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It`s Okay To Be Smart, How Do We Read? It’s Magic (Almost) (1)

How Do We Read? It's Magic (Almost) (1)

Hey smart people, Joe here.

Today I'm going to teach you how to read. Which is something that you already know how to do,

obviously, but you probably have no idea how you're actually doing it.

But first I need to let you in on a secret:

There's a trick being played on you every time you read something.

In fact it's right in front of you right now. Do you see it?

Let's take a closer look at just a couple of letters and see if you can see it then.

Here's just the C and T. These two letters are exactly the same weight,

or “size” in this typeface, so you'd figure they're the exact same height.

But watch what happens when I lay them on top of each other. The C is ever-so-slightly taller.

It's true for other letter pairs too. Like E and S. The S is taller.

It's even true for other typefaces, like this one.

Letters that look the same size are actually… not the same size.

And this… is on purpose.

Because if they actually were the same size, mathematically speaking

they wouldn't look the same size.

Letters with rounded tops have to be slightly taller than letters with flat tops in order for

them to appear the same size. This illusion is hiding

in just about everything you've ever read. Yes, it's even in Comic Sans!

Your letters are lying to you! But if this illusion

wasn't there, words would look really weird.

And that's because we don't read with a ruler.

We read with our brain. And our brains like to lie to us.

The reason all this happens is related to another illusion that maybe you've seen before.

This line appears longer than this one. But in reality the two lines are the same length.

This is one of the most famous illusions in visual science.

And there's lots of different versions of it. I mean, this is one of the most

powerful illusions I've ever seen. Even when you know the lines are the same length,

it doesn't change the story your brain tells you. It's really weird!

So what does this have to do with letters?

Well, we can explain what's happening here

if we turn the Müller-Lyer illusion on its side:

This line, with its ends, looks kinda like the letter O.

The other line is more like an I or a T.

Our brains decide round letters like O look smaller than more squared off letters nearby,

so we have to make the O bigger just to look the same size.

So that's a really cool illusion that fools you probably

hundreds of times a day. And it shows us that there's a lot more going on with how

we recognize letters and words and turn them into meaning than you might expect.

In other words: Reading is really weird.

Now, a good reader can recognize hundreds of words per minute.

And once you learn how to do it, most of us don't have to actually think about reading.

It just happens.

But while it feels automatic, there's a lot going on under the hood.

Or under the skull really.

You're just not consciously aware of any of it.

When ya think about it it's actually pretty weird that we can read at all.

I mean, our brains evolved, pretty much in their current form, a hundred thousand years ago or so.

But writing is only a few thousand years old.

And standardized movable type, that was only invented like one thousand years ago, in Asia.

And then Gutenberg invented it again like 600 years ago.

I mean think about this: As recently as the 1800s maybe 1 in 8 people actually knew how to read.

It's clearly not something that we evolved to do. But we can. So what's up with that?

Luckily I happen to know a language expert, and she just so happens to have her own YouTube show.

So I asked her. Thanks, Joe! I'm

Dr. Erica Brozovsky, sociolinguist and certified word nerd. On my show Otherwords,

we delve into the amazing facets of human language,

and the ability to read is one that almost defies logic.

How can a brain that evolved like a hundred thousand of years ago be so naturally good

at a skill that we only invented 5,000 years ago? It's been called the “paradox of reading”

The answer may be that we've repurposed some existing brain functions for new uses.

It's a theory neuroscientist Stanislas Dehaene called "neural recycling"

By studying the neural patterns of monkeys, scientists have been able to identify how

their brains identify and make sense of the contours and lines that make up visual scenes.

A corner here, an edge there, some intersecting edges here. And it seems like there's a basic

"alphabet" of simple shapes that their brains use to decode any number of possible scenes.

What's interesting is these shapes are remarkably similar to the strokes that

make up most human writing. Whenever one object is behind another, you get a T

shape. Corners of objects make L's and F's and Y's.

And an O can be found in anything from a delicious fruit… to the eye of a predator.

