Jože se je ob sobotah zbujal zgodaj.
Jože|himself|past tense auxiliary verb|on|Saturdays|woke up|early
Jože woke up early on Saturdays.
Običajno je pogledal ven, da bi preveril vreme.
He usually looked outside to check the weather.
Pogosto je videl, da je vreme lepo in sončno.
He often saw that the weather was fine and sunny.
Ko je bilo tako, se je Jože običajno odločil, da gre na plažo.
When|was|like this|this|himself|he|Jože|usually|decided|to|go|to|the beach
When this was the case, Jože usually decided to go to the beach.
Do plaže je bilo približno uro vožnje z avtom.
To|the beach|was|about|approximately|hour|drive|by|car
The beach was about an hour's drive away.
Vedno, ko je odšel, je najprej iskal svoje kopalke.
Always|when|he|left|he|first|looked for|his|swimsuit
Whenever he left, the first thing he did was look for his swimsuit.
Kopalke je vedno težko našel.
Bathing suits are always hard to find.
Običajno jih je na koncu našel v svoji omari.
Usually|them|was|at|the end|found|in|his|closet
He usually ended up finding them in his wardrobe.
Včasih se je zgodilo, da je vreme, ko je bil pripravljen na odhod, že postalo oblačno!
Sometimes|(reflexive particle)|(past tense auxiliary verb)|happened|that|(past tense auxiliary verb)|weather|when|(past tense auxiliary verb)|was|ready|for|departure|already|became|cloudy
Sometimes it happened that by the time he was ready to leave, the weather had already turned cloudy!
Potem je upal, da bo na plažo odšel naslednji dan.
Then|he|hoped|that|he will|to|beach|go|next|day
Then he hoped to go to the beach the next day.
Sedaj pa ista zgodba, povedana na drugačen način.
Now the same story told in a different way.
Ob sobotah se zbujam zgodaj.
On|Saturdays|myself|wake up|early
I wake up early on Saturdays.
Navadno pogledam ven, da preverim vreme.
I usually look outside to check the weather.
Pogosto opazim, da je vreme lepo in sončno.
Often|I notice|that|is|weather|nice|and|sunny
I often notice that the weather is nice and sunny.
Ko je tako, se običajno odločim, da grem na plažo.
When|is|like this|I|usually|decide|to|go|to|the beach
When that's the case, I usually decide to go to the beach.
Do plaže je približno uro vožnje z avtom.
To|the beach|is|approximately|hour|drive|by|car
The beach is about an hour's drive away.
Vsakič, ko se odpravim, najprej iščem svoje kopalke.
Every time|when|myself|leave|first|I look for|my|swimsuit
Every time I go, the first thing I look for is my swimsuit.
Vendar kopalke vsakič težko najdem.
However|swimsuit|every time|hard|I find
But it's hard to find a swimsuit every time.
Navadno jih na koncu najdem v svoji omari.
Usually|them|at|the end|I find|in|my|closet
I usually end up finding them in my wardrobe.
Včasih se zgodi, da vreme, ko sem pripravljen na odhod, že postane oblačno.
Sometimes|(reflexive particle)|happens|that|weather|when|I am|ready|for|departure|already|becomes|cloudy
Sometimes, by the time I'm ready to leave, the weather is already cloudy.
Potem upam, da grem na plažo naslednji dan.
Then|I hope|that|I go|to|the beach|next|day
Then I hope to go to the beach the next day.
Ena: Jože se je ob sobotah zbujal zgodaj.
One|Jože|himself|past tense auxiliary verb|on|Saturdays|woke up|early
Se je Jože ob sobotah zbujal pozno?
Did Jože wake up late on Saturdays?
Ne, Jože se je ob sobotah zbujal zgodaj.
No|Jože|himself|past tense auxiliary verb|on|Saturdays|woke up|early
No, Jože woke up early on Saturdays.
Dva: Jože je pogledal ven, da bi preveril vreme.
Two: Jože looked outside to check the weather.
Kaj je Jože naredil, da bi preveril vreme?
What|(past tense verb auxiliary)|Jože|did|to|(conditional auxiliary)|check|weather
What did Jože do to check the weather?
Jože je pogledal ven, da bi preveril vreme.
Jože|(past tense verb marker)|looked|outside|to|(conditional particle)|check|weather
Jože looked outside to check the weather.
Tri: Vreme je bilo pogosto lepo in sončno.
Three: the weather was often fine and sunny.
Je bilo vreme sončno?
Da, vreme je bilo pogosto lepo in sončno.
Štiri: Jože se je odločil, da gre na plažo.
Four|Jože|himself|past tense auxiliary verb|decided|to|goes|to|beach
Kaj se je odločil narediti Jože?
What|reflexive pronoun|past tense auxiliary verb|decided|to do|Jože
Jože se je odločil, da gre na plažo.
Jože|himself|past tense auxiliary verb|decided|to|goes|to|beach
Pet: Do plaže je bilo približno uro vožnje z avtom.
The pet|To|the beach|was|about|an hour|hour|drive|by|car
Kje je bila plaža?
Where was the beach?
Do plaže je bilo približno uro vožnje z avtom.
To|the beach|was|about|approximately|hour|drive|by|car
Šest: Jože je najprej iskal svoje kopalke.
Six|Jože|was|first|looking for|his|swimsuit
6: First, Jože was looking for his swimsuit.
Kaj je Jože najprej iskal?
What|is|Jože|first|looking for
Jože je najprej iskal svoje kopalke.
Jože|was|first|looking for|his|swimsuit
Sedem: Pogosto ne more najti svojih kopalk.
Ali vedno najde svoj kopalke?
Ne, pogosto ne more najti svojih kopalk.
No|often|not|can|find|his|swimming trunks
Osem: Jože svoje kopalke običajno na koncu najde v omari.
Eight|Jože|his|swimming trunks|usually|at|the end|finds|in|the closet
Kje Jože na koncu najde svoje kopalke?
Where|Jože|at|the end|finds|his|swimsuit
Jože svoje kopalke običajno na koncu najde v omari.
Jože|his|swimsuit|usually|at|the end|finds|in|the closet
Devet: Včasih vreme postane oblačno.
Ali je vreme vedno lepo in sončno?
Ne, vreme ni vedno lepo in sončno.
No|weather|is not|always|nice|and|sunny
Včasih vreme postane oblačno.
Deset: Jože upa, da bo jutri šel na plažo.
Kaj upa Jože?
Jože upa, da bo jutri šel na plažo.