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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 024

曹操 騎住 匹 大宛 馬 , 浭 水 過 咗 淯 水河 , 啱 啱 一 上岸 , 匹馬 就 畀 張 繡 嘅 追兵 一箭 射死 咗 。 嗨 , 好彩 呢 個 時候 曹操 個大仔 曹昂 趕到 嚟 , 將 自己 騎 開 嗰 匹 馬 畀 咗 曹操 。 曹操 一 上馬 就 飛奔 嘞 , 但 係 曹昂 呢 , 就 畀 追兵 亂箭 射死 。 噉 曹操 走 甩 咗 , 喺 路上 就 遇到 佢 個 部下 軍官 將領 , 收集 返 啲 殘兵 敗 卒 。 當 其時 啊 , 夏侯惇 所 率領 嗰 支 青州 兵 啊 , 趁住 亂 就 到處 咁 搶掠 鄉民 百姓 屋企 。 平虜 校尉 于禁 發覺 咗 , 立即 下令 本部 嘅 人馬 沿路 去 趕 殺 啲 青州 兵 , 安撫 鄉民 。 嗰 班 青州 兵 走 返 轉頭 去 搵 曹操 啊 , 就 喺 路邊 喊住 跪 喺 地 嚟 , 告 畀 曹操 聽話 于禁 造反 , 趕殺 青州 軍馬 噉 。 曹操 大驚 啦 。 冇 幾耐 , 夏侯惇 、 許褚 、 李典 、 樂進 都 到 齊 嘞 。 曹操 就講 畀 佢 哋 聽 , 話 于 禁 造反 啊 , 要 大家 準備 好 收拾 佢 。 而于 禁 呢 , 佢 見到 曹操 佢 哋 大軍 嚟 嘞 , 就 命令 部隊 一方面 射住 鎮角 ; 一方面 就 挖 好 壕溝 , 安營 扎寨 。 有人 講 佢 聽 : 將軍 啊 , 青州 軍呀告 將軍 你 啊 , 話 你 造反 喎 。 而家 丞相 已經 嚟 到 喇 , 點解 你 仲 唔 快 啲 去 同 丞相 講清楚 呢 ? 反而 仲要 安營 扎寨 先 ? 快 啲 去 見 丞相 啦 。 于 禁話 : 而家 張 繡 嘅 追兵 喺 後 便 嚟 , 話 到 就 到 。 如果 唔 先 作好 準備 , 點同 敵人 打 呢 ? 分辯 係 小事 , 打 敵人 係 大事 呀 ! 于禁 一直 督促 住 啲 部下 扎好 營先 。 果然 , 啱 啱 扎 好 營寨 , 張 繡 嘅 追兵 就 分兩路 殺到 嘞 。 于禁 一馬當先 , 出寨 去 迎戰 。 咦 , 乜有 晒 準備 㗎 ? 張繡 急急 傳令 退兵 。 曹操 嗰 班 武將 見到 于禁 奮勇向前 殺敵 , 亦 都 不甘後人 咯 , 紛紛 帶兵 出擊 , 結果 打到 張 繡 大敗 , 畀 曹操 嘅 兵馬 一路 追殺 成百幾里 。 張繡 呢 一場 仗 輸得 慘咯 , 搞 到 勢窮 力盡 就 大傷元氣 , 唯有 帶住 殘兵敗將 就 趯 咗 去 投奔 劉表 嘞 。 曹操 打贏 咗 , 就 收兵 點將 。 呢 個 時候 , 于 禁先 至 嚟 拜見 曹操 , 佢 將 青州 兵 搶掠 百姓 大失 民心 , 因此 自己 先至 下令 追殺 青州 兵 嘅 經過 詳詳細細 噉 稟告 曹操 。 噉 曹操 就 問于 禁 嘞 , 點解 唔 首先 嚟 見 佢 講清楚 呢 件 事 , 就 安營 扎寨 先 呢 噉 。 于禁 就將 先頭 講 過 嘅 理由 講 畀 曹操 聽 。 曹操 聽 咗 就 話 喇 : 于 將軍 , 你 喺 形勢 緊急 之中 能夠 整理 部隊 , 築好 營壘 , 任勞任怨 , 結果 使到 我軍 反敗 為勝 , 就算 係 古代 嘅 名將 呀 亦 不外 如此 啊 ! 于 將軍 , 我 感激 你 啊 ! 於是 曹操 將 一副 金器 賞賜 咗 畀 于 禁 , 封 佢 做 益壽 亭 侯 。 而 夏侯惇 呢 , 因為 治兵 不嚴 受到 責罰 。 然後 , 曹操 叫 人 擺好 祭品 , 祭奠 典韋 , 喺 奠酒 嘅 時候 , 曹操 喊 啊 。 佢 對 一班 將領 話 : 我 死 咗 個 大仔 , 死 咗 心愛 嘅 侄 , 我 都 仲 冇 咁 悲傷 , 但 係 死 咗 典韋 , 我 , 我 心痛 啊 ! 大家 見到 噉 呀 , 都 無限 感慨 啊 。 第 日 , 曹操 就 下令 班師回朝 , 呢 啲 呢 就 暫時 放落 唔 講 佢 喇 。 而家 講下 曹操 嗰 個 特使 王則 , 佢 帶 住 皇帝 簽署 嘅 詔書 去 到 徐州 。 呂布 出 嚟 迎接 , 請 佢 入 去 衙門 開讀 詔書 , 就 封 呂布 做 平東 將軍 , 賜 咗 個 將軍 大印 畀 佢 。 然後 呢 , 將 曹操 嘅 私人 信件 交 畀 呂布 。 王 則 喺 呂布 面前 , 將 曹操 如何 敬重 呂布 嘅 說話 大講 特講 , 啲 高帽 一頂 頂 噉 送 過去 呀 , 嘻嘻 笠 到 呂布 都 唔 知 幾 高興 。 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 袁術 派 個 使者 嚟 , 呂布 叫 佢 入 嚟 問 佢 有 咩 事 呀 , 個 使者 話 : 袁公好 快 就要 登 皇帝 位 嘞 , 要立 東宮太子 , 所以 派 下官 嚟 催促 下 將軍 , 早日 送 皇妃 去 淮南 啊 。 呂布 發火 嘞 : 豈有此理 ! 反賊 竟然 咁 大膽 ! 人 嚟 ! 將 佢 拉出去 斬 ! 呂布 斬 咗 袁術個 使者 。 第 日 , 將韓胤 用 副 枷 釘 咗 , 派 陳 登帶 住 謝恩 嘅 表彰 , 押 解韓胤 同埋 王則 啊 一齊 上 許都 謝恩 。 同時 呢 , 又 寫 一封 覆信 畀 曹操 , 請求 正式 任命 自己 做 徐州 牧 。 曹操 知道 呂布 已經 拒絕 袁 術 嘅 親事 , 極之 歡喜 , 就將 韓胤拉去 街市 斬頭 。 陳 登 提醒 曹操 喎 , 佢 秘密 噉 去 同 曹操 話 : 呂布 係 隻 豺狼 嚟 啊 , 佢 勇而無謀 , 隨隨便便 噉 就 依附 一個 人 或者 離開 一個 人 , 極之 容易 反覆 。 應該 及早 剷除 咗 佢 啊 。 曹操 話 嘞 : 我 向來 都 知道 呂布 狼子野心 , 唔 養得 耐 㗎 喇 。 之除 咗 你 兩 父子 之外 , 冇 人 能夠 知道 佢 嘅 真實 內情 嘅 , 請 你 無論如何 幫 我 查白 一下 。 丞相 你 如果 有 乜嘢 行動 , 請 通知 我 啦 , 我 一定 做 內應 。 曹操 歡喜 咯 , 第 日 , 上個 表 畀 皇帝 , 將陳 珪 每月 嘅 薪水 升到 中 二千石 。 即 係 為 到 每月 一百八十 石谷 , 噉 就 好 高 㗎 喇 。 同時 呢 , 又 任命 陳 登 做 廣陵 太守 。 過 咗 幾日 , 陳 登向 曹操 告辭 返 徐州 嘞 。 臨行 嘅 時候 , 曹操 揸 住 陳 登 嘅 手 , 對 佢 話 : 噉 東方 嘅 事 , 完全 拜託 晒 喇 。 請 丞相 放心 , 我 一定 盡力 嘅 。 噉 陳 登返 到 徐州 就 去 見 呂布 嘞 , 呂布 問 佢 結果 點啊 噉 。 陳 登話 : 我 父親 加 咗 薪水 , 我 啊 封 做 太守 啊 。 乜話 ? 你 唔 同 我 去 求個 徐州 牧返 嚟 , 自己 就 一味 顧住 升官發財 係 嘛 ? 哈 , 你 父親 教 我 聯合 曹公同 袁術 絕婚 , 好 喇 , 搞 到 我 自己 一 啲 好處 都 得 唔 到 , 而 你 哋 兩 父子 就 榮華富貴 嘞 , 我 真 係 畀 你 兩 父子 賣 咗 啊 , 嘿 ! 呂布 𠻘 聲 掹 咗 把 劍 嚟 , 一舉 起 就要 斬 陳 登 。 陳 登 哈哈大笑 : 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 將軍 , 乜 你 咁 糊塗 㗎 , 你 噉 都 唔 明白 呀 ? 我 唔 明白 乜嘢 啊 ? 我 見到 曹 公 嘅 時候 , 我 同 佢 講 : 養 將軍 你 就 好比 養 隻 老虎 , 應當 畀 啲 肉 餵飽 佢 。 如果 唔 飽 呢 , 就 會 咬 人 㗎 喇 噉 。 曹公笑 嘞 , 佢 話 : 我 唔 同 你 噉 睇 啊 。 我 對待 溫侯 就 好似 養 一隻 鷹 , 狐狸 兔仔 都 未 捉 完 , 我 就 唔 餵飽 佢 住 啊 。 佢 肚 餓 就 為 我 所用 , 一飽 呀 就 飛 咗 去 㗎 喇 。 噉 我 就 問啦 , 邊個 係 狐狸 兔仔 啊 ? 曹公話 : 淮南 袁術 、 江東 孫策 、 冀州 袁紹 、 荊襄 劉表 、 益州劉 璋 、 漢中 張魯 , 呢 啲 冚𠾴唥 都 係 狐狸 兔仔 啊 。 啊 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 呂布 掉 低 把 劍 笑 起 上 嚟 : 曹公 確係 了解 我 啊 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 佢 哋 正 喺 度 傾 緊 , 忽然 得到 報告 話 袁術 起兵 打 嚟 徐州 喇 噉 。 因為 袁術 啊 , 佢 喺 淮南 吖 , 地廣糧 多 , 又 得到 孫策 抵押 嘅 玉璽 , 所以 就 好 想 自己 做 皇帝 。 有 一日 , 佢 召集 晒 部下 嘅 謀臣武將 一齊 嚟 商量 , 佢 話 : 往日 , 漢高祖 不過 係 區區 一個 亭長 , 而 終歸 得到 天下 。 到 而家 呢 , 漢朝 已經 有 成 四百年 嘞 , 氣數 已經 盡咯 , 國家 到處 都 動亂不安 。 哼哼 我 哋 袁家 四世 三公 , 百姓 非常 之 擁戴 。 所以 我 認為 應該 上應 天命 , 下 順民 心 , 堂堂正正 登上 皇帝 之位 。 你 哋 大家 以為點 呢 ? 有人 就 勸 佢 話 嘞 : 唔 好 噉 做 啊 ! 古代 嘅 時候 , 就 好似 周朝 吖 , 由 佢 哋 嘅 始祖 后稷 一直 到 文王 , 佢 哋 所 建立 嘅 功勞 夠大 啦 , 三份 天下 有 其二 , 但 係 對 殷朝仲 一直 俯首稱臣 㗎 。 明公 你 嘅 家世 固然 係 非常 高貴 顯赫 , 不過 仲 冇 周 咁 興盛 噃。 漢室 啊 雖然 衰微 嘞 , 之仲 唔 係 殷朝 紂王 咁 暴虐無道 吖 。 所以 呢 件 事 萬萬 唔 做 得 㗎 ! 哼 ! 我 袁姓 出於 陳 , 陳 乃 係 大舜 之後 。 以土 成火 , 正正 係 應正 呢 個 天運 嘅 。 而家 有 一句 讖語 話 : 代漢 者 , 當塗 高 也 。 我 嘅 別字 叫做 公路 , 又 係 應正 呢 句 讖語 。 而且 我 又 有 傳國 玉璽 , 哈哈 , 如果 噉 都 唔 做 皇帝 , 就 真 係 違背 天意 喇 。 我 嘅 主意 已經 定 嘞 , 再 多嘴 嘅 斬 ! 袁術 唔 理 咁 多 , 一 於 自立 為 王 , 亦 建立 年號 , 設立 中央 各 部門 嘅 官職 。 噉 啊 登位 之後 , 佢 就 按照 皇帝 嘅 規矩 , 坐 龍鳳 輦 去 南城 郊外 祭天 , 去 北城 郊外 祭 地 。 然後 呢 , 就立 咗 馮方個 女 做 皇后 , 立個 仔 做 東宮太子 。 因此 呢 , 呢 次 就 派 個 侍者 嚟 催促 呂布 要接 呂布 個 女 去 做 東宮 妃 。 噉 而家 袁術 聽聞 話 呂布 斬 咗 佢 侍者 , 而且 仲將 韓胤解 咗 去 許都 , 已經 畀 曹操 殺 咗 嘞 噉 , 嬲 到 佢 不得了 。 就 任命 張 勛 做 大將軍 , 統領 大軍 二十幾萬 人馬 , 分成 七路 去 攻打 徐州 。 第一路 , 大將 張 勛 居中 ; 第二路 , 上將 橋蕤 居 左 ; 第三路 , 上將 陳 紀居右 ; 第四路 , 副將 雷薄居 左 ; 第五路 , 副將 陳 蘭居右 ; 第六路 , 降將 韓暹 居 左 ; 第七路 , 降將 楊奉 居右 。 就 各自 率領 部下 嘅 健將 , 限定 日期 起 行 。 佢 又 命令 兗州 刺史 金尚 做 太尉 , 監 運七 路 嘅 錢糧 。 金尚 又 唔 肯 聽 佢 命令 喎 , 嘿 袁術 就 殺 咗 佢 。 改為 任命 紀靈 啊 , 做 七路 都 救應 使 。 袁術 自己 帶 三萬 軍馬 , 用 李豐 、 梁剛 、 樂 就 做 催進 使 , 就 接應 七 路軍 兵 。 呂布 派 人 去 探聽到 張 勛 呢 一路 大軍 , 由 大路 直取 徐州 ; 噉 橋蕤 呢 一 軍 呢 就 取小沛 ; 陳紀 呢 一軍取 沂 都 ; 雷薄 呢 一軍取 琅 琊 ; 陳 蘭 呢 一軍取 碣石 ; 韓暹 呢 一軍取 下 邳 ; 楊奉 呢 一軍取 浚 山 。 呢 七路 軍馬 , 一日 前進 五十里 , 沿路 劫掠 緊過 嚟 啊 。 於是 呂布 就 急急 召集 全體 謀士 嚟 商量 。 陳 宮 同埋 陳 珪 父子 都 嚟 喇 , 陳 宮話 : 而家 徐州 呢 一場 大禍 , 都 係 陳 珪 父子 惹 返 嚟 嘅 。 佢 哋 討好 朝廷 , 謀求 自己 升官發財 , 今日 又 移禍 於 將軍 。 我 認為 , 斬 咗 佢 哋 父子 兩個 人 ,攞 佢 個人 頭去 獻 畀 袁術 , 噉 袁 軍 自然 就 會 退走 㗎 嘞 。 呂布 話 : 冇 錯 ! 人 嚟 ! 將陳 珪 、 陳 登 捉起 嚟 ! 且慢 ! 陳 登笑 起 嚟 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 你 哋 點解 咁 害怕 呢 ? 我 睇 呢 七路 兵馬 就 好似 七堆 爛草 啊 , 何足介意 呢 ? 嗯 ? 七堆 爛草 ? 你 如果 有 辦法 破敵 , 我免 你 死罪 ! 將軍 , 你 如果 聽 老夫 嘅 說話 , 徐州 我 擔保 你 冇 事 。 你講 嚟 聽 下 。 將軍 , 袁 術 嘅 兵馬 雖然 多 , 不過 都 係 啲 烏合 之師 , 並非 佢 嘅 親信 。 而 我 哋 以 正兵 嚟 堅守 , 出 奇兵 嚟 打 佢 , 冇 話 唔 打贏 嘅 。 仲有 一條 計策 呀 , 唔 止 話 保住 徐州 平安無事 啊 , 並且 可以 生擒 袁術 添 啊 。 咩 嘢 計策 呢 ? 嗱, 韓暹 、 楊 奉 佢 哋 兩個 乃 係 漢朝 嘅 舊臣 , 皆 因 係 怕 曹操 , 就 走 咗 出 嚟 , 冇 地方 落腳 , 所以 先至 暫時 歸附 袁 術 嘅 啫 。 袁術 對 佢 哋 兩個 必定 輕視 嘅 。 而 佢 哋 呢 , 亦 都 唔 高興 做 袁 術 嘅 部下 , 畀 袁術 使 啊 。 你 話 如果 寫封信 去 畀 佢 哋 兩個 , 聯結 佢 哋 做 內應 , 同時 , 聯結 埋 劉備 做 外合 , 噉 裏應外合 , 實 捉住 袁 術 嘅 。 噉 呀 , 噉 啊 要 你 親自 去 韓暹 、 楊 奉 嗰 度 送信 至 得 。 遵命 ! 於是 呂布 就 發 咗 一份 表章 去 許都 , 又 寫 咗 封信 送 去 豫州 畀 劉玄德 。 然後 呢 , 叫 陳 登帶 幾個 人先 去 下 邳 嘅 大 路上 等候 韓暹 。 韓暹 帶兵 嚟 到 喇 , 安好 營寨 。 陳 登 走 去 見 佢 , 韓暹 話 嘞 : 你 係 呂布 嘅 人 , 嚟 呢 處 咩 事 啊 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 我 乃 係 大漢 公卿 , 點解 話 係 呂布 嘅 人 呢 ? 不過 好似 將軍 你 噉 , 本來 係 漢臣 , 而家 竟然 做 咗 叛賊 嘅 部下 , 搞 到 往日 關中 保駕 嘅 功勞 化為 烏有 , 我 就 覺得 將軍 你 噉 做好 唔 值得 啊 ! 而且 袁 術 嘅 脾性 最 多疑 嘅 , 日後 將軍 一定 會 畀 佢 害 㗎 。 所以 如果 而家 唔 及早 搞掂 佢 , 將來 就 悔之不及 咯 。 嚱! 我 好 想 重新 歸附 漢朝 㗎 嘞 , 弊 在 我 毫無 門路 唧 。 將軍 , 呢 度 有 封信 係 溫侯 畀 你 嘅 。 陳 登 講完 , 就將 呂布 寫 嘅 信 攞 出 嚟 交 畀 韓 暹 。 韓暹 睇 完信 就 話 : 我 知道 嘞 , 你 請 返 去 先 。 我 一定 同 楊將軍 調轉 槍頭 去 打 袁術 , 到 其時 就 睇 住 起火 為號 , 溫侯 帶兵 嚟 接應 就 得 嘞 。 搞掂 晒 喇 噉 就 , 陳 登 告辭 咗 韓暹 , 飛快 趕返 去 報告 呂布 。 呂布 就 兵分 五路 嚟 對敵 袁術 嘞 噃, 噉 邊 五路 呢 ? 高 順帶 一 軍 進駐 小沛 , 迎擊 橋蕤 ; 陳 宮帶 一 軍 進駐 沂 都 , 迎擊 陳紀 ; 張 遼 、 臧霸帶 一軍出 琅 琊 , 迎擊 雷薄 ; 宋憲 、 魏續 帶 一軍出 碣石 , 迎擊 陳 蘭 ; 呂布 親自 帶 一軍出 大路 , 迎擊 張 勛 。 各 路軍 都 一萬 人 , 其餘 有 剩 嘅 就 守城 。 呂布 帶兵 出 城 三十里 嘅 地方 扎 好 營寨 。 噉 張 勛 嘅 軍隊 嚟 到 嘅 時候 , 諗 住 打 唔 過 呂布 嘅 , 就 暫時 退後 二十里 , 駐 扎 喺 處 , 打算 等 埋 四 便 嘅 軍 兵 嚟 接應 喇 , 先至 發起 進攻 。 點 知道 當晚 二 更 時分 , 韓暹 、 楊奉 分散 啲 兵卒 到處 咁 放火 , 接應 呂布 嘅 軍 兵 入 寨 , 張 勛 嘅 軍隊 當堂 亂 晒 大龍 。 呂布 趁勢 掩殺 過去 , 張 勛 就 大敗 逃走 嘞 。 呂布 一路 追 佢 追 到 天光 , 撞 啱 紀靈 嚟 到 接應 , 兩 軍 相遇 , 正話 要 交鋒 嘅 時候 , 韓暹 、 楊奉 兩路 兵馬 殺到 嘞 。 打到 紀靈 大敗 落荒而走 , 呂布 就 帶兵 一路 追殺 啦 。 追 追下 , 只見 山 背後 一彪 軍馬 趕到 嚟 。 門旗 一開 , 一隊 軍馬 打起 晒 龍鳳 日月 旗 、 四斗 五方 旗 , 仲有 金瓜銀 斧 , 黃鉞白 旄 , 嘿 係 威 係 勢 。 只見 袁術 啊 身披 金甲 , 手腕 掛住 兩把 刀 , 喺 黃羅銷 金 大羅 傘 之下 , 勒馬 企 喺 陣前 。 袁術 大喝一聲 話 : 呂布 ! 你 呢 個 背主 奴才 ! 吖 吖 呸 ! 呂布 發火 嘞 , 挺 戟 縱 馬直衝 上前 啊 。 袁 術 嘅 部將 李豐 挺 槍 嚟 迎戰 啦 , 打 咗 都 唔 到 三個 回合 , 畀 呂布 㓤 傷 咗 隻 手 , 喂 呀 , 連 支槍 都 掉 低 就 走 。 呂布 將支 戟 一揮 , 大軍 衝殺 過去 , 殺到 袁 軍 大亂 啊 , 搏命 咁 逃跑 。 呂布 帶住 部隊 一路 追 , 搶奪 咗 好多 馬匹 衣甲 。 袁術 率領 住支 敗軍 走 咗 冇 幾多 里路 , 忽然間 , 喺 山 背後 衝出 一彪 軍馬 , 截住 去路 。 當先 一員大將 乃 係 關雲長 啊 , 佢 大喝一聲 : 反賊 , 你 仲 唔 受 死 ! 喂 呀 ! 袁術 驚到 面 都 青 。 嗰 匹 馬 如果 有 八隻 腳 就 好 咯 , 佢 死命 咁 逃走 。 嗰 班 兵卒 呀 散 晒 , 四圍 咁 趯 , 畀 關雲長 大殺 咗 一陣 。 終歸 呢 , 袁術 收拾 啲 殘軍敗 卒 , 就 走 返去 淮南 。 呂布 大獲全勝 , 好 高興 啦 。 邀請 關公 、 楊奉 、 韓暹 等等 一行 人馬 去 徐州 , 大排 筵席 嚟 款待 。 啲 軍士 都 有 賞賜 啊 噉 啊 皆大歡喜 嘞 。 第 日 , 關公 辭別 就 返去 豫州 。 呂布 向 朝廷 保舉 韓暹 做 沂 都 牧 、 楊奉 做 琅 琊 牧 , 就 考慮 留 佢 哋 兩個 人 喺 徐州 幫 自己 守 。 陳 珪 就 勸 呂布 話 : 唔 好 啊 。 等韓 、 楊 兩位 幫 將軍 你 守住 山東 , 噉 不出 一年 , 山東 所有 嘅 城池 都 係 屬於 將軍 你 㗎 喇 。 呂布 諗 落 又 係 噃嚱, 就 送 韓暹 、 楊奉 兩個 暫時 嚟 沂 都 、 瑯 琊 兩 笪 地方 駐扎 , 就 聽候 皇帝 嘅 命令 。 陳 登 諗 唔 通 喎 , 佢 靜靜 問 佢 父親 嘞 : 點解 唔 留 韓暹 、 楊 奉 佢 哋 喺 徐州 , 埋下 呢 兩條 禍根 , 等 佢 哋 第 日 殺 呂布 呢 ? 陳 珪 話 嘞 : 哼哼 哼哼 哼 , 如果 佢 兩個 真 係 協助 呂布 呢 , 噉 豈 唔 係 同 隻 老虎 添牙添 爪 ? 嗯 ! 陳 登服 晒 佢 父親 , 高見 啊 ! 姜仲 係 老 嘅 辣 呢 。 噉 啊 嗰 個 袁 術 佢 打敗 咗 仗 啊 趯 返去 淮南 , 派 人 去 江東 問 孫策 借兵 報仇 噃。 孫策 好 嬲 啊 , 佢 話 : 你 夾硬要 咗 我 嘅 玉璽 , 自封 皇帝 , 背叛 漢室 , 真 係 大逆不道 啊 ! 我 正 係 要 興兵 去 問罪 , 唔 通 反而 嚟 幫 你 個 反賊 咩 ? 揦 起 支筆 , 即 刻寫 咗 封信 嚟 拒絕 袁 術 嘅 請求 。 嗰 個 使者 帶住 封 覆信 返去 見到 袁術 , 袁術 睇 完 封信 ,𠰴𠰴𠰴, 將 封信 撕到 粉碎 。 豈有此理 ! 孫策 你 個 黃口 小子 ! 乳臭未乾 , 竟然 咁 可惡 吓 , 我 打 你 先 ! 好彩 得到 長史 楊 大將 苦苦 勸 佢 , 噉 先至 作罷 冇 興兵 。 噉 孫策 呢 , 佢 又 有 準備 噃。 自從 覆 咗 信 之後 , 佢 又 防 袁 術 會 出兵 嚟 , 就 派 咗 軍隊 守住 江口 呢 啲 險要 嘅 地方 。 有 一日 , 曹操 個 使者 帶住 詔書 嚟 到 , 任命 孫策 做會稽 太守 , 命令 佢 起兵 去 討伐 袁術 。 孫策 即刻 啊 召開 會議 , 商量 出兵 嘅 事情 。 長 史張昭 啊 建議 話 嘞 : 袁術 雖然 新近 打 咗 敗仗 , 但 係 佢 仍然 係 兵 多 糧足 , 元氣 未傷 , 不可 輕敵 啊 。 既然 一定 要 打 , 就 不如 寫封信 畀 曹操 , 請 佢 出兵 南征 , 我 哋 嚟 做後應 。 兩支 軍隊 互相 支援 , 噉 啊 就 一定 能夠 打敗 袁 術 嘅 。 我 哋 就算 萬一 有 咩 危險 嘞 , 亦 可以 得到 曹操 嘅 救助 吖 嘛 。 冇 錯 , 呢 個 乃 係 萬全之策 啊 ! 於是 孫策 派個 使者 帶 封信 去 畀 曹操 , 講明 呢 個 意思 。 而家 講下 曹操 , 佢 返 到 許都 , 就 好 想念 典韋 , 就立 咗 個 靈位 嚟 祭 佢 , 封 佢 個 仔 典 滿 做 中 郎 , 仲 收養 喺 丞相 府 嚟 。 呢 一日 , 孫策 嘅 使者 帶信 嚟 拜見 佢 。 曹操 睇 咗 封信 , 正 喺 呢 個 時候 又 得到 報告 話 袁術 因為 缺糧 , 而 家 喺 陳 留 一帶 劫掠 啊 噉 。 啱 嘞 , 趁住 呢 個 機會 攻 佢 就 最 啱 㗎 喇 , 於是 就 下令 興兵 南征 。 除 咗 留低 曹仁守 許都 之外 , 其餘 所有 嘅 將領 啊 全部 跟隨 出征 。 馬步軍 兵 啊 總共 一 十七萬 , 糧食 輜重 呀 千 幾車 。 同時 先派 人 去 通知 孫策 、 劉備 同埋 呂布 。 當 曹操 個 大軍 嚟 到 豫州 邊界 嘅 時候 , 劉備 已經 帶齊 兵馬 喺 度 迎接 嘞 。 曹操 請 佢 入 嚟 大營 見面 , 見 咗 面 , 行過禮 , 劉備 就 獻上 兩個 首級 , 即 係 人頭 啊 。 曹操 奇怪 喇 , 係 邊個 嘅 首級 啊 ? 呢 兩個 乃 係 韓暹 、 楊 奉 嘅 首級 。 哦 ? 點 嚟 嘅 呢 ? 呂布 叫 佢 哋 兩個 暫時 喺 沂 都 同 瑯 琊 住 落 , 估 唔 到 佢 兩個 縱容 士兵 擄掠 百姓 , 搞 到 人人 怨恨 。 因此 , 我 擺 咗 個 宴會 , 詐諦 話 請 佢 哋 嚟 商量 事情 。 喺 飲酒 嘅 時候 ,掟 杯 為 號 , 我 嗰 兩個 細佬 關羽 、 張飛 殺 咗 佢 , 逼使 佢 哋 軍隊 全部 投降 , 所以 而家 特意 前 嚟 請罪 。 哦 , 使君 你 為 國家 除害 , 正 係 大大 嘅 功勞 , 仲 點解 話 要 請罪 呢 , 啊 ? 曹操 深深 噉 慰問 劉備 一番 , 然後 聯合 兵馬 , 一齊 去 到 徐州 嘅 境界 。 呂布 亦 都 出 嚟 迎接 , 曹操 待 佢 個 態度 非常 好 。 對 佢 講 咗 唔 少 好話 , 封 佢 做 左 將軍 , 應承 打 完仗 返去 京師 嘅 時候 , 就 發 新 嘅 官印 畀 佢 。 呂布 就極 之 歡喜 啦 。 好 喇 , 而家 人馬 齊全 喇 。 曹操 就 分配 呂布 一軍在 左 , 劉備 一軍在 右 , 自己 就 統率 大軍 居中 , 命令 夏侯惇 、 于禁 做 先鋒 , 浩浩蕩蕩 殺 奔 淮南 。 袁術知 道 曹兵 殺 嚟 , 就 命令 大將 橋蕤 帶 五萬 兵馬 做 先鋒 。 噉 雙方 軍隊 啊 喺 壽 春 邊界 遭遇 。 橋蕤 當先 出馬 , 同 夏侯惇 打 咗 唔 到 三個 回合 , 就 畀 夏侯惇 殺死 咗 。 袁 軍 大敗 呢 就 逃跑 返入 城 , 緊閉 城門 , 堅守 不 出 。 呢 一日 , 探子 就 嚟 報告 。 話 孫策 用 戰船 攻擊 江邊 嘅 西 便 , 呂布 啊 帶兵 攻東 便 , 劉 、 關 、 張 帶兵 攻南 便 , 曹操 自己 帶兵 十七萬 攻北 便 喇 。 嘩 嗨 ! 得 了 嘅 ? 袁術 驚 死 嚟 咯 , 急急 召集 文武 官員 嚟 商量對策 。 楊 大將 就 話 : 壽春 呢 個 地區 , 年 年 水災 旱災 , 百姓 都 好 缺 糧食 。 而家 又 興師 動眾 , 畀 百姓 帶 嚟 極 多極 多 嘅 麻煩 , 民心 怨恨 。 所以 曹兵 一到 就 難以 拒敵 嘞 , 不如 將軍 隊 留 喺 壽 春 , 一 於 堅守 , 唔 同 佢 哋 打 。 等到 佢 啲 軍糧 用盡 , 就 必定會 有 變亂 嘅 。 而 陛下 你 呢 , 就 統率 御林軍 , 渡過 淮河 。 一來 嗰 便 已經 麥熟 , 糧食 容易 解決 , 二來 亦 可以 暫時 避一避 曹 兵 嘅 鋒芒 吖 。 袁術 覺得 有 道理 , 就 照辦 嘞 。 留 咗 李豐 、 樂 就 、 梁剛 、 陳紀 四個 人分兵 十萬 , 堅守 壽春 。 其餘 嘅 將士 以及 庫藏 嘅 金 珠 寶貝 就 全部 帶齊 , 避 咗 過去 淮河 嗰 便 喇 。