What these shapes have in common is that they're "non-accidental". If you threw a bunch

of toothpicks on the floor, very rarely would three land with their ends perfectly touching.

So if you see this pattern in real life… it's probably worth paying attention to,

and our brains are especially adept at spotting it.

Each pattern in this “shape alphabet” triggers neurons,

and when certain combinations of neurons fire together,

they trigger higher order neurons that help us eventually decode the meaning of an image.

So this combination from our shape alphabet triggers the meaning

“cat”. And so does this combination. Only, one is a group of shapes in nature,

and one is just a collection of lines on paper.

Early alphabets that used such shapes allowed more people to read, and let them read faster,

eventually replacing cumbersome pictographic writing systems like Egyptian hieroglyphics.

As Dehaene says, "...our cortex did not specifically evolve for writing…

writing evolved to fit the cortex."

That… is amazing.

So let's take a closer look at what's happening

when your brain decodes all these shapes and tries to make meaning out of them.

How do we read?!

One thing that we know about reading

is that your brain isn't sounding out words as you scan the page, like

speaking them in your head. I mean, you might be able to make yourself consciously do that…

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

That's not how it works.

When you read, your brain is directly turning those printed symbols into meaning.

Now, words are made of letters.

And we've already seen that we're really

sensitive to the shapes combinations of letters have when they're put together.

So the big question to figure out is: When we recognize a word, do we see a whole word and just

recognize it by its shape? Or do we actually read the letters?

You can think of the question this way: When I see an elephant, do I see all the individual parts:

it's big, it's gray, ears, trunk, tusks, and recognize it that way?

Or do I just see the whole thing and say “that's an elephant”?

To figure that big question out, in the 1880s a psychologist

flashed words or letters in front of people for just a few milliseconds.

And people more accurately recognized the whole words than letters all alone.

And later experiments in the 1960s flashed either real words or nonsense words in front of people

then asked if they recognized some particular letter

And people recognized the right letter better when it was in a real word.

These were a pretty good hint that, to our brains, there's something special about

whole words over just letters. The “Word Superiority Effect.”

And this is kind of strange when you think about how we learn to read. When we're young

we make words by sounding out the letters or combinations of letters in the order they appear.


That's the “phonics” in “hooked on phonics”

But the word superiority effect says that once we learn to read,

we don't actually process words like that. We just… see the word. And we recognize it.

Now, at first scientists thought we recognized the literal shape of the word.

Like if your brain sees this shape it analyzes that pattern of ascending and

descending characters, and the word “shape” must be inside.

And this makes sense! We tend to read lowercase faster than all caps,

where the letter shapes aren't as prominent.

And (unless you're super emo) we are terrible at reading AlTeRnAtInG upper and lower case.

But that word shape explanation turned out to be a little too simple. Because

you can't spell READING… without the eye.

Because . . . eye . . . reading . . . never mind.

Now, obviously your eyes move when you scan a page. But they're not scanning

smoothly across lines of text. They jump around. Sometimes they even jump backwards.

These little movements are called saccades. And they're

really fast. One jump takes 20 to 35 milliseconds. Around 10 times faster than the blink of an eye.

You don't even notice this jumping because it happens so fast it doesn't even have time

to register in your brain. But why can't we see those jumps? Does anyone know a neuroscientist?!

So here's the crazy thing about saccades: Your eyes are jumping around about

three times a second, and in between that they're making these little micro

saccades, they're making little tiny jitters.

But you can't see the whole world streaking by.

Why not? Well it's because when your eyes go on this ballistic jump if we

were actually seeing that it would look like the world is streaking around all the time

So we don't experience that. Instead we just experience the world out there. Why?

It's a very deep reason actually. It's because all you're ever seeing

is your internal model of the outside world. You're not seeing the world as it is.

Because it actually takes time for your eye to move from one place to another.

So what happened to that time? Well it turns out

your brain says okay i'm going to fill in the gap with whatever I land on.

