Aus den Bergen kommend
go out
salir de la oscuridad a un trabajo en el gobierno
sortir de l'anonymat pour obtenir un poste au sein du gouvernement
sair da obscuridade para um emprego público
Выходя из гор
вийти з невідомості на державну роботу
在 夜半三更 过 天桥 从来 不敢 回头 看
I never dare to look back when I cross the flyover in the middle of the night
Non ho mai osato guardarmi indietro quando ho attraversato un ponte nel cuore della notte.
白日 里 是 车水马龙 此时 脚下 是 忘川
In the daytime, it is full of traffic, and now it is Wangchuan at the foot
Di giorno c'è il traffico e ora, sotto i vostri piedi, c'è un fiume di dimenticanza.
我 独自 走过 半山腰 山间 野狗 来 作伴
I walked alone halfway up the mountain with wild dogs for company
Camminavo da solo, a metà della montagna, e un cane selvatico è venuto a farmi compagnia.
层林尽染 百舸流 秋风 吹过 鬼门关
The layers of forest are dyed with hundreds of rivers, the autumn wind blows through the gate of hell
Le foreste si tingono, le barche scorrono e i venti autunnali soffiano attraverso la porta fantasma.
一瞬 三年五载 品粗 茶 食 淡饭
In a flash, three years and five years, crude tea and light rice
Un momento, tre anni, cinque anni, una tazza di tè, una ciotola di riso.
六界 八荒 四海 无人 与 我 来 叫板
Six realms, eight deserts and four seas, no one will challenge me
Non c'è nessuno al mondo, nessuno nei quartieri del mondo, che possa tenermi testa.
人间 荒唐 古怪 竹林 外 有 书斋
There is a study outside the bamboo forest
Il mondo umano, ridicolo, strano, fuori dalla foresta di bambù, c'è una libreria.
匿于 此地 畅快 偏 来者不善 善者不来
Hide here and enjoy yourself, those who come here are not good, those who are not good will not come
Qui, qui, qui, qui, qui, qui, qui, qui, qui, qui, qui, qui, qui, qui, qui, qui, qui.
是 我 装模作样 在 瞎掰
It's me pretending to be nonsense
Sono io, me lo sto inventando man mano.
还是 他们 本 就 心怀鬼胎
Or are they evil?
O forse hanno un secondo fine?
有人 不知悔改 迷雾 中 混淆黑白
Some people confuse black and white in the fog of repentance
Alcune persone sono impenitenti e, nella nebbia, si confondono con il bianco e il nero.
在 情怀 里 市侩 旁人 不敢 来 拆穿
In the feelings of a philistine, others dare not come to expose
In fondo, siamo mercenari e nessuno osa scomporsi.
看似 时来运转 实则 在 顶风 作案
It seems that the time is changing, but it is actually committing crimes against the wind
待 曲终 又 人散 这 一出 还有 谁 在 围观
When the song is over and people leave, who else is watching this episode?
在 凡尘 修炼 二十载 听闻 水能 滴石 穿
I have been cultivating in the mortal world for 20 years, I heard that water can drop stones
帝王 豪杰 风云变幻 敌不过 桑田沧海
Emperors, heroes, changing circumstances, no match for the vicissitudes of life
我 不 关心 谁 的 江山 只 眷恋 两小无猜
I don't care who's country is, I just miss my childhood sweetheart
兴风作浪 不 稀罕 只身 固守 峨眉山
It is not uncommon to make waves and stick to Mount Emei alone
一瞬 三年五载 品粗 茶 食 淡饭
Three years and five years in a flash
六界 八荒 四海 无人 与 我 来 叫板
Six realms, eight deserts and four seas, no one will challenge me
人间 荒唐 古怪 竹林 外 有 书斋
There is a study outside the bamboo forest, which is ridiculous and weird in the world
匿于 此地 畅快 偏 来者不善 善者不来
Hide here and enjoy yourself, those who come here are not good, those who are not good will not come
是 我 装模作样 在 瞎猜
I'm pretending to be guessing
还是 他们 本 就 心怀鬼胎
Or are they evil?
有人 不知悔改 迷雾 中 混淆黑白
Some people confuse black and white in the fog of repentance
在 情怀 里 市侩 旁人 不敢 来 拆穿
In the feelings of a philistine, others dare not come to expose
看似 时来运转 实则 在 顶风 作案
It seems that the time is changing, but it is actually committing crimes against the wind
待 曲终 又 人散 这 一出 还有 谁 在 围观
When the song is over and people leave, who else is watching this episode?
静悄悄 配 唠唠叨叨
Quietly with chatter
随便 瞧瞧 我 凑 凑热闹
just watch me join in the fun
客串 也 别 太 潦草
Don't be too sloppy in guest appearances
吃 的 生 蚝 要 蘸 个 酱料
Oysters should be dipped in a sauce
悄悄 你 唠唠叨叨
quietly you nagging
随便 瞧瞧 你 凑 的 热闹
听到 你 做 个 记号
hear you make a mark
请 装进 书包 别 四处 招摇
Please put it in your school bag and don't flaunt it around
有人 迷途知返
someone lost
便是 苦尽甘来
it's hard work
一瞬 三年五载
Three years and five years in a flash
这 曲终 又 人散
This song ends again
合作 音乐 人 :王胜 男
音乐 制作:BachBeats
录音师 :种旭
混音 /母带 处理 :钻石 狗 音乐 工作室 (北京)
专辑 封面设计 :姜 小海