Serbian Christmas Traditions Today - Serbian Language Podcast
Serbian|Božićne tradicije danas|Serbian Christmas Traditions|Danas|Serbian|Language|Podcast
Serbische Weihnachtstraditionen heute – Podcast zur serbischen Sprache
Serbian Christmas Traditions Today - Serbian Language Podcast
Tradiciones navideñas serbias hoy - Podcast en idioma serbio
Les traditions de Noël serbes aujourd'hui - Podcast en langue serbe
Tradizioni natalizie serbe oggi - Podcast in lingua serba
Tradições de Natal da Sérvia hoje - Podcast em língua sérvia
Сербские рождественские традиции сегодня - Подкаст на сербском языке
Bugünkü Sırp Noel Gelenekleri - Sırpça Podcast
Ja sam Magdalena, osnivač sajta Serbian Courses
nisam se predstavila
I am not|myself|introduced myself
Ich habe mich nicht vorgestellt
I didn't introduce myself
i govoriću o Božiću
|ich werde sprechen||Weihnachten
I|I will talk|about|about Christmas
and I'll talk about Christmas
i Novoj godini
|nella nuova|
and the New Year
ali pretežno o Božiću u Srbiji danas.
but mostly about Christmas in Serbia today.
Ok. Dobro. Idemo na srpski
ok|good|let's go|to|Serbian
OK. Okay. Let's go to Serbian
Srbi imaju jako puno običaja
Serbs|have|very|a lot of|customs
Serbs have a lot of customs
i tradicija
and|and tradition
and traditions
jako puno tradicija i rituala koji su stari.
very|a lot of|traditions||rituals|that|are|old
so many traditions and rituals that are old.
Mi nismo ni svesni
we|are not||aware
Wir sind uns dessen nicht einmal bewusst
We are not even aware
koliko su stari.
wie viel||
how old||
Wie alt sind sie.
how old are they.
Mnoge te običaje i te tradicije
Viele dieser Bräuche und Traditionen
Many of these customs and traditions
koje su moji roditelji radili
das haben meine Eltern getan
that my parents used to do
ja nisam znala šta to znači
Ich wusste nicht, was das bedeutete
i didn't know what that meant
Nisam znala, kad sam bila dete, odakle to
Als Kind wusste ich nicht, woher es kam
I didn't know when I was a kid where that came from
i zašto mi to radimo
und warum wir es tun
and why we do it
Ali kasnije, kako sam odrastala,
|later|as||was growing up
But later, as I grew up,
tako sam čitala i učila i razumevala neke stvari.
||||||ho capito||cose
So habe ich manches gelesen, gelernt und verstanden.
so i was reading and learning and understanding some things.
Ja ću vam danas govoriti o tome
I'll tell you about it today
šta mi sada radimo.
what are we doing now.
Koja je to srpska božićna tradicija
What a Serbian Christmas tradition
koju mi i danas čuvamo.
which|me|it||we preserve
which we still keep today.
Ovo što vidite pored mene
||see|next to|
What you see next to me
na engleskom se zove Christmas Tree,
|in English||is called||Christmas Tree
it's called Christmas Tree in English,
a na srpskom mi zovemo novogodišnja jelka
we|in|Serbian||"we call"|New Year's|Christmas tree
||||chiamiamo|di Capodanno|albero di Natale
und auf Serbisch nennen wir ihn Neujahrsbaum
and in Serbian we call Christmas tree
Ovo je za nas
Das ist für uns
This is for us
novogodišnja tradicija
New Year's tradition
za praznik Nova godina, a ne Božić.
for the New Year holiday, not Christmas.
To nije božićna jelka,
It's not a Christmas tree,
to nije za Srbiju božićno drvo.
|is not||Serbia|Christmas|tree
it is not a christmas tree for Serbia.
Božićno drvo za nas u Srbiji je hrast
Christmas|||||||oak tree
Christmas tree for us in Serbia is oak
Na engleskom to je oak tree.
In English, it's an oak tree.
Ja nemam...
|I do not have
I do not have...
Htela sam da uberem granu hrasta da vam pokažem
I wanted||that|pick|branch|oak tree|||I show
Ich wollte einen Eichenzweig auswählen, um ihn dir zu zeigen
I wanted to pick an oak branch to show you
ali je jako loše vreme napolju,
but the weather is really bad outside,
pada kiša, duva vetar.
it is raining, the wind is blowing.
Napolju je stvarno grozno vreme,
It's a really bad time outside,
i zato nisam ubrala granu hrasta,
and that's why I didn't pick an oak branch,
ali imam jednu dekoraciju,
|I have|one|one decoration
but I have one decoration,
jednu božićnu dekoraciju, koju je moja mama napravila
one Christmas decoration my mom made
i koja koristi...
and which uses ...
ovo su listovi hrasta. Znači ovo je hrast.
these are oak leaves. So this is oak.
ovo su listovi hrasta (oak tree)
these are oak tree leaves
To je za nas božićno drvo.
It's a Christmas tree for us.
I najpre imamo... znači...
|"first of all"|we have|
Und zuerst haben wir... also...
And first we have ... means ...
Kitimo jelku. Kažemo „kititi jelku“.
Decorate|Christmas tree|we say|decorate|the tree
Let's put on a Christmas tree. We say "putty a tree".
Novogodišnja jelka se kiti.
The New Year tree is put on.
To radimo prvo, zato što hronološki
We do this first, because chronologically
prvo imamo Novu godinu 31. decembra
||new|year|of December
we first have the New Year on December 31st
a posle toga
and after that
6\. januara Badnje veče.
