創世記 (口語訳 )-第十二章
Genesis|colloquial translation|chapter twelve
创世纪》(口语翻译)--第 12 章
Genesis (Colloquial Translation) - Chapter Twelve
第 十二 章
Chapter Twelve
12:1時 に 主 は アブラム に 言われた 、「あなた は 国 を 出て 、親族 に 別れ 、父 の 家 を 離れ 、わたし が 示す 地 に 行きなさい 。
time|at|the Lord|topic marker|Abram|to|said|you|topic marker|country|object marker|leave|relatives|to|separate|father|possessive particle|house|object marker|leave|I|subject marker|show|land|to|go
12:1 In quel tempo, il Signore disse ad Abramo: "Esci dal tuo paese, allontanati dalla tua parentela, lascia la casa di tuo padre e vai nel paese che ti mostrerò."
12:1 At that time, the Lord said to Abram, "Go out from your country, and from your relatives, and from your father's house, to the land that I will show you.
12:2わたし は あなた を 大いなる 国民 と し 、あなた を 祝福 し 、あなた の 名 を 大きく しよう 。
I|topic marker|you|object marker|great|people|and|make|you|object marker|bless|and|you|possessive particle|name|object marker|great|let's make
12:2 Io farò di te una grande nazione, ti benedirò e renderò famoso il tuo nome.
12:2 I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great.
あなた は 祝福 の 基 と なる であろう 。
you|topic marker|blessing|attributive particle|foundation|and|will become|will probably be
Tu sarai una benedizione.
You will be a blessing.
12:3あなた を 祝福 する 者 を わたし は 祝福 し 、あなた を のろう 者 を わたし は のろう 。
you|object marker|blessing|to bless|person|object marker|I|topic marker|blessing|and|you|object marker|to curse|person|object marker|I|topic marker|to curse
12:3 Colui che ti benedice, io lo benedirò, e colui che ti maledice, io lo maledirò.
12:3 I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you.
地 の すべて の や から は 、あなた に よって 祝福 される 」。
earth|attributive particle|all|attributive particle|and (non-exhaustive list)|from|topic marker|you|locative particle|by|blessing|will be given
Da te saranno benedette tutte le famiglie della terra.
And all the families of the earth will be blessed through you.
12:4アブラム は 主 が 言われた ように いで立った 。
Abram|topic marker|Lord|subject marker|said|as|stood out
||||||si alzò
12:4 Abramo partì come il Signore gli aveva comandato.
12:4 Abram went as the Lord had told him.
ロト も 彼 と 共に 行った 。
Lot went with him.
アブラム は ハラン を 出た とき 七十五 歳 であった 。
Abram|topic marker|Haran|object marker|left|when|seventy-five|years old|was
Abram was seventy-five years old when he left Haran.
12:5アブラム は 妻 サライ と 、弟 の 子 ロト と 、集めた すべて の 財産 と 、ハラン で 獲た 人々 と を 携えて カナン に 行こう と して いで立ち 、カナン の 地 に きた 。
Abram|topic marker|wife|Sarai|and|younger brother|possessive particle|son|Lot|and|gathered|all|attributive particle|possessions|and|Haran|at|caught|people|and|object marker|bringing|Canaan|locative particle|let's go|quotation particle|doing|set out|Canaan|possessive particle|land|locative particle|came
||||||||||ha raccolto|||beni||||acquistati||||portando|||andare|||partì|||||
12:5 Abramo partì con sua moglie Saraì, il figlio del fratello Lot, e con tutti i beni che aveva accumulato, e con le persone che aveva acquisito a Carran, per andare nella terra di Canaan. Arrivò nella terra di Canaan.
12:5 Abram set out to go to Canaan, taking his wife Sarai, his brother's son Lot, all the possessions they had gathered, and the people they had acquired in Haran.
12:6アブラム は その 地 を 通って シケム の 所 、モレ の テレビン の 木 の もと に 着いた 。
Abram|topic marker|that|land|object marker|passing|Shechem|attributive particle|place|Moreh|attributive particle|terebinth|possessive particle|tree|possessive particle|under|locative particle|arrived
12:6 Abramo attraversò quella terra e arrivò presso Sichem, al posto del grande albero di Morte.
12:6 Abram passed through the land as far as the site of Shechem, to the oak of Moreh.
そのころ カナン びと が その 地 に いた 。
at that time|Canaan|people|subject marker|that|land|locative particle|was
In quel periodo i cananei erano presenti in quella terra.
At that time, the Canaanites were in the land.
