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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 029

呢 一晚 , 董 承 喺 燈 下 就 反反覆覆 噉 , 睇 嗰 件 錦袍 同 玉帶 , 希望 喺 裏 便 搵 到 皇帝 秘密 交 畀 佢 嘅 嘢 。 但 係 搵 咗 好 耐 都 搵 唔 到 噃, 佢 好 疲倦 嘞 。 正話 想 伏 喺 張 枱 處 瞌 下 眼瞓 啦 , 忽然間 , 燈盞 嘅 燈花 跌 咗 落條 玉帶 上 便 , 燒着 玉帶 嘅 襯底 , 哎呀 , 弊 傢伙 弊 傢伙 。 董承 即刻 用 隻 手 嚟 拍 , 不過 已經 遲 咗 咯 , 已經 燒穿 咗 個窿 仔 嘞 。 唉 , 噉 點算 呢 ? 係 皇帝 御賜 嘅 玉帶 嚟 𠺢 嘛 , 誒 。 咦 , 乜嘢 嚟 㗎 ? 乜 喺 襯底 裏 便 原來 仲有 一層 白絹 㗎 噃。 誒 ? 仲 好似 紅紅 地色 有 啲 血跡 噉 嘅 , 奇怪 嘞 。 董承 急急 攞 把 刀 仔 嚟 , 拆開 嚟 一 睇 , 哎呀 , 原來 係 天子 親手 寫 嘅 血 字 密詔 嚟 啊 ! 呢 封 詔書 嘅 大意 呢 就 係 話 , 近日 曹操 奸賊 , 欺君 壓主 , 連群 結黨 就 敗壞 朝綱 。 一賞 一罰 , 都 唔 到 朕 自己 作主 , 睇 嚟 天下 就 有 危險 。 卿家 乃 係 國家 嘅 大臣 , 又 係 朕 嘅 親戚 , 應該 念及 高祖 創業 艱難 , 去 物色 同 聯合 忠義 雙全 嘅 人 , 嚟 消滅 奸黨 挽救 國家 。 朕 咬破 手指 , 用血 嚟 寫 呢 封 詔書 畀 你 , 卿家 務必 認真 謹慎 , 唔 好 辜負 朕 嘅 心意 啊 ! 建安 四年 , 春 三月 詔 。 董承睇 完 , 唉呀 , 涕淚交流 , 成晚 都 瞓 唔 着 啊 ! 第朝 早起 咗 身 , 佢 又 去 書房 ,攞 住 嗰 張 詔書 睇 完 一次 又 一次 。 哎 , 總 係 無計可施 啊 。 佢 將 詔書 放 喺 張 几 上 便 , 入 晒 神 噉 喺 度 諗 用 咩 嘢 辦法 嚟 剷除 曹操 呢 嚱? 諗 下 諗 下 , 眼瞓 起上 嚟 嘞 , 伏 喺 張 几 處 瞓 着 咗 。 呢 個 時候 , 侍郎 王子服 嚟 到 探訪 董承 。 守門 嘅 僕人 , 知道 王子服 同 主人 交情 十分 深厚 嘅 , 係 常來常往 , 所以 就 冇 攔阻 佢 。 由 得 佢 自己 一個 人 一直 行到 入 去 書房 。 王子服 入到 去 , 見到 董承 伏 喺 張 几 處 瞓 着 未 醒 喎 。 就 行近 埋 去 睇 下 佢 啦 , 咦 ? 奇怪 , 董 承 嘅 衫袖 砸 住 一塊 白絹 , 露出 一個 朕 字 嘅 。 王子服 好奇 起上 嚟 , 唔 出聲 , 定定 手拉 咗 嗰 塊 白 絹 出 嚟 睇 。 嘩 嗨 , 乜 原來 係 噉 㗎 ! 睇 完 , 將 詔書 收埋 喺 衫袖 籠 裏 便 , 然後 就 嗌 醒 董承 嘞 。 國舅 啊 , 國舅 啊 , 喂 , 你 真 係 自 在 咯 , 虧 你 瞓 得 着 噃。 董承 畀 王子服 嗌 醒 咗 , 一睇 , 嘿 , 唔 見 咗 張 詔書 , 嚇 到 魂不附體 , 手忙腳亂 。 王子服 話 嘞 : 哼哼 , 你 想 殺 曹丞相 呀 , 我 去 出 首告 你 。 哎呀 , 哎呀 兄長 呀 , 如果 你 係 噉 嘅 話 , 漢朝 天下 就 完咯 。 國舅 唔 使 驚 , 國舅 你 唔 使 驚 , 我同 你 開玩笑 啫 。 我 祖宗 世世代代 , 食 漢朝 嘅 俸祿 , 唔 通 一點 忠心 都 冇 咩 ? 我 願意 助 兄長 你 一臂之力 , 殺 呢 個 國賊 。 哦 , 兄長 有 噉 嘅 決心 , 乃 係 國家 之 大幸 啊 ! 王子服 就 話 嘞 : 我 哋 再 約 啲 志同道合 嘅 人 , 立 一張 義狀 , 拚住 三族 都 殺光 , 都 要效 忠於 主上 啊 ! 所謂 立 一張 義狀 呢 , 即 係 立 一張 字據 。 董承 就 好 歡喜 , 就 攞 咗 一幅 白絹 出 嚟 ,攞 起 支 筆 , 自己 啊 首先 簽上 個名 。 王子服 跟 住亦簽 咗 名 , 佢 話 : 吳子蘭 將軍 同 我 交情 極好 嘅 , 可以 搵 埋 佢 一齊 嚟 商量 喎 。 董承話 嘞 : 噉 好 吖 。 而家 滿朝 大臣 啊 , 就 係 得 長 水校尉 种輯 、 議 郎吳碩 呢 兩位 係 我 嘅 心腹 朋友 , 必定 能夠 同埋 我 哋 一齊 做 嘅 。 哈 , 真 係 有 咁 啱 得 咁 巧 噃。 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 僕人 就入 嚟 報告 話 种輯 、 吳碩 兩位 大人 嚟 探問 嘞 。 董承話 : 哎 , 真 係 上天 助 我 啊 ! 兄長 , 請 你 暫時 避開 一陣 先吓 。 噉 王子服 呢 , 就行 咗 去 屏風 後 便 避開 。 董承行 咗 出去 , 接 咗 佢 哋 兩位 大人 入 嚟 書房 坐落 , 飲過 茶 , 种輯 就 對 董承話 嘞 : 許田 射獵 嘅 事 , 國舅 你 個 心 嬲 唔 嬲 啊 ? 唉 , 心 嬲 又點 呢 ? 有 咩 辦法 啊 ? 吳碩話 : 我 發誓 要 殺 咗 呢 個 奸賊 㗎 嘞 , 弊 在 冇 人 幫 我唧 。 种緝話 : 為國 除害 , 我 死而無怨 啊 ! 哈哈 ! 好 喇 你 哋 ! 大家 吃 咗 一驚 , 一睇 , 原來 王子服 喺 屏風 後 便 行出 嚟 嘞 , 佢 話 : 你 哋 兩個 人想 謀殺 曹丞相 係 嘛 ? 我要 出首 去 告 你 哋 , 董國舅 就 係 人證 嘞 。 种緝 發火 鬧 佢 嘞 : 哼 ! 忠臣 不怕死 ! 我 哋 死 咗 都 係 做 漢朝 之鬼 啊 , 都叻過 你 卑鄙無恥 去 依附 國賊 ! 哈哈哈哈 , 唔 好 誤會 , 唔 好 誤會 啊 ! 董承話 喇 : 我 哋 正在 商量 緊 呢 件 事 , 要 搵 你 哋 兩位 呀 。 王侍郎 同 你 哋 講笑 啫 。 董承 講完 , 就 喺 衫袖 籠 扲 出 張 詔書 畀 佢 哋 兩個 睇 。 兩個 睇 完 , 不禁 熱淚 惦流 啊 。 董承 就 請 佢 哋 簽 咗 名 。 王子服 話 嘞 : 各位 喺 度 稍 為 等 一下 , 我 去 請 埋 吳子蘭 嚟 。 王子服 去 咗 冇 幾耐 , 就 約 咗 吳子蘭 嚟 嘞 , 同 大家 見過面 之後 , 亦 都 喺 義 狀 上面 簽 咗 名 。 然後 呢 , 董承 就 請 大家 去 後堂 飲酒 。 飲 飲下 , 忽然間 , 話 西涼 太守 馬騰 嚟 到 探訪 啊 。 董承話 嘞 : 誒 , 你 話 我 有 病 , 唔 見 客 噉 啦 。 噉 看 門口 嘅 僕人 唔 係 出去 回覆 囉 。 嘩 ! 馬騰 嬲 起 上 嚟 話 : 我 昨日 喺 東華門 外 , 親眼 睇 住 佢 着 住 錦袍 , 攬住 玉帶 行出 嚟 嘅 , 因 咩 事話 有 病 呢 ? 我 嚟 , 唔 係 冇 緊要 事 㗎 , 點解 唔 肯見 我 ? 誒 , 誒 請 大人 唔 好 嬲 , 小人 再入 去 通報 。 個 僕人 入去 報告 畀 董承聽 , 話 馬 騰 喺 門口 發火 喇 噉 。 董承 冇 辦法 啦 就 對 大家 話 : 各位 坐下 先 , 我 少陪 一陣 嘞 。 於是 董承 出去 大廳 , 請馬騰入 嚟 , 見 過禮 , 分 賓主 坐落 。 馬 騰話 : 我 嚟 京師 朝見 皇上 , 就 嚟 要 返去 , 特意 嚟 到 辭行 , 點解 國舅 唔 肯見 我 呢 ? 真 係 對 唔 住 , 我 突然 間 得 咗 啲 病 , 剛才 有失 迎候 , 多多 得罪 啊 。 國舅 面 帶 春風 , 唔 似 有 病 吖 。 誒 , 誒 。 董承 一時之間 冇 說話 好講 。 馬 騰將 衫袖 一拂 , 長嘆一聲 企 起身 , 行落 台階想 走 。 唉 !冚 唪 唥 都 唔 係 救國 嘅 人 啊 ! 啊 ! 馬大人 , 請 你 留步 , 請 你 留步 ! 你 剛才 話 邊個 唔 係 救國 嘅 人 呢 ? 哼哼 ! 許田 射獵 嘅 事 , 我 尚且 怒氣 滿胸 。 而 國舅 你 係 皇上 嘅 親戚 , 居然 陶醉 於 酒色 之中 , 一 啲 都 唔 諗 下 點樣 去 剷除 奸賊 ! 噉 樣 , 又點 能夠 做 一個 為 皇家 救難 扶 災 嘅 人 呢 ? 哎呀呀 呀呀 , 曹丞相 乃 係 國家 嘅 大臣 , 朝廷 依靠 晒 佢 㗎 喇 。 馬大人 點解 講 啲 噉 說話 啊 ? 吓 ? 乜 國舅 你仲以 為 曹賊 係 好人 呀 ? 哎 隔 墻 有 耳 , 請 大人 細聲 啲 啊 。 嘿 ! 淨一 係 貪生怕死 之徒 , 冇 資格 嚟 談論 大事 啊 ! 馬騰 講完 又 要行 。 董承 噉 就 知道 馬騰 確係 忠肝義膽 , 於是 佢 就 話 : 請 大人 唔 好 嬲 , 我 請 大人 睇 一樣 嘢 。 董承 將馬騰 帶到 去 書房 ,攞 詔書 出 嚟 畀 佢 睇 。 喂 呀 ! 馬 騰一 睇 完 喇 , 激動 到 不得了 , 毛髮倒豎 , 嘴唇 都 咬 穿 咗 , 滿口 都 係 血 啊 。 佢 對 董 承 話 : 國舅 , 你 , 你 哋 如果 一有 行動 , 我 立即 率領 西涼兵 馬 響應 ! 於是 董承 呢 , 就 請 王子服 佢 哋 幾位 出 嚟 同馬騰 相見 , 又 攞 嗰 張 義 狀 出 嚟 , 叫馬騰簽 咗 名 。 馬 騰 攞 起 杯酒 , 歃血 發誓 話 : 我 哋 誓死 不負 所約 ! 而家 我 哋 五個 人 , 如果 有 十個 人 呢 , 事情 就 一定 成功 嘞 。 董承話 : 忠義 雙全 嘅 人 不可多得 。 如果 搵 着 個 唔 妥當 嘅 人 , 就 畀 佢 害死 嚟 㗎 。 馬 騰諗 咗 一下 , 就 叫 董承 啊 攞 本 在職 官員 嘅 名冊 嚟 睇 。 佢 逐個 名 噉 查 , 當 佢 查 到 劉 氏 宗族 嗰 處 , 佢 拍 起 手 嚟 話 : 欸 ? 點解 唔 搵 埋 佢 嚟 商量 呢 ? 董 承 佢 哋 就 問 嘞 : 你 想 用邊 個人 啊 ? 擺住 一個 豫州 牧 劉玄德 喺 度 , 點解 唔 搵 佢 啊 ? 此人 雖然 係 皇叔 , 不過 而 家 佢 正 係 依附 緊 曹操 , 又點 肯同 我 哋 一齊 做 呢 件 事 呢 ? 唔 係 , 嗰 日 打獵 嘅 時候 , 曹操 出 嚟 接受 咗 大 眾 嘅 祝賀 。 我 睇 住 關雲長 喺 玄德背 後 , 舉起 把 刀 , 想 衝出 嚟 殺 曹操 。 當時 玄德打 個 眼色 制止 佢 。 玄德 唔 係 唔 想 剷除 曹操 嘅 , 就 係 因為 曹操 爪牙 咁 多 , 怕 力量 唔 足唧 。 國舅 , 你試 下去 搵 佢 , 佢 一定 應承 嘅 。 吳碩 就 話 喇 : 嗯 , 雖然 係 噉 講 啫 , 不過 呢 件 事 都 不宜 太快 去 進行 , 仲 係 慢慢 商量 下先 好 。 當日 傾談 完 , 大家 就 散 嘞 。 到 咗 第日 晚 黑 , 董承袋 好 張 詔書 喺 身邊 , 直情 去 到 劉備 嘅 宮 館 探望 佢 。 劉備 請 董承入 去 小閣 坐落 , 關羽 、 張飛 呢 , 就 照例 企 喺 劉備 嘅 旁邊 嘞 。 劉備 話 : 國舅 咁 夜 嚟 到 , 實 係 有事 嘞 。 噉 嘅 , 如果 日頭 騎住 馬 嚟 探訪 你 , 又 怕 曹操 疑心 吖 , 所以 就 夜晚 嚟 嘞 。 哦 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 人 嚟 , 擺酒 侍候 。 國舅 , 請 ! 劉備 吩咐 家人 擺酒 嚟 款待 董承 , 飲過 兩杯 , 董承話 嘞 : 前日 打獵 嘅 時候 , 雲長 想 殺 曹操 , 將軍 你 搖頭 眨眼 示意 雲長 唔 好 動手 , 點解 呢 ? 哎呀 ! 國舅 你 點知 㗎 ? 人 哋 都 冇 睇 見 , 就 唯獨 我 睇 見 。 唉 , 捨 弟 見到 曹操 不 分 尊卑 , 欺君罔上 , 所以 發起 火 嚟 啫 。 哎 , 朝廷 上 嘅 官員 , 如果 個個 都 好似 雲長 噉 樣 , 唉 , 何愁 天下 唔 太平 啊 ! 唉 ! 不過 國舅 啊 , 而家 有 曹丞相 治理 國家 , 為 咩 要 愁 天下 唔 太平 呢 ? 玄德公 , 你 乃 係 漢朝 皇叔 , 所以 我 披肝瀝膽 將 心裏話 對 你講 , 你 點解 冇 啲 誠意 呢 ? 啊 , 因為 怕 國舅 唔 知真定 假 , 所以 用 說話 嚟 試下 國舅 你 , 請 國舅 恕罪 啊 ! 於是 董承就將 詔書 攞 出 嚟 畀 劉備 睇 。 劉備 睇 咗 呀 , 悲憤 到極 啊 。 跟 住 , 董承 又 攞 嗰 張 義 狀 出 嚟 , 劉備 睇 下 上 便 簽住 六個 人 嘅 姓名 。 一 , 車騎 將軍 董承 ; 二 , 工部侍郎 王子服 ; 三 , 長 水校尉 种輯 ; 四 , 議 郎吳碩 ; 五 , 昭信 將軍 吳子蘭 ; 六 , 西涼 太守 馬騰 。 劉備 睇 完 就 話 嘞 , 國舅 既然 奉詔 討伐 奸賊 , 我點 能夠 唔 出力 啊 ? 於是 劉備 亦 喺 義 狀 上面 簽 咗 名 , 左 將軍 劉備 噉 。 簽完 嘞 , 董承 就 收返 好 張 詔書 同義 狀 , 佢 話 : 我 哋 再 請到 三個 人添 , 總共 十個 義士 , 我 哋 就 一齊 嚟 剷除 國賊 ! 國舅 , 呢 件 事 最 緊要 穩穩 陣陣 嚟 做 , 唔 好 隨便 講啊 ! 噉 董承同 劉備 一齊 商量 到 五更天 , 先至 告辭 返扯 , 呢 處 呢 , 就 暫時 唔 講 佢 住 。 而家 講下 劉備 啊 , 佢 呢 個人 係 好 有 諗 頭 嘅 。 佢 為 咗 防備 曹操 謀害 佢 , 就 喺 住宅 嘅 後園 種返 幾 迾 菜 噃。 親自 鋤地 淋水 , 用 噉 樣 嘅 做法 啊 嚟 隱蔽 自己 嘅 意圖 。 避免 人 哋 , 特別 係 避免 曹操 啊 , 注意 同 猜疑 自己 。 關羽 同 張飛 見到 個 大哥 學 種菜 喎 , 就 話 嘞 : 大哥 , 你 唔 去 留心 天下大事 , 誒 走 嚟 學 埋 啲 下 等 人 做 嘅 事情 , 呵呵 , 點解 啊 吓 ? 噷 噷 噷 噷 噷 噷 。 呢 啲 , 兩位 賢弟 就 唔 明白 㗎 喇 。 關羽 、 張飛 聽見 劉備 噉 講唄 , 就 冇 再 追問 嘞 。 有 一日 , 關羽 同 張飛 行開 咗 , 唔 喺 屋企 嚟 。 劉備 呢 正 喺 後園 種菜 , 突然 間 , 許褚 、 張遼帶 住 幾十人 入到 嚟 後園 。 佢 哋 對 劉備 話 : 奉 丞相 嘅 命令 , 請 使君 即刻 去 啊 。 吓 ? 有 咩 緊要 事 啊 ? 劉備 驚 嘞 。 許褚話 : 唔 知 噃, 丞相 只 係 吩咐 我 哋 嚟 請 使君 去唧 。 劉備 冇 辦法 , 唯有 跟 佢 哋 兩個 去 相府 見 曹操 。 一 見面 , 曹操 就 笑 住 話 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 玄德公 , 你 喺 屋企 做得好 事 啊 ! 吓 ? 誒 , 誒 。 當堂 嚇 到 劉備 面如土色 , 曹操 拖住 劉備 隻 手 , 一直 入到 後花園 , 佢 話 : 玄德公 , 學 種菜 唔 容易 呀 嚱? 吓 ? 哦 , 哦 , 嘻嘻 嘻嘻 , 誒 , 冇 事 做 , 消遣 下 啫 。 嗯 , 剛才 , 見到 啲 梅樹 結 咗 子 , 青青 綠綠 。 我 就 諗 起 舊年 打張 繡 嘅 時候 。 有 一次 , 一路 搵 唔 到 水 飲 , 將士 都 頸 渴到 不得了 。 哼 當時 我心 生一計 , 就 用條 馬鞭 指住 前 便 話 : 前 便 有 座 梅林 啊 ! 啲 兵卒 聽 咗 呀 , 個口 即刻 流口水 喎 , 噉 就 唔 頸 渴 喇 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 今日 , 見到 啲 梅子 不可不 欣賞 一番 啊 。 啱 啱 又 煮 到 啲 酒 , 所以 特登請 使君 嚟 飲 返杯 啊 ! 使君 , 請 ! 嘩 ! 劉備 個心 呀 , 而家 先至 歸返 位 。 佢 跟 住 曹操 嚟 到 一間 亭 仔 , 裏 便 已經 擺好 酒席 , 仲有 一碟 青梅 , 一樽新 煮 嘅 酒 。 兩個 人 打 對面 坐 , 就 開懷暢飲 嘞 噃。 飲到 半 醉 嘅 時候 , 忽然間 天上 烏雲 密布 , 大雨 就 到 嘞 。 啲 僕人 指住 天邊 話 : 吓 , 龍 吸水 啊 , 龍 吸水 啊 ! 即 係 龍卷 風 啊 。 曹操 同 劉備 就 憑 住 欄杆 喺 度 睇 。 曹操 就問 嘞 : 使君 , 你 了 唔 了解 龍 嘅 變化 呢 ? 嘿嘿 , 誒 , 知得 唔 詳細 。 龍 啊 , 能大能細 , 能升能 隱 喎 。 大起 嚟 , 興雲吐霧 , 一細 呢 , 就 隱身 藏形 。 升則 飛騰 於 宇宙 之間 , 隱則 潛伏 于 波濤 之內 呀 ! 而家 正 係 春深 時節 , 龍 就 趁 住 季節 而 變化 嘅 。 就 猶之乎 一個 人 得志 而 縱橫 四海 一樣 啊 ! 龍 呢 樣 嘢 可以 比作 世上 嘅 英雄 。 玄德公 , 你 經歷 過 咁 多 地方 , 必定 知道 當代 有 咩 英雄 𠿪, 請 你講 嚟 聽 下 。 我 一雙 肉眼 , 點識 英雄 呢 ? 玄德公 不必 過謙 啊 。 我 蒙受 皇恩 , 喺 朝廷 上 做事 , 所以 天下 嘅 英雄 , 確實 係 唔 知 噃。 噉 你 不識 其面 , 亦 聞其名 㗎 。 噉 啊 , 誒 淮南 袁術 , 兵多 糧足 , 可以 算 係 英雄 嗎 ? 佢 係 墳墓 裏頭 嘅 一堆 枯骨 , 我 好 快 就 捉 到 佢 喇 嘞 ! 噉 河北 袁紹 , 四世 三公 , 好多 官員 都 係 出於 袁 家門 下 嘅 。 而 家 佢 喺 冀州 雄霸一方 , 部下 有 才能 嘅 人 極 多 嘅 , 可以 算 係 英雄 嗎 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 袁紹 外表 睇 嚟 好 厲害 , 之 膽量 甚小 。 想 做 嘅 嘢 多 , 但 係 冇 決斷 。 做 大事 而惜 身 , 見 小利 而 忘命 , 唔 係 英雄 啊 。 誒 , 有 一個 人 , 名稱 八俊 , 威鎮 九州 , 劉景升 可以 算 係 英雄 嗎 ? 劉表 虛有 其名 , 唔 算 英雄 。 噉 有 一個 人 血氣方剛 , 係 江東 領袖 , 孫伯符 算 唔 算 係 英雄 呢 ? 孫策 , 不過 係 憑藉 佢 父親 嘅 名氣 啫 , 唔 係 英雄 。 噉 益州 劉季玉 , 可以 算 做 英雄 嘞 啩? 哼 ! 劉璋 雖然 係 漢朝 宗室 啊 , 不過 係 隻 看門狗 唧 , 點算 得 英雄 啊 ? 噉 好似 張繡 、 張魯 、 韓遂 等等 呢 班 人 又 點樣 呢 ? 嗯 ? 嗯 哼哼 哼哼哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 嘿 , 呢 啲 碌碌 小人 , 哈哈哈 何足掛齒 呢 ? 噉 除此之外 , 嘻 就 實在 唔 知 嘞 。 玄德公 , 一個 英雄 啊 , 佢 係 胸懷大志 , 腹有 良謀 , 有 包藏 宇宙 之機 , 吞吐 天地 之志 啊 。 然則 , 邊個 能夠 當得起 英雄 呢 ? 曹操 用 隻 手 , 指一指 劉備 , 然後 再 指一指 自己 , 佢 話 : 當今 天下 嘅 英雄 , 就 係 使君 你 , 同 我 喇 。 劉備 聽 曹操 噉 樣講 , 吃 咗 一驚 , 揸 住 喺 手 嚟 嘅 筷子 , 不覺 跌 咗 落地 吖 。 好彩 呢 個 時候 大雨 就 到 , 個 天林林聲 打 起雷 。 劉備 就 從從容容 噉 護低身 , 執返 起雙 筷子 佢 話 : 一震 之威 , 竟然 咁 犀利 吓 。 曹操 笑 嘞 , 哈哈哈哈 , 乜 大丈夫 都 怕 雷 嘅 咩 ? 怕 , 孔 聖人 遇到 大雷 暴風 , 都 改變 面色 敬畏 上天 , 點 能夠 唔 怕 ? 哈哈 , 劉備 都 算 佢 叻 啊 。 佢 將 自己 聽到 曹操 話 佢 係 英雄 , 吃 咗 一驚 , 連 曹操 都 畀 佢 呃 埋 噃。 所以 曹操 對 佢 就 並 冇 疑心 , 呢 , 有 詩為證 啊 : 勉從 虎穴 暫 趨身 , 說破 英雄 驚煞 人 。 