Kan Stian bli som Harry Styles?
Kann Stian wie Harry Styles werden?
Kan Stian net als Harry Styles worden?
Stian pode se tornar como Harry Styles?
Stian, Harry Styles'a benzeyebilir mi?
Can Stian become like Harry Styles?
Pappa spurte hva jeg drev med. Jeg sa jeg skulle ta på meg ballkjole og ta bilder.
Dad|asked|what|I|was doing|with|I|said|I|would|put|on|myself|ball gown|and|take|pictures
Dad asked what I was up to. I said I was going to put on a ball gown and take pictures.
Da sa han: "Kan ikke du slutte å putte deg i kjoler?"
Then he said: "Can't you stop putting yourself in dresses?"
I en tidligere video shoppa jeg et fullt antrekk i en dameavdeling.
I|a|previous|video|shopped|I|a|complete|outfit|in|a|women's department
In a previous video, I shopped for a complete outfit in a women's department.
-Perfekt. Det ser bra ut, bare ikke på meg. -Nå var du litt sånn sexy.
Perfect|It|looks|good|out|just|not|on|me|Now|were|you|a little|like that|sexy
-Perfect. It looks good, just not on me. -Now you were a bit sexy.
Nå er det på tide å ta steget videre. Derfor skal jeg ta på meg full ballkjole -
Now|is|it|time|to|to|take|step|further|Therefore|will|I|wear|put on|myself|full|ball gown
Now it's time to take the next step. Therefore, I will put on a full ball gown -
- og gjenskape forsidebildet til Harry Styles for Vogue.
and|recreate|cover image|for|Harry|Styles|for|Vogue
- and recreate the cover photo of Harry Styles for Vogue.
Det blir helt nydelig. Med like mye selvtillit som han.
It|will be|completely|lovely|With|as|much|self-confidence|as|he
It will be absolutely lovely. With as much confidence as he has.
-Det fortjener folk å se. -På tide å ta på kjolen. Den må klippes.
It|deserves|people|to|see|It's||to|put|on|the dress|It|must|be shortened
-People deserve to see that. -Time to put on the dress. It needs to be tailored.
Ja, jeg skal ta av meg buksa etterpå. Dette er bare en test.
Yes, I will take off my pants afterwards. This is just a test.
Det her funker ikke. Når den stopper her ...
This isn't working. When it stops here ...
Her må det klippes. Skal jeg ta av meg alle klærne?
Here|must|it|be cut|Shall|I|take|off|myself|all|clothes
This needs to be cut. Should I take off all my clothes?
-Det er veldig spesielt. -Har du stillongs på?
It|is|very|special|Do|you|long underwear|on
-It's very special. -Are you wearing long johns?
Jeg har ikke stillongs, men kan godt fryse.
I|have|not|long johns|but|can|well|freeze
I don't have long johns, but I can freeze well.
Ja, den må klippes ganske mye. Der var du god, ass.
Yes|it|must|be cut|quite|a lot|There|were|you|good|though
Yes, it needs to be cut quite a bit. You were good at that, huh.
Nei. Må hele veien ned.
No. It has to go all the way down.
Problemet med utformingen av kjolen ligger i rumpa.
The problem|with|design|of|the dress|lies|in|the butt
The problem with the design of the dress is in the butt.
Jeg har ganske stor rumpe. Og så ligger den i ... Her, ja! På armene.
I|have|quite|big|butt|And|then|lies|it|in|Here|yes|On|the arms
I have quite a big butt. And then it sits in ... Here, yes! On the arms.
-Vi putter den bare inni. Sånn. -Jeg føler meg virkelig ikke pen.
We|put|it|just|inside|like that|I|feel|myself|really|not|pretty
-We just put it inside. Like this. -I really don't feel pretty.
Må ta av meg buksa.
I have to take off my pants.
I desember i fjor var Harry Styles den første mannen på coveret til Vogue.
In|December|in|last|was|Harry|Styles|the|first|man|on|the cover|of|Vogue
In December last year, Harry Styles was the first man on the cover of Vogue.
Jeg tenker: "Hva er stort med det?" Men det fikk oppmerksomhet.
I think: "What's so great about that?" But it got attention.
Både kritikk og positive ting. Han valgte seg kjole på coverbildet.
