추석 ⎟ episode 𝟙𝟠 (shortened)
Chuseok ⎟ Folge 𝟙𝟠 (gekürzt)
Chuseok ⎟ episode 𝟙𝟠 (shortened)
Chuseok ⎟ episodio 𝟙𝟠 (abreviado)
Chuseok ⎟ épisode 𝟙𝟠 (abrégé)
Episodio Chuseok ⎟ 𝟙𝟠 (abbreviato)
お盆 ⎟ episode 𝟙𝟠 (短縮)
Chuseok ⎟ aflevering 𝟙𝟠 (ingekort)
Chuseok ⎟ episódio 𝟙𝟠 (abreviado)
Chuseok ⎟ episode 𝟙𝟠 (сокращенно)
Chuseok ⎟ bölüm 𝟙𝟠 (kısaltılmış)
안녕하세요, 희야 한국어, 희야입니다.
한국의 대표적인 명절을 아시나요?
|representative|traditional holidays|do you know
Do you know the typical Korean holiday?
네, 맞아요.
Yes, that's right.
설날과 추석이죠.
Lunar New Year|is Chuseok
Lunar New Year and Chinese New Year.
올해 9월 10일 토요일이 바로 추석입니다!
Chuseok falls on Saturday, September 10 this year!
추석은 한국의 주요 연휴이자 민족 최대의 명절입니다.
Chuseok||major|long weekend|ethnic|biggest|major holiday
||||etnia popolo||
Chuseok ist ein wichtiger Feiertag in Südkorea und das größte Volksfest des Landes.
Chuseok is a major Korean holiday and the largest national holiday.
Chuseok es una de las principales fiestas coreanas y el mayor festival nacional.
Chuseok est un jour férié important en Corée du Sud et la plus grande fête nationale du pays.
근데 여러분, 혹시 주변에 한국 사람들이 있다면 작년 추석 날짜를 기억하냐고 한번 물어보세요.
|||around||people|if|last year||date|remember||ask
By the way, if you have Korean people around you, ask them if they remember the date of Chuseok last year.
Por cierto, si tienes coreanos cerca, pregúntales si recuerdan la fecha del Chuseok del año pasado.
D'ailleurs, si vous avez des Coréens dans votre entourage, demandez-leur s'ils se souviennent de la date du Chuseok de l'année dernière.
아마 99%는 기억이 안 난다고 할 거예요.
||memory||won't come||I will
I'd say 99% of the time I don't remember.
Diría que el 99% de las veces no me acuerdo.
Je dirais que dans 99 % des cas, je ne m'en souviens pas.
왜냐하면 추석은 매년 날짜가 바뀌거든요.
|Chuseok|every year|date|changes
This is because the date of Chuseok changes every year.
Esto se debe a que la fecha de Chuseok cambia cada año.
En effet, la date de Chuseok change chaque année.
추석은 음력 8월 15일로 매년 날짜가 달라요.
|lunar calendar||on||date|varies
|lunar calendar|||||
Chuseok falls on August 15th of the lunar calendar and falls on a different date each year.
추석에는 추석 전날, 당일, 다음 날 이렇게 3일 연휴가 있고요.
Chuseok||the day before|the day|the next|day|||long weekend|
|||the day||||||
Chuseok has a three-day holiday: the day before, the day of, and the day after.
Chuseok tiene tres días libres: el día antes, el día de y el día después de Chuseok.
그래서 한국 사람들은 새해가 되면 제일 먼저 달력을 보고 ‘올해 추석이 언제지?
|||New Year||||calendar||this year|Chuseok|when
|||||||the calendar||||
So the first thing people in Korea do when it's a new year is look at the calendar and ask, 'When is Chuseok this year?
En Corée, la première chose que l'on fait lorsque l'on entre dans une nouvelle année, c'est de regarder le calendrier et de demander : "C'est quand Chuseok cette année ?
무슨 요일이지?' 이렇게 휴일을 확인하는데요.
|what day||holiday|confirm
I'm checking for holidays, like, "What day is it?
올해는 추석이 주말이라서 대체공휴일로 하루 더 쉽니다.
|||als Ersatzfeiertag|||arbeitet
this year|Chuseok|because it's the weekend|on the substitute holiday|one day|one more|rest
|||substitute holiday|||
Dieses Jahr fällt das chinesische Neujahrsfest auf ein Wochenende, so dass wir einen zusätzlichen freien Tag für einen alternativen Feiertag haben.
This year, Thanksgiving falls on a weekend, so we have an extra day off for an alternative holiday.
Este año, el Año Nuevo Chino cae en fin de semana, por lo que tenemos un día libre más para disfrutar de un día festivo alternativo.
