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Nuntii Latini (September 2006 - ...), 06-11-03


Lula praesidens iterum factus

02.11.2006, klo 16.37

Praesidens Brasiliae iterum electus est Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Quam manifestam victoriam suffragii die Dominico habiti reportaverit, inde patet, quod sententiarum unam et sexaginta centesimas (61%) sibi paravit, cum adversarius eius Geraldo Alcmin votorum nonnisi undequadraginta centesimas (39%) consequeretur.

Ita fit, ut Lula da Silva, candidatus factionis operariorum, etiam proximo quadriennio Brasiliae praesideat.

Iam populo suo promisit incrementum oeconomicum se praesidente quinque centesimarum fore.

(Reijo Pitkäranta)

Castro in publicum prodiit

02.11.2006, klo 16.37

Fidel Castro, praesidens Cubae octoginta annos natus, postquam morbo implicatus diu latuit, rursus in publicum prodiit itaque ostendit se adhuc in vivis esse.

Apparuit enim septimana vergente in televisione statali Cubana, ubi veste gymnastica indutus in telephonum loquens et acta diurna legens videbatur.

Idem publice affirmavit se ex enterotomia sibi mense Iulio facta in dies convalescere.

(Reijo Pitkäranta)

De opibus energiae Australiae

02.11.2006, klo 16.36

In Victoria, civitate Australiae, electrificina pneumatica aedificabitur, quae in hemisphaera meridiana omnium maxima erit.

Praeterea in Australia ergasterium solare construetur, cum moderatores huius continentis maxime nitantur, ut ante annum bis millesimum sextum decimum (2016) decem centesimae electricitatis Australiae ex opibus energiae renascentibus gignantur.

(Reijo Pitkäranta)

Lingua Hibernica in UE officialis

02.11.2006, klo 16.36

Vetus sermo Hibernicus, quo gentes Gallorum sive Celtarum olim loquebantur, anno proximo ineunte una e linguis Unionis Europaeae officialibus evadet.

Hoc consilium non solum omnibus Irlandis magno gaudio est, sed etiam eis laetitiam parat, qui iam metuebant, ne illa lingua historica omnino emoreretur.

In Irlandia sive Hibernia hodie circiter quattuor miliones incolarum sunt, quorum tertius quisque se linguam Hibernicam aliquatenus callere opinatur.

(Reijo Pitkäranta)

Nova murium species inventa

02.11.2006, klo 16.34

In Europa et quidem in Cypro nova mammalium species inventa est.

Investigatores enim, cum ibi in ululis perscrutandis occupati essent, in quendam murem novi generis inciderunt, cui postea nomen scientificum Mus cypriacus inditum est.

Dicitur hic rosor maiore capite, grandioribus dentibus caudaque longiore praeditus esse quam Mus musculus, quo nomine mus domesticus in zoologia nuncupatur.

(Reijo Pitkäranta)

Manuale bene se gerendi

02.11.2006, klo 16.33

Magistratus Sinenses non ita pridem manuale quoddam ediderunt, quo civibus Sinensibus praecepta se bene gerendi dantur.

Quo opere eis admonentur, ut, cum peregre sint, voce gravi loquantur et purgamenta in receptaculis diligenter ponant neve in agminibus prorumpant.

Dubium non est, quin hic liber ad famam Sinensium peregre sarciendam conscriptus sit.

(Tom Bergman)

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06-11-03 06.11.03 06-11-03 06-11-03 2003 年 6 月 11 日 11/06/03 06-11-03

Lula praesidens iterum factus Lula|president|again|elected Лула снова стал президентом Lula has been made president again

02.11.2006, klo 16.37 at 02.11.2006, 4:37 PM

Praesidens Brasiliae iterum electus est Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. President|of Brazil|again|elected|is|Luiz|Inacio|Lula|of|Silva Луис Инасио Лула да Силва был переизбран президентом Бразилии. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has been elected president of Brazil again.

Quam manifestam victoriam suffragii die Dominico habiti reportaverit, inde patet, quod sententiarum unam et sexaginta centesimas (61%) sibi paravit, cum adversarius eius Geraldo Alcmin votorum nonnisi undequadraginta centesimas (39%) consequeretur. how|clear|victory|of the vote|day|Sunday|held|he/she/it will have reported|from there|it is evident|that|of votes|one|and|sixty|percent|to himself/herself/itself|prepared|when|opponent|his|Gerald|Alcmin|of votes|only|forty|percent|he/she/it would have obtained О явной победе, которую он одержал на воскресном голосовании, свидетельствует тот факт, что он набрал шестьдесят один процент (61%) голосов, в то время как его оппонент Джеральдо Алкмин получил только сорок девять процентов (39%) голосов. It is clear from the manifest victory of the ballot held on Sunday that he secured one hundred and sixty-one percent (61%) of the votes, while his opponent Geraldo Alckmin only managed thirty-nine percent (39%).

