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Romeo and Juliet (Graded Reader), Chapter Three. “A plague on both your houses.”

Chapter Three. “A plague on both your houses.”

In the streets of Verona, Mercutio and Benvolio were looking for Romeo. ‘He didn't go home last night, you know,' said Benvolio, ‘and there's a letter for him. I spoke to his servant.'

‘Who's the letter from?' said Mercutio.


‘Oh no! Has Tybalt challenged him to a fight?'

‘Yes, he has.'

The two friends were worried about Romeo. Tybalt was dangerous and Romeo was in love. He was a lover not a fighter. Tybalt was an expert fighter. He was like a lion. A mad, angry lion.

Romeo came round the corner into the street. He was smiling.

‘Ah, hello Romeo. Where did you go last night? We lost you after the party.'

‘Yes, I'm sorry. I had things to do.'

‘That's OK, but you look happy this morning. That's a nice change. It's good to see the old Romeo again.'

Romeo laughed and joked happily with his friends. Then, Juliet's nurse arrived. She was looking for Romeo.

‘Who's that fat old lady?' said Mercutio. ‘She's looking for you. Perhaps she's in love with you. Run, Romeo. Run!'

‘You rude young man,' said the nurse, ‘I must speak to Romeo

alone. I have a message for him. Go away, you horrible teenagers.'

Mercutio and Benvolio went away. They were laughing.

Romeo turned to the nurse. ‘Mercutio was rude. I'm sorry,' he said.

‘Yes, Mercutio was very rude. I hope you aren't a rude young man, too. My Juliet is a lady and she's very young. You must be kind to her.'

‘I know. Of course I'll be kind. I love her.'

Romeo explained his plan to the nurse. ‘Tell Juliet to meet me this afternoon. Tell her to come to Friar Laurence's house. We're getting married there. Oh, and tell her not to worry; everything will be fine.'

The nurse ran home to Juliet.

Juliet was sitting in the garden. She was waiting for news from Romeo. Finally, the nurse arrived. ‘At last you're home!' said Juliet. ‘What did Romeo say?'

‘Oh, I'm tired', replied the nurse, ‘and I've got a headache. Let me sit down for a minute.'

‘No! Please tell me! Is the news from Romeo good or bad? What did he say?'

The nurse sat down and said, ‘Well, I can see he's a handsome young man.'

‘Yes, I KNOW! He's very, very handsome. But tell me about our wedding!'

Finally, the nurse explained the plan and Juliet left immediately. She ran to Friar Laurence's house without stopping.

Meanwhile, Romeo and Friar Laurence were waiting for Juliet. Friar Laurence was talking to Romeo about love and marriage. He told Romeo to look after Juliet and to be a good husband. As soon as Juliet arrived, Friar Laurence started the wedding.

After a few minutes, Romeo and Juliet were married. It was a secret wedding, but they were still married. Then Juliet went quickly home because she didn't want her parents to find out about her wedding. She went home to wait for Romeo.

Back in the streets of Verona, Mercutio and Benvolio were chatting. Benvolio was worried. It was another very hot afternoon and the Capulets were near. Benvolio didn't want any more fights. ‘Come on, Mercutio', he said, ‘it's dangerous here. Let's go home.'

‘Are you afraid to fight?' Mercutio asked. ‘Anyway, it's too late. The Capulets are here now.'

At that very moment, Tybalt came into the street with his Capulet friends. He wanted a fight. ‘Where's Romeo?' he said, ‘I want to speak to him.'

Mercutio and Tybalt started to argue and Benvolio tried to stop them. He was afraid of the prince and he didn't want another big fight in the street. Mercutio and Tybalt didn't listen to him. They continued to argue. Suddenly, Romeo walked round the corner into the street. Tybalt saw him and forgot all about Mercutio. ‘Romeo, you're a Montague! I'll kill you,' shouted Tybalt.

But Romeo didn't want to fight. He especially didn't want to fight Tybalt, because Tybalt was Juliet's cousin. ‘No,' said Romeo, ‘I can't explain, but you must try to understand. I love all Capulets now. I don't want to fight you.'

Mercutio was very angry with Romeo. He didn't understand. ‘You're afraid, Romeo. You're afraid to fight. You're afraid of Tybalt! Get out of my way. I'll fight Tybalt. I'll kill the rat.'

Tybalt and Mercutio started fighting. Tybalt was a better fighter

than Mercutio. Romeo tried to stop them, but it was too late. Mercutio fell down. ‘I'm hurt,' he shouted, ‘I'm hurt.'

