom |||||幻影 |||aaron||fantasma |||아론||팬텀 |||Аарон||Фантом |||Cześć, jestem Aaron||Phantom

languages and

this video is going to be a comparison |||||||сравнение |||||ser||uma comparação |||||||비교 |||||||比较 |||||||порівнян |||||||srovnání |||||||porównanie

between duolingo 듀오링고 사이| 杜林戈之间

and link and it's going to be a 和链接,这将是一个

discussion about which one is better for 토론|||||| dyskusja o tym||||||

learning languages

now right up front if you don't have |正しく|||||| |agora|logo||||| |||на самому початку|||| ahora al frente si no tienes をお持ちでない方は、今すぐにでもご利用ください。 прямо зараз, якщо у вас немає

time for any of the details of this |||||세부사항|| |||||szczegóły tego|| の詳細については、その都度お知らせします。 的任何细节

video i'm just going to tell you |||||말하다|

link is better but of course it's not

that simple because there is a place for ||||||공간|


and there are some things that duolingo

does better than link |||do melhor do que

and really it's hard to even make a |||||조차||

comparison between these two platforms srovnání|||| сравнение|||| ||||플랫폼 ||||platformy ||||平台

because they're so different they don't

even try to do the same thing 同じことをしても

so in this video i'm going to try to

give you a clear idea of how to use

both of these language learning

platforms to maximize your language |||vašu| 平台||最大化|| ||극대화하다|| ||maksymalizować||

learning efficiency |efektivita |效率 |효율성 |ефективність навчання |efektywność nauki

so if you're learning a language and you

want to see more videos on how to learn

a language

effectively be sure to subscribe to this ||||odoberajte tento||

channel and click the little bell icon ||||||图标 ||||||ikona dzwonka |||||дзвіночок|

to get more videos about language

learning every week and if you're not

already familiar with duolingo or link

you can watch the videos that i made

explaining these two platforms

individually 单独 індивідуально

so from this point i'll just assume that ||||||предположу| ||||||varsaymak| ||||||假设| ||||||припущу що| ||||||předpokládat| ||||||zakładać| отже, з цього моменту я просто припущу, що

you already know what |вже|| ти вже знаєш, що

link and duolingo are and the reason ||||||dôvod ||||||причина лінк та дуолінго є і причину

that i'm saying

link is better is because you can use


to actually learn a language duolingo is |насправді|||||

only designed to teach you how to

translate a set of prefabricated phrases ||||pre-made| ||||预制的| ||набір||попередньо| ||||prefabrikovaných| ||||プレハブの| ||||prefabrykowane|

from your native language into your

target language język docelowy|

many of which are often oddly specific |||||podivně| |||||奇怪地| ||||しばしば|奇妙に| |||||dziwnie| |||||дивно|

to situations you'll probably

never run into organically in a |||有机地|| |||organicamente|| |||自然に|| |||naturalnie|| |||органічно||

conversation with a native speaker

just do a google search for strange ||||||незвичайне

duolingo sentences

and you'll see now the strangeness of |||||podivnost| |||||дивність| |||||dziwność|

the sentences in duolingo

doesn't bother me that much my main |vadí||||| never|||||| |турбує||||| |nie przeszkadza|||||

concern is that the whole focus of 担忧|||||| susirūpinimas|||||dėmesys| занепокоєння|||||| obawa jest, że|||||| беспокойство||||||


is translating from your native language

i don't love that approach because ||||přístup| ||||požiūris| ||||підхід|

you really don't want to be filtering ||||||filtruje ||||||过滤 ||||||filtruojantis ||||||фільтрування ||||||filtrować

your target language |cílový|

through your native language every time per|||||

you have a conversation |turi||pokalbis

you can end up saying some really

strange things that way |dalykai|| もののかず

of course you'll probably use

translations from your native language 翻译|||| vertimai (1)|||| переклади|||| tłumaczenia z polskiego||||