When your eyes land on the thing you've got this gap in time

and so your brain essentially retrospectively fills that in.

Thanks David Eagleman! Your eyes stop on a word for about 200 milliseconds,

then they jump forward 7 to 9 letters. But somehow your eyes never land in between words.

And some types of words: like short words or connector words like “the” and “and”

Your eyes just skip right over them altogether.

Now, how much information we gather each time our eyes stop is limited by how our eye is built.

The fovea is the area in the center of your vision where the photoreceptors are most densely packed,

and where your vision is the sharpest. It senses an area about the size of your fingertip

at arm's length. Around that is an area called the parafovea.

The photoreceptors are less dense, and it can see some details but things are kinda fuzzy.

And beyond that is basically your peripheral vision, where the photoreceptors can basically

just tell that there's something there, but are absolutely terrible at figuring out what.

Each time your eyes stop, in that split second you're

gathering information from three different zones.

In the center, your fovea clearly identifies 3 to 4 letters around

where your eyes stop. This is usually enough to recognize that single word.

The second zone is in the parafovea. It's much more blurry,

but can get at least a hint at what the first few letters of the next word are.

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How Do We Read? It’s Magic (Almost) (1) Wie können wir lesen? Es ist (fast) Magie (1) ¿Cómo leemos? Es magia (casi) (1) Hoe lezen we? Het is (bijna) magisch (1)

Hey smart people, Joe here.

Today I'm going to teach you how to read. Which  is something that you already know how to do,

obviously, but you probably have no  idea how you're actually doing it.

But first I need to let you in on a secret:

There's a trick being played on  you every time you read something. there is|||||||||||

In fact it's right in front of  you right now. Do you see it?

Let's take a closer look at just a couple  of letters and see if you can see it then.

Here's just the C and T. These two  letters are exactly the same weight,

or “size” in this typeface, so you'd  figure they're the exact same height. ||||шрифт||||||||

But watch what happens when I lay them on top  of each other. The C is ever-so-slightly taller.

It's true for other letter pairs  too. Like E and S. The S is taller. ||||||||||||||вищий

It's even true for other typefaces, like this one. |||||шрифти|||

Letters that look the same size  are actually… not the same size.

And this… is on purpose.

Because if they actually were the  same size, mathematically speaking

they wouldn't look the same size.

Letters with rounded tops have to be slightly  taller than letters with flat tops in order for

them to appear the same size. This illusion is hiding

in just about everything you've ever read. Yes, it's even in Comic Sans! |||||||||||комікс|Санс

Your letters are lying to  you! But if this illusion

wasn't there, words would look really weird.

And that's because we don't read with a ruler.

We read with our brain. And  our brains like to lie to us.

The reason all this happens is related to  another illusion that maybe you've seen before.

This line appears longer than this one. But  in reality the two lines are the same length.

This is one of the most famous  illusions in visual science.

And there's lots of different versions  of it. I mean, this is one of the most

powerful illusions I've ever seen. Even  when you know the lines are the same length,

it doesn't change the story your brain tells you. It's really weird!

So what does this have to do with letters?

Well, we can explain what's happening here

if we turn the Müller-Lyer illusion on its side: ||||Мюллера|Льєр||||

This line, with its ends,  looks kinda like the letter O.

The other line is more like an I or a T.

Our brains decide round letters like O look  smaller than more squared off letters nearby,

so we have to make the O bigger  just to look the same size.

So that's a really cool  illusion that fools you probably

hundreds of times a day. And it shows us  that there's a lot more going on with how

we recognize letters and words and turn  them into meaning than you might expect.

In other words: Reading is really weird.

Now, a good reader can recognize  hundreds of words per minute. |||читач|||||||

And once you learn how to do it, most of us  don't have to actually think about reading.

It just happens.

But while it feels automatic, there's  a lot going on under the hood.

Or under the skull really.

You're just not consciously aware of any of it.

When ya think about it it's actually  pretty weird that we can read at all.

