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French History for English Children, 08. Charlemagne

08. Charlemagne

CHAPTER VIII. Charlemagne (771-814)

Pepin's two sons, Karl and Karloman, divided between them their father's kingdom. Karloman died three years later, and Karl became king of the whole. Karl is the German for Charles, and while some of Karl's subjects, who lived in Austrasia and spoke a language something like the present German, called him Karl, the Neustrians, who talked the language which has now become French, called him Charles, and when he became great and powerful they added on to Charles a Latin word, magnus, meaning great, Charles-magnus, and he was written of in history and is to this day known as Charlemagne.

Charlemagne was one of the wisest most powerful kings that ever ruled over any country. His kingdom was very large; it had in it almost all that is now Germany, and almost all of Italy. In Italy the Popes had asked him to help them against the Lombards, which he did, and after some trouble conquered that turbulent nation, had the king shut up in a monastery, and gave the high places in the State to Frankish chiefs instead of Lombards. He also made war on the Arabs in Spain, on the Aquitanians, who were the people living in the south-west part of France, and on other nations whose names I will not mention, except that of the Saxons, the old enemies of his father and grandfather, against whom Charlemagne fought for thirty-three years, and at last succeeded in conquering them and forcing them to become Christians.

Charlemagne led a life of war; he went out to fight each summer, and came back to his own kingdom when the severe winter weather began. He was hardly ever defeated, for he was wise, warlike, and very active, moving his soldiers about so quickly that he took his enemies by surprise, and was able with a small body of men to do them as much harm as a slower general would have done with a larger number. He held a council of war every Easter, at which all his great chiefs, counts, viscounts, barons, and even bishops were present, and he then told them what wars he meant to undertake that year, and asked them if they agreed, which they always did.

Charlemagne had made improvements in the armour and weapons of his soldiers. They wore helmets on their heads with vizors or pieces of steel that could be pulled down to defend their faces while they were fighting, and put up when they were in no danger, and a long buckler or shield, instead of the round <skin covered> shield (covered with skins), of the old Gaul. The Franks fought with long-pointed, two-handed swords, and with heavy clubs, covered with iron knots, which must have killed their enemies in the most unpleasant way possible. Charlemagne bought particularly strong horses, bred in the pastures of the Rhine, for his men, and he knew so much geography that, his army being thus prepared, he was able always to send his soldiers to the weakest parts of the country he wished to attack.

He cared for other things, however, besides war; he watched over the education of his subjects and the laws of the country; be sent officers into the different provinces to see that the judges were doing justice honestly to the people; he assembled all the chief men of the country twice every year to help him to make laws, and to tell him of any matter in which they or their neighbours had been ill-treated, and wanted help or advice. He was anxious to help, to watch over, and to protect the poor. Many of his laws about slaves are still remaining.

At this time there were more slaves in Gaul than there had ever been before; nine-tenths of the people were in this state. The labourers on an estate, who were always slaves, were considered as part of the land, and if the estate was sold or given away, they went with it. The only way in which a slave could escape from slavery was by fleeing for help to a monastery, and as they were carefully watched by their masters' servants, this was very difficult. No one thought or cared about the slaves; but Charlemagne, who was just and humane to all his subjects, made laws to protect them as far as he could against unkind masters and the hardships they often had to suffer.

Charlemagne was fond of study of all sorts; he knew Latin and Greek, studied grammar, astronomy, music; he improved the German language, which was his own, by inventing some of the words that were wanting in it, such as the names of seasons, months, and winds. He tried also to learn to write, but that was too hard for him. He liked to see the wisest men of his time at his court, and he received them well, and learned from them as much as possible.

There is a story about him which shows how much he cared that his subjects should be well taught and should learn to be industrious and wise. Some monks came to his court and asked leave to set up a school, which Charlemagne granted them, and came often to see how the boys were learning, and what progress they made.

On one of these visits he was told that some of the boys, who were the sons of poor men, had worked very well, but that others, the sons of noblemen, who thought there would never be need for them to work for their bread, had been idle and troublesome. Charlemagne called up all the boys before him, put the good ones on his right hand, and the bad on his left, and made them a speech, in which he thanked the poor boys for having done his bidding and their duty, and promised them monasteries, bishoprics, and all kinds of honours if they continued to do well, but severely reproved the young noblemen, telling them that if they did not make up for their idleness by hard work, they would get no good from Karl. We are not told how the boys behaved afterwards, but we must hope that they paid more attention to the king's lecture than they had done to those of their Schoolmaster.

Charlemagne was gay and cheerful, fond of hunting, feasting, joking, and all kinds of amusement. A monk who lived soon afterwards has left many stories about him. He tells us how the king once commanded a troop of courtiers, who were standing round him in all their silk, feathers, and fine clothes, to follow him to the chase as they were, through storm, mud, and brambles; and how he made an unhappy chorister, who had forgotten his responses, imitate the others who were singing, by making a set of faces to look as if he were singing too.

Charlemagne never had any illness till he was seventy years old, and to the end of his life he would have no more to do with doctors than he could help, saying they always advised him to eat boiled meat instead of roast, which he preferred.