Tybalt saw him fall and ran away.

‘Tybalt's killed me,' said Mercutio. ‘He's killed me. Why did you try to stop the fight, Romeo? He killed me when you tried to stop us. It's your fault. A plague on the Montagues, a plague on the Capulets. A plague on both your houses. I'm a dead man.'

‘I'm sorry,' said Romeo, ‘I'm so sorry. I only wanted to help.'

But Romeo and Benvolio knew it was too late. Mercutio died.

Suddenly, Tybalt came back into the street.

‘You've killed Mercutio!' shouted Romeo angrily, ‘and now I'm going to kill you.'

Romeo was furious and attacked Tybalt. There was nothing Tybalt could do. Romeo killed him.

‘Oh no, he's dead,' cried Benvolio. ‘Run, Romeo, run. The prince is coming. He'll kill you if he finds you here.'

Romeo ran away.

Prince Escalus soon arrived in the street. Lord and Lady Montague and Lord and Lady Capulet were with him. ‘I've heard Mercutio is dead. They say that Tybalt killed him. But who's Tybalt's killer?' asked the prince angrily.

Benvolio explained. He told the story of the fight to everyone. The prince listened carefully. But Lady Capulet was angry and didn't believe the story. ‘Romeo killed Tybalt', she said, ‘and Tybalt was a Capulet. Tybalt was my nephew. Romeo's a Montague and so he must die.'

‘No,' said Lord Montague, ‘Romeo was Mercutio's friend. He killed Tybalt because Tybalt was Mercutio's killer. Romeo didn't start the

fight, the fight was Tybalt's fault.'

‘Stop this,' said the prince, ‘I understand everything. My soldiers won't kill Romeo, but I'll send him away. Romeo must leave Verona immediately and he must never come back. Do you understand? Romeo must leave Verona for ever.'

Juliet was waiting for Romeo at home. She didn't know about the fight. She didn't know that Mercutio and Tybalt were dead. Then, her nurse came into the room, crying. ‘What's the matter? Why are you so unhappy?' said Juliet.

‘He's dead,' said the nurse. ‘He's dead.'

‘What do you mean? Is my Romeo dead? How did it happen?'

‘No, not Romeo. Romeo's not dead', the nurse replied, ‘but he killed Tybalt. Tybalt's dead and Romeo killed him.'

Juliet was very angry with Romeo because Tybalt was her cousin. Then she remembered the prince's threat. ‘But the prince will kill Romeo now!' she cried.

So the nurse explained. ‘No, the prince won't kill Romeo, but he has sent Romeo away. Romeo must leave Verona and he can never come back.'

Juliet cried and cried. ‘But he's my husband. I can't live without him. I'll kill myself. I must be with him.'

The nurse was frightened by Juliet's words. ‘No, no,' she said, ‘I'll find Romeo, I promise. I'll find him and bring him here to you.'

‘Give him this ring,' cried Juliet. ‘Tell him I still love him.'

The nurse went out into the street to look for Romeo.

After the fight, Romeo ran to Friar Laurence's house. Friar Laurence told him about the prince's decision. ‘You must leave Verona', said the friar, ‘and you can't come back. If you come back, the prince will kill you.'

Romeo was very unhappy. ‘How can I leave Verona? How can I leave my Juliet?' he cried. ‘Without Juliet, I want to die.'

Suddenly, they heard someone outside. ‘Quick! Hide!' said the friar.

Romeo ran to the friar's study and he hid behind the desk. There was a knock at the door. The friar went to the hall and opened the door. Juliet's nurse was there. ‘Where's Romeo?' she asked, ‘I must speak to him. Juliet is very unhappy.'

Romeo came out of the study. ‘Does Juliet hate me now?' he said, ‘I killed her cousin.'

‘No. She gave me this ring for you. You must come to see her,' answered the nurse, ‘Juliet knows about the fight and she knows about the prince's decision. She knows you have to leave Verona. She's crying and crying, but she can't live without you. She says she wants to die. You must go and see her.'

‘Go to Juliet,' said the friar, ‘but you have to leave Verona before morning. It's too dangerous for you to stay here. Tomorrow morning, you must go to Mantua. Don't worry, I'll send messages to you about Juliet.'

Romeo and the nurse ran to Lord Capulet's house. Romeo climbed the wall into the garden and then he climbed to Juliet's balcony. Romeo and Juliet spent their sad wedding night together.