Both|criticism|and|positive|things|He|chose|himself|dress|on|the cover photo
Both criticism and positive things. He chose to wear a dress on the cover photo.
-Jeg vil hedre det ved å gjøre det samme. -Hvis du holder her ...
-I want to honor that by doing the same. -If you hold here ...
Da er du optimist! Det blir bra, blir det sagt.
Then|are|you|optimist|It|will be|good|will|it|said
Then you are an optimist! It will be good, it is said.
-Se på det her, liksom! -Da tror jeg ikke det blir bedre.
Look|at|it|here|like|Then|think|I|not|it|will be|better
-Look at this, like! -Then I don't think it will get better.
Det blir ikke bedre. Det er jo nitrist å høre, men sånn har det blitt.
It|will|not|better|It|is|after all|very sad|to|hear|but|like that|has|it|become
It won't get better. It's really sad to hear, but that's how it has become.
Jeg føler meg som en Harry Styles fra Wish. Budsjettvarianten.
I||myself|like|a|Harry|Styles|from|Wish|the budget version
I feel like a Harry Styles from Wish. The budget version.
Skal vi få varmen i oss og ta bildet?
Shall|we|get|warmth|in|us|and|take|the picture
Shall we warm ourselves up and take the picture?
Passer fint å ha på bjørnefitta nå.
Fits|well|to|have|on|bear vagina|now
It fits well to wear the bear vagina now.
Modellyrket er så misforstått! Det er ikke glamorøst i det hele tatt.
The modeling industry|is|so|misunderstood|It|is|not|glamorous|at|it|all|all
The modeling profession is so misunderstood! It is not glamorous at all.
Må stå ute i kulda og se ut som en idiot.
Must|stand|outside|in|the cold|and|look|like|as|an|idiot
You have to stand outside in the cold and look like an idiot.
Gøy at folk har lyst til å bli modeller.
It's fun that people want to become models.
Det er helt krise å gå i kjole. Her, eller?
It|is|completely|a crisis|to|walk|in|dress|Here|or
It's a total crisis to wear a dress. Here, or?
Artig. Den passer! Oooo, den var kald. Det var den kaldeste.
Funny. It fits! Oooo, that was cold. That was the coldest.
Få se bildet, da. Hvis dere har mobilen.
Let|see|the picture|then|If|you (plural)|have|the mobile phone
Let me see the picture, then. If you have the phone.
-Ok, sånn her da. Noe sånt? -Ja, og så den andre armen.
Ok|like|this|then|Something|like that|Yes|and|then|the|other|arm
-Okay, like this then. Something like that? -Yes, and then the other arm.
-Mer sånn at du er en ... kul gutt. -Ja, det funker bra.
-More like you're a ... cool guy. -Yes, that works well.
Særdeles spesielt!
Especially special!
Men jeg føler meg som ... Et produkt fra Wish er det eneste jeg tenker på.
But I feel like ... A product from Wish is all I can think about.
Ja, et eller annet der. Jeg tror det er mest meg. Det er ikke kjolen sin feil.
Yes, something like that. I think it's mostly me. It's not the dress's fault.
-Det der er ikke greit å gjøre. -Jeg vet det. Holder du?
That|there|is|not|okay|to|do|I|know|it|Are you holding|you
-That's not okay to do. -I know that. Are you holding on?
Du ser virkelig ut som en ninja!
You really look like a ninja!
Det hadde vært artig hvis flere folk ...
It would have been fun if more people ...
Jeg vet ikke om jeg synes flere gutter burde gå i kjole, -
I don't know if I think more boys should wear dresses, -
- men at folk generelt kunne gitt litt mer faen. Det liker jeg.
but|that|people|generally|could|given|a little|more|damn|That|I like|I
- but that people in general could care a little less. I like that.
Folk bryr seg så mye. Verden trenger litt mer lekenhet.
People|care|themselves|so|much|The world|needs|a little|more|playfulness
People care so much. The world needs a little more playfulness.
Nå vet jeg hva jeg tenker: Folk burde ikke pushes til å gå med noe som helst.
Now|know|I|what|I|think|People|should|not|pushed|to||wear|with|anything|such|at all
Now I know what I think: People should not be pushed to wear anything at all.
Eller gjøre noe som helst.
Or|do|anything|that|at all
Or do anything at all.
Men et samfunn der dudes kan gå med kjole, er godt. Da er man fri.
