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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 060

話 說 孫權 就 為 咗 表示 同 曹操 作戰 嘅 決心 , 拔出 寶劍 , 斬 咗 枱 角 。 然後 將呢 把 寶劍 賜 咗 畀 周瑜 。 馬上 封 周瑜 做大 都督 , 程普 做 副 都督 , 魯肅 , 做贊 軍校 尉 。 所有 嘅 文官 武將 啊 , 有 唔 聽 號令 嘅 , 就 用 呢 把 寶劍 嚟 殺 佢 。 周瑜 接 咗 寶劍 就 對 大家 講 : 我 奉 咗 主公 嘅 命令 , 率令 大家 出兵 破 曹 。 所有 官員 一律 喺 明日 早上 , 喺 江邊 我 嘅 行營 集合 , 聽取 號令 。 有 遲誤 嘅 , 依照 七 禁令 五十四 斬 施行 ! 嘩 嗨 , 咩 七 禁令 五十四 斬 啊 ? 呢 個 呀 , 係 古代 嘅 軍法 嚟 。 七 禁令 呢 , 指 嘅 係 輕 軍 、 慢 軍 、 盜 軍 、 欺 軍 、 背 軍 、 亂军 、 誤軍 等等 七條 禁令 。 噉 其中 每條 禁令 啊 , 又 包括 若干 具體 嘅 項目 。 總共 就 五十 四項 , 違犯 任何 一項 嘅 都 要 判處 斬刑 , 就 叫做 五十四 斬 , 好嚴 㗎 。 周瑜 一 宣佈 完 , 辭別 孫權 行出 將軍 府 。 嗰 班 文武 官員 呀 , 有 啲 又 高興 , 有 啲 又 憂愁 。 但 係 個個 都 唔 敢 出聲 , 肅 肅靜 靜 噉 就 散 嘞 。 周瑜 返到 住宅 , 即刻 去 請 孔明 嚟 商量 。 孔明 嚟 到 之後 , 周瑜 將 今日 會議 嘅 決定 呢講 畀 佢 聽 , 同時 , 請教 佢 破 曹 嘅 好 辦法 。 孔明 話 : 孫將軍 嘅 決心 都 未曾 穩 噃, 而家仲未 可以 決策 啊 。 點 叫做 決心 未穩 呢 ? 直到 而家 , 孫將軍 仲 係 擔心 曹操 兵多 , 怕 寡不敵眾 。 都督 你 要 用 曹 軍 嘅 實際 數目 嚟 開解 佢 , 使 佢 免除 憂慮 , 事情 噉 先至 可以 成功 㗎 。 冇 錯 冇 錯 , 先生 呢 個 意見 極好 啊 ! 周瑜 就 立即 返去 見 孫權 。 孫權 一 見到 周瑜 嚟 到 就 話 喇 : 公瑾 你 咁 夜 嚟 , 一定 有 咩 嘢 緊要 嘅 事 喇 。 周瑜 就講 : 聽日 就要 調兵遣將 , 主公 你 個 心裏 便 , 仲有 咩 懷疑 嘅 地方 冇 ? 哦 , 我 就 係 擔心 曹操 兵多 , 我 哋 寡不敵眾 啫 , 其他 就 冇 乜嘢 嘞 。 哈哈哈哈 , 我 就 係 為 咗 呢 件 事要 嚟 同 主公 你 開解 下 嘅 。 主公 , 你 係 睇 咗 曹操 嘅 檄文 , 話 佢 咩 嘢 水陸 大軍 有 成 百萬 咁 多 , 噉 就 心驚 起 嚟 , 而 冇 去 根究 佢 嘅 虛實 真假 咯 。 其實 , 曹操 喺 中原 帶 嚟 嘅 兵 , 不過 係 十五六萬 人 , 而且 , 亦 都 係 疲乏 到 不得了 㗎 嘞 。 佢 喺 袁紹 嗰 處 收編 過 嚟 嘅 呢 , 亦 只有 七八萬 人 。 而且 呢 啲 投降 過 嚟 嘅 人馬 , 好多 呀 個 心 都 係 唔 服 嘅 。 曹操 以 佢 疲乏 不堪 嘅 軍隊 , 加 埋 嗰 啲 三心兩意 嘅 兵卒 , 人數 雖然 唔 少 , 但 係 冇 咩 咁 可怕 。 我 只要 五萬 兵 , 就 足夠 打敗 曹操 㗎 喇 , 請 主公 你 不必 憂慮 。 哎呀 , 孫權 聽 咗 呀 , 個心 就 放低 咗 一 嚿 大石頭 , 佢 好 高興 啊 。 佢 拍 住 周瑜 個 背脊 話 : 公瑾 你 嘅 說話 , 使 我 嘅 心 定 晒 啊 , 解除 咗 我 顧慮 啊 。 哎 , 子布 呢 個人 , 一 啲 都 冇 見識 , 真 係 令 我 失望 , 唯獨 你 同子敬 兩個 , 係 同 我 同心 嘅 。 你 同子敬 、 程普 即刻 點兵 出發 啦 。 我 自然 會 繼續 派兵 , 運送 充足 嘅 糧草 畀 你 哋 , 喺 後方 , 我 全力支持 。 如果 前方 打得 唔 好 , 你 就 返 嚟 搵 我 , 我要 親自 同 曹賊 決戰 , 我 冇 乜嘢 其他 諗 法 㗎 喇 。 噉 就 搞掂 晒 咯 喎 , 周瑜 呢 告辭 咗 出 嚟 。 佢 個 心 諗 : 孔明 竟然 早就 睇 透 咗 吳 侯 嘅 心思 , 佢 嘅 計劃 又 比 我 高 一頭 啊 。 時間 一長 , 佢 必定 成為 江東 嘅 大 患 , 不如 殺 咗 佢 至 得 。 於是 周瑜 呢 , 漏夜 派 人 去 請 魯肅 嚟 商量 要 殺 孔明 。 佢 將 呢 個 意思 講 咗 畀 魯肅 聽 , 魯肅 就 話 : 噉 唔 得 㗎 。 而家 曹賊 都 未 打敗 , 就 殺 咗 孔明 一個 咁 有 學識 嘅 人才 喇 , 噉 即 係 自己 取消 對 自己 有利 嘅 幫助 啫 。 不過 噉 啊 , 此人 幫 劉備 做事 , 日後 必定 係 江東 嘅 禍患 嚟 㗎 。 誒 噉 吖 , 諸葛瑾 係 佢 嘅 親 大佬 。 我 哋 叫 諸葛瑾 掹 埋 孔明 嚟 , 一齊 嚟 為 東吳 做事 , 噉 就 妙哉 啦 嘛 , 都督 。 係 噃, 呢 個 辦法 好 啊 ! 周瑜 就 同 魯肅 商量 妥當 喇 。 第二 朝早 蒙蒙 光 , 周瑜 嚟 到 行營 , 喺 中軍帳 當中 坐定 。 一左一右 就 企住 兩排 刀斧手 , 文官 武將 就 喺 兩 便 肅立 聽候 命令 。 孫權 嗰 日 係 任命 程普 做 副 都督 吖 。 程普 呢 年紀 就 大過 周瑜 , 而家 見到 周瑜 做 正 自己 做 副 唄 , 個心 就 唔 高興 。 呢 朝 早 周瑜 點將 嘅 時候 , 程普 就 推有 病 唔 嚟 , 叫 佢 個 大 仔 程 咨 啊 代 佢 出席 。 時間 一到 , 啲 人 到 齊 喇 , 周瑜 就 發佈命令 喇 。 佢 話 : 王法 無親 , 諸君 要 各守 本職 。 當前 , 曹操 弄權 , 仲甚過 董卓 。 佢 將 天子 軟禁 喺 許昌 , 統率 殘暴 嘅 軍隊 , 逼近 我 江東 邊境 。 我 今日 奉命 討伐 曹操 , 希望 諸君 努力 向前 。 大軍 所到之處 , 不准 騷擾 民眾 , 賞勞罰罪 , 決不 容情 ! 講完 , 周瑜 就 派 韓當 、 黃 蓋 做 前部 先鋒 , 統領 本部 戰船 即日起 行 , 到 三江口 駐扎 , 聽候 命令 。 蔣欽 、 周泰 係 第二隊 ; 凌統 、 潘璋 係 第三隊 ; 太史慈 、 呂蒙 係 第四隊 ; 陸遜 、 董襲 係 第五隊 ; 呂范 、 朱治 係 四方 巡警 使 , 催督六郡 官軍 , 水陸並進 , 限期 到達 。 分配 完喇 , 各個 將官 即刻 返去 收拾 船隻 軍器 就 起程 出發 。 程 咨就返 去講 畀 佢 老 竇 聽 , 話 周瑜 呀 調兵遣將 好 有 辦法 嘅 噉 。 程普 聽 咗 , 嗯 , 知道 自己 錯咯 。 佢 話 : 我 平時 欺負 周郎 懦弱 , 認 為 佢 唔 做 得 主帥 , 而家 噉 樣 睇 起 上 嚟 , 佢 真 係 有 大將 之才 啊 ! 我仲有 乜嘢 唔 服 呢 ? 程普 即刻 去 行營 見 周瑜 請罪 啊 。 周瑜 呢 亦 好 謙虛 , 對程 普 非常 客氣 。 噉 啊 互相 尊重 , 事情 就 好辦 啦 。 點完將 之後 嘅 第二日 , 周瑜 就 請 諸葛瑾 嚟 對 佢 講 咯 : 先生 , 令弟 孔明 , 非常 之 有才幹 , 為 咩 事要 去 同 劉備 做事 呢 ? 而家 , 佢 嚟 到 江東 , 好 想 勞煩 先生 你 去 同 令弟 講下 , 叫 佢 離開 劉備 , 轉 嚟 我 哋 東吳 做事 。 噉 樣 , 一來 主公 就 可以 得到 一位 咁 好 嘅 幫手 ; 二來 呢 , 先生 你 兩 兄弟 又 可以 喺 埋 一齊 , 噉 你 話 幾 咁 好 呢 。 諸葛瑾 話 : 好 啊 ! 我 自從 嚟 到 江東 之後 , 一 啲 功勞 都 未有 , 實在 慚愧 啊 。 而家 都督 吩咐 到 咯 , 我 一定 效力 , 一定 效力 ! 諸葛瑾 接受 咗 周瑜 嘅 命令 , 即刻 上馬 , 去 到 賓館 見 孔明 嘞 喎 。 噉 兩 兄弟 見 咗 面 , 都 激動 到 啊 流起 眼淚 嚟 , 行過禮 之後 , 互相 講 咗 一輪 分別 以後 嘅 情形 。 就 講到 咁 上下 , 諸葛瑾 呢 就 流住 眼淚 話 嘞 : 賢弟 , 你 知道 伯夷 、 叔 齊 嘅 故事 嘛 ? 孔明 一聽 , 嗯 , 實 係 周郎 叫 阿哥 嚟 說 我定 喇 。 好 。 於是 孔明 就 回答 話 : 呢 兩位 都 係 古時 嘅 聖賢 嚟 。 係 咯 , 伯夷 、 叔齊 兩 兄弟 , 雖然 喺 首陽山 下 餓死 咗 , 到 死 , 佢 哋 兩 兄弟 都 喺 埋 一齊 嘅 。 而 我 同 你 呢 , 係 同胞兄弟 , 但 係 各為 其主 唔 能夠 日日 喺 埋 一處 , 比起 伯夷 、 叔齊 , 啊 , 真 係 慚愧 啊 。 兄長 你 所講 嘅 係 人情 , 而 我 覺得 義氣 更為 重要 。 我 哋 兩 兄弟 都 係 漢朝人 , 劉皇叔 係 漢朝 宗室 。 兄長 你 如果 能夠 離開 東吳 , 同埋 我 一齊 去 為 劉皇叔 做事 , 噉 樣 , 一則 不愧 為 漢朝 嘅 臣子 , 而 骨肉 又 可以 團聚 咯 , 呢 個 係 情義 雙全 啊 。 唔 知 兄長 你 意下如何 呢 ? 哈 , 弊 ! 諸葛瑾 個心 諗 : 我 啊 要 嚟 說 佢 嘅 , 點知 反而 畀 佢 說 返 我 轉頭 添 。 冇 說話 講啦 , 坐 咗 一陣 就 走 人 嘞 。 諸葛瑾 返去 見到 周瑜 , 就將 孔明 所說 嘅 說話 講返 畀 周瑜 聽 。 噉 周瑜 就 問 佢 : 先生 你 嘅 意思 點呢 ? 我受 孫將軍 咁 大 嘅 恩德 , 怎 能夠 離開 吖 ? 好 , 先生 既然 對 主公 咁 忠心 , 就 不必 多講 喇 。 至於 令弟 孔明 , 我 自有辦法 搞掂 佢 。 周瑜 話 有 辦法 搞掂 孔明 , 咩 嘢 辦法 啊 ? 好 簡單 啫 , 殺 咗 佢 咯 。 噉 啊 梗 係 唔 能夠 叫 兩個 刀斧手 斬 咗 佢 咁 簡單 , 就 係 要 諗 啲 絕計 至 得 嘅 。 呢 次 周瑜 帶兵 出發 , 佢 邀請 孔明 一齊 去 。 孔明 啊 歡歡喜喜 噉 跟 埋 一齊 去 喎 。 佢 哋 落 咗 船 , 扯起 里 , 一路 向 住 夏口 而 去 。 到 咗 離開 三江口 五六十里 嘅 地方 呢 , 啲 船隻 戰艦 就 依住 次序 拋錨 停泊 。 周瑜 喺 中央 扎寨 , 岸上 啲 人馬 呢 就 依傍 住 西山 安營 , 四周圍 噉 駐 扎 好 。 孔明 住 喺 邊 處 呢 ? 佢 邊度 都 唔 去 , 佢 就 住 返 喺 隻 船 仔 度 。 安排 妥當 之後 , 周瑜 就 叫 人 請 孔明 嚟 , 話 有 緊要 事 商量 噉 。 孔明 嚟 到 中軍帳 , 同 周瑜 行過禮 , 周瑜 請 佢 坐落 。 孔明 就 話 嘞 : 都督 叫 我 嚟 有 乜嘢 事 呢 ? 周瑜 話 : 先生 , 照 你 睇 , 行軍 打仗 最 緊要 嘅 係 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? 三軍 未動 , 糧草先行 。 糧食 係 最 緊要 。 先生 嘅 見解 確係 高明 啊 ! 都督 過獎 。 當初 , 曹操 同 袁紹 作戰 , 曹操 兵少 , 袁紹兵 多 。 而 曹操 反而 打敗 袁紹 主要 嘅 關鍵 就 在於 曹操 啊 , 聽 咗 許 攸 嘅 意見 。 先不先 , 就 截斷 咗 袁紹 喺 烏 巢 嘅 糧 道 。 我 哋 而家 只有 五萬 人馬 , 要 同 曹操 八十三萬 人馬 對敵 , 好 困難 㗎 。 所以 , 我 諗 亦 都 首先 要 截斷 曹 軍 嘅 糧 道 先 至 可以 破 佢 。 我 已經 探聽 清楚 , 曹操 嘅 軍糧 , 全部 都 放 喺 聚 鐵山 嚟 。 先生 你 喺 漢 上 住 咗 好 耐 , 一定 非常 熟悉 地理 。 所以 , 呢 次要 勞煩 先生 , 帶 埋關 、 張 、 子 龍 佢 哋 幾位 , 去 截斷 曹 軍 嘅 糧 道 。 誒 , 我 亦 派 一千 兵馬 嚟 到 幫助 你 , 我 哋 彼此 都 係 為 咗 主人 嘅 事 , 希望 先生 唔 好 推辭 啊 。 都督 有令 , 我 自當 效力 。 孔明 應承 噃。 你 哋 估喇 唔 通 孔明 唔 知道 周瑜 想 害 佢 咩 ? 知 。 周瑜 一講 要 佢 去 截斷 糧 道 , 孔明 就 諗 喇 : 哈 , 你 要 拉 我 嚟 東吳 我 唔 肯 , 你 就諗計 嚟 害 我 係 嘛 ? 我 如果 一 推托 唔 肯 呢 , 你 就 會 恥笑 我 喇 。 好 ! 應承 你 先至講 。 孔明 一 應承 , 周瑜 呀 以 為 得法 啊 呢 趟 , 好 高興 啊 。 魯肅 喺 旁邊 仲懵盛 盛 噃, 佢 呢 個人 呢 確係 個 忠厚 長者 。 所以 等 孔明 接受 咗 任務 告辭 走 咗 之後 啊 , 魯肅 就問 周瑜 嘞 : 都督 , 你 點解 要 孔明 去 劫 糧 呢 ? 係 咩 意思 啊 吓 ? 我 早就 想 殺 咗 孔明 , 但 係 又 怕 畀 人 哋 笑話 。 故此 借 曹操 嘅 手 嚟 殺 佢 , 以絕後患 啫 嘛 。 哦 , 原來 噉 㗎 。 魯肅 啊 跟 住 走 去 孔明 嗰 度 , 睇 佢 知 唔 知 周瑜 呢 籠 嘢 嘞 噃。 啊 , 去 到 一 睇 , 只見 孔明 好似 乜事 都 冇 , 正在 點齊 人馬 準備 出發 添 。 魯肅 忍 唔 住 嘞 , 就 用 說話 嚟 點醒 下 孔明 , 佢 話 : 先生 呢 次 出兵 , 你 又 有 冇 成功 嘅 把握 呢 ? 哈哈哈 , 我 水戰 、 步戰 、 馬戰 、 車戰 , 樣樣精通 , 各盡其妙 。 唔 係 好似 你 同 周郎 噉 , 只 係 有 一樣 本領 。 所以 , 我 呢 趟 出兵 , 點會 話 唔 成功 嘅 呢 ? 你 點解 話 我 同公瑾 , 只 係 有 一樣 本領 啊 ? 哈哈哈哈 , 我 聽到 江南 啲 細佬哥 啊 , 佢 唱 一首 民歌 話 : 伏路 把關 饒子敬 , 臨江 水戰 有 周郎 。 噉 即 係 話 你 哋 兩位 呢 , 子敬 你 喺 陸上 打仗 , 就 係 識得 把守 關口 , 打下 伏擊 ; 而 周公瑾 就 係 會 水戰 , 陸戰 就 外行 咯 嘛 。 哈哈 , 翳 到 魯肅 啊 唔 會 出聲 喎 , 你 孔明 咁 叻 , 去 劫 糧 去 劫 到夠 啦 。 魯肅 唔 理 孔明 嘞 , 返到 去 中軍帳 , 就將 孔明 講 嗰 啲 說話 一五一十 講晒 畀 周瑜 聽 。 嗨 呀 , 周瑜 聽到 呀 跳 到 八丈 高 啊 , 哈 , 佢 蝦 我 唔 會 陸戰 係 嘛 ? 唔 使 佢 去 , 我 自己 帶 一萬 馬 軍 , 去 聚 鐵山 , 截斷 曹操 嘅 糧 道 。 周瑜 即刻 撤銷 原來 叫 孔明 去 劫 糧 嘅 命令 。 魯肅 呢 ? 又 走 去 搵 孔明 , 將 周瑜 嘅 說話 講 畀 孔明聽 嘞 喎 。 孔明聽 咗 就 笑 咗 一笑 對 魯肅 話 : 公瑾 要 我 去 劫 糧 , 實際上 係 想 借 曹操 嘅 手 嚟 殺 我 個 啫 。 我 就 故意 講 幾句 嘢 嚟 激 下 佢 , 佢 就 受 唔 了 喇 , 哈哈哈 哈哈 。 當前 啊 , 正 係 用人 之際 , 但願 吳侯同 劉使君 同心同德 , 噉 樣 就 可以 擊敗 曹操 , 我 哋 嘅 事業 就 可以 成功 。 如果 彼此 謀害 呢 , 噉 就 弊 晒 喇 。 仲有 , 曹操 此人 就 好多 計 嘅 , 佢 平生 最興斷 人 哋 嘅 糧 道 。 佢 自己 嘅 糧倉 點會 話 唔 派 重兵把守 㗎 。 公瑾 如果 去親 , 必定會 畀 曹操 捉住 㗎 。 目前 , 應該 先 同 曹操 打 一場 水戰 , 挫 一下 佢 哋 嘅 銳氣 , 然後 , 再 想 妙計 嚟 破 佢 就 啱 嘞 。 希 望子敬 你 返去 , 將 我 嘅 意思 好好 噉 同公瑾 講下 啦 。 啊 , 先生 嘅 腑 肺 之 言 , 我 一定 返去 對公 瑾 講 , 我 告辭 嘞 。 魯肅 就 漏夜 去 見 周瑜 , 將 孔明 嘅 說話 , 詳詳細細 噉 講 畀 佢 聽 。 周瑜 呀 又 擰頭 又 𨂽 腳 啊 佢 話 : 哎呀 ! 此人 嘅 見識 真 係 勝我 十倍 。 而家 唔 殺 咗 佢 , 以後 呀 必定 係 我 哋 東吳 嘅 大 患 啊 ! 都督 唔 好 啊 , 而家 正 係 用人 之際 吖 嘛 , 應該 以 國家 為重 啊 , 等到 擊敗 曹操 之後 再 算啦 。 哎 , 噉 好 啦 ! 周瑜 就 唯有 忍住 一肚氣 係 嘞 。 而家 就 講返 下 劉備 , 佢 就 吩咐 劉琦守 江夏 , 自己 率領 全體 將官 就 帶 住 軍隊 去夏 口 。 遠遠 瞭望 長江 南岸 , 只見 旗幟 隱隱 , 槍戟 重重 。 佢 就 估計 東吳 已經 出兵 , 於是 就將 江夏 嘅 兵馬 , 全部 調 去 樊口 駐扎 。 呢 一日 , 劉備 召集 大家 嚟 , 佢 話 : 孔明 去 咗 東吳 咁 耐咯 , 一 啲 音訊 都 冇 , 唔 知道 事情 點呢 ? 誒 , 邊個 可以 去 探聽 下 消息 啊 ? 糜竺 話 : 等 我 去 啦 。 好 ! 於是 劉備 立即 叫 人 準備 好 羊酒 禮物 , 叫 糜竺 去 東吳 以 勞軍 為名 , 探聽虛實 。 噉 糜竺 就 坐 隻 小船 , 順流而下 就 一直 嚟 到 周瑜 嘅 大寨 。 軍事 通報 之後 , 周瑜 請 佢 入 去 。 糜竺 見到 周瑜 行過禮 , 就 代表 劉備 啊 向 周瑜 致敬 , 獻上 酒禮 。 周瑜 收 咗 禮就 好 多謝 啦 , 跟 住 就 設宴款待 糜竺 。 喺 飲酒 嘅 時候 糜竺 話 : 孔明 喺 將軍 呢 處 好 耐 喇 , 而家 想 叫 佢 返 去 啊 。 周瑜 話 : 孔明 正話 喺 處 同 我 一齊 策劃 去 擊破 曹 軍 , 點 能夠 離開 啊 ? 我 亦 非常 之 想見 劉豫州 , 一齊 商量 下 辦法 。 無奈 軍務 在 身 , 一陣 都行 唔 開 。 請 先生 返 去 嘅 時候 , 對 劉豫州 講 , 話 我 十分 希望 佢 能夠 嚟 一趟 。 糜竺 應承 咗 就 告辭 返去 。 糜竺 走 咗 之後 , 魯肅 就問 周瑜 話 喇 : 都督 要 見 玄德 , 有 咩 事要 同 佢 商量 嘅 呢 ? 周瑜 話 : 玄德乃 係 當代 一個 梟雄 , 唔 殺 咗 佢 唔 得 。 我而家 就 係 要 氹 佢 嚟 殺 咗 佢 , 為 國家 , 除 咗 個 後患 啊 。 誒 呀 , 乜 噉 都 得 㗎 ? 魯肅 就 再三 勸 佢 唔 好 噉 做 啊 。 周瑜 硬 係 唔 聽 , 佢 下達 秘密 命令 。 如果 劉玄德 嚟 到 , 就 預先 埋伏 五十名 刀斧手 喺 帷幔 裏 便 , 睇 住 我 掟 杯 為 號 , 就 衝出 嚟 逳 手 。 周瑜 佈置 好 嘞 噃。 糜竺 啊 當然 唔 知道 咁 多 啦 , 佢 返 去 見到 劉備 , 就 話 周瑜 要 請 佢 去 會面 有事 商量 噉 話 。 劉備 啊 以心 為 心 , 聽 講話 有 請 唄 , 噉 就 吩咐 人 準備 一隻 快船 , 立即 要 起行 喇 。 關羽 就 勸 佢 話 嘞 : 周瑜 此人 , 計謀 甚 多 , 又 冇 孔明 嘅 書信 , 恐怕 其中 有 乜嘢 詭計 噃。 兄長 唔 好 去 咯 。 劉備 話 喇 : 而家 我 正 係 要 聯合 東吳 共同 對敵 曹操 。 周郎話 要 見 我 , 我 如果 唔 去 呢 , 就 顯得 我 冇 同盟 嘅 誠意 啦 。 如果 互相 猜忌 , 事情 就 難以 成功 㗎 喇 。 兄長 如果 堅決 要 去 嘅 話 , 噉 小弟 同埋 去 啦 。 張飛 聽 咗 佢 亦 話 喇 : 噉 我 都 跟 埋 去 ! 就 係 雲長 跟 我 去 得 喇 , 翼德 同子 龍 你 哋 兩個 把守 營寨 。 簡雍 呀 固守 鄂縣 。 我 去一趟 就 返 嚟 。 吩咐 完 , 劉備 就 同埋 關羽 帶住 二十幾個 隨從 , 坐 隻 快船 就 飛 棹 去 江東 。 去 到 嘞 , 劉備 睇 見 江東 嘅 戰艦 陣容 齊整 , 旗幟 招展 , 甲兵 威武 , 個心 好 歡喜 。 劉備 一到 , 軍士 立即 飛報 周瑜 話 : 稟告 都督 , 劉豫州 嚟 喇 。 佢 帶 幾多 船隻 嚟 啊 ? 只有 一隻 船 , 二十幾個 人唧 。 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 此人 整 定 佢 冇 命 喇 , 刀斧手 ! 有 ! 兩便 埋伏 ! 得 令 ! 周瑜 佈置 妥當 , 然後 出寨 去 迎接 。 劉備 帶住 關羽 同 二十幾個 人 , 一直 嚟 到 中軍帳 , 同 周瑜 互相 行過禮 。 周瑜 就 請 劉備 坐 喺 上位 。 劉備 話 : 將軍 名傳 天下 , 我 劉備 無才 無德 , 唔 敢當 將軍 嘅 重禮 。 客氣 咗 幾句 , 就 分 賓主 坐落 。 周瑜 立即 吩咐 設宴 嚟 招待 。 呢 一日 呀 , 孔明 就 偶然 嚟 到 江邊 , 聽聞 話 劉備 嚟 咗 同 周瑜 會面 噉 就嚇 咗 佢 一 跳 。 急急 入去 中軍帳 偷偷 睇 下 動靜 嘞 喎 。 嘩 嗨 ! 只見 周瑜 呀 面有 殺氣 , 兩 便 嘅 帷幔 後 便 , 仲企滿 晒 刀斧手 添 。 孔明 啊 大吃一驚 喇 : 哎呀 , 噉 樣 如之奈何 啊 ! 又 睇 下 劉備 , 見到 佢 呀 有 講 有 笑 , 若無其事 。 再 一望 , 只見 劉備 背後 有 個人 , 按住 把 劍 企 實 喺 處 。 原來 係 關雲長 ! 孔明 個 心定 嘞 : 主公 冇 事 嘅 , 唔 使 怕 唔 使 怕 ! 於是 孔明 就 唔 入 去 嘞 , 行返 去 江邊 等候 。 周瑜 同 劉備 喺 度 宴會 吖 , 酒 過數 巡 , 周瑜 就 起身 敬酒 。 猛然間 見到 關雲長 按住 把 劍 企 喺 劉備 背後 , 連忙 問 佢 係 邊個 啊 噉 。 劉備 話 : 我 二弟 關雲長 。 吓 ? 往日 斬顏良 、 文丑 就 係 佢 呀 ? 冇 錯 喇 。 嘿 呀 , 驚到 周瑜 呀 成身 飆汗 啊 , 即刻 親自 斟 咗 杯酒 嚟 敬 畀 關雲長 。 過 咗 一陣 , 魯肅入 到 嚟 , 劉備 就 問 佢 話 喇 : 孔明 喺 邊度 啊 ? 勞煩 子敬 你 請 佢 嚟 見 下面 啦 。 周瑜 話 : 哦 , 等 擊敗 咗 曹操 , 再同 孔明 相會 都 未 遲 吖 。 咦 ? 乜 噉 呀 ? 劉備 唔 敢 再問 嘞 。 呢 個 時候 關雲長 打個 眼色 畀 劉備 , 劉備 會意 嘞 喎 , 就 起身 對 周瑜 話 : 我要 告辭 喇 , 等 第日 破敵 得勝 嘅 時候 , 再 專程 嚟 拜賀 啦 。 周瑜 亦 冇 挽留 佢 , 一直 將 劉備 送出 咗 轅門 。 劉備 辭別 咗 周瑜 , 同 關雲長 佢 哋 嚟 到 江邊 上船 準備 返夏口 。 一 踏上 船 , 咦 ? 只見 孔明 呀 已經 坐 喺 船艙 裏頭 嚟 喇 。 劉備 就 歡喜 到極 喇 , 孔明 一 見面 就問 劉備 : 主公 , 你 知 唔 知 今日 幾 危險 啊 。 吓 ? 唔 知 噃, 咩 嘢 危險 啊 ? 今日 如果 唔 係 雲 長 喺 處 呀 , 主公 你 就 幾乎 畀 周郎害 咗 喇 ! 劉備 思前想後 , 諗 返剛 才 周瑜 獻酒 嗰 種 神情 。 哎呀 , 噉 先至 恍然大悟 , 真 係 險過 剃頭 咯 。 於是 劉備 就 叫 孔明同 佢 一齊 返去 樊口 罷喇 。 之 孔明 不慌不忙 噉 話 : 我而家 雖然 身在 虎口 , 不過 安如泰山 。 主公 你 返到 去 , 就 準備 定 船隻 軍馬 。 等到 十一月 二十 甲子日 , 就 請 你 派子 龍駛 一隻 小船 , 嚟 南岸 等 我 , 千萬 唔 好 失誤 。 孔明 噉 樣 講法 , 劉備 就 一 啲 都 唔 明白 啊 , 就 問 佢 咩 意思 啦 。 孔明 話 : 只要 見到 東南風 一起 , 我 哋 一定 返 嚟 㗎 喇 。 劉備 仲 係 莫名其妙 噃, 佢 想 再 問 清楚 但 係 孔明 就 唔 肯講 。 只 係 催促 佢 快 啲 開船 , 講完 , 自己 就 上岸 返扯 嘞 。 噉 啊 劉備 佢 哋 開船 行 咗 幾里 咁 上下 , 忽然 見到 喺 上游 啊 有 五六十隻 船 㗾㗾 聲駛 緊落 嚟 。 當先 一隻 船 , 喺 船頭 有 一員大將 , 打橫 揸 住 支 長矛 企響 處 。 嚱 唔 使 我講 , 你 哋 都 會 諗 到 呢 個 係 邊個 㗎 啦 , 張飛 吖 嘛 。 事關 佢 係 怕 劉備 有 咩 嘢 唔 妥當 , 關雲長 獨力 難支 , 故此 就 特意 趕 嚟 接應 。 而家 見到 大哥 平安無事 噉 就 放心 啦 。 於是 三 兄弟 一齊 返去 營寨 , 呢 啲 呢 都 不在話下 喇 。 而家返 轉頭 講下 周瑜 , 佢 送走 咗 劉備 就 返到 入 去 中軍帳 , 魯肅 就 問 佢 : 都督 既然 已經 氹 到 劉備 嚟 嘞 , 點解 又 唔 逳 手 呢 先頭 ? 哎呀 , 魯 大夫 , 你 知道 嘛 ? 關雲長 乃 係 當代 嘅 虎將 。 佢 同 劉備 一行 一坐 , 寸步不離 。 我 如果 一 逳 手 , 佢 實 殺 我 㗎 嘛 。 哦 , 原來 噉 啊 ! 誒 就 噉 樣 , 周瑜 想 殺 劉備 嘅 詭計 就 失敗 喇 。

