Climbing Everest: Pavlos Tsiantos at TEDxAthens 2012
Den Everest erklimmen: Pavlos Tsiantos bei TEDxAthens 2012
Escalader l'Everest : Pavlos Tsiantos à TEDxAthènes 2012
Escalando o Everest: Pavlos Tsiantos no TEDxAthens 2012
Climbing Everest: Pavlos Tsiantos at TEDxAthens 2012
Μεταγραφή: sapfo psani Επιμέλεια: Chryssa R. Takahashi
Transcrição: sapfo psani Edição: Chryssa R. Takahashi
Transcription: sapfo psani Editing: Chryssa R. Takahashi
Ένα απ'τα βασικά ερωτήματα γύρω από το πράττειν
One|of the|basic|questions|around|about|the|action
|av de||||||
Um|dos|básicos|perguntas|em torno|sobre|o|agir
Uma das principais questões em torno da ação
One of the fundamental questions around action
είναι ποια είναι τα όρια.
é quais são os limites.
is what the limits are.
Πόσο μακριά θέλει, μπορεί ή πρέπει να πάει κανείς.
How much|far|wants|can|or|must|to|go|anyone
Quão|longe|quer|pode|ou|deve|partícula verbal|ir|alguém
Quão longe alguém quer, pode ou deve ir.
How far does one want, can, or must go.
Κατά πόσο είναι διατεθειμένος να ριχτεί στη μάχη, να αντιμετωπίσει
to|how much|is|willing|to|be thrown|into|battle|to|face
até|quanto|está|disposto|a|se lançar|na|batalha|a|enfrentar
Até que ponto está disposto a se lançar na batalha, a enfrentar
To what extent is one willing to throw themselves into the battle, to face
ή από την άλλη να συμβιβαστεί με ανασταλτικούς παράγοντες
|||||komma överens|||faktorer
ou|de|a|outra|a|se comprometa|com|impeditivos|fatores
ou, por outro lado, a se comprometer com fatores limitantes
or on the other hand to compromise with inhibiting factors
όπως μπορεί να είναι η παράδοση, η εξάρτηση, ο κοινωνικός αντίκτυπος,
como pode ser a entrega, a dependência, o impacto social,
such as tradition, dependency, social impact,
η οκνηρία, ο φόβος της αποτυχίας
a preguiça, o medo do fracasso
laziness, the fear of failure
ή ακόμα και ο βασιλιάς των φόβων, ο φόβος του θανάτου.
||||||av rädsla||||
ou até mesmo o rei dos medos, o medo da morte.
or even the king of fears, the fear of death.
Ψάχτηκα λίγο έτσι για να μπορώ να στηρίξω τη δική μου υποκειμενική άποψη
I searched myself|a little|like this|in order to|to|I can|to|support|my|own|my|subjective|opinion
Jag har letat efter mig själv|||||||stötta|||||
Eu me procurei|um pouco|assim|para|(partícula verbal)|eu posso|(partícula verbal)|sustentar|a|própria|minha|subjetiva|opinião
Eu pesquisei um pouco assim para poder sustentar a minha própria opinião subjetiva
I searched a bit like this to be able to support my own subjective opinion
και είδα ότι όπως ήταν αναμενόμενο
and|I saw|that|as|it was|expected
e vi que, como era de se esperar
and I saw that as expected
με το θέμα είχαν ασχοληθεί και οι αρχαίοι Έλληνες σοφοί
com|o|tema|tinham|se ocupado|e|os|antigos|gregos|sábios
os antigos sábios gregos também se ocuparam do assunto
The ancient Greek philosophers also dealt with the subject.
και φαντάζομαι μετά από αρκετά συμπόσια
and|I imagine|after|from|quite a few|symposia
e imagino que, após vários simpósios
And I imagine that after several symposiums,
κατέληξαν ότι τελικά δεν υπάρχουν όρια.
concluded|that|finally|not|there are|limits
kom fram till|||||
chegaram à conclusão de que, afinal, não existem limites.
they concluded that in the end, there are no limits.
Αρκεί, να τηρήσει κανείς τρείς βασικές συμβουλές:
It is enough|to|follow|one|three|basic|pieces of advice
Basta que alguém siga três conselhos básicos:
It is enough for one to follow three basic pieces of advice:
να πράττει δίκαια, να πράττει με επίγνωση και να πράττει αμετανόητα.
a|age|justamente|a|age|com|consciência|e|a|age|sem arrependimento
agir com justiça, agir com consciência e agir sem arrependimento.
to act justly, to act with awareness, and to act unapologetically.
Σήμερα είμαι εδώ για να σας διηγηθώ μια προσωπική ιστορία.
Today|I am|here|to|(particle for infinitive)|you (plural/formal)|tell|a|personal|story
Hoje|estou|aqui|para|(partícula verbal)|a vocês|contar|uma|pessoal|história
Hoje estou aqui para contar uma história pessoal.
Today I am here to tell you a personal story.
Κάτι που εγώ έπραξα σε μια φάση της ζωής μου
Algo que eu fiz em uma fase da minha vida
Something that I did at a stage of my life
και μάλλον πήγα λίγο πιο πέρα
and|probably|I went|a little|further|beyond
e|provavelmente|eu fui|um pouco|mais|longe
e que provavelmente fui um pouco além.
and I probably went a little further.
από ό,τι ένας συνηθισμένος σώφρων άνθρωπος θα πήγαινε.
de||um|comum|sensato|homem|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|iria
do que uma pessoa comum e sensata iria.
than a normal sensible person would go.
Ίσως πήγα μια ανάσα κυριολεκτικά
Maybe|I took|a|breath|literally
Talvez|eu fui|uma|respiração|literalmente
Talvez eu tenha ido uma respiração literalmente
Maybe I took a breath literally
πριν από αυτό το οποίο θα μπορούσαμε να ονομάσουμε όριο.
before|from|this|the|which|would|we could|to|name|limit
antes|de|isso|o|qual|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|poderíamos|(partícula de infinitivo)|nomear|limite
antes do que poderíamos chamar de limite.
before what we could call the limit.
Η ιστορία μου διαδραματίστηκε στο Μάουντ Έβερεστ,
The|story|my|took place|at|Mount|Everest
Minha história aconteceu no Monte Everest,
My story took place on Mount Everest,
το οποίο εκτός από ένα βουνό από μια μάζα από βράχια και πάγο
que além de ser uma montanha de uma massa de rochas e gelo
which is not only a mountain of a mass of rocks and ice
είναι και ένα βουνό των ιδεών.
it is|and|a|mountain|of|ideas
é também uma montanha de ideias.
but also a mountain of ideas.
Είναι και για πολλούς ένα σύμβολο της απόλυτης πρόκλησης.
It is|and|for|many|a|symbol|of the|absolute|challenge
É também, para muitos, um símbolo do desafio absoluto.
For many, it is a symbol of ultimate challenge.
Πριν από κάποια χρόνια μια ομάδα Ελλήνων ορειβατών
Before|from|some|years|a|group|of Greeks|climbers
Antes|de|alguns|anos|uma|equipe|de gregos|alpinistas
Há alguns anos, um grupo de alpinistas gregos
A few years ago, a group of Greek climbers
αποφάσισε λοιπόν να δοκιμάσει να ανέβει στην κορυφή του Έβερεστ.
decided|therefore|to|try|to|climb|to the|summit|of|Everest
decidiu, portanto, tentar escalar o pico do Everest.
He decided to try to climb to the top of Everest.
Ήμουνα και εγώ μέλος της ομάδας, και αν τα καταφέρναμε,
I was|and|I|member|of the|team|and|if|it|we succeeded
Eu era|e|eu|membro|da|equipe|e|se|os|conseguíssemos
Eu também era membro do grupo, e se conseguíssemos,
I was also a member of the team, and if we succeeded,
αυτό θα γινόταν πρώτη φορά από μια ελληνική αποστολή.
isso|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|aconteceria|primeira|vez|de|uma|grega|missão
isso aconteceria pela primeira vez por uma missão grega.
this would be the first time by a Greek expedition.
Σήμερα το Έβερεστ σε μια πολυάσχολη μέρα
Hoje o Everest em um dia movimentado
Today Everest on a busy day.
