Fossa occisorum in Lappeenranta
Ditch|of the dead|in|Lappeenranta
Mass grave in Lappeenranta
20.10.2006, klo 10.29
20.10.2006, at 10:29
In urbe Finniae Lappeenranta fossa communis occisorum reperta est, in qua corpora undecim hominum terra obruta erant.
In|the city|of Finland|Lappeenranta|ditch|common|of the slain|discovered|is|in|which|bodies|eleven|of men|earth|buried|were
In the city of Lappeenranta, Finland, a mass grave was discovered, in which the bodies of eleven people were buried in the ground.
Ex quo tempore ossa ibi iacuerint, nondum liquido constat.
From|what|time|bones|there|have lain|not yet|clearly|it is established
It is not yet clear how long the bones have been lying there.
Sepulcretum in campo tentorio nomine Huhtiniemi, ubi investigatores Instituti archaeologici Universitatis Helsinkiensis hoc autumno effossiones faciunt, in lucem venit.
burial site|in|field|tent|named|Huhtiniemi|where|researchers|of the Institute|archaeological|of the University|of Helsinki|this|autumn|excavations|are doing|in|light|came
A burial site in the tent field named Huhtiniemi, where researchers from the Archaeological Institute of the University of Helsinki are conducting excavations this autumn, has come to light.
Hic locus ideo examinari coeptus est, ut cognosceretur, essetne aliquid veri in rumore apud populum inveterato, ex quo in Huhtiniemi inter bellum cum Russis gestum magnus numerus militum fugitivorum Finnorum morte multatus est.
This|place|therefore|to be examined|begun|was|in order that|it might be recognized|whether there was|something|true|in|rumor|among|people|long-standing|from|which|in|Huhtiniemi|during|war|with|Russians|conducted|great|number|of soldiers|of fugitives|Finns|death|punished|was
This site has begun to be examined in order to find out whether there is any truth to the long-standing rumor among the people that a large number of Finnish soldiers who fled during the war with the Russians were executed in Huhtiniemi.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Ban Ki-Moon novus secretarius
Ban Ki-Moon new secretary
20.10.2006, klo 10.28
20.10.2006, at 10:28
Novus secretarius generalis Nationum Unitarum designatus est Ban Ki-Moon, minister a rebus exteris Coreae Meridianae.
New|secretary|general|of Nations|United|designated|is|Ban||Moon|minister|of|affairs|foreign|of Korea|South
The new Secretary-General of the United Nations is Ban Ki-Moon, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Korea.
Qui vir sexaginta duos annos natus in locum secretarii generalis hodierni Kofi Annan succedit, cuius principatus mense Decembri exeunte finem capiet.
The man|man|sixty|two|years|having been born|in|place|secretary|general|of today|Kofi|Annan|will succeed|whose|term|month|December|ending|end|will reach
This man, sixty-two years old, succeeds the current Secretary-General Kofi Annan, whose term will end at the end of December.
Ban Ki-Moon, dum conventui generali gratias pro honore sibi allato agit, ait dignitatem Nationum Unitarum ex eo aestimari, quantum pauperrimus quisque ab illo ordine adiuvaretur.
Ban||Moon|while|assembly|general|thanks|for|honor|to him|brought|speaks|he says|dignity|of Nations|United|from|that|to be valued|as much as|poorest|each|by|that|order|would be helped
While thanking the General Assembly for the honor bestowed upon him, Ban Ki-Moon says that the dignity of the United Nations is measured by how much the poorest are helped by that organization.
Sibi propositum esse coetui Nationum Unitarum suo proprio exemplo praesidere.
to himself|purpose|to be|assembly|of Nations|United|his|own|example|to preside
He aims to lead the United Nations by his own example.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Reinfeldt iter in Finniam fecit
Reinfeldt made a trip to Finland.
20.10.2006, klo 10.28
20.10.2006, at 10:28 AM.
Fredrik Reinfeldt, primus minister Suetiae recens creatus, Idibus Octobribus iter in Finniam suscepit, ut praesidentem Tarja Halonen et collegam suum Matti Vanhanen conveniret.
