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BBC 6 Minutes English 2021, Food and Drink (1)

Food and Drink (1)

Six Minute English from BBC Learning English.

Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English! I'm Neil and I'm Catherine. Catherine,

I'm going to start this program with a quick test just for you! Oh, I love tests! Complete this

phrase - wake up and smell the ... Coffee! Coffee, Neil, it's coffee! I have to say that I love

coffee, it's great. Yeah, okay, so do you drink much? Well, just a couple of cups, you know. Uh,

every day? No, no, every hour! I love coffee, don't you like coffee, Neil?

I do. Maybe not as much as you! What's the best thing about it? Oh, it's the smell,

it's got to be the smell. You know when you open the packet, it's great, isn't it?

Uh, yes, but it never quite tastes as good as it smells, does it? Well, no. It's always a bit

disappointing. I live in hope. Another cup, I think it'll be better. I might change brands,

actually, try a different one. Yeah, okay. You've had quite a lot of coffee today, haven't you? Oh,

just the usual six cups. Well, our topic is the smell of coffee and coffee is also the

subject of today's question: the world's biggest producer of coffee is.... Brazil, Brazil. Yes,

yes, but that's not the question. The question is: Brazil is the biggest coffee producer - which is

the second largest coffee producing country? Is it a) Colombia, b) Vietnam or c) Ethiopia? Right,

so it's not Brazil but I bet it's another South American country so I'm gonna go for Colombia.

Colombia is that right? Okay, we'll have the answer later in the program by which time maybe

the caffeine will have left your body, Catherine. Tim Hayward is a coffee shop owner. He appeared

in the BBC radio 4 program, the Kitchen Cabinet. How important does he say the smell of coffee is?

Absolutely vital, it's the key thing and you when you walk into the coffee shop in the

morning and that smell hits you, you're getting physiological responses. So, how important is it?

I'm feeling a bit calmer now. Tim Hayward says the smell of coffee is vital. That means it's

very important, it's perhaps the most important thing. And he backs this up by saying that it's

the key thing. Something that's key is essential, it's really important. And, he says that when you

experience the smell, when the smell hits you, you get a physiological response. This phrase

means your body has a reaction to the smell of coffee - perhaps your mouth begins to water in

anticipation. Catherine, when you get a coffee do you normally have it there or take it away?

Well, I usually take it away, although if I'm feeling really in need of a coffee hit,

I might have one there and then get another one to take with me. Can you describe the container that

you're given when you have a coffee to go? Yes, it's in a tall paper cup with a lid and the lid

has a hole in it so that I can drink that lovely coffee. Don't you think that's a problem? I mean,

we know how important the smell is, so what's the effect of the lid on that experience? The effect

of the lid? Yeah, well, here's Tim Hayward again, talking about coffee being served with lids. What

baffles me is how many of the large coffee chains actually sell a product in a cup that removes the

smell. So, you walk into the coffee shop, you get the smell but when you actually take the

drink out, you're drinking it from something that's designed to deliver the hot liquid

directly past your tongue but stop any smell coming up to your nose. That's just weird. So,

what is it he's describing there? I see, yes, he's talking about the big coffee chains.

A chain is a company that has lots of its stores in towns and cities, sometimes around the world.

I think we can all think of a few well-known coffee chains, and he says that by putting a

lid on takeaway cups, you're actually blocking the smell. That smell that is really important

to the coffee experience. Yes, and he says he finds that weird, which is a way of saying he

finds it unusual - thinks it's strange, odd. So much so, that he says it baffles him. If you are

baffled by something you find it confusing. You can't really understand it. Here's Tim

Hayward again. What baffles me is how many of the large coffee chains actually sell a product

in a cup that removes the smell. So, you walk into the coffee shop, you get the smell but when

you actually take the drink out you're drinking it from something that's designed to deliver the

hot liquid directly past your tongue but stop any smell coming up to your nose. That's just

weird. That was coffee shop owner Tim Hayward. Right, before we have another cup of this week's

vocabulary, let's get the answer to the question. After Brazil, which country produces most coffee?

Is it a) Colombia, b) Vietnam or c) Ethiopia? Catherine, you said... I said it was a) Colombia.

Ah, sorry, no extra coffee for you today. The answer is Vietnam. And now on to the vocabulary

we looked at. Take it away, Catherine. So, the first word was vital, which is an adjective that

means very important. And another word with a very similar meaning was key, meaning essential. Next,

we had the phrase, physiological responses. Physiological refers to what our bodies do

and a response is a reaction. So, a physiological response is a reaction your body has to something,

like the smell of coffee. Something that baffles you confuses you. You don't understand it. You

might find something that baffles you to be weird. This adjective means unusual or strange.