φαίνεται κάπως έτσι, η κορυφή του Έβερεστ.
looks|somewhat|like this|the|peak|of|Everest
parece|de alguma forma|assim|a|topo|do|Everest
parece algo assim, o pico do Everest.
it looks something like this, the top of Everest.
Όπως βλέπετε υπάρχουν πια πολλοί ορειβάτες
As|you see|there are|now|many|climbers
Como|vocês veem|há|já|muitos|alpinistas
Como você pode ver, agora há muitos alpinistas
As you can see, there are now many climbers
ανάμεσα από ιδιώτες και ταξιδιωτικά γραφεία περιπέτειας
entre|de|particulares|e|de viagem|agências|de aventura
entre indivíduos e agências de viagens de aventura.
among private individuals and adventure travel agencies
τα οποία ανεβάζουν πια πελάτες με όχι απαραίτητα μεγάλη εμπειρία,
||de lyfter upp|||||nödvändigtvis||
que agora levam clientes com não necessariamente muita experiência,
which now take clients up with not necessarily a lot of experience,
εμείς ως μέλη μιας εθνικής αποστολής
we|as|members|of a|national|mission
nós|como|membros|de uma|nacional|missão
nós como membros de uma missão nacional
we as members of a national mission
νιώθαμε ότι πηγαίναμε λίγο περισσότερο να διεκπεραιώσουμε μια υποχρέωση,
we felt|that|we were going|a little|more|to|complete|one|obligation
sentíamos|que|íamos|um pouco|mais|a|cumpríssemos|uma|obrigação
sentíamos que estávamos indo um pouco mais para cumprir uma obrigação,
felt that we were going a little more to fulfill an obligation,
όντας μια από τις τελευταίες χώρες της Ευρώπης
sendo um dos últimos países da Europa
being one of the last countries in Europe
που δεν είχαν κάνει ακόμα ανάβαση.
que ainda não haviam feito a ascensão.
that had not yet made the ascent.
Για εμένα προσωπικά όμως αυτή η αποστολή παρουσίαζε μια ιδιαίτερη πρόκληση.
Para mim pessoalmente, no entanto, esta missão apresentava um desafio especial.
For me personally, however, this mission presented a particular challenge.
Θα μου έδινε την ευκαιρία
will|to me|give|the|opportunity
(verbo auxiliar futuro)|me|daria|a|oportunidade
Ela me daria a oportunidade
It would give me the opportunity
να μπορέσω να συνδυάσω
to|be able to|to|combine
de poder combinar
to be able to combine
τις δυο αγαπημένες μου επαγγελματικές ασχολίες,
as duas profissões que mais amo,
my two favorite professional activities,
την ορειβασία και την κινηματογράφηση.
a escalada e a filmagem.
mountaineering and filming.
Το θέμα ήταν ότι στην Ελλάδα δεν είχε ξαναγίνει κάτι τέτοιο
The|issue|was|that|in|Greece|not|had|happened again|something|like this
O|tema|era|que|na|Grécia|não|tinha|acontecido novamente|algo|assim
O tema era que na Grécia nunca tinha acontecido algo assim.
The point was that something like this had never happened in Greece before.
και έπρεπε να ξεκινήσω από το μηδέν.
and|I had to|to|start|from|the|zero
e|precisava|partícula verbal|começasse|de|o|zero
E eu tinha que começar do zero.
and I had to start from scratch.
Φτάνοντας λοιπόν στο Έβερεστ,
Chegando, portanto, ao Everest,
So, upon reaching Everest,
ανακάλυψα ότι διπλά από τη δικιά μας κατασκήνωση
I discovered|that|double|from|the|our|us|campsite
descobri|que|duas vezes|de|a|nossa|nossa|acampamento
descobri que ao lado do nosso acampamento
I discovered that some Americans had camped right next to our campsite.
είχαν κατασκηνώσει κάποιοι Αμερικανοί
alguns americanos tinham acampado.
They were the role models for me from a long time ago.
οι οποίοι αποτελούσαν τα πρότυπα από παλιά για έμενα.
the|who|were|the|role models|from|long ago|for|me
que eram os modelos de antigamente para mim.
I had seen foreign filmmakers from a young age.
Έβλεπα από παλιά κινηματογραφιστές ξένους
I used to see|from|long ago|filmmakers|foreign
Eu via|de|há muito tempo|cineastas|estrangeiros
Eu via cineastas estrangeiros desde cedo,
I had been watching foreign filmmakers for a long time.
όπως ο Βρετανός Τζορτζ Λόου,
como o britânico George Lowe,
like the British George Lowe,
ο Αμερικανός Ντέιβιντ Μπρεσήαρς, ο Αυστριακός Ρόμπερτ Σάουερ,
o americano David Breashears, o austríaco Robert Sauer,
the American David Breashears, the Austrian Robert Sauer,
άνθρωποι που είχαν κάνει ταινίες στο Έβερεστ
pessoas que tinham feito filmes no Everest.
people who had made films on Everest
και εγώ είχα αποφασίσει να πάω στα χνάρια τους.
and|I|had|decided|to|go|in the|footsteps|their
e eu tinha decidido seguir seus passos.
and I had decided to follow in their footsteps.
Όμως δεν είχαμε καμιά προηγούμενη εμπειρία
But|not|we had|any|previous|experience
Mas não tínhamos nenhuma experiência anterior
However, we had no prior experience.
και ήταν κάπως αβέβαιο το πρότζεκτ
e|estava|um pouco|incerto|o|projeto
e o projeto era um pouco incerto
And the project was somewhat uncertain.
Φτάνοντας λοιπόν εκεί στην κατασκήνωση
Arriving|then|there|at the|campsite
Ao chegar lá no acampamento
So, upon arriving there at the campsite,
είδα ότι δίπλα μας είχαν κατασκηνώσει
I saw|that|next to|us|they had|camped
vi|que|ao lado|nós|tinham|acampado
vi que ao nosso lado tinham acampado
I saw that next to us they had set up camp.
ακριβώς τα πρότυπα μου, οι ήρωες μου,
exactly|my|role models|my|the|heroes|my
exatamente os meus padrões, os meus heróis,
exactly my standards, my heroes,
ο Ντέιβιντ Μπρεσήαρς με τον Ρόμπερτ Σάουερ
David Brésairs com Robert Sauer
David Brayshars with Robert Sauer
με ένα αμερικανικό κινηματογραφικό team,
com uma equipe de cinema americana,
with an American film team,
μια μεγάλη παραγωγή.
uma grande produção.
a big production.
Και έτσι άνοιξα τα μάτια μου και τα αυτιά μου
And|so|I opened|the|eyes|my|and|the|ears|my
E assim abri meus olhos e meus ouvidos
And so I opened my eyes and my ears.
και άρχισα να κατασκοπεύω τους έμπειρους Αμερικανούς.
and|I started|to|spy on|the|experienced|Americans
e|eu comecei|a|espionar|os|experientes|americanos
e comecei a espionar os experientes americanos.
And I began to spy on the experienced Americans.
Αυτό που είδα στη συνέχεια με άφησε σύξυλο
This|that|I saw|in|next|me|left|speechless
detta|||i (den)||||förbluffad
O que vi a seguir me deixou perplexo.
What I saw next left me speechless.
γιατί ένα team 10 με 15 άνθρωποι υποστήριζαν τον Ντέιβιντ,
porque uma equipe de 10 a 15 pessoas apoiava o David,
Because a team of 10 to 15 people were supporting David,
ένας από το team κράταγε το τρίποδο,
one|from|the|team|was holding|the|tripod
um da equipe segurava o tripé,
one from the team was holding the tripod,
άλλος κράταγε το φακό,
another|was holding|the|flashlight
outro segurava a lanterna,
another was holding the flashlight,
άλλος τη μπομπίνα με το φιλμ,
outro com a bobina do filme,
another the reel with the film,
και ο Ρόμπερτ, ο ασσίσταντ, ερχόταν συναρμολογούσε όλο αυτό το υλικό
and|the|Robert|the|assistant|was coming|was assembling|all|this|the|material
e o Robert, o assistente, vinha montando todo esse material
and Robert, the assistant, was coming to assemble all this equipment.