巧借聞 雷來 掩飾 , 隨機應變 信如神 。 過 咗 一陣 , 停 咗 雨 嘞 , 只見 兩個 人撞 咗 入 嚟 後花園 。 兩個 都 手執 寶劍 , 衝入 個 亭 仔 前面 , 嗰 啲 衛兵 呀 都 攔 佢 哋 兩個 唔 住 。 曹操 睇 下 , 哦 , 係 關羽 同 張飛 。 原來 佢 哋 兩個 啊 , 先頭 去 咗 郊外 射箭 正話 返 嚟 。 聽 講話 劉備 大哥 畀 許褚 、 張 遼 請 咗 去 喎 , 嚇 咗 一大跳 , 慌慌忙忙 就 趕 嚟 相府 打聽 。 一 嚟 到 , 聽 講話 喺 後花園 , 怕 唔 知有 咩 事 , 所以 就 唔 理 咁 多 衝入 嚟 嘞 。 欸 ? 乜 劉備 大哥 同 曹操 打 對面 坐 喺 度 飲酒 啫 , 噉 就 放心 嘞 , 於是 就 按住 把 劍 企 喺 處 。 曹操 問 佢 哋 嚟 做 咩 事 啊 噉 。 關雲長 就 話 : 聽聞 丞相 同 兄長 飲酒 , 特意 前 嚟 舞劍 , 博 丞相 一笑 啊 。 曹操 真 係 笑 嘞 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 呢 處 又 唔 係 鴻門 會 , 使 乜 用到 項莊 同項 伯 呢 ? 劉備 聽 曹操 噉 樣講 亦 都 笑 起 上 嚟 。 曹操 跟 住 話 嘞 : 人 嚟 !攞 啲 酒 畀 呢 兩位 樊噲 壓驚 。 多謝 丞相 ! 關羽 、 張飛 接過 酒 , 一飲而盡 。 啊 係 嘞 , 剛才 曹操 啊 講到 咩 嘢 鴻門 會 啊 , 又 話 項莊 、 項伯 , 等 下 又 話 咩 樊噲 啊 噉 , 究竟 係 咩 意思 呢 吓 ? 所謂 鴻門 會 啊 , 一般 嚟 講就 係指 , 充滿 陰謀 同 殺機 嘅 宴會 。 呢 個 典故 呢 就 係 噉 嚟 嘅 。 喺 秦漢 嘅 時候 啊 , 劉邦 同 項羽 爭霸 天下 吖 。 有 一次 兩個 人 曾經 喺 鴻門 , 即 係 而家 陝西省 臨潼 以東 嘅 地方 , 相會 。 噉 啊 喺 宴會 進行 緊 嘅 時候 啊 , 項羽 嘅 謀士 范增 , 就 叫 項莊 喺 酒席 筵前 舞劍 , 睺 啱 機會 呢 就要 刺死 劉邦 。 點知 項羽 嘅 叔父 項伯 呢 , 係 同 劉邦 好 嘅 , 因此 佢 又 起身 ,攞 把 劍 嚟 舞 埋 一份 , 喺 度 保護 住 劉邦 。 噉 收尾 劉邦 手下 嘅 猛將 樊噲 衝 咗 入 嚟 , 終歸 呢 就 救 咗 劉邦 走 噉 。 好 嘞 , 而家 就 講返 轉頭 。 佢 哋 飲 完 酒 散席 , 噉 啊 劉備 就 辭別 曹操 返去 宮館 。 關雲長 話 : 剛才 , 爭 啲 嚇死 我 哋 兩個 啊 。 劉備 呢 , 就 將跌 咗 筷子 嘅 事 , 講 畀 關公 同 張飛 聽 。 佢 兩個 梗 係 唔 明白 喇問 點解 呢 , 劉備 就 話 嘞 : 我 之所以 學 種菜 , 不外 係 想 使 到 曹操 認為 我 胸無大志 唧 。 點 估到 曹操 先頭 竟然 話 我 係 個 英雄 , 我 一下 失驚 起上 嚟 , 連 筷子 都 跌 咗 落地 。 你 話 畀 佢 睇 穿 咗 , 起 咗 疑心 就 弊 㗎 喇 。 所以 我詐 假意 話 , 聽見 行雷個 心怕 啫 , 噉 先至 掩飾 過去 咋 。 哦 ! 兄長 真 係 高見 啊 , 高見 啊 ! 關公 同 張飛 呀 , 真 係 服 晒 佢 哋 嘅 劉備 大哥 咯 。

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呢 一晚 , 董 承 喺 燈 下 就 反反覆覆 噉 , 睇 嗰 件 錦袍 同 玉帶 , 希望 喺 裏 便 搵 到 皇帝 秘密 交 畀 佢 嘅 嘢 。 this|one night|||at|light|under|then|repeatedly|like this|looking|that|piece|brocade robe|and|jade belt|hoping|in|it|then|find|to|emperor|secret|handing over|to|him|possessive particle|thing That night, Dong Cheng kept looking at the brocade robe and jade belt under the light, hoping to find something that the emperor secretly entrusted to him. 但 係 搵 咗 好 耐 都 搵 唔 到 噃, 佢 好 疲倦 嘞 。 ||looking for|past tense marker|very|long|still||||sentence-final particle|he|very|tired|past tense marker But after searching for a long time, he still couldn't find anything, and he was very tired. 正話 想 伏 喺 張 枱 處 瞌 下 眼瞓 啦 , 忽然間 , 燈盞 嘅 燈花 跌 咗 落條 玉帶 上 便 , 燒着 玉帶 嘅 襯底 , 哎呀 , 弊 傢伙 弊 傢伙 。 really|want|lie down|at|measure word for table|table|location|doze off|down|sleepy|particle|suddenly|lamp|possessive particle|light bulb|fall|past tense marker|onto the|jade belt|on|then|burning|jade belt|possessive particle|lining|oh no|bad|guy|bad|guy Just when he wanted to take a nap on the table, suddenly, a spark from the lamp fell onto the jade belt, igniting the lining of the belt. Oh no, what a disaster. 董承 即刻 用 隻 手 嚟 拍 , 不過 已經 遲 咗 咯 , 已經 燒穿 咗 個窿 仔 嘞 。 Dong Cheng|immediately|use|one|hand|to|slap|but|already|late|past tense marker|final particle|already|burned through|past tense marker||child|final particle Dong Cheng immediately tried to pat it out, but it was already too late; a hole had already burned through. 唉 , 噉 點算 呢 ? 係 皇帝 御賜 嘅 玉帶 嚟 𠺢 嘛 , 誒 。 sigh|then|what to do|question particle|is|emperor|imperial gift|possessive particle|jade belt|come|to be|particle indicating realization|interjection Sigh, what to do now? This is the jade belt bestowed by the emperor! 咦 , 乜嘢 嚟 㗎 ? 乜 喺 襯底 裏 便 原來 仲有 一層 白絹 㗎 噃。 hey|what|is coming|question particle|what|at|lining|inside|then|originally|still has|one layer|white silk|question particle|particle indicating realization Eh, what is this? It turns out there is another layer of white silk underneath. 誒 ? 仲 好似 紅紅 地色 有 啲 血跡 噉 嘅 , 奇怪 嘞 。 eh|still|seems|red|ground color|has|a little|bloodstains|like|particle indicating description|strange|particle indicating realization Huh? It also looks red with some bloodstains, how strange. 董承 急急 攞 把 刀 仔 嚟 , 拆開 嚟 一 睇 , 哎呀 , 原來 係 天子 親手 寫 嘅 血 字 密詔 嚟 啊 ! Dong Cheng|quickly|take|measure word for tools|||come|open|come|one|look|oh no|originally|is|emperor|personally|wrote|possessive particle|||secret edict|come|ah Dong Cheng hurriedly took a knife and opened it to take a look, oh no, it turns out to be a blood-written secret edict personally written by the Emperor! 呢 封 詔書 嘅 大意 呢 就 係 話 , 近日 曹操 奸賊 , 欺君 壓主 , 連群 結黨 就 敗壞 朝綱 。 this|measure word for letters|edict|possessive particle|main idea|this|just|is|saying|recently|Cao Cao|treacherous bandit|deceive the emperor|oppress the ruler||form factions|then|corrupt|court principles The gist of this edict is that recently Cao Cao is a treacherous villain, deceiving the emperor and oppressing the ruler, and even forming factions to undermine the court's principles. 一賞 一罰 , 都 唔 到 朕 自己 作主 , 睇 嚟 天下 就 有 危險 。 one reward|one punishment|all|not|reach|I (imperial pronoun)|myself|be the master|see|come|world|then|have|danger With rewards and punishments, I cannot even make decisions myself, it seems the world is in danger. 卿家 乃 係 國家 嘅 大臣 , 又 係 朕 嘅 親戚 , 應該 念及 高祖 創業 艱難 , 去 物色 同 聯合 忠義 雙全 嘅 人 , 嚟 消滅 奸黨 挽救 國家 。 your family|is|is|country|possessive particle|minister|also|is|I (the emperor)|possessive particle|relative|should|consider|Gaozu (the founder of the dynasty)|founding|difficulties|go|find|and|unite|loyalty and righteousness|both|possessive particle|people|come|eliminate|treasonous party|save|country You are a minister of the state and also a relative of mine. You should remember the difficulties faced by our ancestors in founding this country, and seek out and unite loyal and righteous individuals to eliminate treasonous factions and save the nation. 朕 咬破 手指 , 用血 嚟 寫 呢 封 詔書 畀 你 , 卿家 務必 認真 謹慎 , 唔 好 辜負 朕 嘅 心意 啊 ! I (the emperor)|bit|finger||to|write|this|measure word for letters|edict|to|you|your family|must|seriously|cautiously|||disappoint|I (the emperor)|possessive particle|intention|ah (particle) I have bitten my finger and used my blood to write this edict for you. You must take it seriously and cautiously, and not let down my intentions! 建安 四年 , 春 三月 詔 。 Jian'an||spring|March|edict In the fourth year of Jian'an, in the third month of spring, the edict. 董承睇 完 , 唉呀 , 涕淚交流 , 成晚 都 瞓 唔 着 啊 ! Dong Cheng finished reading|finished|oh no|tears exchanged|whole night|all|sleep|not|着 (indicating action)|ah After Dong Cheng finished reading, he sighed, tears streaming down his face, and he couldn't sleep all night! 第朝 早起 咗 身 , 佢 又 去 書房 ,攞 住 嗰 張 詔書 睇 完 一次 又 一次 。 the next morning|woke up|past tense marker|body|he|again|go|study|took|holding|that|measure word for flat objects|edict|read|finish|once|again|once The next morning, he got up and went to the study, holding that edict, reading it over and over again. 哎 , 總 係 無計可施 啊 。 sigh|||no solution|particle Sigh, there's really nothing I can do. 佢 將 詔書 放 喺 張 几 上 便 , 入 晒 神 噉 喺 度 諗 用 咩 嘢 辦法 嚟 剷除 曹操 呢 嚱? he|will|edict|put|on|table|desk|on|then|enter|completely|spirit|like this|in|place|think|use|what|thing|method|come|eliminate|Cao Cao|this|question particle He placed the edict on the table and was deep in thought about what method to use to eliminate Cao Cao. 諗 下 諗 下 , 眼瞓 起上 嚟 嘞 , 伏 喺 張 几 處 瞓 着 咗 。 think|a bit|||sleepy|get up|come|past tense particle|lie|at|measure word for table|few|place|||past tense particle After thinking for a while, he fell asleep, resting on the table. 呢 個 時候 , 侍郎 王子服 嚟 到 探訪 董承 。 this|measure word|time|minister|Wang Zifeng|come|arrived|visit|Dong Cheng At this time, the deputy minister Wang Zifu came to visit Dong Cheng. 守門 嘅 僕人 , 知道 王子服 同 主人 交情 十分 深厚 嘅 , 係 常來常往 , 所以 就 冇 攔阻 佢 。 gatekeeper|possessive particle|servant|knows||and|master|friendship|very|deep|possessive particle|is|frequently interacting|so|then|not|stop|him The servant at the door knew that Wang Zifu had a very close relationship with his master and often visited, so he did not stop him. 由 得 佢 自己 一個 人 一直 行到 入 去 書房 。 by|particle indicating completion|he|himself|one|person|continuously|walked to|enter|go|study He walked alone into the study. 王子服 入到 去 , 見到 董承 伏 喺 張 几 處 瞓 着 未 醒 喎 。 Prince's clothes|arrived|there|saw|Dong Cheng|lying|at|Zhang|table|place|sleeping|past tense marker|not|awake|sentence-final particle The prince entered and saw Dong Cheng lying on the table, asleep and not awake. 就 行近 埋 去 睇 下 佢 啦 , 咦 ? 奇怪 , 董 承 嘅 衫袖 砸 住 一塊 白絹 , 露出 一個 朕 字 嘅 。 then|walk closer|together|go|||he|particle indicating suggestion|huh|strange|||possessive particle|shirt sleeve|hit|with|a piece|white silk|revealing|one|I (imperial pronoun)|character|possessive particle He walked closer to take a look, huh? Strange, Dong Cheng's shirt sleeve was covering a piece of white silk, revealing a character 'Zhen'. 王子服 好奇 起上 嚟 , 唔 出聲 , 定定 手拉 咗 嗰 塊 白 絹 出 嚟 睇 。 prince's outfit|curious|stood up|came|not|make a sound|quietly|hand pulled|past tense marker|that|piece|white|silk|out|came|looked The prince became curious, remained silent, and carefully pulled out the piece of white silk to take a look. 