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話 說 孫權 就 為 咗 表示 同 曹操 作戰 嘅 決心 , 拔出 寶劍 , 斬 咗 枱 角 。 said|to speak|Sun Quan|then|for|past tense marker|to show|with|Cao Cao|to fight|possessive particle|determination|drew|sword|slashed|past tense marker|table|corner It is said that Sun Quan, in order to show his determination to fight against Cao Cao, drew his treasured sword and struck the corner of the table. 然後 將呢 把 寶劍 賜 咗 畀 周瑜 。 then||measure word for tools|sword|to bestow|past tense marker|to|Zhou Yu He then bestowed this sword upon Zhou Yu. 馬上 封 周瑜 做大 都督 , 程普 做 副 都督 , 魯肅 , 做贊 軍校 尉 。 immediately|appoint|Zhou Yu||commander|Cheng Pu|to be|||||military academy|officer Immediately, he appointed Zhou Yu as the Grand Commander, Cheng Pu as the Deputy Commander, and Lu Su as the Assistant Military Officer. 所有 嘅 文官 武將 啊 , 有 唔 聽 號令 嘅 , 就 用 呢 把 寶劍 嚟 殺 佢 。 all|possessive particle|civil officials|military generals|sentence-final particle|have|not|obey|orders|possessive particle|then|use|this|measure word for tools|sword|to|kill|him To all the civil and military officials, if anyone disobeys orders, they will be killed with this sword. 周瑜 接 咗 寶劍 就 對 大家 講 : Zhou Yu|received|past tense marker|sword|then|to|everyone|said Zhou Yu, upon receiving the sword, spoke to everyone: 我 奉 咗 主公 嘅 命令 , 率令 大家 出兵 破 曹 。 I|obey|past tense marker|lord|possessive particle|order|lead|everyone|deploy troops|defeat|Cao I have received the order from the lord and command everyone to mobilize troops to defeat Cao. 所有 官員 一律 喺 明日 早上 , 喺 江邊 我 嘅 行營 集合 , 聽取 號令 。 all|officials|uniformly|at|tomorrow|morning|at|riverside|my||marching camp|assemble|listen to|orders All officials must gather at my camp by the river tomorrow morning to hear the orders. 有 遲誤 嘅 , 依照 七 禁令 五十四 斬 施行 ! there is|delay|possessive particle|according to|seven|prohibitions|fifty-four|execution|implementation Those who are late will be punished according to the Seven Prohibitions and Fifty-Four Executions! 嘩 嗨 , 咩 七 禁令 五十四 斬 啊 ? wow|hi|what|seven|prohibition|fifty-four|chop|particle Wow, what are the Seven Prohibitions and Fifty-Four Executions? 呢 個 呀 , 係 古代 嘅 軍法 嚟 。 this|measure word|particle|is|ancient|possessive particle|military law|come This is an ancient military law. 七 禁令 呢 , 指 嘅 係 輕 軍 、 慢 軍 、 盜 軍 、 欺 軍 、 背 軍 、 亂军 、 誤軍 等等 七條 禁令 。 seven|prohibitions|question particle|refers|possessive particle|is|light|army|slow|army|thief|army|deceitful|army|treacherous|army|||etcetera|seven|prohibitions The seven prohibitions refer to the light army, slow army, thief army, deceitful army, treacherous army, chaotic army, and mistaken army, among others. 噉 其中 每條 禁令 啊 , 又 包括 若干 具體 嘅 項目 。 then|among them|each|regulation|ah|also|includes|several|specific|possessive particle|items Each of these prohibitions includes several specific items. 總共 就 五十 四項 , 違犯 任何 一項 嘅 都 要 判處 斬刑 , 就 叫做 五十四 斬 , 好嚴 㗎 。 in total|only|fifty|four items|violating|any|one item|possessive particle|all|must|sentenced|death penalty|then|called|fifty-four|beheading|very severe|sentence-final particle In total, there are fifty-four items, and anyone who violates any one of them will be sentenced to execution, which is called fifty-four executions, very severe. 周瑜 一 宣佈 完 , 辭別 孫權 行出 將軍 府 。 Zhou Yu|once|announced|finished|farewell|Sun Quan|walked out|general|office As soon as Zhou Yu announced this, he bid farewell to Sun Quan and left the general's residence. 嗰 班 文武 官員 呀 , 有 啲 又 高興 , 有 啲 又 憂愁 。 that|group|civil and military|officials|sentence-final particle|have|some|again|happy||||worried The group of civil and military officials had mixed feelings; some were happy, while others were worried. 但 係 個個 都 唔 敢 出聲 , 肅 肅靜 靜 噉 就 散 嘞 。 ||everyone|all|not|dare|speak up||||like that|then|| But no one dared to speak up, and quietly dispersed. 周瑜 返到 住宅 , 即刻 去 請 孔明 嚟 商量 。 Zhou Yu|returned to|residence|immediately|go|invite|Kongming|to come|discuss Zhou Yu returned home and immediately went to invite Kong Ming to discuss. 孔明 嚟 到 之後 , 周瑜 將 今日 會議 嘅 決定 呢講 畀 佢 聽 , 同時 , 請教 佢 破 曹 嘅 好 辦法 。 Kongming|come|arrive|after|Zhou Yu|will|today|meeting|possessive particle|decision||to|him|hear|at the same time|ask for advice|him|defeat|Cao|possessive particle|good|method After Kong Ming arrived, Zhou Yu told him about the decisions made in today's meeting and also asked for his good strategies to defeat Cao. 孔明 話 : 孫將軍 嘅 決心 都 未曾 穩 噃, 而家仲未 可以 決策 啊 。 Kongming|said|General Sun|possessive particle|determination|all|not yet|stable|particle indicating uncertainty||can|make decisions|particle indicating exclamation Kong Ming said: "General Sun's determination is not yet stable, so we cannot make a decision right now." 點 叫做 決心 未穩 呢 ? how|to be called|determination|unstable|question particle What does it mean that the determination is not stable? 直到 而家 , 孫將軍 仲 係 擔心 曹操 兵多 , 怕 寡不敵眾 。 ||General Sun|still|is|worried|Cao Cao|has many soldiers|afraid|the few cannot defeat the many Until now, General Sun is still worried that Cao Cao has many troops and fears being outnumbered. 都督 你 要 用 曹 軍 嘅 實際 數目 嚟 開解 佢 , 使 佢 免除 憂慮 , 事情 噉 先至 可以 成功 㗎 。 Governor|you|need|use|Cao|army|possessive particle|actual|number|to|relieve|him|make|him|free from|worry|matter|like this|only then|can|succeed|particle indicating certainty You need to use the actual number of Cao's army to reassure him, so that he can be free from worry; only then can things succeed. 冇 錯 冇 錯 , 先生 呢 個 意見 極好 啊 ! not|wrong|||sir|this|measure word|opinion|excellent|particle That's right, that's right, this suggestion from you is excellent! 周瑜 就 立即 返去 見 孫權 。 Zhou Yu|then|immediately|return|see|Sun Quan Zhou Yu immediately went back to see Sun Quan. 孫權 一 見到 周瑜 嚟 到 就 話 喇 : 公瑾 你 咁 夜 嚟 , 一定 有 咩 嘢 緊要 嘅 事 喇 。 Sun Quan|one|saw|Zhou Yu|come||||particle indicating completed action||||||||||||| As soon as Sun Quan saw Zhou Yu arrive, he said: "Gong Jin, you came so late, there must be something important." 周瑜 就講 : 聽日 就要 調兵遣將 , 主公 你 個 心裏 便 , 仲有 咩 懷疑 嘅 地方 冇 ? Zhou Yu||tomorrow|will have to|deploy troops|lord|you|possessive particle|in your heart|then|still have|what|doubts|possessive particle|places|not Zhou Yu said: Tomorrow we will mobilize the troops, my lord, is there still any doubt in your heart? 哦 , 我 就 係 擔心 曹操 兵多 , 我 哋 寡不敵眾 啫 , 其他 就 冇 乜嘢 嘞 。 oh|I|just|am|worried|Cao Cao|has many soldiers|||few cannot defeat many|only|other|just|have not|anything|particle indicating completed action Oh, I am just worried that Cao Cao has many troops, and we are outnumbered, that's all. 哈哈哈哈 , 我 就 係 為 咗 呢 件 事要 嚟 同 主公 你 開解 下 嘅 。 hahaha|I|just|am|for|past tense marker|this|measure word for events||to come|with|lord|you|enlighten|a bit|past tense marker Hahaha, I came to clarify this matter with you, my lord. 主公 , 你 係 睇 咗 曹操 嘅 檄文 , 話 佢 咩 嘢 水陸 大軍 有 成 百萬 咁 多 , 噉 就 心驚 起 嚟 , 而 冇 去 根究 佢 嘅 虛實 真假 咯 。 Your Majesty|you|are|read|past tense marker|Cao Cao|possessive particle|letter of challenge|said|he|what|thing|land and water|army|has|over|one million|so|many|then|just|frightened|rise|come|and|did not|go|investigate|his||reality and falsehood|true and false|sentence-final particle My lord, you have read Cao Cao's proclamation, saying that his water and land forces number over a million, which made you anxious, without investigating the truth of it. 其實 , 曹操 喺 中原 帶 嚟 嘅 兵 , 不過 係 十五六萬 人 , 而且 , 亦 都 係 疲乏 到 不得了 㗎 嘞 。 actually|Cao Cao|at|Central Plains|brought|here|possessive particle|troops|only|was|150000 to 160000|people|moreover|||was|exhausted|to the point of|extremely||particle indicating past action In fact, the troops Cao Cao brought to the Central Plains are only about 150,000, and they are also extremely exhausted. 佢 喺 袁紹 嗰 處 收編 過 嚟 嘅 呢 , 亦 只有 七八萬 人 。 he|at|Yuan Shao|that|place|recruited|past|come|possessive particle|question particle|also|only|seventy to eighty thousand|people He was recruited from Yuan Shao's side, and there were only about seventy to eighty thousand people. 而且 呢 啲 投降 過 嚟 嘅 人馬 , 好多 呀 個 心 都 係 唔 服 嘅 。 moreover|this|plural marker|surrender|past|come|possessive particle|people and horses|many|particle indicating surprise|measure word|heart|all|are|not|convinced|possessive particle Moreover, many of these surrendered troops are not fully loyal. 