και ο Ντέιβιντ έβγαινε απ'τη σκηνή τράβαγε το πλάνο του
and|the|David|was coming out|from the|stage|was pulling|the|shot|his
e o David saía do set e filmava sua cena
and David was coming out of the tent, pulling his shot.
και ξανά αποσυρόταν στη σκηνή του.
and|again|withdrew|in the|tent|his
e|novamente|se retirava|na|tenda|dele
e novamente se retirava para seu set.
and then he would retreat back into his tent.
Καμία σχέση δηλαδή με το δικό μας το team.
No|relation|that is|with|the|own|our|the|team
Nenhuma|relação|ou seja|com|o|nosso|nosso|o|time
Nada a ver, ou seja, com a nossa equipe.
So, no comparison to our team.
Εδώ έχετε την ευκαιρία να θαυμάσετε το δικό μας συνεργείο. (Γέλια)
Here|you have|the|opportunity|to|admire|the|own|our|crew|Laughter
Aqui você tem a oportunidade de admirar nossa equipe. (Risos)
Here you have the opportunity to admire our crew. (Laughter)
Αν δεν φορούσα το σκούφο θα μπορούσατε να δείτε τις τζίβες μου
If|not|were wearing|the|hat|would|you could|to|see|the|curls|my
||hade på mig||||||||öron|
Se|não|usasse|o|gorro|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|poderiam|(partícula de infinitivo)|ver|as|orelhas|minhas
Se eu não estivesse usando o gorro, vocês poderiam ver meus cabelos
If I weren't wearing the hat, you could see my hair standing up.
να έχουνε σηκωθεί
estarem arrepiados
They have been raised.
γιατί τότε συνειδητοποίησα τι τρέλα πάω να κάνω.
because|then|I realized|what|madness|I am about|to|do
för varför|då|förstod||galenskap|||
porque|então|percebi|o que|loucura|estou|a|fazer
porque foi então que percebi a loucura que estou prestes a fazer.
Because then I realized what madness I was about to do.
Κατάλαβα για πρώτη φορά την ειδοποιό διαφορά
I understood|for|first|time|the|significant|difference
Entendi pela primeira vez a diferença significativa
I understood for the first time the significant difference.
μεταξύ μιας ορειβατικής αποστολής η οποία έχει στόχο την κινηματογράφηση
entre|uma|de montanha|expedição|que|tem|objetivo|de|a|filmagem
entre uma expedição de montanhismo que tem como objetivo a filmagem
between a mountaineering expedition that aims to film
και ανάμεσα σε μία άλλη η οποία άπλα έχει στόχο την ανάβαση
e entre outra que simplesmente tem como objetivo a subida
and another one that simply aims to climb
και κάποιο ξεροκέφαλο μέλος της αποφάσισε να κάνει και ταινία.
and|some|stubborn|member|of it|decided|to|make|and|movie
e algum membro teimoso decidiu fazer um filme.
and some stubborn member decided to make a movie.
Παρ' όλα αυτά, με καλή προετοιμασία, με σκληρή δουλειά
apesar de|tudo|isso|com|boa|preparação|com|dura|trabalho
No entanto, com boa preparação, com trabalho duro
Nevertheless, with good preparation, with hard work
καταφέραμε να φτάσουμε στη μέρα της κορυφής.
we managed|to|arrive|on|day|of|peak
vi lyckades||||||toppen
conseguimos chegar ao dia do cume.
We managed to reach the day of the summit.
Η μέρα κορυφής ξεκινάει αργά το βράδυ, στις 9 η ώρα
A|dia|de cúpula|começa|tarde|a|noite|às|a|hora
O dia do cume começa tarde da noite, às 9 horas.
The summit day starts late in the evening, at 9 o'clock.
στο νότιο διάθετο, στα 8.000 μέτρα
till det|sydlig|läge||
Na face sul, a 8.000 metros.
in the southern exposure, at 8,000 meters.
όπου οι ορειβάτες ξεπροβάλλουν μέσα στην κρύα νύχτα,
|||dyker upp||||
Onde os alpinistas surgem na fria noite,
where climbers emerge into the cold night,
ετοιμαζόμενοι για την τελευταία προσπάθεια.
förbereder sig||||
preparando-se para a última tentativa.
preparing for the final attempt.
Η ανάβαση ξεκινάει το βράδυ στις 9 η ώρα
A subida começa à noite, às 9 horas.
The ascent starts at 9 o'clock in the evening
και συνεχίζεται σε όλη τη διάρκεια της νύχτας.
e continua durante toda a noite.
and continues throughout the night.
Αυτό γίνεται για λογούς ασφαλείας
This|is done|for|reasons|security
Isso|acontece|por|razões|de segurança
Isso é feito por razões de segurança
This is done for safety reasons.
για να μπορούν οι ορειβάτες να ανεβούν
para|(partícula verbal)|possam|os|alpinistas|(partícula verbal)|subir
para que os alpinistas possam subir
so that climbers can ascend
νωρίς το πρωί στην κορυφή
early|the|morning|at the|top
cedo pela manhã ao cume
early in the morning to the summit
και να έχουν όλη την επόμενη ήμερα για την κατάβαση,
e|partícula verbal|tenham|todo|a|próxima|dia|para|a|descida
e ter todo o dia seguinte para a descida,
and have the entire next day for the descent,
η οποία είναι επίπονη και πολύ χρονοβόρα.
que é dolorosa e muito demorada.
which is strenuous and very time-consuming.
Και συνήθως τα πιο πολλά ατυχήματα γίνονται στη διάρκεια της κατάβασης.
E geralmente a maioria dos acidentes acontece durante a descida.
And usually most accidents happen during the descent.
Η νότια κόψη, όπου ανεβαίναμε εμείς, είναι ασφαλισμένη με ένα σταθερό σκοινί
The|southern|ridge|where|we were climbing|we|is|secured|with|a|fixed|rope
||kant||vi steg||||||stabilt|
A aresta sul, onde estávamos subindo, está equipada com uma corda fixa
The south face, where we were climbing, is secured with a fixed rope.
το οποίο τοποθετούν οι προηγούμενες, κάποιες προωθημένες ομάδες,
que é colocada por equipes anteriores, algumas avançadas,
This is placed by previous, some advanced teams,
και οι ορειβάτες μπαίνουν με ένα μηχανισμό αναβατήρα
e os alpinistas entram com um mecanismo de elevador.
and the climbers enter with a lift mechanism.
και έτσι αποτελούν μια μεγάλη ουρά.
e assim formam uma grande fila.
and thus they form a long queue.
Φανταστείτε τώρα ότι είσαστε μέλος μιας μη κινηματογραφικής αποστολής
Imagine|now|that|you are|member|of a|non|cinematic|mission
Imagine|agora|que|você é|membro|de uma|não|cinematográfica|missão
Agora imagine que você é membro de uma missão não cinematográfica
Now imagine that you are a member of a non-film mission
και για να τραβήξετε ένα πλάνο θα πρέπει να βγείτε από τη γραμμή αυτή.
and|to|(particle for subjunctive)|you shoot|a|shot|will|must|(particle for subjunctive)|you exit|from|the|line|this
e|para|partícula verbal|tirar|uma|foto|partícula futura|deve|partícula verbal|sair|da|a|linha|esta
e para capturar uma cena você precisa sair dessa fila.
and to take a shot you have to step out of this line.
Είναι πρακτικά αδύνατο να προσπεράσει κάνεις κάποιον άλλον.
It is|practically|impossible|to|overtake|anyone|someone|else
É praticamente impossível ultrapassar alguém.
It is practically impossible for anyone to overtake someone else.
Πρέπει να βγείτε από τη γραμμή για να πάρετε μια θέση
You must|(subjunctive particle)|exit|from|the|line|in order to|(subjunctive particle)|you take|a|seat
Deve|partícula verbal|sair|da|a|fila|para|partícula verbal|pegar|uma|assento
Você precisa sair da fila para conseguir um lugar.
You need to step out of line to get a spot.
για να έχετε μια οπτική γωνιά σωστή.
to|(subjunctive particle)|have|a|visual|perspective|correct
para|partícula verbal|ter|uma|visual|perspectiva|correta
para que você tenha um ângulo de visão correto.
To have a proper viewpoint.