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曹操 騎住 匹 大宛 馬 , 浭 水 過 咗 淯 水河 , 啱 啱 一 上岸 , 匹馬 就 畀 張 繡 嘅 追兵 一箭 射死 咗 。 Cao Cao|riding|one|Dayuan|horse|||crossed|past tense marker|||||one|landed|the horse|then|by|||possessive particle|pursuing soldiers|one arrow|shot dead|past tense marker Cao Cao rode a Dawan horse, crossed the Huang River, and just as he landed on the shore, his horse was shot dead by an arrow from Zhang Xiu's pursuing soldiers. 嗨 , 好彩 呢 個 時候 曹操 個大仔 曹昂 趕到 嚟 , 將 自己 騎 開 嗰 匹 馬 畀 咗 曹操 。 hi|fortunately|this|measure word|time|Cao Cao||Cao Ang|arrived|here|to give|himself|riding|to drive|that|measure word for horses|horse|to give|past tense marker|Cao Cao Fortunately, at that moment, Cao Cao's eldest son, Cao Ang, arrived and gave his own horse to Cao Cao. 曹操 一 上馬 就 飛奔 嘞 , 但 係 曹昂 呢 , 就 畀 追兵 亂箭 射死 。 Cao Cao|one|mounted|then|galloped|past tense particle|||Cao Ang|particle indicating a question|then|by|pursuing soldiers|stray arrows|shot dead As soon as Cao Cao got on the horse, he galloped away, but Cao Ang was shot dead by the pursuing soldiers' random arrows. 噉 曹操 走 甩 咗 , 喺 路上 就 遇到 佢 個 部下 軍官 將領 , 收集 返 啲 殘兵 敗 卒 。 then|Cao Cao|ran|away|past tense marker|at|on the road|then|encountered|his|possessive particle|subordinate|military officer|general|collect|back|plural marker|remaining soldiers|defeated|soldiers Thus, Cao Cao escaped and encountered his subordinate military officers on the road, gathering the remaining soldiers. 當 其時 啊 , 夏侯惇 所 率領 嗰 支 青州 兵 啊 , 趁住 亂 就 到處 咁 搶掠 鄉民 百姓 屋企 。 at that time|at that time|ah|Xiahou Dun|(particle indicating the agent of the action)|led|that|measure word for troops|Qingzhou|soldiers|ah|taking advantage of|chaos|then|everywhere|so|plundered|villagers|common people|homes At that time, the Qingzhou soldiers led by Xiahou Dun took advantage of the chaos to plunder the homes of the villagers. 平虜 校尉 于禁 發覺 咗 , 立即 下令 本部 嘅 人馬 沿路 去 趕 殺 啲 青州 兵 , 安撫 鄉民 。 pacify the invaders|captain|Yu Jin|realized|past tense marker|immediately|ordered|headquarters|possessive particle|troops|along the way|to|catch up|kill|plural marker|Qingzhou|soldiers|pacify|villagers The pacification officer Yu Jin discovered this and immediately ordered his troops to go along the road to hunt down the Qingzhou soldiers and pacify the local villagers. 嗰 班 青州 兵 走 返 轉頭 去 搵 曹操 啊 , 就 喺 路邊 喊住 跪 喺 地 嚟 , 告 畀 曹操 聽話 于禁 造反 , 趕殺 青州 軍馬 噉 。 that|group|Qingzhou|soldiers|ran|back|turned around|to|find|Cao Cao|ah|then|at|roadside|crying|kneeling|on|ground|came|tell|to|Cao Cao|hear|Yu Jin|rebel|kill|Qingzhou|army horses|like this Those Qingzhou soldiers turned back to find Cao Cao, and they were kneeling by the roadside, crying out to inform Cao Cao that Yu Jin had rebelled and was hunting down the Qingzhou cavalry. 曹操 大驚 啦 。 Cao Cao|was greatly surprised|particle indicating exclamation Cao Cao was greatly shocked. 冇 幾耐 , 夏侯惇 、 許褚 、 李典 、 樂進 都 到 齊 嘞 。 not|long|Xiahou Dun|Xu Chu|Li Dian|Le Jin|all|arrive|together|past tense marker Before long, Xiahou Dun, Xu Chu, Li Dian, and Le Jin all arrived. 曹操 就講 畀 佢 哋 聽 , 話 于 禁 造反 啊 , 要 大家 準備 好 收拾 佢 。 Cao Cao||to|them|plural marker|listen|said|Yu|Jin|rebellion|ah|must|everyone|prepare|well|deal with|him Cao Cao told them that Yu Jin had rebelled and that everyone should prepare to deal with him. 而于 禁 呢 , 佢 見到 曹操 佢 哋 大軍 嚟 嘞 , 就 命令 部隊 一方面 射住 鎮角 ; 一方面 就 挖 好 壕溝 , 安營 扎寨 。 as for|Jin|question particle|he|saw|Cao Cao|they|plural marker|large army|coming|past tense marker|then|ordered|troops|on one hand|shooting at|Zhenjiao|on the other hand|then|digging|good|trenches|setting up camp|establishing fortifications As for Yu Jin, when he saw Cao Cao's army coming, he ordered his troops to shoot at the enemy while digging trenches to set up camp. 有人 講 佢 聽 : 將軍 啊 , 青州 軍呀告 將軍 你 啊 , 話 你 造反 喎 。 someone|said|he|heard|general|ah|Qingzhou||general|you|ah|said|you|rebel|particle Someone told him: General, the Qingzhou army has reported to you that you are rebelling. 而家 丞相 已經 嚟 到 喇 , 點解 你 仲 唔 快 啲 去 同 丞相 講清楚 呢 ? now|Prime Minister|already|||particle indicating completed action|why|you|still|not|||go|with|Prime Minister|explain clearly|question particle Now that the Prime Minister has arrived, why aren't you hurrying to clarify things with him? 反而 仲要 安營 扎寨 先 ? 快 啲 去 見 丞相 啦 。 on the contrary|still need to|set up camp|build fortifications|first|||go|see|Prime Minister|particle indicating suggestion or urging Instead, you still want to set up camp first? Hurry up and meet the Prime Minister. 于 禁話 : 而家 張 繡 嘅 追兵 喺 後 便 嚟 , 話 到 就 到 。 |forbidden to speak|now|Zhang|Xiu|possessive particle|pursuers|at|behind|then|come|say|arrive|immediately|arrive Yu Jin replied: The pursuing troops of Zhang Xiu are coming from behind, they will arrive soon. 如果 唔 先 作好 準備 , 點同 敵人 打 呢 ? if|not|first|do well|preparation||enemy|fight|question particle If we don't prepare well first, how can we fight the enemy? 分辯 係 小事 , 打 敵人 係 大事 呀 ! arguing|is|a small matter|fighting|enemy|is|a big matter|sentence-final particle Discerning is a small matter, fighting the enemy is a big matter! 于禁 一直 督促 住 啲 部下 扎好 營先 。 Yu Jin|continuously|urged|to|particle indicating plural|subordinates|set up| Yu Jin has been urging his subordinates to set up camp properly. 果然 , 啱 啱 扎 好 營寨 , 張 繡 嘅 追兵 就 分兩路 殺到 嘞 。 as expected|||set up|very|camp|||possessive particle|pursuing troops|then||attacked|past action particle Sure enough, just as the camp was set up, Zhang Xiu's pursuing troops arrived from two directions. 于禁 一馬當先 , 出寨 去 迎戰 。 Yu Jin|leading the charge|leaving the camp|to|engage in battle Yu Jin took the lead and went out of the camp to meet the enemy. 咦 , 乜有 晒 準備 㗎 ? hey||all|preparations|question particle Eh, what preparations are there? 張繡 急急 傳令 退兵 。 Zhang Xiu|urgently|send a message|retreat the troops Zhang Xiu urgently ordered a retreat. 曹操 嗰 班 武將 見到 于禁 奮勇向前 殺敵 , 亦 都 不甘後人 咯 , 紛紛 帶兵 出擊 , 結果 打到 張 繡 大敗 , 畀 曹操 嘅 兵馬 一路 追殺 成百幾里 。 Cao Cao|that|group|warriors|saw|Yu Jin|bravely charged forward|killed the enemy||||particle indicating realization|one after another|leading troops|attacking|as a result|fought until|Zhang|Xiu|was defeated|by|Cao Cao|possessive particle|troops|all the way|pursued|for hundreds of miles Cao Cao's generals saw Yu Jin bravely charging forward to kill the enemy, and they were not willing to be outdone, so they all led their troops to attack. As a result, Zhang Xiu suffered a great defeat, and Cao Cao's army chased them for hundreds of miles. 張繡 呢 一場 仗 輸得 慘咯 , 搞 到 勢窮 力盡 就 大傷元氣 , 唯有 帶住 殘兵敗將 就 趯 咗 去 投奔 劉表 嘞 。 Zhang Xiu|this|a|battle|lost|badly|||desperate|exhausted|then|severely injured|only|bringing|defeated soldiers|then|hurriedly|past tense marker|to|seek refuge|Liu Biao|sentence-final particle Zhang Xiu lost this battle terribly, and it left him exhausted and severely weakened, so he could only lead his remaining soldiers to flee and seek refuge with Liu Biao. 曹操 打贏 咗 , 就 收兵 點將 。 Cao Cao|won|past tense marker|then|withdraw troops|appoint generals After winning, Cao Cao called back his troops and appointed commanders. 呢 個 時候 , 于 禁先 至 嚟 拜見 曹操 , 佢 將 青州 兵 搶掠 百姓 大失 民心 , 因此 自己 先至 下令 追殺 青州 兵 嘅 經過 詳詳細細 噉 稟告 曹操 。 this|measure word for time|time|Yu||until|come|pay respects to|Cao Cao|he|will|Qingzhou|soldiers|plunder|common people|greatly lost|support of the people|therefore|himself|only then|ordered|to pursue and kill|Qingzhou|soldiers|possessive particle|process|in detail|like this|report|Cao Cao At this time, Yu Jin finally came to meet Cao Cao. He reported in detail to Cao Cao about how the Qingzhou soldiers plundered the people and lost their hearts, and thus he ordered the pursuit and killing of the Qingzhou soldiers. 噉 曹操 就 問于 禁 嘞 , 點解 唔 首先 嚟 見 佢 講清楚 呢 件 事 , 就 安營 扎寨 先 呢 噉 。 then|Cao Cao|then|asked|Jin|particle indicating completed action|why|not|first|come|see|him|explain clearly|this|measure word for events|matter|then|set up camp|build fortifications|first|particle indicating a question|like this Then Cao Cao asked Yu Jin, why didn't he come to see him first to clarify this matter before setting up camp? 于禁 就將 先頭 講 過 嘅 理由 講 畀 曹操 聽 。 Yu Jin||earlier|tell|||||to|Cao Cao|hear Yu Jin explained the reasons he had mentioned earlier to Cao Cao. 