Unit 15: Situation Dialogue 2
Texteinheit 15: Situationsdialog 2
Unit 15: Situation Dialog 2
Unidad 15: Diálogo de situación 2
Unité 15 : Dialogue de situation 2
Unità 15: Dialogo sulla situazione 2
Unidade 15: Diálogo de situação 2
Enhet 15: Situationsdialog 2
Ünite 15: Durum Diyaloğu 2
현우: 우리 내일 뭐 할까?
Hyunwoo|we, our|tomorrow|what|shall we
현우: Was sollen wir morgen machen?
Hyunwoo: What shall we do tomorrow?
민준: 글쎄.
|you know
민준: Na ja.
Minjun: Well.
날씨 좋으면 자전거 타러 갈까?
weather|if it's nice|bicycle|to ride|go
Wenn das Wetter gut ist, sollen wir Fahrrad fahren?
Do you want to go cycling if the weather is nice?
현우: 자전거?
현우: Fahrrad?
Hyunwoo: Bicycle?
is good
근데 어디로?
but|where to
Aber wohin?
민준: 세인트 킬다 어때?
|Saint|Saint Killda|how about
민준: Wie wäre es mit Saint Kilda?
Minjun: How about St Kilda?
현우: 세인트 킬다?
현우: Saint Kilda?
Hyunwoo: St Kilda?
근데 비가 오면 어떻게 하지?
||it rains||should
Aber was machen wir, wenn es regnet?
What do you do when it rains?
민준: 글쎄, 뭘 할까?
|you know||should
Minjun: Hmm, was könnten wir tun?
Minjun: Well, what do you do?
그건 그때 생각하자.
that|back then|let's think
To||Let's think
Lass uns das dann entscheiden.
Let's think about it then.
Pensaremos sobre isso mais tarde.