Chapter Three. “A plague on both your houses.” Drittes Kapitel. "Eine Plage für eure beiden Häuser." Capítulo tres. "Una plaga en ambas casas." Chapitre trois. "Un fléau sur vos deux maisons." Capitolo 3. "Una piaga per entrambe le vostre case". 第3章"両家に疫病を" 제3장 "두 집안에 전염병이 돌았다." Rozdział trzeci. "Plaga na obu waszych domach". Capítulo Três. "Uma praga para ambas as vossas casas." Глава третья. "Чума на оба ваших дома". Üçüncü bölüm. "İkinizin de evinin başına bela." Розділ третій. "Чума на обидва ваші доми". 第三章。 “你们两家都遭遇了瘟疫。” 第三章。 “你們兩家都遭遇了瘟疫。”

In the streets of Verona, Mercutio and Benvolio were looking for Romeo. In den Straßen von Verona suchen Mercutio und Benvolio nach Romeo. ‘He didn't go home last night, you know,' said Benvolio, ‘and there's a letter for him. Er ist letzte Nacht nicht nach Hause gekommen, weißt du", sagte Benvolio, "und da ist ein Brief für ihn. I spoke to his servant.' Ich habe mit seinem Diener gesprochen.'

‘Who's the letter from?' said Mercutio. "Von wem ist der Brief?", fragte Mercutio.


‘Oh no! Has Tybalt challenged him to a fight?' Hat Tybalt ihn zu einem Kampf herausgefordert?'

‘Yes, he has.' Ja, das hat er.

The two friends were worried about Romeo. Tybalt was dangerous and Romeo was in love. Tybalt war gefährlich und Romeo war verliebt. He was a lover not a fighter. Tybalt was an expert fighter. Tybalt war ein erfahrener Kämpfer. He was like a lion. Er war wie ein Löwe. A mad, angry lion. Ein wütender, zorniger Löwe.

Romeo came round the corner into the street. Romeo kam um die Ecke auf die Straße. He was smiling.

‘Ah, hello Romeo. Where did you go last night? Wo bist du gestern Abend hingegangen? We lost you after the party.' Wir haben dich nach der Party verloren.'

‘Yes, I'm sorry. Ja, es tut mir leid. I had things to do.'

‘That's OK, but you look happy this morning. Das ist in Ordnung, aber du siehst heute Morgen glücklich aus. That's a nice change. Das ist eine schöne Abwechslung. It's good to see the old Romeo again.' Es ist schön, den alten Romeo wiederzusehen.'

Romeo laughed and joked happily with his friends. Romeo lachte und scherzte fröhlich mit seinen Freunden. Then, Juliet's nurse arrived. She was looking for Romeo. Sie war auf der Suche nach Romeo.

‘Who's that fat old lady?' said Mercutio. Wer ist diese fette alte Dame?", fragte Mercutio. ‘She's looking for you. Sie sucht nach dir. Perhaps she's in love with you. Run, Romeo. Lauf, Romeo. Run!'

‘You rude young man,' said the nurse, ‘I must speak to Romeo Du ungehobelter junger Mann", sagte die Amme, "ich muss mit Romeo sprechen.

alone. I have a message for him. Go away, you horrible teenagers.' Geht weg, ihr furchtbaren Teenager".

Mercutio and Benvolio went away. Mercutio und Benvolio gingen weg. They were laughing. Sie haben gelacht.

Romeo turned to the nurse. Romeo wandte sich an die Krankenschwester. ‘Mercutio was rude. Mercutio war unhöflich. I'm sorry,' he said. Es tut mir leid", sagte er.

‘Yes, Mercutio was very rude. I hope you aren't a rude young man, too. Ich hoffe, Sie sind nicht auch noch ein unhöflicher junger Mann. My Juliet is a lady and she's very young. You must be kind to her.' Du musst nett zu ihr sein.'

‘I know. Of course I'll be kind. Natürlich werde ich freundlich sein. I love her.' Ich liebe sie.'

Romeo explained his plan to the nurse. Romeo erklärte der Krankenschwester seinen Plan. ‘Tell Juliet to meet me this afternoon. Sag Juliet, sie soll mich heute Nachmittag treffen. Tell her to come to Friar Laurence's house. Sag ihr, sie soll zum Haus von Bruder Laurence kommen. We're getting married there. Wir werden dort heiraten. Oh, and tell her not to worry; everything will be fine.' Oh, und sagen Sie ihr, sie soll sich keine Sorgen machen, alles wird gut".

