Jø Nesbø - Hodejegerne Part 12
Jø|Nesbø|The Head Hunters|Part
Jo Nesbø - The Headhunters Part 12
Jeg telte menn med slips.
I counted men with ties.
Det var som regel de som kjøpte.
They were usually the ones who bought.
Kvadratmeterprisen på Nørums verker lå for tiden på rundt femti tusen.
price per square meter|at|Nørum's|works|was|for|time|at|around|fifty|thousand
The price per square meter at Nørum's works was currently around fifty thousand.
Med femtifem prosent kommisjon til galleriet skulle det ikke så mange salgene til før dette ble en lukrativ aften.
with|fifty-five|percent|commission|to|the gallery|should|it|not|so|many|sales|until|before|this|became|a|lucrative|evening
With fifty-five percent commission to the gallery, it wouldn't take many sales before this became a lucrative evening.
Sagt på en annen måte; det burde helst bli det, det var langt mellom Nørum-ene.
Said in another way; it should preferably be that way, there was a long way between the Nørums.
Folk strømmet inn gjennom døra nå, og jeg måtte flytte meg for å gi dem adgang til champagnebrettet.
people|streamed|in|through|the door|now|and|I|had to|move|myself|to|to|give|them|access|to|the champagne table
People were streaming in through the door now, and I had to move to give them access to the champagne tray.
Jeg ruslet mot min kone og Nørum for å fortelle ham hvilken nesegrus beundrer jeg var.
I strolled towards my wife and Nørum to tell him what a breathless admirer I was.
En overdrivelse, selvfølgelig, men ikke direkte ljug, fyren var utvilsomt god.
a|exaggeration|of course|but|not|directly|lie|guy|was|undoubtedly|good
An exaggeration, of course, but not a direct lie, the guy was undoubtedly good.
Men idet jeg skulle til å rekke frem hånden, ble kunstneren overfalt av en spyttsprutende mann han tydeligvis kjente fra før, og dratt bort til en knisende og åpenbart tissetrengt kvinne.
but|as|I|was about to|to|to|reach|forward|hand|was|artist|attacked|by|a|spitting|man|he|obviously|knew|from|before|and|dragged|away|to|a|giggling|and|obviously|needing to pee|woman
But just as I was about to reach out my hand, the artist was assaulted by a spitting man he clearly knew from before, and dragged away to a giggling and obviously desperate woman.
«Det ser bra ut,» sa jeg og stilte meg ved siden av Diana.
"It looks good," I said as I stood next to Diana.
«Hei, elskling.» Hun smilte ned til meg før hun vinket til tvillingjentene at de skulle gå en runde til med fingermaten.
Hi|darling|she|smiled|down|to|me|before|she|waved|to|the twin girls|that|they|would|go|a|round|to|with|finger food
"Hey, darling." She smiled down at me before she waved to the twin girls to go around again with the finger food.
Sushi var ut, men jeg hadde foreslått den nye cateringservicen til Algerie, franskinspirert nordafrikansk, veldig hot.
sushi|was|out|but|I|had|suggested|the|new|catering service|to|Algeria|French-inspired|North African|very|hot
Sushi was out, but I had suggested the new catering service from Algeria, French-inspired North African, very hot.
I dobbel forstand.
In a double sense.
Men jeg så at hun igjen hadde bestilt fra Bagatelle.
But I saw that she had ordered from Bagatelle again.
Godt det også, bevares.
Good that too, mind you.
Og tre ganger så dyrt.
And three times as expensive.
«Gode nyheter, kjære,» sa hun og smøg en hånd inn i min.
"Good news, dear," she said and slipped a hand into mine.
«Husker du jobben for det firmaet i Horten du fortalte meg om?»
remember|you|the job|for|that|company|in|Horten|you|told|me|about
"Do you remember the job for that company in Horten you told me about?"
Hva med den?»
What about that one?
«Jeg har funnet den perfekte kandidaten.»
"I have found the perfect candidate."
Jeg så mildt overrasket på henne.
I looked at her mildly surprised.
Som hodejeger benyttet jeg naturligvis fra tid til annen Dianas kundeportefølje og omgangskrets som telte mange næringslivsledere.
as|headhunter|used|I|naturally|from|time|to|another|Diana's|client portfolio|and|social circle|which|counted|many|business leaders
As a headhunter, I naturally used Diana's client portfolio and social circle, which included many business leaders, from time to time.