12:7時 に 主 は アブラム に 現れて 言われた 、「わたし は あなた の 子孫 に この 地 を 与えます 」。
time|at|the Lord|topic marker|Abram|to|appeared|said|I|topic marker|your|possessive particle|descendants|to|this|land|object marker|will give
12:7 Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, 'To your offspring, I will give this land.'
アブラム は 彼 に 現れた 主 の ため に 、そこ に 祭壇 を 築いた 。
Abram|topic marker|him|locative particle|appeared|Lord|possessive particle|for|locative particle|there|locative particle|altar|object marker|built
Abramo costruì un altare lì per il Signore che gli era apparso.
Abram built an altar there to the Lord who had appeared to him.
12:8彼 は そこ から ベテル の 東 の 山 に 移って 天幕 を 張った 。
he|topic marker|there|from|Bethel|attributive particle|east|attributive particle|mountain|locative particle|moved|tent|object marker|pitched
||||Betel|||||||||ha teso
12:8 Da lì si spostò sul monte a est di Betel e vi piantò la tenda.
12:8 He moved from there to the mountain east of Bethel and pitched his tent.
西 に は ベテル 、東 に は アイ が あった 。
west|at|topic marker|Betel|east|at|topic marker|Ai|subject marker|was
A ovest c'era Betel, a est c'era Ai.
To the west was Bethel, and to the east was Ai.
そこ に 彼 は 主 の ため に 祭壇 を 築いて 、主 の 名 を 呼んだ 。
there|at|he|topic marker|Lord|possessive particle|for|for|altar|object marker|built|Lord|possessive particle|name|object marker|called
There he built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord.
12:9アブラム は なお 進んで ネゲブ に 移った 。
Abram|topic marker|furthermore|advanced|Negev|locative particle|moved
||ancora|andò|Negev||si trasferì
12:9 Abram continuò a muoversi verso il Negheb.
12:9 Abram continued to move south toward the Negev.
12:10さて 、その 地 に ききん が あった ので アブラム は エジプト に 寄留 しよう と 、そこ に 下った 。
well|that|land|locative particle|famine|subject marker|there was|because|Abram|topic marker|Egypt|locative particle|stay|will stay|quotation particle|there|locative particle|descended
12:10 Ora, poiché c'era carestia in quella terra, Abram si decise a soggiornare in Egitto e scese lì.
12:10 Now there was a famine in the land, so Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there.
ききん が その 地 に 激しかった から である 。
famine|subject marker|that|land|locative particle|was severe|because|it is
|||||era stata violenta||
Poiché la carestia era stata violenta in quella terra.
This is because the famine was severe in that land.
12:11エジプト に は いろう と して 、そこ に 近づいた とき 、彼 は 妻 サライ に 言った 、「わたし は あなた が 美しい 女 である の を 知っています 。
Egypt|at|topic marker|will enter|quotation particle|and|there|locative particle|approached|when|he|topic marker|wife|Sarai|locative particle|said|I|topic marker|you|subject marker|beautiful|woman|is|attributive particle|object marker|know
||入ろう|||||si avvicinò||||||||||||||||||
12:11 Mentre si stava avvicinando all'Egitto, disse a sua moglie Sarai: "So che sei una donna bella."
As he was about to enter Egypt, he said to his wife Sarai, "I know that you are a beautiful woman.
12:12それ で エジプト びと が あなた を 見る 時 、これ は 彼 の 妻 である と 言って わたし を 殺し 、あなた を 生かして おく でしょう 。
that|at|Egypt|people|subject marker|you|object marker|see|when|this|topic marker|he|possessive particle|wife|is|quotation particle|saying|I|object marker|kill|you|object marker|keep alive|will|right
||||||||||||||||||||||lascerà vivere||
12:12 Quando gli egiziani ti vedranno diranno: 'Questa è sua moglie', e mi uccideranno e lasceranno te in vita.
When the Egyptians see you, they will say, 'This is his wife,' and they will kill me but let you live.
12:13どうか あなた は 、わたし の 妹 だ と 言って ください 。
please|you|topic marker|I|possessive particle|younger sister|is|quotation particle|say|please
12:13 Per favore, dì che sei mia sorella.
Please say that you are my sister.
そう すれば わたし は あなた の おかげ で 無事 であり 、わたしの 命 は あなたに よって 助かる でしょう 」。
so|if (you) do|I|topic marker|you|possessive particle|thanks|at|safe|and is|my|life|topic marker|you|by|will be saved|right
So that I will be treated well for your sake, and my life will be spared because of you."