But a society where guys can wear dresses is good. Then you are free.
Den armen der, prøv og sleng litt med den?
That|arm|there|try|and|throw|a little|with|it
That arm there, try to swing it a bit?
Det overraska meg hvor seriøst dette var.
It surprised me how serious this was.
Random tanke: Kan kjole være mandig? Jeg tenker: Ja.
Random thought: Can a dress be masculine? I think: Yes.
Kunne Arnold Schwartzenegger gått med kjole? Ja.
Could Arnold Schwarzenegger wear a dress? Yes.
Nei. Jeg trekker det tilbake. Han kunne ikke det.
No. I take that back. He couldn't do that.
Kanskje kjole er mandig om ti år? Men hva er mandig?
Maybe a dress will be manly in ten years? But what is manly?
Jagerfly er mandig! Det der er mandig.
fighter jet|is|manly|That|there|is|manly
Fighter jets are manly! That is manly.
Du ser ikke for deg at han rusler ut av jagerflyet i kjole? Neppe.
You|see|not|for|yourself|that|he|strolls|out|of|the fighter jet|in|dress|Probably not
Can you imagine him strolling out of the fighter jet in a dress? Hardly.
Oh, hey there.
Oh, hey there.
Jeg har lyst til å se Staysman i kjole. Kong Harald i kjole hadde vært fint.
I|have|desire|to|(infinitive marker)|see|Staysman|in|dress|King|Harald|in|dress|would have|been|nice
I want to see Staysman in a dress. King Harald in a dress would have been nice.
Tror ikke han er med på det. Jeg merker at jeg er opphengt i kong Harald.
I think|not|he|is|in|on|it|I|notice|that|I|am|preoccupied|with|king|Harald
I don't think he's in on it. I notice that I'm hung up on King Harald.
Du lener deg litt fram. Fint, det.
You|lean|yourself|a little|forward|Nice|that
You're leaning a bit forward. Nice, that.
Veldig stilig. Jeg ser litt mye sko, bare.
Very|stylish|I|see|a little|too many|shoes|only
Very stylish. I just see a bit too much shoe.
Rett på brillene med den andre hånda.
Straight|on|the glasses|with|the|other|hand
Right on the glasses with the other hand.
-Du er jo god! -Nå falt jeg virkelig inn i sonen.
You|are|indeed|good|Now|fell|I|really|into||the zone
-You're really good! -Now I really fell into the zone.
Nå har jeg vært dritseriøs kjempelenge.
Now|have|I|been|dead serious|for a really long time
Now I have been seriously serious for a long time.
Utrolig trivelig det var her, da.
It was incredibly nice here, though.
Ser ut som en brudedame.
Looks like a bride.
-Føler du deg bedre nå? -Nei, på ingen måte.
-Do you feel better now? -No, not at all.
-Du ser så kul ut, Stian. -Jeg hadde slitt med å gå og kjøpe dette.
-You look so cool, Stian. -I would have struggled to go and buy this.
-Resultatet har jeg veldig lyst på. -Hva om du tar av deg blazeren?
The result|has|I|very|desire|for|What|if|you|take|off|yourself|the blazer
-I really want the result. -What if you take off your blazer?
Sånn, liksom?
like this|you know
Like this, kind of?
Hvis du løfter haka litt. Kult!
If|you|lift|chin|a little|Cool
If you lift your chin a bit. Cool!
Jeg får mye ut av ikke å bry meg så mye om hva andre synes.
I|get|a lot|out|of|not|to|worry|myself|so|much|about|what|others|think
I get a lot out of not caring so much about what others think.
Selv om jeg sikkert gjør det. Men jeg jobber med ikke å bry meg så mye.
Even though I probably do. But I'm working on not caring so much.
Og så jobber jeg med ikke å bry meg så mye om hva andre gjør.
And I'm working on not caring so much about what others do.
Vil noen gå i kjole, la dem gjøre det. Vil noen gå i stillongs året rundt, -
Will|someone|wear|in|dress|let|them|do|it|Will|someone|wear|in|long underwear|year|round
If someone wants to wear a dress, let them do it. If someone wants to wear long johns all year round, -
- la dem gjøre det. Vi har godt av å gi litt mer faen.
let|them|do|it|We|have|good|from|to|give|a little|more|damn
- let them do it. We benefit from caring a little less.
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