I mean, our brains evolved, pretty much in their  current form, a hundred thousand years ago or so.

But writing is only a few thousand years old.

And standardized movable type, that was only  invented like one thousand years ago, in Asia. ||рухомий||||||||||||

And then Gutenberg invented  it again like 600 years ago.

I mean think about this: As recently as the 1800s  maybe 1 in 8 people actually knew how to read.

It's clearly not something that we evolved  to do. But we can. So what's up with that?

Luckily I happen to know a language expert, and  she just so happens to have her own YouTube show.

So I asked her. Thanks, Joe! I'm

Dr. Erica Brozovsky, sociolinguist and  certified word nerd. On my show Otherwords, |Еріка|Брозовський|соціолінгвіст||сертифікований||||||інші слова

we delve into the amazing facets  of human language, |explore||||||| |поглиблюємося||||аспекти|||

and the ability to read is  one that almost defies logic. |||||||||суперечить|

How can a brain that evolved like a hundred  thousand of years ago be so naturally good

at a skill that we only invented 5,000 years  ago? It's been called the “paradox of reading”

The answer may be that we've repurposed  some existing brain functions for new uses.

It's a theory neuroscientist Stanislas  Dehaene called "neural recycling" ||||Станіслас Деанен|Деаен|||

By studying the neural patterns of monkeys,  scientists have been able to identify how

their brains identify and make sense of the  contours and lines that make up visual scenes.

A corner here, an edge there, some intersecting  edges here. And it seems like there's a basic

"alphabet" of simple shapes that their brains  use to decode any number of possible scenes.

What's interesting is these shapes are  remarkably similar to the strokes that

make up most human writing. Whenever one  object is behind another, you get a T

shape. Corners of objects  make L's and F's and Y's. |||||L||F-ки||Y-образні

And an O can be found in anything from a  delicious fruit… to the eye of a predator.

What these shapes have in common is that  they're "non-accidental". If you threw a bunch

of toothpicks on the floor, very rarely would  three land with their ends perfectly touching.

So if you see this pattern in real life…  it's probably worth paying attention to,

and our brains are especially  adept at spotting it. |||||вміло|||

Each pattern in this “shape  alphabet” triggers neurons,

and when certain combinations  of neurons fire together,

they trigger higher order neurons that help  us eventually decode the meaning of an image.

So this combination from our shape  alphabet triggers the meaning

“cat”. And so does this combination. Only, one is a group of shapes in nature,

and one is just a collection of lines on paper.

Early alphabets that used such shapes allowed  more people to read, and let them read faster, |алфавіти||||||||||||||

eventually replacing cumbersome pictographic  writing systems like Egyptian hieroglyphics. ||awkward and unwield|||||| ||незручні|пікографічний|||||ієрогліфіка

As Dehaene says, "...our cortex did  not specifically evolve for writing…

writing evolved to fit the cortex."

That… is amazing.

So let's take a closer look at what's happening

when your brain decodes all these shapes  and tries to make meaning out of them.

How do we read?!

One thing that we know about reading

is that your brain isn't sounding  out words as you scan the page, like

speaking them in your head. I mean, you might  be able to make yourself consciously do that…

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

That's not how it works.

When you read, your brain is directly  turning those printed symbols into meaning.

Now, words are made of letters. Тепер|||||

And we've already seen that we're really

sensitive to the shapes combinations of  letters have when they're put together.

So the big question to figure out is: When we  recognize a word, do we see a whole word and just

recognize it by its shape? Or do we actually read the letters?

You can think of the question this way: When I see  an elephant, do I see all the individual parts:

it's big, it's gray, ears, trunk,  tusks, and recognize it that way? ||||вуха||бивні|||||

Or do I just see the whole thing  and say “that's an elephant”?

To figure that big question  out, in the 1880s a psychologist

flashed words or letters in front of  people for just a few milliseconds.

And people more accurately recognized  the whole words than letters all alone.