Og uten dårlig samvittighet, det var tross alt jeg som finansierte dette pengesluket.
and|without|bad|conscience|it|was|despite|all|I|who|financed|this|money pit
And without any guilt, after all, it was I who financed this money pit.
Det uvanlige var at Diana selv hadde kommet med en konkret kandidat til en konkret stilling.
The unusual thing was that Diana herself had come up with a specific candidate for a specific position.
Diana tok meg under armen, lente seg nærmere og hvisket: «Han heter Clas Greve.
Diana|took|me|under|arm|leaned|herself|closer|and|whispered|he|is called|Clas|Greve
Diana took me by the arm, leaned closer, and whispered: "His name is Clas Greve.
Nederlandsk far, norsk mor.
Dutch father, Norwegian mother.
Eller omvendt.
or|the other way around
Or the other way around.
Uansett, han sluttet å jobbe for tre måneder siden og har akkurat flyttet til Norge for å pusse opp et hus han har arvet.
regardless|he|he stopped|to|work|for|three|months|ago|and|he has|just|moved|to|Norway|to|to|renovate|up|a|house|he|he has|inherited
Anyway, he stopped working three months ago and has just moved to Norway to renovate a house he has inherited.
Han var toppsjef for et av Europas største firmaer på GPS-teknologi i Rotterdam.
He was the CEO of one of Europe's largest companies in GPS technology in Rotterdam.
Han var medeier til de ble kjøpt opp av amerikanere i vår.»
He was a co-owner until they were bought by Americans this spring."
«Rotterdam,» sa jeg og tok en slurk av champagnen.
||||||||le champagne
Rotterdam|said|I|and|took|a|sip|of|the champagne
"Rotterdam," I said and took a sip of the champagne.
«Hva heter firmaet?»
what|is called|the company
"What is the name of the company?"
Jeg holdt på å hoste champagnen opp igjen.
I|held|on|to|cough|the champagne|up|again
I was about to cough the champagne back up.
Er du sikker?»
"Are you sure?"
«Og denne greven var toppsjef?
And|this|count|was|top boss
"And this count was the top boss?"
Som i toppsjef?»
"Like as in CEO?"
«Han heter Greve, jeg tror ikke han faktisk er …»
he|is called|Count|I|think|not|he|actually|is
"His name is Greve, I don't think he actually is..."
«Ja da, ja da, har du nummeret til fyren?»
yes|then|yes|then|have|you|the number|to|the guy
"Yes, yes, do you have the guy's number?"
Jeg stønnet.
I groaned.
Pathfinder hadde nevnt det firmaet som deres forbilde i Europa.
Pathfinder|had|mentioned|it|the company|that|their|role model|in|Europe
Pathfinder had mentioned that company as their role model in Europe.
Akkurat som Pathfinder var nå, hadde HOTE vært en liten teknologibedrift som spesialiserte seg på å levere GPS-teknologi til forsvarsindustrien i Europa.
||||||||||||se spécialisait||||||||||
just|as|Pathfinder|was|now|had|HOTE|been|a|small|technology company|that|specialized|itself|in|to|deliver|||to|defense industry|in|Europe
Just like Pathfinder was now, HOTE had been a small technology company specializing in providing GPS technology to the defense industry in Europe.
En tidligere toppsjef derfra ville rett og slett være perfekt.
a|former|top executive|from there|would|right|and|simply|be|perfect
A former top executive from there would simply be perfect.
Og det hastet.
and|it|was urgent
And it was urgent.
Alle rekrutteringsfirmaer sier at de utelukkende tar oppdrag de får eksklusivitet på, fordi det er en forutsetning for å kunne jobbe seriøst og systematisk.
all|recruitment firms|say|that|they|exclusively|take|assignments|they|get|exclusivity|on|because|it|is|a|prerequisite|to|to|be able to|work|seriously|and|systematically
All recruitment firms say that they only take on assignments for which they have exclusivity, because it is a prerequisite for being able to work seriously and systematically.
Men om gulroten bare er stor og oransje nok, når brutto årslønn begynner å nærme seg sjusifrede beløp, firer alle på prinsippene.
||carotte|||||||||||||||||||les principes
but|if|the carrot|only|is|big|and|orange|enough|when|gross|annual salary|starts|to|approach|itself|seven-figure|amounts|lower|everyone|on|the principles
But if the carrot is just big and orange enough, when the gross annual salary starts to approach seven-figure amounts, everyone compromises on their principles.