嘩 嗨 , 乜 原來 係 噉 㗎 ! wow|hi|what|originally|is|like this|particle indicating certainty Wow, so that's how it is! 睇 完 , 將 詔書 收埋 喺 衫袖 籠 裏 便 , 然後 就 嗌 醒 董承 嘞 。 read|finished|will|edict|hide|in|sleeve|pocket|inside|then|then|just|call|wake|Dong Cheng|past tense particle After reading it, put the edict away in the sleeve of your robe, and then wake up Dong Cheng. 國舅 啊 , 國舅 啊 , 喂 , 你 真 係 自 在 咯 , 虧 你 瞓 得 着 噃。 uncle by marriage|ah|||hey|you|||||particle indicating realization|surprisingly|you|sleep|||particle indicating finality Uncle, uncle, hey, you really are at ease, I can't believe you can sleep like this. 董承 畀 王子服 嗌 醒 咗 , 一睇 , 嘿 , 唔 見 咗 張 詔書 , 嚇 到 魂不附體 , 手忙腳亂 。 Dong Cheng|gave||shouted|woke|past tense marker||hey|not|see|past tense marker|measure word for documents|imperial edict|scared|to|soul not attached to body|flustered and confused Dong Cheng was woken up by Wang Zifu, and when he looked, hey, the edict was missing, he was so scared that his soul left his body, and he was flustered. 王子服 話 嘞 : 哼哼 , 你 想 殺 曹丞相 呀 , 我 去 出 首告 你 。 Prince Fu|said|past tense marker|hum|you|want|kill|Prime Minister Cao|question particle|I|go|file|first lawsuit|you Wang Zifu said: Hmph, you want to kill Chancellor Cao, I will report you first. 哎呀 , 哎呀 兄長 呀 , 如果 你 係 噉 嘅 話 , 漢朝 天下 就 完咯 。 oh no||elder brother|particle|if|you|are|like that|possessive particle|statement|Han Dynasty|world|then|will be finished Oh dear, oh dear brother, if that's the case, the Han dynasty will be finished. 國舅 唔 使 驚 , 國舅 你 唔 使 驚 , 我同 你 開玩笑 啫 。 uncle by marriage|not|need|scared||you||||||joking|only Don't be afraid, Your Highness, I'm just joking with you. 我 祖宗 世世代代 , 食 漢朝 嘅 俸祿 , 唔 通 一點 忠心 都 冇 咩 ? I|ancestors|generation after generation|eat|Han Dynasty|possessive particle|salary|||a little|loyalty|all|have not|question particle My ancestors have served the Han dynasty for generations, do you think I have no loyalty at all? 我 願意 助 兄長 你 一臂之力 , 殺 呢 個 國賊 。 I|am willing|help|elder brother|you|a helping hand|kill|this|classifier for people|traitor I am willing to lend you a helping hand, brother, to kill this traitor. 哦 , 兄長 有 噉 嘅 決心 , 乃 係 國家 之 大幸 啊 ! oh|elder brother|has|such|possessive particle|determination|is|is|country|possessive particle|great fortune|ah Oh, brother, having such determination is a great fortune for the country! 王子服 就 話 嘞 : 我 哋 再 約 啲 志同道合 嘅 人 , 立 一張 義狀 , 拚住 三族 都 殺光 , 都 要效 忠於 主上 啊 ! Prince's attire|then|said|past tense marker|||again|invite|plural marker|like-minded|possessive particle|people|establish|a|loyalty oath|fight to the death|three clans|all|kill|all|||our lord|sentence-final particle The prince said: Let's gather like-minded people, draft a declaration, and be ready to kill all three clans, we must be loyal to our sovereign! 所謂 立 一張 義狀 呢 , 即 係 立 一張 字據 。 so-called|create|a|deed of indemnity|question particle|that is|is|create|a|written document The so-called drafting a letter of guarantee means drafting a document. 董承 就 好 歡喜 , 就 攞 咗 一幅 白絹 出 嚟 ,攞 起 支 筆 , 自己 啊 首先 簽上 個名 。 Dong Cheng|then|very|happy||took|past tense marker|a piece of|white silk|out|come|||a|pen|himself|ah|first|signed on| Dong Cheng was very happy, so he took out a piece of white silk, picked up a pen, and signed his name first. 王子服 跟 住亦簽 咗 名 , 佢 話 : 吳子蘭 將軍 同 我 交情 極好 嘅 , 可以 搵 埋 佢 一齊 嚟 商量 喎 。 Wang Zifeng|to follow||past tense marker|name|he|said|General Wu Zilan|general|with|I|friendship|very good|particle indicating possession|can|find|together|he|together|come|discuss|particle indicating suggestion Wang Zifufu also signed his name, saying: General Wu Zilan has a very good relationship with me, we can invite him to discuss together. 董承話 嘞 : 噉 好 吖 。 Dong Cheng said|past tense marker|then|good|sentence-final particle Dong Cheng said: That's good. 而家 滿朝 大臣 啊 , 就 係 得 長 水校尉 种輯 、 議 郎吳碩 呢 兩位 係 我 嘅 心腹 朋友 , 必定 能夠 同埋 我 哋 一齊 做 嘅 。 right now|all the court|ministers|ah|then|is|only|Chang|Water Captain|Zhongji|discussion||these|two|are|I|possessive particle|trusted|friends|definitely|able to|and|||together|do|particle indicating action completion Now among all the ministers, only the two who are my close friends are Chang Shui Xiaowei Zhong Ji and Yi Lang Wu Shuo, they will definitely be able to work with us. 哈 , 真 係 有 咁 啱 得 咁 巧 噃。 ha|||have|||get|||particle Ha, what a coincidence! 正 喺 度 講 緊 , 僕人 就入 嚟 報告 話 种輯 、 吳碩 兩位 大人 嚟 探問 嘞 。 just|at|place|talking|continuous tense marker|servant||come|report|saying|Zhongji|Wu Shuo|two|adults|come|inquire|past tense marker Just as we were talking, a servant came in to report that Lords Zhongji and Wu Shuo have come to visit. 董承話 : 哎 , 真 係 上天 助 我 啊 ! 兄長 , 請 你 暫時 避開 一陣 先吓 。 Dong Cheng said|ah|||heaven|help|me|ah|elder brother|please|you|temporarily|avoid|a moment|first Dong Cheng said: "Ah, truly, heaven is helping me! Brother, please avoid for a moment." 噉 王子服 呢 , 就行 咗 去 屏風 後 便 避開 。 then||particle indicating action||past tense marker|to|screen|behind|then|avoided So Prince Fu went behind the screen to hide. 董承行 咗 出去 , 接 咗 佢 哋 兩位 大人 入 嚟 書房 坐落 , 飲過 茶 , 种輯 就 對 董承話 嘞 : Dong Cheng Hang|past tense marker|go out|pick up|past tense marker|he|plural marker|two|adults|come|in|study|sit down|drank|tea||then|to||past tense marker Dong Cheng went out and brought the two lords into the study to sit down, after having tea, Zhongji said to Dong Cheng: 許田 射獵 嘅 事 , 國舅 你 個 心 嬲 唔 嬲 啊 ? Xu Tian|hunting|possessive particle|matter|uncle-in-law|you|measure word|heart|angry|not|angry|question particle Regarding the hunting incident, are you angry, Your Highness? 唉 , 心 嬲 又點 呢 ? 有 咩 辦法 啊 ? sigh|heart|angry||question particle|have|what|solution|particle Sigh, what does it matter if I'm angry? What can be done? 吳碩話 : 我 發誓 要 殺 咗 呢 個 奸賊 㗎 嘞 , 弊 在 冇 人 幫 我唧 。 Ng Siu-wa|I|swear|will|kill|past tense marker|this|classifier|scoundrel|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle|problem|at|not have|person|help|me Wu Shek said: I swear I will kill this traitor, but the problem is I have no one to help me. 种緝話 : 為國 除害 , 我 死而無怨 啊 ! this is a serious matter|for the country|eliminate the threat|I|die without regret|ah Zhong Qi said: For the country to eliminate harm, I die without regret! 哈哈 ! 好 喇 你 哋 ! haha|good|particle indicating completion|you|plural marker Haha! Alright, you all! 大家 吃 咗 一驚 , 一睇 , 原來 王子服 喺 屏風 後 便 行出 嚟 嘞 , 佢 話 : everyone|eat|past tense marker|a fright|a look|originally||at|screen|behind|then|walked out|here|past tense marker|he|said Everyone was shocked, and upon looking, it turned out that the prince had walked out from behind the screen. He said: 你 哋 兩個 人想 謀殺 曹丞相 係 嘛 ? ||two||to murder|Prime Minister Cao|is|question particle You two are planning to murder Chancellor Cao, right? 我要 出首 去 告 你 哋 , 董國舅 就 係 人證 嘞 。 I want|to write|to|inform|||Dong Guojiao|just|is|witness|past tense marker I will report you to the authorities; Dong Guokiu is the witness. 种緝 發火 鬧 佢 嘞 : 哼 ! 忠臣 不怕死 ! planting|getting angry|scolding|he|past tense marker|humph|loyal minister|not afraid of death Zhong Qi got angry and scolded him: Hmph! Loyal subjects are not afraid of death! 我 哋 死 咗 都 係 做 漢朝 之鬼 啊 , 都叻過 你 卑鄙無恥 去 依附 國賊 ! I|we|die|past tense marker|all|are|be|Han Dynasty||particle|are still smarter than|you|despicable and shameless|to|depend on|traitor Even if we die, we will be ghosts of the Han dynasty, which is better than your despicable and shameless act of siding with traitors! 哈哈哈哈 , 唔 好 誤會 , 唔 好 誤會 啊 ! hahaha|not|good|misunderstand||||ah Hahaha, don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand! 董承話 喇 : 我 哋 正在 商量 緊 呢 件 事 , 要 搵 你 哋 兩位 呀 。 Dong Cheng said|particle indicating completion|||currently|discussing|ongoing|this|classifier for events|matter|need|find|||two people|particle indicating a question or emphasis Dong Cheng said: We are currently discussing this matter and need to find both of you. 王侍郎 同 你 哋 講笑 啫 。 Deputy Minister Wong|with|you|plural marker|joke|just Wang Shilang is just joking with you. 董承 講完 , 就 喺 衫袖 籠 扲 出 張 詔書 畀 佢 哋 兩個 睇 。 Dong Cheng|finished speaking|then|at|sleeve|pocket|took out|out|a|edict|to|them|plural marker|two|read After Dong Cheng finished speaking, he took out a decree from his sleeve for the two of them to see. 兩個 睇 完 , 不禁 熱淚 惦流 啊 。 the two|watch|finished|couldn't help but|hot tears|flow|ah After the two of them read it, they couldn't help but shed tears. 董承 就 請 佢 哋 簽 咗 名 。 Dong Cheng|then|asked|he|they|sign|past tense marker|name Dong Cheng asked them to sign. 王子服 話 嘞 : 各位 喺 度 稍 為 等 一下 , 我 去 請 埋 吳子蘭 嚟 。 prince's outfit|said|past tense marker|everyone|at|here|||wait|a moment|I|go|invite|also|Wu Zilan|come Wang Zifeng said: Everyone, please wait a moment, I will go and invite Wu Zilan. 