And finally, a chain is a group of shops from the same company with the same name.

Well, that is the end of our program. For more from us check out Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,

Youtube and our app and, of course, the website bbclearningenglish.com. See you soon, goodbye.

Bye! Fancy a coffee? I think you've had too much! 6 Minute English from bbclearningenglish.com

Welcome to 6 Minute English where we introduce a refreshing topic and six related items of

vocabulary. I'm Rob and I'm Neil and today we're talking about water. There's nothing

more refreshing than an ice cold bottle of water straight out of the vending machine.

Hmm, okay, refreshing in this context means making you feel cool again after being hot

so has that cooled you down, Neil? Yes, I feel very refreshed now, thanks. Can I ask you though

why didn't you just get a glass of water from the kitchen tap? That water is cool and refreshing

too, and it's free! Well, I like this brand of bottled water better. It's enriched with salts and

minerals that are very beneficial to your health. Enriched means improving the quality of something

by adding to it. Enriched, honestly, Neil! It tastes better, Rob and I'm not the only one who

thinks so. For the first time in the UK, bottled water is more popular than cola. In fact, can you

tell me how many litres of bottled water was sold in the UK in 2016? Was it a) 2.9 billion, litres

b) 29 million litres or c 2.9 million litres? Um, right. well, I'm going to say 29 million litres.

OK, we'll find out later if you got that right or wrong. But seriously, Rob, don't you think it's a

good thing that people are choosing to buy bottled water at the supermarket rather than fizzy drinks?

Yes, of course, but as I said to you earlier, why don't people just drink tap water?

Let's listen to Natalie Fee, founder of City to Sea, which campaigns again plastic pollution. And,

of course, bottled water causes a huge amount of that. Here's Natalie now talking

about how drinks manufacturers have persuaded people that bottled water is better for them.

They manufactured the demand for bottled water and they spent millions of pounds on adverts,

sort of scaring us off of tap water. The bottled water companies set out to make us believe

that tap water wasn't healthy and yet tap water is way more regulated than bottled water is

and in taste tests tap water comes up trump most times.

If you manufacture something you make it in large amounts in a factory.

But here Natalie says the drinks companies manufactured the demand for bottled water, which

means they made adverts to persuade people that tap water wasn't healthy and bottled water was.

To scare people off - what does that mean, Rob? Well, if you scare somebody off you

make them go away by frightening them. S,o some advertisers may have suggested, for example,

that tap water was unsafe to drink, whereas bottled water was safer and tasted better too.

You're catching on! However, Natalie Fee claims that tap water is more regulated than bottled

water is. Regulated means controlled. Natalie also says that in taste tests, tap water comes

up trumps. What does she mean by that? Well, a taste test is where you ask people to try several

very similar products without knowing which one is which and then you grade them according to

which you like the best. And if something comes up trumps, it means it produces a good result, often

unexpectedly. So tap water comes up trump's, eh? Yep. Perhaps we should try a taste test now, Neil?

It would be interesting to see if your enriched bottled water comes up trumps or not. I tell you

what, let's leave that until later and hear the answer to today's quiz question instead. Okay,

I asked you: how many litres of bottled water were sold in the UK in 2016? Was it a) 2.9 billion

litres, b) 29 million litres or c) 2.9 million litres? Yeah, and I said 29 million litres. And

the answer is... 2.9 billion litres. Wow! You can buy many different brands of bottled water with a

range of price tags. At the top end, there's water from a 4,00 year-old Norwegian iceberg.

How much does that cost? Around £80 a bottle. Oh, as cheap as that - I'll pop out and get some

later. Okay, let's review the words we learned today. The first one was refreshing, which means

making you feel cool again after being hot. I enjoyed a refreshing cup of tea. Hmm, well we

British like to say that, don't we? Though I don't understand how a hot drink can be refreshing. OK,

number two - enriched, which means improving the quality of something by adding to it. For example,

did you know that many types of breakfast cereal are enriched with vitamins and minerals, Neil?

No, I didn't, Rob. You learn something new every day. Number three is manufacture - to

make something in large amounts in a factory. This company manufactures wellington boots I'm

a wellington boot manufacturer - that has a nice ring to it. Anyway, when you scare someone off

you make them go away by frightening them. The dog barked fiercely and scared off the two burglars.

