7.1 오줌싸개
7.1 Pinkelpads
7.1 Pee Pee
7.1 Pipi
7.1 おしっこ
7.1 撒尿
어렸을 때 자다가 요에 지도를 그린 적이 누구에게나 한 번 쯤은 있을 것이다.
when|when|falling asleep|while|map|drew|time|to anyone|one|time|at least|would|will be
When I was a child, I'm sure that everyone who drew a map while sleeping at least once.
아이들은 이런 실수를 하고 엄마에게 야단을 맞을까 봐 무서워서 걱정을 한다.
children|like this|mistake|do|to mom|scolding|get scolded|to see|scared|worry|worry
Children worry because they are afraid of making such a mistake and being scolded by their mother.
또 어떻게 할까 고민하다가 이불로 살짝 덮어 놓고 몰래 학교에 가거나 물을 흘린 것처럼 쏟아 놓기도 한다.
|how|shall|hesitating|with a blanket|lightly|cover|put|secretly|to school|go|water|spilled|as|spill|spill|do
Also, while thinking about what to do, they cover lightly with a blanket and secretly go to school or pour water into it.
한국에서는 오줌을 가릴 나이가 된 아이들이 그런 실수를 하면 키를 씌우고 바가지를 들고 이웃집에 가서 소금을 받아 오게 했다.
in Korea|urine|cover|age|become|children|such|mistake|do|height|scold|lid|holding|next door|go|salt|receive|brought|made
In Korea, when children who were old enough to urinate made such a mistake, they put their heights on them, ripped them off, and had them go to a neighbor's house to get salt.
소금은 나쁜 기운을 쫓아버리고 더러운 것을 깨끗하게 해주는 힘이 있다고 믿었기 때문이다.
salt|bad|energy spirit|chase away|dirty|thing|clean|help|power|has|believed|because
Salt was believed to have the power to dispel bad energy and cleanse dirty things.
키를 쓰고 바가지를 들고 동네를 돌아 다니면 요에 오줌 쌌다는 것을 동네 사람들이 다 알게 되는데 그것은 참 부끄러운 일이었다.
key|writing|bowl|holding|neighborhood|around|go|with|urine|leaked|thing|neighborhood|people|around|become aware|becomes|it|true|embarrassing|was
When I wander around the town with my keys and gourds, everyone in the town finds out that I was pissed on, which was a shame.
아주머니들은 소금을 주시면서 다시는 오줌 싸지 말라고 야단을 치셨다.
the ladies|salt|while giving|never|urine|urinate|not to|scold|scold
The aunts gave me salt and scolded me not to pee again.
동네 아이들은 뒤를 따라다니며 하루 종일 놀렸다.
the neighborhood|the children|after|following|all day|all day|played
The neighborhood children followed and made fun all day.
여자 아이들이 키를 쓰고 소금을 얻으러 다니는 모습은 자주 볼 수 없었지만 남자 아이들에게는 흔한 일이었다.
girls||height|writing|salt|to get|walking|appearance|often|see|to|was not|boys|to the children|common|was
I rarely see girls wearing keys and going for salt, but it was a common occurrence for boys.
아이들이 오줌을 싸면 어른들은 불장난을 했냐고 물어보기도 했다.
When children pee, adults even asked if they were playing with fire.
불장난을 하면 흥분되고 매우 긴장하게 된다.
fireplay|when|get excited|very|become tense|becomes
Playing with fire makes you excited and very nervous.
또 너무 재미있어서 시간 가는 줄 모르고 오래 놀게 된다.
again|too|because it's fun|time|passing|line|without realizing|for a long time|have fun|ends up
It's also so much fun that I don't know how time is going and I play for a long time.
그래서 불장난을 한 후에는 너무 피곤해서 오줌을 싸는 것도 모르고 잔다.
|prank||||so tired|urinate|urinate|don't even know|without knowing|fall asleep
So after playing with fire, I am so tired that I don't even know how to pee.
그래서 어른들은 "불장난하지 마라. 불장난하면 오줌 싼다" 는 말을 자주 하셨다.
|adults|play with fire|do|play with fire|pee|pee|subject marker|word|often|said
So adults say, "Don't play with fire. "If you play with fire, you'll pee."
세탁기도 없던 때에 큰 이불 빨래는 보통 일이 아니었다.
washing machine|nonexistent|when|big|blanket|blankets|usually|task|was not
When there was no washing machine, big blanket laundry was no ordinary business.
추운 겨울에 차가운 물로 빨래를 하고 나면 손은 꽁꽁 얼고 그 이불을 말리는데 며칠이나 걸렸다.
cold|in the cold|cold|with cold water|laundry|washing|after|hands|frozen|froze|it|blanket|drying|how many days|took
After doing the laundry with cold water in the cold winter, it took several days for the hands to freeze and dry the quilt.
그래서 어른들은 아이들에게 한 번 크게 창피를 주어오줌 싸는 버릇을 고치게 하려고 했다.
|adults||||loud|embarrassment|give|picking|habit|to fix|to fix|tried
So adults tried to break the habit of giving children a big shame once.
키를 쓰고 바가지를 들고 이웃집에 소금을 얻으러 가는 것은 두 번 다시 하고 싶지 않은 일이기 때문이다.
key|using|bowl|holding|to the neighbor's house|salt|to get||thing||||doing|want|unwilling|thing|because
It's because I don't want to do it again to go to my neighbor's house to get salt with my keys and a rip-off.