Θα πρέπει να ασφαλιστείτε αυτόνομα.
will|must|to|insure yourselves|independently
(verbo auxiliar futuro)|deve|partícula de subjuntivo|se assegurar|autonomamente
Você deve se segurar de forma autônoma.
You should secure yourself independently.
Θα πρέπει να κατεβάσετε σακίδια με τις φιάλες οξυγόνου
(verbo auxiliar futuro)|deve|(partícula verbal)|baixar|mochilas|com|as|garrafas|de oxigênio
Você deve baixar mochilas com os cilindros de oxigênio.
You should lower backpacks with oxygen tanks.
οπού μπλέκει λίγο η σωλήνα της μάσκας
where|connects|slightly|the|tube|of the|mask
onde|se mistura|um pouco|a|mangueira|da|máscara
onde a mangueira da máscara se mistura um pouco.
where the mask's tube gets a bit tangled
μαζί με τα σκοινάκια από τα πουπουλένια γάντια,
together|with|the|little strings|from|the|feather|gloves
junto|com|os|cordões|de|as|de penas|luvas
junto com as cordas das luvas de penas,
together with the strings from the feather gloves,
τα οποία τα είχα δέσει γιατί αν μου έφευγε κάποιο γάντι κατά λάθος
the|which|the|I had|tied|because|if|to me|were to leave|some|glove|by|mistake
os|quais|os|eu tinha|amarrado|porque|se|me|escapasse|algum|luva|por|engano
que eu tinha amarrado porque se eu perdesse alguma luva por acidente
which I had tied because if I accidentally lost a glove
κινδύνευα να χάσω τα δάχτυλα από κρυοπαγήματα.
I was in danger|to|lose|the|fingers|from|frostbite
eu corria o risco|de|perder|os|dedos|por|congelamentos
eu corria o risco de perder os dedos por congelamento.
I risked losing my fingers to frostbite.
Όλο αυτό, ένα μάτσο.
Tudo isso, um monte.
All of this, a bunch.
Και ο φακός, όταν τον βγάζεις από το σακίδιο
And|the|flashlight|when|it|you take out|from|the|backpack
E a lanterna, quando você a tira da mochila
And the lens, when you take it out of the backpack
θολώνει λόγω της διαφοράς θερμοκρασίας.
it becomes cloudy|due to|the|difference|temperature
embaça devido à diferença de temperatura.
blurs due to the temperature difference.
Στο τέλος όλη αυτή η διαδικασία απαιτεί μεγάλα διαστήματα ξεκούρασης
At|the end|all|this|the|process|requires|long|periods|of rest
No|final|toda|esta|a|processo|exige|longos|períodos|de descanso
No final, todo esse processo requer longos períodos de descanso.
In the end, this whole process requires long periods of rest.
για να ηρεμήσει η αναπνοή, να έρθει στα κανονικά επίπεδα.
to|(subjunctive particle)|calm|the|breathing|(subjunctive particle)|come|to the|normal|levels
para|partícula verbal|se acalme|a|respiração|partícula verbal|venha|aos|normais|níveis
Para que a respiração se acalme e volte aos níveis normais.
to calm the breath, to return to normal levels.
Και στο τέλος να μπορώ να τραβήξω ένα πλάνο,
And|at|end|to|I can|to|take|a|shot
E no final, eu possa tirar uma foto,
And in the end, to be able to take a shot,
χωρίς να τρέμουν τα χεριά, αξιοπρεπές.
without|(subjunctive particle)|tremble|the|hands|dignified
sem|partícula verbal|tremem|os|mãos|digno
sem que as mãos tremam, de forma digna.
without my hands shaking, decently.
Όλη αυτή η διαδικασία λίγο-πολύ κρατάει περίπου 20 λεπτά.
Toda|essa|a|processo|||leva|cerca de|minutos
Todo esse processo leva mais ou menos 20 minutos.
This whole process takes about 20 minutes.
Έτσι όταν ξαναέμπαινα στη γραμμή
So|when|I re-entered|in the|line
||åter gick in||
Assim|quando|eu entrava de novo|na|linha
Assim, quando voltei para a fila
So when I re-entered the line
η δική μου ομάδα είχε εξαφανιστεί.
minha equipe havia desaparecido.
my team had disappeared.
Δεν την ξαναείδα την υπόλοιπη ήμερα.
I did not|her|saw again|her|rest of|day
Não a vi pelo resto do dia.
I didn't see them for the rest of the day.
Οπότε αρκέστηκα στο να τραβάω τους ξένους ορειβάτες.
So|I settled|on|to|attract|the|foreign|climbers
Então|me contentei|em|partícula verbal|puxar|os|estrangeiros|montanhistas
Então me contentei em puxar os alpinistas estrangeiros.
So I settled for pulling in the foreign climbers.
Έτσι κι αλλιώς δεν είχε μεγάλη σημασία
de qualquer forma|e|de outra forma|não|tinha|grande|importância
De qualquer forma, não fazia muita diferença.
Anyway, it didn't matter much.
γιατί είναι όλοι κρυμμένοι μέσα στις μάσκες τους.
why|are|everyone|hidden|inside|in the|masks|their
por que|estão|todos|escondidos|dentro|nas|máscaras|deles
porque todos estão escondidos atrás de suas máscaras.
Because they are all hidden behind their masks.
Ενδεικτικά εδώ είναι ένα καρέ από μία από τις πρώτες λήψεις
Aqui está um quadro de uma das primeiras filmagens.
For example, here is a frame from one of the first shots.
όπου είχα φροντίσει να είμαι στην κορυφή της ουράς
where|I had|taken care|to|I am|at the|top|of the|queue
onde|eu tinha|me preocupado|a|estou|na|frente|da|fila
onde eu me certifiquei de estar no topo da fila.
Where I made sure to be at the front of the line.
και όπως βλέπετε από κάτω υπάρχουν οι φακοί
and|as|you see|from|below|there are|the|lenses
e|como|vocês veem|de|baixo|há|os|óculos
E como você pode ver, lá embaixo estão as lanternas.
And as you can see below, there are the lenses.
που ξεπροβάλλουν σιγά σιγά από την κατασκήνωση.
que estão surgindo lentamente do acampamento.
That are slowly emerging from the campsite.
Αντίθετα, αυτό είναι από τα πλάνα μετά από αρκετές ώρες
On the contrary|this|is|from|the|plans|after|from|several|hours
Pelo contrário|isso|é|de|os|planos|depois|de|várias|horas
Pelo contrário, este é um dos planos depois de várias horas.
On the contrary, this is from the footage after several hours.
πλέον στο χάραμα.
Agora ao amanhecer.
Now at dawn.
Όπως βλέπετε, πίσω μου υπάρχουνε μόνο τρεις ορειβάτες
As|you see|behind|me|there are|only|three|climbers
Como|vocês veem|atrás|de mim|há|apenas|três|alpinistas
Como vocês podem ver, atrás de mim só há três alpinistas.
As you can see, there are only three climbers behind me.
και όταν τελειώσω τη λήψη
and|when|I finish|the|recording
e|quando|eu terminar|a|download
E quando eu terminar a gravação,
And when I finish the shot,
θα έχουν φύγει και αυτοί και θα έχω μείνει εντελώς μόνος μου.
will|have|left|and|they||will|I have|remained|completely|alone|me
(verbo auxiliar futuro)|terão|partido|e|eles||(verbo auxiliar futuro)|terei|permanecido|completamente|sozinho|(pronome possessivo)
eles também terão ido embora e eu estarei completamente sozinho.
they will have left too, and I will be completely alone.
Όταν λοιπόν έμεινα μόνος και δεν είχα πια θέμα να τραβήξω,
When|then|I remained|alone|and|not|I had|anymore|subject|to|draw
Quando então fiquei sozinho e não tinha mais assunto para puxar,
So when I was left alone and had no more subject to shoot,
σκέφτηκα ότι θα ήταν καλό να ξεκινήσω
I thought|that|would|be|good|to|start
pensei|que|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|seria|bom|(partícula subjuntiva)|começasse
pensei que seria bom começar
I thought it would be good to start
μήπως προλάβω τα δικά μας μέλη στην κορυφή.
maybe|I catch up with|the|our|us|members|at the|top
talvez|consiga alcançar|os|nossos|nossos|membros|na|topo
talvez eu conseguisse alcançar nossos membros no topo.
maybe I could catch our members at the top.