on link

too i certainly do i guess you could ||určitě||||| そうですね......そうかもしれませんね

theoretically just create links using теоретически|||| teoriškai|||nuorodas(1)| теоретично|||| teoretycznie można użyć||||

definitions in 定义| apibrėžimai (1)| визначення|

only your target language but i don't

see any need to do that |якусь|потреби|||

the big difference here is that ||різниця|||

translating from your native language is

the main

focus of duolingo while on link it |||під час|||

exists egzistuoja (1) існує istnieje

but it's just a gateway to getting you ||||ворота||| ||||gateway||| ||||通道||| ||||vartai||| ||||ворота||| ||||brána||| але це лише ворота, щоб дістатися до тебе.

to read and listen to

authentic content solely in your target аутентичное||только||| ||only||| ||yalnızca||| 真实|内容|仅仅||| autentiškas turinys||tik tai||| ||виключно||| ||pouze||| ||のみ||| ||wyłącznie|||


so your native language is like training ||||||mokymasis |||Anadil eğitimi||| ||||||тренування

wheels and kola| ratų| колеса| koła i|

as you progress through link you learn |||přes||| |||per|||

to rely on it |spolehnout|| |依赖|| |покладатися|| |polegać na tym||

less and less to their credit duolingo |||に対して||彼らの評価| Less and less to their credit デュオリンゴ

has started adding some simple stories ||додавати||| ||dodawać|||

and podcasts to their platform as ||||platformę|

side lessons and i think this is even straně||||||| бокові|||||||

more interesting and helpful

than the main lessons because it does

rely solely on |только| 依靠|仅仅| покладатися|виключно| |pouze| |のみ| polegać wyłącznie na|wyłącznie|

the target language unfortunately these

stories only exist in four languages

right now but

hopefully they'll keep expanding and ||继续|扩展| |||rozszerzać się| сподіваюся|||розширюватися|

increasing this portion of their app zvyšující||část||| ||部分||| ||zwiększenie części aplikacji||| збільшення||частину|||

because that will make it a lot more

useful and who knows

maybe if they keep going in this

direction someday i'll think duolingo is |někdy|||| |kiedyś|||| напрямок|колись||||

better than link

another reason i think link is better is

because it's

scalable while duolingo currently is not масштабируемый||||| évolutif||||| ölçeklenebilir||||| 可扩展|||目前|| масштабований|||в даний час|| škálovatelné||||| スケーラブル||||| skalowalny|chociaż|||| スケーラブルである一方、duolingoは現在、スケーラブルではありません。

what i mean by that is when you reach ||||||||досягаєш

the end of your duolingo tree |||||дерево |||||drzewo Duolingo

there's nothing else you can do you're

done and

by now you're probably bored of ||||втомлений|

translating all these dumb sentences and |||hloupé|| |||тупі|| |||głupie||


definitely are not fluent in your target

language at least not if duolingo is the

only method you've been using to learn |方法|||||

link on the other hand is something

you'll never grow out of あなたは決して||成長する|| ||перестанеш|| з якого ти ніколи не виростеш.

you can always find new books articles ||||||статті

and podcasts

in your target language and you'll never

get bored because you can look for засумувати|нудьгувати|||||

content that který|

interests you i really like reading

fantasy novels in spanish but фантастичні|романи|||

if you prefer history books fashion |||||мода |||||moda ||надаєте пере|||

blogs cookbooks блоги|кулінарні blogi kulinarne|książki kucharskie blogów

song lyrics or news articles you'll be |тексти піс||||| тексти пісень або новини, якими ви будете

able to find something to import into |||||zaimportować|

link that will be able to hold your ||||||утримувати вашу|

interest and it doesn't feel like

studying so now that i'm done ||||私は|

beating up all over duolingo there are 叩いている|||||| pobicie|||||| бійка|||||| duolingoのあちこちで叩かれています。

some ways that duolingo outshines ||||превосходит ||||surpasse ||||surpasses ||||超越 ||||перевершує ||||převyšuje ||||際立っている ||||przewyższa