Charlemagne was always on friendly terms with the Pope, as his father, Pepin le Bref, had been. One of the Popes called Leo had to fly from Rome because the Romans rose up against him, accused him of several wicked deeds, and tried to put out his eyes. He went for help to Charlemagne, who received him kindly, and after keeping him at his court for a year, took him back to Rome, overcame and punished his enemies, and established Leo as Pope again. Before Charlemagne left Rome a solemn meeting was held on Christmas Day in the year 800 A.D., at which the Pope crowned the Prankish king with a golden crown, poured holy oil upon his head, and declared him to be the Emperor of the Romans.

I must go back about eight hundred years to explain what was meant by emperor. Julius Cæsar, the conqueror of the Gauls, had gone back to Rome when his work in Gaul was ended, and had been chosen Dictator, which was the name given to the person who had the chief power in Rome. Dictators usually kept their power for six months only, but he was made Dictator for life. He was soon afterwards murdered by some of the Romans, who thought he had too much power; but after his death such struggles, wars, and disturbances of all kinds took place amongst the different men who wanted to become rulers of the country, that the Romans determined to choose one ruler once for all, to call him Emperor, and to allow him to leave the title to his son, or to any one he might choose to succeed him.

From this time, for four hundred years, one emperor after another reigned over all the country belonging to the Romans. At last the first Christian emperor, who found the people of Rome hard to govern, and inclined to rise up against him. and resist him in many ways, determined to leave Rome and build a new city for his capital. This he did, and called it after his own name, Constantinople. It is now the capital of Turkey, and, as may be seen in the map, is a long way from Rome.

This emperor left two sons, one of whom ruled in Rome, and the other in Constantinople. The country which had made one empire was divided into two — the Western Empire, which had Rome for its capital, and the Eastern, which had Constantinople. Since the barbarians had taken Rome there had been no Emperor of the West; the Pope had been the chief person in Rome, and it might have been supposed that the Pope would not wish to have an emperor over himself but would rather continue to be the chief man in the city and in the country.

But the Popes had enemies in Italy, and they wished to find some nation to fight their battles, be their soldiers, and protect them in all difficulties. Pope Leo thought that by making Charlemagne emperor, which was supposed to give him power over all Italy and all other countries belonging to the Romans, he should make sure of always having him for a friend; and as Charlemagne was the best and bravest soldier in Europe, the Pope thought he would be the best possible friend to have.

Charlemagne therefore became Emperor of France, of Germany, and of Italy. He himself was a German and not a Frenchman; he spoke German, and his dress, his habits, and his tastes, were German.

He felt himself growing old. and determined to divide his empire among his sons, of whom he had three. Two of them, however, died before their father. Louis, the third son, was the only one remaining at Charlemagne's death, and he became, like his father. Emperor of the West, and ruler over the whole of his father's enormous empire.

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08. Charlemagne Charlemagne 샤를마뉴 Carlomagno 08. Charlemagne 08. Carlomagno 08. Charlemagne 08. Carlo Magno 08.シャルルマーニュ 08. 샤를마뉴 08. Carlos Magno 08. Charlemagne 08. Карл Великий 08.查理曼大帝 08.查理曼大帝

CHAPTER VIII. 제1장|8 |VIII(1) Charlemagne (771-814) 샤를마뉴

Pepin's two sons, Karl and Karloman, divided between them their father's kingdom. |||||||بين|||| 페핀의||||||||||| |||Carlos|||||||| اقتسم ابنا بيبين، كارل وكارلمان، بينهما مملكة والدهما. Karloman died three years later, and Karl became king of the whole. |||||||||||전체 ||||||||rey||| توفي كارلمان بعد ثلاث سنوات، وأصبح كارل ملكًا على الكل. Karl is the German for Charles, and while some of Karl's subjects, who lived in Austrasia and spoke a language something like the present German, called him Karl, the Neustrians, who talked the language which has now become French, called him Charles, and when he became great and powerful they added on to Charles a Latin word, magnus, meaning great, Charles-magnus, and he was written of in history and is to this day known as Charlemagne. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||노르트프랑크족||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||شارل||||||رعاياه||||أوستراسيا||||||||||||||النيوستريون|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||و||كان|كُتِبَ عنه||||||||||| |||||Charles||||||halkı||||||||||||||||||Neustrialılar|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||tarih||||||||Şarlman |||||Carlos||||||||||||||||||||||||neustrios||||||||||||Carlos||||||||||||Carlos||||||||magnus||||||||||||||| كارل هو الاسم الألماني لـ تشارلز، وبينما كان بعض مواطني كارل، الذين عاشوا في أوستراسيا وتحدثوا لغة تشبه الألمانية الحالية، يسمونه كارل، كان النوسترييون، الذين تحدثوا باللغة التي أصبحت الفرنسية الآن، يسمونه تشارلز، وعندما أصبح كارل عظيمًا وقويًا، أضافوا إلى تشارلز كلمة لاتينية، تعني عظيم، تشارلز-ماغنوس، وكتب عنه في التاريخ ولا يزال يعرف حتى يومنا هذا باسم شارلمان. 卡爾是查爾斯的德國人,而卡爾的一些臣民,他們住在澳大利亞,講一種類似於現在的德語的語言,稱他為卡爾,而說現在已成為法語的語言的紐斯特里亞人則稱他為查爾斯,當他變得偉大而強大時,他們給查爾斯加上了一個拉丁詞,馬格努斯,意思是偉大的查爾斯馬格努斯,他被載入史冊,直到今天被稱為查理曼大帝。