曹操 以 佢 疲乏 不堪 嘅 軍隊 , 加 埋 嗰 啲 三心兩意 嘅 兵卒 , 人數 雖然 唔 少 , 但 係 冇 咩 咁 可怕 。 Cao Cao|with|his|fatigue|unbearable|possessive particle|army|||those|plural particle|half-hearted||soldiers|number|although|not|few|||have not|anything|so|frightening Cao Cao, with his exhausted army, combined with those half-hearted soldiers, although the numbers are not small, they are not that terrifying. 我 只要 五萬 兵 , 就 足夠 打敗 曹操 㗎 喇 , 請 主公 你 不必 憂慮 。 I|only need|fifty thousand|soldiers|then|enough|to defeat|Cao Cao|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completion|please|lord|you|need not|worry I only need fifty thousand troops to defeat Cao Cao, so please don't worry, my lord. 哎呀 , 孫權 聽 咗 呀 , 個心 就 放低 咗 一 嚿 大石頭 , 佢 好 高興 啊 。 oh no|Sun Quan|heard|past tense marker|sentence final particle|his heart|then|put down|past tense marker|a|piece|big stone|he|very|happy|sentence final particle Oh, when Sun Quan heard this, he felt a huge weight lift off his heart, and he was very happy. 佢 拍 住 周瑜 個 背脊 話 : 公瑾 你 嘅 說話 , 使 我 嘅 心 定 晒 啊 , 解除 咗 我 顧慮 啊 。 he|pat|with|Zhou Yu|measure word|back|said|Gong Jin|your|possessive particle|words|made|my|possessive particle|heart|calm|completely|particle|relieved|past tense marker|my|worries|particle He patted Zhou Yu's back and said: "Gong Jin, your words have calmed my heart, alleviating my concerns." 哎 , 子布 呢 個人 , 一 啲 都 冇 見識 , 真 係 令 我 失望 , 唯獨 你 同子敬 兩個 , 係 同 我 同心 嘅 。 ah|Zi Bu|this|person|one|a little|at all|no|knowledge||are||me|||||||||of one mind|possessive particle Ah, this person Zibu has no insight at all, truly disappointing me. Only you and Zijing are of one mind with me. 你 同子敬 、 程普 即刻 點兵 出發 啦 。 you||Cheng Pu|immediately|assemble troops|depart|particle indicating urgency or command You, Zijing, and Cheng Pu should immediately gather the troops and set off. 我 自然 會 繼續 派兵 , 運送 充足 嘅 糧草 畀 你 哋 , 喺 後方 , 我 全力支持 。 I|naturally|will|continue|send troops|transport|sufficient|possessive particle|supplies|to|you|plural marker|at|rear|I| I will naturally continue to send troops and deliver sufficient supplies to you. In the rear, I will fully support you. 如果 前方 打得 唔 好 , 你 就 返 嚟 搵 我 , 我要 親自 同 曹賊 決戰 , 我 冇 乜嘢 其他 諗 法 㗎 喇 。 if|ahead|fight|||you|then|||find|me|I want|personally|with|Cao thief|duel|I|have not|anything|other|||particle|particle If the battle in the front does not go well, come back to find me. I want to personally confront the Cao bandits; I have no other plans. 噉 就 搞掂 晒 咯 喎 , 周瑜 呢 告辭 咗 出 嚟 。 like this|then|settled|completely|particle indicating completion|particle indicating suggestion|Zhou Yu|question particle|farewell|past tense marker|out|come So, it's all settled now, and Zhou Yu has come out to say goodbye. 佢 個 心 諗 : 孔明 竟然 早就 睇 透 咗 吳 侯 嘅 心思 , 佢 嘅 計劃 又 比 我 高 一頭 啊 。 he|possessive particle|mind|thought|Kongming|unexpectedly|long ago|||past tense marker|Wu|Hou|possessive particle|intentions|he|possessive particle|plan|again|compared to|me|higher|one head|particle indicating exclamation He thought to himself: Kongming has actually seen through the intentions of the Wu lord early on, and his plan is one step ahead of mine. 時間 一長 , 佢 必定 成為 江東 嘅 大 患 , 不如 殺 咗 佢 至 得 。 time|long|he|definitely|become|Jiangdong|possessive particle|great|threat|better not to|kill|past tense marker|he|only|acceptable If this goes on, he will definitely become a great threat to Jiangdong, so it would be better to kill him. 於是 周瑜 呢 , 漏夜 派 人 去 請 魯肅 嚟 商量 要 殺 孔明 。 then|Zhou Yu|particle indicating a question|late at night|sent|people|to go|invite|Lu Su|to come|discuss|need|kill|Kongming So, Zhou Yu sent someone late at night to invite Lu Su to discuss the plan to kill Kongming. 佢 將 呢 個 意思 講 咗 畀 魯肅 聽 , 魯肅 就 話 : 噉 唔 得 㗎 。 He|will|this|particle for counting|meaning|said|past tense marker|to|Lu Su|hear|Lu Su|then|said|like this|not|okay|particle indicating a question or suggestion He conveyed this idea to Lu Su, and Lu Su said: "That won't do." 而家 曹賊 都 未 打敗 , 就 殺 咗 孔明 一個 咁 有 學識 嘅 人才 喇 , 噉 即 係 自己 取消 對 自己 有利 嘅 幫助 啫 。 now|Cao thief|also|not yet|defeated|then|killed|past tense marker|Kongming|one|so|has|knowledge|possessive particle|talent|sentence-final particle|then|||oneself|cancel|towards|oneself|beneficial|possessive particle|help|only Right now, Cao Cao has not been defeated yet, and he has just killed Kong Ming, such a knowledgeable talent. This means he is canceling the help that would be beneficial to himself. 不過 噉 啊 , 此人 幫 劉備 做事 , 日後 必定 係 江東 嘅 禍患 嚟 㗎 。 but|like this|ah|this person|help|Liu Bei|work|in the future|definitely|be|Jiangdong|possessive particle|disaster|come|particle indicating certainty However, this person is helping Liu Bei, and in the future, he will definitely be a disaster for Jiangdong. 誒 噉 吖 , 諸葛瑾 係 佢 嘅 親 大佬 。 hey|like this|particle|Zhuge Jin|is|he|possessive particle|real|older brother Oh, by the way, Zhuge Jin is his elder brother. 我 哋 叫 諸葛瑾 掹 埋 孔明 嚟 , 一齊 嚟 為 東吳 做事 , 噉 就 妙哉 啦 嘛 , 都督 。 we|plural marker|call|Zhuge Jin|pull|together|Kongming|come|together|come|for|Eastern Wu|work|then|just|wonderful|sentence-final particle|question particle|commander We should invite Zhuge Jin to bring Kong Ming along to work for Eastern Wu together, that would be wonderful, right, General? 係 噃, 呢 個 辦法 好 啊 ! 周瑜 就 同 魯肅 商量 妥當 喇 。 yes|particle indicating affirmation|this|measure word|method|good|particle indicating exclamation|Zhou Yu|then|with|Lu Su|discuss|settled|particle indicating completed action Yes, this method is good! Zhou Yu has discussed it properly with Lu Su. 第二 朝早 蒙蒙 光 , 周瑜 嚟 到 行營 , 喺 中軍帳 當中 坐定 。 second|morning|||Zhou Yu|||camp|at|main army tent|in|sat down In the early morning, with a faint light, Zhou Yu arrived at the camp and sat down in the central military tent. 一左一右 就 企住 兩排 刀斧手 , 文官 武將 就 喺 兩 便 肅立 聽候 命令 。 one on the left and one on the right|then|standing|two rows|swordsmen and axemen|civil officials|military generals|then|at|both|sides|standing in attention|waiting for|orders On the left and right stood two rows of swordsmen, while the civil and military officials stood respectfully on both sides, waiting for orders. 孫權 嗰 日 係 任命 程普 做 副 都督 吖 。 Sun Quan|that|day|was|appointed|Cheng Pu|as|deputy|commander|particle On that day, Sun Quan appointed Cheng Pu as the deputy commander. 程普 呢 年紀 就 大過 周瑜 , 而家 見到 周瑜 做 正 自己 做 副 唄 , 個心 就 唔 高興 。 Cheng Pu|this|age|already|older than|Zhou Yu|now|seeing|Zhou Yu|doing|main|himself|doing|assistant|particle||then|not|happy Cheng Pu was older than Zhou Yu, and now seeing Zhou Yu as the commander while he was the deputy, he felt unhappy. 呢 朝 早 周瑜 點將 嘅 時候 , 程普 就 推有 病 唔 嚟 , 叫 佢 個 大 仔 程 咨 啊 代 佢 出席 。 this|||Zhou Yu|when to send|possessive particle|time|Cheng Pu|then|claimed to have|illness|not|come|asked|him|classifier|eldest|son|Cheng|Zi|particle|to代|him|attend That morning, when Zhou Yu was about to give orders, Cheng Pu claimed to be ill and did not come, asking his eldest son Cheng Zi to attend in his place. 時間 一到 , 啲 人 到 齊 喇 , 周瑜 就 發佈命令 喇 。 time|once|the|people|||already|Zhou Yu|then||already As soon as the time arrived, everyone gathered, and Zhou Yu issued the command. 佢 話 : 王法 無親 , 諸君 要 各守 本職 。 He|said|the law of Wang||everyone|must|each uphold|their own duty He said: The law does not favor anyone, everyone must stick to their own duties. 當前 , 曹操 弄權 , 仲甚過 董卓 。 currently|Cao Cao|usurping power|even worse than|Dong Zhuo Currently, Cao Cao is abusing power, even worse than Dong Zhuo. 佢 將 天子 軟禁 喺 許昌 , 統率 殘暴 嘅 軍隊 , 逼近 我 江東 邊境 。 He|will|Emperor|under house arrest|at|Xuchang|commands|brutal|possessive particle|army|approaches|our|Jiangdong|border He has placed the Emperor under house arrest in Xuchang, commanding a brutal army, and is approaching our Jiangdong border. 我 今日 奉命 討伐 曹操 , 希望 諸君 努力 向前 。 I|today|by order|attack|Cao Cao|hope|everyone|work hard|forward Today, I am ordered to campaign against Cao Cao, and I hope everyone will strive forward. 大軍 所到之處 , 不准 騷擾 民眾 , 賞勞罰罪 , 決不 容情 ! the army|wherever it goes|must not|disturb|civilians|reward and punishment|absolutely not|leniency Wherever the army goes, the public must not be disturbed. Rewards and punishments will be strictly enforced! 講完 , 周瑜 就 派 韓當 、 黃 蓋 做 前部 先鋒 , 統領 本部 戰船 即日起 行 , 到 三江口 駐扎 , 聽候 命令 。 after speaking|Zhou Yu|then|dispatched|Han Dang|||to be|front|vanguard|commanding|main|warships|from today|to move|to arrive|Sanjiangkou|stationed|waiting for|orders After speaking, Zhou Yu sent Han Dang and Huang Gai to be the vanguard, leading the main fleet to set sail immediately and stationed at Sanjiangkou, waiting for orders. 蔣欽 、 周泰 係 第二隊 ; Jiang Qin|Zhou Tai|is|the second team Jiang Qin and Zhou Tai are in the second team; 凌統 、 潘璋 係 第三隊 ; Ling Tong|Pan Zhang|is|the third team Ling Tong and Pan Zhang are in the third team; 太史慈 、 呂蒙 係 第四隊 ; Tai Shici|Lu Meng|is|the fourth team Tai Shici and Lu Meng are in the fourth team; 陸遜 、 董襲 係 第五隊 ; Lu Xun|Dong Xi|is|the fifth team Lu Xun and Dong Xi are in the fifth team; 呂范 、 朱治 係 四方 巡警 使 , 催督六郡 官軍 , 水陸並進 , 限期 到達 。 Lyu Fan|Zhu Zhi|is|four directions|patrol|envoy||government troops||deadline|arrival Lü Fan and Zhu Zhi are the four-way patrol officers, supervising the military forces of the six counties, advancing by land and water, with a deadline to arrive. 分配 完喇 , 各個 將官 即刻 返去 收拾 船隻 軍器 就 起程 出發 。 distribute|finished|each|officer|immediately|return|pack up|ship|weapons|then|set off|depart Once the assignments are completed, each general immediately returns to prepare the ships and weapons to set off. 