曹操 聽 咗 就 話 喇 : Cao Cao|heard|past tense marker|then|said|sentence-final particle Cao Cao listened and said: 于 將軍 , 你 喺 形勢 緊急 之中 能夠 整理 部隊 , 築好 營壘 , 任勞任怨 , 結果 使到 我軍 反敗 為勝 , 就算 係 古代 嘅 名將 呀 亦 不外 如此 啊 ! General Yu|General|you|in|situation|urgent|within|able to|organize|troops|build|fortifications|hardworking and uncomplaining|result|made|our army|||even if|is|ancient|possessive particle|famous general|particle|also|||particle General Yu, in such an urgent situation, you were able to organize the troops, build the camp, and work hard without complaint, resulting in our army turning defeat into victory. Even ancient famous generals could not do better than this! 于 將軍 , 我 感激 你 啊 ! at|General|I|grateful|you|ah To Yu, I am grateful to you! 於是 曹操 將 一副 金器 賞賜 咗 畀 于 禁 , 封 佢 做 益壽 亭 侯 。 then|Cao Cao|will|a set|goldware|reward|past tense marker|to|||enfeoffed|him|as|prolonging life|| Then Cao Cao awarded a set of gold artifacts to Yu Jin, and conferred upon him the title of Yishou Pavilion Marquis. 而 夏侯惇 呢 , 因為 治兵 不嚴 受到 責罰 。 and|Xiahou Dun|question particle|because|military discipline|not strict|received|punishment As for Xiahou Dun, he was punished for not being strict in military discipline. 然後 , 曹操 叫 人 擺好 祭品 , 祭奠 典韋 , 喺 奠酒 嘅 時候 , 曹操 喊 啊 。 then|Cao Cao|ordered|people|to arrange|sacrificial offerings|to honor|Dian Wei|at|pouring wine|possessive particle|time||shouted|ah After that, Cao Cao instructed someone to prepare offerings to honor Dian Wei, and during the wine offering, Cao Cao cried out. 佢 對 一班 將領 話 : He|to|a group of|generals|said He spoke to a group of generals: 我 死 咗 個 大仔 , 死 咗 心愛 嘅 侄 , 我 都 仲 冇 咁 悲傷 , 但 係 死 咗 典韋 , 我 , 我 心痛 啊 ! I|die|past tense marker|measure word|eldest son|||beloved||nephew|I|||||||||||||heartache|exclamation particle I lost my eldest son, I lost my beloved nephew, and I still wasn't that sad, but when Dian Wei died, I, I felt heartbroken! 大家 見到 噉 呀 , 都 無限 感慨 啊 。 everyone|saw|like this|particle|all|infinite|feelings of emotion|particle Everyone who sees this feels an infinite sense of emotion. 第 日 , 曹操 就 下令 班師回朝 , 呢 啲 呢 就 暫時 放落 唔 講 佢 喇 。 the|day|Cao Cao|then|ordered|to return the troops to the capital|these|plural marker|this|just|temporarily|let go|not|talk|him|sentence-final particle The next day, Cao Cao ordered the troops to return to the capital, and we will temporarily set this aside. 而家 講下 曹操 嗰 個 特使 王則 , 佢 帶 住 皇帝 簽署 嘅 詔書 去 到 徐州 。 now|let's talk about|Cao Cao|that|measure word for people|special envoy|Wang Ze|he|||emperor|signed|possessive particle|edict|||Xuzhou Now let's talk about Cao Cao's special envoy Wang Ze, who brought the imperial edict signed by the emperor to Xuzhou. 呂布 出 嚟 迎接 , 請 佢 入 去 衙門 開讀 詔書 , 就 封 呂布 做 平東 將軍 , 賜 咗 個 將軍 大印 畀 佢 。 Lu Bu|come|here|to greet|please|him|enter|to|yamen|read aloud|edict|then|appoint||as|pacifying the east|general|bestow|past tense marker|measure word|general|great seal|to|him Lü Bu came out to welcome him, inviting him into the yamen to read the edict, which appointed Lü Bu as the General of the East and granted him a general's seal. 然後 呢 , 將 曹操 嘅 私人 信件 交 畀 呂布 。 then|question particle|to hand over|Cao Cao|possessive particle|personal|letter|to hand over|to|Lü Bu Then, he handed over Cao Cao's private letters to Lü Bu. 王 則 喺 呂布 面前 , 將 曹操 如何 敬重 呂布 嘅 說話 大講 特講 , 啲 高帽 一頂 頂 噉 送 過去 呀 , 嘻嘻 笠 到 呂布 都 唔 知 幾 高興 。 Wang|then|at|Lu Bu|in front of|to tell|Cao Cao|how|respected|Lu Bu|possessive particle|words|to speak highly|to emphasize|plural marker|flattering remarks||hat|like this|to send|over|particle|giggle|to wear|to|Lu Bu|all|not|know|how much|happy Wang, in front of Lü Bu, spoke highly of how Cao Cao respected Lü Bu, showering him with compliments, making Lü Bu very pleased. 正 喺 呢 個 時候 , 袁術 派 個 使者 嚟 , 呂布 叫 佢 入 嚟 問 佢 有 咩 事 呀 , 個 使者 話 : just|at|this|measure word|time|Yuan Shu|sent|measure word|messenger|here|Lu Bu|called|him|in|here|asked|him|has|what|matter|particle|measure word|messenger|said At that moment, Yuan Shu sent a messenger, and Lü Bu called him in to ask what was the matter. 袁公好 快 就要 登 皇帝 位 嘞 , 要立 東宮太子 , 所以 派 下官 嚟 催促 下 將軍 , 早日 送 皇妃 去 淮南 啊 。 |soon|is about to|ascend|emperor|throne|past action particle||crown prince|so|send|this official|here|urge|lower|general|as soon as possible|send|empress|to|Huai Nan|sentence-final particle The messenger said: Yuan Gong is about to ascend to the throne and needs to establish the crown prince, so he sent me to urge the general to send the imperial consort to Huainan as soon as possible. 呂布 發火 嘞 : 豈有此理 ! 反賊 竟然 咁 大膽 ! 人 嚟 ! 將 佢 拉出去 斬 ! Lu Bu|angry|past tense particle|how can this be reasonable|rebel|actually|so|bold|man|come|take|him||execute Lü Bu got angry: How outrageous! The rebel is so bold! Someone! Take him out and execute him! 呂布 斬 咗 袁術個 使者 。 Lu Bu|killed|past tense marker||messenger Lu Bu beheaded Yuan Shu's messenger. 第 日 , 將韓胤 用 副 枷 釘 咗 , 派 陳 登帶 住 謝恩 嘅 表彰 , 押 解韓胤 同埋 王則 啊 一齊 上 許都 謝恩 。 the|day||use|pair|shackles|nail|past tense marker|send|Chen||carrying|Xie En|possessive particle|commendation|escort||and|Wang Ze|ah|together|go up|Xu Du|Xie En The next day, Han Yin was shackled with a secondary restraint, and Chen Deng was sent to bring a letter of appreciation, escorting Han Yin and Wang Ze to Xu Du to express gratitude. 同時 呢 , 又 寫 一封 覆信 畀 曹操 , 請求 正式 任命 自己 做 徐州 牧 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question|also|write|a|reply letter|to|Cao Cao|request|formal|appointment|himself|to be|Xuzhou|governor At the same time, he wrote a reply to Cao Cao, requesting formal appointment as the Governor of Xu Province. 曹操 知道 呂布 已經 拒絕 袁 術 嘅 親事 , 極之 歡喜 , 就將 韓胤拉去 街市 斬頭 。 Cao Cao|knew|Lu Bu|already|rejected|Yuan|Shu|possessive particle|marriage proposal|extremely|happy|||market|beheaded Cao Cao was extremely pleased to learn that Lu Bu had already rejected Yuan Shu's proposal, so he had Han Yin taken to the market and executed. 陳 登 提醒 曹操 喎 , 佢 秘密 噉 去 同 曹操 話 : Chen|Deng|reminded|Cao Cao|particle indicating realization|he|secretly|like this|went|with|Cao Cao|said Chen Deng reminded Cao Cao, secretly going to tell him: 呂布 係 隻 豺狼 嚟 啊 , 佢 勇而無謀 , 隨隨便便 噉 就 依附 一個 人 或者 離開 一個 人 , 極之 容易 反覆 。 Lu Bu|is|measure word for animals|wolf|come|particle|he|brave but without strategy|casually|like this|then|attach to|one|person|or|leave|one|person|extremely|easy|fickle Lü Bu is like a wolf, he is brave but lacks strategy, easily attaching himself to or leaving a person, extremely fickle. 應該 及早 剷除 咗 佢 啊 。 should|as soon as possible|eliminate|past tense marker|he|sentence final particle He should be eliminated as soon as possible. 曹操 話 嘞 : 我 向來 都 知道 呂布 狼子野心 , 唔 養得 耐 㗎 喇 。 Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|I|always|already|knew|Lü Bu|wolf's ambition|not|can be raised|for long|sentence-final particle|past tense marker Cao Cao said: I have always known Lü Bu's ambitions, he cannot be kept for long. 之除 咗 你 兩 父子 之外 , 冇 人 能夠 知道 佢 嘅 真實 內情 嘅 , 請 你 無論如何 幫 我 查白 一下 。 except|past tense marker|you|two|father and son|outside of|no|person|able to|know|he|possessive particle|true|inside story|possessive particle|please|you|no matter what|help|me|investigate|a little Aside from you two father and son, no one can know his true intentions, please help me investigate this no matter what. 丞相 你 如果 有 乜嘢 行動 , 請 通知 我 啦 , 我 一定 做 內應 。 Prime Minister|you|if|have|anything|action|please|inform|me|particle|I|definitely|be|inside informant Prime Minister, if you have any actions, please inform me, I will definitely act as an insider. 曹操 歡喜 咯 , 第 日 , 上個 表 畀 皇帝 , 將陳 珪 每月 嘅 薪水 升到 中 二千石 。 Cao Cao|happy|particle indicating realization|next|day|last|report|to give|emperor||Gui|every month|possessive particle|salary|raised to|around|2000 shi Cao Cao was very happy. The next day, he submitted a report to the emperor, raising Chen Gui's monthly salary to 2,000 stones. 即 係 為 到 每月 一百八十 石谷 , 噉 就 好 高 㗎 喇 。 ||||every month|one hundred eighty|stone|then|then|very|high|particle|particle That means 180 stones of grain per month, which is quite high. 同時 呢 , 又 任命 陳 登 做 廣陵 太守 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question or emphasis|also|appointed|Chen|Deng|to be|Guangling|governor At the same time, he appointed Chen Deng as the governor of Guangling. 過 咗 幾日 , 陳 登向 曹操 告辭 返 徐州 嘞 。 passed|past tense marker||Chen||Cao Cao|take his leave|return|Xu Zhou|past action marker A few days later, Chen Deng bid farewell to Cao Cao and returned to Xuzhou. 臨行 嘅 時候 , 曹操 揸 住 陳 登 嘅 手 , 對 佢 話 : before leaving|possessive particle|time|Cao Cao|held|particle indicating continuous action|||possessive particle|hand|to|him|said As he was leaving, Cao Cao held Chen Deng's hand and said to him: 噉 東方 嘅 事 , 完全 拜託 晒 喇 。 then|the East|possessive particle|matter|completely|please|all|final particle So, the matters of the East are completely entrusted to you. 請 丞相 放心 , 我 一定 盡力 嘅 。 please|Prime Minister|don't worry|I|definitely|do my best|particle indicating certainty Please rest assured, Prime Minister, I will definitely do my best. 噉 陳 登返 到 徐州 就 去 見 呂布 嘞 , 呂布 問 佢 結果 點啊 噉 。 then|Chen|returned|to|Xuzhou|then|go|see|Lu Bu|past tense particle||asked|he|result|how|then So, when Chen Deng arrives in Xuzhou, he will go to see Lü Bu, and Lü Bu will ask him what the outcome is. 陳 登話 : 我 父親 加 咗 薪水 , 我 啊 封 做 太守 啊 。 Chan|said|I|father|increase|past tense marker|salary|I|sentence-final particle|measure word for official documents|to be|magistrate|sentence-final particle Chen Deng said: My father got a raise, and I was appointed as the governor. 乜話 ? 你 唔 同 我 去 求個 徐州 牧返 嚟 , 自己 就 一味 顧住 升官發財 係 嘛 ? what did you say|you|not|with|me|go|ask for|Xuzhou|return|come|yourself|then|only|care about|promotion and wealth|is|question particle What? You won't go with me to ask for the position of Xuzhou governor, and instead, you only care about getting promoted and making money? 