절망의 나날, 여덟 번째-104
of despair|days|eighth|104
Tage der Verzweiflung, Achte-104
Дни отчаяния, восьмой-104
Days of Despair, Eighth - 104
절망의 나날, 여덟 번째
of despair|days|eighth|th
Days of Despair, Eighth
이름은 김숙희가 사용하려든 빠이추이후이로 하고 경력은 우잉의 것으로 사용하면 되겠다는 생각이 들었다.
the name|Kim Sook-hee|was going to use|Bai Chui Hui|and|experience|Wooing's|as|if used|would be|thought|came
I thought that I could use the name Kim Sook-hee and the career of Woo Ying.
이름과 경력을 따로따로 사용하면 제아무리 철저하게 추적해도 찾아낼 수가 없을 것이 틀림없었다.
name|career|separately|if used|no matter how|thoroughly|even if tracked|find||not|thing|was certain
If I used the name and career separately, there was no doubt that no matter how thoroughly they tracked, they would not be able to find me.
제일 어렵고 힘든 문제가 결정되자 내 마음은 한결 가벼웠다.
the most|difficult|hard|problem|was decided|my|heart|much|was lighter
When the most difficult and challenging problem was decided, my heart felt much lighter.
남조선 려객기 폭파 사건에 대해서는 절대로 관계없는 일이라고 잡아떼면 된다는 마음이었다.
South Korean|passenger|bombing|incident|regarding|absolutely|unrelated|matter|deny|should be|was mindset
I thought that I could just deny any connection to the South Korean passenger plane bombing incident.
그렇게 작정을 하고 나니 기운도 좀 나고 희망감도 생겨났다.
like that|determination|and|after|energy|a little|came|sense of hope|arose
Once I made that decision, I felt a bit more energized and hopeful.
건강도 빨리 회복되는 듯했다.
It seemed like my health was recovering quickly.
몸이 많이 회복되자 간호사들은 우유로 된 즙을 입에 처넣다시피 억지로 먹였다.
the body|a lot|recovered|the nurses|with milk|made|juice|into the mouth|as if putting|forcibly|fed
As my body recovered a lot, the nurses forced me to drink a milk-based juice.
나는 별 저항 없이 마지못해 그것을 받아 먹었다.
I reluctantly accepted it without any resistance.
그리고 몇 시간이 지나자 간호사들은 나를 일으켜 앉히고 얼굴을 닦아 주고 머리를 빗겼다.
and|few|hours|passed|the nurses|me|lifting|sitting|face|wiping|giving|hair|combed
After a few hours, the nurses helped me sit up, wiped my face, and combed my hair.
푸른색 환자복으로 갈아 입힌 후 밀차(휠체어)에 태워 밖으로 끌고 나갔다.
blue|patient gown|changing|dressed|after||||putting|outside|pulling|went out
After changing me into a blue patient gown, they put me in a wheelchair and took me outside.
밀차에 태울 때는 수갑을 채워 밀차에 련결시켰다.
to the cart|put|when|handcuffs|putting on|to the cart|was secured
When putting me in the wheelchair, they handcuffed me and secured me to the chair.
병실 내에서도 화장실 갈 때는 수갑 한쪽을 여자 경찰 손목에 채웠고 간호사는 내 팔을 부축하면서 꼼짝할 수 없게 했다.
hospital room|even in|bathroom|go|when|handcuff|to one side|female|police|to the wrist|was attached|the nurse|my|arm|supporting|moving|possibility|not|did
Even in the hospital room, when going to the bathroom, they handcuffed one side to the female police officer's wrist, and the nurse supported my arm, making it impossible for me to move.
창피스러운 이야기지만 용변을 보는 일도 여자경찰과 함께 해야 하는 지경이었다.
embarrassing|story|bathroom|using|matter|with the female police officer|together|have to|do|was situation
It's an embarrassing story, but I had to go to the bathroom with a female police officer.
한 손을 사용할 수 없었기 때문에 간호사가 휴지를 떼어서 전해 주곤 했다.
one|hand|using|able|not having|because|nurse|tissue|tearing off|handing|would|did
Since I couldn't use one hand, the nurse would tear off some toilet paper and hand it to me.