Έτσι επιτάχυνα και πάνω σε αυτή την έξαψη
Thus|I accelerated|and|on|in|this|the|excitement
Assim, acelerei e nessa empolgação
So I accelerated and in this excitement
και στην προσήλωση στον στόχο μου
and|in the|dedication|to the|goal|my
e na concentração no meu objetivo
and in my focus on my goal
δεν έδινα σημασία σε κάποια δείγματα χειροτέρευσης της υγείας μου
not|I was giving|attention|to|some|signs|deterioration|of|health|my
eu não prestava atenção a alguns sinais de piora da minha saúde
I didn't pay attention to some signs of deterioration in my health.
που σιγά σιγά άρχισαν να παρουσιάζονται.
que|devagar|devagar|começaram|a|se apresentar
que começaram a aparecer aos poucos.
that gradually began to appear.
Αυτό που συνέβαινε είναι ότι από την υπερπροσπάθεια
This|that|was happening|is|that|from|the|overexertion
O que estava acontecendo é que, devido ao esforço excessivo,
What was happening was that from the overexertion
άρχισε να ξεραίνεται ο λαιμός μου και κάθε φορά που κατάπινα
started|to|dry out|the|throat|my|and|every|time|that|I swallowed
minha garganta começou a secar e toda vez que eu engolia
my throat started to dry out and every time I swallowed.
ο λάρυγγας μου κόλλαγε και δεν άνοιγε εύκολα και πνιγόμουν.
the|larynx|my|would stick|and|not|would open|easily|and|I was choking
den|strupen||||||||jag höll på att kvävas
o|laringe|meu|grudava|e|não|abria|facilmente|e|me afogava
minha laringe grudava e não abria facilmente, e eu me engasgava.
my throat was sticking and it wouldn't open easily and I was choking.
Στις 7 η ώρα το πρωί,
Às 7 horas da manhã,
At 7 o'clock in the morning,
ο Γιώργος Βουτυρόπουλος ως πρώτος από την ομάδα μας
o Jorge Voutyropoulos, como o primeiro da nossa equipe,
George Voutyropoulos as the first from our team
στεκόταν στην κορυφή
stood|at the|top
estava no topo
was standing at the top.
και τον ακολούθησαν ένας ένας τα υπόλοιπα μέλη.
e os outros membros o seguiram um a um.
and the remaining members followed him one by one.
Εγώ τους συνάντησα πλέον στην κατάβαση.
I|them|met|now|on the|descent
Eu os encontrei já na descida.
I met them on the descent.
Δεν τους είχα προλάβει.
I did not|them|had|caught up
Eu não os tinha alcançado.
I hadn't caught up with them.
Αλλά με διαβεβαίωσαν ότι ο Μίνγκμα Σέρπα, ένας δικός μας Σέρπα
Mas me garantiram que o Mingma Sherpa, um dos nossos Sherpas
But they assured me that Mingma Sherpa, one of our Sherpas
του οποίου του είχα δώσει εγώ μια δεύτερη κάμερα
of|whose|to him|I had|given|I|one|second|camera
do|qual|lhe|eu tinha|dado|eu|uma|segunda|câmera
a quem eu tinha dado uma segunda câmera
of which I had given him a second camera
είχε καταφέρει και είχε προλάβει να βγάλει κάποια πλάνα από την κορυφή
had|managed|and|had|managed to|to|take|some|shots|from|the|summit
conseguiu filmar algumas imagens do cume
he had managed to capture some shots from the summit
όποτε είδα ότι η ταινία μας ακόμα έχει ελπίδα.
whenever|I saw|that|the|movie|our|still|has|hope
sempre que|vi|que|a|filme|nosso|ainda|tem|esperança
então vi que nosso filme ainda tinha esperança.
so I saw that our film still has hope.
Όταν έφτασα και εγώ αργότερα στην κορυφή με περίμενε εκεί ο Μίνγκμα.
When|I arrived|and|I|later|at the|summit|me|was waiting|there|the|Mingma
Quando|cheguei|e|eu|mais tarde|na|topo|me|esperava|lá|o|Mingma
Quando eu cheguei mais tarde ao topo, Mingma me esperava lá.
When I arrived later at the summit, Mingma was waiting for me there.
Και θα σας παίξω τώρα το απόσπασμα από την ταινία,
E|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|(pronome pessoal de objeto)|tocarei|agora|o|trecho|de|a|filme
E agora vou tocar para vocês o trecho do filme,
And I will now play you the excerpt from the movie,
που είναι ενδεικτικό για το τι έγινε στη συνέχεια.
que|é|indicativo|sobre|o|o que|aconteceu|na|sequência
que é indicativo do que aconteceu a seguir.
which is indicative of what happened next.
Είναι μια παραβολή του δικού μου βιώματος
It is|a|parable|of|my|own|experience
É uma parábola da minha própria experiência
It is a parable of my own experience
με μια συζήτηση που γινόταν εκείνη την ώρα
with|a|conversation|that|was happening|that|the|time
com uma conversa que estava acontecendo naquele momento.
with a conversation that was happening at that time.
μεταξύ του Καμπ 3 και της κατασκήνωσης βάσης,
entre o Campo 3 e o acampamento base,
between Camp 3 and the base camp,
μεταξύ του Σπύρου Σούλη και του Πιτ Άθανς,
entre o Spiros Souli e o Pit Athans,
between Spyros Souli and Pit Athans,
που ήταν μέλη της ομάδας μας, οι οποίοι άρχισαν να ανησυχούν.
who|were|members|of the|team|our|they|who|started|to|worry
que|estavam|membros|da|equipe|nossa|os|que|começaram|a|se preocupar
que eram membros da nossa equipe, que começaram a se preocupar.
who were members of our team, who began to worry.
(Βίντεο): Ο Παύλος ο κάμεραμαν μας, φτάνει τώρα στην κορυφή του Έβερεστ.
|The|Paul|the|cameraman|our|arrives|now|at the|summit|of|Everest
(Vídeo): O Paulo, nosso cameraman, agora chega ao topo do Everest.
(Video): Our cameraman Paul is now reaching the summit of Everest.
Τον βιντεοσκοπώ τώρα εγώ. Ο ίδιος δεν μπορεί να μιλήσει...
Him|I am recording|now|I|He|same|not|can|to|speak
Ele|estou gravando|agora|eu|Ele|mesmo|não|pode|a|falar
Estou filmando ele agora. Ele mesmo não pode falar...
I am recording him now. He himself cannot speak...
στον ασύρματο γιατί έχει πρόβλημα με τη φωνή του.
on the|radio|because|he has|problem|with|his|voice|
no|rádio|porque|ele tem|problema|com|a|voz|dele
no rádio porque ele tem um problema com a voz.
on the radio because he has a problem with his voice.
Τώρα εγώ με τον Παύλο, είμαστε μόνοι στην κορυφή.
Now|I|with|the|Paul|are|alone|at the|top
Agora eu e o Paulo estamos sozinhos no topo.
Now I am with Pavlos, we are alone at the top.
Θα παραμείνουμε για πέντε λεπτά ακόμα και μετά θα αρχίσουμε...
We will|stay|for|five|minutes|more|and|then|we will|start
(verbo auxiliar futuro)|permaneceremos|por|cinco|minutos|ainda|e|depois|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|começaremos
Vamos ficar mais cinco minutos e depois começaremos...
We will stay for five more minutes and then we will start...
να κατεβαίνουμε στην Κατασκήνωση 4.
to|descend|to the|Camp
|gå ner||
(verbo auxiliar)|nós descemos|para a|Acampamento
a descer para o Acampamento 4.
to descend to Camp 4.
Από όλους τους ορειβάτες που ανέβηκαν στην κορυφή
From|all|the|climbers|who|ascended|to the|summit
De todos os alpinistas que subiram ao topo
Of all the climbers who reached the summit
στις 16 εκείνου του Μάη
no dia 16 daquele Maio
on the 16th of that May,
εγώ και ο Μίνγκμα είχαμε μείνει σχεδόν τελευταίοι.
I|and|the|Mingma|we had|stayed|almost|last
eu e o Mingma tínhamos ficado quase os últimos.