哈 , 你 父親 教 我 聯合 曹公同 袁術 絕婚 , 好 喇 , 搞 到 我 自己 一 啲 好處 都 得 唔 到 , 而 你 哋 兩 父子 就 榮華富貴 嘞 , 我 真 係 畀 你 兩 父子 賣 咗 啊 , 嘿 ! Ha|you|father|taught|me|to unite||Yuan Shu|to break off the marriage|good|particle indicating completion|||I|myself|one|particle indicating a small amount|benefit|all||||but|you|plural marker|two|father and son|then|wealth and honor|particle indicating past action|I|really|am|by|you|two|father and son|sold|past tense marker|particle indicating exclamation|hey Ha, your father taught me to unite with Cao Gong and Yuan Shu to end the marriage. Good, I ended up not getting any benefits for myself, while you two father and son are living in wealth and honor. I really feel like I was sold out by you two, hey! 呂布 𠻘 聲 掹 咗 把 劍 嚟 , 一舉 起 就要 斬 陳 登 。 Lu Bu|suddenly|loudly|drew|past tense marker|measure word for tools|sword|here|in one motion|raised|would immediately|kill|Chen|Deng Lü Bu drew his sword and raised it, ready to strike Chen Deng. 陳 登 哈哈大笑 : 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 將軍 , 乜 你 咁 糊塗 㗎 , 你 噉 都 唔 明白 呀 ? Chan|Deng|laughing out loud|hahaha|haha||general|what|you|so|confused|question particle|you|like that|also|not|understand|question particle Chen Deng laughed heartily: Hahaha, General, are you that confused? You still don't understand? 我 唔 明白 乜嘢 啊 ? I|not|understand|what|question particle What don't I understand? 我 見到 曹 公 嘅 時候 , 我 同 佢 講 : I|saw|||possessive particle|when|I|with|him|said When I saw Cao Gong, I told him: 養 將軍 你 就 好比 養 隻 老虎 , 應當 畀 啲 肉 餵飽 佢 。 raise|general|you|just|like|raising|measure word for animals|tiger|should|give|some|meat|feed full|it Raising a general is like raising a tiger; you should feed it some meat to fill it up. 如果 唔 飽 呢 , 就 會 咬 人 㗎 喇 噉 。 if|not|full|question particle|then|will|bite|people|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating change of state|like this If it is not full, it will bite people. 曹公笑 嘞 , 佢 話 : |past tense marker|he|said Cao Gong laughed and said, 我 唔 同 你 噉 睇 啊 。 我 對待 溫侯 就 好似 養 一隻 鷹 , 狐狸 兔仔 都 未 捉 完 , 我 就 唔 餵飽 佢 住 啊 。 I|not|agree|you|like that|see|particle|I|treat|Wen Hou|just|like|raise|one|eagle|fox|rabbit|all|not yet|catch|finished|I|then|not|feed full|it|temporarily|particle "I don't see it that way. I treat Wen Hou like raising an eagle; I haven't finished catching the foxes and rabbits, so I won't fill it up yet." 佢 肚 餓 就 為 我 所用 , 一飽 呀 就 飛 咗 去 㗎 喇 。 He|stomach|hungry|then|for|me|used|once full|particle|then|fly|past tense marker|go|particle|particle When it is hungry, it is useful to me; once it is full, it will fly away. 噉 我 就 問啦 , 邊個 係 狐狸 兔仔 啊 ? then|I|then|asked|who|is|fox|rabbit|question particle So I asked, who is the fox rabbit? 曹公話 : 淮南 袁術 、 江東 孫策 、 冀州 袁紹 、 荊襄 劉表 、 益州劉 璋 、 漢中 張魯 , 呢 啲 冚𠾴唥 都 係 狐狸 兔仔 啊 。 Cao Cao said|Huainan|Yuan Shu|Jiangdong|Sun Ce|Jizhou|Yuan Shao|Jingxiang|Liu Biao|||Hanzhong|Zhang Lu|this|plural marker|all of them|all|are|foxes|rabbits|ah Cao Gong said: Huainan Yuan Shu, Jiangdong Sun Ce, Jizhou Yuan Shao, Jingxiang Liu Biao, Yizhou Liu Zhang, Hanzhong Zhang Lu, these are all fox rabbits. 啊 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 ah|hahaha|haha|haha| Ah? Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha. 呂布 掉 低 把 劍 笑 起 上 嚟 : 曹公 確係 了解 我 啊 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 Lu Bu|drop|down|measure word for tools|sword|laugh|rise|up|come|Lord Cao|really|understand|me|ah|hahaha|hahaha Lü Bu dropped his sword and laughed: Cao Gong really understands me! Hahahaha hahahaha. 佢 哋 正 喺 度 傾 緊 , 忽然 得到 報告 話 袁術 起兵 打 嚟 徐州 喇 噉 。 They|plural marker|currently|at|place|talking|ongoing|suddenly|received|report|saying|Yuan Shu|raising troops|attacking|coming|Xuzhou|particle indicating completed action|like this While they were talking, they suddenly received a report that Yuan Shu was raising troops to attack Xuzhou. 因為 袁術 啊 , 佢 喺 淮南 吖 , 地廣糧 多 , 又 得到 孫策 抵押 嘅 玉璽 , 所以 就 好 想 自己 做 皇帝 。 because|Yuan Shu|ah|he|at|Huai Nan|ah|||also|obtained|Sun Ce|mortgaged|possessive particle|imperial seal|so|then|very|wanted|himself|to be|emperor Because of Yuan Shu, he is in Huainan, where the land is vast and the grain is abundant, and he has obtained the jade seal that Sun Ce pledged, so he really wants to become emperor himself. 有 一日 , 佢 召集 晒 部下 嘅 謀臣武將 一齊 嚟 商量 , 佢 話 : there is|one day|he|gathered|all|subordinates|possessive particle||together|come|discuss|he|said One day, he gathered all his advisors and military generals together to discuss, and he said: 往日 , 漢高祖 不過 係 區區 一個 亭長 , 而 終歸 得到 天下 。 in the past|Emperor Gaozu of Han|only|was|merely|one|pavilion chief|but|ultimately|obtained|the world In the past, Han Gaozu was just a mere pavilion chief, yet he ultimately gained the world. 到 而家 呢 , 漢朝 已經 有 成 四百年 嘞 , 氣數 已經 盡咯 , 國家 到處 都 動亂不安 。 until|now|question particle|Han Dynasty|already|has|more than|400 years|past action particle|lifespan|already|exhausted|country|everywhere|all|in turmoil and unrest Now, the Han dynasty has already lasted for four hundred years, its luck has run out, and the country is in chaos everywhere. 哼哼 我 哋 袁家 四世 三公 , 百姓 非常 之 擁戴 。 hum|I|plural marker|Yuan family|four generations|three officials|common people|very|possessive particle|support Hmph, our Yuan family has been three generations of nobles, and the common people support us very much. 所以 我 認為 應該 上應 天命 , 下 順民 心 , 堂堂正正 登上 皇帝 之位 。 so|I|believe|should|conform to|mandate of heaven|and|||upright and proper|ascend to|emperor| So I believe we should follow the heavenly mandate above and the people's will below, and ascend to the throne of the emperor with dignity. 你 哋 大家 以為點 呢 ? ||everyone||question particle What do you all think? 有人 就 勸 佢 話 嘞 : 唔 好 噉 做 啊 ! someone|then|advised|him|said|past tense marker|not|well|like that|do|sentence-final particle Some people advised him, saying: Don't do that! 古代 嘅 時候 , 就 好似 周朝 吖 , 由 佢 哋 嘅 始祖 后稷 一直 到 文王 , 佢 哋 所 建立 嘅 功勞 夠大 啦 , 三份 天下 有 其二 , 但 係 對 殷朝仲 一直 俯首稱臣 㗎 。 ancient|possessive particle|time|then|like|Zhou Dynasty|sentence-final particle|from|they|plural marker|possessive particle|founding ancestor|Hou Ji|continuously|until|King Wen|they|plural marker|particle indicating action|established|possessive particle|contributions||sentence-final particle|three parts|world|have|two of them|||towards||continuously|bowing in submission|sentence-final particle In ancient times, like during the Zhou Dynasty, from their ancestor Hou Ji all the way to King Wen, their contributions were significant enough to hold two-thirds of the world, yet they still bowed and served the Yin Dynasty. 明公 你 嘅 家世 固然 係 非常 高貴 顯赫 , 不過 仲 冇 周 咁 興盛 噃。 Sir Ming|you|possessive particle|family background|certainly|is|very|noble|distinguished|but|still|not have|Zhou|so|prosperous|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Your family background is indeed very noble and illustrious, but it is still not as prosperous as the Zhou. 漢室 啊 雖然 衰微 嘞 , 之仲 唔 係 殷朝 紂王 咁 暴虐無道 吖 。 Han dynasty|particle indicating exclamation|although|decline|past tense marker||not|is|Shang dynasty|King Zhou|so|tyrannical and immoral|particle indicating exclamation The Han dynasty, although it has declined, is still not as tyrannical and unjust as King Zhou of the Shang dynasty. 所以 呢 件 事 萬萬 唔 做 得 㗎 ! so|this|classifier for events|matter|absolutely|not|do|able|sentence-final particle Therefore, this matter absolutely cannot be done! 哼 ! 我 袁姓 出於 陳 , 陳 乃 係 大舜 之後 。 hum|I|surname Yuan|descended from|Chen|Chen|is|is|Great Shun|descendant Hmph! My surname Yuan comes from Chen, and Chen is a descendant of the great Shun. 以土 成火 , 正正 係 應正 呢 個 天運 嘅 。 with earth|generate fire|exactly|is|should be correct|this|measure word|heavenly cycle|possessive particle Using earth to create fire is precisely in accordance with the current heavenly mandate. 而家 有 一句 讖語 話 : 代漢 者 , 當塗 高 也 。 now|has|a saying|prophecy|says|the one who replaces Han|person|should be|Gao|also Now there is a saying: 'Those who replace the Han must be of high stature.' 我 嘅 別字 叫做 公路 , 又 係 應正 呢 句 讖語 。 I|possessive particle|nickname|is called|highway|also|is|correct|this|sentence|prophecy My nickname is Highway, and it also corresponds to this prophetic saying. 而且 我 又 有 傳國 玉璽 , 哈哈 , 如果 噉 都 唔 做 皇帝 , 就 真 係 違背 天意 喇 。 moreover|I|again|have|imperial|jade seal|haha|if|like this|also|not|become|emperor|then|||go against|heaven's will|particle indicating completed action Moreover, I also have the Imperial Seal, haha, if I don't become emperor with this, it would really go against the will of heaven. 我 嘅 主意 已經 定 嘞 , 再 多嘴 嘅 斬 ! I|possessive particle|idea|already|decided|past action particle|again|talk back|possessive particle|cut My decision is already made, no more talking! 袁術 唔 理 咁 多 , 一 於 自立 為 王 , 亦 建立 年號 , 設立 中央 各 部門 嘅 官職 。 Yuan Shu|not|care about|so|much|one|in|self-established|as|king|also|established|era name|set up|central|each|department|possessive particle|official position Yuan Shu didn't care about so much, he simply declared himself king, established an era name, and set up official positions in various central departments. 噉 啊 登位 之後 , 佢 就 按照 皇帝 嘅 規矩 , 坐 龍鳳 輦 去 南城 郊外 祭天 , 去 北城 郊外 祭 地 。 then|particle|ascension to the throne|after|he|then|according to|emperor|possessive particle|rules|ride|dragon and phoenix|carriage|go|South City|outskirts|worship heaven|go|North City|outskirts|worship|earth After ascending the throne, he followed the emperor's rules, rode the dragon and phoenix chariot to the outskirts of the southern city to worship heaven, and to the outskirts of the northern city to worship the earth. 然後 呢 , 就立 咗 馮方個 女 做 皇后 , 立個 仔 做 東宮太子 。 then|question particle||past tense marker||daughter|made|queen||son|made|crown prince Then, they appointed Feng Fang's daughter as the queen and made a son the crown prince. 因此 呢 , 呢 次 就 派 個 侍者 嚟 催促 呂布 要接 呂布 個 女 去 做 東宮 妃 。 therefore|this||time|then|send|a|servant|here|urge|Lu Bu||Lu Bu|a|daughter|to|be|crown prince|consort Therefore, this time, they sent a servant to urge Lü Bu to take Lü Bu's daughter to become the crown princess. 噉 而家 袁術 聽聞 話 呂布 斬 咗 佢 侍者 , 而且 仲將 韓胤解 咗 去 許都 , 已經 畀 曹操 殺 咗 嘞 噉 , 嬲 到 佢 不得了 。 