January|Christmas Eve|Eve
|vigilia di Natale|
January 6 Christmas Eve.
Badnje veče je Christmas Eve, Badnje veče
Christmas Eve is Christmas Eve
A 7. januara je Božić (Christmas)
And January 7th is Christmas
I u tom imenu, Božić,
And in that name, Christmas,
se čuva stara tradicija,
|wird bewahrt||
|is preserved|old|tradition
die alte Tradition bleibt erhalten,
the old tradition is preserved,
naša paganska, slovenska, stara srpska tradicija,
our pagan, Slovenian, old Serbian tradition,
jer božić zapravo znači „mali bog“.
denn Weihnachten bedeutet eigentlich „kleiner Gott“.
because Christmas actually means "little god."
Bog znači God
God means God
i nastavak –ić za deminutiv znači „mladi bog“.
and the continuation - deminutive means "young god".
Rođenje mladog boga slavimo.
Birth|young|young god|we celebrate
We celebrate the birth of a young god.
To se čuva u imenu Božić.
This is kept in the name of Christmas.
Svi naši običaji, naravno,
all|our|customs|of course
All our customs, of course,
su hristijanizovani,
|are Christianized
are Christianized,
kada su Srbi primili hrišćanstvo,
when the Serbs received Christianity,
već... negde... ne znam...
already|somewhere||I know
but ... somewhere ... I don't know ...
u jedanaestom veku, ili tako nešto, deveti-jedanaesti vek.
|eleventh|century|||like that|ninth|eleventh|century
in the eleventh century, or something like that, the ninth-eleventh century.
Božićni običaji
Christmas customs
su počeli
have begun
upravo juče.
just yesterday.
Juče je bio prvi praznik u nizu božićnih praznika.
||was|first|||of a series|Christmas|holiday
Yesterday was the first holiday in a series of Christmas holidays.
Juče su bili Detinjci.
||were|the children
|||a Detinjci
Yesterday they were Cubs.
Detinjci, to je praznik dece.
Children's Day||||children
Kids, it's a children's holiday.
Dečji praznik za Božić.
Kids Holiday for Christmas.
Ja sam prošle godine pričala o tome,
I talked about it last year,
o tri praznika koji počinju Božić:
about the three holidays that start Christmas:
Detinjci, Materice i Oci.
Baby, Uterus and Fathers.
I to je praznik kada roditelji vezuju decu,
|||||parents|tie up|children
And it's a holiday when parents bond with their children,
a deca moraju da se otkupe.
|||||искупить себя
||must||themselves|redeem themselves
and children have to redeem themselves.
To znači: ja sam uzela jedan opasač,
||||I took|one|belt
This means: I took a belt,
jedan kaiš ili kanap,
one belt or rope,
i njime sam vezala mog sina,
and I tied my son with it,
vezala sam ga,
I tied||him
I tied it,
i tražila sam od njega da on peva
|I asked||from|him|that|he|sing
and I asked him to sing
neku pesmu ili da recituje,
a poem or recite,
da se tako otkupi.
to be so redeemed.
I on je pevao i recitovao, i ja sam ga onda pustila.
|||||читал стихи||||||
And he sang and recited, and then I let him go.
To je prvi praznik koji najavljuje početak božićnih praznika.
It is the first holiday to announce the start of the Christmas holidays.
U sledeću nedelju su Materice
|next|||Mother's Day
Next week is Uterus
i posle toga Oci.
and after that the Fathers.
Čitaćete o tome i pričala sam prošle godine.
вы будете читать|||||||
werdet lesen|||||||
You will read||||I talked|||
You will read about it and I talked about it last year.
Prošle godine Oci su bili
Last year the Fathers were
baš na sam dan...
on the very day|||
just on the very day ...
na Badnji dan, na Badnje veče.
|Christmas Eve||||
on Christmas Eve, on Christmas Eve.
Poklopili su se praznici, bili su u isti dan.
Die Feiertage fielen zusammen, sie waren am selben Tag.
The holidays coincided, they were on the same day.
Oci, praznik očeva i Badnji dan
||of fathers|||
Väter, Vatertag und Heiligabend
Fathers, Fathers Day and Christmas Day
bili su u isti dan prošle godine.
sie waren am gleichen Tag im letzten Jahr.
they were on the same day last year.
Ove godine nisu.
||they are not
Not this year.
Badnji dan je 6. januara.
Christmas Day is January 6th.
I šta radimo?
And what do we do?
Na Badnji dan rano ujutru se ustaje.
|||||one|gets up
On Christmas Eve he gets up early in the morning.
Morate se probuditi jako rano.
Ihr müsst||||
You must||wake up||
You have to wake up really early.
Običaj je da domaćin, to je glava porodice,
It is the custom of the host, that is the head of the family,
otac porodice, domaćin,
the father of the family, the host,
odlazi u šumu i seče hrast, mladi hrast.
||the forest||cuts|||
goes into the forest and cuts an oak, young oak.
Rekla sam, hrast, to je oak tree, srpsko božićno drvo.
I said, oak, it's an oak tree, a Serbian Christmas tree.
I taj hrast donosi kući.
And it brings that oak home.
Jednu veliku granu hrasta.
One large oak branch.
Međutim, danas,
However, today,
naročito mi koji živimo u gradovima,
especially for me|||live||cities
especially we who live in cities,
mi u stvari kupimo badnjak.
||на самом деле||сосна
we|||we buy|Yule log
we actually buy a Christmas tree.