Mingma and I were almost the last.
Είχα αρχίσει να μην αισθάνομαι καλά. Η φωνή μου είχε χαθεί εδώ και ώρες,
I had|started|to|not|feel|well|The|voice|my|had|disappeared|here|and|hours
Eu tinha|começado|a|não|me sentia|bem|A|voz|minha|tinha|desaparecido|aqui|e|horas
Eu tinha começado a não me sentir bem. Minha voz havia desaparecido há horas,
I had started to not feel well. My voice had been gone for hours,
όμως τώρα ο λαιμός μου ξεράθηκε τελείως.
|||||har torkat|
mas agora minha garganta estava completamente seca.
but now my throat was completely dry.
Κάποια στιγμή ο Μίνγκμα με προσπέρασε και συνέχισε να κατεβαίνει
at some|moment|the|Mingma|me|overtook|and|continued|to|descend
Em algum momento, o Mingma me ultrapassou e continuou descendo.
At one point, Mingma passed me and continued to descend.
Από όλη την ομάδα μου, είχα μείνει πια μόνος
From|all|the|team|my|I had|remained|now|alone
De|toda|a|equipe|minha|eu tinha|permanecido|já|sozinho
De todo o meu grupo, eu havia ficado sozinho.
From my entire team, I was now left alone.
και η κατάσταση μου χειροτέρευε
E a minha situação estava piorando.
And my condition was getting worse.
Κάθε φορά που ξεροκατάπινα ο λάρυγγας μου έκλεινε και πνιγόμουν.
Every|time|that|I swallowed dry|the|larynx|my|would close|and|I would choke
Cada|vez|que|engolia em seco|o|laringe|meu|fechava|e|eu me afogava
Toda vez que engolia em seco, minha garganta se fechava e eu me afogava.
Every time I swallowed hard, my throat would close up and I would choke.
(Βίντο): Κατασκήνωση Βάσης. Συνομιλία με κατασκήνωση 2,
|Acampamento|de Base|Conversa|com|acampamento
(Vídeo): Acampamento Base. Conversa com o acampamento 2,
(Vinto): Base Camp. Conversation with camp 2,
μια ώρα αργότερα.
uma|hora|mais tarde
uma hora depois.
one hour later.
Πότε είχαμε τελευταία νέα για τον Παύλο;
When|did we have|last|news|about|the|Paul
Quando tivemos as últimas notícias sobre o Paulo?
When did we last hear news about Pavlos?
Ο Παύλος έφτασε στην κορυφή πριν από περίπου μία, μιάμιση ώρα.
The|Paul|arrived|at the|peak|before|about|approximately|one|one and a half|hour
|||||||||en och en halv|
O|Paulo|chegou|na|topo|antes|de|cerca|uma|uma hora e meia|hora
O Paulo chegou ao cume há cerca de uma, uma hora e meia.
Pavlos reached the summit about one, one and a half hours ago.
Δεν μπόρεσα να του μιλήσω γιατί είχε μείνει χωρίς φωνή
I did not|could|to|to him|speak|because|he had|remained|without|voice
Não|consegui|a partícula verbal|a ele|falar|porque|tinha|ficado|sem|voz
Não consegui falar com ele porque ele ficou sem voz.
I couldn't talk to him because he had lost his voice.
Τώρα έχουν αρχίσει να κατεβαίνουν
Now|they have|begun|to|descend
Agora eles começaram a descer
Now they have started to come down.
Νομίζω ότι έχει τραβήξει τα πλάνα του εκεί πάνω...
I think|that|has|shot|the|scenes|his|up there|above
Eu acho|que|ele/ela tem|filmado|os|planos|dele|lá|em cima
Acho que ele filmou suas cenas lá em cima...
I think he has taken his shots up there...
και γενικά φαίνεται πως είναι απορροφημένος από την κινηματογράφηση.
and|generally|it seems|that|is|absorbed|by|the|filming
e, de modo geral, parece que está absorvido pela filmagem.
and in general it seems that he is absorbed in the filming.
Όταν σου τελειώνει το νερό στο βουνό προσπαθείς να φας χιόνι,
When|your|runs out|the|water|in the|mountain|you try|to|eat|snow
Quando|te|acaba|o|água|na|montanha|você tenta|a|comer|neve
Quando a água acaba na montanha, você tenta comer neve,
When you run out of water in the mountains, you try to eat snow,
αλλά αυτό δε βοηθάει.
mas isso não ajuda.
but that doesn't help.
Ήξερα πως δεν έπρεπε να με πιάσει πανικός, όμως η ώρα πέρναγε
I knew|that|not|should|to|me|catch|panic|but|the|time|was passing
Eu sabia|que|não|deveria|a|me|pegasse|pânico|mas|a|hora|passava
Eu sabia que não deveria entrar em pânico, mas o tempo passava.
I knew I shouldn't panic, but time was passing
και ένιωθα όλο και πιο έντονα πως το χάνω.
and|I felt|more|and|more|intensely|that|it|I am losing
e|sentia|cada vez|e|mais|intensamente|que|o|perco
E eu sentia cada vez mais intensamente que estava perdendo.
and I felt more and more intensely that I was losing it.
(Βίντεο): Θέλω να ελπίζω ότι τα παιδιά απλώς κατεβαίνουν με αργό ρυθμό...
|I want|to|hope|that|the|children|just|go down|with|slow|pace
(Vídeo): Quero acreditar que as crianças estão apenas descendo devagar...
(Video): I want to hope that the kids are just coming down slowly...
και ο Παύλος βιντεοσκοπεί πολύ και γι' αυτό το λόγο...
and|the|Paul|videotapes|a lot|and|for|this|the|reason
e|o|Paulo|grava em vídeo|muito|e|por|isso|o|motivo
e que o Paulo está filmando muito e por isso...
and Paul is filming a lot and that's why...
υπάρχει αυτή η καθυστέρηση.
there is|this|the|delay
existe esse atraso.
there is this delay.
Έλα Παύλος ακούει, Παύλος ακούει,
Vem, Paulo, ouvindo, Paulo ouvindo,
Come on Paul, can you hear, Paul can hear,
Πιτ, μείνε εκεί. Ακόμα προσπαθώ να επικοινωνήσω.
Pit|stay|there|Still|I am trying|to|communicate
Pit|fique|lá|Ainda|estou tentando|a|me comunicar
Pit, fique aí. Ainda estou tentando me comunicar.
Pit, stay there. I'm still trying to communicate.
Πες του να κάνει διπλό κλικ στον ασύρματο, αν είναι εντάξει και κατεβαίνει.
Tell|him|to|do|double|click|on the|wireless|if|is|okay|and|downloads
Diga|a ele|a|faça|duplo|clique|no|sem fio|se|está|ok|e|desce
Diga a ele para clicar duas vezes no sem fio, se estiver tudo bem e descendo.
Tell him to double click on the wireless, if it's okay and it's going down.
Παύλο, Παύλο.
Paulo, Paulo.
Pavlos, Pavlos.
Όταν πνίγεσαι, πρώτα τα γόνατα είναι που παραλύουν.
When|you drown|first|the|knees|are|that|paralyze
|du kvävs|först|||||paralyseras
Quando|você se afoga|primeiro|os|joelhos|são|que|paralisam
Quando você está se afogando, primeiro os joelhos é que paralisam.
When you're drowning, it's the knees that first go numb.
(Βίντεο): Πιτ εδώ Ντέιβ, από το Ντισκάβερι Τσάνελ
(Vídeo): Pit aqui Dave, do Discovery Channel
(Video): Pit here Dave, from the Discovery Channel
Ο Άντριου μου είπε ότι τον είδανε να πέφτει....
The|Andrew|to me|said|that|him|they saw|to|fall
O Andrew me disse que o viram cair....
Andrew told me that they saw him fall....
στο βράχινο σκαλοπάτι κάτω από τη Νότια κορυφή
on the|rocky|step|below|from|the|South|peak
na prateleira rochosa abaixo do Pico Sul
on the rocky step below the South summit
Βρέθηκα λοιπόν εκεί, μακριά από όλους τους δικούς μου
I found myself|therefore|there|far|from|all|the|relatives|my
Eu encontrei|então|lá|longe|de|todos|os|familiares|meus
Então eu estava lá, longe de todos os meus
So I found myself there, far away from all my loved ones
πεσμένος στα γόνατα, και να περιμένω την επόμενη ανάσα.
caído de joelhos, esperando a próxima respiração.
fallen to my knees, and waiting for the next breath.