then|now|Yuan Shu|heard|that|Lu Bu|killed|past tense marker|his|servant|moreover|||past tense marker|to|Xu Du|already|by|Cao Cao|killed|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|then|angry|to|he|extremely Now, Yuan Shu has heard that Lü Bu killed his servant, and also sent Han Yin to Xudu, who has already been killed by Cao Cao, making him extremely angry. 就 任命 張 勛 做 大將軍 , 統領 大軍 二十幾萬 人馬 , 分成 七路 去 攻打 徐州 。 then|appointed|Zhang|Xun|as|Grand General|commanding|large army|over 200000|troops|divided into|seven routes|to|attack|Xuzhou He appointed Zhang Xun as the general, commanding an army of over 200,000 troops, divided into seven routes to attack Xuzhou. 第一路 , 大將 張 勛 居中 ; First Army|General|Zhang|Xun|in the center The first route, General Zhang Xun is in the center; 第二路 , 上將 橋蕤 居 左 ; Second Road|Major General|Qiao Rui|lives|left On the second road, General Qiao Rui is on the left; 第三路 , 上將 陳 紀居右 ; Third Road|General|Chen| On the third road, General Chen Ji is on the right; 第四路 , 副將 雷薄居 左 ; Fourth Road|Deputy General|Lei Boju|Left On the fourth road, Deputy General Lei Bo is on the left; 第五路 , 副將 陳 蘭居右 ; Fifth Route|Deputy General|Chen| On the fifth road, Deputy General Chen Lan is on the right; 第六路 , 降將 韓暹 居 左 ; Sixth Road|General Han Xian|Han Xian|stationed|left On the sixth road, General Han Xian is on the left; 第七路 , 降將 楊奉 居右 。 Seventh Road|General Jiang|Yang Feng|stationed on the right The seventh route, General Yang Feng is on the right. 就 各自 率領 部下 嘅 健將 , 限定 日期 起 行 。 regarding|each|lead|subordinates|possessive particle|elite|limited|date|start|travel Each of them will lead their own capable subordinates and set a date to depart. 佢 又 命令 兗州 刺史 金尚 做 太尉 , 監 運七 路 嘅 錢糧 。 He|again|ordered|Yan Province|governor|Jin Shang|to be|Grand Commandant|supervise||routes|possessive particle|grain and money He also ordered the governor of Yanzhou, Jin Shang, to be appointed as the Grand Commandant, overseeing the supplies of the seven routes. 金尚 又 唔 肯 聽 佢 命令 喎 , 嘿 袁術 就 殺 咗 佢 。 Jin Shang|again|not|willing|listen|he|order|particle|hey|Yuan Shu|then|kill|past tense marker|he Jin Shang was unwilling to follow his orders, so Yuan Shu killed him. 改為 任命 紀靈 啊 , 做 七路 都 救應 使 。 change to|appoint|Ji Ling|ah|serve|Qilu|all|rescue|officer He was then replaced by Ji Ling, who was appointed as the commander of the seven routes. 袁術 自己 帶 三萬 軍馬 , 用 李豐 、 梁剛 、 樂 就 做 催進 使 , 就 接應 七 路軍 兵 。 Yuan Shu|himself|brought|thirty thousand|cavalry|used|Li Feng|Liang Gang|Le|then|made|urging forward|envoy|then|supporting|seven||soldiers Yuan Shu personally led 30,000 cavalry, using Li Feng, Liang Gang, and Le Jiu as messengers to advance, and coordinated with seven routes of troops. 呂布 派 人 去 探聽到 張 勛 呢 一路 大軍 , 由 大路 直取 徐州 ; Lu Bu|sent|person|to|gather intelligence about|Zhang|Xun|this|entire|army|from|main road|directly attacking|Xuzhou Lü Bu sent someone to investigate and learned that Zhang Xun's large army was advancing directly towards Xuzhou via the main road; 噉 橋蕤 呢 一 軍 呢 就 取小沛 ; then|Qiao Rui|this|one|army|this|then| thus, Qiao Rui's army took Xiaopei; 陳紀 呢 一軍取 沂 都 ; Chen Ji|this||Yi|capital Chen Ji's army took Yidu; 雷薄 呢 一軍取 琅 琊 ; Thunderbolt|this|one army takes|clear|jade and Lei Bo's army took Langya. 陳 蘭 呢 一軍取 碣石 ; Chan|Lan|this||Jieshi Chen Lan's army took Qiaoshi; 韓暹 呢 一軍取 下 邳 ; Han Xian|this||defeat|Pi Han Xian's army took Xiapi; 楊奉 呢 一軍取 浚 山 。 Yang Feng|this||Jun|mountain Yang Feng's army took Junshan. 呢 七路 軍馬 , 一日 前進 五十里 , 沿路 劫掠 緊過 嚟 啊 。 this|seven routes|cavalry|one day|advanced|fifty miles|along the road|plundered|more intensely|coming|ah These seven armies advanced fifty miles in a day, plundering along the way. 於是 呂布 就 急急 召集 全體 謀士 嚟 商量 。 then|Lü Bu|then|urgently|gathered|all|strategists|to|discuss So, Lü Bu urgently summoned all the strategists to discuss. 陳 宮 同埋 陳 珪 父子 都 嚟 喇 , 陳 宮話 : Chan|Gung|and|Chan|Kwai|father and son|both|come|already|Chan| Chen Gong and Chen Gui, father and son, have arrived. 而家 徐州 呢 一場 大禍 , 都 係 陳 珪 父子 惹 返 嚟 嘅 。 now|Xuzhou|this|a|disaster|all|is|Chen|Gui|father and son|caused|back|to come|possessive particle Right now, this great disaster in Xuzhou was caused by Chen Gui and his son. 佢 哋 討好 朝廷 , 謀求 自己 升官發財 , 今日 又 移禍 於 將軍 。 They|plural marker|flatter|imperial court|seek|themselves|promotion and wealth|today|again|shift blame|to|general They are currying favor with the court, seeking to promote themselves and get rich, and today they have shifted the disaster onto the general. 我 認為 , 斬 咗 佢 哋 父子 兩個 人 ,攞 佢 個人 頭去 獻 畀 袁術 , 噉 袁 軍 自然 就 會 退走 㗎 嘞 。 I|think|kill|past tense marker|he|plural marker|father and son|two|people|take|his|personal||offer|to|Yuan Shu|then|Yuan|army|naturally|then|will|retreat|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle I believe that if we behead both of them and present their heads to Yuan Shu, the Yuan army will naturally retreat. 呂布 話 : 冇 錯 ! 人 嚟 ! 將陳 珪 、 陳 登 捉起 嚟 ! Lu Bu|said|not|wrong|people|come||Gui|Chen|Deng|take|here Lü Bu said: "That's right! Bring Chen Gui and Chen Deng here!" 且慢 ! 陳 登笑 起 嚟 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 你 哋 點解 咁 害怕 呢 ? wait a moment|Chan|Deng|get up|here|particle indicating completed action|hahaha||you|plural marker|why|so|scared|question particle Wait! Chen Deng is laughing now: Hahaha, hahaha, why are you all so scared? 我 睇 呢 七路 兵馬 就 好似 七堆 爛草 啊 , 何足介意 呢 ? I|see|this|seven routes|soldiers and horses|then|seems like|seven piles|rotten grass|ah|why bother|this I see these seven troops as just seven piles of rotten grass, what's there to worry about? 嗯 ? 七堆 爛草 ? hmm|Qidui (a place name)|rotten grass Hmm? Seven piles of rotten grass? 你 如果 有 辦法 破敵 , 我免 你 死罪 ! you|if|have|a way|defeat the enemy||you|death penalty If you have a way to defeat the enemy, I will spare you from death! 將軍 , 你 如果 聽 老夫 嘅 說話 , 徐州 我 擔保 你 冇 事 。 General|you|if|listen|old man|possessive particle|words|Xuzhou|I|guarantee|you|no|trouble General, if you listen to my advice, I guarantee you will be safe in Xuzhou. 你講 嚟 聽 下 。 |come|listen|a little You say, come and listen. 將軍 , 袁 術 嘅 兵馬 雖然 多 , 不過 都 係 啲 烏合 之師 , 並非 佢 嘅 親信 。 general|Yuan|Shu|possessive particle|troops|although|many|but|all|are|a measure word|hastily assembled||not|he|possessive particle|trusted subordinates General, although Yuan Shu's troops are numerous, they are just a rabble and not his trusted men. 而 我 哋 以 正兵 嚟 堅守 , 出 奇兵 嚟 打 佢 , 冇 話 唔 打贏 嘅 。 and|we|plural marker|with|regular troops|come|defend|send out|surprise troops|come|fight|them|not|say|not|win|past tense marker And we will hold our ground with regular troops and use surprise attacks against him; there's no reason we can't win. 仲有 一條 計策 呀 , 唔 止 話 保住 徐州 平安無事 啊 , 並且 可以 生擒 袁術 添 啊 。 there is still|one|strategy|particle|not|only|to say|to protect|Xuzhou|safe and sound|particle|and|can|capture alive|Yuan Shu|additionally|particle There's also a strategy that not only ensures the safety of Xuzhou, but can also capture Yuan Shu alive. 咩 嘢 計策 呢 ? what|thing|strategy|question particle What strategy is that? 嗱, 韓暹 、 楊 奉 佢 哋 兩個 乃 係 漢朝 嘅 舊臣 , 皆 因 係 怕 曹操 , 就 走 咗 出 嚟 , 冇 地方 落腳 , 所以 先至 暫時 歸附 袁 術 嘅 啫 。 well|Han Xian|Yang|Feng|they|plural marker|two|indeed|are|Han Dynasty|possessive particle|former ministers|all|because|are|afraid of|Cao Cao|then|ran|past tense marker|out|here|no|place|to settle|so|only then|temporarily|submitted to|Yuan|Shu|possessive particle|only Well, Han Xian and Yang Feng are both former officials of the Han Dynasty. They fled because they were afraid of Cao Cao and had nowhere to go, so they temporarily allied with Yuan Shu. 袁術 對 佢 哋 兩個 必定 輕視 嘅 。 Yuan Shu|towards|he|they|two|definitely|underestimate|particle indicating possession or modification Yuan Shu must look down on them. 而 佢 哋 呢 , 亦 都 唔 高興 做 袁 術 嘅 部下 , 畀 袁術 使 啊 。 and|they|plural marker|question particle|also|all|not|happy|to be|||possessive particle|subordinate|to be given|Yuan Shu|to use|final particle And they are also unhappy about being Yuan Shu's subordinates and being used by him. 你 話 如果 寫封信 去 畀 佢 哋 兩個 , 聯結 佢 哋 做 內應 , 同時 , 聯結 埋 劉備 做 外合 , 噉 裏應外合 , 實 捉住 袁 術 嘅 。 you|said|if|write a letter|to|give|he|plural marker|the two of them|connect|he|plural marker|be|internal support|at the same time|connect|also|Liu Bei|be|external support|then|internal and external support|really|capture|Yuan|Shu|possessive particle You know, if we write a letter to them, we can connect them as internal support, and at the same time, connect Liu Bei for external cooperation. This way, we can effectively capture Yuan Shu. 噉 呀 , 噉 啊 要 你 親自 去 韓暹 、 楊 奉 嗰 度 送信 至 得 。 like this|particle|like this|particle|need|you|personally|go|Hanxian|Yang|Feng|that|place|deliver the letter|to|arrive So, you need to personally go to Han Xian and Yang Feng to deliver the letter. 遵命 ! at your command At your command! 於是 呂布 就 發 咗 一份 表章 去 許都 , 又 寫 咗 封信 送 去 豫州 畀 劉玄德 。 then|Lü Bu|then|sent|past tense marker|a|proclamation|to|Xu Du|also|wrote|past tense marker||sent|to|Yu Province|to|Liu Xuande So, Lü Bu sent a proclamation to Xudu and also wrote a letter to Liu Xuande in Yuzhou. 然後 呢 , 叫 陳 登帶 幾個 人先 去 下 邳 嘅 大 路上 等候 韓暹 。 then|question particle|to call|Chen||a few||to go|Xia|Pi|possessive particle|big||to wait|Han Xian Then, he instructed Chen Deng to take a few people to wait on the road to Xia Pi for Han Xian. 韓暹 帶兵 嚟 到 喇 , 安好 營寨 。 Han Xian|lead troops|come|arrive|particle indicating completion|secure|camp Han Xian arrived with his troops and set up camp. 陳 登 走 去 見 佢 , 韓暹 話 嘞 : Chan|Deng|walk|go|see|him|Han Xian|said|past tense marker Chen Deng went to see him, and Han Xian said: 你 係 呂布 嘅 人 , 嚟 呢 處 咩 事 啊 ? you|are|Lu Bu|possessive particle|person|come|this|place|what|matter|question particle You are a person of Lü Bu, what brings you here? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 我 乃 係 大漢 公卿 , 點解 話 係 呂布 嘅 人 呢 ? hahaha|ha|I|am|is|Han Dynasty|noble|why|say|is|Lü Bu|possessive particle|person|question particle Hahaha, I am a high official of the Han Dynasty, why do you say I am a person of Lü Bu? 不過 好似 將軍 你 噉 , 本來 係 漢臣 , 而家 竟然 做 咗 叛賊 嘅 部下 , 搞 到 往日 關中 保駕 嘅 功勞 化為 烏有 , 我 就 覺得 將軍 你 噉 做好 唔 值得 啊 ! but|like|general|you|like this|originally|was|Han minister|now|unexpectedly|became|past tense marker|traitor|possessive particle|subordinate|||in the past|Guanzhong|protecting|possessive particle|merit|to become|nothing|I|then|feel|general|you|like this|doing well|not|worth|ah However, like you, General, originally a minister of the Han, now you have surprisingly become a subordinate of a traitor, turning the past merits of protecting Guanzhong into nothing. I think it is not worth it for you to do this! 而且 袁 術 嘅 脾性 最 多疑 嘅 , 日後 將軍 一定 會 畀 佢 害 㗎 。 moreover|Yuan|Shu|possessive particle|temperament|most|suspicious|possessive particle|in the future|general|definitely|will|be|him|harm|sentence-final particle Moreover, Yuan Shu is the most suspicious by nature, in the future, you will definitely be harmed by him. 所以 如果 而家 唔 及早 搞掂 佢 , 將來 就 悔之不及 咯 。 so|if|now|not|early|settle|it|in the future|then|regret it too late|particle indicating finality So if you don't deal with him early, you will regret it in the future. 嚱! 我 好 想 重新 歸附 漢朝 㗎 嘞 , 弊 在 我 毫無 門路 唧 。 exclamation particle|I|very|want|again|to return to|Han Dynasty|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating past action|problem|at|I|without|way|particle indicating frustration Ah! I really want to rejoin the Han Dynasty, but I have no way to do so. 將軍 , 呢 度 有 封信 係 溫侯 畀 你 嘅 。 General|||has|letter|is|Lord Wen|to give|you|possessive particle General, there is a letter here from Lord Wen for you. 陳 登 講完 , 就將 呂布 寫 嘅 信 攞 出 嚟 交 畀 韓 暹 。 Chen|Deng|finished speaking||Lu Bu|written|possessive particle|letter|to take|out|here|to hand over|to|Han|Xian After Chen Deng finished speaking, he took out the letter written by Lü Bu and handed it to Han Xian. 韓暹 睇 完信 就 話 : 我 知道 嘞 , 你 請 返 去 先 。 Han Sam|read|the letter|then|said|I|know|past tense marker|you|please|return|home|first After reading the letter, Han Xian said: I understand, you may go back first. 我 一定 同 楊將軍 調轉 槍頭 去 打 袁術 , 到 其時 就 睇 住 起火 為號 , 溫侯 帶兵 嚟 接應 就 得 嘞 。 I|definitely|with|General Yang|turn|gun barrel|to|fight|Yuan Shu|when|that time|then|see|holding|firing||General Wen||come|support|then|okay|particle indicating completion I will definitely turn the guns around with General Yang to fight Yuan Shu, and at that time, just watch for the fire as a signal, and Lord Wen will bring troops to support. 搞掂 晒 喇 噉 就 , 陳 登 告辭 咗 韓暹 , 飛快 趕返 去 報告 呂布 。 handle|completely|particle indicating completed action|like this|then|Chan|Deng|resign|past tense marker|Han Xian|quickly|rush back|to|report|Lu Bu Done! With that, Chen Deng resigned from Han Xian and quickly rushed back to report to Lü Bu. 呂布 就 兵分 五路 嚟 對敵 袁術 嘞 噃, 噉 邊 五路 呢 ? Lu Bu|then|troops divided|into five routes|come|confront the enemy|Yuan Shu|past tense particle||so|which|five routes|question particle Lü Bu then divided his troops into five routes to confront the enemy Yuan Shu. So, what are these five routes? 高 順帶 一 軍 進駐 小沛 , 迎擊 橋蕤 ; Gao|along with|one|army|stationed|Xiaopei|counterattack|Qiao Rui Gao Shun led an army to station at Xiaopei to confront Qiao Rui; 陳 宮帶 一 軍 進駐 沂 都 , 迎擊 陳紀 ; Chen||one|army|stationed|Yi|capital|counterattack|Chen Ji Chen Gong led an army to station at Yidu to confront Chen Ji; 張 遼 、 臧霸帶 一軍出 琅 琊 , 迎擊 雷薄 ; ||||||to confront|Lei Bo Zhang Liao and Zang Ba led an army out of Langya to confront Lei Bo. 宋憲 、 魏續 帶 一軍出 碣石 , 迎擊 陳 蘭 ; Song Xian|Wei Xu|led||Jieshi|to confront|Chen|Lan Song Xian and Wei Xu led an army out to Qiaoshi to confront Chen Lan; 呂布 親自 帶 一軍出 大路 , 迎擊 張 勛 。 Lu Bu|personally|lead||main road|confront|Zhang|Xun Lu Bu personally led an army out on the main road to confront Zhang Xun. 各 路軍 都 一萬 人 , 其餘 有 剩 嘅 就 守城 。 each||all|ten thousand|people|the rest|have|remaining|possessive particle|then|defend the city Each route had ten thousand soldiers, while the rest stayed behind to defend the city. 呂布 帶兵 出 城 三十里 嘅 地方 扎 好 營寨 。 Lu Bu|led the troops|out|city|thirty li|possessive particle|place|set up|well|camp Lu Bu set up camp thirty miles outside the city. 噉 張 勛 嘅 軍隊 嚟 到 嘅 時候 , 諗 住 打 唔 過 呂布 嘅 , 就 暫時 退後 二十里 , 駐 扎 喺 處 , 打算 等 埋 四 便 嘅 軍 兵 嚟 接應 喇 , 先至 發起 進攻 。 then|Zhang|Xun|possessive particle|army|arrive|at|possessive particle|time|||fight|not|over|Lü Bu|possessive particle|then|temporarily|retreat|twenty li|stationed|set up|at|place|plan|wait|together|four|side|possessive particle|soldiers|troops|come|support|particle indicating completed action|only then|launch|attack When Zhang Xun's army arrived, thinking they couldn't defeat Lu Bu, they temporarily retreated twenty miles and stationed themselves there, planning to wait for the other troops to come for support before launching an attack. 點 知道 當晚 二 更 時分 , 韓暹 、 楊奉 分散 啲 兵卒 到處 咁 放火 , 接應 呂布 嘅 軍 兵 入 寨 , 張 勛 嘅 軍隊 當堂 亂 晒 大龍 。 how|to know|that night|second|watch|time|Han Xian|Yang Feng|scattered|the|soldiers|everywhere|so|set fire|to assist|Lü Bu|possessive particle|army|soldiers|enter|camp|Zhang|Xun|possessive particle|army|on the spot|in chaos|completely|Dulong How did they know that on that night at the second watch, Han Xian and Yang Feng scattered their soldiers everywhere to set fires, assisting Lu Bu's troops into the camp, while Zhang Xun's army was in complete chaos? 呂布 趁勢 掩殺 過去 , 張 勛 就 大敗 逃走 嘞 。 Lu Bu|take advantage of the situation|ambush|past|Zhang|Xun|then|was defeated|fled|past tense marker Lu Bu took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack, and Zhang Xun was defeated and fled. 呂布 一路 追 佢 追 到 天光 , 撞 啱 紀靈 嚟 到 接應 , 兩 軍 相遇 , 正話 要 交鋒 嘅 時候 , 韓暹 、 楊奉 兩路 兵馬 殺到 嘞 。 Lu Bu|all the way|chased|him|||dawn|||Ji Ling|||to support|||met|just about|to|engage in battle|possessive particle|time|Han Xian|Yang Feng|two|troops|arrived|past tense particle Lu Bu chased him until dawn, when he encountered Ji Ling who came to assist, and just as the two armies were about to clash, Han Xian and Yang Feng's troops arrived. 打到 紀靈 大敗 落荒而走 , 呂布 就 帶兵 一路 追殺 啦 。 beat|Ji Ling|was defeated|fled in disgrace|Lu Bu|then|led his troops|all the way|pursued and killed|particle indicating completion or emphasis The battle caused Ji Ling to suffer a great defeat and flee, and Lu Bu led his troops to continue the pursuit. 追 追下 , 只見 山 背後 一彪 軍馬 趕到 嚟 。 chase|chasing|only saw|mountain|behind|a group of|cavalry|rushed|here As they chased, they saw a group of cavalry rushing in from behind the mountain. 門旗 一開 , 一隊 軍馬 打起 晒 龍鳳 日月 旗 、 四斗 五方 旗 , 仲有 金瓜銀 斧 , 黃鉞白 旄 , 嘿 係 威 係 勢 。 gate flag|once opened|a team|cavalry|raise|fully|dragon and phoenix|sun and moon|flags|four directions|five directions|flags|also have||axe||banner|hey|is|might|is|power The gate flag opened, and a troop of cavalry raised the Dragon and Phoenix, Sun and Moon flags, along with golden gourd and silver axe, yellow halberd and white banner, hey, it’s power and might. 只見 袁術 啊 身披 金甲 , 手腕 掛住 兩把 刀 , 喺 黃羅銷 金 大羅 傘 之下 , 勒馬 企 喺 陣前 。 only saw|Yuan Shu|ah|wearing|golden armor|wrist|hanging|two|swords|at||gold|large umbrella|umbrella|under|reining in his horse|standing|at|the front of the formation I saw Yuan Shu, clad in golden armor, with two swords hanging from his wrists, standing on horseback in front of the formation under a large golden umbrella. 袁術 大喝一聲 話 : 呂布 ! 你 呢 個 背主 奴才 ! 吖 吖 呸 ! Yuan Shu|shouted loudly|said|Lu Bu|you|this|measure word|betraying master|servant|||spit Yuan Shu shouted loudly: "Lu Bu! You traitorous servant! Ah, ah, spit!" 呂布 發火 嘞 , 挺 戟 縱 馬直衝 上前 啊 。 Lu Bu|got angry|past tense particle|raised|halberd|spurred||forward|ah Lu Bu got angry and charged forward with his spear. 袁 術 嘅 部將 李豐 挺 槍 嚟 迎戰 啦 , 打 咗 都 唔 到 三個 回合 , 畀 呂布 㓤 傷 咗 隻 手 , 喂 呀 , 連 支槍 都 掉 低 就 走 。 Yuan|Shu|possessive particle|general|Li Feng|brandished|spear|to|face the battle|sentence-final particle|fought|past tense marker|even|not|reach|three|rounds|by|Lü Bu|injured|injury|past tense marker|measure word for hands|hand|hey|sentence-final particle|even||also|dropped|down|then|ran away Yuan Shu's general, Li Feng, raised his spear to meet the challenge, but after less than three exchanges, Lu Bu injured his hand, and he dropped his spear and fled. 呂布 將支 戟 一揮 , 大軍 衝殺 過去 , 殺到 袁 軍 大亂 啊 , 搏命 咁 逃跑 。 Lu Bu||halberd|with one swing|army|charged in|past|killing until|Yuan|army|in chaos|ah|desperately|like that|ran away Lü Bu swung his spear, and the army charged forward, causing chaos among Yuan's troops, who fled for their lives. 呂布 帶住 部隊 一路 追 , 搶奪 咗 好多 馬匹 衣甲 。 Lu Bu|led|army|all the way|chased|seized|past tense marker|many|horses|armor Lü Bu led his troops in pursuit, seizing many horses and armor. 袁術 率領 住支 敗軍 走 咗 冇 幾多 里路 , 忽然間 , 喺 山 背後 衝出 一彪 軍馬 , 截住 去路 。 Yuan Shu|led||defeated army|to flee|past tense marker|not|many|li (a unit of distance)|suddenly|at|mountain|behind|charged out|a group of|cavalry|blocked|path Yuan Shu, leading his defeated army, had not traveled far when suddenly, a group of cavalry charged out from behind the mountain, blocking their path. 當先 一員大將 乃 係 關雲長 啊 , 佢 大喝一聲 : 反賊 , 你 仲 唔 受 死 ! first|a great general|actually|is|Guan Yu|ah|he||rebel|you|still|not|accept|death The foremost general was Guan Yu, who shouted loudly: "Rebel, you still won't accept your death!" 喂 呀 ! 袁術 驚到 面 都 青 。 hey|particle|Yuan Shu|scared|face|all|pale Hey! Yuan Shu was so scared that his face turned pale. 嗰 匹 馬 如果 有 八隻 腳 就 好 咯 , 佢 死命 咁 逃走 。 that|measure word for horses|horse|if|has|eight|legs|then|good|particle indicating certainty|he|desperately|so|ran away If that horse had eight legs, it would be great, it would run for its life. 