程 咨就返 去講 畀 佢 老 竇 聽 , 話 周瑜 呀 調兵遣將 好 有 辦法 嘅 噉 。 Cheng|||to|him|old|Dou|listen|said|Zhou Yu|ah|deploy troops and send generals|very|have|methods|possessive particle|like that Cheng Zi goes back to tell his old man that Zhou Yu is very capable in mobilizing troops and dispatching generals. 程普 聽 咗 , 嗯 , 知道 自己 錯咯 。 Cheng Pu|heard|past tense marker|hmm|knows|oneself|was wrong Cheng Pu hears this and realizes that he was wrong. 佢 話 : 我 平時 欺負 周郎 懦弱 , 認 為 佢 唔 做 得 主帥 , 而家 噉 樣 睇 起 上 嚟 , 佢 真 係 有 大將 之才 啊 ! he|said|I|usually|bully|Zhou Lang|weak|recognize|think|he|not|be|able|commander|now|like this|appearance|||up|come|he|really|is|have|great general||ah He said: I usually bully Zhou Lang for being weak, thinking that he can't be the commander. But looking at him now, he really has the talent of a great general! 我仲有 乜嘢 唔 服 呢 ? |what|not|convinced|question particle What else can I be dissatisfied with? 程普 即刻 去 行營 見 周瑜 請罪 啊 。 Cheng Pu|immediately|go|camp|see|Zhou Yu|apologize|ah Cheng Pu immediately went to the camp to see Zhou Yu and apologize. 周瑜 呢 亦 好 謙虛 , 對程 普 非常 客氣 。 Zhou Yu|question particle|also|very|humble||Pu|very|polite Zhou Yu was also very humble and treated Cheng Pu with great courtesy. 噉 啊 互相 尊重 , 事情 就 好辦 啦 。 then|particle|mutually|respect|things|then|easier to handle|particle In this way, with mutual respect, things will be much easier to handle. 點完將 之後 嘅 第二日 , 周瑜 就 請 諸葛瑾 嚟 對 佢 講 咯 : after finishing the meal|afterwards|possessive particle|next day|Zhou Yu|then|invited|Zhuge Jin|to come|to|him|speak|sentence-final particle The day after the meeting, Zhou Yu invited Zhuge Jin to talk to him. 先生 , 令弟 孔明 , 非常 之 有才幹 , 為 咩 事要 去 同 劉備 做事 呢 ? sir|your younger brother|Kongming|very|possessive particle|talented||||to go|with|Liu Bei|work|question particle Sir, your younger brother Kongming is very talented. Why does he want to work for Liu Bei? 而家 , 佢 嚟 到 江東 , 好 想 勞煩 先生 你 去 同 令弟 講下 , 叫 佢 離開 劉備 , 轉 嚟 我 哋 東吳 做事 。 now|he|to come||||||||||||||||||||Eastern Wu|to work Now that he has come to Jiangdong, I would like to trouble you to speak to your younger brother and ask him to leave Liu Bei and come work for us in Eastern Wu. 噉 樣 , 一來 主公 就 可以 得到 一位 咁 好 嘅 幫手 ; like this|appearance|as soon as|master|then|can|obtain|one|so|good|possessive particle|helper This way, firstly, our lord can gain such a good helper; 二來 呢 , 先生 你 兩 兄弟 又 可以 喺 埋 一齊 , 噉 你 話 幾 咁 好 呢 。 secondly|question particle|sir|you|two|brothers|again|can|be|together|together|then|you|say|how|so|good|question particle secondly, you and your two brothers can be together, how great would that be? 諸葛瑾 話 : 好 啊 ! 我 自從 嚟 到 江東 之後 , 一 啲 功勞 都 未有 , 實在 慚愧 啊 。 Zhuge Jin|said|good|particle|I|since|||Jiangdong|after|one|a little|merit|all|have not|really|ashamed|particle Zhuge Jin said: "Alright! Since I came to Jiangdong, I haven't achieved any merits at all, I truly feel ashamed." 而家 都督 吩咐 到 咯 , 我 一定 效力 , 一定 效力 ! now|governor|commanded|arrive|particle indicating completion|I|definitely|serve|definitely|serve Now that the governor has given orders, I will definitely serve, I will definitely serve! 諸葛瑾 接受 咗 周瑜 嘅 命令 , 即刻 上馬 , 去 到 賓館 見 孔明 嘞 喎 。 Zhuge Jin|accepted|past tense marker|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|order|immediately|mounted|went|to|inn|see|Kongming|past tense marker|sentence-final particle Zhuge Jin accepted Zhou Yu's command and immediately mounted his horse to meet Kongming at the inn. 噉 兩 兄弟 見 咗 面 , 都 激動 到 啊 流起 眼淚 嚟 , 行過禮 之後 , 互相 講 咗 一輪 分別 以後 嘅 情形 。 then|two|brothers|saw|past tense marker|face|both|excited|to|ah|started to flow|tears|coming||after|mutually|talked|past tense marker||separation|after|possessive particle|situation When the two brothers met, they were so emotional that they shed tears. After exchanging greetings, they talked about the situation after their separation. 就 講到 咁 上下 , 諸葛瑾 呢 就 流住 眼淚 話 嘞 : then|when it comes to|so|up and down|Zhuge Jin|this|then|flowing|tears|said|past tense marker As they spoke, Zhuge Jin, with tears in his eyes, said: 賢弟 , 你 知道 伯夷 、 叔 齊 嘅 故事 嘛 ? wise younger brother|you|know|Bo Yi|||possessive particle|story|question particle Brother, do you know the story of Bo Yi and Shu Qi? 孔明 一聽 , 嗯 , 實 係 周郎 叫 阿哥 嚟 說 我定 喇 。 Kongming|upon hearing|hmm|really|is|Zhou Lang|called|elder brother|here|to say||particle indicating completed action When Kong Ming heard this, he said, 'Hmm, it really is Zhou Lang calling my brother to say I'm settled.' 好 。 於是 孔明 就 回答 話 : 呢 兩位 都 係 古時 嘅 聖賢 嚟 。 good|then|Kongming|then|answered|saying|these|two people|both|are|ancient times|possessive particle|wise men|came Alright. So Kong Ming replied: 'These two are both ancient sages.' 係 咯 , 伯夷 、 叔齊 兩 兄弟 , 雖然 喺 首陽山 下 餓死 咗 , 到 死 , 佢 哋 兩 兄弟 都 喺 埋 一齊 嘅 。 ||Bo Yi|Shu Qi|two|brothers|although|at|Mount Shouyang|under|starved to death|past tense marker|until|death|they|plural marker|two|brothers|all|are|together|together|possessive particle That's right, the two brothers Bo Yi and Shu Qi, although they starved to death at Shouyang Mountain, until their death, they were together. 而 我 同 你 呢 , 係 同胞兄弟 , 但 係 各為 其主 唔 能夠 日日 喺 埋 一處 , 比起 伯夷 、 叔齊 , 啊 , 真 係 慚愧 啊 。 and|I|with|you|question particle|are||but|are|each for|their own master|not|able to|every day|at|together|one place|compared to|Boyi|Shuqin|ah|really|are|ashamed|ah And you and I, we are biological brothers, but we serve different masters and cannot be together every day. Compared to Bo Yi and Shu Qi, ah, I truly feel ashamed. 兄長 你 所講 嘅 係 人情 , 而 我 覺得 義氣 更為 重要 。 elder brother|you|what you said|possessive particle|is|human feelings|but|I|think|loyalty|even more|important Brother, what you are talking about is human feelings, but I think loyalty is even more important. 我 哋 兩 兄弟 都 係 漢朝人 , 劉皇叔 係 漢朝 宗室 。 I|we|two|brothers|all|are||Liu Huangshu|is|Han Dynasty|royal family We two brothers are both from the Han dynasty, and Liu the Emperor is a member of the Han royal family. 兄長 你 如果 能夠 離開 東吳 , 同埋 我 一齊 去 為 劉皇叔 做事 , 噉 樣 , 一則 不愧 為 漢朝 嘅 臣子 , 而 骨肉 又 可以 團聚 咯 , 呢 個 係 情義 雙全 啊 。 elder brother|you|if|can|leave|Eastern Wu|and|I|together|go|for|Liu Huangshu|work|||on one hand|||Han Dynasty|possessive particle|subject|and|family|again|can|reunite|particle indicating realization|||is|loyalty|both fulfilled|particle indicating exclamation If you, brother, can leave Eastern Wu and come with me to serve Liu the Emperor, then we would not only be worthy subjects of the Han dynasty, but we could also reunite as family. This is a perfect combination of loyalty and affection. 唔 知 兄長 你 意下如何 呢 ? not|know|elder brother|you||question particle I wonder what you think, brother? 哈 , 弊 ! ha|fail Ha, that's a problem! 諸葛瑾 個心 諗 : 我 啊 要 嚟 說 佢 嘅 , 點知 反而 畀 佢 說 返 我 轉頭 添 。 Zhuge Jin||thought|I|ah|want|to come|to speak|he|possessive particle|unexpectedly|instead|to let|he|to speak|back|I|later|additionally Zhuge Jin thought: I want to talk about him, but instead, he ended up talking about me. 冇 說話 講啦 , 坐 咗 一陣 就 走 人 嘞 。 not|talking|just say it|sit|past tense marker|a moment|then|leave|people|past action marker Without saying anything, he sat for a while and then left. 諸葛瑾 返去 見到 周瑜 , 就將 孔明 所說 嘅 說話 講返 畀 周瑜 聽 。 Zhuge Jin|return|saw|Zhou Yu||Kongming|what was said|possessive particle|words|repeat|to|Zhou Yu|hear Zhuge Jin returned to see Zhou Yu and recounted what Kongming had said to Zhou Yu. 噉 周瑜 就 問 佢 : 先生 你 嘅 意思 點呢 ? then|Zhou Yu|then|asked|him|sir|you|possessive particle|meaning| Then Zhou Yu asked him: Sir, what do you mean? 我受 孫將軍 咁 大 嘅 恩德 , 怎 能夠 離開 吖 ? |General Sun|so|great|possessive particle|kindness|how|able to|leave|sentence-final particle I have received such great kindness from General Sun, how could I leave? 好 , 先生 既然 對 主公 咁 忠心 , 就 不必 多講 喇 。 good|sir|since|to|lord|so|loyal|then|no need to|say more|particle indicating completed action Well, sir, since you are so loyal to the lord, there is no need to say more. 至於 令弟 孔明 , 我 自有辦法 搞掂 佢 。 as for|your younger brother|Kongming|I||deal with|him As for my younger brother Kongming, I have my own way to deal with him. 周瑜 話 有 辦法 搞掂 孔明 , 咩 嘢 辦法 啊 ? Zhou Yu|said|has|method|deal with|Kongming|what|thing|method|question particle Zhou Yu said he has a way to deal with Kongming, what method is that? 好 簡單 啫 , 殺 咗 佢 咯 。 very|simple|only|kill|past tense marker|him|sentence-final particle It's very simple, just kill him. 噉 啊 梗 係 唔 能夠 叫 兩個 刀斧手 斬 咗 佢 咁 簡單 , 就 係 要 諗 啲 絕計 至 得 嘅 。 like this|ah||is|||||||||||||need to|think|some|absolute solutions|only|feasible|possessive particle But of course, it can't be as simple as just having two executioners chop him up; we need to think of a more decisive plan. 呢 次 周瑜 帶兵 出發 , 佢 邀請 孔明 一齊 去 。 this|time|Zhou Yu|lead the troops|depart|he|invited|Kong Ming|together|go This time, Zhou Yu set out with his troops, and he invited Kong Ming to go along. 孔明 啊 歡歡喜喜 噉 跟 埋 一齊 去 喎 。 Kongming|ah|happily|like that|with|together|all|go|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Kong Ming happily followed along. 佢 哋 落 咗 船 , 扯起 里 , 一路 向 住 夏口 而 去 。 They|plural marker|get off|past tense marker|boat|pull up|anchor|all the way|towards|direction marker|Xiakou|and|go They disembarked, raised the sails, and headed towards Xia Kou. 到 咗 離開 三江口 五六十里 嘅 地方 呢 , 啲 船隻 戰艦 就 依住 次序 拋錨 停泊 。 arrive|past tense marker|leave|Sanjiangkou|50 to 60 miles|possessive particle|place|this|plural marker|ships|warships|then|according to|order|anchor|dock When they reached a place about fifty to sixty miles away from Sanjiangkou, the warships anchored in order. 