Ne sečemo ga, nego kupimo
не|не режем|||
|we cut|||
We don't cut it, we buy it
I ako budete u Srbiji između Nove godine i Božića,
And if you are in Serbia between New Year and Christmas,
videćete puno tezgi, kao pijaca,
||de stands||
you will see||stalls|like|marketplace
you see a lot of stalls, like a market,
videćete pijacu gde se prodaju badnjaci.
|market|where||are sold|Christmas trees
you will see a market where Christmas trees are sold.
Prodaju se kao mali buketi hrastovih grančica,
||||small bouquets|oak|oak branches
They are sold as small bouquets of oak twigs,
bude tu i slame, slama je hay.
there is straw too, straw is hay.
Slama i hrastove grančice,
Straw and oak twigs,
i od toga se prave buketi,
and that's what the bouquets are made of,
i to je badnjak.
|||Christmas Eve
and it is a Christmas tree.
Znači, mi koji živimo u gradovima, kupimo sebi badnjak.
So we who live in cities buy ourselves a Christmas tree.
Ne idemo u šumu da ga sečemo,
|||the forest||it|cut down
We don't go to the forest to cut it,
iako je to naša stara tradicija.
even though it is our old tradition.
Domaćica taj dan,
Housewife|that|that day
The hostess that day,
majka porodice ili domaćica kuće,
mother of the family||or|housekeeper|of the house
the mother of the family or housewife,
priprema puno hrane.
preparation|a lot of|food
prepares a lot of food.
priprema posnu hranu.
Vorbereitung von Fastenessen.
prepares fasting food.
Posna hrana, zato što je u toku božićni post.
Fastenessen, weil die Weihnachtsfastenzeit läuft.
Fasting because there is a Christmas fast in progress.
Nekih 6 nedelja,
Etwa 6 Wochen.
Some 6 weeks,
ja mislim 6 nedelja pre Božića,
i think 6 weeks before christmas,
vernici poste.
the varnish|post
believers of fasting.
Pravoslavci, ljudi koji idu u crkvu, vernici, poste.
Orthodox people|people||||church|believers|fast
Orthodox, people who go to church, believers, fast.
To znači:
It means:
ne jedu hranu životinjskog porekla.
|eat||animal origin|origin
they do not eat food of animal origin.
Kada neko posti, to znači ne jede meso,
When someone fasts, it means not eating meat,
ne jede jaja, ne jede mleko,
doesn't eat eggs, doesn't eat milk,
to je post,
this is a post,
iz religioznih religijskih razloga
for religious religious reasons
to se zove post.
it's called fasting.
Za Badnji dan hrana je posna.
|Christmas Eve||||
For Christmas, food is lean.
Obično za Badnje veče, Christmas Eve,
Usually on Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve,
priprema se posna božićna trpeza.
Es wird ein fleischloses Weihnachtsessen vorbereitet.
a fast Christmas table is being prepared.
Najčešće tu je pasulj prebranac
чаще всего|||фасоль|пребранац
most often||||baked beans
Am häufigsten gibt es dort die Bohnensuppe Prebranac.
Most often there is bean sprouts
"baked beans" na engleskom
baked|baked beans||
"Baked beans" auf Englisch.
"baked beans" in english
riba se sprema
Fisch wird zubereitet
the fish are getting ready
(riba spada u posnu hranu,
(Fisch gehört zu den Fastenspeisen,
(fish is a fast food,
iako riba jeste životinja,
obwohl Fisch ein Tier ist,
although fish is an animal,
ali u hrišćanstvu riba je posna hrana)
but in Christianity fish is fasting)
peče se bundeva, pečena bundeva (pumpkin),
pumpkin roast, pumpkin roast,
orasi, orašasti plodovi, suvo voće,
nuts, nuts, dried fruits,
i hleb, koji se specijalno peče za tu priliku.
and bread, which is specially baked for the occasion.
Vratiću se na to.
ich werde zurückkehren|||
I will return|||
I'll get back to that.
Uveče, kad padne mrak,
in the evening|||darkness
In the evening, when it is dark,
što je negde oko 5 sati u ovo doba godine,
which is about 5 o'clock this time of year,
negde oko 5 sati uveče,
around 5 in the evening,
domaćin, glava porodice, otac,
host, head of family, father,
unosi badnjak.
brings in|
brings in a Christmas tree.
I u mojoj porodici uvek je to bilo
And in my family it always was
da tata izađe napolje,
||выйдет|на улицу
||goes out|
for dad to go out,
badnjak čeka ispred kuće,
||in front of|
a Christmas tree waits outside the house,
i onda tata izađe i deca, mi deca sa njim,
and then dad goes out and the kids, we kids with him,
idemo iza njega,
we go behind him,
tata unosi badnjak u kuću,
Daddy brings a Christmas tree to the house,
a mi idemo iza njega i pijučemo.
|||after|||we drink
and we go behind it and drink.
Pijučemo kao pilići.
Wir piepsen wie Küken.
We drink like chickens.
Pile, to je mala kokoška, beba kokoške.
Küken, das ist ein kleines Huhn, ein Küken.
Chicken, it's a little chicken, baby chicken.
I deca pijuču: „piju piju piju“
Und die Kinder piepsen: „pieu pieu pieu“
And children drink: "drink drink drink"
i tako idu iza oca.
and so they go behind their father.
U kući je majka, domaćica,
The house has a mother, a housewife,
majka porodice,
|of the family
the mother of the family,
i ona ih dočekuje.
and she welcomes them.