The nurse ran home to Juliet. Die Krankenschwester lief nach Hause zu Julia.

Juliet was sitting in the garden. Juliet saß im Garten. She was waiting for news from Romeo. Finally, the nurse arrived. Endlich kam die Krankenschwester. ‘At last you're home!' said Juliet. Endlich bist du zu Hause!", sagte Julia. ‘What did Romeo say?' "Was hat Romeo gesagt?

‘Oh, I'm tired', replied the nurse, ‘and I've got a headache. Oh, ich bin müde", antwortete die Krankenschwester, "und ich habe Kopfschmerzen. Let me sit down for a minute.'

‘No! Please tell me! Is the news from Romeo good or bad? What did he say?' Was hat er gesagt?

The nurse sat down and said, ‘Well, I can see he's a handsome young man.' Die Krankenschwester setzte sich und sagte: "Nun, ich sehe, dass er ein hübscher junger Mann ist.

‘Yes, I KNOW! He's very, very handsome. But tell me about our wedding!' Aber erzähl mir von unserer Hochzeit!'

Finally, the nurse explained the plan and Juliet left immediately. Schließlich erläuterte die Krankenschwester den Plan, und Juliet ging sofort. She ran to Friar Laurence's house without stopping. Sie lief zum Haus von Bruder Laurence, ohne anzuhalten.

Meanwhile, Romeo and Friar Laurence were waiting for Juliet. Währenddessen warteten Romeo und Bruder Lorenzo auf Julia. Friar Laurence was talking to Romeo about love and marriage. Bruder Laurence spricht mit Romeo über Liebe und Ehe. He told Romeo to look after Juliet and to be a good husband. Er sagte Romeo, er solle sich um Julia kümmern und ein guter Ehemann sein. As soon as Juliet arrived, Friar Laurence started the wedding.

After a few minutes, Romeo and Juliet were married. Nach ein paar Minuten waren Romeo und Julia verheiratet. It was a secret wedding, but they were still married. Es war eine geheime Hochzeit, aber sie waren trotzdem verheiratet. Then Juliet went quickly home because she didn't want her parents to find out about her wedding. Dann ging Julia schnell nach Hause, denn sie wollte nicht, dass ihre Eltern von ihrer Hochzeit erfuhren. She went home to wait for Romeo. Sie ging nach Hause, um auf Romeo zu warten.

Back in the streets of Verona, Mercutio and Benvolio were chatting. Zurück in den Straßen von Verona unterhalten sich Mercutio und Benvolio. Benvolio was worried. It was another very hot afternoon and the Capulets were near. Es war wieder ein sehr heißer Nachmittag und die Capulets waren in der Nähe. Benvolio didn't want any more fights. Benvolio wollte keine Kämpfe mehr. ‘Come on, Mercutio', he said, ‘it's dangerous here. Let's go home.' Lass uns nach Hause gehen.'

‘Are you afraid to fight?' Mercutio asked. ‘Anyway, it's too late. Wie auch immer, es ist zu spät. The Capulets are here now.'

At that very moment, Tybalt came into the street with his Capulet friends. He wanted a fight. Er wollte einen Kampf. ‘Where's Romeo?' he said, ‘I want to speak to him.' 'Wo ist Romeo?', fragte er, 'ich möchte mit ihm sprechen.'

Mercutio and Tybalt started to argue and Benvolio tried to stop them. He was afraid of the prince and he didn't want another big fight in the street. Er hatte Angst vor dem Prinzen und wollte keinen weiteren großen Kampf auf der Straße. Mercutio and Tybalt didn't listen to him. Mercutio und Tybalt haben ihm nicht zugehört. They continued to argue. Sie stritten sich weiter. Suddenly, Romeo walked round the corner into the street. Plötzlich ging Romeo um die Ecke auf die Straße. Tybalt saw him and forgot all about Mercutio. Tybalt sah ihn und vergaß alles über Mercutio. ‘Romeo, you're a Montague! I'll kill you,' shouted Tybalt.

But Romeo didn't want to fight. Aber Romeo wollte nicht kämpfen. He especially didn't want to fight Tybalt, because Tybalt was Juliet's cousin. Er wollte vor allem nicht gegen Tybalt kämpfen, denn Tybalt war Julias Cousin. ‘No,' said Romeo, ‘I can't explain, but you must try to understand. Nein", sagte Romeo, "ich kann es nicht erklären, aber du musst versuchen, es zu verstehen. I love all Capulets now. I don't want to fight you.' Ich will nicht mit dir kämpfen.'