周瑜 喺 中央 扎寨 , 岸上 啲 人馬 呢 就 依傍 住 西山 安營 , 四周圍 噉 駐 扎 好 。 Zhou Yu|at|central|set up camp|on the shore|plural marker|troops|question particle|then|rely|on|West Mountain|camped|all around|like this|||well Zhou Yu set up camp in the center, while the troops on the shore camped near the western mountain, securing the area all around. 孔明 住 喺 邊 處 呢 ? 佢 邊度 都 唔 去 , 佢 就 住 返 喺 隻 船 仔 度 。 Kongming|live|at|where|place|question particle|he|anywhere|at all|not|go|he|then|lives|back|at|classifier for animals|boat|child|place Where does Kongming live? He doesn't go anywhere, he just stays on the boat. 安排 妥當 之後 , 周瑜 就 叫 人 請 孔明 嚟 , 話 有 緊要 事 商量 噉 。 arrange|properly|after|Zhou Yu|then|called|someone|invite|Kongming|come|said|has|urgent|matter|discuss|like that After everything was arranged, Zhou Yu asked someone to invite Kongming, saying there was an important matter to discuss. 孔明 嚟 到 中軍帳 , 同 周瑜 行過禮 , 周瑜 請 佢 坐落 。 Kongming|arrived|at|the central army tent|with|Zhou Yu|exchanged greetings||invited|him|to sit down When Kongming arrived at the central army's tent, he exchanged greetings with Zhou Yu, who invited him to sit down. 孔明 就 話 嘞 : 都督 叫 我 嚟 有 乜嘢 事 呢 ? Kongming|then|said|past tense marker|the governor|called|me|to come|have|what|matter|question particle Kongming then asked: What is it that the governor called me for? 周瑜 話 : 先生 , 照 你 睇 , 行軍 打仗 最 緊要 嘅 係 咩 嘢 事 呢 ? Zhou Yu|said|sir|according to|you|see|marching|fighting|most|important|possessive particle|is|what|thing|matter|question particle Zhou Yu said: Sir, in your opinion, what is the most important thing in marching and fighting? 三軍 未動 , 糧草先行 。 糧食 係 最 緊要 。 three armies|have not moved||food|is|most|important The army has not moved, but the supplies must go first. Food is the most important. 先生 嘅 見解 確係 高明 啊 ! sir|possessive particle|insight|definitely|brilliant|sentence-final particle Your insight is indeed brilliant, sir! 都督 過獎 。 governor|overly flattering You flatter me, governor. 當初 , 曹操 同 袁紹 作戰 , 曹操 兵少 , 袁紹兵 多 。 at that time|Cao Cao|with|Yuan Shao|fought||||many At the beginning, when Cao Cao fought against Yuan Shao, Cao Cao had fewer troops while Yuan Shao had many. 而 曹操 反而 打敗 袁紹 主要 嘅 關鍵 就 在於 曹操 啊 , 聽 咗 許 攸 嘅 意見 。 but|Cao Cao|instead|defeated|Yuan Shao|main|possessive particle|key|just|lies in|Cao Cao|ah|listened|past tense marker|Xu|You|possessive particle|advice However, the main key to Cao Cao's victory over Yuan Shao was that Cao Cao listened to the advice of Xu You. 先不先 , 就 截斷 咗 袁紹 喺 烏 巢 嘅 糧 道 。 whether or not to first|then|cut off|past tense marker|Yuan Shao|at|||possessive particle|| First of all, we need to cut off Yuan Shao's supply line at Wu Chao. 我 哋 而家 只有 五萬 人馬 , 要 同 曹操 八十三萬 人馬 對敵 , 好 困難 㗎 。 ||now|only have|fifty thousand|troops|have to|with|Cao Cao|eight hundred thirty thousand|troops|fight against|very|difficult|sentence-final particle Right now, we only have fifty thousand troops, and we have to face Cao Cao's eight hundred thirty thousand troops, which is very difficult. 所以 , 我 諗 亦 都 首先 要 截斷 曹 軍 嘅 糧 道 先 至 可以 破 佢 。 so|I|think|also|all|first|need to|cut off|||possessive particle|||||can|defeat|him Therefore, I think we should first cut off Cao's army's supply line in order to defeat them. 我 已經 探聽 清楚 , 曹操 嘅 軍糧 , 全部 都 放 喺 聚 鐵山 嚟 。 I|already|inquired|clearly|Cao Cao|possessive particle|military rations|all|all|placed|at||| I have already investigated clearly; Cao Cao's supplies are all stored at Ju Tie Mountain. 先生 你 喺 漢 上 住 咗 好 耐 , 一定 非常 熟悉 地理 。 sir|you|at|Han|shang|live|past tense marker|very|long|definitely|extremely|familiar|geography Sir, you have lived in Han for a long time, so you must be very familiar with the geography. 所以 , 呢 次要 勞煩 先生 , 帶 埋關 、 張 、 子 龍 佢 哋 幾位 , 去 截斷 曹 軍 嘅 糧 道 。 so|this||trouble|sir|bring||Cheung|Tze|Lung|they|plural marker|several|go|cut off|Cao|army|possessive particle|food|supply line So, this time I need to trouble you, sir, to bring Guan, Zhang, and Zilong with you to cut off Cao Jun's supply route. 誒 , 我 亦 派 一千 兵馬 嚟 到 幫助 你 , 我 哋 彼此 都 係 為 咗 主人 嘅 事 , 希望 先生 唔 好 推辭 啊 。 hey|I|also|send|one thousand|soldiers|come|here|help|you|||each other|all|are|for|past tense marker|master|possessive particle|matter|hope|sir|||refuse|particle Hey, I will also send a thousand troops to help you. We are both doing this for our master, so I hope you won't refuse, sir. 都督 有令 , 我 自當 效力 。 孔明 應承 噃。 Governor|has an order|I|naturally|will serve|Kongming|should comply|particle indicating agreement The governor has given orders, so I will certainly serve. Kongming will comply. 你 哋 估喇 唔 通 孔明 唔 知道 周瑜 想 害 佢 咩 ? 知 。 ||guessed|not||||know|Zhou Yu|wants|harm|him|what|know Do you think Kongming doesn't know that Zhou Yu wants to harm him? He knows. 周瑜 一講 要 佢 去 截斷 糧 道 , 孔明 就 諗 喇 : 哈 , 你 要 拉 我 嚟 東吳 我 唔 肯 , 你 就諗計 嚟 害 我 係 嘛 ? Zhou Yu||wants|he|to|cut off|grain|supply route|Kongming|then|thought|particle indicating realization|ha|you|want|pull|me|to|Eastern Wu|I|not|willing|you||to|harm|me|is|particle indicating rhetorical question As soon as Zhou Yu said he wanted him to cut off the supply route, Kongming thought: Ha, you want to pull me to Eastern Wu and I refuse, so you are plotting to harm me, right? 我 如果 一 推托 唔 肯 呢 , 你 就 會 恥笑 我 喇 。 好 ! 應承 你 先至講 。 I|if|one|make excuses|not|willing|question particle|you|then|will|ridicule|me|sentence-final particle|good|promise|you| If I refuse, you will laugh at me. Alright! I will agree first before I speak. 孔明 一 應承 , 周瑜 呀 以 為 得法 啊 呢 趟 , 好 高興 啊 。 Kongming|one|promised|Zhou Yu|particle|to|consider|successful|particle|this|trip|very|happy|particle Once Kongming agreed, Zhou Yu thought he had the right method this time and was very happy. 魯肅 喺 旁邊 仲懵盛 盛 噃, 佢 呢 個人 呢 確係 個 忠厚 長者 。 Lu Su|at|beside||Sheng|particle|he|this|person|particle|really is|a|honest|elder Lu Su was still confused beside them; this person is indeed a loyal and honest elder. 所以 等 孔明 接受 咗 任務 告辭 走 咗 之後 啊 , 魯肅 就問 周瑜 嘞 : so|wait|Kongming|accepted|past tense marker|mission|farewell|left||after|ah|Lu Su||Zhou Yu|sentence-final particle So after Kongming accepted the mission and took his leave, Lu Su asked Zhou Yu: 都督 , 你 點解 要 孔明 去 劫 糧 呢 ? 係 咩 意思 啊 吓 ? Governor|you|why|want|Kongming|to|rob|grain|question particle|is|what|meaning|ah|huh Commander, why do you want Kongming to raid the supplies? What does that mean? 我 早就 想 殺 咗 孔明 , 但 係 又 怕 畀 人 哋 笑話 。 I|long ago|wanted|to kill|past tense marker|Kongming|||again|afraid|to be|||laughed at I have long wanted to kill Kongming, but I was afraid of being laughed at. 故此 借 曹操 嘅 手 嚟 殺 佢 , 以絕後患 啫 嘛 。 therefore|borrow|Cao Cao|possessive particle|hand|to|kill|him||only|particle indicating obviousness So I borrowed Cao Cao's hand to kill him, to eliminate future troubles. 哦 , 原來 噉 㗎 。 oh|so|like that|particle indicating certainty Oh, so that's how it is. 魯肅 啊 跟 住 走 去 孔明 嗰 度 , 睇 佢 知 唔 知 周瑜 呢 籠 嘢 嘞 噃。 Lu Su|ah|||walk|go|Kongming|that|place|see|he|know|not|know|Zhou Yu|this|cage|thing|past tense particle| Lu Su went to Kongming's place to see if he knew about Zhou Yu's plan. 啊 , 去 到 一 睇 , 只見 孔明 好似 乜事 都 冇 , 正在 點齊 人馬 準備 出發 添 。 ah|||one|look|only saw|Kongming|seemed|anything|at all|not|currently|gathering|troops|preparing|to depart|also Ah, when I got there, I saw that Kongming seemed to be completely fine, and was busy gathering troops to prepare to set off. 魯肅 忍 唔 住 嘞 , 就 用 說話 嚟 點醒 下 孔明 , 佢 話 : Lu Su|endure|not|hold|past tense particle|then|use|words|to|wake up|a little|Kongming|he|said Lu Su couldn't hold back, so he used words to awaken Kong Ming, saying: 先生 呢 次 出兵 , 你 又 有 冇 成功 嘅 把握 呢 ? sir|this|time|deploy troops|you|again|||success|possessive particle|confidence|question particle Sir, this time you are going to war, do you have any confidence in your success? 哈哈哈 , 我 水戰 、 步戰 、 馬戰 、 車戰 , 樣樣精通 , 各盡其妙 。 hahaha|I|water battle|foot battle|horse battle|chariot battle||each has its own excellence Hahaha, I am proficient in naval battles, infantry battles, cavalry battles, and chariot battles, excelling in all. 唔 係 好似 你 同 周郎 噉 , 只 係 有 一樣 本領 。 not|is|like|you|and|Zhou Lang|like that|only|is|have|one|skill It's not like you and Zhou Lang, who only have one skill. 所以 , 我 呢 趟 出兵 , 點會 話 唔 成功 嘅 呢 ? so|I|this|trip|deploy troops|how could|say|not|successful|past tense particle|question particle So, how could I say that this military campaign won't be successful? 你 點解 話 我 同公瑾 , 只 係 有 一樣 本領 啊 ? you|why|said|I||only|are|have|one|skill|particle Why do you say that I and Gong Jin only have one skill? 哈哈哈哈 , 我 聽到 江南 啲 細佬哥 啊 , 佢 唱 一首 民歌 話 : Hahaha|I|heard|Jiangnan|possessive particle|younger brother|ah|he|sings|a|folk song|saying Hahaha, I heard the younger brothers from Jiangnan sing a folk song that says: 伏路 把關 饒子敬 , 臨江 水戰 有 周郎 。 Fulu|checkpoint|Rao Zijing|Linjiang|naval battle|has|Zhou Lang "Fu Lu guards the pass, and there is Zhou Lang in the water battle." 噉 即 係 話 你 哋 兩位 呢 , 子敬 你 喺 陸上 打仗 , 就 係 識得 把守 關口 , 打下 伏擊 ; then|just|is|to say|you|plural marker|both of you|question particle|Zijing|you|at|land|fighting|then|is|able to|guard|checkpoint|launch|ambush So it means that you two, Zi Jing, you fight on land, which means you know how to guard the pass and launch ambushes; 而 周公瑾 就 係 會 水戰 , 陸戰 就 外行 咯 嘛 。 and|Zhou Gongjin|just|is|good at|naval warfare|land warfare|just|inexperienced|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating obviousness and Zhou Gong Jin is skilled in naval battles, but inexperienced in land battles. 哈哈 , 翳 到 魯肅 啊 唔 會 出聲 喎 , 你 孔明 咁 叻 , 去 劫 糧 去 劫 到夠 啦 。 