Charlemagne was one of the wisest most powerful kings that ever ruled over any country. |||||가장 지혜로운||||||||| |||||le plus sage||||||||| |||||الأكثر حكمة||||||||| |||||en akıllı||||||||| |||||más sabios|||reyes|||||| شارلمان كان واحدًا من أقوى وأحكم الملوك الذين حكموا أي بلد من أي وقت مضى. 查理曼大帝是统治任何国家的最聪明最强大的国王之一。 His kingdom was very large; it had in it almost all that is now Germany, and almost all of Italy. ||||||||||كل شيء||||||||| |||çok|||||||||||||||| كانت مملكته كبيرة جدًا؛ كانت تضم تقريبًا كل ما يُعرف الآن بألمانيا، وتقريبًا كل إيطاليا. 他的王国很大;它几乎包含了现在德国的一切,以及几乎所有的意大利。 In Italy the Popes had asked him to help them against the Lombards, which he did, and after some trouble conquered that turbulent nation, had the king shut up in a monastery, and gave the high places in the State to Frankish chiefs instead of Lombards. ||||||||||||||||||||||المضطربة|||||||||دير|||||||||||||| |||papalar|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||los Papas|||||||||lombardos|||||||||||||||encerrado||||||||||||||franco||||lombardos في إيطاليا، طلب الباباوات منه مساعدتهم ضد اللومبارد، وفعل ذلك، وبعد بعض المتاعب، استولى على تلك الأمة المضطربة، أغلق الملك في دير، وأعطى المناصب العليا في الدولة لزعماء فرنجة بدلاً من اللومبارد. 在意大利,教皇要求他帮助他们对抗伦巴第人,他做到了,在征服了这个动荡的国家后,国王将国王关在修道院里,并将国家的高地交给法兰克酋长而不是伦巴第人. He also made war on the Arabs in Spain, on the Aquitanians, who were the people living in the south-west part of France, and on other nations whose names I will not mention, except that of the Saxons, the old enemies of his father and grandfather, against whom Charlemagne fought for thirty-three years, and at last succeeded in conquering them and forcing them to become Christians. |||||||||||الأكيتانيين|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||الذين ضدهم|شارلمان|||||||||||||||||| ||||||árabes||España||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||conquistando|||||||cristianos حارب أيضًا العرب في إسبانيا، والأكيتانيين، الذين كانوا الشعب الذي يعيش في جنوب غرب فرنسا، وعلى أمم أخرى لن أذكر أسمائها، إلا أساكسونيا، أعداء والده وجده، الذين حاربهم شارلمان لثلاث وثلاثين عامًا، ونجح في النهاية في القضاء عليهم وإجبارهم على أن يصبحوا مسيحيين.

Charlemagne led a life of war; he went out to fight each summer, and came back to his own kingdom when the severe winter weather began. ||||||||||||||||||||||قاسية||طقس الشتاء القارس| ||||||||||||||||||||||severo||| كان شارلمان يعيش حياة الحروب؛ كان يخرج للقتال كل صيف، وكان يعود إلى مملكته عندما تبدأ الأحوال الجوية الشتوية القاسية. 查理曼大帝过着战争的生活;每年夏天他都出去打仗,当严冬的天气开始时,他就回到了自己的王国。 He was hardly ever defeated, for he was wise, warlike, and very active, moving his soldiers about so quickly that he took his enemies by surprise, and was able with a small body of men to do them as much harm as a slower general would have done with a larger number. |||||||||محارب||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||أبطأ|||||||| ||apenas|||||||belicoso|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| كان نادرًا ما يُهزم، لأنه كان حكيمًا وحربيًا ونشيطًا للغاية، ينقل جنوده بسرعة بحيث كان يفاجئ أعدائه، وكان قادرًا بجيش صغير أن يلحق بهم الأذى كما كان الجنرال البطيء يفعل مع عدد أكبر من الجنود. 他几乎从未被打败过,因为他聪明、好战且非常活跃,他的士兵移动速度如此之快,以至于他让敌人措手不及,并且能够用一小部分人对他们造成的伤害与一个行动迟缓的将军一样大会用更大的数字完成。 He held a council of war every Easter, at which all his great chiefs, counts, viscounts, barons, and even bishops were present, and he then told them what wars he meant to undertake that year, and asked them if they agreed, which they always did. |||||||Pâques||||||||vicomtes|||||||||||||||||entreprendre|||||||||||| |||مجلس الحرب||||عيد الفصح||||||||نواب الكونت|||||||||||||||يعتزم القيام||يخوض|||||||||||| |||||||Pascua||||||||vizcondes|barones||||||||||||||||emprender|||||||||||| كان يُعقد لديه مجلس حرب في كل عيد فصح، حيث كان جميع رؤسائه الكبار والكونتات والفيكونتات والبارونات وحتى الأساقفة حاضرين، ثم يخبرهم بالحروب التي كان يعتزم القيام بها في تلك السنة، ويسألهم إذا كانوا موافقين، حيث كانت إجابتهم دائمًا بنعم. 他在每个复活节举行一个战争委员会,所有他的大酋长,伯爵,子爵,男爵甚至主教都出席了会议,然后他告诉他们那一年他打算进行什么战争,并问他们是否同意,他们总是这样做。