王子服 去 咗 冇 幾耐 , 就 約 咗 吳子蘭 嚟 嘞 , 同 大家 見過面 之後 , 亦 都 喺 義 狀 上面 簽 咗 名 。 Wang Zi Fu|go|past tense marker|not|long|then|arranged|past tense marker|Wu Zi Lan|come|past action marker|with|everyone|met|after|||at|||on|||name Wang Zifeng went and after a while, he invited Wu Zilan over, and after meeting everyone, he also signed on the document. 然後 呢 , 董承 就 請 大家 去 後堂 飲酒 。 then|question particle|Dong Cheng|then|invited|everyone|to go|back hall|drink alcohol Then, Dong Cheng invited everyone to the back hall for drinks. 飲 飲下 , 忽然間 , 話 西涼 太守 馬騰 嚟 到 探訪 啊 。 drink|finish drinking|suddenly|said|Xiliang|governor|Ma Teng|come|arrived|visit|ah While drinking, suddenly, it was said that the Xiliang governor Ma Teng had come to visit. 董承話 嘞 : 誒 , 你 話 我 有 病 , 唔 見 客 噉 啦 。 Dong Cheng said|past tense marker|hey|you|said|I|have|illness|not|see|clients|like this|sentence-final particle Dong Cheng said: "Hey, you say I am sick, so I won't see guests." 噉 看 門口 嘅 僕人 唔 係 出去 回覆 囉 。 then|look|door|possessive particle|servant|not|is|go out|reply|sentence-final particle So the servant at the door is not going out to reply. 嘩 ! 馬騰 嬲 起 上 嚟 話 : wow|Ma Teng|angry|get|||said Wow! Ma Teng got angry and said: 我 昨日 喺 東華門 外 , 親眼 睇 住 佢 着 住 錦袍 , 攬住 玉帶 行出 嚟 嘅 , 因 咩 事話 有 病 呢 ? I|yesterday|at|Donghuamen|outside|with my own eyes|saw|continuous aspect marker|he|wearing|continuous aspect marker|ceremonial robe|holding|jade belt||come|past tense marker|why|what|thing said|has|illness|question particle I saw him with my own eyes yesterday outside Donghua Gate, wearing a brocade robe and holding a jade belt, so why is he saying he is sick? 我 嚟 , 唔 係 冇 緊要 事 㗎 , 點解 唔 肯見 我 ? I|come|not|is|have not|important|matter|question particle|why|not||me I'm here, it's not a big deal, why doesn't he want to see me? 誒 , 誒 請 大人 唔 好 嬲 , 小人 再入 去 通報 。 hey||please|sir|||angry|I (humble self)|||report Eh, eh please sir don't be angry, I will go in and report again. 個 僕人 入去 報告 畀 董承聽 , 話 馬 騰 喺 門口 發火 喇 噉 。 the|servant|went in|report|to||said|Ma|Teng|at|the door|got angry|particle indicating completed action|like this The servant went in to report to Dong Cheng, saying that Ma Teng was getting angry at the door. 董承 冇 辦法 啦 就 對 大家 話 : 各位 坐下 先 , 我 少陪 一陣 嘞 。 Dong Cheng|have not|solution|sentence-final particle|then|to|everyone|said|everyone|sit down|first|I|will accompany less|a while|sentence-final particle Dong Cheng had no choice but to tell everyone: Everyone sit down first, I will accompany you in a moment. 於是 董承 出去 大廳 , 請馬騰入 嚟 , 見 過禮 , 分 賓主 坐落 。 then|Dong Cheng|went out|hall||in|to see|the ceremony|to separate|guests and host|seating arrangement So Dong Cheng went out to the hall, invited Ma Teng in, greeted him, and arranged the seating for the host and guests. 馬 騰話 : 我 嚟 京師 朝見 皇上 , 就 嚟 要 返去 , 特意 嚟 到 辭行 , 點解 國舅 唔 肯見 我 呢 ? Ma|Teng said|I|come|the capital|to pay respects to|the Emperor|then|come|must|return|specially|||to bid farewell|why|the prince consort|not|willing to see|me|question particle Ma Teng said: I came to the capital to see the emperor, and I am about to return, I specially came to say goodbye, why doesn't the national uncle want to see me? 真 係 對 唔 住 , 我 突然 間 得 咗 啲 病 , 剛才 有失 迎候 , 多多 得罪 啊 。 |||||I|||||some|illness|just now||to greet|much|offend|ah I'm really sorry, I suddenly fell ill and couldn't greet you properly just now, please forgive me. 國舅 面 帶 春風 , 唔 似 有 病 吖 。 uncle by marriage|face|carries|spring breeze|not|seems|have|illness|question particle The prince looks cheerful, doesn't seem to be sick. 誒 , 誒 。 董承 一時之間 冇 說話 好講 。 eh||Dong Cheng|in a moment|didn't|speak|easy to talk to Eh, eh. Dong Cheng didn't know what to say for a moment. 馬 騰將 衫袖 一拂 , 長嘆一聲 企 起身 , 行落 台階想 走 。 horse||shirt sleeve|with a flick||stand|up|walk down||to leave Ma Teng waved his sleeves, sighed deeply, stood up, and walked down the steps wanting to leave. 唉 !冚 唪 唥 都 唔 係 救國 嘅 人 啊 ! sigh|cover|sing|shout|all|not|is|save the country|possessive particle|person|ah particle Alas! Even the ones who are not capable are not the ones to save the country! 啊 ! 馬大人 , 請 你 留步 , 請 你 留步 ! ah|Mr Ma|please|you|wait|please|you|wait Ah! Master Ma, please stay, please stay! 你 剛才 話 邊個 唔 係 救國 嘅 人 呢 ? you|just now|said|who|not|is|national salvation|possessive particle|person|question particle Who did you just say is not a person who saves the country? 哼哼 ! 許田 射獵 嘅 事 , 我 尚且 怒氣 滿胸 。 humph|Xu Tian|hunting|possessive particle|matter|I|still|anger|full of Hmph! I am still filled with anger over Xu Tian's hunting incident. 而 國舅 你 係 皇上 嘅 親戚 , 居然 陶醉 於 酒色 之中 , 一 啲 都 唔 諗 下 點樣 去 剷除 奸賊 ! and|uncle by marriage|you|are|emperor|possessive particle|relative|unexpectedly|intoxicated|in|wine and lust|within|one|a little|at all|not|think|particle indicating action|how|to|eliminate|traitor And you, the national uncle, being a relative of the emperor, actually indulging in wine and lust, not thinking at all about how to eliminate the traitors! 噉 樣 , 又點 能夠 做 一個 為 皇家 救難 扶 災 嘅 人 呢 ? like this|appearance||able to|be|a|for|royal|rescue|assist|disaster|possessive particle|person|question particle In this way, how can you be someone who helps the royal family in times of disaster? 哎呀呀 呀呀 , 曹丞相 乃 係 國家 嘅 大臣 , 朝廷 依靠 晒 佢 㗎 喇 。 oh no|ah|Prime Minister Cao|is|is|country|possessive particle|minister|court|relies on|completely|him|sentence-final particle|past action particle Oh dear, oh dear, Chancellor Cao is a great minister of the country, the court relies entirely on him. 馬大人 點解 講 啲 噉 說話 啊 ? Mr Ma|why|speak|such|like|talk|particle Why is Lord Ma saying such things? 吓 ? 乜 國舅 你仲以 為 曹賊 係 好人 呀 ? huh|what|uncle|||Cao the thief|is|good person|question particle Huh? Do you still think that Cao the bandit is a good person? 哎 隔 墻 有 耳 , 請 大人 細聲 啲 啊 。 hey|between||has|ears|please|adults|speak quietly|a little|ah Oh, there are ears on the other side of the wall, please speak more quietly, my lord. 嘿 ! 淨一 係 貪生怕死 之徒 , 冇 資格 嚟 談論 大事 啊 ! hey|Jing Yi|is|cowardly|person|not|qualified|to|discuss|important matters|particle Hey! He is just a coward who fears for his life, unqualified to discuss major matters! 馬騰 講完 又 要行 。 Ma Teng|finished speaking|again| Ma Teng finished speaking and had to leave. 董承 噉 就 知道 馬騰 確係 忠肝義膽 , 於是 佢 就 話 : 請 大人 唔 好 嬲 , 我 請 大人 睇 一樣 嘢 。 Dong Cheng|then|just|knew|Ma Teng|definitely|loyal and righteous|so|he|then|said|please|sir|||angry|I|request|sir|look|one thing|thing Dong Cheng then realized that Ma Teng was indeed loyal and righteous, so he said: Please, my lord, do not be angry, let me show you something. 董承 將馬騰 帶到 去 書房 ,攞 詔書 出 嚟 畀 佢 睇 。 Dong Cheng||bring to|to|study|take|edict|out|here|give|him|read Dong Cheng took Ma Teng to the study and brought out the imperial edict for him to see. 喂 呀 ! 馬 騰一 睇 完 喇 , 激動 到 不得了 , 毛髮倒豎 , 嘴唇 都 咬 穿 咗 , 滿口 都 係 血 啊 。 hey|particle|horse||watch|finish|particle|excited|to|extreme||lips|also|bite|pierce|past tense particle|full mouth|all|is|blood|particle Hey! As soon as Ma Teng finished reading it, he was so excited that his hair stood on end, his lips were bitten through, and his mouth was full of blood. 佢 對 董 承 話 : 國舅 , 你 , 你 哋 如果 一有 行動 , 我 立即 率領 西涼兵 馬 響應 ! he|to|Dong|Cheng|said|national uncle|you|||if|as soon as there is|action|I|immediately|lead||horse|respond He said to Dong Cheng: National uncle, if you take any action, I will immediately lead the Xiliang troops to respond! 於是 董承 呢 , 就 請 王子服 佢 哋 幾位 出 嚟 同馬騰 相見 , 又 攞 嗰 張 義 狀 出 嚟 , 叫馬騰簽 咗 名 。 then|Dong Cheng|question particle|then|invited|Wang Zifeng|he|plural marker|several people|out|come||meet|also|took|that|measure word for paper|||out|come||past tense marker|name So, Dong Cheng then invited Wang Zifeng and a few others to meet Ma Teng, and also took out that letter of agreement for Ma Teng to sign. 馬 騰 攞 起 杯酒 , 歃血 發誓 話 : 我 哋 誓死 不負 所約 ! horse|galloping|take|raise|cup of wine|blood oath|swore|said|we|plural marker|die swearing|not betray|the agreement Ma Teng raised his cup of wine, swore an oath saying: We vow to never betray our agreement! 而家 我 哋 五個 人 , 如果 有 十個 人 呢 , 事情 就 一定 成功 嘞 。 now|I|we|five|people|if|have|ten|people|question particle|matter|then|definitely|succeed|past action particle Now, with the five of us, if there were ten people, then the matter would definitely succeed. 董承話 : 忠義 雙全 嘅 人 不可多得 。 Dong Cheng said|loyalty and righteousness|both|possessive particle|person|hard to come by Dong Cheng said: Loyal and righteous people are hard to come by. 如果 搵 着 個 唔 妥當 嘅 人 , 就 畀 佢 害死 嚟 㗎 。 if|find|past tense marker|the|not|appropriate|possessive particle|person|then|let|him/her|kill|come|sentence-final particle If we find someone inappropriate, it could lead to their demise. 馬 騰諗 咗 一下 , 就 叫 董承 啊 攞 本 在職 官員 嘅 名冊 嚟 睇 。 