haha|shadow|arrive|Lu Su|ah|not|will|make a sound|particle|you|Kongming|so|smart|go|rob|grain|go|rob|enough|particle Haha, Lu Su won't say anything, you Kongming are so clever, go and rob the grain, you should have enough. 魯肅 唔 理 孔明 嘞 , 返到 去 中軍帳 , 就將 孔明 講 嗰 啲 說話 一五一十 講晒 畀 周瑜 聽 。 Lu Su|not|pay attention to|Kongming|past tense particle|return to|go|the central army tent||Kongming|say|that|plural marker|words|in detail|tell all|to|Zhou Yu|listen Lu Su ignored Kongming, when he returned to the central army tent, he told Zhou Yu everything Kongming said. 嗨 呀 , 周瑜 聽到 呀 跳 到 八丈 高 啊 , 哈 , 佢 蝦 我 唔 會 陸戰 係 嘛 ? Hi|particle|Zhou Yu|heard|particle|jumped|to|eight zhang|high|particle|ha|he|shrimp|I|not|can|land battle|is|particle Oh, when Zhou Yu heard this, he jumped up eight feet high, haha, he said, 'Aren't I good at naval battles?'. 唔 使 佢 去 , 我 自己 帶 一萬 馬 軍 , 去 聚 鐵山 , 截斷 曹操 嘅 糧 道 。 not|need|he|go|I|myself|bring|ten thousand|horse|troops|go|gather|Iron Mountain|cut off|Cao Cao|possessive particle|grain|route No need for him to go, I will take ten thousand cavalry myself to gather at Iron Mountain and cut off Cao Cao's supply route. 周瑜 即刻 撤銷 原來 叫 孔明 去 劫 糧 嘅 命令 。 Zhou Yu|immediately|cancel|originally|ordered|Kongming|to|rob|grain|possessive particle|order Zhou Yu immediately canceled the original order to send Kongming to rob the grain. 魯肅 呢 ? 又 走 去 搵 孔明 , 將 周瑜 嘅 說話 講 畀 孔明聽 嘞 喎 。 Lu Su|question particle|again|go|to|find|Kongming|to bring|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|words|to tell|to||past action particle|sentence-final particle Where is Lu Su? He went to find Kongming again, to tell Kongming what Zhou Yu said. 孔明聽 咗 就 笑 咗 一笑 對 魯肅 話 : |past tense marker|then|laughed|past tense marker|a laugh|to|Lu Su|said When Kongming heard this, he smiled and said to Lu Su: 公瑾 要 我 去 劫 糧 , 實際上 係 想 借 曹操 嘅 手 嚟 殺 我 個 啫 。 Gongjin|wants|me|to|rob|grain|actually|is|wants|to borrow|Cao Cao|possessive particle|hand|to|kill|me|particle|only Gongjin wants me to raid the grain, but in reality, he wants to use Cao Cao's hand to kill me. 我 就 故意 講 幾句 嘢 嚟 激 下 佢 , 佢 就 受 唔 了 喇 , 哈哈哈 哈哈 。 I|just|intentionally|said|a few words|things|to|provoke|a little|him|he|just|take|not|able to|particle indicating completed action|hahaha|haha I will deliberately say a few words to provoke him, and he won't be able to take it, hahaha. 當前 啊 , 正 係 用人 之際 , 但願 吳侯同 劉使君 同心同德 , 噉 樣 就 可以 擊敗 曹操 , 我 哋 嘅 事業 就 可以 成功 。 currently|ah|||||I hope||General Liu|united in purpose|||then|can|defeat|Cao Cao|||possessive particle|cause|then|can|succeed At this moment, it is indeed a time to use people. I hope that the Lord of Wu and the General Liu can work together, then we can defeat Cao Cao, and our cause can succeed. 如果 彼此 謀害 呢 , 噉 就 弊 晒 喇 。 if|each other|harm|question particle|then|will|lose|completely|past action particle If we harm each other, then it's all over. 仲有 , 曹操 此人 就 好多 計 嘅 , 佢 平生 最興斷 人 哋 嘅 糧 道 。 also|Cao Cao|this person|just|many|schemes|possessive particle|he|in his lifetime||others|plural marker|possessive particle|grain|supply route Moreover, Cao Cao is a very cunning person; throughout his life, he has been most adept at cutting off others' supply routes. 佢 自己 嘅 糧倉 點會 話 唔 派 重兵把守 㗎 。 he|himself|possessive particle|granary|how could|say|not|send|heavily guarded|sentence-final particle How could he not heavily guard his own granaries? 公瑾 如果 去親 , 必定會 畀 曹操 捉住 㗎 。 Gong Jin|if|go visit|will definitely|be|Cao Cao|caught|particle indicating certainty If Gong Jin goes to meet him, he will definitely be captured by Cao Cao. 目前 , 應該 先 同 曹操 打 一場 水戰 , 挫 一下 佢 哋 嘅 銳氣 , 然後 , 再 想 妙計 嚟 破 佢 就 啱 嘞 。 currently|should|first|with|Cao Cao|fight|a|naval battle|suppress|a little|them|plural marker|possessive particle|morale|then|again|think of|clever plan|to|defeat|him|just|right|past action particle For now, we should first engage Cao Cao in a naval battle to weaken their morale, and then think of a clever plan to defeat him. 希 望子敬 你 返去 , 將 我 嘅 意思 好好 噉 同公瑾 講下 啦 。 hope||you|go back|to|I|possessive particle|meaning|properly|like this||talk a bit|particle indicating suggestion or request I hope you can go back and convey my thoughts to Gong Jin properly. 啊 , 先生 嘅 腑 肺 之 言 , 我 一定 返去 對公 瑾 講 , 我 告辭 嘞 。 ah|sir|possessive particle|internal organs|lungs|possessive particle|words|I|definitely|return||Jin|tell|I|take my leave|past tense particle Ah, I will definitely go back and tell Gong Jin what the gentleman has said, I take my leave now. 魯肅 就 漏夜 去 見 周瑜 , 將 孔明 嘅 說話 , 詳詳細細 噉 講 畀 佢 聽 。 Lu Su|then|in the dead of night|went|to see|Zhou Yu|to bring|Kong Ming|possessive particle|words|in great detail|like this|to tell|to|him|to hear Lu Su went to see Zhou Yu late at night and explained Kong Ming's words in detail to him. 周瑜 呀 又 擰頭 又 𨂽 腳 啊 佢 話 : 哎呀 ! 此人 嘅 見識 真 係 勝我 十倍 。 Zhou Yu|ah|again||again|kick|leg|ah|he|said|oh no|this person|possessive particle|insight|really|is||ten times Zhou Yu was shaking his head and stamping his feet, saying: 'Oh! This person's insight truly surpasses mine by ten times.' 而家 唔 殺 咗 佢 , 以後 呀 必定 係 我 哋 東吳 嘅 大 患 啊 ! now|not|kill|past tense marker|him|in the future|sentence-final particle|definitely|will be|we|plural marker|Dongwu|possessive particle|big|problem|exclamatory particle If we don't kill him now, it will definitely be a great disaster for our Eastern Wu in the future! 都督 唔 好 啊 , 而家 正 係 用人 之際 吖 嘛 , 應該 以 國家 為重 啊 , 等到 擊敗 曹操 之後 再 算啦 。 Commander|not|good|particle|right now|currently|is|using people|at the time|particle|particle|should|take|country||particle|wait until|defeat|Cao Cao|after|again|calculate Governor, that's not good. Right now is the time to use people, we should prioritize the country. Let's deal with it after defeating Cao Cao. 哎 , 噉 好 啦 ! 周瑜 就 唯有 忍住 一肚氣 係 嘞 。 sigh|like that|good|particle|Zhou Yu|then|only|endure|a belly full of anger|is|particle Sigh, then it's settled! Zhou Yu can only hold back his anger. 而家 就 講返 下 劉備 , 佢 就 吩咐 劉琦守 江夏 , 自己 率領 全體 將官 就 帶 住 軍隊 去夏 口 。 now|then|talk about|next|Liu Bei|he|then|ordered||Jiangxia|he himself|led|all|generals|then|took|with|army|| Now let's talk about Liu Bei. He instructed Liu Qi to defend Jiangxia, while he himself led all the generals and took the army to Xiakou. 遠遠 瞭望 長江 南岸 , 只見 旗幟 隱隱 , 槍戟 重重 。 far away|looking out|Yangtze River|south bank|only saw|flags|faintly|guns and spears|heavily From a distance, he looked towards the southern bank of the Yangtze River and saw flags faintly waving and weapons clashing. 佢 就 估計 東吳 已經 出兵 , 於是 就將 江夏 嘅 兵馬 , 全部 調 去 樊口 駐扎 。 He|then|estimated|Eastern Wu|already|deployed troops|so||Jiangxia|possessive particle|troops|all|transferred|to|Fankou|stationed He estimated that Eastern Wu had already sent troops, so he ordered all the soldiers from Jiangxia to be transferred to Fan Kou for garrison. 呢 一日 , 劉備 召集 大家 嚟 , 佢 話 : 孔明 去 咗 東吳 咁 耐咯 , 一 啲 音訊 都 冇 , 唔 知道 事情 點呢 ? this|one day|Liu Bei|summoned|everyone|to come|he|said|Kongming|went|past tense marker|Eastern Wu|so||one|some|news|all|not|not|know|situation| One day, Liu Bei gathered everyone and said: Kong Ming has been in Eastern Wu for so long, and there hasn't been any news. I don't know what's going on? 誒 , 邊個 可以 去 探聽 下 消息 啊 ? hey|who|can|go|inquire|a little|news|question particle Hey, who can go and find out some news? 糜竺 話 : 等 我 去 啦 。 Mi Zhu|said|wait|I|go|particle Mi Zhu said: Let me go. 好 ! 於是 劉備 立即 叫 人 準備 好 羊酒 禮物 , 叫 糜竺 去 東吳 以 勞軍 為名 , 探聽虛實 。 good|then|Liu Bei|immediately|ordered|people|prepare|good|sheep wine|gifts|ordered|Mi Zhu|to go|Eastern Wu|using|labor military|| Great! So Liu Bei immediately had someone prepare sheep, wine, and gifts, and asked Mi Zhu to go to Eastern Wu under the pretext of visiting the troops to gather information. 噉 糜竺 就 坐 隻 小船 , 順流而下 就 一直 嚟 到 周瑜 嘅 大寨 。 then|Mi Zhu|then|ride|a|small boat|downstream|then|continuously|come|arrive|Zhou Yu|possessive particle|stronghold So Mi Zhu took a small boat, drifted downstream, and arrived at Zhou Yu's camp. 軍事 通報 之後 , 周瑜 請 佢 入 去 。 military|report|after|Zhou Yu|invited|him|| After the military report, Zhou Yu invited him in. 糜竺 見到 周瑜 行過禮 , 就 代表 劉備 啊 向 周瑜 致敬 , 獻上 酒禮 。 Mi Zhu|saw|Zhou Yu|perform the proper greeting|then|on behalf of|Liu Bei|ah|towards|Zhou Yu|pay respects|offer|wine gift Mi Zhu saw Zhou Yu perform the ceremonial greeting, so he represented Liu Bei to pay respects to Zhou Yu and offered a wine gift. 周瑜 收 咗 禮就 好 多謝 啦 , 跟 住 就 設宴款待 糜竺 。 Zhou Yu|received|past tense marker||very|thank you|sentence final particle|||then||Mi Zhu Zhou Yu accepted the gift and thanked him profusely, then proceeded to host a banquet for Mi Zhu. 喺 飲酒 嘅 時候 糜竺 話 : 孔明 喺 將軍 呢 處 好 耐 喇 , 而家 想 叫 佢 返 去 啊 。 at|drinking|possessive particle|time|Mi Zhu|said|Kongming|at|general|this|place|very|long|particle indicating completed action|now|want|to call|him|return|to|particle indicating suggestion or realization During the drinking, Mi Zhu said: Kongming has been here with the general for a long time, and now he wants to call him back. 周瑜 話 : 孔明 正話 喺 處 同 我 一齊 策劃 去 擊破 曹 軍 , 點 能夠 離開 啊 ? Zhou Yu|said|Kongming|really|at|place|with|I|together|plan|to|defeat|Cao|army|how|able to|leave|particle Zhou Yu replied: Kongming is currently strategizing with me to defeat Cao's army, how can he leave? 我 亦 非常 之 想見 劉豫州 , 一齊 商量 下 辦法 。 I|also|very|particle indicating possession|want to see|Liu Yuzhou|together|discuss|next|solution I also really want to see Liu Yuzhou to discuss a solution together. 無奈 軍務 在 身 , 一陣 都行 唔 開 。 helpless|military duties|at|self|a while||not|open Unfortunately, military duties are pressing, and I can't leave for a while. 