Charlemagne had made improvements in the armour and weapons of his soldiers. ||||||الدروع||||| ||||||armadura||||| كان شارلمان قد قام بتحسينات في أسلحة ودروع جنوده. They wore helmets on their heads with vizors or pieces of steel that could be pulled down to defend their faces while they were fighting, and put up when they were in no danger, and a long buckler or shield, instead of the round <skin covered> shield (covered with skins), of the old Gaul. ||casques|||||visières en acier||pièces d'acier||||||tirés vers le bas|||||||||||relevées|relevées||||||||||bouclier long||bouclier|||||||||||||| |||||||واقيات الوجه||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ترس طويل|||||||||||||||| |||||||バイザー||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||盾|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||escudos||||Galia كانوا يرتدون خوذات على رؤوسهم مع قناعات أو قطع من الصلب يمكن سحبها للدفاع عن وجوههم أثناء القتال، ورفعها عندما لا يكونون في خطر، ودرع طويل بدلًا من الدرع المستدير المغطى بالجلود للقوم القدامى. 他们头上戴着头盔,头盔或钢片可以在战斗时拉下以保护自己的脸,并在他们没有危险时竖起来,还有一个长圆盾或盾牌,而不是圆形旧高卢人的盾牌(覆盖着皮肤)。 The Franks fought with long-pointed, two-handed swords, and with heavy clubs, covered with iron knots, which must have killed their enemies in the most unpleasant way possible. ||||||||||||massues lourdes||||nœuds de fer|||||||||||| |||||||بيدين|||||هراوات ثقيلة||||عُقَد حديدية|||||أعدائهم||||||| |francos||||||de dos manos|espadas||||mazas|||||||||||||||| قاتل الفرنجة بسيوف طويلة ذات رؤوس مدببة وبهرمان ثقيلة، كانت مغطاة بعقد حديدية، والتي يجب أن تكون قد قتلت أعداءهم بأكثر الطرق غير المريحة ممكنة. 法兰克人用长柄的双手剑和沉重的棍棒打架,这些棍棒上打着铁结,这一定会以最不愉快的方式杀死敌人。 Charlemagne bought particularly strong horses, bred in the pastures of the Rhine, for his men, and he knew so much geography that, his army being thus prepared, he was able always to send his soldiers to the weakest parts of the country he wished to attack. |||||élevés dans|||pâturages du Rhin|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||plus faibles|||||||| |||||مرباة في|||المراعي|||نهر الراين|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||caballos||||pastos|||Rin|||||||||||||||preparada|||||||||||más débil|||||||| اشترى شارلمان خيولًا قوية بشكل خاص، تربيت في مراعي نهر الراين، لجنوده، وكان يعرف الجغرافيا بشكل جيد لدرجة أنه، بعد أن كان جيشه جاهزًا هكذا، كان دائمًا قادرًا على إرسال جنوده إلى أضعف أجزاء البلاد التي أراد مهاجمتها. 查理曼大帝为他的士兵们购买了特别坚固的马匹,在莱茵河的牧场上饲养,他对地理的了解如此之多,以至于他的军队已经做好了充分的准备,他总是能够将他的士兵们派到他想去的那个国家最薄弱的地区攻击。

He cared for other things, however, besides war; he watched over the education of his subjects and the laws of the country; be sent officers into the different provinces to see that the judges were doing justice honestly to the people; he assembled all the chief men of the country twice every year to help him to make laws, and to tell him of any matter in which they or their neighbours had been ill-treated, and wanted help or advice. |||||cependant|en plus de||||||éducation des sujets|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||رعاياه||||||||أرسل|ضباط||||المقاطعات||||||||العدالة بإنصاف||||||جمع|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||oficiales||||||||||||||||||reunidos||||||||||||||||leyes|||||||||||||vecinos||||||||| كان يهتم بأمور أخرى أيضًا، بجانب الحرب؛ كان يراقب تعليم رعيته وقوانين البلاد؛ فقد أرسل ضباطًا إلى المقاطعات المختلفة للتحقق من أن القضاة كانوا يؤدون العدالة بصدق تجاه الشعب؛ كان يجمع كل رؤساء القبائل في البلاد مرتين في السنة لمساعدته في إصدار القوانين، ولإخباره بأي مسألة تعرضوا للمعاملة السيئة فيها هم أو جيرانهم ويرغبون في المساعدة أو النصيحة. 但是,他除了战争以外还关心其他事情。他看着自己的科目和国家法律受到教育;被派往不同省份的官员,看看法官在诚实地对人民伸张正义;他每年两次召集该国所有主要官员,以帮助他制定法律,并告诉他或他们的邻居受到虐待,需要帮助或建议的任何事情。 He was anxious to help, to watch over, and to protect the poor. ||impatient|||||||||| ||حريص|||||||||| كان حريصًا على المساعدة والرعاية وحماية الفقراء. 他渴望帮助、看顾和保护穷人。 Many of his laws about slaves are still remaining. العديد من قوانينه بخصوص العبيد لا تزال سارية المفعول. 他的许多关于奴隶的法律仍然存在。