link although right now the only way i |хотя|||||| |chociaż||||||

think this is true |||правда さもありなん

is if you're a fairly new beginner to ||||docela||| ||||досить новий||| ||||stosunkowo|||

your language say it may be

an a1 or a2 you can see on my own

duolingo accounts that i have never |účet|||| |konta Duolingo||||

reached more than 7000 xp in any |||经验|| |||досвіду|| |||punktów doświadczenia||

language i've studied

why is that because i quit using it once |||||přestal||| ||||||||一次 |||||припинив|||

i've learned enough to practice my


in more effective ways but during those ||有效||||

first few months

when i don't know enough to say anything

duolingo can be a really

useful primer it helps me dip my toes in |úvodník||||||prsty| |入门书||||试探||| |wprowadzenie||||zanurzyć się w||spróbować sił| |入門書||||||| корисний|посібник||||||пальці ніг| корисний праймер, який допомагає мені занурити пальці ніг

the language in a way that's not

intimidating it's fun it builds off интригующее||||| daunting||||| 令人畏惧||||| лякаюче||||| intimidující||||| 威圧的な||||| przerażające||||| それは楽しいです залякування - це веселощі, на яких воно будується

things that i've already もちあわせのもの

learned and i can commit to doing three ||||zavázat se||| ||||承诺||| ||||зобов'язатися||| ||||zobowiązać się||| ||||обязаться||| навчився і можу взяти на себе зобов'язання зробити три

or four lessons a day without feeling

overburdened перегруженный overloaded stressed burdened 过度负担 перевантажений přetížený 過重な przeciążony

it's really accessible and it lets you ||přístupné|||| ||方便|||| ||доступно|||| ||dostępne|||pozwala ci| ||доступно||||

jump right into starting your new |od razu|wprost do|rozpoczęcie|Twojego|

language right

away link is less accessible up front ||||可访问|| ||||mniej widoczny|| |||менш|доступний|| アウェイリンクは前面からアクセスしにくい a ligação externa é menos acessível à partida

it looks a little bit intimidating to |||||odstrašující| |||||пугающим| |||||трохи ля| |||||trochę onieśmielające| ||||| intimidating |

the absolute beginner |absolutny|

and the interface isn't quite as simple ||rozhraní|||| ||界面||很|| ||інтерфейс||досить|| ||interfejs||||

as duolingo

there's a number of features you might ||||функций|| il y a|||||| ||||功能|| ||||особливостей|| ||||vlastností|| ||||funkcje|| є ряд функцій, які ви можете

not understand and

at first you're swimming in a sea of


unknown words even if you start with the nieznane słowa|||||||

level one mini stories

but that's why i think duolingo and link

complement each other so well 互补|||| complement|||| 補完し合う|||| uzupełniać|||| доповнюють||||

right around the time where duolingo

starts to get boring and useless |||||nudný |||||无用 |||||bezużyteczny |||нудним||недоціль

that's when you're getting to the level

where a link isn't quite as intimidating ||||||odstrašující ||||||令人畏惧 ||||||mniej onieśmielający ||||досить||лякаючим ||||||угрожающим

by that time you know most of the words

that you're going to encounter on link ||||narazit|| ||||遇到|| ||||зустріти на|| ||||встретить||

and duolingo has already exposed you to ||||exponoval|| ||||暴露|| ||||exposed|| ||||ознайомила||

a lot of grammatical structures |||语法的|

that looked so foreign at first so |||陌生||| |||異国的に||| |||незнайомим|||

that's when you make the switch |||||přepnutí |||||перемикаєш そうこなくっちゃ

from translating strange sentences on ||дивні|| の変な文章を翻訳することから


like my hovercraft is full of eels to ||гидроплан||||угрей| ||hovercraft||||eels| ||气垫船||||鳗鱼| як||гідроплан||||вугри| ||vznášedlo||||úhořů| |私の|ホバークラフト||||ウナギ| ||poduszkowiec||||węgorze| に、私のホバークラフトはウナギでいっぱいです。 як мій судно на повітряній подушці повне вугрів, щоб