정말 살다살다 별꼴도 다 본다는 식의 일들이 나에게 나날이 일어나고 있었다.
really|living|strange things|all|seeing|kind of|events|to me|day by day|happening|was
I was experiencing all sorts of bizarre situations that one could encounter in life, day by day.
그들의 철두철미한 감시는 내가 생각해도 대단스러울 정도였다.
their|thorough|surveillance|I|even think|remarkable|was
Their thorough surveillance was impressive, even to me.
내가 기회만 있으면 자결하리라는 속마음을 이미 훤히 읽은 듯했다.
I|only opportunity|if I have|to commit suicide|inner thoughts|already|clearly|read|seemed
It seemed like they had already read my mind that I would take my own life if given the chance.
갈수록 태산이었다.
as time goes on|was a mountain
It was getting more and more like a mountain.
밀차에 실려 밖으로 나오니 해는 중천에 떠 있고 눈이 너무 부셔서 눈을 감아 버릴 정도로 쾌청한 날씨였다.
on the mill cart|being carried|outside|when I came out|the sun|at its zenith|floating|is|the light|too|dazzling|my eyes|closing|to the point of||clear|was weather
As I was carried out on a cart, the sun was high in the sky, and the weather was so clear that it was blinding, making me squint.
밝은 햇살이 유리 파편마냥 눈을 찔러대는 통에 도무지 눈을 뜰 수가 없었다.
bright|sunlight|glass|like a shard|eye|piercing|due to|at all|eye|open||was not
The bright sunlight was piercing my eyes like shards of glass, making it impossible to open them.
얼마 만에 보는 바깥 풍경인지 감회가 새로웠다.
how much|after|seeing|outside|scenery|feelings|was new
I couldn't remember how long it had been since I last saw the outside scenery, and it felt fresh.
아마 정오쯤 되는 것 같았다.
probably|around noon|is|thing|seemed
It seemed to be around noon.
맑디 맑은 날씨를 대하며 알 수 없는 야릇한 감정에 휩싸였다.
very clear|clear|weather|facing|unknown|possibility|not having|strange|emotion|was engulfed
I was engulfed in an unknown strange feeling while facing the clear and bright weather.
나는 침대에 누워서 온 세상이 끝난 것 같은 캄캄한 심정으로 나날을 보냈는데 바깥 세상은 예나 다름없이 여전히 찬란한 풍경으로 존재하고 있었다.
I|in bed|lying down|whole|world|ended|thing|like|dark|in spirit|days|was spending|outside|world|as always|without change|still|brilliant|as a landscape|existing|was
I spent my days lying in bed with a dark heart as if the whole world had ended, while the outside world continued to exist in its splendid scenery just as before.
절망에 젖어 있는 내 위치와는 무관하게 세상은 돌아가고 있는 것이다.
in despair|soaked|being|my|position|regardless of|the world|is turning|is|is
Regardless of my position soaked in despair, the world kept turning.
변해 있는 것은 나뿐임을 깨닫고 나니 이 세상에서 나 혼자만 뚝 떨어져 나온 것 같은 소외감에 견딜 수가 없었다.
changing|being|thing||realizing|when|this|in the world||only|suddenly|separated|coming out|thing|like|in alienation|enduring||was not
Realizing that only I had changed, I could not bear the feeling of isolation as if I had fallen completely away from this world.
그 밝고 환한 햇살이 나에게 안겨준 것은 래일에 대한 희망이 아니었으며 더 캄캄한 절망감뿐이었다.
that|bright|radiant|sunlight|to me|gave|thing|to tomorrow|about|hope|was not|more|dark|was only despair
The bright and radiant sunlight did not bring me hope for tomorrow, but rather a deeper sense of despair.
‘난 이제 어떻게 되는 것일까?
I|now|how|becoming|will it be
'What will happen to me now?
