希望 の 唄 - Ultratower
Lieder der Hoffnung - Ultratower
Song of Hope - Ultratower
Canciones de esperanza - Ultratower
Chants d'espoir - Ultratower
Canti di speranza - Ultratower
Canções de Esperança - Ultratower
Песни надежды - Ultratower
希望之歌 - 群塔
生まれ変わる 今 ここ で
be reborn|||
Wiedergeboren, hier und jetzt.
reborn here now
renascer aqui agora
仰いで いた 空 越えて いく
looking up|||beyond|
Ich habe in den Himmel geschaut. Ich gehe rüber.
I looked up The sky passed over
Eu atravesso o céu que eu estava olhando para cima
握り締めた 掌 の その 中 に 希望 が あった んだ
Ich hielt mich daran fest, und in meinen Händen lag die Hoffnung.
There was hope among those in the palm clenched
Havia esperança na palma da minha mão
目の前 に 広がる 景色 全部 が
in front of||spreads|||
Die gesamte Landschaft liegt vor mir.
All the scenery spreading in front of you
Todo o cenário que se espalha diante dos meus olhos
実は ちっぽけだった と 気付いた
Mir wurde klar, dass ich eigentlich ein winzig kleines Ding war.
I realized that I was actually tiny
Eu percebi que eu era realmente pequeno
例えば 君 と 出会えば 簡単に
Wenn ich Sie zum Beispiel treffen würde, wäre es einfach.
For example, when I meet you, it's easy
Por exemplo, quando eu te encontro, é fácil
世界 は ひっくり返る
||turns upside down
the world turns upside down
知ら ない こと だらけ で 笑えて くる な
|||full of|at|can laugh|starting to come|
It's full of things I don't know and it makes me laugh
Está cheio de coisas que eu não sei e isso me faz rir
まだまだ 先 に 行ける 証 だ
not yet|ahead||can go|proof|
It's proof that we can still go further
追いかけて た 遥 か 遠く
chasing||distant|far|far away
I was chasing you far away
eu estava perseguindo você longe
ゆずれ ない 思い も 連れて
cannot yield||||
Bring along the feelings you won't yield
Traga seus sentimentos inflexíveis
誰 も 知ら ない 頂 を 目指して いく 全て 懸けて
We're going to reach a summit that no one knows, and we're going to put everything we've got on the line.
あり ふれた もの に 隠れて る ような
Like hiding in plain sight.
Como estar escondido em coisas comuns
特別 を 見逃さ ない ように
Don't overlook the specials.
não perca o especial
例えば 見る 角度 を 変えて みれば
For example, if you change the angle from which you look at it.
違う 生き物 みたい
It's different. It's like it's alive.
大層で なくて いい よ 見栄 は 張ら ず に
It doesn't have to be grandiose, but it doesn't have to be pretentious.
Não precisa ser grande, não se exiba
その 日 その場で 出せる 最高 を
The best I can do on that day, right then and there.
O melhor que você pode fazer no local naquele dia
切り開いた 恐れ ず に
I cut through it, unafraid.
Abriu sem medo
新しい 景色 求めて
Seeking new scenery
意味付け と か 理屈 なんか 要ら ない んだ 思う まま に
There's no need for meaning or logic, just do what you want.
甘い 日 を 苦い 日 を 浴び ながら
Sweet days, while we bask in the bitterness of the sun.
Ao tomar banho nos dias amargos dos dias doces
僕ら 気付いて いく 学んで いく
We notice, we learn, we learn.
僕ら しか でき ない こと を
I'd like to do something that only we can do.
追いかけて た 遥 か 遠く
ゆずれ ない 思い も 連れて
誰 も 知ら ない 頂 に つまずいて 今
I've been chasing after it, far, far away, taking with me the thoughts that I can't shake, stumbling to the summit that no one knows, and now...
Eu tenho perseguido isso para longe, levando meus sentimentos inflexíveis Eu tropecei em um cume que ninguém conhece agora
生まれ変わる 何度 でも
I'll be reborn... again and again.
仰いで いた 空 越えて いく
握り締めた 掌 の その 中 に 希望 が あった んだ
I was looking up at the sky, and as I looked up at the sky, I saw hope in my clenched hands.