U rukama ima sito.
|||un tamis
In den Händen hat sie ein Sieb.
He has a sieve in his hands.
Ja sam spremila da vam pokažem,
Ich habe mich vorbereitet, um es Ihnen zu zeigen,
I'm ready to show you,
ovo je sito, kroz ovo se seje brašno.
das ist ein Sieb, durch das man Mehl siebt.
this is a sieve, flour is sifted through this.
To je sito, a u situ ima orahe
It's a sieve, and in situ it has nuts
i razno zrnevlje.
||зерновые культуры
and various grains.
Ja ovde imam zrna kukuruza
I have corn kernels here
ovo je kukuruz
this is corn
to sam imala u kući da vam pokažem
I had it in the house to show you
ovo je kukuruz
this is corn
i može biti žito, različito zrnevlje i orasi.
and can be cereals, different grains and nuts.
Majka dočekuje sa tim
Mother welcomes it
i gađa nas, posipa nas,
|он стреляет|||
|il frappe||il nous couvre|
|it hits||it sprinkles|
and it hits us, it sprinkles on us,
baca na nas to zrnevlje.
throws that grain at us.
Kao da smo pilići.
It's like we're chickens.
I ušli smo u kuću, uneli smo badnjak,
|||||we brought||
And we went into the house, we brought a Christmas tree,
i onda sedamo za večeru,
||we sit||
and then we sit down for dinner,
koja je na podu.
which is on the floor.
U mojoj porodici,
In my family,
badnja večera uvek je bila na podu.
Christmas Eve||||||
Christmas dinner was always on the floor.
Ne na stolu, nego na podu, dole.
Not on the table, but on the floor, down.
Ja sada saznajem da je to zato što je
||I am finding out||||||
I now find out it is because it is
ta večera bila postavljana
|||была накрыта
that evening was set
i za žive i za mrtve.
|||||die Toten
|||||the dead
for both the living and the dead.
I za nas koji sada živimo, i za naše pretke.
And for us who now live, and for our ancestors.
Preci, to su: deda, pa moj pradeda, čukundeda...
Ancestors, these are: Grandpa, so my great-grandfather, great-grandson ...
To su preci.
These are the ancestors.
Znači ova večera je postavljana
So this dinner is set
i za nas koji sada živimo
and for us who now live
i za naše pretke koji više nisu živi.
and for our ancestors who are no longer alive.
Zbog toga je postavljana na podu.
Because of this, it was laid on the floor.
Danas mnoge porodice
Many families today
badnju večeru postavljaju redovno na stolu,
Christmas Eve||they set|regularly||
they set Christmas dinner regularly on the table,
ne na podu,
not on the floor,
ali u mojoj porodici je sačuvana ta stara tradicija
but that old tradition is preserved in my family
da se za Badnje veče jede na podu.
to eat on the floor for Christmas Eve.
Postavimo ćebe ili prekrivač (blanket)
let's put|blanket||blanket|blanket
Let's put a blanket or blanket on
jedno ćebe postavimo na pod,
||we put||
we put one blanket on the floor,
na njega stavimo čaršav ili stolnjak,
||we put|sheet||tablecloth
we put a sheet or tablecloth on it,
kao jedna tkanina, platno koje se stavlja inače na sto,
||fabric|canvas|||is placed|usually||
like one cloth, a cloth that is put on the table otherwise,
stolnjak (tablecloth)
to stavimo i tu onda poređamo sve,
|||||on range|
|||||we arrange|
we put it there and then we compare everything,
sve što treba: razne činije sa hranom,
all you need: various food bowls,
tanjire, pribor za jelo, kašike i viljuške,
plates, cutlery, spoons and forks,
i ukrug okolo poređamo jastuke,
|circle|around|we arrange|pillows
and round the pillows,
jastučiće na kojima možemo da sedimo.
the pads we can sit on.
U mojoj porodici za Badnje veče uvek se lomila česnica.
||||||||broke|Christmas bread
In my family on Christmas Eve, garlic was always broken.
Česnica, to je božićni hleb
Garlic, it's Christmas bread
koji je hleb ali pljostnat i okrugao, pogača.
which is bread but flat and round, it breaks.
Ako znate šta je pogača, to je u stvari pogača
If you know what a cake is, it's actually a cake
I u tom...
And in that ...
to je specijalan hleb, specijalna pogača
it's a special bread, a special cake
zove se česnica
||pain de Noël
it's called garlic
u njoj se uvek nalazi jedan novčić
there is always one coin in it
to je metalni novac
it's metal money
novčić ili coin na engleskom
coin or coin in english
metalni novac
u njoj se nalaze i druge stvari koje simbolišu
it contains other things that symbolize it
simbolički predstavljaju
|stellen dar
symbolically|they represent
symbolically represent
na primer, grančica drena
|||d'un prunier
|||of the cornel
for example, a twig twig
koja simboliše zdravlje
which symbolizes health
uvek u našoj tradiciji dren simboliše zdravlje
Immer in unserer Tradition symbolisiert der Kornelkirsche Gesundheit
always in our tradition the drain symbolizes health
dren - možete da potražite na guglu
Kornelkirsche - Sie können danach bei Google suchen
dren - you can search on google
Zaboravila sam kako se to zove
ich habe vergessen|||||
Ich habe vergessen, wie das heißt
I forgot what its name was
na engleskom, ima neko...
in english, there is someone ...
dogwood ili tako nešto se zove, čudno, na engleskom
dogwood or something is called, strangely, in English
dogwood, ja mislim - dren.