남들은 다 이 밝고 명랑한 천지에서 마음껏 활보하며 살아가는데 나는 어두컴컴한 땅 속에 묻힐지, 햇빛 하나 없는 감옥에서 보낼지, 알 길이 없으니 답답하기만 했다.
others|all|this|bright|cheerful|in the world|freely|walking around|living|I|dark|ground|inside|will be buried|sunlight|one|not having|in prison|will spend|know|way|not having|only frustrating|was
'While everyone else is living freely in this bright and cheerful world, I have no idea whether I will be buried in a dark land or spend my days in a prison without a single ray of sunlight, and it only makes me feel frustrated.
밀차에 태워진 채 이런저런 생각에 빠져 있는데 갑자기 남자 경찰들이 달려들어 내 얼굴에 바레인 사람들이 터번으로 사용하는 붉은 격자 무늬의 수건을 씌웠다.
on the cart|being carried|while|various|in thought|immersed|I was|suddenly|male|police officers|rushed in|my|face|Bahrain|people|as a turban|using|red|checkered|patterned|towel|placed on
Lost in various thoughts while being carried on a cart, suddenly male police officers rushed in and covered my face with a red checkered cloth that people in Bahrain use as turbans.
그런 다음 번쩍 안아서 차에 쓸어넣고는 양 옆에서 팔짱을 끼어 꼼짝 못하게 붙들었다.
that|next|suddenly|picking up|into the car|putting|both|from the side|arms|crossing|moving|unable to|held
Then they swiftly picked me up and threw me into the car, holding me tightly with their arms crossed on both sides so I couldn't move.
붉은 수건을 둘러씌우는 순간 나를 처형장으로 끌고가는 게 아닌가 하는 공포감으로 몸을 떨었다.
red|towel|wrapping|moment|me|to the execution site|taking|thing|not|that|with fear|body|trembled
At the moment the red cloth was wrapped around me, I trembled with fear, thinking they were taking me to the execution ground.
기회만 있으면 자결하리라 하던 이성적인 생각과는 달리 죽는다는 두려움은 인간의 본능인 것 같았다.
if there is an opportunity|if|I will commit suicide|was|rational|thought|unlike|dying|fear of|human|instinct|thing|seemed
Contrary to the rational thought of saying I would take my own life if given the chance, the fear of dying seemed to be a human instinct.
두려움 끝에는 슬픔이 밀어닥쳤다.
fear|at the end|sadness|rushed in
At the end of fear, sadness rushed in.
차는 시내를 지나 한적한 도로를 달리고 있음을 느낌으로 알 수 있었다.
the car|through the city|passing|quiet|road|driving|was|by feeling|knowing|possibility|was
I could feel that the car was passing through the city and driving on a quiet road.
얼마를 달리다가 몇 번 모퉁이를 돌더니 높은 울타리가 처져 있고 경비가 삼엄한 1층 건물 안으로 데리고 들어갔다.
how much|while running|several|times|corner|turned|high|fence|was set up|and|security|strict|first floor|building|inside|taking|went in
After driving for a while and turning a few corners, we were taken into a one-story building surrounded by a high fence and with tight security.
옆에 앉아 있던 경찰이 수건을 벗겨 주며 ‘폴리스 오피스’라고 작은 소리로 가르쳐 주었다.
next to|sitting|was|police|towel|removing|while|'police|office'|small|in a voice|teaching|gave
The police officer sitting next to me removed the towel and quietly pointed out that it was the 'police office.'
내가 들어간 방은 침대와 책상이 놓여 있었다.
I|entered|room|with bed|desk|was placed|was
The room I entered had a bed and a desk.
방 분위기를 보는 순간 이제부터 본격적인 조사가 시작된다는 것을 직감했다.
room|atmosphere|seeing|moment|from now on|full-scale|investigation|is starting|thing|I sensed
The moment I observed the atmosphere of the room, I instinctively felt that the serious investigation was about to begin.
나레이션 : 대남공작원 김현희의 고백, 랑독에 박수현이였습니다.
narration|South Korean agent|Kim Hyun-hee's|confession|in the dialogue|was Park Soo-hyun
Narration: The confession of the South Korean agent Kim Hyun-hee, it was Park Soo-hyun in the reading.
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