At this time there were more slaves in Gaul than there had ever been before; nine-tenths of the people were in this state. ||||||||||||||||dixième||||||| ||||||||||||||||nueve décimas||||||| في ذلك الوقت كان هناك مزيد من العبيد في غال من أي وقت مضى؛ تسعة أعشار الشعب كانوا في هذه الحالة. 此时高卢的奴隶比以往任何时候都多。十分之九的人都处于这种状态。 The labourers on an estate, who were always slaves, were considered as part of the land, and if the estate was sold or given away, they went with it. ||||المزرعة|||||||||||||||العقار||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||vendida||||||| كان العمال في العقارات، الذين كانوا دومًا عبيدًا، يعتبرون جزءًا من الأرض، وإذا تم بيع العقار أو إهداؤه، فإنهم ينتقلون معه. 土地上的劳工,一直是奴隶,被视为土地的一部分,如果土地被出售或赠送,他们也会随之而来。 The only way in which a slave could escape from slavery was by fleeing for help to a monastery, and as they were carefully watched by their masters' servants, this was very difficult. |||||||||||||s'enfuyant|||||||||||||||serviteurs|||| |||||||||||||الهروب||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sirvientes|||| الطريقة الوحيدة التي يمكن للعبد أن يهرب من العبودية كانت بالفرار للحصول على المساعدة في أحد الأديرة، وكونهم كانوا يُراقبون بعناية من قبل خدمة أسيادهم، كان ذلك أمرًا صعبًا جدًا. 奴隶逃离奴隶制的唯一途径是逃往修道院,而当主人的仆人仔细观察时,这是非常困难的。 No one thought or cared about the slaves; but Charlemagne, who was just and humane to all his subjects, made laws to protect them as far as he could against unkind masters and the hardships they often had to suffer. ||||se souciait||||||||||humain||||||||||||||||cruels||||épreuves|||||endurer ||||||||||||||إنساني|||||||||||||||||أسياد||ال|المعاناة||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||crueles||||dificultades||||| لم يفكر أحد ولا اهتم بالعبيد؛ لكن شارلمان، الذي كان عادلًا وإنسانيًا تجاه جميع رعاياه، وضع قوانين لحمايتهم بقدر استطاعته من الأسياد السيئين والصعوبات التي كانوا يعانونها غالبًا. 没有人想到或关心奴隶;但是查理曼大帝对他的所有臣民都是公正和人道的,他制定了法律来尽可能保护他们免受不仁慈的主人和他们经常遭受的苦难。

Charlemagne was fond of study of all sorts; he knew Latin and Greek, studied grammar, astronomy, music; he improved the German language, which was his own, by inventing some of the words that were wanting in it, such as the names of seasons, months, and winds. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||voulaient||||||||||| شارلمان||مولع بـ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||estudió||astronomía||||||||||||inventando|||||||||||||||estaciones||| كان شارلمان مولعًا بدراسة كل أنواع المواضيع. كان يعرف اللاتينية واليونانية، ودرس النحو والفلك، والموسيقى؛ وقام بتحسين اللغة الألمانية، التي كانت لغته الخاصة، من خلال اختراع بعض الكلمات التي كانت ناقصة فيها، مثل أسماء الفصول والشهور والرياح. 查理曼大帝喜欢各种研究。他通晓拉丁语和希腊语,学习过语法、天文学、音乐;他改进了属于他自己的德语,发明了一些在德语中缺少的单词,例如季节、月份和风的名称。 He tried also to learn to write, but that was too hard for him. حاول أيضًا أن يتعلم الكتابة، لكن ذلك كان صعبًا عليه. He liked to see the wisest men of his time at his court, and he received them well, and learned from them as much as possible. كان يحب رؤية أذكى الرجال في عصره في بلاطه، وكان يستقبلهم بشكل جيد، ويتعلم منهم قدر الإمكان. 他喜欢在法庭上见识他那个时代最聪明的人,他很好地接受了他们,并从他们那里学到了很多东西。

There is a story about him which shows how much he cared that his subjects should be well taught and should learn to be industrious and wise. ||||||||||||||||||||||||travailleurs et sages|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||مجتهدين|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||diligentes|| هناك قصة عنه تظهر كم كان يهتم بأن يتلقى رعاياه تعليمًا جيدًا وأن يتعلموا أن يكونوا جادين وحكماء. 有一个关于他的故事,表明他非常关心自己的科目应该受到很好的教导,应该学会勤奋和明智。 Some monks came to his court and asked leave to set up a school, which Charlemagne granted them, and came often to see how the boys were learning, and what progress they made. ||||||||||||||||accorda|||||||||||||||| ||||||||الإذن||||||||منحهم|||||||||||||||| |monjes||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| جاء بعض الرهبان إلى محكمته وطلبوا الإذن بإنشاء مدرسة، الذي منحهم إياه شارلمان، وجاء كثيرًا ليرى كيف كان الأولاد يتعلمون، وما هي تقدمهم.