Ma|Teng-nam|past tense marker|a moment|then|called|Dong-sing|ah|take|book|in-service|official|possessive particle|roster|come|look Ma Teng thought for a moment and then asked Dong Cheng to get the list of current officials to look at. 佢 逐個 名 噉 查 , 當 佢 查 到 劉 氏 宗族 嗰 處 , 佢 拍 起 手 嚟 話 : 欸 ? 點解 唔 搵 埋 佢 嚟 商量 呢 ? he|one by one|name|like that|check|when|he|check|to|Liu|surname|clan|that|place|he|clap|up|hand|here|said|hey|why|not|find|together|he|here|discuss|particle He checked each name, and when he reached the Liu clan, he clapped his hands and said: "Hey? Why not invite him to discuss this?" 董 承 佢 哋 就 問 嘞 : 你 想 用邊 個人 啊 ? Dong|Cheng|he|plural marker|then|asked|past tense marker|you|want||person|question particle Dong Cheng and the others then asked: "Which person do you want to use?" 擺住 一個 豫州 牧 劉玄德 喺 度 , 點解 唔 搵 佢 啊 ? placing|a|Yuzhou|lord|Liu Xuande|at|here|why|not|looking for|him|question particle With a Yu Province governor Liu Xuande present, why not ask him?" 此人 雖然 係 皇叔 , 不過 而 家 佢 正 係 依附 緊 曹操 , 又點 肯同 我 哋 一齊 做 呢 件 事 呢 ? this person|although|is|imperial uncle|but|||he|currently|is|dependent|continuous aspect particle|Cao Cao|||I|we|together|do|this|measure word for events|matter|this Although this person is the emperor's uncle, he is currently relying on Cao Cao, so how could he be willing to work with us on this matter? 唔 係 , 嗰 日 打獵 嘅 時候 , 曹操 出 嚟 接受 咗 大 眾 嘅 祝賀 。 ||that|day|hunting|possessive particle|time|Cao Cao|||accepted|past tense marker|||possessive particle|congratulations No, that day during the hunting, Cao Cao came out to accept the congratulations from the crowd. 我 睇 住 關雲長 喺 玄德背 後 , 舉起 把 刀 , 想 衝出 嚟 殺 曹操 。 I|||Guan Yu|at||behind|raised|a|knife|wanted|to rush out|to|kill|Cao Cao I saw Guan Yunchang behind Xuande, raising a knife, wanting to rush out to kill Cao Cao. 當時 玄德打 個 眼色 制止 佢 。 at that time||a|glance|stopped|him At that time, Xuande gave him a look to stop him. 玄德 唔 係 唔 想 剷除 曹操 嘅 , 就 係 因為 曹操 爪牙 咁 多 , 怕 力量 唔 足唧 。 Xuande|not|is|not|want|eliminate|Cao Cao|possessive particle|just|is|because|Cao Cao|subordinates|so|many|afraid|strength|not|sufficient Xuande didn't want to eliminate Cao Cao, but because Cao Cao had so many henchmen, he was afraid of not having enough strength. 國舅 , 你試 下去 搵 佢 , 佢 一定 應承 嘅 。 uncle by marriage||go down|find|he||definitely|will agree|particle indicating certainty Uncle, you should try to find him, he will definitely agree. 吳碩 就 話 喇 : 嗯 , 雖然 係 噉 講 啫 , 不過 呢 件 事 都 不宜 太快 去 進行 , 仲 係 慢慢 商量 下先 好 。 Ng Siu-hok|then|said|particle indicating completed action|hmm|although|is|like that|talking|particle indicating limitation|but|this|measure word for events|matter|also|should not|too quickly|to|proceed|still|is|slowly|discuss||good Ng Shok said: Hmm, although it's just talk, this matter should not be rushed, it's better to discuss it slowly first. 當日 傾談 完 , 大家 就 散 嘞 。 that day|conversation|finished|everyone|then|disperse|past tense marker After the discussion that day, everyone dispersed. 到 咗 第日 晚 黑 , 董承袋 好 張 詔書 喺 身邊 , 直情 去 到 劉備 嘅 宮 館 探望 佢 。 arrive|past tense marker|next day|||Dong Cheng|very|measure word for documents|imperial edict|at|side|directly|go|arrive|Liu Bei|possessive particle|palace|building|visit|him By the next night, Dong Cheng had a decree in hand and went directly to Liu Bei's palace to visit him. 劉備 請 董承入 去 小閣 坐落 , 關羽 、 張飛 呢 , 就 照例 企 喺 劉備 嘅 旁邊 嘞 。 Liu Bei|please||go|small pavilion|located|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|question particle|then|as usual|stand|at||possessive particle|side|past action particle Liu Bei invited Dong Cheng to sit in the small pavilion, while Guan Yu and Zhang Fei stood beside Liu Bei as usual. 劉備 話 : 國舅 咁 夜 嚟 到 , 實 係 有事 嘞 。 Liu Bei|said|the national uncle|so|night|come|arrive|really|is|have business|particle indicating completed action Liu Bei said: It's quite late for the national uncle to come, there must be something important. 噉 嘅 , 如果 日頭 騎住 馬 嚟 探訪 你 , 又 怕 曹操 疑心 吖 , 所以 就 夜晚 嚟 嘞 。 like this|possessive particle|if|daytime|riding|horse|come|visit|you|again|afraid|Cao Cao|suspicion|particle|so|then|nighttime|come|past action particle Well, if I ride a horse to visit you during the day, I would be afraid that Cao Cao would be suspicious, so I came at night. 哦 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 人 嚟 , 擺酒 侍候 。 國舅 , 請 ! oh|hahaha|ha|people|come|set up a banquet|serve|royal uncle|please Oh? Hahaha, welcome! Please, the national uncle! 劉備 吩咐 家人 擺酒 嚟 款待 董承 , 飲過 兩杯 , 董承話 嘞 : Liu Bei|instructed|family|prepare a banquet|to|entertain|Dong Cheng|after drinking|two cups||past tense particle Liu Bei instructed his family to prepare a feast to entertain Dong Cheng. After drinking a couple of cups, Dong Cheng said: 前日 打獵 嘅 時候 , 雲長 想 殺 曹操 , 將軍 你 搖頭 眨眼 示意 雲長 唔 好 動手 , 點解 呢 ? the day before yesterday|hunting|possessive particle|when|Yun Chang|wanted|to kill|Cao Cao|general|you|shook head|winked|signaled|Yun Chang|||act|why|question particle The other day while hunting, Yun Chang wanted to kill Cao Cao, and you shook your head and winked to signal Yun Chang not to act. Why is that? 哎呀 ! 國舅 你 點知 㗎 ? oh no|uncle|you|how do you know|question particle Oh! How would you know, national uncle? 人 哋 都 冇 睇 見 , 就 唯獨 我 睇 見 。 ||all|not|||then|only|I|| No one else saw it, only I saw it. 唉 , 捨 弟 見到 曹操 不 分 尊卑 , 欺君罔上 , 所以 發起 火 嚟 啫 。 sigh|to abandon|younger brother|saw|Cao Cao|not|distinguish|social status|deceive the ruler and the superior|therefore|started|anger|coming|only Sigh, the younger brother saw Cao Cao treating everyone without distinction, deceiving the emperor, so he got angry. 哎 , 朝廷 上 嘅 官員 , 如果 個個 都 好似 雲長 噉 樣 , 唉 , 何愁 天下 唔 太平 啊 ! sigh|imperial court|on|possessive particle|officials|if|everyone|all|like|Guan Yu|like|appearance|sigh|what worry|the world|not|peaceful|ah Oh, if all the officials in the court were like Yun Chang, sigh, why would we worry about the world not being peaceful! 唉 ! sigh Sigh! 不過 國舅 啊 , 而家 有 曹丞相 治理 國家 , 為 咩 要 愁 天下 唔 太平 呢 ? but|uncle by marriage|ah|now|has|Prime Minister Cao|governing|country|||need|worry|the world|not|peaceful|question particle However, uncle, now that Prime Minister Cao is governing the country, why should we worry about the world not being peaceful? 玄德公 , 你 乃 係 漢朝 皇叔 , 所以 我 披肝瀝膽 將 心裏話 對 你講 , 你 點解 冇 啲 誠意 呢 ? Lord Xuande|you|are|is|Han Dynasty|imperial uncle|so|I|sincerely|to|heartfelt words|to||you|why|have not|any|sincerity|question particle Lord Xuande, you are the royal uncle of the Han dynasty, so I am speaking my heart out to you. Why is there no sincerity from you? 啊 , 因為 怕 國舅 唔 知真定 假 , 所以 用 說話 嚟 試下 國舅 你 , 請 國舅 恕罪 啊 ! ah|because|afraid|uncle|not||false|so|use|conversation|to|test|uncle|you|please|uncle|forgive me|ah Ah, because I am afraid the national uncle does not know what is true or false, so I used words to test you, please forgive me! 於是 董承就將 詔書 攞 出 嚟 畀 劉備 睇 。 then||edict|take|out|here|give|Liu Bei|read Then Dong Cheng took out the edict for Liu Bei to see. 劉備 睇 咗 呀 , 悲憤 到極 啊 。 Liu Bei|saw|past tense marker|sentence final particle|grief and anger||exclamatory particle Liu Bei looked at it and was extremely indignant. 跟 住 , 董承 又 攞 嗰 張 義 狀 出 嚟 , 劉備 睇 下 上 便 簽住 六個 人 嘅 姓名 。 ||Dong Cheng|again|took|that|measure word for paper|||out|come|Liu Bei|look|at|above|then|signed|six|people|possessive particle|names After that, Dong Cheng took out that document of righteousness, and Liu Bei saw that six names were signed on it. 一 , 車騎 將軍 董承 ; one|charioteer|general|Dong Cheng 1. General of Cavalry Dong Cheng; 二 , 工部侍郎 王子服 ; two|Deputy Minister of Works|Wang Zifeng 2. Deputy Minister of Works Wang Zifeng; 三 , 長 水校尉 种輯 ; three|long|| 3. Long Water Captain Zhong Ji; 四 , 議 郎吳碩 ; four|discuss| 4. Councilor Wu Shuo; 五 , 昭信 將軍 吳子蘭 ; five|Zhao Xin|general|Wu Zi Lan 5. General of Trustworthiness Wu Zilan; 六 , 西涼 太守 馬騰 。 Six|Xiliang|Governor|Ma Teng Six, the governor of Xiliang, Ma Teng. 劉備 睇 完 就 話 嘞 , 國舅 既然 奉詔 討伐 奸賊 , 我點 能夠 唔 出力 啊 ? Liu Bei|read|finished|then|said|past tense marker|imperial uncle|since|under the imperial decree|to campaign against|treacherous bandit||able to|not|contribute|question particle Liu Bei finished reading and said, since the national uncle has been ordered to punish the traitors, how can I not contribute? 於是 劉備 亦 喺 義 狀 上面 簽 咗 名 , 左 將軍 劉備 噉 。 then|Liu Bei|also|at|righteousness|document|on|sign|past tense marker|name|left|general|Liu Bei|like this So Liu Bei also signed his name on the letter of righteousness, General Liu Bei. 