6. Dicebas quondam, Lesbia - Icebreaker
you were saying|||
6. Du hast einmal gesagt: „Lesbia – Eisbrecherin“.
6. You said once, Lesbia - Icebreaker
6. Vous avez dit un jour : Lesbia – brise-glace
1 dicebas quondam, Lesbia,
you said||
te nosse solum Catullum,
|to know|only|Catullus
to know you only Catullus,
2 nec velle
nor|to want
nor to wish
tenere Iovem prae me .
to hold|Jupiter|before|
to hold Jupiter before me.
3 dilexi te tum
I loved||
I loved you then
non tantum ut vulgus amicam,
not|only|as|the crowd|girlfriend
not only as the common people love a friend,
4 sed ut pater diligit gnatos et generos.
but as a father loves his sons and daughters-in-law.
5 nunc cognovi te :
now|I have known|
quare etsi uror impensius ,
why|even if|I burn|more intensely
6 tamen mi es
6 however you are to me
multo vilior et levior.
much cheaper and lighter.
7 qui potis est?
7 who is able?
you inquire
quod talis iniuria
that such an injury
8 cogit amantem amare magis,
thinks||to love|
8 compels a lover to love more,
9 sed bene velle minus.
9 but to wish well less.