reading short books that you actually

enjoy насолоджуйся

on link now both link and duolingo have |||обидва||||

a few additional features that i want to ||další|funkce|||| |||功能|||| ||додаткові|функції|||| |||функций||||

mention згадка

like their message boards and the |||fóra|| |||tablice dyskusyjne|| ||повідомлення|дошки|| メッセージボードや як їхні дошки оголошень та

ability to ask an schopnost|||

expert about something you're Ekspert w czymś|||

encountering in your lessons setkání||| 在你的课上遇到||| зустрічі на||| napotykając w lekcjach|||

i don't use these features a ton but if ||||funkce|||| ||||||很多|| ||||機能|||| ||||||дуже|| 私はこれらの機能をあまり使いませんが、もしそうなら

you like that

then it's a bonus both of these apps |||好处||||

make use of what we call |||||називаємо

gamification which uses your competitive gamification|||| 游戏化||||竞争 ігрофікація||використовує||змагальний gamifikace||||soutěživou ゲーミフィケーション|||| grywalizacja konkurencyjna||||konkurencyjny

nature in order to motivate you to study ||||激励||| ||natura do motywacji||||| природа||для того щоб||||| природу, щоб мотивувати вас до навчання

a little bit more often ||||трохи часті

duolingo has basically structured their |||ustrukturyzował|

whole platform around this

and in my opinion it works decently well ||||||приемлемо| ||||||reasonably| ||||||不错| ||||||досить добре| ||||||slušně| ||||||まあまあ| ||||||całkiem dobrze|

to motivate me to study a little bit |激励||||||

every day the competition of earning |||soutěž||výdělku |||конкуренція||заробітку |||konkurencja zarobkowa||zarabiania pieniędzy

more xp |经验

and advancing to the next league and |||||ligu| |переходя||||| |||||ligi| |підвищую||||ліга|

wanting to stay ahead of your friends бажаючи|||попереду|||

is enough to at least remind me to use |||||připomenout||| |достатньо||||нагадати|||


every day even when i don't feel like it

but it doesn't get in the way але|||||| але це не заважає

or make me forget that the actual goal |||zapomenout||||

is to improve in my target language |||||cílovém|

link also incorporates some gamification ||zahrnuje|| ||包含|| ||включає також||ігрофікація ||zawiera||elementy grywalizacji ||включает||

and challenges in their platform |виклики|||

but i've never really found myself |я ніколи|||знайшов себе| але я ніколи не знаходив собі місця

paying too much attention to it звертаючи|||увага|| не звертаючи на це занадто багато уваги

so that aspect of link is just sort of a ||aspekt||||||| ||链接的方面||||||| ||аспект||||||| тому цей аспект зв’язку просто є свого роду

non-issue that i don't really see as a |nieistotna sprawa||||||| не||||||||

huge positive or |积极|

negative now as far as extra features ||||||функции ||||||dodatkowe funkcje |||||додаткові функ|

that i think are actually really


there's three things i want to talk

about and in my opinion all three of

these give

link a slight advantage over duolingo ||malou||| |||优势|| ||невелика|перевагу|| ||niewielką|||


those three things are the tutoring |||||辅导 |||||репетиторство |||||korepetycje

system the srs system ||srs| ||специфіка| ||system SRS|

and the playlist function the playlist ||播放列表|功能|| ||плейлист||| ||lista odtwarzania|||

function on link is

really nice because i can use passive ||||||被动语态 ||||||пасивний

study time

to review what i've actively studied so |zkontrolovat||||| |переглянути|||||

after going through a lesson in detail i ||||||szczegółowo| |пройшовши||||||

can review it again |переглянути||знову |przejrzeć ponownie||

while i'm driving in the car or doing коли||водіння|||||

dishes by listening to the audio страви|||||

duolingo has nothing comparable to this |||srovnatelné|| |||可比的|| |||порівнян|| |||porównywalnego|| |||сравнимое||