Ita fit, ut Lula da Silva, candidatus factionis operariorum, etiam proximo quadriennio Brasiliae praesideat. Thus|it happens|that|Lula|of|Silva|candidate|of the party|workers|also|next|four-year term|of Brasília|presides Так получилось, что Лула да Силва, кандидат от Рабочей партии, также будет президентом Бразилии в течение следующих четырех лет. Thus, Lula da Silva, the candidate of the workers' party, will also preside over Brazil for the next four years.

Iam populo suo promisit incrementum oeconomicum se praesidente quinque centesimarum fore. Now|people|his|promised|economic growth|economic|himself|president|five|percent|to be Он уже пообещал своему народу экономический рост в пять процентов во время своего президентства. He has already promised his people that under his presidency, there will be an economic growth of five percent.

(Reijo Pitkäranta) Reijo|Pitkäranta (Reijo Pitkäranta)

Castro in publicum prodiit Castro|in|public|appeared Castro appeared in public.

02.11.2006, klo 16.37 at 02.11.2006, at 16:37.

Fidel Castro, praesidens Cubae octoginta annos natus, postquam morbo implicatus diu latuit, rursus in publicum prodiit itaque ostendit se adhuc in vivis esse. Fidel|Castro|president|of Cuba|eighty|years|old|after|illness|affected|for a long time|hid|again|in|public|appeared|and so|showed|himself|still|in|the living|to be Фидель Кастро, восьмидесятилетний президент Кубы, долгое время скрывавшийся из-за болезни, снова появился на публике и тем самым показал, что он еще жив. Fidel Castro, the president of Cuba, aged eighty, after being ill and hiding for a long time, appeared in public again and thus showed that he is still alive.

Apparuit enim septimana vergente in televisione statali Cubana, ubi veste gymnastica indutus in telephonum loquens et acta diurna legens videbatur. It appeared|for|week|ending|on|television|state|Cuban|where|clothing|athletic|dressed|in|telephone|speaking|and|newspaper|daily|reading|was seen Фактически, на прошлой неделе он появился на кубинском государственном телевидении, где его видели разговаривающим по телефону и читающим газету в спортивной форме. He appeared last week on Cuban state television, where he was seen speaking on the phone and reading the newspaper while dressed in gym clothes.

Idem publice affirmavit se ex enterotomia sibi mense Iulio facta in dies convalescere. He|publicly|affirmed|himself|from|enterotomy|to him|in the month of|July|having been done|within|days|to recover Он также публично заявил, что восстанавливается после энтеротомии, выполненной ему в июле. He publicly stated that he is recovering day by day from the enterotomy he underwent in July.

(Reijo Pitkäranta) Reijo|Pitkäranta (Reijo Pitkäranta)

De opibus energiae Australiae On|resources|energy|of Australia On the energy resources of Australia

02.11.2006, klo 16.36 at 02.11.2006, 4:36 PM

In Victoria, civitate Australiae, electrificina pneumatica aedificabitur, quae in hemisphaera meridiana omnium maxima erit. In|Victoria|city|of Australia|electric plant|pneumatic|will be built|which|in|hemisphere|southern|of all|largest|will be В Виктории (Австралия) будет построена пневматическая электростанция, которая станет крупнейшей из всех в южном полушарии. In Victoria, a state of Australia, a pneumatic electrification will be built, which will be the largest in the southern hemisphere.

Praeterea in Australia ergasterium solare construetur, cum moderatores huius continentis maxime nitantur, ut ante annum bis millesimum sextum decimum (2016) decem centesimae electricitatis Australiae ex opibus energiae renascentibus gignantur. Furthermore|in|Australia|factory|solar|will be built|when|policymakers|of this|continent|mostly|rely|so that|before|year|two|thousand|sixth|tenth|ten|percent|electricity|of Australia|from|resources|energy|renewable|will be generated Кроме того, в Австралии будет построена солнечная ферма, поскольку администраторы этого континента стремятся к 2016 году производить десять процентов электроэнергии Австралии из возобновляемых источников энергии. Furthermore, a solar power plant will be constructed in Australia, as the leaders of this continent strive to ensure that by the year 2016, ten percent of Australia's electricity will be generated from renewable energy sources.

(Reijo Pitkäranta) Reijo|Pitkäranta (Reijo Pitkäranta)

Lingua Hibernica in UE officialis Language|Irish|in|EU|official The Irish language is official in the EU.

02.11.2006, klo 16.36 at 02.11.2006, at 16:36

Vetus sermo Hibernicus, quo gentes Gallorum sive Celtarum olim loquebantur, anno proximo ineunte una e linguis Unionis Europaeae officialibus evadet. Old|language|Irish|in which|peoples|of the Gauls|or|of the Celts|once|spoke|year|next|beginning|one|of|languages|of the Union|European|official|will disappear Старый ирландский язык, на котором когда-то говорили галлы и кельты, в начале следующего года станет одним из официальных языков Евросоюза. The old Irish language, which the peoples of Gaul or the Celts once spoke, will become one of the official languages of the European Union next year.