On one of these visits he was told that some of the boys, who were the sons of poor men, had worked very well, but that others, the sons of noblemen, who thought there would never be need for them to work for their bread, had been idle and troublesome. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||oisifs||perturbateurs في إحدى||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||النبلاء|||||||||هم|||||خبزهم|||كسالى||مُزعِجين ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||nobles|||||||||||||||||inútil|| في إحدى زياراته هذه، قيل له إن بعض الأولاد، الذين كانوا أبناء رجال فقراء، كانوا يعملون بجد، لكن آخرين، أبناء النبلاء، الذين اعتقدوا أنهم لن يحتاجوا أبدًا للعمل من أجل كسب العيش، كانوا كسالى ومشاغبين. 在其中的一次探访中,他被告知,一些男孩,是穷人的儿子,做得很好,但是,有些,是贵族的儿子,他们认为永远不需要他们做面包了。 ,一直闲着又麻烦。 Charlemagne called up all the boys before him, put the good ones on his right hand, and the bad on his left, and made them a speech, in which he thanked the poor boys for having done his bidding and their duty, and promised them monasteries, bishoprics, and all kinds of honours if they continued to do well, but severely reproved the young noblemen, telling them that if they did not make up for their idleness by hard work, they would get no good from Karl. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ordres||||||||épiscopats||||||||||||||réprimanda sévèrement|||||||||||||||oisiveté|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||شكر||||||||الطاعة|||||||||||||||||||||بشدة|وبّخ|||||||إذا||||||||الكسل|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||命令||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||agradeció|||||||||||||||monasterios||||||honores||||||||severamente|reprobó|||||||||||||||la ociosidad|||||||||| دعا شارلمان كل الصبيان إليه، ووضع الذين كانوا جيدين على يمينه، والسيئين على يساره، وألقى إليهم خطابًا، شكر فيه الصبية الفقراء على أدائهم واجبهم، ووعدهم بالأديرة والأبرشيات وجميع أنواع الشرف إذا استمروا في فعل الخير، لكنه عاتب بشدة الشبان النبلاء، قائلا لهم إذا لم يعوضوا كسلهم بالعمل الجاد، لن يستفيدوا من شارليمان. We are not told how the boys behaved afterwards, but we must hope that they paid more attention to the king's lecture than they had done to those of their Schoolmaster. |||||||se sont comportés|par la suite|||||||||||||leçon du roi|||||||||Maître d'école |||لم يُخبرنا|||||فيما بعد|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||discurso|||||||||maestro لم يذكر لنا كيف تصرف الصبية بعد ذلك، ولكن علينا أن نأمل أنهم أصغوا أكثر إلى محاضرة الملك مما فعلوا مع معلمهم. 我们没有被告知男孩们以后的表现,但是我们必须希望他们比国王对校长的关注更多地关注国王的演讲。

Charlemagne was gay and cheerful, fond of hunting, feasting, joking, and all kinds of amusement. ||gai et joyeux||gai et joyeux||||festins|plaisanter||||| ||مبتهج||مبتهج|محب|||الولائم|||||| |||||||||bromas|||||diversión شارلمان كان مبتهجًا ومرحًا، مولعًا بالصيد والولائم والمزاح وجميع أنواع التسلية. A monk who lived soon afterwards has left many stories about him. ||||||a laissé||||| |||||بعد ذلك|||||| |||||después|||||| عاش راهب قريباً من ذلك الزمان غادر العديد من القصص عنه. He tells us how the king once commanded a troop of courtiers, who were standing round him in all their silk, feathers, and fine clothes, to follow him to the chase as they were, through storm, mud, and brambles; and how he made an unhappy chorister, who had forgotten his responses, imitate the others who were singing, by making a set of faces to look as if he were singing too. ||||||||||||||||||||soie|plumes||beaux|beaux habits||||||chasse|||||tempête|boue||ronces||||||malheureux|choriste|||||réponses liturgiques|imiter||||||||||||||||||| ||||||فيما مضى|||فرقة||حاشية الملك|||||||||الحرير|ريش|||||||||المطاردة|||كانوا|||طين|و|الشجيرات الشائكة|||||||مرنم الكنيسة|||||الأجوبة|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||藪|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||mandó||||cortesanos|||||||||seda||||||||||caza||||||||espinas||||||||||||respuestas|imitar|||||||||conjunto|||||||||| يحكي لنا كيف أمر الملك مرة واحدة فرقة من الفرسان الملونين الذين كانوا واقفين حوله بجميع ملابسهم الحريرية والريش والملابس الجميلة أن يتبعوه إلى الصيد كما هم، من خلال العواصف والطين والشوك، وكيف جعل كورالي متعيساً، نسي الرد على أسئلة الكورال، أن يقلد الآخرين الذين كانوا يغنون، عن طريق عمل مجموعة من الوجوه لكي يبدو وكأنه كان يغني أيضاً. Él nos cuenta cómo el rey una vez mandó a una tropa de cortesanos, que estaban de pie a su alrededor con toda su seda, plumas y finas ropas, que lo siguieran a la caza tal como estaban, a través de tormentas, barro y espinas; y cómo hizo que un desafortunado corista, que había olvidado sus respuestas, imitara a los otros que estaban cantando, haciendo una serie de caras para parecer que también estaba cantando. 他告诉我们国王曾经如何命令一群臣服,使徒们穿着各种真丝,羽毛和精美的衣服站在他身边,跟随他们追赶他们,经历暴风雨,泥泞和荆棘丛生。以及他如何使一个忘记了他的回答的不高兴的律师,模仿一组正在唱歌的人,模仿了他的脸庞,好像他也在唱歌一样。