嗰 班 兵卒 呀 散 晒 , 四圍 咁 趯 , 畀 關雲長 大殺 咗 一陣 。 that|group|soldiers|particle|scattered|completely|all around|so|panicked|by|Guan Yu|killed|past tense marker|a while The soldiers scattered all around, and were slaughtered by Guan Yunchang. 終歸 呢 , 袁術 收拾 啲 殘軍敗 卒 , 就 走 返去 淮南 。 eventually|particle indicating a question|Yuan Shu|to gather|particle indicating a small amount||soldiers|then|to leave|return|Huai Nan In the end, Yuan Shu gathered the remnants of the defeated troops and returned to Huainan. 呂布 大獲全勝 , 好 高興 啦 。 Lu Bu|achieved a great victory|very|happy|particle indicating excitement or emphasis Lü Bu achieved a great victory and was very happy. 邀請 關公 、 楊奉 、 韓暹 等等 一行 人馬 去 徐州 , 大排 筵席 嚟 款待 。 invite|Guan Gong|Yang Feng|Han Xian|etc|a group of|people and horses|go|Xuzhou|large|banquet|come|entertain He invited Guan Gong, Yang Feng, Han Xian, and others to Xuzhou, and held a grand banquet to entertain them. 啲 軍士 都 有 賞賜 啊 噉 啊 皆大歡喜 嘞 。 plural marker|soldiers|all|have|rewards|particle|like that|particle|everyone is happy|past tense marker The soldiers all have rewards, so everyone is very happy. 第 日 , 關公 辭別 就 返去 豫州 。 the|day|Guan Gong|farewell|then|returned to|Yuzhou The next day, Guan Gong said goodbye and returned to Yuzhou. 呂布 向 朝廷 保舉 韓暹 做 沂 都 牧 、 楊奉 做 琅 琊 牧 , 就 考慮 留 佢 哋 兩個 人 喺 徐州 幫 自己 守 。 Lu Bu|to|the court|recommend|Han Xian|to be|Yi|capital|governor|Yang Feng|to be|Lang|Ya|governor|then|consider|to keep|them|plural marker|two|people|in|Xu Province|help|himself|defend Lü Bu recommended Han Xian to the court as the governor of Yidu and Yang Feng as the governor of Langya, and considered keeping both of them in Xuzhou to help him defend. 陳 珪 就 勸 呂布 話 : 唔 好 啊 。 Chen|Gui|then|advised|Lu Bu|said|not|good|particle Chen Gui advised Lü Bu, saying: "It's not good." 等韓 、 楊 兩位 幫 將軍 你 守住 山東 , 噉 不出 一年 , 山東 所有 嘅 城池 都 係 屬於 將軍 你 㗎 喇 。 |Yang|both|help|general|you|defend|Shandong|then|within||Shandong|all|possessive particle|cities|all|are|belong to|general|you|sentence-final particle|particle indicating completed action If Han and Yang help you defend Shandong, then within a year, all the cities in Shandong will belong to you. 呂布 諗 落 又 係 噃嚱, 就 送 韓暹 、 楊奉 兩個 暫時 嚟 沂 都 、 瑯 琊 兩 笪 地方 駐扎 , 就 聽候 皇帝 嘅 命令 。 Lu Bu|thought|down|again|is|a bit|then|sent|Han Xian|Yang Feng|two|temporarily|come|Yi|capital|Lang|Ya|two|small|places|stationed|then|waiting for|emperor|possessive particle|orders Lü Bu thought for a moment, and then sent Han Xian and Yang Feng to temporarily garrison in Yidu and Langya, waiting for the emperor's orders. 陳 登 諗 唔 通 喎 , 佢 靜靜 問 佢 父親 嘞 : 點解 唔 留 韓暹 、 楊 奉 佢 哋 喺 徐州 , 埋下 呢 兩條 禍根 , 等 佢 哋 第 日 殺 呂布 呢 ? Chen|Deng|thought|not|understand|particle|he|quietly|asked|his|father|particle|why|not|keep|Han Xian|Yang|Feng|they|plural particle|at|Xu Zhou|buried|these|two|roots of disaster|let|them|plural particle|next|day|kill|Lu Bu|this Chen Deng couldn't understand, so he quietly asked his father: Why not leave Han Xian and Yang Feng in Xuzhou, planting these two roots of disaster, so that they could kill Lü Bu in the future? 陳 珪 話 嘞 : 哼哼 哼哼 哼 , 如果 佢 兩個 真 係 協助 呂布 呢 , 噉 豈 唔 係 同 隻 老虎 添牙添 爪 ? Chan|Gwai|said|past tense marker|hmm|hmm|hmm|if|they|two|really|are|assisting|Lu Bu|question particle|then|how|not|is|with|measure word for animals|tiger||claws Chen Gui said: Hmph, if those two really assist Lü Bu, wouldn't that be like adding teeth and claws to a tiger? 嗯 ! 陳 登服 晒 佢 父親 , 高見 啊 ! 姜仲 係 老 嘅 辣 呢 。 hmm|Chan|is obedient|completely|he|father|well said|ah||is|old|possessive particle|spicy|question particle Hmm! Chen Deng fully agreed with his father, what a great insight! Jiang Zhong is indeed a wise old man. 噉 啊 嗰 個 袁 術 佢 打敗 咗 仗 啊 趯 返去 淮南 , 派 人 去 江東 問 孫策 借兵 報仇 噃。 then|particle|that|measure word|Yuan|Shu|he|defeated|past tense marker|battle|particle|hurriedly|returned|Huainan|sent|people|to|Jiangdong|asked|Sun Ce|borrow troops|take revenge|particle So that Yuan Shu was defeated and returned to Huainan, sending someone to Jiangdong to ask Sun Ce for troops to take revenge. 孫策 好 嬲 啊 , 佢 話 : 你 夾硬要 咗 我 嘅 玉璽 , 自封 皇帝 , 背叛 漢室 , 真 係 大逆不道 啊 ! Sun Ce|very|angry|particle|he|said|you||past tense marker|my|possessive particle|imperial seal|self-proclaimed|emperor|betray|Han dynasty|really|is|great treason|particle Sun Ce is very angry. He said: You forcibly took my imperial seal, declared yourself emperor, and betrayed the Han dynasty. This is truly outrageous! 我 正 係 要 興兵 去 問罪 , 唔 通 反而 嚟 幫 你 個 反賊 咩 ? I|currently|am|want|raise troops|to|question|||instead|come|help|you|the|traitor|question particle I am indeed raising troops to seek justice. Am I supposed to come and help you, the rebel? 揦 起 支筆 , 即 刻寫 咗 封信 嚟 拒絕 袁 術 嘅 請求 。 pick up|raise|pencil|||past tense marker|letter|come|reject|Yuan|Shu|possessive particle|request He picked up a pen and immediately wrote a letter to reject Yuan Shu's request. 嗰 個 使者 帶住 封 覆信 返去 見到 袁術 , 袁術 睇 完 封信 ,𠰴𠰴𠰴, 將 封信 撕到 粉碎 。 that|measure word for people|messenger|brought|measure word for letters|reply letter|back|saw|Yuan Shu||read|finished|letter|sound of laughter|to|letter|tear into|pieces The messenger took the letter back to see Yuan Shu. After Yuan Shu read the letter, he was furious and tore it to shreds. 豈有此理 ! 孫策 你 個 黃口 小子 ! 乳臭未乾 , 竟然 咁 可惡 吓 , 我 打 你 先 ! how can this be reasonable|Sun Ce|you|measure word|yellow-mouthed|brat|still smells of milk|actually|so|despicable|surprised particle|I|hit|you|first This is outrageous! Sun Ce, you little brat! You are still wet behind the ears, and yet you are so despicable. I will hit you first! 好彩 得到 長史 楊 大將 苦苦 勸 佢 , 噉 先至 作罷 冇 興兵 。 fortunately|received|Chancellor|Yang|General|desperately|advised|him|like that|only then|gave up|no|military action Fortunately, the Grand Historian Yang the General urged him persistently, so he finally gave up and did not raise troops. 噉 孫策 呢 , 佢 又 有 準備 噃。 自從 覆 咗 信 之後 , 佢 又 防 袁 術 會 出兵 嚟 , 就 派 咗 軍隊 守住 江口 呢 啲 險要 嘅 地方 。 then|Sun Ce|question particle|he|again|has|preparations|particle indicating certainty|since|defeated|past tense marker|Xin|after|he|again|guard against|Yuan|Shu|will|send troops|here|then|sent|past tense marker|army|guarding|Jiangkou|question particle|plural marker|strategic|possessive particle|places As for Sun Ce, he was also prepared. Since the fall of Xin, he has been on guard against Yuan Shu's possible military actions, and has sent troops to guard the strategic locations at the river mouth. 有 一日 , 曹操 個 使者 帶住 詔書 嚟 到 , 任命 孫策 做會稽 太守 , 命令 佢 起兵 去 討伐 袁術 。 there is|one day|Cao Cao|possessive particle|messenger|brought|edict|||appointed|Sun Ce||governor|ordered|he|raise troops|to|attack|Yuan Shu One day, a messenger from Cao Cao arrived with an imperial edict, appointing Sun Ce as the Governor of Kuaiji and ordering him to raise troops to attack Yuan Shu. 孫策 即刻 啊 召開 會議 , 商量 出兵 嘅 事情 。 Sun Ce|immediately|ah|convene|meeting|discuss|deployment of troops|possessive particle|matter Sun Ce immediately convened a meeting to discuss the matter of deploying troops. 長 史張昭 啊 建議 話 嘞 : Cheung|Si Cheung|ah|suggested|saying|past tense particle Grand Historian Zhang Zhao suggested: 袁術 雖然 新近 打 咗 敗仗 , 但 係 佢 仍然 係 兵 多 糧足 , 元氣 未傷 , 不可 輕敵 啊 。 Yuan Shu|although|recently|fought|past tense marker|defeat||is||||soldiers|many|sufficient food|morale||cannot|underestimate the enemy|sentence-final particle Yuan Shu, although he has recently suffered a defeat, he still has a large army and ample supplies, and his morale is not damaged, so we must not underestimate him. 既然 一定 要 打 , 就 不如 寫封信 畀 曹操 , 請 佢 出兵 南征 , 我 哋 嚟 做後應 。 since|definitely|must|fight|then|might as well|write a letter|to|Cao Cao|request|he|send troops|southern expedition|I|we|come| Since we have to fight, we might as well write a letter to Cao Cao, asking him to send troops for a southern expedition, and we will act as support. 兩支 軍隊 互相 支援 , 噉 啊 就 一定 能夠 打敗 袁 術 嘅 。 two|armies|each other|support|then|ah|will|definitely|able to|defeat|Yuan|Shu|possessive particle With the two armies supporting each other, we will definitely be able to defeat Yuan Shu. 我 哋 就算 萬一 有 咩 危險 嘞 , 亦 可以 得到 曹操 嘅 救助 吖 嘛 。 I|we|even if|in case|have|any|danger|past tense marker|also|can|receive|Cao Cao|possessive particle|assistance|sentence-final particle|rhetorical question particle Even if we encounter any danger, we can still receive assistance from Cao Cao. 冇 錯 , 呢 個 乃 係 萬全之策 啊 ! not|wrong|this|measure word|indeed|is|foolproof plan|particle That's right, this is indeed a foolproof plan! 於是 孫策 派個 使者 帶 封信 去 畀 曹操 , 講明 呢 個 意思 。 then|Sun Ce||messenger|to bring|sealed letter|to|give|Cao Cao|to clarify|this|(measure word)|meaning So, Sun Ce sent a messenger to deliver a letter to Cao Cao, explaining this intention. 而家 講下 曹操 , 佢 返 到 許都 , 就 好 想念 典韋 , 就立 咗 個 靈位 嚟 祭 佢 , 封 佢 個 仔 典 滿 做 中 郎 , 仲 收養 喺 丞相 府 嚟 。 now|talk about|Cao Cao|he|||Xu Du|then|very|misses|Dian Wei|then set up|past tense marker|measure word|spirit tablet|to|worship|him|posthumously honored|him|measure word|son|||made|middle|official|also|adopted|at|prime minister|residence|to Now let's talk about Cao Cao. When he returned to Xudu, he missed Dian Wei very much, so he set up a spirit tablet to honor him, appointed Dian Wei's son, Dian Man, as a Zhonglang, and took him in to live at the Prime Minister's residence. 呢 一日 , 孫策 嘅 使者 帶信 嚟 拜見 佢 。 this|one day|Sun Ce|possessive particle|messenger||to|pay respects to|him One day, Sun Ce's messenger came to see him with the letter. 曹操 睇 咗 封信 , 正 喺 呢 個 時候 又 得到 報告 話 袁術 因為 缺糧 , 而 家 喺 陳 留 一帶 劫掠 啊 噉 。 Cao Cao|read|past tense marker|letter|just|at|this|classifier for events|time|again|received|report|saying|Yuan Shu|because|shortage of grain|and|his family|at|||surrounding area|plundering|ah|like this Cao Cao read the letter, and at that moment, he also received a report that Yuan Shu was raiding around Chen Liu due to a lack of supplies. 