Mercutio was very angry with Romeo. He didn't understand. ‘You're afraid, Romeo. You're afraid to fight. You're afraid of Tybalt! Du hast Angst vor Tybalt! Get out of my way. Gehen Sie mir aus dem Weg. I'll fight Tybalt. Ich werde gegen Tybalt kämpfen. I'll kill the rat.' Ich werde die Ratte töten.'

Tybalt and Mercutio started fighting. Tybalt was a better fighter Tybalt war ein besserer Kämpfer

than Mercutio. Romeo tried to stop them, but it was too late. Romeo versuchte, sie aufzuhalten, aber es war zu spät. Mercutio fell down. Mercutio ist umgefallen. ‘I'm hurt,' he shouted, ‘I'm hurt.' Ich bin verletzt", rief er, "ich bin verletzt".

Tybalt saw him fall and ran away. Tybalt sah ihn fallen und lief davon.

‘Tybalt's killed me,' said Mercutio. ‘He's killed me. Er hat mich umgebracht. Why did you try to stop the fight, Romeo? Warum hast du versucht, den Kampf zu beenden, Romeo? He killed me when you tried to stop us. Er hat mich getötet, als du versucht hast, uns aufzuhalten. It's your fault. Das ist deine Schuld. A plague on the Montagues, a plague on the Capulets. Eine Plage für die Montagues, eine Plage für die Capulets. A plague on both your houses. Eine Plage für eure beiden Häuser. I'm a dead man.'

‘I'm sorry,' said Romeo, ‘I'm so sorry. I only wanted to help.' Ich wollte nur helfen.'

But Romeo and Benvolio knew it was too late. Aber Romeo und Benvolio wussten, dass es zu spät war. Mercutio died.

Suddenly, Tybalt came back into the street.

‘You've killed Mercutio!' shouted Romeo angrily, ‘and now I'm going to kill you.' Du hast Mercutio umgebracht", rief Romeo wütend, "und jetzt werde ich dich töten".

Romeo was furious and attacked Tybalt. There was nothing Tybalt could do. Tybalt konnte nichts tun. Romeo killed him. Romeo hat ihn getötet.

‘Oh no, he's dead,' cried Benvolio. ‘Run, Romeo, run. The prince is coming. He'll kill you if he finds you here.' Er wird dich umbringen, wenn er dich hier findet.'

Romeo ran away.

Prince Escalus soon arrived in the street. Lord and Lady Montague and Lord and Lady Capulet were with him. Lord und Lady Montague sowie Lord und Lady Capulet waren bei ihm. ‘I've heard Mercutio is dead. Ich habe gehört, dass Mercutio tot ist. They say that Tybalt killed him. Es heißt, dass Tybalt ihn getötet hat. But who's Tybalt's killer?' asked the prince angrily.

Benvolio explained. He told the story of the fight to everyone. Er erzählte allen die Geschichte des Kampfes. The prince listened carefully. Der Fürst hörte aufmerksam zu. But Lady Capulet was angry and didn't believe the story. Aber Lady Capulet war wütend und glaubte die Geschichte nicht. ‘Romeo killed Tybalt', she said, ‘and Tybalt was a Capulet. Tybalt was my nephew. Tybalt war mein Neffe. Romeo's a Montague and so he must die.' Romeo ist ein Montague, also muss er sterben.'

‘No,' said Lord Montague, ‘Romeo was Mercutio's friend. He killed Tybalt because Tybalt was Mercutio's killer. Er tötet Tybalt, weil Tybalt der Mörder von Mercutio ist. Romeo didn't start the

fight, the fight was Tybalt's fault.'

‘Stop this,' said the prince, ‘I understand everything. Hör auf damit", sagte der Prinz, "ich verstehe alles. My soldiers won't kill Romeo, but I'll send him away. Meine Soldaten werden Romeo nicht töten, aber ich werde ihn wegschicken. Romeo must leave Verona immediately and he must never come back. Romeo muss Verona sofort verlassen und darf nie wieder zurückkommen. Do you understand? Romeo must leave Verona for ever.'

Juliet was waiting for Romeo at home. She didn't know about the fight. She didn't know that Mercutio and Tybalt were dead. Then, her nurse came into the room, crying. ‘What's the matter? Was ist los? Why are you so unhappy?' said Juliet. Warum bist du so unglücklich?", fragte Julia.

‘He's dead,' said the nurse. ‘He's dead.'

‘What do you mean? Is my Romeo dead? How did it happen?' Wie ist das passiert?