簽完 嘞 , 董承 就 收返 好 張 詔書 同義 狀 , 佢 話 : finished signing|past tense marker|Dong Cheng|then|returned|good|measure word for documents|edict|same meaning|statement|he|said After signing, Dong Cheng took back the good imperial edict and the letter of righteousness, and he said: 我 哋 再 請到 三個 人添 , 總共 十個 義士 , 我 哋 就 一齊 嚟 剷除 國賊 ! ||again|recruited|three||in total|ten|righteous warriors|||then|together|come|eliminate|traitors Let's invite three more people, a total of ten righteous warriors, and we will come together to eliminate the national traitors! 國舅 , 呢 件 事 最 緊要 穩穩 陣陣 嚟 做 , 唔 好 隨便 講啊 ! maternal uncle|this|classifier for events|matter|most|important|steady|cautiously|come|do|not|well|casually|talk Your Highness, the most important thing about this matter is to proceed steadily and not to speak carelessly! 噉 董承同 劉備 一齊 商量 到 五更天 , 先至 告辭 返扯 , 呢 處 呢 , 就 暫時 唔 講 佢 住 。 then|Dong Cheng and|Liu Bei|together|discuss|until|early morning|only then|take leave|return|this|place|this|just|temporarily|not|talk|him|now So, Dong Cheng and Liu Bei discussed it until dawn, and only then did they take their leave to return. For now, let's not talk about this. 而家 講下 劉備 啊 , 佢 呢 個人 係 好 有 諗 頭 嘅 。 now|let's talk about|Liu Bei|ah|he|this|person|is|very|has|||possessive particle Now let's talk about Liu Bei. He is a very thoughtful person. 佢 為 咗 防備 曹操 謀害 佢 , 就 喺 住宅 嘅 後園 種返 幾 迾 菜 噃。 He|for|past tense marker|to guard against|Cao Cao|assassination|him|then|at|residence|possessive particle|backyard||several|types of|vegetables|sentence-final particle In order to guard against Cao Cao's schemes to harm him, he planted some vegetables in the backyard of his residence. 親自 鋤地 淋水 , 用 噉 樣 嘅 做法 啊 嚟 隱蔽 自己 嘅 意圖 。 personally|plow the field|water|using|such|manner|possessive particle|method|ah|to come|conceal|oneself|possessive particle|intention He personally hoes the land and waters the plants, using this method to conceal his intentions. 避免 人 哋 , 特別 係 避免 曹操 啊 , 注意 同 猜疑 自己 。 avoid|people|plural marker|especially|is||Cao Cao|sentence-final particle|pay attention to|and|suspicion|oneself Avoid people, especially avoid Cao Cao, and be cautious and suspicious of yourself. 關羽 同 張飛 見到 個 大哥 學 種菜 喎 , 就 話 嘞 : Guan Yu|and|Zhang Fei|saw|the|elder brother|learn|to plant vegetables|particle indicating realization|then|said|past tense particle Guan Yu and Zhang Fei saw their elder brother learning to farm, and they said: 大哥 , 你 唔 去 留心 天下大事 , 誒 走 嚟 學 埋 啲 下 等 人 做 嘅 事情 , 呵呵 , 點解 啊 吓 ? elder brother|you|not|go|pay attention to|world affairs|eh|come|here|learn|also|plural marker|lower|wait|people|do|possessive particle|things|haha|why|ah|surprised particle Elder brother, why aren't you paying attention to the major affairs of the world, and instead come here to learn to do things that others can do, haha, why is that? 噷 噷 噷 噷 噷 噷 。 sound of clearing throat||||| Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm. 呢 啲 , 兩位 賢弟 就 唔 明白 㗎 喇 。 ||two|wise younger brothers|then|not|understand|particle|particle These things, my two virtuous brothers, you do not understand. 關羽 、 張飛 聽見 劉備 噉 講唄 , 就 冇 再 追問 嘞 。 Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|heard|Liu Bei|like that|talking|then|not|again|questioning|past tense marker Guan Yu and Zhang Fei heard Liu Bei say that, so they didn't ask any more questions. 有 一日 , 關羽 同 張飛 行開 咗 , 唔 喺 屋企 嚟 。 there is|one day|Guan Yu|and|Zhang Fei|left|past tense marker|not|at|home|come One day, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei went out and were not at home. 劉備 呢 正 喺 後園 種菜 , 突然 間 , 許褚 、 張遼帶 住 幾十人 入到 嚟 後園 。 Liu Bei|this|currently|at|back garden|planting vegetables|suddenly|appeared|Xu Chu|||dozens of men|entered|here|back garden Liu Bei was in the back garden planting vegetables when suddenly, Xu Chu and Zhang Liao came in with dozens of people. 佢 哋 對 劉備 話 : 奉 丞相 嘅 命令 , 請 使君 即刻 去 啊 。 They|plural marker|to|Liu Bei|said|in accordance with|Prime Minister|possessive particle|order|please|Sir|immediately|go|sentence-final particle They told Liu Bei: "On the orders of the Prime Minister, please go immediately, my lord." 吓 ? 有 咩 緊要 事 啊 ? 劉備 驚 嘞 。 huh|have|what|important|thing|particle|Liu Bei|scared|past tense particle Huh? What urgent matter is it? Liu Bei was startled. 許褚話 : 唔 知 噃, 丞相 只 係 吩咐 我 哋 嚟 請 使君 去唧 。 Xu Chu said|||particle|Prime Minister|||instructed|||come|invite|Sir|to go Xu Chu said: I don't know, the Prime Minister just instructed us to invite the General to come. 劉備 冇 辦法 , 唯有 跟 佢 哋 兩個 去 相府 見 曹操 。 Liu Bei|has no|way|only|follow|them|plural marker|two|go|the residence of the prime minister|meet|Cao Cao Liu Bei had no choice but to go with the two of them to the Prime Minister's residence to meet Cao Cao. 一 見面 , 曹操 就 笑 住 話 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 玄德公 , 你 喺 屋企 做得好 事 啊 ! one|meet|Cao Cao|then|||said|hahaha|hahaha|Lord Xuande|you|at|home||things|ah As soon as they met, Cao Cao laughed and said: Hahaha, Lord Xuande, you have done a great job at home! 吓 ? 誒 , 誒 。 huh|hey|hey Huh? Uh, uh. 當堂 嚇 到 劉備 面如土色 , 曹操 拖住 劉備 隻 手 , 一直 入到 後花園 , 佢 話 : 玄德公 , 學 種菜 唔 容易 呀 嚱? on the spot|scared|to|Liu Bei|pale as a ghost|Cao Cao|dragging||measure word for hand|hand|continuously|entered into|back garden|he|said|Lord Xuande|learning|to plant vegetables|not|easy|question particle|right At that moment, Liu Bei was so frightened that his face turned pale. Cao Cao held Liu Bei's hand and led him into the back garden, saying: Lord Xuande, learning to grow vegetables is not easy, right? 吓 ? 哦 , 哦 , 嘻嘻 嘻嘻 , 誒 , 冇 事 做 , 消遣 下 啫 。 huh|oh||hehe|||no|thing|to do|to pass time|a little|just Huh? Oh, oh, hee hee hee hee, eh, nothing to do, just passing the time. 嗯 , 剛才 , 見到 啲 梅樹 結 咗 子 , 青青 綠綠 。 hmm|just now|saw|plural marker|plum tree|bear|past tense marker|fruit|green|lush Hmm, just now, I saw the plum trees bearing fruit, green and lush. 我 就 諗 起 舊年 打張 繡 嘅 時候 。 I|then|||last year|playing a game of|Xiangqi (Chinese chess)|possessive particle|time It reminded me of last year when I was playing cards. 有 一次 , 一路 搵 唔 到 水 飲 , 將士 都 頸 渴到 不得了 。 there is|one time|all the way|looking for|not|arrive|water|drink|soldiers|all|throat||extremely There was one time when we couldn't find any water to drink, and the soldiers were so thirsty they could hardly stand it. 哼 當時 我心 生一計 , 就 用條 馬鞭 指住 前 便 話 : 前 便 有 座 梅林 啊 ! hum|at that time|||then||riding crop|pointed at|front|then|said|front|then|has|measure word for buildings|Plum Forest|ah Hmph, at that time I came up with a plan, I pointed with a riding whip and said: There's a plum grove ahead! 啲 兵卒 聽 咗 呀 , 個口 即刻 流口水 喎 , 噉 就 唔 頸 渴 喇 , 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 the|soldiers|heard|past tense marker|sentence-final particle||immediately|drooled|sentence-final particle|then|then|not|||sentence-final particle|hahaha|hahaha|hahaha The soldiers heard it, and their mouths immediately started watering, so they weren't thirsty anymore, hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha. 今日 , 見到 啲 梅子 不可不 欣賞 一番 啊 。 today|saw|plural marker|plums|must|appreciate|a bit|ah Today, I saw the plums and couldn't help but appreciate them. 啱 啱 又 煮 到 啲 酒 , 所以 特登請 使君 嚟 飲 返杯 啊 ! 使君 , 請 ! ||again|||some|wine|so||Sir|to come|drink|another cup|ah||please I just cooked some wine, so I specially invited you to come and have a drink! Please! 嘩 ! 劉備 個心 呀 , 而家 先至 歸返 位 。 wow|Liu Bei||sentence-final particle|now|only just|return|position Wow! Liu Bei's heart, only now has it returned to its place. 佢 跟 住 曹操 嚟 到 一間 亭 仔 , 裏 便 已經 擺好 酒席 , 仲有 一碟 青梅 , 一樽新 煮 嘅 酒 。 He|||Cao Cao|||a|||inside|then|already|set up|banquet|and also|a plate of|green plums|||possessive particle|wine He followed Cao Cao to a pavilion, where a banquet was already set up, along with a plate of green plums and a jar of freshly brewed wine. 兩個 人 打 對面 坐 , 就 開懷暢飲 嘞 噃。 two|people|sit|opposite|sit|then|drink happily|past action particle| Two people sat facing each other and started drinking happily. 飲到 半 醉 嘅 時候 , 忽然間 天上 烏雲 密布 , 大雨 就 到 嘞 。 drink to|half|drunk|possessive particle|time|suddenly|in the sky|dark clouds|dense|heavy rain|then|arrive|past tense particle When they were half drunk, suddenly the sky became overcast and heavy rain came. 啲 僕人 指住 天邊 話 : 吓 , 龍 吸水 啊 , 龍 吸水 啊 ! plural marker|servant|pointing at|sky|said|huh|dragon|drinking water|particle||| The servants pointed to the horizon and said: 'Look, the dragon is drinking water, the dragon is drinking water!' 即 係 龍卷 風 啊 。 曹操 同 劉備 就 憑 住 欄杆 喺 度 睇 。 ||||ah|Cao Cao|and|Liu Bei|then|||railing|at|place|watching That means it's a tornado. Cao Cao and Liu Bei were leaning on the railing watching. 曹操 就問 嘞 : 使君 , 你 了 唔 了解 龍 嘅 變化 呢 ? Cao Cao||particle indicating past action|Sir|you|past tense marker|not|understand|dragon|possessive particle|changes|question particle Cao Cao then asked: 'My lord, do you understand the changes of the dragon?' 嘿嘿 , 誒 , 知得 唔 詳細 。 hehe|eh|know|not|detailed Hehe, well, I don't know the details. 龍 啊 , 能大能細 , 能升能 隱 喎 。 