H επόμενη ανάσα που, είναι ένα μεγάλο δώρο
A próxima respiração que, é um grande presente
The next breath which is a great gift
που μας έρχεται τόσο απλόχερα, κάθε δευτερόλεπτο
that|to us|comes|so|generously|every|second
que nos chega tão generosamente, a cada segundo
that comes to us so generously, every second
και που πολλές φορές, το θεωρούμε τόσο αυτονόητο,
and|that|many|times|it|we consider|so|self-evident
e que muitas vezes, consideramos tão óbvio,
and which many times, we take for granted,
ώστε να το υποτιμούμε κιόλας.
so|to|it|underestimate|as well
para|(partícula verbal)|o|subestimamos|também
que acabamos até subestimando.
so that we underestimate it as well.
Eκείνη την ώρα, σκέφτηκα ότι
That|the|hour|I thought|that
Naquele momento, pensei que
At that moment, I thought that
ίσως η μοίρα μου δεν μου έδινε την επόμενη
maybe|the|fate|my|not|to me|was giving|the|next
talvez o meu destino não me desse o próximo
perhaps my fate was not giving me the next
και είχα πιστέψει ότι μάλλον ήρθε το τέλος.
and|I had|believed|that|probably|had come|the|end
e|eu tinha|acreditado|que|provavelmente|veio|o|fim
e eu tinha acreditado que provavelmente tinha chegado ao fim.
and I had believed that the end had probably come.
Έπεσα, όλα γύρω μου σκοτείνιασαν. Έπεσα και σωριάστηκα στον πάγο
I fell|everything|around|me|darkened|I fell|and|I collapsed|on the|ice
Eu caí|tudo|ao redor|de mim|escureceram|Eu caí|e|me derrubei|no|gelo
Eu caí, tudo ao meu redor escureceu. Eu caí e desmoronei no gelo
I fell, everything around me darkened. I fell and collapsed on the ice.
και μέσα σε μια τρομερή αγωνία για τη ζωή μου
e em uma terrível angústia pela minha vida
And in a terrible anxiety for my life,
θυμάμαι ότι είχα γραπωθεί από κάποιου τα πόδια
I remember|that|I had|been grabbed|by|someone|the|legs
lembro|que|eu tinha|agarrado|por|alguém|os|pés
lembro que eu tinha me agarrado aos pés de alguém
I remember that I had grabbed onto someone's legs,
και περίμενα να έρθει το τέλος.
and|I waited|to|come|the|end
e|eu esperava|partícula subjuntiva|chegasse|o|fim
e eu esperei que chegasse o fim.
and I was waiting for the end to come.
Όμως για κάποιο μαγικό λόγο,
Mas por algum motivo mágico,
But for some magical reason,
κατάφερα τελικά να πάρω μια ανάσα και ξαναεπέστρεψα στη ζωή.
I managed|finally|to|take|a|breath|and|I returned again|to the|life
consegui finalmente respirar e voltei à vida.
I finally managed to take a breath and returned to life.
Με σηκώσανε και αυτό που έγινε στη συνέχεια,
Eles me levantaram e o que aconteceu a seguir,
They lifted me up and what happened next,
είχε πολύ πλάκα τελικά. (Γέλια)
foi muito engraçado, afinal. (Risos)
was actually very funny. (Laughter)
Γιατί κατάφερα μέσα σε αυτή την τραγική ειρωνεία,
Why|I managed|within|in|this|the|tragic|irony
Por que|consegui|dentro|em|esta|a|trágica|ironia
Porque eu consegui, dentro dessa trágica ironia,
Because I literally managed to fall into this tragic irony,
να πέσω κυριολεκτικά πάνω στο team του Discovery Channel, (Γέλια)
to|fall|literally|on|to the|team|of|Discovery|Channel|(Laughter)
(verbo auxiliar)|eu cair|literalmente|em cima|na|equipe|do|Discovery|Channel|(Risos)
cair literalmente em cima da equipe do Discovery Channel, (Risos)
right onto the team of the Discovery Channel, (Laughter)
στα γυρίσματα τους και όπως ξέρετε οι σκηνοθέτες,
at|shootings|their|and|as|you know|the|directors
nas|filmagens|deles|e|como|vocês sabem|os|diretores
nas gravações deles e como vocês sabem, os diretores,
during their filming and as you know, the directors,
οι κάμεραμεν είναι αιμοβόροι και μόλις συμβαίνει κάτι
the|cameramen|are|bloodthirsty|and|as soon as|happens|something
os|cameramen|são|sanguinários|e|assim que|acontece|algo
os cameramen são sedentos de sangue e assim que algo
the cameramen are bloodthirsty and as soon as something happens
poy κάποιος πονάει, αμέσως, εκεί αυτό είναι το θέμα μας. (Γέλια)
acontece que alguém está sofrendo, imediatamente, ali está o nosso assunto. (Risos)
When someone is in pain, immediately, that's our issue. (Laughter)
Έτσι όταν σηκώθηκα, βρέθηκα αντιμέτωπος με μια κάμερα
So|when|I got up|I found myself|face to face|with|a|camera
||jag reste mig|||||
Então|quando|eu me levantei|eu me encontrei|frente a frente|com|uma|câmera
Assim, quando me levantei, me deparei com uma câmera.
So when I got up, I found myself facing a camera.
και... έγινα διάσημος. (Γέλια)
and|I became|famous|Laughter
e|me tornei|famoso|Risadas
E... me tornei famoso. (Risos)
And... I became famous. (Laughter)
Το πλάνο που θα σας δείξω τώρα έχει κάνει το γύρω του κόσμου.
O|plano|que|(verbo auxiliar futuro)|(pronome pessoal)|mostrarei|agora|tem|feito|o|giro|do|mundo
A cena que vou mostrar agora deu a volta ao mundo.
The plan that I will show you now has gone around the world.
O Άντριου Λόκ, ο αρχηγός του Discovery Channel,
Andrew Lock, o chefe do Discovery Channel,
Andrew Lock, the head of the Discovery Channel,
να με υποστηρίζει και εγώ να μην έχω φωνή να του πω
para me apoiar e eu não ter voz para lhe dizer
to support me and I have no voice to tell him
ότι είμαι αυτός ο κακόμοιρος ο συνάδελφος,
that|I am|this|the|poor|the|colleague
que sou este pobre colega,
that I am this poor colleague,
που του έπιανε τα πόδια προηγουμένως,
where|to him|was holding|the|feet|previously
que lhe segurava os pés anteriormente,
that had previously caught his feet,
και ότι αν του περίσσευε και καμία γουλιά μπορεί και να επιζούσα.
and|that|if|to him|was left over|and|no|sip|might|and|to|survive
e que se lhe sobrasse um gole talvez eu conseguisse sobreviver.
and that if he had any extra sip left, I might survive.
Τελικά κατεβαίνοντας από το Έβερεστ κανένας δεν έχει περίσσια γουλιά,
Finally|descending|from|the|Everest|no one|not|has|surplus|sip
||||||||överskott av|
No final, descendo do Everest, ninguém tem um gole sobrando,
In the end, coming down from Everest, no one has any extra sip,
οπότε εφόσον δεν καταλάβαιναν και τι έχω, με αφήσανε να φύγω.
so|since|not|understood|and|what|I have|me|they let|to|leave
então|uma vez que|não|entendiam|e|o que|tenho|me|deixaram|a|partir
então, uma vez que não entendiam o que eu tinha, me deixaram ir.
so since they didn't understand what I had, they let me go.
Κατέβαινα για άλλη μια περίπου ώρα και είχα μια τρομερή αγωνιά
I was descending|for|another|one|approximately|hour|and|I had|a|terrible|anxiety
jag gick ner||||||||||ångest
Eu descia|por|outra|uma|cerca de|hora|e|eu tinha|uma|terrível|ansiedade
Desci por mais uma hora e estava com uma angústia terrível.
I was descending for about another hour and I had a terrible anxiety.