Charlemagne never had any illness till he was seventy years old, and to the end of his life he would have no more to do with doctors than he could help, saying they always advised him to eat boiled meat instead of roast, which he preferred. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||bouilli||||rôti|||préférait |||||||||||||||||||كان|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||enfermedad|hasta|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||hervido||||||| لم يكن لدى شارلمان أي مرض حتى بلغ من العمر سبعين عامًا، وحتى نهاية حياته لم يرغب في التعامل مع الأطباء أكثر من الضروري، قائلاً إنهم دائمًا ينصحونه بتناول اللحوم المسلوقة بدلاً من اللحوم المشوية التي كان يفضلها. Carlomagno nunca tuvo ninguna enfermedad hasta que cumplió setenta años, y hasta el final de su vida no quería tener más que ver con los médicos de lo que podía evitar, diciendo que siempre le aconsejaban comer carne hervida en lugar de asada, que era su preferida. 查理曼大帝直到七十岁才生病,直到生命的尽头,他与医生的关系已不再是他所能提供的。他说,他们总是建议他吃煮的肉而不是烤肉,这是他更喜欢的。

Charlemagne was always on friendly terms with the Pope, as his father, Pepin le Bref, had been. |||||علاقات ودية|||البابا|||||||| ||||||||||||Pepin|le||| كان شارلمان دائما على علاقة ودية مع البابا، تماما كما كان والده، بيبين لو بريف، عليه. Carlomagno siempre tuvo buenas relaciones con el Papa, como su padre, Pepin el Breve, había tenido. One of the Popes called Leo had to fly from Rome because the Romans rose up against him, accused him of several wicked deeds, and tried to put out his eyes. ||||||||s'enfuir||||||||||||||méchants|actes méchants||||||| ||||||||يهرب||||||ثار||||||||شريرة|أفعال شريرة||||||| |||||León||||||||romanos||||||||||hechos|||||sacar|| اضطر أحد الباباة المدعى ليو إلى الفرار من روما لأن الرومان انتفضوا ضده، واتهموه بعدة أفعال شريرة، وحاولوا أن يخرجوا عينيه. He went for help to Charlemagne, who received him kindly, and after keeping him at his court for a year, took him back to Rome, overcame and punished his enemies, and established Leo as Pope again. |||||||||||||||||||||||||a vaincu|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||أعاد تأسيس|||| |||||||||amablemente||||||||||||||||superó||castigó|||||||| ذهب ليطلب المساعدة من شارلمان، الذي استقبله بلطف، وبعد أن أبقاه في محكمته لمدة عام، أعاده إلى روما وقضى على أعدائه وعاقبهم، وأعاد ليو إلى البابوية مرة أخرى. Before Charlemagne left Rome a solemn meeting was held on Christmas Day in the year 800 A.D., at which the Pope crowned the Prankish king with a golden crown, poured holy oil upon his head, and declared him to be the Emperor of the Romans. |||||solennel|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||des Romains |||||رَسْمِيّ|||||عيد الميلاد|||||||||||مُتَوَّج||||||||سكب|||على||رأسه|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||prankish|||||||sagrado|||||||||||Emperador||| قبل أن تغادر شارلمان روما، عُقد اجتماعٌ رسميّ في يوم عيد الميلاد في عام 800 ميلاديًا، حيث قام البابا بتتويج الملك الفرنكي بتاج ذهبي، وصب الزيت المقدس على رأسه، وأعلنه إمبراطورًا للرومان.

I must go back about eight hundred years to explain what was meant by emperor. |||||ثمانمئة||||||||| ||||||||||||||emperador يجب عليّ الرجوع إلى حوالى ثمانمائة عام لشرح ما كان يعنيه الإمبراطور. Julius Cæsar, the conqueror of the Gauls, had gone back to Rome when his work in Gaul was ended, and had been chosen Dictator, which was the name given to the person who had the chief power in Rome. |||||||||||||||||||||||Dictateur||||||||||||||| |||الفاتح||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||galos|||||||||||||||||dictador||||||||||||||| كان يوليوس قيصر، الفاتح للغالات، قد عاد إلى روما عندما انتهى عمله في الغال، وتم اختياره كديكتاتور، وهو الاسم الذي يطلق على الشخص الذي كان له السلطة العليا في روما. Dictators usually kept their power for six months only, but he was made Dictator for life. dictadores||||||||||||||| كانت الديكتاتوريين عادةً يحتفظون بسلطتهم لمدة ستة أشهر فقط، ولكنه تم تعيينه ديكتاتورًا مدى الحياة. He was soon afterwards murdered by some of the Romans, who thought he had too much power; but after his death such struggles, wars, and disturbances of all kinds took place amongst the different men who wanted to become rulers of the country, that the Romans determined to choose one ruler once for all, to call him Emperor, and to allow him to leave the title to his son, or to any one he might choose to succeed him. ||||||||||||||||||||||luttes|||troubles||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||بعد ذلك|||||||||||||||||||صراعات|||||||||بين||المختلفين||||||حكام البلاد|||||||قرروا|||||مرة واحدة||||||||||||يُورِّث|||||||||||قد|||| ||||asesinado|||||||||||||||||||||disturbios||||||||||||||los gobernantes||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| تم قتله قريبًا بعد ذلك من قبل بعض الرومان، الذين اعتقدوا أنه كان بحوزته الكثير من السلطة. ولكن بعد وفاته، حدثت صراعات وحروب واضطرابات من جميع الأنواع بين الرجال المختلفين الذين أرادوا أن يصبحوا حكامًا للبلاد، حتى قرر الرومان اختيار حاكم واحد مرة واحدة وللأبد، ليطلقوا عليه اسم إمبراطور، وأن يسمحوا له بترك اللقب لابنه، أو لأي شخص قد يختاره ليخلفه.