12:14アブラム が エジプト に はいった 時 エジプト びと は この 女 を 見て 、たいそう 美しい 人 である と し 、12:15また パロ の 高官 たち も 彼女 を 見て パロ の 前 で ほめた ので 、女 は パロ の 家 に 召し入れられた 。
Abram|subject marker|Egypt|locative particle|entered|when|Egypt|people|topic marker|this|woman|object marker|saw|very|beautiful|person|is|quotation particle|and|also|Pharaoh|possessive particle|officials|plural marker|also|her|object marker|saw|Pharaoh|possessive particle|before|at|praised|because|woman|topic marker|Pharaoh|possessive particle|house|locative particle|was invited
|||||||||||||molto|||||||Faraone||ufficiali||||||||||la lodarono||||||||fu chiamata
12:14 Quando Abramo entrò in Egitto, gli egiziani vedevano questa donna e la consideravano una persona molto bella. 12:15 Anche i funzionari di Faraone la videro e la elogiarono davanti a Faraone, così la donna fu portata nella casa di Faraone.
12:14 When Abram entered Egypt, the Egyptians saw that she was a very beautiful woman, and 12:15 the officials of Pharaoh also saw her and praised her before Pharaoh, so the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house.
12:16 パロ は 彼女 の ゆえに アブラム を 厚く もてなした ので 、アブラム は 多く の 羊 、牛 、雌雄 の ろば 、男女 の 奴隷 および 、らくだ を 得た 。
Pharaoh|topic marker|she|possessive particle|because|Abram|object marker|warmly|entertained|because|Abram|topic marker|many|attributive particle|sheep|cattle|male and female|possessive particle|donkeys|male and female|possessive particle|slaves|and|camels|object marker|obtained
||||perché|||generosamente|ha ospitato||||||pecore||maschi e femmine||asini|||schiavi||cammelli||
12:16 Faraone la trattò bene a causa di lei e Abramo ottenne molte pecore, buoi, asini maschi e femmine, schiavi e schiave, e cammelli.
12:16 Pharaoh treated Abram well because of her, and Abram acquired sheep, cattle, male and female donkeys, male and female servants, and camels.
12:17ところで 主 は アブラム の 妻 サライ の ゆえに 、激しい 疫病 を パロ と その 家 に 下された 。
by the way|Lord|topic marker|Abram|possessive particle|wife|Sarai|possessive particle|because of|severe|plague|object marker|Pharaoh|and|that|house|locative particle|was inflicted
12:17 Ma il Signore colpì Faraone e la sua casa con gravi malattie a causa di Sarai, la moglie di Abramo.
12:17 But the Lord inflicted serious diseases on Pharaoh and his household because of Abram's wife Sarai.
12:18パロ は アブラム を 召し寄せて 言った 、「あなた は わたし に なんという 事 を した のですか 。
Pharaoh|topic marker|Abram|object marker|called|said|you|topic marker|me|locative particle|what kind of|thing|object marker|did|is it
12:18 Paro chiamò Abramo e gli disse: "Cosa mi hai fatto?"
12:18 So Pharaoh summoned Abram and said, "What have you done to me? Why didn't you tell me she was your wife?
なぜ 彼女 が 妻 である の を わたし に 告げなかった のです か 。
why|she|subject marker|wife|is|nominalizer|object marker|I|locative particle|did not tell|you see|question marker
|||||||||ha detto||
Perché non mi hai detto che lei è tua moglie?
Why did you say, 'She is my sister,' so that I took her to be my wife?
12:19あなた は なぜ 、彼女 は わたし の 妹 です と 言った のです か 。
you|topic marker|why|she|topic marker|my|possessive particle|younger sister|is|quotation particle|said|you see|question marker
Perché hai detto che lei è mia sorella?
12:19 Why did you say she is my sister?
わたし は 彼女 を 妻 に しよう と して いました 。
I|topic marker|her|object marker|wife|locative particle|will make|quotation particle|doing|was
Stavo cercando di farla diventare mia moglie.
I was trying to make her my wife.
さあ 、あなた の 妻 は ここ に います 。
well|you|possessive particle|wife|topic marker|here|locative particle|is
Well, your wife is here.
連れて 行って ください 」。
Per favore, portami con te.
Please take her away.
12:20 パロ は 彼 の 事 に ついて 人々 に 命じ 、彼 と その 妻 および その すべて の 持ち物 を 送り 去らせた 。
Pharaoh|topic marker|he|possessive particle|matter|locative particle|about|people|dative particle|ordered|him|and|that|wife|and|that|all|attributive particle|belongings|object marker|sent|made leave
Alle 12:20, Palo ordinò alle persone riguardo a lui e fece allontanare lui, sua moglie e tutte le sue cose.
12:20 Pharaoh commanded the people regarding him, and sent him, his wife, and all his possessions away.
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