I think - dogwood.|||
dogwood, i think - dren.
I drugo neko zrnevlje.
And another grain.
Svako zrno, svaki element koji se nalazi u česnici
||||||||der Hostie
|grain||element|||||the communion bread
Jedes Korn, jedes Element, das sich in der Česnica befindet
Every grain, every element found in garlic
ima svoju simboliku.
hat seine eigene Symbolik.
it has its symbolism.
U mojoj porodici, otac je uveče, na podu
In meiner Familie hat mein Vater abends auf dem Boden
In my family, my father is on the floor in the evening
kada je postavljena ta trpeza za Badnje veče
||set up||table|||
when that table was set for Christmas Eve
sto za Badnje veče,
table for Christmas Eve,
on je lomio česnicu i
||broke|Christmas bread|
he broke the garlic and
svakome davao po parče.
to everyone|gave||piece
gave everyone a slice.
Svakome u porodici.
Everyone in the family.
Svi mi koji bismo sedeli na podu na toj večeri
All of us who would be sitting on the floor that night
dobijali bismo po jedan komad
we would receive||||piece
we would get one piece at a time
i jedan komad hleba za kuću
and one piece of bread for the house
za celu kuću
|das ganze|
|the whole|
for the whole house
i jedan komad za putnika namernika.
und ein Stück für den reisenden Wanderer.
and one piece for the destination traveler.
To je neki čovek koji bi slučajno došao u našu kuću.
Das ist irgendein Mensch, der zufällig in unser Haus kommen würde.
That's the kind of man who would come to our house by accident.
To se kaže "putnik namernik".
Das sagt man "reisender Wanderer".
This is called "traveler".
Znači, neko ko dođe kod nas,
So someone who comes to us,
neki posetilac, neki gost.
some visitor, some guest.
Onda bismo mi jeli taj hleb
Then we would eat that bread
i prvo gledali, tražili šta ima u tom parčetu
|||looking for|||||piece
and they looked first, looking for what was in that piece
koje smo mi dobili,
that we got,
tražili novčić.
asked for a coin.
Naravno, uvek je bilo najinteresantnije
||||am interessantesten
||||the most interesting
Of course, it was always the most interesting
da u tom parčetu česnice dobijemo novčić.
||||bread|we get|
to get a coin in that piece of garlic.
Veruje se, onaj ko dobije novčić u česnici,
it is believed|||||||
It is believed, the one who gets the coin in the garlic,
da će cele godine
||das ganze|
||the whole|
that all year long
biti kod njega bogatstvo,
to have wealth with him,
da će on imati novca,
that he will have money,
da će biti dobro finansijski, naravno.
that it will be good financially, of course.
Imaće novca ako dobije novčić u česnici.
er wird haben||||||
He'll have money if he gets a coin in garlic.
U nekim porodicama
|in einigen|Familien
In some families
česnica se pravi za Božić.
garlic is made for Christmas.
Ona je deo Božićnog ručka, zapravo.
She's part of Christmas lunch, actually.
Ne za Badnje veče,
Not for Christmas Eve,
nego 7. januara, na Božić
than on January 7, at Christmas
A u Vojvodini, i u Sremu,
Und in der Vojvodina, und in Srem,
And in Vojvodina, and in Srem,
gde ja sada živim,
wo ich jetzt lebe,
where I live now,
česnica zapravo nije pogača,
|на самом деле||погача
ist česnica eigentlich kein Fladenbrot,
garlic is not really a cake,
nego je slatka pita, kao baklava, slična kao baklava
aber es ist ein süßer Kuchen, wie Baklava, ähnlich wie Baklava
but a sweet pie, like baklava, similar to baklava
pravi se od tankih kora
es wird aus dünnen Blättern gemacht
made of thin crust
tankog testa, od oraha i meda.
aus dünnem Teig, aus Nüssen und Honig.
thin dough, made of walnut and honey.
Kao baklava,
Like a baklava,
vrlo slična baklavi.
very similar to baklava.
I to je... za Božić... da.
And that's ... for Christmas ... yes.
Još jedan običaj, vrlo interesantan
Another custom, very interesting
za božićno veče
for Christmas Eve
za Badnje veče, pre Božića,
on Christmas Eve, before Christmas,
jeste da je tata uvek iz ovog sita
is that daddy is always out of this screen
iz ovog sita uzimao orahe
took nuts from this sieve
uzimao bi četiri oraha
he took|||
he would take four nuts
četiri oraha
four nuts
i u svaki ugao kuće bi bacio po jedan orah
|||corner|||he would throw|||walnut
and he would throw one nut at each corner of the house
tako da napravi krst
|||a cross
so he makes a cross
u svaki ugao po jedan orah
one nut per corner
četiri ugla u sobi
four corners in the room
četiri oraha, za svaki ugao po jedan orah.
four nuts, one nuts for each corner.
Ja sam nedavno pročitala
||vor kurzem|
I read it recently
da je to u stvari ponuda za pretke.
||||в действительности|предложение||
that this is in fact an offer to the ancestors.
To je neka vrsta žrtve
It's kind of a sacrifice
ili ponuda ili hrana za pretke.
or supply or food for ancestors.
Zašto toliko se govori o precima?
|||is said||ancestors
Why is there so much talk about ancestors?
Therefore ...