啱 嘞 , 趁住 呢 個 機會 攻 佢 就 最 啱 㗎 喇 , 於是 就 下令 興兵 南征 。 right|particle indicating past action|taking advantage of|this|measure word|opportunity|attack|him|then|most|appropriate|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|so|then|ordered|mobilize troops|southern expedition Exactly, it was the perfect opportunity to attack him, so he ordered the troops to march south. 除 咗 留低 曹仁守 許都 之外 , 其餘 所有 嘅 將領 啊 全部 跟隨 出征 。 ||stay behind|Cao Renshou|Xu Du|outside of|the rest|all|possessive particle|generals|ah|all|followed|to battle Except for leaving Cao Ren and Xu Du behind, all the other generals followed to the expedition. 馬步軍 兵 啊 總共 一 十七萬 , 糧食 輜重 呀 千 幾車 。 cavalry|soldiers|ah|a total of|one|170000|food|supplies|ah|thousand| The cavalry and infantry totaled 170,000, with over a thousand carts of food and supplies. 同時 先派 人 去 通知 孫策 、 劉備 同埋 呂布 。 at the same time|first send|person|to|inform|Sun Ce|Liu Bei|and|Lu Bu At the same time, they sent someone to notify Sun Ce, Liu Bei, and Lü Bu. 當 曹操 個 大軍 嚟 到 豫州 邊界 嘅 時候 , 劉備 已經 帶齊 兵馬 喺 度 迎接 嘞 。 when|Cao Cao|possessive particle|army|||Yu Province|border|possessive particle|time|Liu Bei|already|brought|troops|at|there|welcomed|past tense marker When Cao Cao's large army arrived at the border of Yu Province, Liu Bei had already gathered his troops to welcome them. 曹操 請 佢 入 嚟 大營 見面 , 見 咗 面 , 行過禮 , 劉備 就 獻上 兩個 首級 , 即 係 人頭 啊 。 Cao Cao|please|he|enter|here|main camp|meet|saw|past tense marker|face||Liu Bei|then|presented|two|heads|||human heads|ah Cao Cao invited him into the main camp to meet, and after exchanging greetings, Liu Bei presented two severed heads, that is, human heads. 曹操 奇怪 喇 , 係 邊個 嘅 首級 啊 ? Cao Cao|strange|particle indicating a completed action|is|who|possessive particle|head|particle for emphasis Cao Cao, how strange, whose heads are these? 呢 兩個 乃 係 韓暹 、 楊 奉 嘅 首級 。 this|two|are|are|Han Xian|Yang|Feng|possessive particle|heads These two are the heads of Han Xian and Yang Feng. 哦 ? 點 嚟 嘅 呢 ? oh|how|come|question particle|this Oh? How did this happen? 呂布 叫 佢 哋 兩個 暫時 喺 沂 都 同 瑯 琊 住 落 , 估 唔 到 佢 兩個 縱容 士兵 擄掠 百姓 , 搞 到 人人 怨恨 。 Lu Bu|called|he|they|two|temporarily|at|Yi|both|with|Lang|Ya|live|down||||he|two|allowed|soldiers|to plunder|civilians|||everyone|resentment Lü Bu ordered them to temporarily stay in Yidu and Langya, but unexpectedly, they allowed their soldiers to plunder the common people, causing everyone to resent them. 因此 , 我 擺 咗 個 宴會 , 詐諦 話 請 佢 哋 嚟 商量 事情 。 therefore|I|hold|past tense marker|classifier|banquet|Zha Di|said|invite|he|plural marker|come|discuss|matters Therefore, I held a banquet, pretending to invite them to discuss matters. 喺 飲酒 嘅 時候 ,掟 杯 為 號 , 我 嗰 兩個 細佬 關羽 、 張飛 殺 咗 佢 , 逼使 佢 哋 軍隊 全部 投降 , 所以 而家 特意 前 嚟 請罪 。 at|drinking|possessive particle|time|throw|cup|as|signal|I|those|two|younger brothers|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|kill|past tense marker|him|force|them|plural marker|army|all|surrender|so|now|specially|forward|come|apologize During drinking, throwing the cup is a signal. My two younger brothers, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, killed him, forcing his entire army to surrender, so now I specially came to apologize. 哦 , 使君 你 為 國家 除害 , 正 係 大大 嘅 功勞 , 仲 點解 話 要 請罪 呢 , 啊 ? oh|Your Excellency|you|for|country|eliminate harm|just|is|great|possessive particle|contribution|still|why|say|need to|apologize|question particle|ah Oh, Lord, you have eliminated threats for the country, which is indeed a great contribution. Why do you say you need to apologize? 曹操 深深 噉 慰問 劉備 一番 , 然後 聯合 兵馬 , 一齊 去 到 徐州 嘅 境界 。 Cao Cao|deeply|like this|inquired about|Liu Bei|one time|then|united|troops|together|||Xuzhou|possessive particle|border Cao Cao deeply expressed his condolences to Liu Bei, and then united the troops to go to the borders of Xuzhou. 呂布 亦 都 出 嚟 迎接 , 曹操 待 佢 個 態度 非常 好 。 Lu Bu|also|all|come|here|to welcome|Cao Cao|treat|him|his|attitude|very|good Lu Bu also came out to welcome them, and Cao Cao treated him very well. 對 佢 講 咗 唔 少 好話 , 封 佢 做 左 將軍 , 應承 打 完仗 返去 京師 嘅 時候 , 就 發 新 嘅 官印 畀 佢 。 to|him|say|past tense marker|not|few|good things|to confer|him|make|past tense marker|general|promised|fight|war|return to|capital|possessive particle|time|then|issue|new|possessive particle|official seal|give|him He spoke many good words to him, appointed him as a general, and promised that when the battle was over and he returned to the capital, he would issue a new official seal to him. 呂布 就極 之 歡喜 啦 。 Lu Bu||possessive particle|happy|sentence-final particle Lü Bu was extremely happy. 好 喇 , 而家 人馬 齊全 喇 。 good|particle indicating completed action|now|personnel and horses|fully equipped|particle indicating completed action Alright, now the troops are all gathered. 曹操 就 分配 呂布 一軍在 左 , 劉備 一軍在 右 , 自己 就 統率 大軍 居中 , 命令 夏侯惇 、 于禁 做 先鋒 , 浩浩蕩蕩 殺 奔 淮南 。 Cao Cao|then|assigned|Lu Bu||left|Liu Bei||right|himself|then|commanded|large army|in the center|ordered|Xiahou Dun|Yu Jin|to be|vanguard|vast and mighty|to kill|rush|Huainan Cao Cao assigned Lü Bu to one army on the left, Liu Bei to one army on the right, and he himself commanded the main army in the center, ordering Xiahou Dun and Yu Jin to be the vanguards, marching vigorously towards Huainan. 袁術知 道 曹兵 殺 嚟 , 就 命令 大將 橋蕤 帶 五萬 兵馬 做 先鋒 。 Yuan Shu knew|that|Cao's troops|would attack|come|then|ordered|general|Qiao Rui|to lead|fifty thousand|soldiers and horses|to act as|vanguard Yuan Shu, knowing that Cao's troops were coming, ordered the general Qiao Rui to lead fifty thousand soldiers as the vanguard. 噉 雙方 軍隊 啊 喺 壽 春 邊界 遭遇 。 then|both sides|armies|ah|at|||border|encountered Thus, the two armies encountered each other at the border of Shouchun. 橋蕤 當先 出馬 , 同 夏侯惇 打 咗 唔 到 三個 回合 , 就 畀 夏侯惇 殺死 咗 。 Qiao Rui|first|to fight|with|Xiahou Dun|fight|past tense marker|not|reach|three|rounds|then|by||killed|past tense marker Qiao Rui went out first to fight, and after not even three rounds with Xiahou Dun, he was killed by Xiahou Dun. 袁 軍 大敗 呢 就 逃跑 返入 城 , 緊閉 城門 , 堅守 不 出 。 Yuan|army|suffered a great defeat|particle indicating a question|then|fled|returned into|city|tightly closed|city gate|defended|not|go out The Yuan army suffered a great defeat and fled back into the city, closing the city gates tightly and holding their ground. 呢 一日 , 探子 就 嚟 報告 。 this|day|scout|then|came|report On this day, scouts came to report. 話 孫策 用 戰船 攻擊 江邊 嘅 西 便 , 呂布 啊 帶兵 攻東 便 , 劉 、 關 、 張 帶兵 攻南 便 , 曹操 自己 帶兵 十七萬 攻北 便 喇 。 says|Sun Ce|use|warship|attack|riverside|possessive particle|west|side|Lü Bu|ah|leads troops||side|Liu|Guan|Zhang|leads troops||side|Cao Cao|himself|leads troops|170000||side|particle indicating completion or change of state They said that Sun Ce was attacking the western side by the river with warships, while Lü Bu was leading troops to attack the eastern side, and Liu, Guan, and Zhang were leading troops to attack the southern side, with Cao Cao himself leading 170,000 troops to attack the northern side. 嘩 嗨 ! 得 了 嘅 ? wow|hi|get|past tense marker|question particle Wow! Is that possible? 袁術 驚 死 嚟 咯 , 急急 召集 文武 官員 嚟 商量對策 。 Yuan Shu|frightened|die|come|particle indicating realization|urgently|gather|civil and military|officials|come| Yuan Shu was terrified and urgently summoned civil and military officials to discuss countermeasures. 楊 大將 就 話 : Yang|General|then|said General Yang then said: 壽春 呢 個 地區 , 年 年 水災 旱災 , 百姓 都 好 缺 糧食 。 Shou Chun|this|measure word|region|every|year|flood|drought|people|all|very|lacking|food In the Shouchun area, there are floods and droughts every year, and the people are very short of food. 而家 又 興師 動眾 , 畀 百姓 帶 嚟 極 多極 多 嘅 麻煩 , 民心 怨恨 。 now|again|mobilizing troops|gathering people|causing|common people|bringing|coming|extremely|||possessive particle|trouble|people's hearts|resentment Now, raising an army brings a lot of trouble to the people, causing resentment among the populace. 所以 曹兵 一到 就 難以 拒敵 嘞 , 不如 將軍 隊 留 喺 壽 春 , 一 於 堅守 , 唔 同 佢 哋 打 。 so|Cao's troops|as soon as they arrive|then|hard to|resist the enemy|particle indicating completed action|might as well|general|troops|stay|at|||one|in|defend|not|with|they|plural marker|fight Therefore, when Cao's troops arrive, it will be difficult to resist them. It would be better to keep the army stationed in Shouchun and hold the fort, rather than engage them in battle. 等到 佢 啲 軍糧 用盡 , 就 必定會 有 變亂 嘅 。 when|he|plural marker|military rations|are used up|then||have|chaos|particle indicating possession or modification When their military rations run out, there will definitely be chaos. 而 陛下 你 呢 , 就 統率 御林軍 , 渡過 淮河 。 and|Your Majesty|you|question particle|then|command|Imperial Guard|crossed|Huai River As for Your Majesty, you will lead the Imperial Guard across the Huai River. 一來 嗰 便 已經 麥熟 , 糧食 容易 解決 , 二來 亦 可以 暫時 避一避 曹 兵 嘅 鋒芒 吖 。 Firstly, the wheat will have ripened by then, making food supply easier to resolve; secondly, it can also temporarily avoid the sharpness of Cao's troops. 袁術 覺得 有 道理 , 就 照辦 嘞 。 Yuan Shu|thought|has|reason|then|follow the orders|past action particle Yuan Shu found it reasonable and acted accordingly. 留 咗 李豐 、 樂 就 、 梁剛 、 陳紀 四個 人分兵 十萬 , 堅守 壽春 。 leave|past tense marker|Li Fung|Lok|then|Leung Gong|Chan Kei|four||one hundred thousand|firmly defend|Shouchun He left Li Feng, Le Jiu, Liang Gang, and Chen Ji to divide ten thousand troops to firmly defend Shouchun. 其餘 嘅 將士 以及 庫藏 嘅 金 珠 寶貝 就 全部 帶齊 , 避 咗 過去 淮河 嗰 便 喇 。 the rest|possessive particle|soldiers|and|treasury|possessive particle|gold|pearl|treasure|then|all|brought together|avoid|past tense marker|past|Huai River|that|convenient|particle indicating completion The remaining soldiers and the treasures of gold and jewels are all gathered, avoiding the past at the Huai River.

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