請 先生 返 去 嘅 時候 , 對 劉豫州 講 , 話 我 十分 希望 佢 能夠 嚟 一趟 。 please|Mr|return|go|possessive particle|time|to|Liu Yuzhou|tell|that|I|very|hope|he|can|come|one trip When you return, please tell Liu Yuzhou that I very much hope he can come for a visit. 糜竺 應承 咗 就 告辭 返去 。 Mi Zhu|agreed|past tense marker|then|took his leave|went home Mi Zhu agreed and then took his leave to go back. 糜竺 走 咗 之後 , 魯肅 就問 周瑜 話 喇 : Mi Zhu|leave|past tense marker|after|Lu Su||Zhou Yu|words|final particle After Mi Zhu left, Lu Su asked Zhou Yu, saying: 都督 要 見 玄德 , 有 咩 事要 同 佢 商量 嘅 呢 ? the governor|wants|to see|Xuande|has|what||with|him|discuss|question particle|final particle The governor wants to see Xuande, what does he want to discuss with him? 周瑜 話 : 玄德乃 係 當代 一個 梟雄 , 唔 殺 咗 佢 唔 得 。 Zhou Yu|said||is|contemporary|one|hero|not|kill|past tense marker|him|| Zhou Yu said: Xuande is a contemporary hero, he must be killed. 我而家 就 係 要 氹 佢 嚟 殺 咗 佢 , 為 國家 , 除 咗 個 後患 啊 。 I now|just|am|need|lure|him|come|kill|past tense marker|him|for|country|eliminate|past tense marker|the|future trouble|sentence final particle I just want to lure him in and kill him, for the country, to eliminate future troubles. 誒 呀 , 乜 噉 都 得 㗎 ? ||what|like this|all|okay|question particle Eh, is that really okay? 魯肅 就 再三 勸 佢 唔 好 噉 做 啊 。 Lu Su|then|repeatedly|advised|him|||like that|do|particle Lu Su repeatedly advised him not to do that. 周瑜 硬 係 唔 聽 , 佢 下達 秘密 命令 。 Zhou Yu|stubborn|is|not|listen|he|issued|secret|order Zhou Yu is stubborn and does not listen; he issues secret orders. 如果 劉玄德 嚟 到 , 就 預先 埋伏 五十名 刀斧手 喺 帷幔 裏 便 , 睇 住 我 掟 杯 為 號 , 就 衝出 嚟 逳 手 。 if|Liu Xuande|to|||||||||||||||||||||| If Liu Xuande comes, then ambush fifty swordsmen behind the curtain, and when you see me throw the cup as a signal, rush out to capture him. 周瑜 佈置 好 嘞 噃。 Zhou Yu|arrange|well|past action particle| Zhou Yu has set everything up. 糜竺 啊 當然 唔 知道 咁 多 啦 , 佢 返 去 見到 劉備 , 就 話 周瑜 要 請 佢 去 會面 有事 商量 噉 話 。 Mi Zhu|ah|of course|not|know|so|much|particle|he|return|to|saw|Liu Bei|then|said|Zhou Yu|wants|to invite|him|to|meeting|something|to discuss|like that|said Mi Zhu, of course, does not know so much; when he returns to see Liu Bei, he says that Zhou Yu wants to invite him for a meeting to discuss something. 劉備 啊 以心 為 心 , 聽 講話 有 請 唄 , 噉 就 吩咐 人 準備 一隻 快船 , 立即 要 起行 喇 。 Liu Bei|ah|with heart|as|mind|hear|talking|has|please|particle|then|just|instructed|people|prepare|one|fast boat|immediately|must|depart|particle Liu Bei, being sincere, hears that there is an invitation, so he instructs someone to prepare a fast boat and to set off immediately. 關羽 就 勸 佢 話 嘞 : 周瑜 此人 , 計謀 甚 多 , 又 冇 孔明 嘅 書信 , 恐怕 其中 有 乜嘢 詭計 噃。 Guan Yu|then|advised|him|said|past tense marker|Zhou Yu|this person|schemes|||also|without|Kongming|possessive particle|letter|afraid that|among them|has|any|trick|sentence-final particle Guan Yu advised him, saying: 'Zhou Yu is a person with many schemes, and without Kong Ming's letter, I'm afraid there might be some trickery involved.' 兄長 唔 好 去 咯 。 elder brother|not|very|go|particle indicating a change of state or action Brother, don't go. 劉備 話 喇 : 而家 我 正 係 要 聯合 東吳 共同 對敵 曹操 。 Liu Bei|said|particle indicating completed action|now|I|currently|am|need|unite|Eastern Wu|together|fight against|Cao Cao Liu Bei said: 'Right now, I need to unite with Eastern Wu to jointly confront Cao Cao.' 周郎話 要 見 我 , 我 如果 唔 去 呢 , 就 顯得 我 冇 同盟 嘅 誠意 啦 。 Zhou Lang said|wants|to meet|me|I||||||||have not|alliance|possessive particle|sincerity|final particle Zhou Lang said he wants to see me. If I don't go, it will show that I lack sincerity in the alliance. 如果 互相 猜忌 , 事情 就 難以 成功 㗎 喇 。 if|mutually|suspicion|things|then|hard to|succeed|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating change of state If we are suspicious of each other, it will be difficult for things to succeed. 兄長 如果 堅決 要 去 嘅 話 , 噉 小弟 同埋 去 啦 。 elder brother|if|firmly|wants|to go|past tense particle|to speak|then|younger brother|and|to go|suggestion particle Brother, if you are determined to go, then I will go with you. 張飛 聽 咗 佢 亦 話 喇 : 噉 我 都 跟 埋 去 ! Zhang Fei|heard|past tense marker|he|also|said|sentence-final particle|like that|I|also|||go Zhang Fei heard this and said: Then I will go along too! 就 係 雲長 跟 我 去 得 喇 , 翼德 同子 龍 你 哋 兩個 把守 營寨 。 ||Yun Chang|to follow|I|go|able|particle indicating completed action|Yi De|||||two|guard|camp It’s just that Yun Chang will go with me, Yi De and Zi Long, you two stay behind to guard the camp. 簡雍 呀 固守 鄂縣 。 Jian Yong|particle|firmly defend|E County Jian Yong, you stay and defend E County. 我 去一趟 就 返 嚟 。 I||then|| I will go for a while and then come back. 吩咐 完 , 劉備 就 同埋 關羽 帶住 二十幾個 隨從 , 坐 隻 快船 就 飛 棹 去 江東 。 instructed|finished|Liu Bei|then|and|Guan Yu|brought|over twenty|attendants|boarded|a (measure word)|fast boat|then|quickly|rowed|to|Jiangdong After giving the orders, Liu Bei, along with Guan Yu and more than twenty attendants, took a fast boat and quickly rowed to Jiangdong. 去 到 嘞 , 劉備 睇 見 江東 嘅 戰艦 陣容 齊整 , 旗幟 招展 , 甲兵 威武 , 個心 好 歡喜 。 go|arrive|past tense marker|Liu Bei|see|saw|Jiangdong|possessive particle|warship|formation|well-organized|flags|flying|soldiers|formidable|his heart|very|happy Upon arrival, Liu Bei saw the well-organized fleet of warships in Jiangdong, with flags waving and armor gleaming, which made him very happy. 劉備 一到 , 軍士 立即 飛報 周瑜 話 : 稟告 都督 , 劉豫州 嚟 喇 。 Liu Bei|upon arrival|soldier|immediately|rushed to report|Zhou Yu|said|to report|commander|Liu Yuzhou|has come|particle indicating completed action As soon as Liu Bei arrived, the soldiers immediately reported to Zhou Yu, saying: 'Reporting to the governor, Liu Yuzhou has arrived.' 佢 帶 幾多 船隻 嚟 啊 ? He|bring|how many|boats|here|question particle How many boats did he bring? 只有 一隻 船 , 二十幾個 人唧 。 only|one|boat|over twenty|people Only one boat, with more than twenty people. 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 Hahaha|Hahaha| Hahaha hahaha hahaha. 此人 整 定 佢 冇 命 喇 , 刀斧手 ! this person|completely|definitely|he|has no|life|particle indicating completed action|assassin This person is definitely doomed, a knife-wielding man! 有 ! have Yes! 兩便 埋伏 ! two conveniences|ambush Two ambushes! 得 令 ! got|command Got it! 周瑜 佈置 妥當 , 然後 出寨 去 迎接 。 Zhou Yu|arranged|properly|then|leave the camp|to|welcome Zhou Yu made proper arrangements, then went out of the camp to welcome. 劉備 帶住 關羽 同 二十幾個 人 , 一直 嚟 到 中軍帳 , 同 周瑜 互相 行過禮 。 Liu Bei|brought|Guan Yu|with|over twenty|people|continuously|came|to|the central army camp|with|Zhou Yu|mutually|exchanged greetings Liu Bei brought Guan Yu and more than twenty people, and came to the central army's tent, where they exchanged greetings with Zhou Yu. 周瑜 就 請 劉備 坐 喺 上位 。 Zhou Yu|then|invited|Liu Bei|to sit|at|the upper seat Zhou Yu then invited Liu Bei to sit in the honored position. 劉備 話 : 將軍 名傳 天下 , 我 劉備 無才 無德 , 唔 敢當 將軍 嘅 重禮 。 Liu Bei|said|general|famous|world|I||untalented|unvirtuous|not|dare to accept|general|possessive particle|heavy honor Liu Bei said: "General, your name is known throughout the world. I, Liu Bei, have no talent or virtue, and do not dare to accept such a heavy honor as a general." 客氣 咗 幾句 , 就 分 賓主 坐落 。 polite|past tense marker|a few sentences|then|distinguish|host and guest|seated After a few polite words, they took their seats as host and guest. 周瑜 立即 吩咐 設宴 嚟 招待 。 Zhou Yu|immediately|ordered|to set up a banquet|to come|entertain Zhou Yu immediately ordered to set up a banquet to entertain. 呢 一日 呀 , 孔明 就 偶然 嚟 到 江邊 , 聽聞 話 劉備 嚟 咗 同 周瑜 會面 噉 就嚇 咗 佢 一 跳 。 this|one day|sentence final particle|Kongming|then|accidentally|came|||||||past tense marker|with|Zhou Yu|meeting|like that||past tense marker|he|one|jump On this day, Kong Ming happened to arrive at the riverside and was startled to hear that Liu Bei had come to meet Zhou Yu. 急急 入去 中軍帳 偷偷 睇 下 動靜 嘞 喎 。 quickly|go in|main army tent|secretly|look|at|movements|past tense marker|sentence-final particle He hurriedly entered the central army tent to secretly observe the situation. 嘩 嗨 ! 只見 周瑜 呀 面有 殺氣 , 兩 便 嘅 帷幔 後 便 , 仲企滿 晒 刀斧手 添 。 wow|hi|only saw|Zhou Yu|particle|face has|killing intent|two|then|possessive particle|curtain|behind|then||completely|swordsmen and axemen|also Wow! He saw Zhou Yu with a murderous look, and behind the curtains on both sides, there were many armed guards standing. 孔明 啊 大吃一驚 喇 : 哎呀 , 噉 樣 如之奈何 啊 ! Kongming|ah|greatly surprised|particle indicating completed action|oh no|like this|appearance|what to do|ah Kong Ming was greatly shocked: Oh no, what should I do in this situation! 又 睇 下 劉備 , 見到 佢 呀 有 講 有 笑 , 若無其事 。 again|look|a particle indicating a slight action|Liu Bei|saw|he|a particle indicating surprise or emphasis|has|talking|has|smiling|as if nothing happened Looking at Liu Bei again, he saw him talking and laughing, as if nothing had happened. 再 一望 , 只見 劉備 背後 有 個人 , 按住 把 劍 企 實 喺 處 。 again|glance|only saw|Liu Bei|behind|has|a person|pressing down|(measure word for tools)|sword|standing|firmly|at|place Taking another look, he noticed a person behind Liu Bei, standing firmly with a sword. 原來 係 關雲長 ! it turns out|is|Guan Yu It turned out to be Guan Yu! 孔明 個 心定 嘞 : 主公 冇 事 嘅 , 唔 使 怕 唔 使 怕 ! Kongming|possessive particle|calm|past action particle|lord|not have|matter|particle indicating possession|not|need|afraid|not|need|afraid Kongming's heart was at ease: The lord is fine, no need to be afraid, no need to be afraid! 於是 孔明 就 唔 入 去 嘞 , 行返 去 江邊 等候 。 so|Kongming|then|not|enter|go|past tense marker|walk back|to|riverside|wait So Kongming decided not to go in, and walked back to the riverbank to wait. 