(o našim starima, jel, deda moga dede - to je moj predak)
(über unsere Vorfahren, ja, der Großvater meines Großvaters - das ist mein Vorfahr)
(about our old ones, right, my grandfather's grandfather - that's my ancestor)
(ancestor je predak, ancestor)
(ancestor ist Vorfahr, ancestor)
(ancestor is ancestor, ancestor)
Zato što stari Srbi i stari Sloveni
Weil die alten Serben und alten Slawen
Because old Serbs and old Slavs
imali su običaj da sahranjuju umrle
||||bury|the dead
Sie hatten die Gewohnheit, die Verstorbenen zu begraben
they used to bury the dead
ispod praga.
unter der Schwelle.
below the threshold.
To je na ulazu u kuću. Gde...
Das ist am Eingang des Hauses. Wo...
It's at the entrance to the house. Where...
Kada ulazimo u kuću, tu su vrata,
|gehen wir hinein|||||
|we enter|||||door
When we enter the house, there is a door,
i ispod vrata je prag.
and below the door is a threshold.
I običaj starih Slovena i starih Srba
||of the old|Slavs||of the old|
And the custom of the old Slavs and the old Serbs
je bio da se ispod praga sahranjuju mrtvi.
|||||||the dead
was to bury the dead below the threshold.
Zato... Oni su bili deo tradicije, bili su deo porodice
That's why ... They were part of the tradition, they were part of the family
i zato se njima takođe sprema večera,
and that is why they are also preparing dinner,
tako važna večera kao što je večera kada se
such an important dinner as dinner when
dočekuje rođenje mladog Boga ili Božića.
welcomes the birth of a young God or Christmas.
Danas mnogi Srbi odlaze ispred crkve,
|||are leaving||the church
Heute gehen viele Serben vor die Kirche,
Today, many Serbs leave in front of the church,
odlaze u centar grada,
they go|||
sie gehen ins Stadtzentrum,
going downtown,
gde se organizuje paljenje badnjaka
|||lighting|of the Yule log
wo das Anzünden des Badnjaks organisiert wird.
where the burning of the Christmas trees is organized
rekla sam: hrastovo drvo (oak tree) je badnjak
I said: oak tree is a Christmas tree
to je naše božićno drvo
it's our Christmas tree
zato što, u prošlosti smo to radili u kući
|||the past|||||the house
because, in the past, we did it in the house
Ali danas mnogi ljudi žive u stanovima, imaju...
But today many people live in apartments, have ...
drugačije se greju,
they heat differently,
nemaju takve kamine i takve peći,
they don't have fireplaces and stoves like that,
gde mogu da lože tako veliku vatru
where they can burn such a large fire
i da lože, da gore badnjak
and for the lodge to burn the Christmas tree
i pretpostavljam da zbog toga mnogi onda odlaze
|je suppose||||||
|ich nehme an||||||
|I assume||||||
und ich nehme an, dass viele deshalb gehen
and I guess that's why so many leave
i prisustvuju paljenju badnjaka
|attend|the lighting|
||der Entzündung|
und der Zeremonie der Anzündung des Weihnachtsbaums beiwohnen
and attend the burning of the Christmas tree
napolju, na otvorenom, obično ispred crkve
на улице||открытом|||
draußen, im Freien, normalerweise vor der Kirche
outside, outdoors, usually in front of the church
u centru grada, na nekom trgu.
downtown, some square.
Pa videćete, ima puno fotografija
Well you'll see, there are lots of photos
i ispred Hrama Svetog Save u Beogradu
||des Tempels||||
|in front of|the Temple||Sava||
and in front of St. Sava Temple in Belgrade
takođe se na Badnje veče organizuje
it is also organized on Christmas Eve
paljenje badnjaka.
burning the Christmas tree.
Ako ste u Beogradu, sigurno će biti interesantno
If you are in Belgrade, it will certainly be interesting
da odete i da to vidite.
to go and see it.
Što mi radimo sa badnjakom,
||||yule log
What do we do with the Christmas tree,
u mojoj porodici priča sa badnjakom nastavlja se
|||||the Yule log|continues|
In my family, the story of the Christmas tree continues
na božićno jutro.
on Christmas morning.
Na Božić je jako važno da se ustane rano ujutru.
|||||||gets up||
It is very important at Christmas to get up early in the morning.
Budimo se u 6 sati,
wir stehen|||
let's get up|||
Wake up at 6 o'clock,
što pre da se probudimo,
||||we wake up
to wake up as soon as possible,
zato što postoji jedan važan običaj,
because there is one important custom,
jedan važan ritual, koji se zove polaženik.
||ritual||||the examinee
one important ritual, called the ward.
Polaženik, polažajnik, polaznik,
Polaženik|exam taker|trainee
Trainee, trainee, trainee,
ima različite varijante imena.
has different name variants.
U svakom slučaju, ime dolazi od glagola
In any case, the name comes from a verb
polaziti ili poći
to depart||to go
starten oder gehen
to leave or to leave
ja pođem, ja polazim
|||I set off
ich gehe, ich starte
I go, I go
To znači: počinjem da idem, krećem, startujem. To je start.
|||||я иду||||
|||||I start|I start|||start
Das bedeutet: Ich beginne zu gehen, ich setze mich in Bewegung, ich starte. Das ist der Start.
This means: I'm starting to go, move, start. It's a start.
Poći, polaziti je startovati, start.
|||to start|
To go, to start is to start, to start.