as far as tutoring |||репетиторства

i've always used italki so i can't talk я завжди|завжди||italki||||

too much about the link tutoring system

but i imagine the two are pretty ||уявляю||обидва||

comparable and my experience on italki srovnatelné||||| 可比的||||| karşılaştırılabilir||||| порівнян||||| сравнимый|||||

has always been

really helpful now if you're not

familiar with srs ||SRS знайомий з||

that stands for spaced repetition system |stojí||spaced|| |||间隔|重复| |||間隔を空けた|| яка|означає||згруповане|| |||интервальной||


it's normally some form of online

flashcards that флеш-карт|

remind you of a word that you're připomínám|||||| нагадаю||||||

studying right around the time that you ||||час|| навчання приблизно в той час, коли ви

would usually forget it i зазвичай забуває про це.

actually prefer anki or memrise over |надаю перева|||Memrise|

link's srs посилання|

system but the one thing i really like

about lynx srs |рись|

is that it automatically connects with ||||підключається|

the words you're already encountering in ||||narážíte| ||||遇到| ||||karşılaştığınız| ||||出会っている| ||||зустрічаючи| слова, які ви вже зустрічали в

your lessons on link

and that makes it really valuable to me |||||cenné|| |||||цінним||

because i'm coming into contact with ||||контакт| тому що я вступаю в контакт з

these words

systematically in the srs and also систематически||||| систематично|||||

in context when i run into them in my

reading and listening lessons

duolingo also had a space repetition ||||простір|

system called

tiny cards but that's going away and маленькі|картки||||зникає| крихітні картки, але це йде в минуле, і

there's no guarantee they'll replace it ||保证||更换| ||гарантія||| немає гарантії, що його замінять

with anything

although they have hinted that they хотя|||намекнули|| |||suggested|| |||ほのめかした|| хоча|||натякнули|що| |||暗示||

might incorporate some of its |包含||| |включити частину||| |включить|||

functionality directly into duolingo 功能|直接|| функціональність|безпосередньо||

itself саме себе

and if that's done right it could be a |||зроблено|||||

huge plus for duolingo because

again if duolingo keeps heading in the |||продовжує|направленні||

right direction |правильний напрямок

they could eventually become my favorite ||sonunda|||

language learning platform

now duolingo and link both have free

and paid versions and i find them to be

polar opposites of each other the free 极端|||||| 極端|||||| |протилежності||||| полярные||||||

version of duolingo has

everything i need it for and the free

version of link

sucks but paying for duolingo is just 糟糕|||||| berbat|||||| 悪い|||||| погано||платити|||| отстой, но платить за дуолинго просто

throwing away your money 無駄にする|捨てる|| викидання|на вітер||

while paying for a link is an investment |||||||投资 поки|оплачуючи||||||інвестиція

in your language learning future

they also both have a website and a

mobile app and i've used all four of ||||||四| |||я використав|||чотирьох| モバイルアプリの4つすべてを使用しています。


and i don't really see a huge difference |||||||різницю

between the mobile or the web-based ||||||на базі

versions of link but i find the mobile

version to be a little bit more ||||трохи|трохи|

convenient for me зручно для мене||

because i can take it more places and i

can listen to the playlist while i'm in

the car

i do prefer the website version of ||надаю перева||||

duolingo because it doesn't use their

heart system серцево-суд|

and they have some grammar notes on the

website that they don't have on the app


can be nice but again the mobile app is


more convenient so i use that quite a |方便|||||| |зручніше|||||досить|

bit too and finally if you're already

thinking you might want to subscribe to |||||订阅| |||||підписатися|


you can follow the url here for a ||||链接||| ||перейдіть за||посилання|||

discount if you subscribe using that 折扣||||| знижка|||||

link you'll save 35

and a small portion will come back to |||一小部分|||| |||частина|||| і невелика частина повернеться до

support my channel so підтримуйте|||

i hope this video has helped you figure

out how you can fit link and duolingo ||||вписати|||

into your language learning repertoire ||||能力范围 ||||repertoire ||||репертуар навч ||||репертуар

thanks for watching and i'll see you

next time