Og sjefsjobben hos Pathfinder var veldig stor, veldig oransje og veldig konkurranseutsatt.
and|the boss job|at|Pathfinder|was|very|big||orange|and||competitive
And the CEO job at Pathfinder was very big, very orange, and very competitive.
Oppdraget var plassert hos tre rekrutteringsfirmaer; Alfa, ISCO og Korn/Ferry International.
the assignment|was|placed|at|three|recruitment firms|Alfa|ISCO|and||Ferry|International
The assignment was placed with three recruitment firms; Alfa, ISCO, and Korn/Ferry International.
Tre av de beste.
Three of the best.
Derfor handlet ikke dette bare om penger.
therefore|it was about|not|this|only|about|money
Therefore, this was not just about money.
Når vi jobber på no cure, no pay-basis, får vi først et engangsbeløp til å dekke kostnadene og så et beløp hvis kandidaten vi presenterer oppfyller kravene vi er blitt enige med kunden om.
when|we|work|on|no|cure|no|||get|we|first|a|one-time amount|to|to|cover|costs|and|then|an|amount|if|candidate|we|present|meets|requirements|we|are|been|agreed|with|customer|about
When we work on a no cure, no pay basis, we first receive a one-time payment to cover costs and then an amount if the candidate we present meets the requirements we have agreed upon with the client.
For å få den virkelige betalingen må kunden imidlertid faktisk ansette den vi anbefaler for dem.
However, to receive the actual payment, the client must actually hire the person we recommend to them.
Fett nok, men det dette virkelig, __virkelig__, dreide seg om var enkelt: Å vinne.
Cool enough, but what this really, really was about was simple: Winning.
Kongen på haugen.
King of the hill.
platform shoes
Platform shoes.
Jeg lente meg mot Diana.
I leaned towards Diana.
«Hør, kjære, dette er viktig.
"Listen, dear, this is important.
Aner du i det hele tatt hvor jeg kan få tak i ham?»
do I know|you|in|it|whole|at all|where|I|can|get|hold|on|him
Do you have any idea where I can find him?"
Hun lo.
She laughed.
«Du er så søt når du blir ivrig, elskling.»
"You are so cute when you get excited, darling."
«Vet du hvor …»
"Do you know where ..."
of course
"Of course."
«Hvor, hvor?»
"Where, where?"
«Han står der borte.» Hun pekte.
he|stands|there|over there|she|pointed
"He is standing over there." She pointed.
Foran et av Nørums ekspressive bilder – en blødende mann iført bondagehette – sto en slank, rak og dresskledd skikkelse.
in front of|a|of|Nørum's|expressive|paintings|a|bleeding|man|wearing|bondage hood|stood|a|slim|straight|and|dressed in a suit|figure
In front of one of Nørum's expressive paintings – a bleeding man wearing a bondage hood – stood a slender, upright figure in a suit.
Spotlyset ble reflektert i den blanke, solbrune skallen hans.
the spotlight|was|reflected|in|the|shiny|sun-tanned|skull|his
The spotlight was reflected in his shiny, sun-tanned bald head.
Han hadde harde, knudrete blodårer i tinningen.
he|had|hard|knotted|veins|in|the temple
He had hard, knotted veins in his temple.
Dressen var skreddersydd, Savile Row, antok jeg.
the suit|was|tailored|Savile|Row|I assumed|I
The suit was tailored, Savile Row, I assumed.
Skjorte uten slips.
Shirt without a tie.
«Skal jeg hente ham, elskling?»
"Should I fetch him, darling?"
Jeg nikket og så etter henne.
I nodded and looked for her.
Gjorde meg klar.
Got myself ready.
Noterte meg hans nådige bukk da Diana henvendte seg og pekte.
I noted his gracious bow as Diana addressed and pointed.
De kom mot meg.
They came towards me.
Jeg smilte, men ikke for bredt, strakte ut hånden litt før han kom frem, men ikke for tidlig.
I|smiled|but|not|too|wide|stretched|out|hand|a little|before|he|came|forward|but|not|too|early
I smiled, but not too widely, stretched out my hand a little before he came forward, but not too early.
Hele kroppen vendt mot ham, blikket på hans.
My whole body turned towards him, my gaze on his.
Syttiåtte prosent.
Seventy-eight percent.
«Roger Brown, gleder meg.» Jeg uttalte begge navnene som engelske.
"Roger Brown, nice to meet you." I pronounced both names as English.
«Clas Greve, gleden er på min side.»
Clas|Greve|the joy|is|on|my|side
"Clas Greve, the joy is on my side."
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