γιατί κάθε φορά, πραγματικά η κατάποση ήταν μια κυριολεκτική μάχη για τη ζωή.
porque a cada vez, realmente a deglutição era uma luta literal pela vida.
Because every time, swallowing was truly a literal fight for survival.
Όταν αναπολούσα τις στιγμές αργότερα συνειδητοποίησα ότι
When|I reminisced|the|moments|later|I realized|that
Quando|eu lembrava|as|momentos|mais tarde|eu percebi|que
Quando eu relembrava os momentos mais tarde, percebi que
When I recalled those moments later, I realized that
μόνο μπροστά στον κίνδυνο και όχι στο φόβο του θανάτου,
only|in front of|to the|danger|and|not|in the|fear|of the|death
somente diante do perigo e não do medo da morte,
only in the face of danger and not in the fear of death,
ξέχασα για λίγο την κινηματογράφηση
I forgot|for|a little|the|filming
esqueci|por|um pouco|a|filmagem
esqueci por um momento a filmagem
I forgot about the filming for a moment.
και πιστεύω ότι συνήθως φοβόμαστε πράγματα τα οποία δεν κάνουμε
and|I believe|that|usually|we fear|things|the|which|not|we do
e|acredito|que|geralmente|temos medo de|coisas|os|quais|não|fazemos
e acredito que geralmente temos medo de coisas que não fazemos
And I believe that we usually fear things that we do not do.
παρά όταν αναλαμβάνουμε δράση.
except|when|we take|action
||vi tar på oss|
do que quando tomamos ação.
Rather than when we take action.
Εφτά μήνες πριν περίπου, κατά τη διάρκεια της προετοιμασίας
Cerca de sete meses atrás, durante a preparação
About seven months ago, during the preparation.
σε ένα άλλο βουνό των Ιμαλαΐων, στο Τσο Ογιού,
em outra montanha do Himalaia, no Cho Oyu,
on another mountain of the Himalayas, at Cho Oyu,
ήμουνα δίπλα στον Χρήστο Μπαρούχα, τον σύντροφο μου,
I was|next to|to the|Christos|Barouha|my|partner|my
eu estava|ao lado|de|Christo|Barouha|o|parceiro|meu
Eu estava ao lado de Christos Barouhas, meu companheiro,
I was next to Christos Barouhas, my companion,
όταν για εκείνον η επόμενη αναπνοή δεν ήρθε. Έτσι απλά.
quando para ele a próxima respiração não veio. Assim, simplesmente.
when for him the next breath did not come. Just like that.
Αυτό που ανέπνεε ακόμα ήταν ένα μήνυμα που είχε προλάβει να αφήσει
O que ainda respirava era uma mensagem que ele conseguiu deixar
What was still breathing was a message he had managed to leave.
Η μέρα που η πρώτη ελληνική αποστολή
O dia em que a primeira missão grega
The day when the first Greek mission
θα σταθεί στην κορυφή του κόσμου,
will|stand|on the|top|of the|world
(verbo auxiliar futuro)|estará|na|topo|do|mundo
estará no topo do mundo,
will stand at the top of the world,
μπορεί να μην ήρθε αλλά σίγουρα δεν θα αργήσει.
may|(subjunctive particle)|not|came|but|surely|not|will|be late
pode|partícula verbal|não|chegou|mas|certamente|não|partícula futura|se atrasará
pode não ter chegado, mas com certeza não vai demorar.
may not have come yet, but it certainly won't be long.
Η πραγματοποίηση αυτού του ονείρου όμως
The|realization|of this|the|dream|however
A realização desse sonho, no entanto,
The realization of this dream, however,
προϋποθέτει την ύπαρξη οράματος, δέσμευσης, καλής οργάνωσης
exige a existência de uma visão, compromisso, boa organização
it requires the existence of a vision, commitment, good organization
και σκληρής προσπάθειας.
e muito esforço.
and hard work.
Μετά από αυτή την εμπειρία που είχα,
After|from|this|the|experience|that|I had
Depois dessa experiência que tive,
After this experience I had,
ήξερα ότι και ο Χρήστος δεν είχε λόγο να φοβηθεί.
I knew|that|and|the|Christos|not|had|reason|to|be afraid
eu sabia|que|e|o|Christos|não|tinha|motivo|a|temer
Eu sabia que o Christos também não tinha motivo para ter medo.
I knew that Christos had no reason to be afraid.
Όταν βρισκόμασταν στην κορυφή με τη φωτογραφία του Χρήστου,
When|we were|at the|top|with|the|photograph|of|Christos
Quando estávamos no topo com a foto do Christos,
When we were at the top with Christos's photo,
όταν παραλαμβάναμε το βραβείο στο φεστιβάλ Θεσσαλονίκης,
when|we received|the|award|at|festival|of Thessaloniki
|tog emot|||||Thessaloniki
quando|recebíamos|o|prêmio|no|festival|de Thessaloniki
quando recebíamos o prêmio no festival de Thessaloniki,
when we received the award at the Thessaloniki festival,
ή όταν αρχίσαμε να δεχόμαστε μηνύματα από νέα παιδιά,
or|when|we started|to|receive|messages|from|new|children
ou quando começamos a receber mensagens de jovens,
or when we started receiving messages from young people,
όπως αυτής της μικρής μαθήτριας.
like|of this|the|little|student
como a daquela pequena aluna.
like from this little student.
Δίνετε ελπίδα σε όσους έχουν στόχους
You give|hope|to|those who|have|goals
Dão|esperança|a|aqueles que|têm|objetivos
Vocês dão esperança àqueles que têm objetivos
You give hope to those who have goals
και έχουν χάσει τις ελπίδες τους!
and|they have|lost|their|hopes|
e que perderam suas esperanças!
and have lost their hopes!
Ήταν ότι καλύτερο μπορούσαμε να δούμε και ειδικά σε αυτή την ηλικία
It was|that|best|we could|to|see|and|especially|at|this|the|age
Foi|o que|melhor|podíamos|a|ver|e|especialmente|nesta|esta|a|idade
Foi a melhor coisa que pudemos ver, especialmente nesta idade
It was the best we could see, especially at this age
και μετά από αυτό το ντοκιμαντέρ
e depois deste documentário
and after this documentary
αρχίζει να αλλάζει πολύ η ιδέα για τη ζωή μου.
begins|to|change|a lot|the|idea|about|my|life|me
começa a mudar muito a ideia sobre a minha vida.
the idea about my life is starting to change a lot.
Ήξερα πως δεν είχα να μετανιώσω για τίποτα
I knew|that|not|I had|to|regret|for|nothing
Eu sabia|que|não|tinha|a|me arrepender|por|nada
Eu sabia que não tinha nada a lamentar.
I knew that I had nothing to regret.
γιατί είχα πράξει αυτό που αγαπάω να πράττω.
because|I had|done|that|which|I love|to|act
för att||gjort|||||
porque|eu tinha|agido|isso|que|amo|a|agir
Porque eu havia feito o que amo fazer.
because I had done what I love to do.
Ένας δημοσιογράφος γράφοντας για την προσπάθεια μας και για την ταινία,
Um jornalista, escrevendo sobre nosso esforço e sobre o filme,
A journalist writing about our effort and the movie,
έδωσε στο άρθρο του τον τίτλο:
he gave|to the|article|his|the|title
deu ao seu artigo o título:
he gave his article the title:
«Σημασία έχει να (κάνεις αυτό που) αγαπάς».
Importance|has|to|do|this|that|you love
importância|tem|(verbo auxiliar)|fazer|isso|que)|amas
«O importante é (fazer o que) você ama».
"What matters is to (do what) you love."
Και γκριζάροντας τις μεσαίες λέξεις,
And|graying out|the|middle|words
E cinzentando as palavras intermediárias,
And by graying out the middle words,
έκανε ακόμα πιο συγκεκριμένο το ουσιαστικό νόημα.
tornou o significado substantivo ainda mais específico.
he made the substantive meaning even more specific.
Σημασία έχει να αγαπάς.
O importante é amar.
What matters is to love.
Ευχαριστώ πολύ, καλό σας βράδυ.
Thank you|very|good|your|evening
Muito obrigado, boa noite.
Thank you very much, good evening.
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