(442) Tayammum - YouTube
dry ablution|YouTube
(442) Tayammum – YouTube
(442) Tayammum - YouTube
(442) Teyemmüm - YouTube
الصلاة خير من النوم
Prayer is better than sleep
الله أكبر الله أكبر
Allah is greater (x2)
لا إله إلا الله
There is no deity but Allah
اللهم رب هذه الدعوة التامة
O Allah|||invitation|complete
O Allah! Lord of this perfect call
والصلاة القائمة
and the prayer|established
and of the regular prayer which is going to be established,
آت محمدًا الوسيلة والفضيلة
grants|||and the virtue
give Muhammad the right of intercession and illustriousness,
وابعثه اللهم مقاما محمودًا الذي وعدته
and send him||a مقام|praiseworthy||you promised him
and resurrect him to the best and the praised position that You have covenanted him,
!استيقظ يا أحمد
wake up||Ahmad
Wake up, Ahmad!
حان وقت صلاة الفجر
the time of|||
It's time for Fajr prayer
يا أماه
O Mom!
لا أستطيع الصلاة
I can't pray
لماذا يا بني؟
Why is that, Son?
لأني لا أستطيع الوضوء في هذا الجو البارد
Because I can't perform Wuduu (ablution) in this cold weather
ونزلة البرد اشتدت علي يا أماه
cold snap||intensified|||
and my flu is getting worse, Mom
حسنا يا صغيري
Alright, My little child
أكمل نومك والله سيغفر لك
complete|||will forgive|
Keep sleeping and may Allah forgive you
ألم يستيقظ أحمد بعد؟
Hasn't Ahmad woken up yet?
أحمد يعاني من نزلة برد شديدة
|||cold symptoms||
Ahmad is suffering from a nasty flu
ولا يستطيع الوضوء في هذا الجو البارد
He can't perform Wuduu in this cold weather
فيزداد مرضه سوءًا
without his illness getting worse.
فتركته يكمل نومه
so I left him|continues|
So I let him continue his sleep
والله سيغفر له
and Allah may forgive him
!سبحان الله يا أم أحمد
glory be to||||
My goodness!
نعم، الله غفور رحيم
||Forgiving|merciful and compassionate
It's true that Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
ومن رحمة الله بنا أن شرع لأحمد ومن هم في حاله التيمم
|||||prescribed|for Ahmad|||||tayammum
Being Merciful, He has ordained Tayammum for Ahmad and those in the same situation as him
حتى يؤدوا الصلاة في أوقاتها
|perform|||its times
so that they establish prayers at their prescribed times
!ولكن التيمم يكون فقط عند فقد الماء
|tayammum||||lack of|
But one can only perform Tayammum when there is no water available
لا يا أم أحمد
No, that's not true, Umm Ahmad
التيمم يكون عند فقد الماء
tayammum|||lack of|
Tayammum can be performed when there is no water available,
أو تعذر استعماله
|could not|its use
or when there is a reason that prevents one from using water:
كخوف المرض مثلا
like the fear||
like when one fears of getting sick
أو قلة الماء في السفر
|the lack of|||
or if there is too little water available during travel
استمعي إلى آية الوضوء
listen to|||ablution
Listen to the verse that talks about Wuduu
:ماذا يقول المولى في آخرها
||the Lord||last
and what the Lord says at its end:
وَإِنْ كُنتُمْ مَرْضَى أَوْ عَلَى سَفَرٍ"
"And if you are ill or on a journey
أَوْ جَاءَ أَحَدٌ مِنْكُمْ مِنْ الْغَائِطِ
|||||the toilet
or one of you comes from the place of relieving himself
أَوْ لامَسْتُمْ
|you touched
or you have contacted
أَوْ لامَسْتُمْ النِّسَاءَ
|you touched|
or you have contacted women
فَلَمْ تَجِدُوا مَاءً
and find no water,
فَتَيَمَّمُوا صَعِيداً طَيِّباً
so they performed tayammum|pure earth|
then seek clean earth
"فَامْسَحُوا بِوُجُوهِكُمْ وَأَيْدِيكُمْ مِنْهُ
so wipe|your faces|and your hands|
and wipe over your faces and your hands [with it]."
فمن كان مريضا يخشى زيادة مرضه
If someone is ill and he fears worsening of his illness
أو هلاك نفسه
or death
فإنه يتيمم ولو كان جنبًا
|performs dry ablution|||in a state
then he can perform Tayammum even if he is junub (in a state of major ritual impurity)
سبحان الله
Glory be to Allah
!ما أيسر الدين وما أعظم الفقه والتعلم
|easier|religion|||jurisprudence|and learning
How easy the religion is! How great it is to learn and acquire knowledge!
!ما أيسر الدين يا زوجتي
How easy the religion is, my wife!
جزاك الله خيرا يا أبي
may الله reward you||||
May Allah reward you well, Dad!
ولكن كيف أتيمم وأين لي بالتراب؟
||perform dry ablution|||with dust
How can I perform Tayammum and where can I get earth?
:يابني، يقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
O my son||||||
O Son, the Prophet (Allah's Blessings and Peace be upon him) said:
عليه الصلاة والسلام
Allah's Blessings and peace be upon him
"جُعلت لي الأرض مسجدا وطهورًا"
was made|||mosque|and purification
"The earth has been made for me a place of prostration and a means of purification."
فتعال معي يا بني إلى هذا الصعيد الطيب
Let's go together son and [get] this pure earth
هل تعرف كيف تتيمم يا أحمد؟
|||perform dry ablution||
Do you know how to perform Tayammum, Ahmad?
في الحقيقة لا
I don't actually know
لا أعرف يا والدي كيف يكون التيمم
I don't know how Tayammum is performed, Dad
هكذا يا بني
You do it like this, Son
تضرب الأرض بكفيك هكذا
||with your hands|
You strike the earth with your palms like this
ثم تنفضهما
|shake them off
then you blow them
ثم تمسح كفيك ثم وجهك
|wipe|your palms||
After that, you wipe your hands and face
!فقط هكذا
Just like that?!
!ما أيسر ذلك
Piece of cake!
!نعم، ما أيسر ذلك
Yes, piece of cake
!وما أيسر ديننا يا بني
||our religion||
How easy our religion is, Son!