Down, Rob, down number. Five - regulated or controlled. For example, the sale of tobacco is

tightly regulated by the government. And finally - if something comes up trumps it produces a

good result, often unexpectedly. My lottery ticket came up trumps again, I can't believe it! You're a

lucky man, Neil. Okay, it's time to do that taste test now. If you have an opinion on bottled water

or anything else, please tell us about it on our Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or Youtube pages.

Okay, this one definitely tastes better. And how about this one?

Yeah, definitely - that's the tap water, Neil. No, no, no - I refuse to believe it!

6 Minute English from BBC Learning English.

Food and Drink (1) Essen und Trinken (1) 6 Minute English - ¡Megaclase de comida y bebida! Una hora de nuevos vocabul... (1) 6 Minute English - Food and Drink Mega Class ! Une heure de nouveau vocabulaire... (1) Cibo e bevande (1) 6分間英語 - フード&ドリンク・メガクラス!1時間の新ボキャブラリー... (1) Maistas ir gėrimai (1) 6-minutowy angielski - Jedzenie i picie - Mega klasa! Godzina nowego słownictwa... (1) 6 Minutos de Inglês - Mega Aula de Comida e Bebida! Uma hora de vocabulário novo... (1) Продукты питания и напитки (1) 6 Dakikada İngilizce - Yiyecek ve İçecek Mega Sınıfı! Bir Saatlik Yeni Kelime... (1) Їжа та напої (1) 食品和饮料 (1) 食品和飲料 (1)

Six Minute English from BBC Learning English.

Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English!  I'm Neil and I'm Catherine. Catherine,

I'm going to start this program with a quick test  just for you! Oh, I love tests! Complete this سأبدأ هذا البرنامج باختبار سريع لأجلك فقط! أوه ، أنا أحب الاختبارات! إكمال هذا

phrase - wake up and smell the ... Coffee! Coffee,  Neil, it's coffee! I have to say that I love

coffee, it's great. Yeah, okay, so do you drink  much? Well, just a couple of cups, you know. Uh, ||||гаразд|||||||||||||| القهوة ، إنها رائعة. أجل ، حسنًا ، هل تشرب كثيرًا؟ حسنًا ، كوبان فقط ، كما تعلم. اه

every day? No, no, every hour! I love  coffee, don't you like coffee, Neil?

I do. Maybe not as much as you! What's the  best thing about it? Oh, it's the smell,

it's got to be the smell. You know when  you open the packet, it's great, isn't it? 一定是气味。你知道当你打开包装时,它很棒,不是吗?

Uh, yes, but it never quite tastes as good as  it smells, does it? Well, no. It's always a bit

disappointing. I live in hope. Another cup, I  think it'll be better. I might change brands,

actually, try a different one. Yeah, okay. You've  had quite a lot of coffee today, haven't you? Oh,

just the usual six cups. Well, our topic is  the smell of coffee and coffee is also the

subject of today's question: the world's biggest  producer of coffee is.... Brazil, Brazil. Yes,

yes, but that's not the question. The question is:  Brazil is the biggest coffee producer - which is

the second largest coffee producing country? Is  it a) Colombia, b) Vietnam or c) Ethiopia? Right,

so it's not Brazil but I bet it's another South  American country so I'm gonna go for Colombia.

Colombia is that right? Okay, we'll have the  answer later in the program by which time maybe

the caffeine will have left your body, Catherine.  Tim Hayward is a coffee shop owner. He appeared

in the BBC radio 4 program, the Kitchen Cabinet.  How important does he say the smell of coffee is?

Absolutely vital, it's the key thing and you  when you walk into the coffee shop in the

morning and that smell hits you, you're getting  physiological responses. So, how important is it?

I'm feeling a bit calmer now. Tim Hayward says  the smell of coffee is vital. That means it's

very important, it's perhaps the most important  thing. And he backs this up by saying that it's そして、彼はそれを裏付けるようにこう言う。

the key thing. Something that's key is essential,  it's really important. And, he says that when you

experience the smell, when the smell hits you,  you get a physiological response. This phrase

means your body has a reaction to the smell of  coffee - perhaps your mouth begins to water in ||||||на|||||||||||

anticipation. Catherine, when you get a coffee  do you normally have it there or take it away? anticipación. Catherine, cuando te tomas un café, ¿normalmente te lo tomas allí o te lo llevas?

