Kenapa Kekaisaran Ottoman Runtuh | Bagian 1 dari Trilogi Sejarah Turki
Warum das Osmanische Reich zusammenbrach Teil 1 der Trilogie zur türkischen Geschichte
Why the Ottoman Empire Collapsed | Part 1 of the Turkish Historical Trilogy
Por qué se derrumbó el Imperio Otomano Parte 1 de la Trilogía de la Historia de Turquía
Pourquoi l'empire ottoman s'est effondré Partie 1 de la trilogie de l'histoire turque
オスマン帝国はなぜ崩壊したのか トルコ史三部作の第一部
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Neden Yıkıldı Türk Tarihi Üçlemesinin 1. Bölümü
(♪ suara alarm ♪)
|alarm sound
(♪ alarms sound ♪)
Peristiwa yang anda saksikan sekarang
The event you are seeing now
terjadi setiap tanggal 10 November
takes place every November 10th
tepat pada pukul 9:05 pagi.
at exactly 9:05 am.
Pada waktu tersebut,
During this time,
masyarakat Turki berhenti
Turkish people stop
untuk mengenang kematian Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
|to commemorate||Mustafa Kemal|Kemal|Atatürk
and commemorate Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
Yang berarti "Bapak Bangsa Turki"
meaning "Father of the Turks"
merupakan julukan yang disematkan masyarakat Turki
|nickname||bestowed upon|society|
is the name bestowed by the people of Turkey
pada Mustafa Kemal akan jasanya
|Mustafa Kemal|Mustafa Kemal||his service
on Mustafa Kemal for his efforts
dalam mendirikan republik tersebut.
in establishing the Republic of Turkey.
(♪ suara piano ♪)
(♪ a piano plays ♪ )
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
juga dikenal akan hal-hal lain.
was also known for other deeds.
Bagi sebagian orang,
For some,
dia dianggap paling bertanggung jawab
he was most responsible
akan runtuhnya Kesultanan Ottoman.
for the Ottoman Empire's collapse.
Bahkan, seorang diktator yang kejam.
For others, a ruthless dictator.
Lalu, siapakah sebenarnya Mustafa Kemal Atatürk?
So who exactly is Mustafa Kemal Atatürk?
Dan apakah perannya
||its role
And what was his role
dalam mentransformasikan Kekaisaran Ottoman
|transforming|the Empire|Ottoman Empire
in transforming the Ottoman Empire
menjadi Republik Turki?
into the Republic of Turkey?
(♪ suara orang berpidato)
(News announcer: In those days it was known as Constantinople,)
Dalam puncak kekuasaannya,
|peak|its power
At its peak,
wilayah Kekaisaran Ottoman
region|Empire|Ottoman Empire
the Ottoman Empire encompassed
terbentang dari tiga benua.
spanning across|||continents
territory across three continents.
Yakni Eropa, Asia dan Afrika Utara.
Namely Europe, Asia and North Africa.
Disokong dengan angkatan bersenjata yang kuat,
Supported|||armed forces||
Supported by a strong military,
Kekaisaran Ottoman menguasai jalur perdagangan
Empire||controlled|trade route|trade
the Ottoman Empire controlled trade routes
dari Tiongkok dan India hingga Eropa.
from China and India to Europe.
Meski kaum non-muslim
|||Muslim community
Although non-Muslims
dianggap sebagai masyarakat kelas dua,
were considered second-class citizens,
kehidupan sosial di Kekaisaran Ottoman
|||Empire|Ottoman Empire
social life in the Ottoman Empire
relatif sangat stabil dibandingkan dengan Eropa.
relatively||very stable|compared to||
was relatively stable compared to Europe.
seperti peradaban besar lainnya,
like any great civilization,
Kekaisaran Ottoman mulai mengalami penurunan,
Empire|||experiencing decline|decline
the Ottoman Empire began to decline,
khususnya dalam tiga hal.
especially in|||
particularly in three key areas.
At the time,
banyak kerajaan Eropa yang bergantung pada
|kingdoms|||depended on|
many European empires depended
jalur perdagangan yang melewati
on the trade routes that passed through
wilayah Kekaisaran Ottoman.
Ottoman Empire territory.
Namun seiring berjalannya waktu,
|along|the passage of|
But over time,
kerajaan-kerajaan Eropa tersebut
these European powers
hendak mengurangi ketergantungan ini.
want to||dependency|
wanted to reduce this dependence.
As a result
As a result,
tidak ada lagi pilihan bagi mereka
they had no choice
selain mengembangkan teknologi-teknologi baru
but to develop new technologies
serta mencari rute perdagangan alternatif.
as well as||route|trade|alternative
and seek alternative trade routes.
As a result,
teknologi kompas, cross-staff dan perkapalan pun
|compass technology|cross-staff|staff||navigation|
improvements to the compass, cross-staff and ships
lebih digencar dikembangkan di dunia Barat
were intensively developed in the West
dibandingkan di Kekaisaran Ottoman.
compared to the Ottoman Empire.