From this time, for four hundred years, one emperor after another reigned over all the country belonging to the Romans. |||||||||||حكم|||||||| ||||||||||||||||perteneciente||| من هذا الوقت، ولمدة أربعمائة عام، حكم إمبراطور بعد آخر على كل البلاد التابعة للرومان. At last the first Christian emperor, who found the people of Rome hard to govern, and inclined to rise up against him. ||||||||||||||||enclin||||| ||||||||||||||||||يثور|فوق|| ||||||||||||||gobernar||||||| أخيرًا، الإمبراطور المسيحي الأول الذي وجد شعب روما صعب الحكم عليه، وميلاً للانتفاض ضده. and resist him in many ways, determined to leave Rome and build a new city for his capital. |résister à|||||déterminé à||||||||||| |resistir|||||||||||||||| ومقاومته بطرق عديدة، قرر مغادرة روما وبناء مدينة جديدة لعاصمته. This he did, and called it after his own name, Constantinople. ||||||||||Constantinopla فعل ذلك، وسماها باسمه الخاص، قسطنطينية. It is now the capital of Turkey, and, as may be seen in the map, is a long way from Rome. إنها الآن عاصمة تركيا، كما يمكن رؤيته على الخريطة، وهي بعيدة جدًا عن روما.

This emperor left two sons, one of whom ruled in Rome, and the other in Constantinople. ترك هذا الإمبراطور ابنين، أحدهما حكم في روما، والآخر في القسطنطينية. The country which had made one empire was divided into two — the Western Empire, which had Rome for its capital, and the Eastern, which had Constantinople. البلد الذي كون إمبراطورية واحدة تم تقسيمه إلى اثنين - الإمبراطورية الغربية التي كانت لها روما عاصمة، والإمبراطورية الشرقية التي كانت لها القسطنطينية. Since the barbarians had taken Rome there had been no Emperor of the West; the Pope had been the chief person in Rome, and it might have been supposed that the Pope would not wish to have an emperor over himself but would rather continue to be the chief man in the city and in the country. ||barbares|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||بدلاً من||||||||||||| ||bárbaros|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| منذ أن استولى البربر على روما، لم يكن هناك إمبراطور للغرب. كان البابا الشخص الرئيسي في روما، وكان من المفترض ألا يرغب البابا في وجود إمبراطور فوقه ولكن من المفترض أن يستمر في كونه الرجل الرئيسي في المدينة والبلاد.

But the Popes had enemies in Italy, and they wished to find some nation to fight their battles, be their soldiers, and protect them in all difficulties. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||difficultés ||||||||||||||||||||||||||dificultades لكن الباباوات كان لديهم أعداء في إيطاليا، وكانوا يرغبون في العثور على أمة ما لمحاربة معاركهم، وأن تكون جنودهم، وحمايتهم في جميع الصعوبات. Pope Leo thought that by making Charlemagne emperor, which was supposed to give him power over all Italy and all other countries belonging to the Romans, he should make sure of always having him for a friend; and as Charlemagne was the best and bravest soldier in Europe, the Pope thought he would be the best possible friend to have. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||el más valiente||||||||||||||| اعتقد البابا ليو أنه من خلال تسمية شارلمان إمبراطورًا، والذي من المفترض أن يمنحه سلطة على جميع أنحاء إيطاليا وكل البلدان الأخرى التي تنتمي إلى الرومان، فإنه يجعل من الأكيد أن يظل له دائمًا صديقًا. وبما أن شارلمان كان أفضل جندي وأشجعهم في أوروبا، اعتقد البابا أنه سيكون أفضل صديق ممكن الحصول عليه.

Charlemagne therefore became Emperor of France, of Germany, and of Italy. |par conséquent||||||||| لذلك أصبح شارلمان إمبراطورًا لفرنسا وألمانيا وإيطاليا. He himself was a German and not a Frenchman; he spoke German, and his dress, his habits, and his tastes, were German. ||||||||||||||tenue vestimentaire||habitudes|||goûts|| ||||||||francés|||||||||||gustos|| كان هو نفسه ألمانيًا وليس فرنسيًا؛ كان يتحدث الألمانية، وكانت ملبسه وعاداته واهتماماته ألمانية.

He felt himself growing old. شعر بنفسه يكتشف شيخوخته. Se sintió envejeciendo. and determined to divide his empire among his sons, of whom he had three. وقرر تقسيم إمبراطوريته بين أبنائه، الذين كان لديه ثلاثة منهم. y decidió dividir su imperio entre sus hijos, de los cuales tenía tres. Two of them, however, died before their father. غير أن اثنين منهما توفيا قبل وفاة والده. Sin embargo, dos de ellos murieron antes que su padre. Louis, the third son, was the only one remaining at Charlemagne's death, and he became, like his father. لويس||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||Carlomagno||||||| لويس، الابن الثالث، كان الوحيد الذي بقي عند وفاة شارلمان، وأصبح، مثل والده. Emperor of the West, and ruler over the whole of his father's enormous empire. ||||||||||||immense| إمبراطور الغرب، وحاكم على كامل إمبراطورية والده الهائلة.