dragon|ah|||hide|question particle The dragon, it can be big or small, it can rise or hide. 大起 嚟 , 興雲吐霧 , 一細 呢 , 就 隱身 藏形 。 rise|come|||this|then|invisible|hidden When it rises, it stirs up clouds and mist; when it is small, it hides and conceals itself. 升則 飛騰 於 宇宙 之間 , 隱則 潛伏 于 波濤 之內 呀 ! if rising|soaring|in|universe|between|if hidden|lurking|in|waves|within|particle When it rises, it soars through the universe; when it hides, it lurks within the waves! 而家 正 係 春深 時節 , 龍 就 趁 住 季節 而 變化 嘅 。 now|just|is|late spring|season|dragon|then|||season|and|changes|particle indicating possession or modification Right now, it is the deep spring season, and the dragon changes with the season. 就 猶之乎 一個 人 得志 而 縱橫 四海 一樣 啊 ! then|like|one|person|successful|and|freely|all over the world|the same|ah It's just like a person who achieves success and roams freely across the seas! 龍 呢 樣 嘢 可以 比作 世上 嘅 英雄 。 dragon|this|kind|thing|can|be compared to|in the world|possessive particle|hero Dragons can be compared to the heroes of the world. 玄德公 , 你 經歷 過 咁 多 地方 , 必定 知道 當代 有 咩 英雄 𠿪, 請 你講 嚟 聽 下 。 Lord Xuande|you|experienced|past tense marker|so|many|places|surely|know|contemporary|has|what|heroes|question particle|please||come|hear|down Lord Xuande, you have traveled to so many places, you must know who the heroes of our time are, please share with us. 我 一雙 肉眼 , 點識 英雄 呢 ? I|a pair of|naked eyes|how to recognize|hero|question particle How can my mere mortal eyes recognize heroes? 玄德公 不必 過謙 啊 。 Lord Xuande|no need to|be overly humble|ah Lord Xuande, there's no need to be overly modest. 我 蒙受 皇恩 , 喺 朝廷 上 做事 , 所以 天下 嘅 英雄 , 確實 係 唔 知 噃。 I|received|imperial grace|at|court|on|work|so|the world|possessive particle|heroes|indeed|are|not|aware|particle indicating finality I have received the emperor's grace and work in the court, so the heroes of the world truly do not know me. 噉 你 不識 其面 , 亦 聞其名 㗎 。 then|you|do not recognize|his face|also||question particle So you may not recognize my face, but you have heard my name. 噉 啊 , 誒 淮南 袁術 , 兵多 糧足 , 可以 算 係 英雄 嗎 ? ||hey|Huainan|Yuan Shu|many soldiers|sufficient supplies|can|be considered|is|hero|question particle Well then, what about Yuan Shu from Huainan? He has many troops and sufficient supplies; can he be considered a hero? 佢 係 墳墓 裏頭 嘅 一堆 枯骨 , 我 好 快 就 捉 到 佢 喇 嘞 ! he|is|grave|inside|possessive particle|a pile of|skeletons|I|very|quickly|then|||him|past action particle|emphasis particle He is just a pile of dry bones in a grave; I will catch him very soon! 噉 河北 袁紹 , 四世 三公 , 好多 官員 都 係 出於 袁 家門 下 嘅 。 then|Hebei|Yuan Shao|four generations|three high officials|many|officials|all|are|from|Yuan|family|under|possessive particle Then what about Yuan Shao from Hebei? He has been a noble for four generations, and many officials come from the Yuan family. 而 家 佢 喺 冀州 雄霸一方 , 部下 有 才能 嘅 人 極 多 嘅 , 可以 算 係 英雄 嗎 ? and|family|he|at|Jizhou|dominates the area|subordinates|have|talent|possessive particle|people|extremely|many|possessive particle|can|be considered|is|hero|question particle Now he is dominating in Jizhou, and he has many talented subordinates. Can he be considered a hero? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 袁紹 外表 睇 嚟 好 厲害 , 之 膽量 甚小 。 hahaha||Yuan Shao|appearance|looking|seems|very|impressive|his|courage| Hahaha, Yuan Shao looks very impressive on the outside, but his courage is very small. 想 做 嘅 嘢 多 , 但 係 冇 決斷 。 want|do|possessive particle|things|many|||no|decisiveness He wants to do many things, but he lacks decisiveness. 做 大事 而惜 身 , 見 小利 而 忘命 , 唔 係 英雄 啊 。 do|great things||life|see|small gains|and|forget life|not|is|hero|particle To do great things while being overly cautious, and to forget one's life for small gains, is not heroic. 誒 , 有 一個 人 , 名稱 八俊 , 威鎮 九州 , 劉景升 可以 算 係 英雄 嗎 ? hey|there is|one|person|name|Ba Jun|dominates|the nine provinces|Liu Jingsheng|can|be considered|is|hero|question particle Hey, there is a person named Ba Jun, who commands great power in the Nine Provinces. Can Liu Jing Sheng be considered a hero? 劉表 虛有 其名 , 唔 算 英雄 。 Liu Biao|merely have|the name|not|count|hero Liu Biao is just a name, not a hero. 噉 有 一個 人 血氣方剛 , 係 江東 領袖 , 孫伯符 算 唔 算 係 英雄 呢 ? then|there is|one|person|full of youthful vigor|is|Jiangdong|leader|Sun Bofu|count|not|count|is|hero|question particle So there's a person who is passionate and is a leader in Jiangdong, is Sun Ce considered a hero? 孫策 , 不過 係 憑藉 佢 父親 嘅 名氣 啫 , 唔 係 英雄 。 Sun Ce|but|is|relying on|his|father|possessive particle|reputation|only|not|is|hero Sun Ce, however, is just relying on his father's reputation, not a hero. 噉 益州 劉季玉 , 可以 算 做 英雄 嘞 啩? then|Yizhou|Liu Jiyu|can|||hero|past action particle|question particle So what about Liu Jiyu from Yizhou, can he be considered a hero? 哼 ! 劉璋 雖然 係 漢朝 宗室 啊 , 不過 係 隻 看門狗 唧 , 點算 得 英雄 啊 ? hum|Liu Zhang|although|is|Han Dynasty|royal family|particle|but|is|classifier for animals|watchdog|bark|how to consider|get|hero|particle Hmph! Although Liu Zhang is a member of the Han royal family, he is just a watchdog, how can he be considered a hero? 噉 好似 張繡 、 張魯 、 韓遂 等等 呢 班 人 又 點樣 呢 ? then|like|Zhang Xiu|Zhang Lu|Han Sui|and so on|this|group|people|again|how|this So what about people like Zhang Xiu, Zhang Lu, Han Sui, and others? 嗯 ? 嗯 哼哼 哼哼哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 嘿 , 呢 啲 碌碌 小人 , 哈哈哈 何足掛齒 呢 ? hmm||hum hum|hum hum haha|haha|haha|hey|this|plural marker|petty|small-minded people|haha|not worth mentioning|question particle Hmm? Hmm, hehehe, hahaha, hahaha, hey, these petty people, hahaha, are they worth mentioning? 噉 除此之外 , 嘻 就 實在 唔 知 嘞 。 then|other than this|hee|then|really|not|know|particle indicating completed action So besides that, heh, I really don't know. 玄德公 , 一個 英雄 啊 , 佢 係 胸懷大志 , 腹有 良謀 , 有 包藏 宇宙 之機 , 吞吐 天地 之志 啊 。 Lord Xuande|a|hero|ah|he|is|ambitious|||has|containing|universe||encompassing|heaven and earth||ah Lord Xuande, a true hero, he has great ambitions, wise plans, and the ability to encompass the universe, with aspirations that reach the heavens and the earth. 然則 , 邊個 能夠 當得起 英雄 呢 ? then|who|can|be worthy of|hero|question particle So, who can truly be called a hero? 曹操 用 隻 手 , 指一指 劉備 , 然後 再 指一指 自己 , 佢 話 : Cao Cao|use|one|hand|point once|Liu Bei|then|again|point once|himself|he|said Cao Cao pointed at Liu Bei with one hand, then pointed at himself, saying: 當今 天下 嘅 英雄 , 就 係 使君 你 , 同 我 喇 。 today|world|possessive particle|hero|just|is|sir|you|and|I|final particle "The heroes of the world today are you, my lord, and me." 劉備 聽 曹操 噉 樣講 , 吃 咗 一驚 , 揸 住 喺 手 嚟 嘅 筷子 , 不覺 跌 咗 落地 吖 。 Liu Bei|heard|Cao Cao|like that||eat|past tense marker|a fright|holding|in||hand|coming|possessive particle|chopsticks|unconsciously|drop|past tense marker|on the ground|sentence-final particle Liu Bei was startled when he heard Cao Cao say this, and the chopsticks he was holding accidentally fell to the ground. 好彩 呢 個 時候 大雨 就 到 , 個 天林林聲 打 起雷 。 fortunately|this|measure word|time|heavy rain|then|arrived|measure word||strike| Fortunately, at that moment, a heavy rain began, and the sky rumbled with thunder. 劉備 就 從從容容 噉 護低身 , 執返 起雙 筷子 佢 話 : Liu Bei|then|leisurely|like that|protect his body|pick up|a pair of|chopsticks|he|said Liu Bei calmly bent down to pick up his chopsticks and said: 一震 之威 , 竟然 咁 犀利 吓 。 a tremor||unexpectedly|so|fierce|scared The power of a tremor is surprisingly intense. 曹操 笑 嘞 , 哈哈哈哈 , 乜 大丈夫 都 怕 雷 嘅 咩 ? Cao Cao|laugh|past tense marker|hahaha|what|real man|all|afraid|thunder|possessive particle|question particle Cao Cao laughed, hahaha, what, is a real man afraid of thunder? 怕 , 孔 聖人 遇到 大雷 暴風 , 都 改變 面色 敬畏 上天 , 點 能夠 唔 怕 ? afraid|||encountered|||all|changed|expression|reverence|heaven|how|able|not|afraid Afraid, even Confucius changed his expression in fear of a great thunderstorm, how could one not be afraid? 哈哈 , 劉備 都 算 佢 叻 啊 。 haha|Liu Bei|also|consider|he|smart|particle Haha, Liu Bei is quite clever. 佢 將 自己 聽到 曹操 話 佢 係 英雄 , 吃 咗 一驚 , 連 曹操 都 畀 佢 呃 埋 噃。 he|will|himself|heard|Cao Cao|say|he|is|hero|eat|past tense marker||even|Cao Cao|also|by|him|trick|together|particle He was shocked to hear Cao Cao say he was a hero, even Cao Cao was fooled by him. 所以 曹操 對 佢 就 並 冇 疑心 , 呢 , 有 詩為證 啊 : so|Cao Cao|towards|him|then|not|have not|suspicion|this|has||ah So, Cao Cao had no doubts about him, and there is a poem to prove it: 勉從 虎穴 暫 趨身 , 說破 英雄 驚煞 人 。 reluctantly follow|tiger's den|temporarily|approach|expose|hero|frighten to death|people Bravely stepping into the tiger's den, the hero's revelation shocks people. 巧借聞 雷來 掩飾 , 隨機應變 信如神 。 skillfully borrowing the sound|thunder comes|conceal|adapting to circumstances|confidence like a deity Skillfully borrowing the sound of thunder to cover up, adapting to circumstances with divine trust. 