Hoc consilium non solum omnibus Irlandis magno gaudio est, sed etiam eis laetitiam parat, qui iam metuebant, ne illa lingua historica omnino emoreretur. This|decision|not|only|to all|Irish|great|joy|is|but|also|to them|happiness|prepares|who|already|were fearing|that|that|language|historical|completely|would die out Это решение является большой радостью не только для всего ирландского народа, но и для тех, кто уже боялся, что этот исторический язык вообще вымрет. This decision is not only a great joy to all Irish people, but it also brings happiness to those who were already fearing that this historical language would completely die out.

In Irlandia sive Hibernia hodie circiter quattuor miliones incolarum sunt, quorum tertius quisque se linguam Hibernicam aliquatenus callere opinatur. In|Ireland|or|Hibernia|today|approximately|four|million|inhabitants|are|of whom|third|each|himself|language|Irish|to some extent|to know|is thought В Ирландии сегодня проживает около четырех миллионов жителей, каждый третий из которых считает, что в той или иной степени владеет ирландским языком. In Ireland or Hibernia today, there are about four million inhabitants, of whom every third believes they have some knowledge of the Irish language.

(Reijo Pitkäranta) Reijo|Pitkäranta (Reijo Pitkäranta)

Nova murium species inventa New|of mice|species|discovered A new species of mouse has been discovered

02.11.2006, klo 16.34 at 02.11.2006, at 16:34

In Europa et quidem in Cypro nova mammalium species inventa est. In|Europe|and|indeed|in|Cyprus|new|of mammals|species|discovered|is В Европе и на Кипре обнаружен новый вид млекопитающих. In Europe, and indeed in Cyprus, a new species of mammals has been discovered.

Investigatores enim, cum ibi in ululis perscrutandis occupati essent, in quendam murem novi generis inciderunt, cui postea nomen scientificum Mus cypriacus inditum est. The investigators|for|when|there|in|owls|investigating|occupied|were|in|a certain|mouse|new|species|they encountered|to which|afterwards|name|scientific|Mouse|Cypriot|given|is Ибо исследователи, когда они были заняты поиском нор, наткнулись на некую мышь нового вида, которой позже дали научное название Cypriacus mouse. The researchers, while they were busy examining the owls there, came across a certain mouse of a new species, which was later given the scientific name Mus cypriacus.

Dicitur hic rosor maiore capite, grandioribus dentibus caudaque longiore praeditus esse quam Mus musculus, quo nomine mus domesticus in zoologia nuncupatur. It is said|here|rat|larger|head|larger|teeth|and tail|longer|endowed|to be|than|Mouse|mouse|||mouse|domestic|in|zoology|is named Говорят, что у этой мыши голова больше, зубы крупнее и хвост длиннее, чем у Mus musculus, которым в зоологии называют домашнюю мышь. It is said that this mouse has a larger head, bigger teeth, and a longer tail than Mus musculus, which is the name given to the domestic mouse in zoology.

(Reijo Pitkäranta) Reijo|Pitkäranta (Reijo Pitkäranta)

Manuale bene se gerendi Manual|well|oneself|of conducting A manual for good behavior.

02.11.2006, klo 16.33 at 02.11.2006, at 16:33

Magistratus Sinenses non ita pridem manuale quoddam ediderunt, quo civibus Sinensibus praecepta se bene gerendi dantur. The authorities|Chinese|not|so|long ago|manual|a certain|published|by which|citizens|Chinese|instructions|themselves|well|conducting|are given Не так давно китайские власти опубликовали инструкцию, в которой китайским гражданам даны инструкции, как хорошо себя вести. The Chinese authorities have recently published a certain manual, in which instructions are given to Chinese citizens on how to behave well.

Quo opere eis admonentur, ut, cum peregre sint, voce gravi loquantur et purgamenta in receptaculis diligenter ponant neve in agminibus prorumpant. by what|work|them|are admonished|that|when|abroad|they are|voice|serious|they speak|and|waste|in|receptacles|diligently|they place|nor|in|crowds|they rush out Этим произведением им напоминают, что, находясь за границей, следует говорить тяжелым голосом и аккуратно складывать мусор в контейнеры или врываться в поезда. In this work, they are reminded to speak in a serious voice when abroad and to carefully place waste in receptacles and not to break ranks.

Dubium non est, quin hic liber ad famam Sinensium peregre sarciendam conscriptus sit. Doubt|not|is|that|this|book|for|the reputation|of the Chinese|abroad|to be repaired|written|is Нет сомнения, что эта книга была написана для распространения славы китайцев за рубежом. There is no doubt that this book has been written to restore the reputation of the Chinese abroad.

(Tom Bergman) Tom|Bergman (Tom Bergman)

SENT_CWT:AFkKFwvL=4.04 PAR_TRANS:gpt-4o-mini=2.73 en:AFkKFwvL openai.2025-02-07 ai_request(all=47 err=0.00%) translation(all=37 err=0.00%) cwt(all=371 err=1.08%)