Kekaisaran Ottoman mulai kehilangan signifikansinya
|||losing|its significance
the Ottoman Empire began to lose its significance
ketika bangsa-bangsa dapat mendagang langsung
when nations bypassed it by trading
melalui Samudra Hindia.
|the Ocean|
directly through the Indian Ocean.
Penemuan benua Amerika pun
Contact with the American continent
semakin menguatkan expansi bangsa-bangsa Eropa.
also strengthened European expansion.
Ketika Kekaisaran Ottoman
When the Ottoman Empire
ingin turut menguasai Samudra Hindia dan Atlantik,
|also|dominate|the oceans|||Atlantic Ocean
wanted to take control of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans,
upaya tersebut digagalkan
effort||was thwarted
the attempt was thwarted
oleh angkatan laut Eropa yang jauh lebih maju,
by Europe's more advanced naval fleets
seperti Portugal dan Spanyol.
such as Portugal's and Spain's.
Secara sosial,
Revolusi Perancis yang terjadi tahun 1789
the aftermath of the French Revolution in 1789
menyebarluaskan paham liberalisme, demokrasi,
spread ideologies of liberalism, democracy,
dan nasionalisme Kerajaan Ottoman.
and nationalism in the Ottoman Empire.
As a result
As a result,
pemberontakan yang menghendaki kemerdekaan,
revolts demanding independence
menjadi semakin marak
became increasingly rampant
di provinsi Balkan Ottoman.
||Balkan Province|
in the Ottoman Empire's Balkan provinces.
Sepanjang abad ke-19,
Throughout the 19th century,
berbagai pemberontakan dan tindakan makar
|rebellions||actions|treasonous acts
various revolts and acts of treason
terjadi di Bosnia, Albania, Makedonia
took place in Bosnia, Albania, Macedonia
dan khususnya, di Yunani.
and importantly, in Greece.
Bahkan Mesir,
Even Egypt,
yang saat itu termasuk negara bawahan Ottoman
|||||vassal state|
which was an Ottoman vassal at the time,
mencoba untuk memberontak.
tried to rebel.
Dalam bidang politik pun,
In the political sphere too,
Ottoman tertinggal dari bangsa Eropa lain
the Ottoman Empire lagged behind other European nations
dalam hal sentralisasi kekuasaan.
in terms of centralization of power.
Dengan demikian,
otoritas Sultan menjadi semakin tergerus.
the Sultan's authority began eroding.
Kekaisaran Ottoman tidak tinggal diam.
The Ottoman Empire did not stay silent.
Semenjak akhir abad ke-18,
At the end of the 18th century,
berbagai operasi reformasi diberlangsungkan.
efforts to reform were carried out.
Khususnya dalam modernisasi militer.
Especially in modernizing the military
Tak jarang Sultan Ottoman mengundang
|not infrequently|||invited
At times, the Sultan would invite
penasihat militer asing
foreign military advisors
untuk melatih militer Ottoman.
to train the Ottoman military.
Di saat yang sama,
At the same time,
Sultan juga sering mengirim
the Sultan would also send
perwira-perwira terbaiknya
officers|officers|its best
his best officers
untuk menimba ilmu di kedua negara tersebut.
|gain knowledge|knowledge||||
to study in foreign countries.
hal ini justru menyebarluaskan filsafat-filsafat Barat,
this further spread Western ideologies
khususnya di tubuh militer Ottoman.
especially in the Ottoman military.
Sebagian dari mereka kemudian membentuk
within the Ottoman Empire's military.
organisasi bawah tanah bernama
Some of these people later formed
Komite Untuk Persatuan dan Progres.
an underground organization called
Namun, kemudian dikenal sebagai
the Committee of Union and Progress.
Turki Muda.
Though it was better known as
Dari organisasi Turki Muda inilah,
the Young Turks.
nasionalisme bangsa Turki mulai bertumbuh.
With the Young Turks,
Pada tahun 1908,
Turkish nationalism began to grow.
kelompok Turki Muda melakukan revolusi
In 1908,
dan mengubah Kekaisaran Ottoman
the Young Turks carried out a revolution
menjadi monarki konstitusional.
and turned the Ottoman Empire
into a constitutional monarchy.
kemajuan yang diimpikan Turki Muda
masih jauh dari kenyataan.
the goals envisioned by the Young Turks
Di bawah pimpinan tiga jenderal, yakni:
||leadership of|||namely
were far from being realized.
Djemal Talaat Enver Pasha Pasha Pasha
Under the leadership of three generals:
Otoritarianisme dari militer
Djemal Talaat Enver Pasha Pasha Pasha
justru semakin merebak.
instead||spreading widely
Authoritarianism from the military
Selain itu,
In addition|
became even more prevalent.
proses turkifikasi di Kekaisaran
|Turkification process||Empire
In addition,
yang semulanya multikultural,
Turkification of the Empire increased
semaking meningkat.
within the multicultural region.