Well, I usually take it away, although if  I'm feeling really in need of a coffee hit,

I might have one there and then get another one to  take with me. Can you describe the container that Puede que me tome una allí y luego me compre otra para llevarme. ¿Puede describir el recipiente que

you're given when you have a coffee to go? Yes,  it's in a tall paper cup with a lid and the lid que te dan cuando tomas un café para llevar? Sí, está en un vaso alto de papel con tapa y la tapa

has a hole in it so that I can drink that lovely  coffee. Don't you think that's a problem? I mean, ||||||||||||||||||проблема|| tiene un agujero para que pueda beber ese café tan rico. ¿No crees que eso es un problema? Quiero decir..,

we know how important the smell is, so what's the  effect of the lid on that experience? The effect Sabemos lo importante que es el olor, así que ¿cuál es el efecto de la tapa en esa experiencia? El efecto

of the lid? Yeah, well, here's Tim Hayward again,  talking about coffee being served with lids. What

baffles me is how many of the large coffee chains  actually sell a product in a cup that removes the 困惑させる|||||||||||||||||||

smell. So, you walk into the coffee shop, you  get the smell but when you actually take the

drink out, you're drinking it from something  that's designed to deliver the hot liquid

directly past your tongue but stop any smell  coming up to your nose. That's just weird. So,

what is it he's describing there? I see, yes,  he's talking about the big coffee chains.

A chain is a company that has lots of its stores  in towns and cities, sometimes around the world.

I think we can all think of a few well-known  coffee chains, and he says that by putting a

lid on takeaway cups, you're actually blocking  the smell. That smell that is really important

to the coffee experience. Yes, and he says he  finds that weird, which is a way of saying he

finds it unusual - thinks it's strange, odd. So  much so, that he says it baffles him. If you are

baffled by something you find it confusing.  You can't really understand it. Here's Tim

Hayward again. What baffles me is how many of  the large coffee chains actually sell a product |||збиває з пантелику|||||||||||||

in a cup that removes the smell. So, you walk  into the coffee shop, you get the smell but when

you actually take the drink out you're drinking  it from something that's designed to deliver the

hot liquid directly past your tongue but stop  any smell coming up to your nose. That's just

weird. That was coffee shop owner Tim Hayward.  Right, before we have another cup of this week's

vocabulary, let's get the answer to the question.  After Brazil, which country produces most coffee?

Is it a) Colombia, b) Vietnam or c) Ethiopia?  Catherine, you said... I said it was a) Colombia.

Ah, sorry, no extra coffee for you today. The  answer is Vietnam. And now on to the vocabulary

we looked at. Take it away, Catherine. So, the  first word was vital, which is an adjective that die wir uns angesehen haben. Nimm es weg, Catherine. Also, das erste Wort war vital, ein Adjektiv, das

means very important. And another word with a very  similar meaning was key, meaning essential. Next, bedeutet sehr wichtig. Und ein weiteres Wort mit einer sehr ähnlichen Bedeutung war Schlüssel, was so viel wie wesentlich bedeutet. Weiter,

we had the phrase, physiological responses.  Physiological refers to what our bodies do hatten wir den Ausdruck "physiologische Reaktionen". Physiologisch bezieht sich auf das, was unser Körper tut

and a response is a reaction. So, a physiological  response is a reaction your body has to something, und eine Antwort ist eine Reaktion. Eine physiologische Antwort ist also eine Reaktion, die der Körper auf etwas hat,

like the smell of coffee. Something that baffles  you confuses you. You don't understand it. You wie der Geruch von Kaffee. Etwas, das dich verwirrt, verwirrt dich. Du verstehst es nicht. Sie

might find something that baffles you to be  weird. This adjective means unusual or strange.

And finally, a chain is a group of shops  from the same company with the same name.

Well, that is the end of our program. For more  from us check out Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,

Youtube and our app and, of course, the website  bbclearningenglish.com. See you soon, goodbye. Youtube, наше приложение и, конечно же, сайт bbclearningenglish.com. До скорой встречи, до свидания.

Bye! Fancy a coffee? I think you've had too much!  6 Minute English from bbclearningenglish.com

Welcome to 6 Minute English where we introduce  a refreshing topic and six related items of

vocabulary. I'm Rob and I'm Neil and today  we're talking about water. There's nothing

more refreshing than an ice cold bottle of  water straight out of the vending machine. більше освіжає, ніж крижана пляшка води прямо з торгового автомата.

Hmm, okay, refreshing in this context means  making you feel cool again after being hot

so has that cooled you down, Neil? Yes, I feel  very refreshed now, thanks. Can I ask you though

why didn't you just get a glass of water from the  kitchen tap? That water is cool and refreshing

too, and it's free! Well, I like this brand of  bottled water better. It's enriched with salts and

minerals that are very beneficial to your health.  Enriched means improving the quality of something

by adding to it. Enriched, honestly, Neil! It  tastes better, Rob and I'm not the only one who

thinks so. For the first time in the UK, bottled  water is more popular than cola. In fact, can you

tell me how many litres of bottled water was sold  in the UK in 2016? Was it a) 2.9 billion, litres

b) 29 million litres or c 2.9 million litres? Um,  right. well, I'm going to say 29 million litres.