Zato je polaznik
Deshalb ist es der Teilnehmer
That's why he's a student
(tako se zove: polaznik ili polaženik ili polažajnik)
(so nennt man ihn: Teilnehmer oder Lernender oder Prüfender)
(so-called: trainee or trainee or trainee)
zato što je to osoba
weil es sich um eine Person handelt
because it's a person
koja prva dođe u našu kuću na božićno jutro.
which comes first to our house on Christmas morning.
I to je čovek koji će poći,
And this is the man who will go,
započeti našu novu godinu.
start our new year.
I on će odrediti kakva će biti cela naša godina.
And he will determine what our whole year will be like.
Pa ima i u drugim tradicijama
Well there are in other traditions
mislim da je to Irska ili neka anglo-saksonska tradicija
I think it's Ireland or some Anglo-Saxon tradition
da se zove "first-foot"
to be called "first-foot"
ili "first-footer", tako nešto je ime.
or "first-footer", that's something of a name.
Znači neko ko prvi uđe u kuću
So someone who enters the house first
ko određuje kakva će biti naša godina.
who determines what our year will be like.
Polaženik je jako važna institucija.
The undergraduate is a very important institution.
Ja, kao dete i kao tinejdžer,
I, as a kid and as a teenager,
ja sam uvek bila polaženik kod moje tetke.
I was always a attendant at my aunt's.
Moja tetka živi u zgradi
My aunt lives in the building
u stambenoj zgradi
in einem Wohngebäude
in an apartment building
gde nema kamina, nema peći
wo es keinen Kamin, keinen Ofen gibt
where there is no fireplace, no stove
nema vatre, nema gde da se zapali vatra.
es gibt kein Feuer, es gibt keinen Ort, um ein Feuer zu entfachen.
there is no fire, there is nowhere to fire.
I onda, moja tetka uvek
And then, my aunt always
uključi rernu električnog šporeta
turn on|oven|electric|stove
schalte den Ofen des elektrischen Herdes ein
turn on the stove
uključi rernu (oven)
schalte ein||
schalte den Ofen ein
turn on the oven
uključi rernu električnog šporeta,
schalte den Ofen des elektrischen Herdes ein
turn on the stove,
da se dobro zagreje
to keep it warm
i onda bih ja uzela taj njen badnjak, grančice badnjaka
and then I would take that her Christmas tree, the branches of the Christmas tree
i prislonila na grejače u rerni
|a appuyé||||four
|she leaned||heaters||oven
und an die Heizungen im Ofen gelehnt
and leaned on the heaters in the oven
i tako pravila varnice.
und so Funken gemacht.
and so the rules of the spark.
Varnica (sparkle)
Funke (sparkle)
Važno je da se prave varnice
It is important that sparks are made
i onda polaženik sa tim varnicama
and then the attendant with those sparks
govori svoje želje
speak your wishes
za tu porodicu, za narednu godinu.
for that family, for the coming year.
I običaj je...
And the custom is ...
Obično se počinje rečima:
|||with words
It usually starts with the words:
"Koliko varnica, toliko parica."
|||deux sous
"How many sparks, so many pairs."
"Koliko varnica, toliko ... petica."
"How many sparks, so many ... fives."
i sad dodaje se
|now|is added|
and now it is added
šta god da neko želi
whatever anyone wants
toj porodici, šta je njima potrebno.
that family, what they need.
"Koliko varnica, toliko parica."
"How many sparks, so many pairs."
(How many sparkles, that many coins.)
|||so viele||
(How many sparkles, that many coins.)
that many money, ili tako nešto
that much money, or something
i dodaju se druge stvari
and other things are added
"Koliko varnica, toliko srećica" (that many lucks)
"How many sparks, so many luck" (that many lucks)
Polaženik je jako važan, važna osoba
The attendant is a very important, important person
On će odrediti kakva će nam biti godina
He will determine what our age will be like
i onda mi to ne prepuštamo slučaju
|||||laissons|au cas
|||||we leave to chance|
and then we do not leave it to chance
ne želimo da bude slučajno
|wir wollen|||
we don't want it to be accidental
ko će nam započeti novu godinu,
who will start the new year for us,
nego se dogovorimo.
||we agree
but agree.
To bude dogovoreno unapred
|||im Voraus
This will be agreed in advance
ko će kod koga ići.
who will go to whom.
I nas su kao decu uvek plašili:
And as children they always scared us:
"Nemoj da neko bude pre tebe!
"Don't let anyone be before you!
"Moraš rano da ustaneš, rano da se probudiš,
you must|||get up||||wake up
"You have to get up early, wake up early,
da stigneš na vreme, nemoj da kasniš."
|du kommst|||||verspätet
|you arrive|||||be late
to arrive on time, don't be late. "
I onda smo mi tako učili
And then we learned that way
da ustajemo rano
|we get up|
to get up early
da ne bismo nešto propustili
lest we miss something
da ne bi neko drugi...
lest anyone else ...
I sada u mojoj porodici,
And now in my family,
mi za Badnje veče i za Božić
us on Christmas Eve and Christmas
uvek idemo kod moje mame, ja i moj brat
we always go to my mom, me and my brother
i mi svi zajedno imamo troje dece
and we all have three children together
i sada od to troje dece
and now of those three children
tri deteta ili troje dece
three children or three children
ko se prvi probudi
|||wakes up
who wakes up first
taj će ići kod tetke da bude polaženik.
that one will go to his aunt to be the attendant.
Naravno, to je jako važno,
Of course, this is very important,
polaženik dobija specijalne počasti,
the trainee receives special honors,
tretira se kao specijalan gost,
is treated as a special guest,
i dobija poklone.
and receives gifts.