Terinspirasi dari Jerman, ketiga perwira tersebut
Inspired by Germany, the three officers
memimpikan kejayaan bangsa Turki.
dreaming of|the success||
Inspired by Germany, the three generals
Namun di tahun 1914,
dream of glory for the Turkish nation.
mereka melakukan suatu kesalahan
But in 1914,
yang sangat fatal.
they made a very fatal mistake.
Tanpa pengetahuan sebagian besar kabinet,
Without the knowledge of most cabinets,
Enver Pasha melibatkan Kekaisaran Ottoman
Unknown to most of the cabinet,
di Perang Dunia I sebagai sekutu dari Jerman.
Enver Pasha involved the Ottoman Empire
Hal ini dilakukan untuk mencari sekutu
in World War I as an ally of Germany.
dalam melawan Rusia,
This was all to find allies against Russia
serta mengembalikan kejayaan bangsa Turki.
and restore the glory of the Turkish nation.
Enver tentu merasa bahwa Blok Sentral
and to restore Turkish glory.
akan memenangkan Perang Dunia 1.
|will win||
Enver was certain that the Axis powers
Dan tentu, hal ini terbukti salah.
would win World War I.
Di tahun 1916,
But of course, this was proved wrong.
militer Ottoman memiliki kekuatan
In 1916,
sebesar 800,000 orang.
the Ottoman military was 800,000 people strong.
Pada akhir Perang Dunia I,
At the end of World War I,
jumlah itu menjadi hanya tinggal 100,000 orang.
By the end of World War I,
Jauh dari kejayaan,
that number was reduced to only 100,000 people.
Kekaisaran Ottoman justru semakin terpuruk
Empire||actually|increasingly|declined further
Far from achieving glory,
akibat peperangan ini.
the result of|the war|
the Ottoman Empire sank further down
Selain kehilangan sebagian besar kekuatan
||part of||
in the war's aftermath.
militer dan ekonominya,
Apart from losing a large chunk
Kekaisaran Ottoman juga harus mengadakan
of its military and economic power,
gencatan senjata yang pada dasarnya,
the Ottoman Empire signed an Armistice
memberikan hak bagi pihak Sekutu
||to the party|party|Allied party
entitles the Allied parties
untuk menduduki wilayah apapun
to occupy any territory
dalam Kekaisaran Ottoman.
to occupy territory in the Ottoman Empire.
Bahkan di ibukotanya, yakni Istanbul.
||its capital||Istanbul
Even in the capital, namely Istanbul.
Selat Bosporus dan Dardanella,
Strait|Bosporus Strait||Dardanelles
Even in its capital, Istanbul.
rel kereta api, telegraf,
railroad, telegraph,
dan berbagai pelabuhan strategis
railroads, telegraphs,
juga dikuasai asing.
|controlled by|
and various strategic ports
Sementara pasukan Ottoman harus didemobilisasi.
|troops|||be demobilized
were also controlled by foreigners.
Ottoman sudah kehilangan
The Ottomans had already lost
seluruh wilayahnya di bagian Balkan.
|its territory||part|Balkan region
The Ottomans had lost
Inggris telah menginspirasi
all their territory in the Balkans.
revolusi bangsa-bangsa Arab.
Britain had inspired
Dan wilayahnya di Afrika sudah diambil alih.
revolutions in the Arab nations.
Pada akhirnya,
And Ottoman territory in Africa was taken over.
Kekaisaran Ottoman semakin terhina. Dan tidak dapat mengelak dari imperialisme Barat.
In the end,
Yang lebih mengenaskan lagi,
the Ottoman Empire was shrinking,
ketiga jenderal Turki Muda tersebut
unable to escape Western imperialism.
malah melarikan diri di tengah kekacauan ini.
Even more disheartening,
Dan Sultan Ottoman hanya berharap
And the Ottoman Sultan only hoped
bahwa penerimaan ini
fled amidst the chaos.
akan mencegah agresi yang lebih besar dari Barat.
The Sultan could only hope
Dan ketika harapan bagi Kekaisaran Ottoman
that accepting this fate
seakan-akan mulai redup,
would prevent further aggression from the West.
ada seorang perwira yang
Just as the hopes of the Ottoman Empire
tidak mau menyerah begitu saja.
began to dim,
Dan perwira inilah
one officer refused to give up.
yang bernama Mustafa Kemal.
This officer was none other than
Mustafa Kemal sudah memiliki reputasi
Mustafa Kemal.
sebagai perwira yang ulung & berpengalaman baik
dalam perang melawan Italia,
Mustafa Kemal already had a reputation
pertempuran Gallipoli, Palestina, dan masih banyak lagi.
as an accomplished, and well-experienced officer
in the war against Italy,
kekalahan ini adalah bukti
the Gallipolli Campaign, Palestine, and many more.
bahwa Kekaisaran Ottoman tidak akan selamat
For him,
untuk waktu yang lama lagi.
this defeat was proof
Dan perubahan radikal harus segera datang.
that the Ottoman Empire wouldn't survive