여기서 팁 하나를 드리자면, 여러분이 가을에 한국 여행을 계획한다면, 추석 연휴 때 서울을 둘러보는 것도 좋을 것 같아요.
|Tipp||geben würde||||||||||||||
here|tip||I||in the fall|||plan||holiday||Seoul|exploring||||
|||말씀드리자||||||||||sightseeing in||||
Here's a tip: if you're planning a trip to Korea in the fall, you might want to explore Seoul during the Chuseok holiday.
Un consejo: si planea un viaje a Corea en otoño, es buena idea visitar Seúl durante la festividad de Chuseok.
Un conseil : si vous prévoyez un voyage en Corée à l'automne, vous devriez explorer Séoul pendant les vacances de Chuseok.
추석 연휴 때는 대부분 사람들이 고향으로 돌아가서 서울이 평소와는 달리 좀 여유롭고 한적하거든요.
||||||||anders als sonst||ein bisschen|entspannt|ruhig
|holiday|during|most||to hometown|go back|Seoul|than usual|differently||relaxed|is quiet
||||||||usual|다른||relaxed and|quiet
During Chuseok, most people go back to their hometowns, so Seoul is a little more relaxed and quiet than usual.
Durante el Chuseok, la mayoría de la gente regresa a sus lugares de origen, por lo que Seúl está un poco más relajada y tranquila de lo habitual.
Pendant Chuseok, la plupart des gens retournent dans leur ville d'origine. Séoul est donc un peu plus détendue et plus calme que d'habitude.
추석은 풍년을 기원하기 위해 생겼다고 합니다.
Chuseok|bumper harvest|to wish|in order to|is said to have originated|
Chuseok|abundant harvest|기원하기 위해|||
Chuseok is said to be a celebration of a good harvest.
Se dice que Chuseok se celebraba para rezar por una buena cosecha.
On dit que Chuseok a été créé pour prier pour une bonne récolte.
여기서 풍년은 농사가 잘되는 것을 의미해요.
|bumper crop|farming|prosperous||means
In diesem Zusammenhang bedeutet eine gute Ernte ein gutes Landwirtschaftsjahr.
In this context, a good harvest means a good farming season.
En este contexto, una buena cosecha significa un buen cultivo.
가을에 추수를 하기 전에 곡식을 미리 걷어서 감사의 의미로 조상님께 제사를 지냈는데요.
|Ernte|||Getreide|im Voraus|geerntet||Bedeutung|den Ahnen|Opferfest|hatte
in the fall|harvest|||grain||harvest|gratitude|meaning|to our ancestors|offering|held
Im Herbst, vor der Ernte, wurde das Getreide vorgewalkt und den Ahnen zum Dank geopfert.
In the fall, before the harvest, grain was pre-winnowed and sacrificed to the ancestors in thanksgiving.
Antes de la cosecha de otoño, el grano se labraba previamente y se sacrificaba a los antepasados en acción de gracias.
À l'automne, avant la récolte, les céréales étaient précultivées et sacrifiées aux ancêtres en guise de remerciement.
이렇게 명절에 지내는 제사를 ‘차례'라고 하고, 이 차례상에는 밥과 국, 과일, 채소, 고기 요리, 떡과 술 등의 다양한 음식을 올립니다.
||verbringt||"Charye"|||auf dem Altar||||||||||||
|on holidays|celebrating|ancestral rites|ancestral rite|||offering table|rice|soup|fruit|vegetables||cooking|rice cakes||and other|various||offer
|the holiday|||ritual|||the ritual table||||||||||||
These festive rituals are called "turns," and they include rice and soup, fruits, vegetables, meat dishes, rice cakes, and alcoholic beverages.
Estos rituales festivos se conocen como "turn", e incluyen arroz y sopa, frutas, verduras, platos de carne, pasteles de arroz y bebidas alcohólicas.
このようにお正月に行う祭祀を「お 차례」といい、このお膳には、ご飯や汁物、果物、野菜、肉料理、餅やお酒など様々な食べ物を置きます。
요즘도 추석날 아침에 이렇게 차례를 지내는 사람들이 있어요.
these days|Chuseok day|||ceremony||people|
Some people still do this on Chuseok morning.
Algunas personas todavía hacen esto en la mañana de Chuseok.
그리고 밤에는 보름달을 보면서 소원을 빌기도 하는데요...
and|at night|the full moon|while watching|wish|make|doing
||||소원을|소원을 빌다|
||luna piena||||
Und nachts wünsche ich mir etwas, während ich den Vollmond beobachte...
And at night, we look at the full moon and make wishes...
Y por la noche, pido deseos mirando la luna llena...