And later experiments in the 1960s flashed either  real words or nonsense words in front of people |||||||||||нісенітниця|||||

then asked if they recognized  some particular letter

And people recognized the right letter  better when it was in a real word.

These were a pretty good hint that, to our  brains, there's something special about

whole words over just letters.  The “Word Superiority Effect.” |||||||перевага|

And this is kind of strange when you think  about how we learn to read. When we're young

we make words by sounding out the letters or  combinations of letters in the order they appear.

av-o-cah-do of||авокадо|

That's the “phonics” in “hooked on phonics” ||||hooked|| ||фоніка||захоплений||

But the word superiority effect  says that once we learn to read,

we don't actually process words like that.  We just… see the word. And we recognize it.

Now, at first scientists thought we  recognized the literal shape of the word.

Like if your brain sees this shape it  analyzes that pattern of ascending and ||||||||||||зростаючий|

descending characters, and the  word “shape” must be inside. спадні||||||||

And this makes sense! We tend to  read lowercase faster than all caps, ||||||||малими літерами||||

where the letter shapes aren't as prominent. ||||||noticeable

And (unless you're super emo) we are terrible  at reading AlTeRnAtInG upper and lower case. ||||емо||||||||||

But that word shape explanation turned  out to be a little too simple. Because

you can't spell READING… without the eye.

Because . . . eye . . . reading . . . never mind.

Now, obviously your eyes move when you  scan a page. But they're not scanning

smoothly across lines of text. They jump  around. Sometimes they even jump backwards.

These little movements are  called saccades. And they're |||||саккади||

really fast. One jump takes 20 to 35 milliseconds.  Around 10 times faster than the blink of an eye.

You don't even notice this jumping because  it happens so fast it doesn't even have time

to register in your brain. But why can't we see  those jumps? Does anyone know a neuroscientist?!

So here's the crazy thing about saccades:  Your eyes are jumping around about

three times a second, and in between  that they're making these little micro

saccades, they're making little tiny jitters. |||||movements |||||тремтіння saccades, ze maken kleine kriebels.

But you can't see the whole world streaking by. |||||||blurred| |||||||мчати|

Why not? Well it's because when your  eyes go on this ballistic jump if we |||||||||||баллистичний|||

were actually seeing that it would look like  the world is streaking around all the time

So we don't experience that. Instead we  just experience the world out there. Why?

It's a very deep reason actually.  It's because all you're ever seeing

is your internal model of the outside  world. You're not seeing the world as it is. is|||||||||||||||

Because it actually takes time for your  eye to move from one place to another.

So what happened to that time? Well it turns out

your brain says okay i'm going to fill  in the gap with whatever I land on.

When your eyes land on the thing  you've got this gap in time

and so your brain  essentially  retrospectively fills that in.

Thanks David Eagleman! Your eyes stop  on a word for about 200 milliseconds,

then they jump forward 7 to 9 letters. But somehow your eyes never land in between words.

And some types of words: like short words  or connector words like “the” and “and” |||||||||сполучник|||||

Your eyes just skip right over them altogether.

Now, how much information we gather each time  our eyes stop is limited by how our eye is built.

The fovea is the area in the center of your vision  where the photoreceptors are most densely packed, |жовта пляма||||||||||||||||

and where your vision is the sharpest. It  senses an area about the size of your fingertip ||||||найгостріший||||||||||

at arm's length. Around that is  an area called the parafovea. |руки|||||||||парафовеа

The photoreceptors are less dense, and it can  see some details but things are kinda fuzzy.

And beyond that is basically your peripheral  vision, where the photoreceptors can basically ||||||переферійний||||||

just tell that there's something there, but  are absolutely terrible at figuring out what.

Each time your eyes stop,  in that split second you're

gathering information from three different zones.

In the center, your fovea clearly  identifies 3 to 4 letters around

where your eyes stop. This is usually  enough to recognize that single word.

The second zone is in the  parafovea. It's much more blurry,

but can get at least a hint at what the  first few letters of the next word are.