Fredrik|Reinfeldt|prime|minister|of Sweden|recently|appointed|on the Ides|of October|journey|to|Finland|undertook|in order to|president|Tarja|Halonen|and|colleague|his|Matti|Vanhanen|he might meet
Fredrik Reinfeldt, the newly appointed Prime Minister of Sweden, undertook a trip to Finland on the Ides of October to meet with President Tarja Halonen and his colleague Matti Vanhanen.
Diurnariis, qui ex eo de scandalis novum regimen Suetiae vexantibus quaerebant, nihil respondere voluit sed ait se sperare fore, ut sibi tandem occasio daretur vera argumenta politica tractandi.
The journalists|who|from|him|about|scandals|new|government|Sweden|troubling|were asking|nothing|to respond|wanted|but|he said|himself|to hope|to be|that|to him|finally|opportunity|would be given|true|arguments|political|discussing
He did not want to respond to journalists who were asking him about the scandals troubling the new Swedish government, but he said he hoped that he would finally be given the opportunity to discuss real political issues.
Constat iam duas ministras in regimen Suetiae lectas propter res privatas munus deponere coactas esse.
It is established|already|two|ministers|in|government|Sweden|elected|because of|matters|private|office|to resign|compelled|to be
It is already known that two ministers in the Swedish government have been forced to resign due to personal matters.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Praemium Nobelianum pacis
Prize|Nobel|of peace
Nobel Peace Prize
20.10.2006, klo 10.27
20.10.2006, at 10:27 AM
Praemium Nobelianum pacis accipit hoc anno Muhammad Yunus, vir Bangladesanus, qui argentarius pauperum dicitur.
Nobel Peace Prize|Nobel|of peace|receives|this|year|Muhammad|Yunus|man|Bangladeshi|who|banker|of the poor|is called
The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded this year to Muhammad Yunus, a man from Bangladesh, who is called the banker of the poor.
Is enim, cum paupertatem ex orbe terrarum auferre vellet, annis septuagesimis sedem nummariam instituit, quae pecuniam hominibus omnium miserrimis et mendicissimis commodaret.
He|for|when|poverty|from|world|of lands|to remove|wanted||seventieth|seat|monetary|established|which|money|to men|of all|most miserable|and|most beggarly|would lend
For he, wishing to eradicate poverty from the world, established a financial institution in the 1970s that would lend money to the most miserable and destitute people.
In clientibus suis eligendis talem rationem sequi solet, ut, quo quisque sit egentior, eo dignior habeatur, cui pecunia credatur.
In|clients|his|choosing|such|principle|to follow|is accustomed|so that|by which|each one|is|more in need|by that much|more worthy|is considered|to whom|money|is entrusted
In choosing their clients, they usually follow such a principle that the more someone is in need, the more worthy they are considered to whom money is entrusted.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Ara Pacis Augustae renovata
Altar|of Peace|of Augustus|restored
Renewed Ara Pacis Augustae
20.10.2006, klo 10.26
20.10.2006, at 10:26
Ara Pacis Augustae, monumentum Romanum anno a.Chr.
Altar|of Peace|of Augustus|monument|Roman|in the year||Christ
Ara Pacis Augustae, a Roman monument from the year AD.
n. nono victoriis Augusti consecratum, in conspectu populi rursus posita est.
noun|ninth|victories|of Augustus|consecrated|in|sight|of the people|again|placed|is
In the ninth year, it was consecrated to the victories of Augustus, and was placed again in the sight of the people.
Diu enim in usu publico non erat propter labores reficiendi, quibus illud aedificium marmoreum variis ornamentis decoratum ab emissionibus gasalibus protegeretur.
For a long time|for|in|use|public|not|was|because of|works|of repairing|by which|that|building|marble|various|ornaments|decorated|from|emissions|gas|would be protected
For a long time it had not been in public use due to the restoration work, by which that marble building was protected from gas emissions with various decorations.
Itaque architectus Richardus Meier, cui haec opera perficienda commissa erat, Aram Pacis claustris vitreis circumdedit, quod multam disceptationem apud vulgus movit.
Therefore|architect|Richard|Meier|to whom|this|work|to be completed|entrusted|was|the Altar|of Peace|enclosures|glass|surrounded|which|much|discussion|among|the common people|stirred
Therefore, the architect Richard Meier, to whom the completion of this work was entrusted, surrounded the Altar of Peace with glass walls, which caused much debate among the public.
(Tom Bergman)
(Tom Bergman)
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