過 咗 一陣 , 停 咗 雨 嘞 , 只見 兩個 人撞 咗 入 嚟 後花園 。 after|past tense marker|a while|stop|past tense marker|rain|sentence-final particle|only saw|two||past tense marker|into|come|backyard After a while, the rain stopped, and two people were seen crashing into the back garden. 兩個 都 手執 寶劍 , 衝入 個 亭 仔 前面 , 嗰 啲 衛兵 呀 都 攔 佢 哋 兩個 唔 住 。 the two|both|holding|sword|charged into|the|pavilion|child|in front|that|plural marker|guards|sentence final particle|all|stopped|them|plural marker|the two|not|able to Both were holding swords, rushing into the pavilion, while the guards tried to stop them. 曹操 睇 下 , 哦 , 係 關羽 同 張飛 。 Cao Cao|look|down|oh|is|Guan Yu|and|Zhang Fei Cao Cao, look, oh, it's Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. 原來 佢 哋 兩個 啊 , 先頭 去 咗 郊外 射箭 正話 返 嚟 。 it turns out|he|plural marker|the two of them|sentence-final particle|earlier|go|past tense marker|countryside|archery|just said|return|come It turns out that the two of them went out to shoot arrows earlier and are just coming back. 聽 講話 劉備 大哥 畀 許褚 、 張 遼 請 咗 去 喎 , 嚇 咗 一大跳 , 慌慌忙忙 就 趕 嚟 相府 打聽 。 hear|talking|Liu Bei|big brother|by|Xu Chu|Zhang|Liao|invited|past tense marker|go|sentence-final particle|scared|past tense marker|a big jump|in a hurry|then|rush|come|the government office|inquire I heard that Brother Liu Bei invited Xu Chu and Zhang Liao over, which startled me, so I hurriedly rushed to the residence to find out. 一 嚟 到 , 聽 講話 喺 後花園 , 怕 唔 知有 咩 事 , 所以 就 唔 理 咁 多 衝入 嚟 嘞 。 one|here|||||||||||||||||||past tense particle As soon as I arrived, I heard that they were in the back garden. I was afraid I didn't know what was going on, so I didn't care much and rushed in. 欸 ? 乜 劉備 大哥 同 曹操 打 對面 坐 喺 度 飲酒 啫 , 噉 就 放心 嘞 , 於是 就 按住 把 劍 企 喺 處 。 hey|what|Liu Bei|big brother|with|Cao Cao|fight|opposite|sitting|at|place|drinking|only|then|just|rest assured|past tense particle|so|then|holding down|measure word for tools|sword|standing|at|place Eh? Why is Brother Liu Bei sitting across from Cao Cao drinking? Then I can relax, so I just stood there with my sword. 曹操 問 佢 哋 嚟 做 咩 事 啊 噉 。 Cao Cao|asked|he|they|come|do|what|thing|particle|like that Cao Cao asked them what they were doing. 關雲長 就 話 : 聽聞 丞相 同 兄長 飲酒 , 特意 前 嚟 舞劍 , 博 丞相 一笑 啊 。 Guan Yu|then|said|heard|Prime Minister|with|elder brother|drinking|specially|come|here|practice swordsmanship|seek|Prime Minister|a smile|ah Guan Yu replied: I heard that the Prime Minister was drinking with my brother, so I specially came to perform sword dance to make the Prime Minister smile. 曹操 真 係 笑 嘞 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 呢 處 又 唔 係 鴻門 會 , 使 乜 用到 項莊 同項 伯 呢 ? Cao Cao|really|is|laugh|past tense particle|hahaha|hahaha|this|place|again|not|is|Hongmen|banquet|use|what|needed|Xiang Zhuang|||this Cao Cao really laughed, hahaha, this is not the Banquet of Hongmen, why would we need Xiang Zhuang and Xiang Bo? 劉備 聽 曹操 噉 樣講 亦 都 笑 起 上 嚟 。 Liu Bei|heard|Cao Cao|like that||also|all|laugh|up|on|come Liu Bei also laughed when he heard Cao Cao say that. 曹操 跟 住 話 嘞 : 人 嚟 !攞 啲 酒 畀 呢 兩位 樊噲 壓驚 。 Cao Cao|||said|past tense marker|people|come|take|some|wine|give|these|two|Fan Kuai|calm down Cao Cao then said: Someone! Bring some wine for these two to calm their nerves. 多謝 丞相 ! thank you|Prime Minister Thank you, Prime Minister! 關羽 、 張飛 接過 酒 , 一飲而盡 。 Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|took|wine|drank it in one go Guan Yu and Zhang Fei took the wine and drank it all in one go. 啊 係 嘞 , 剛才 曹操 啊 講到 咩 嘢 鴻門 會 啊 , 又 話 項莊 、 項伯 , 等 下 又 話 咩 樊噲 啊 噉 , 究竟 係 咩 意思 呢 吓 ? ah|is|particle indicating completed action|just now|Cao Cao|ah|mentioned|what|thing|Hongmen|meeting|ah|again|said|Xiang Zhuang|Xiang Bo|wait|later|again|said|what|Fan Kuai|ah|like that|after all|is|what|meaning|particle indicating a question|ah Ah, yes, just now Cao Cao mentioned what the Hongmen Banquet was about, and also talked about Xiang Zhuang and Xiang Bo, and then mentioned Fan Kuai. What does it all mean? 所謂 鴻門 會 啊 , 一般 嚟 講就 係指 , 充滿 陰謀 同 殺機 嘅 宴會 。 so-called|Hongmen|banquet|ah|generally|coming|speaking|refers to|filled with|conspiracy|and|murderous intent|possessive particle|banquet The so-called Hongmen Banquet generally refers to a banquet filled with conspiracy and murderous intent. 呢 個 典故 呢 就 係 噉 嚟 嘅 。 this|measure word|allusion|this|then|is|like that|come|particle indicating past action This is the origin of the saying. 喺 秦漢 嘅 時候 啊 , 劉邦 同 項羽 爭霸 天下 吖 。 at|Qin and Han|possessive particle|time|sentence-final particle|Liu Bang|and|Xiang Yu|contended for hegemony|the world|sentence-final particle During the Qin and Han dynasties, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu fought for supremacy over the world. 有 一次 兩個 人 曾經 喺 鴻門 , 即 係 而家 陝西省 臨潼 以東 嘅 地方 , 相會 。 there is|one time|two|people|once|at|Hongmen|that is|is|now|Shaanxi Province|Lintong||possessive particle|place|met Once, the two met at Hongmen, which is now east of Lintong in Shaanxi Province. 噉 啊 喺 宴會 進行 緊 嘅 時候 啊 , 項羽 嘅 謀士 范增 , 就 叫 項莊 喺 酒席 筵前 舞劍 , 睺 啱 機會 呢 就要 刺死 劉邦 。 then|particle|at|banquet|taking place|ongoing|possessive particle|time|particle|Xiang Yu|possessive particle|strategist|Fan Zeng|then|called|Xiang Zhuang|at|banquet|before the table|perform sword dance|he|right|opportunity|particle|then must|kill|Liu Bang During the banquet, Xiang Yu's strategist Fan Zeng instructed Xiang Zhuang to perform a sword dance in front of the table, looking for the right moment to assassinate Liu Bang. 點知 項羽 嘅 叔父 項伯 呢 , 係 同 劉邦 好 嘅 , 因此 佢 又 起身 ,攞 把 劍 嚟 舞 埋 一份 , 喺 度 保護 住 劉邦 。 little did he know|Xiang Yu|possessive particle|uncle|Xiang Bo|question particle|is|with|Liu Bang|good|possessive particle|therefore|he|again|got up|took|measure word for tools|sword|to|dance|together|a part|at|place|protect|continuous aspect particle|Liu Bang However, Xiang Yu's uncle Xiang Bo, who was on good terms with Liu Bang, stood up and took a sword to dance as well, protecting Liu Bang. 噉 收尾 劉邦 手下 嘅 猛將 樊噲 衝 咗 入 嚟 , 終歸 呢 就 救 咗 劉邦 走 噉 。 like this|wrap up|Liu Bang|subordinate|possessive particle|fierce general|Fan Kuai|charge|past tense marker|enter|here|ultimately|this|then|save|past tense marker|Liu Bang|escape|like this In the end, Liu Bang's fierce general Fan Kuai rushed in and ultimately saved Liu Bang. 好 嘞 , 而家 就 講返 轉頭 。 ||now|then|talk about|later Alright, now let's talk about what happened earlier. 佢 哋 飲 完 酒 散席 , 噉 啊 劉備 就 辭別 曹操 返去 宮館 。 They|plural marker|drink|finish|alcohol|end of the banquet|then|ah|Liu Bei|then|bid farewell|Cao Cao|return|palace After they finished drinking, Liu Bei said goodbye to Cao Cao and returned to the palace. 關雲長 話 : 剛才 , 爭 啲 嚇死 我 哋 兩個 啊 。 Guan Yu|said|just now|almost|a little|scared to death|I|plural marker|both|sentence-final particle Guan Yunchang said: Just now, that almost scared the two of us to death. 劉備 呢 , 就 將跌 咗 筷子 嘅 事 , 講 畀 關公 同 張飛 聽 。 Liu Bei|this|then|will drop|past tense marker|chopsticks|possessive particle|matter|tell|to|Guan Gong|and|Zhang Fei|hear Liu Bei then told Guan Gong and Zhang Fei about the incident with the dropped chopsticks. 佢 兩個 梗 係 唔 明白 喇問 點解 呢 , 劉備 就 話 嘞 : they|two|surely|are|not|understand||why|question particle|Liu Bei|then|said|particle indicating past action The two of them definitely didn't understand and asked why, and Liu Bei said: 我 之所以 學 種菜 , 不外 係 想 使 到 曹操 認為 我 胸無大志 唧 。 I|the reason why|learn|to grow vegetables|nothing more than|is|want|||Cao Cao|think|I|lack of ambition|to be looked down upon The reason I learned to grow vegetables is simply because I wanted Cao Cao to think I had no great ambitions. 點 估到 曹操 先頭 竟然 話 我 係 個 英雄 , 我 一下 失驚 起上 嚟 , 連 筷子 都 跌 咗 落地 。 how|to expect|Cao Cao|at first|unexpectedly|said|I|am|a|hero|I|suddenly|startled|stood up|up|even|chopsticks|also|fell|past tense marker|on the ground Who would have thought that Cao Cao would actually say I was a hero? I was so shocked that I dropped my chopsticks. 你 話 畀 佢 睇 穿 咗 , 起 咗 疑心 就 弊 㗎 喇 。 you|told|to|him|see|through|past tense marker|raised||suspicion|then|bad|sentence final particle|past action particle If you let him see through it, he'll become suspicious, and that's a problem. 所以 我詐 假意 話 , 聽見 行雷個 心怕 啫 , 噉 先至 掩飾 過去 咋 。 so||insincerely|said|heard|||only|like that|only then|cover up|past|just So I pretended to say that I was just scared of the thunder, just to cover up the past. 哦 ! 兄長 真 係 高見 啊 , 高見 啊 ! oh|elder brother|||insightful|particle|| Oh! Brother, you truly have great insight! 關公 同 張飛 呀 , 真 係 服 晒 佢 哋 嘅 劉備 大哥 咯 。 Guan Gong|and|Zhang Fei|particle|really|is|admire|completely|they|plural particle|possessive particle|Liu Bei|elder brother|particle Guan Gong and Zhang Fei, I really admire their big brother Liu Bei.

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