OK, we'll find out later if you got that right or  wrong. But seriously, Rob, don't you think it's a

good thing that people are choosing to buy bottled  water at the supermarket rather than fizzy drinks? |||||||||||||||炭酸飲料|

Yes, of course, but as I said to you earlier,  why don't people just drink tap water?

Let's listen to Natalie Fee, founder of City to  Sea, which campaigns again plastic pollution. And,

of course, bottled water causes a huge  amount of that. Here's Natalie now talking

about how drinks manufacturers have persuaded  people that bottled water is better for them.

They manufactured the demand for bottled water  and they spent millions of pounds on adverts, 他们制造了对瓶装水的需求,并在广告上花费了数百万英镑,

sort of scaring us off of tap water. The bottled  water companies set out to make us believe

that tap water wasn't healthy and yet tap water  is way more regulated than bottled water is

and in taste tests tap water  comes up trump most times. ||||||||勝利する|| 在味觉测试中,自来水的出现次数最多。

If you manufacture something you make  it in large amounts in a factory.

But here Natalie says the drinks companies  manufactured the demand for bottled water, which

means they made adverts to persuade people that  tap water wasn't healthy and bottled water was.

To scare people off - what does that mean,  Rob? Well, if you scare somebody off you

make them go away by frightening them. S,o some  advertisers may have suggested, for example,

that tap water was unsafe to drink, whereas  bottled water was safer and tasted better too.

You're catching on! However, Natalie Fee claims  that tap water is more regulated than bottled

water is. Regulated means controlled. Natalie  also says that in taste tests, tap water comes

up trumps. What does she mean by that? Well, a  taste test is where you ask people to try several Trumpf auf. Was meint sie damit? Nun, bei einem Geschmackstest bittet man die Leute, mehrere zu probieren

very similar products without knowing which one  is which and then you grade them according to

which you like the best. And if something comes up  trumps, it means it produces a good result, often

unexpectedly. So tap water comes up trump's, eh?  Yep. Perhaps we should try a taste test now, Neil?

It would be interesting to see if your enriched  bottled water comes up trumps or not. I tell you

what, let's leave that until later and hear the  answer to today's quiz question instead. Okay,

I asked you: how many litres of bottled water  were sold in the UK in 2016? Was it a) 2.9 billion

litres, b) 29 million litres or c) 2.9 million  litres? Yeah, and I said 29 million litres. And

the answer is... 2.9 billion litres. Wow! You can  buy many different brands of bottled water with a

range of price tags. At the top end, there's  water from a 4,00 year-old Norwegian iceberg.

How much does that cost? Around £80 a bottle.  Oh, as cheap as that - I'll pop out and get some How much does that cost? Around £80 a bottle. Oh, as cheap as that - I'll pop out and get some いくらするんだ?1本80ポンドくらいかな。それくらい安いんだ。

later. Okay, let's review the words we learned  today. The first one was refreshing, which means

making you feel cool again after being hot. I  enjoyed a refreshing cup of tea. Hmm, well we

British like to say that, don't we? Though I don't  understand how a hot drink can be refreshing. OK,

number two - enriched, which means improving the  quality of something by adding to it. For example,

did you know that many types of breakfast cereal  are enriched with vitamins and minerals, Neil?

No, I didn't, Rob. You learn something new  every day. Number three is manufacture - to

make something in large amounts in a factory.  This company manufactures wellington boots I'm

a wellington boot manufacturer - that has a nice  ring to it. Anyway, when you scare someone off

you make them go away by frightening them. The dog  barked fiercely and scared off the two burglars. |||||||||||激しく||||||泥棒たち

Down, Rob, down number. Five - regulated or  controlled. For example, the sale of tobacco is

tightly regulated by the government. And finally  - if something comes up trumps it produces a

good result, often unexpectedly. My lottery ticket  came up trumps again, I can't believe it! You're a

lucky man, Neil. Okay, it's time to do that taste  test now. If you have an opinion on bottled water

or anything else, please tell us about it on our  Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or Youtube pages.

Okay, this one definitely tastes  better. And how about this one?

Yeah, definitely - that's the tap water,  Neil. No, no, no - I refuse to believe it!

6 Minute English from BBC Learning English.