Zato je i deci važno da se probude rano
|||||||wake up|
That is why it is important for children to wake up early
i da urade taj zadatak,
and to do the task,
da obave tu ceremoniju,
to perform that ceremony,
da budu oni polaženici.
to be those attendants.
U nekim porodicama deca su polaženici
In some families, children are attendants
u svojoj kući.
in own house.
I isto bude: ko se prvi probudi, on obavlja taj zadatak.
||||||||er erledigt||
And so it is: whoever first wakes up does the task.
Na taj način i deca se uče da rano ustaju.
|||||||||get up
In this way, children are also taught to get up early.
Kasnije, za Božić
Later, for Christmas
priprema se, naravno, svečani ručak,
of course, a formal lunch is being prepared,
specijalan ručak,
special lunch,
koji je bogat, obavezno tu...
der reich ist, unbedingt hier ...
who is rich, sure to be here ...
obično bude
ist normalerweise
usually be
блюдо из кап
sauté de choux
kiseli kupus, ali rezan,
sauerkraut, but sliced,
kao prženi kiseli kupus - to je podvarak
like roasted sauerkraut - it's a decoction
Tako se zove jelo: sauerkraut
||||квашеная кап
That's the name of the dish: sauerkraut
baked sauerkraut, mislim da je na engleskom podvarak
baked sauerkraut, i think in english is a fake
to je neko tipično jelo
it's some typical dish
i obično ide sa ćuretinom
and usually goes with the turkey
ili sa piletinom.
or with chicken.
I druga su tu jela,
And there are other dishes,
slatkiši, naravno.
sweets, of course.
E, ono što je važno da u nekim porodicama
Well, what's important is that in some families
deo tog božićnog ručka je česnica.
part of that Christmas lunch is garlic.
Znači, nije na Badnje veče, nego je na BOŽIĆ (greška)
So it's not Christmas Eve, it's Christmas (mistake)
Meni se često dešavalo, kad sam bila dete,
It happened to me a lot when I was a kid,
pošto smo imali
Da wir hatten
since we had
različite običaje u mojoj kući sa mojim roditeljima
different customs in my house with my parents
i kod moje tetke i bake, gde sam odlazila,
|||||grandmother|||I was going
and with my aunt and grandmother, where I went,
onda ja na Badnje veče
then me on Christmas Eve
dobijam komad česnice u svojoj kući
I receive|piece||||
I get a piece of garlic in my house
a sutradan, pošto sam polaženik kod tetke,
|на следующий день|||||
|am nächsten Tag|||||
|the next day|||||
and the next day, since I am an attendant at my aunt's,
onda dobijem i tamo komad česnice
then i get a piece of garlic there too
pa, uglavnom,
well, mostly,
često sam dobijala taj novčić
I often got that coin
To su obično bili 5 dinara
These were usually 5 dinars
ili danas 10 dinara, verovatno 20 dinara
or today 10 dinars, probably 20 dinars
ne znam, veliki novčić se stavlja
I don't know, a big coin is being put
i to je jako velika sreća.
and it is very fortunate.
Eto, to su otprilike, ukratko,
|||approximately|in short
Well, these are about, in short,
to su svi običaji koje imamo
these are all customs we have
der wichtigste
The most important
ja sam sad stvarno najvažnije samo ispričala.
I really just said the most important thing right now.
Ja sam napisala i post na engleskom, naravno,
I also wrote a post in English, of course,
na mom blogu, gde sve to možete da pročitate
on my blog, where you can read all that
mnogo detaljnije i organizovanije.
|more detailed||more organized
much more detailed and organized.
Žao mi je što je sad bilo ovako malo nezgodno.
I'm sorry|to me||||||||uncomfortable
I'm sorry it was a little awkward now.
Nisam uspela prosto da se uključim
I just couldn't get involved
na onaj prethodan
to the previous one
link koji sam napravila, onaj prethodan ivent.
the link I made, that previous event.
Ne znam zašto mi nije...
I don't know why I didn't ...
Jednostavno mi nije dopustio da se uključim
He just didn't let me get involved
pa sam otišla onda i napravila novi.
so then i went and made a new one.
Nadam se da oni koji su tražili da su našli,
I hope those who have asked to have found,
ako ne, gledaće snimak, i to je to.
||wird schauen|Video||||
||he will watch|video||||
if not, he'll watch the recording, and that's it.
Ja sada ne vidim, ne znam da li ima nekih pitanja ovde.
I don't see now, I don't know if there are any issues here.
Verovatno da nema
Probably not
Hvala vam puno, hvala što me pratite.
Thank you very much, thank you for following me.
Značilo bi mi takođe da
es würde bedeuten||||
It would also mean to me that
pratite na Jutjubu (YouTube)
follow on YouTube (YouTube)
i da uključite zvono (turn on the bell)
||turn on|bell|turn||the|bell
and turn on the bell
I takođe na Fejsbuku sve objavljujem
|||Facebook||I publish
And I also post everything on Facebook
i na mom njusletteru (newsletter)
and on my newsletter
biće i transkript ovog videa
there will also be a transcript of this video
biće i prevod na engleski
es wird||||
there will also be a translation into English
Nadam se da će vam biti korisno
I hope you find it useful
A vi podelite sa nekim kome smatrate
||share||||you consider
And you share with someone you consider
da će takođe ovo biti korisno
that this will also be useful
Hvala vam puno! Srećan vam Božić!
Thank you very much! Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas everyone!
i vidimo se!
and see you!