周瑜 同 劉備 喺 度 宴會 吖 , 酒 過數 巡 , 周瑜 就 起身 敬酒 。 Zhou Yu|and|Liu Bei|at|location|banquet|particle|wine|after drinking|circulating|Zhou Yu|then|stood up|toasting Zhou Yu and Liu Bei were having a banquet, and after a few drinks, Zhou Yu stood up to toast. 猛然間 見到 關雲長 按住 把 劍 企 喺 劉備 背後 , 連忙 問 佢 係 邊個 啊 噉 。 suddenly|saw|Guan Yu|holding down|measure word for tools|sword|standing|at|Liu Bei|behind|hurriedly|asked|he|is|who|ah|then Suddenly, he saw Guan Yun Chang standing behind Liu Bei with his sword drawn, and quickly asked who he was. 劉備 話 : 我 二弟 關雲長 。 Liu Bei|said|my|second brother|Guan Yu Liu Bei replied: This is my second brother, Guan Yun Chang. 吓 ? 往日 斬顏良 、 文丑 就 係 佢 呀 ? huh|in the past||Wen Chou|then|was|him|question particle Huh? The one who killed Yan Liang and Wen Chou? 冇 錯 喇 。 not|wrong|particle indicating completed action That's right. 嘿 呀 , 驚到 周瑜 呀 成身 飆汗 啊 , 即刻 親自 斟 咗 杯酒 嚟 敬 畀 關雲長 。 hey|particle|scared|Zhou Yu|particle|whole body|sweating|particle|immediately|personally|pour|past tense marker|glass of wine|come|toast|to|Guan Yu Hey, wow, Zhou Yu was so shocked that he was sweating all over, and immediately poured a cup of wine to offer to Guan Yunchang. 過 咗 一陣 , 魯肅入 到 嚟 , 劉備 就 問 佢 話 喇 : after|past tense marker|a while||||Liu Bei|then|asked|him|speaking|sentence-final particle After a while, Lu Su came in, and Liu Bei asked him: 孔明 喺 邊度 啊 ? 勞煩 子敬 你 請 佢 嚟 見 下面 啦 。 Kongming|at|where|question particle|trouble|Zijing|you|please|he|come|see|below|particle indicating suggestion or urging Where is Kongming? Please ask Zijing to bring him here to meet below. 周瑜 話 : 哦 , 等 擊敗 咗 曹操 , 再同 孔明 相會 都 未 遲 吖 。 Zhou Yu|said|oh|wait|defeat|past tense marker|Cao Cao||Kong Ming|meet|all|not yet|late|particle Zhou Yu said: Oh, let's defeat Cao Cao first, then it won't be too late to meet Kongming. 咦 ? 乜 噉 呀 ? 劉備 唔 敢 再問 嘞 。 eh|what|like that|question particle|Liu Bei|not|dare||past tense particle Huh? What’s going on? Liu Bei didn't dare to ask further. 呢 個 時候 關雲長 打個 眼色 畀 劉備 , 劉備 會意 嘞 喎 , 就 起身 對 周瑜 話 : this|measure word|time|Guan Yu|gave a|glance|to|Liu Bei|Liu Bei|understood|past tense particle|sentence-final particle|then|stood up|to|Zhou Yu|said At this moment, Guan Yu gave a wink to Liu Bei, and Liu Bei understood, so he stood up and said to Zhou Yu: 我要 告辭 喇 , 等 第日 破敵 得勝 嘅 時候 , 再 專程 嚟 拜賀 啦 。 I want|to take my leave|(particle indicating completed action)|wait|next day|defeat the enemy|victory|(possessive particle)|time|again|specially|come|congratulate|(particle indicating suggestion or urging) "I must take my leave now. When we defeat the enemy and achieve victory, I will come back specifically to pay my respects." 周瑜 亦 冇 挽留 佢 , 一直 將 劉備 送出 咗 轅門 。 Zhou Yu|also|did not|try to keep|him|continuously|to send|Liu Bei|sent out|past tense marker|the gate of the chariot Zhou Yu did not try to keep him, and continued to see Liu Bei out of the gate. 劉備 辭別 咗 周瑜 , 同 關雲長 佢 哋 嚟 到 江邊 上船 準備 返夏口 。 Liu Bei|bid farewell|past tense marker|Zhou Yu|with|Guan Yu|they|plural marker|come|arrive|riverside|board the boat|prepare| After bidding farewell to Zhou Yu, Liu Bei and Guan Yu arrived at the riverbank to board the boat, preparing to return to Xiakou. 一 踏上 船 , 咦 ? 只見 孔明 呀 已經 坐 喺 船艙 裏頭 嚟 喇 。 once|stepped onto|boat|huh|only saw|Kongming|particle indicating realization|already|sitting|at|cabin|inside|come|particle indicating completed action As soon as they stepped onto the boat, they saw Kongming already sitting inside the cabin. 劉備 就 歡喜 到極 喇 , 孔明 一 見面 就問 劉備 : Liu Bei|then|happy|to the extreme|particle indicating completion|Kongming|one|meeting||Liu Bei Liu Bei was extremely happy, and as soon as Kong Ming met him, he asked Liu Bei: 主公 , 你 知 唔 知 今日 幾 危險 啊 。 lord|you||||today|how much|dangerous|particle "My lord, do you know how dangerous today is?" 吓 ? 唔 知 噃, 咩 嘢 危險 啊 ? huh|not|know|particle|what|thing|dangerous|particle "Huh? I don't know, what's dangerous?" 今日 如果 唔 係 雲 長 喺 處 呀 , 主公 你 就 幾乎 畀 周郎害 咗 喇 ! today|if|not|is|Yun|long|at|place|particle|lord|you|then|almost|by||past tense particle|particle "If it weren't for Yun Chang being here today, my lord, you would have almost been harmed by Zhou Lang!" 劉備 思前想後 , 諗 返剛 才 周瑜 獻酒 嗰 種 神情 。 Liu Bei|thought back and forth|thought||then|Zhou Yu|offered wine|that|kind|expression Liu Bei thought back and recalled the expression Zhou Yu had when he offered the wine. 哎呀 , 噉 先至 恍然大悟 , 真 係 險過 剃頭 咯 。 oh no|like this|only then|suddenly realized|really|is|more dangerous than|shaving head|particle indicating finality Oh dear, only then did I suddenly realize, it really is more dangerous than getting a haircut. 於是 劉備 就 叫 孔明同 佢 一齊 返去 樊口 罷喇 。 then|Liu Bei|then|called||him|together|return to|Fankou|stop it So Liu Bei called Kong Ming to go back to Fankou together. 之 孔明 不慌不忙 噉 話 : 我而家 雖然 身在 虎口 , 不過 安如泰山 。 possessive particle|Kongming|unhurriedly|like that|said|I right now|although|am in|tiger's mouth (dangerous situation)|but|as safe as Mount Tai Kong Ming calmly said: Although I am currently in the tiger's den, I am as safe as Mount Tai. 主公 你 返到 去 , 就 準備 定 船隻 軍馬 。 Your Majesty|you|return|home|then|prepare|ready|ships|cavalry My lord, when you return, just prepare the ships and horses. 等到 十一月 二十 甲子日 , 就 請 你 派子 龍駛 一隻 小船 , 嚟 南岸 等 我 , 千萬 唔 好 失誤 。 wait until|November|20th|day of the Jiazi|then|please|you|send|Longsi|one|small boat|come|south bank|wait|me|by all means|||make a mistake When the day of the 20th of November arrives, please send your son Long to drive a small boat to the south bank to wait for me, and make sure not to make any mistakes. 孔明 噉 樣 講法 , 劉備 就 一 啲 都 唔 明白 啊 , 就 問 佢 咩 意思 啦 。 Zhuge Liang|like this|way|speaking|Liu Bei|then|one|a little|at all|not|understand|ah|then|asked|him|what|meaning|particle Kong Ming spoke in such a way that Liu Bei didn't understand at all, so he asked him what it meant. 孔明 話 : 只要 見到 東南風 一起 , 我 哋 一定 返 嚟 㗎 喇 。 Kongming|said|as long as|sees|southeast wind|together|we|plural marker|definitely|||sentence-final particle|past action particle Kong Ming said: As long as the southeast wind rises, we will definitely return. 劉備 仲 係 莫名其妙 噃, 佢 想 再 問 清楚 但 係 孔明 就 唔 肯講 。 Liu Bei|still|is|inexplicable|particle|he|wants|again|ask|clearly|but|is|Kongming|then|not|willing to speak Liu Bei was still confused; he wanted to ask for clarification again, but Kong Ming was unwilling to explain. 只 係 催促 佢 快 啲 開船 , 講完 , 自己 就 上岸 返扯 嘞 。 ||urged|he|||to set sail|after finishing speaking|he himself|then|got off the boat||past tense particle He only urged him to hurry and set sail, and after saying that, he went ashore to pull the boat. 噉 啊 劉備 佢 哋 開船 行 咗 幾里 咁 上下 , 忽然 見到 喺 上游 啊 有 五六十隻 船 㗾㗾 聲駛 緊落 嚟 。 like this|particle|Liu Bei|he|plural marker|set sail|travel|past tense marker|several miles|so|up and down|suddenly|saw|at|upstream|particle|there are|fifty to sixty|boats|fast||| So Liu Bei and the others sailed for a few miles, when suddenly they saw fifty or sixty boats coming down from upstream. 當先 一隻 船 , 喺 船頭 有 一員大將 , 打橫 揸 住 支 長矛 企響 處 。 first|a|boat|at|bow|has||sideways|holding|with|a|spear|standing in|place At the front of a ship, there is a general standing with a long spear. 嚱 唔 使 我講 , 你 哋 都 會 諗 到 呢 個 係 邊個 㗎 啦 , 張飛 吖 嘛 。 ah|not|need||you|plural marker|all|will|think|of|this|classifier|is|who|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle|Zhang Fei|ah|particle indicating obviousness You don't need me to say it, you all know who this is, right? It's Zhang Fei. 事關 佢 係 怕 劉備 有 咩 嘢 唔 妥當 , 關雲長 獨力 難支 , 故此 就 特意 趕 嚟 接應 。 regarding|he|is|afraid|Liu Bei|has|any|thing|not|appropriate|Guan Yu|alone||therefore|then|specially|hurry|come|assist The reason is that he is worried something might happen to Liu Bei, and Guan Yu is struggling alone, so he specially rushed over to assist. 而家 見到 大哥 平安無事 噉 就 放心 啦 。 now|see|elder brother|safe and sound|like this|then|rest assured|sentence-final particle Now that he sees his elder brother safe and sound, he can relax. 於是 三 兄弟 一齊 返去 營寨 , 呢 啲 呢 都 不在話下 喇 。 then|three|brothers|together|returned|camp|these|plural marker|these|all|no need to mention|sentence-final particle So the three brothers return to the camp together, and that's that. 而家返 轉頭 講下 周瑜 , 佢 送走 咗 劉備 就 返到 入 去 中軍帳 , 魯肅 就 問 佢 : |later|talk about|Zhou Yu|he|sent away|past tense marker|Liu Bei|then|returned|into|the|central army tent|Lu Su|then|asked|him Now let's go back and talk about Zhou Yu. After he sent Liu Bei away, he returned to the central army tent, and Lu Su asked him: 都督 既然 已經 氹 到 劉備 嚟 嘞 , 點解 又 唔 逳 手 呢 先頭 ? Governor|since|already|tricked|to|Liu Bei|come|past tense particle|why|again|not|let go|hand|question particle|first "Since the governor has already lured Liu Bei here, why not take action first?" 哎呀 , 魯 大夫 , 你 知道 嘛 ? 關雲長 乃 係 當代 嘅 虎將 。 oh no|Dr|Lu|you|know|question particle|Guan Yu|is|is|contemporary|possessive particle|tiger general "Oh, Lu Daifu, do you know? Guan Yunchang is a fierce general of our time." 佢 同 劉備 一行 一坐 , 寸步不離 。 He|with|Liu Bei|one group|one seat|never apart "He is always by Liu Bei's side, never leaving an inch." 我 如果 一 逳 手 , 佢 實 殺 我 㗎 嘛 。 I|if|one|die|hand|he|really|kill|me|particle|particle "If I take action, he would definitely kill me." 哦 , 原來 噉 啊 ! oh|so|like that|ah Oh, so that's how it is! 誒 就 噉 樣 , 周瑜 想 殺 劉備 嘅 詭計 就 失敗 喇 。 eh|then|like this|situation|Zhou Yu|wanted|to kill|Liu Bei|possessive particle|scheme|then|failed|past tense particle Ah, in that case, Zhou Yu's plot to kill Liu Bei has failed.

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