5. Chi o cosa erano i cavalieri?
5. Wer oder was waren die Ritter?
5. Who or what were the knights?
5. ¿Quiénes o qué eran los caballeros?
5. Kim lub czym byli rycerze?
5. Quem ou o que eram os cavaleiros?
5. Кем или чем были рыцари?
5. Vem eller vad var riddarna?
Tutti i cavalieri erano uomini, ma solo pochi uomini erano cavalieri.
All knights were men, but only a few men were knights.
Wszyscy rycerze byli mężczyznami, ale tylko kilku mężczyzn było rycerzami.
Bisognava essere di “nascita nobile” e prima allenarsi come paggio e come squire (proprietari di terre).
You had to be of "noble birth" and first train as a page and as a squire (landowners).
Trzeba było być „szlachetnie urodzonym” i najpierw szkolić się na paźa i dziedzica (właścicieli ziemskich).
Un cavaliere giurava di essere fedele al suo re e alla nazione e alla sua Chiesa.
|knight|he swore|||faithful||||||||||
A knight swore to be loyal to his king and the nation and his church.
Rycerz poprzysiągł lojalność swemu królowi, narodowi i kościołowi.
A un cavaliere ci si indirizzava con la parola “Sir”, signore, prima del suo nome.
|to a||||would address|||||||||
A knight was addressed with the word "Sir", sir, before his name.
Per essere facilmente riconosciuto aveva uno stemma sul suo scudo.
||easily|recognized|||a coat of arms|||shield
To be easily recognized he had a coat of arms on his shield.
In battaglia e nei tornei, i cavalieri indossavano armature.
In battle and in tournaments, knights wore armor.
La prima armatura fu fatta di spesso cuoio e anelli di metallo.
The first armor was made of thick leather and metal rings.
Più tardi, fu realizzata con pezzi di metallo molto resistenti fissati insieme da giunture.
Later, it was made with very strong pieces of metal fastened together by joints.
Później wykonano go z bardzo mocnych kawałków metalu spiętych łącznikami.
Cosa era uno stemma?
What was a coat of arms?
Un disegno fatto di figure speciali e simboli.
A design made up of special figures and symbols.
Ogni famiglia ricca ne aveva uno e si indossava sui vestiti, le armature, sugli scudi così che la gente potesse riconoscerli in battaglia.
||rich||||||she wore|||||on|shields||||||recognize them||
Every rich family had one and it was worn on clothing, armor, shields so that people could recognize them in battle.
Każda bogata rodzina miała jeden i był noszony na odzieży, zbroi, tarczach, aby ludzie mogli je rozpoznać w bitwie.
Quando la gente indossava gli elmetti era difficile dire chi fossero.
When people wore helmets it was hard to tell who they were.
Kiedy ludzie nosili hełmy, trudno było powiedzieć, kim są.
Col passare del tempo, l'armatura arrugginiva a contatto con l'acqua, se non la si curava abbastanza.
|||time|the armor|it rusted||||||not|||she took care of|enough
Over time, the armor rusted in contact with water if not cared for enough.
Z biegiem czasu pancerz rdzewieje w kontakcie z wodą, jeśli nie jest odpowiednio pielęgnowany.
Era il compito dello squire del Cavaliere e dei paggi assicurarsi che non si rovinasse; ogni cosa doveva essere oliata e lucidata.
||task||||||||ensure||||it got ruined|||||oiled||polished
It was the duty of the squire of the Knight and of the pages to ensure that it was not ruined; everything had to be oiled and polished.
Obowiązkiem dziedzica Rycerza i stronic było dopilnowanie, aby nie został zrujnowany; wszystko trzeba było naoliwić i wypolerować.