‘No, not Romeo. Romeo's not dead', the nurse replied, ‘but he killed Tybalt. Romeo ist nicht tot", antwortete die Amme, "aber er hat Tybalt getötet. Tybalt's dead and Romeo killed him.' Tybalt ist tot und Romeo hat ihn getötet.'

Juliet was very angry with Romeo because Tybalt was her cousin. Then she remembered the prince's threat. Dann erinnerte sie sich an die Drohung des Prinzen. ‘But the prince will kill Romeo now!' she cried. Aber der Prinz wird Romeo jetzt töten!", rief sie.

So the nurse explained. So erklärte die Krankenschwester. ‘No, the prince won't kill Romeo, but he has sent Romeo away. Nein, der Prinz wird Romeo nicht töten, aber er hat Romeo weggeschickt. Romeo must leave Verona and he can never come back.'

Juliet cried and cried. ‘But he's my husband. Aber er ist mein Mann. I can't live without him. Ich kann nicht ohne ihn leben. I'll kill myself. Ich werde mich umbringen. I must be with him.' Ich muss bei ihm sein.'

The nurse was frightened by Juliet's words. ‘No, no,' she said, ‘I'll find Romeo, I promise. I'll find him and bring him here to you.'

‘Give him this ring,' cried Juliet. ‘Tell him I still love him.' Sag ihm, dass ich ihn immer noch liebe.

The nurse went out into the street to look for Romeo.

After the fight, Romeo ran to Friar Laurence's house. Friar Laurence told him about the prince's decision. Bruder Laurence berichtet ihm von der Entscheidung des Prinzen. ‘You must leave Verona', said the friar, ‘and you can't come back. If you come back, the prince will kill you.' Wenn du zurückkommst, wird der Fürst dich töten.'

Romeo was very unhappy. ‘How can I leave Verona? Wie kann ich Verona verlassen? How can I leave my Juliet?' he cried. Wie kann ich meine Julia verlassen?", rief er. ‘Without Juliet, I want to die.'

Suddenly, they heard someone outside. Plötzlich hörten sie draußen jemanden. ‘Quick! Hide!' said the friar. Versteck dich!" sagte der Mönch.

Romeo ran to the friar's study and he hid behind the desk. Romeo rannte in das Arbeitszimmer des Mönchs und versteckte sich hinter dem Schreibtisch. There was a knock at the door. Es klopfte an der Tür. The friar went to the hall and opened the door. Der Mönch ging in den Flur und öffnete die Tür. Juliet's nurse was there. ‘Where's Romeo?' she asked, ‘I must speak to him. Wo ist Romeo?", fragte sie. "Ich muss mit ihm sprechen. Juliet is very unhappy.'

Romeo came out of the study. Romeo kam aus dem Arbeitszimmer. ‘Does Juliet hate me now?' he said, ‘I killed her cousin.' 'Hasst mich Julia jetzt?', sagte er, 'ich habe ihren Cousin getötet.'

‘No. She gave me this ring for you. You must come to see her,' answered the nurse, ‘Juliet knows about the fight and she knows about the prince's decision. Du musst zu ihr kommen", antwortete die Amme, "Julia weiß von dem Kampf und sie weiß von der Entscheidung des Prinzen. She knows you have to leave Verona. Sie weiß, dass du Verona verlassen musst. She's crying and crying, but she can't live without you. Sie weint und weint, aber sie kann ohne dich nicht leben. She says she wants to die. Sie sagt, sie wolle sterben. You must go and see her.' Du musst zu ihr gehen.'

‘Go to Juliet,' said the friar, ‘but you have to leave Verona before morning. Geh zu Julia", sagte der Mönch, "aber du musst Verona vor dem Morgen verlassen. It's too dangerous for you to stay here. Es ist zu gefährlich für dich, hier zu bleiben. Tomorrow morning, you must go to Mantua. Morgen früh musst du nach Mantua fahren. Don't worry, I'll send messages to you about Juliet.' Keine Sorge, ich werde dir Nachrichten über Julia schicken.'

Romeo and the nurse ran to Lord Capulet's house. Romeo und die Amme laufen zum Haus von Lord Capulet. Romeo climbed the wall into the garden and then he climbed to Juliet's balcony. Romeo kletterte über die Mauer in den Garten und kletterte dann auf Julias Balkon. Romeo and Juliet spent their sad wedding night together. Romeo und Julia verbrachten ihre traurige Hochzeitsnacht zusammen.